The girl loves to play with apples. Game program "apple gatherings"

Apple gatherings.

Competitive game program


- to form in children moral qualities based on folk traditions;

- expand your horizons.


- get children interested in participating in the program;

- give every child the opportunity to express themselves;

- create an atmosphere of friendliness and creativity.

Design, equipment and props:

- apples cut out of paper with numbers;

- lottery box and numbered sheets of paper;

- apples;

- target and cotton balls;

- prizes.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have gathered in this hall special occasion. We have get-togethers. How many of you know what this is? ( Children's answers) Gatherings are a party of young people, accompanied by some kind of activity, handmade, games. But we will have unusual gatherings. And guess what they are dedicated to, guess for yourself.

Just like a fist,

Red barrel,

You touch it – it’s smooth,

And if you take a bite, it’s sweet. (Apple)

Leading: Yes, indeed our gatherings are dedicated to the seemingly most ordinary apple, familiar to everyone. But it turns out that it hides many secrets that we will learn about today.

We find the first mention of an apple in the Bible. It was from there that the tradition of celebrating one of the national holidays, which falls on August 19. Who knows what kind of holiday this is? ( Children's answers)

Leading: August 19 – Apple Spas. On this day, people bring apples to church for blessing and bake pies with apples. However, in the village it was considered indecent for women to eat apples before Spasov Day. So they said: “Eva-Evochka, don’t eat the apple until Spasov’s day.”

Children were also forbidden to eat apples. They brought apples and pears to church for the Savior and blessed them. And only after tasting the consecrated fruits could one remove them from the tree and eat them. So little by little the apple began to be given the meaning of the biblical fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil. The peasants saw apples as a temptation; it was considered a sin if anyone ate apples before the Savior. They even repented of this sin in confession. The elderly were especially strict about this, indignant if young people violated Christian custom. The abundance of different fruits and vegetables made it easy to bear the temptation. But on Spasov Day the whole village smelled of apples. They were carried to church in bundles and baskets, and sold in cartloads at the market. Apples were cheap and were given away along with baskets.

From the stories of historians it is known that more than 4 thousand years ago the ancient Greeks learned to cultivate apple trees in their orchards. Following them, apple trees began to be grown in Western Europe, and then throughout the world. In the 11th-12th centuries, cultivated apple trees appeared in the monastery gardens of Kievan Rus. The garden of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, founded in 1051 by Yaroslav the Wise, was especially famous for them.

In our country, experts count almost ten thousand cultivated varieties and up to seventy species of wild apple trees. They have taken root across the vast territory of Russia - from the northern to the southern borders, and their fruits have become firmly established in our diet. After all, apples not only have good taste, but also have a beneficial effect on humans, give beauty, health, and help prevent various ailments.

From the reports of nutritionists it is known that each variety of apple has its own characteristics and chemical composition. Apples are rich in water, proteins, fructose, fiber, organic acids and minerals, as well as vitamins. Apples are used fresh and baked to improve digestion and metabolism, for the prevention and treatment of anemia. Antonov apple pulp is used in the treatment of warts. Dentists say that apples, along with other fruits and vegetables, contain organic acids that prevent the development of caries.

Well, now, guys, we’ll check how strong your teeth are.

Competition "Eat an Apple"

Everyone is welcome to take part in the competition. Children are divided into pairs. Apples are suspended on a string (according to the number of pairs). The task for pairs is to eat an apple without using their hands: which pair is faster? The winning couple receives a prize.

Leading: Yes, you are not in danger of caries: your teeth are strong and healthy.

At all times, apples have been loved by the Russian people. They even came up with proverbs and sayings about them. Like father like son. Good apple for Christ's day. And in fairy tales, apples are even endowed with magical powers. The next competition is dedicated specifically to fairy tales in which there is an apple or an apple tree.

Competition “Name a fairy tale”

The task is to remember fairy tales in which an apple or an apple tree appears. Children name fairy tales in turns, the last one to name receives a prize. (Examples: “Geese-swans”, “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin and others.)

Leading: But apples are found not only in fairy tales; there is, for example, a sea dance, which is called “Apple”. I invite everyone to dance it, however, the rules will be different.

Dance competition "Apple"

Everyone wants to sit on chairs. The presenter places an apple on the head of each participant. The melody of the dance “Apple” sounds. The task is to sit on a chair and perform a dance so that the apple does not roll off your head. You cannot support the apple with your hands.

Leading: Guys, raise your hands if you ate an apple today or yesterday. ( Children raise their hands) Which of you can tell what type of apple this was? ( Children's answers) We learn about some varieties of apples from amateur gardeners.

Have you ever seen a wild apple tree? Its branches are prickly, its fruits are small and sour—you won’t want to eat it. But man tamed this forest tree, bred varieties with large and juicy fruits. The most beautiful, largest apples grow in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Their name is aport. The fruits of aport are dark red and large – you can’t eat such an apple in one go.

Another unusual apple tree lives in Siberia, near the city of Irkutsk and beyond Lake Baikal. In local forests, due to the cold, oak and maple trees do not grow. But the apple tree lives! Only her apples are small, like currants. This is why they call the apple tree a berry tree. In summer, apples are sour and hard, in winter, after frost, they become sweet and viscous. There is no other apple tree in the world that could live in such a harsh region!

A ripe apple falls to the ground, and today, as you can see, we have many such “fallen” apples. I offer you the “Dance on a Lucky Apple” lottery competition.

Competition-lottery “Dance on a lucky apple”

Large paper cut-out apples with numbers are taped to the floor with tape. Everyone who wants to take part in the competition is divided into pairs and chooses an apple. Slow music plays and couples dance on the chosen apple. After the end of the dance, the leader pulls out a piece of paper with a number from the box. The couple who danced on the apple with this number receives a prize.

Leading: The language of the Russian people is very rich in popular expressions, or phraseological units. About a person who finds himself in a difficult situation, they say “He sat down in his galoshes.” Someone who falls asleep is said to be “Nodding off.” Someone who doesn’t work well is said to “work carelessly.” There are expressions that also mention an apple. But try to explain what they mean. There's nowhere for the apple to fall. () Apple of discord. ( Children explain the meaning of the expression) An interesting myth is associated with this phraseological unit, which is called the “Apple of Discord.” According to ancient Greek myth, one day the ancient Greek goddess of discord, Eris, was not invited to a feast. Bearing a grudge, Eris decided to take revenge on the gods. She took a golden apple, on which was written “most beautiful”, and quietly threw it between the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. The goddesses argued over which of them should own it. Each of them considered herself the most beautiful! The son of the Trojan king Paris, who was invited to be a judge, gave the apple to Aphrodite, and in gratitude she helped him kidnap the wife of the Spartan king Helen. Because of this, the Trojan War broke out. And the expression “apple of discord” has turned into a phraseological unit meaning the cause of a quarrel or hostility.

I have the Apple of Discord in my hands. It is prickly, ugly, and impossible to eat. And now we will try with our kindness to give it its former appearance.

Game "Compliment"

Children stand in a circle. The presenter throws an apple in a circle, into which many matches are stuck. Each child, taking an apple, pulls out a match and says a compliment to the neighbor on the right and passes the apple further in the circle.

Leading: Another phraseological unit is “hit the bull’s eye.” What do you think it means? ( Children's answers) This phraseological unit has direct meaning, that’s what we’ll use now.

Competition "Hit the Bullseye"

There is a target attached to the wall with an apple drawn in the center. The children's task is to hit the apple cotton balls. Whoever hits the apple three times in a row wins a prize.

Dance competition

Everyone who wants to take part in the competition is divided into pairs. One participant is left without a pair, he has an apple in his hands. Music is playing and couples are dancing. A participant without a partner approaches any pair and gives an apple to one of the dancers, and pairs up with the other and continues the dance. The one who has an apple in his hands is looking for a mate.

Leading: Apple is a very healthy and nutritious fruit. Using it, you can prepare many delicious dishes. Now we are going to play a game called “Apple Pies”.

Game "Apple Pies"

At the command of the leader, the children gather in groups of several people, depending on what number was named by the leader, and dance. After some time, the presenter calls another number - the children change lanes. Those who are not included in the group are eliminated. (Examples of commands: “Form in ten!”, “Form in seven!”, etc. in descending order). The winners are awarded prizes.

Leading: Our gatherings are coming to an end. But we would like to know what new, interesting things you learned and remembered today. So, "Apple Quiz".

Competition "Apple Quiz"


    What is the name of the holiday dedicated to apples and celebrated on August 19? (Apple Spas)

    Which people were the first to grow apple trees in their gardens more than four thousand years ago? (Ancient Greeks)

    Who was the founder of the apple orchard founded in 1051 in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra? (Yaroslav the Wise)

    How many varieties of cultivated apple trees are there in the world? (About 10 thousand)

    What variety of large apples are grown in Kazakhstan? (Aport)

    What is the name of the apple tree with the smallest apples, growing in Siberia? (Berry).

Leading: Our gatherings don’t end there; we invite you to a tea party with apple pies.

Ripe Apple Festival

Holiday scenario for 3rd grade

The classroom is decorated with balloons. There are painted apples on the walls. An apple tree is drawn on a piece of whatman paper. There are apples on it back side which are the names of the competitions. During the holiday, children tear them off and read the text.

Leading: Hello, dear and welcome guests! Be healthy and happy. And let our meeting be fun and joyful, because it is dedicated to a very tasty fruit.

You will find out what kind of fruit this is if you guess the riddle:

A fun riddle for you

And the answer is very sweet.

Starts with I

And ends with I

And on every branch

The kids all start with the letter Y.

Leading: Autumn is the time for all kinds of celebrations and dates related to products. In October and November, not only Russia, but also Europe shines with fairs, festivals and exhibitions. So on October 21, Great Britain invites guests to celebrate Apple Day.

Our country also has an apple holiday. We celebrate it on August 19. August 19 – Apple Savior, Savior on the Mountain.

On this day, apples were blessed in the church and this holiday was considered the main holiday of summer; the collection and preparation of apples was embellished for this holiday. During the day they drank apple kvass and compote, ate pies with apple filling, and rolled apples down the hill: whose next. And in the evening they went out into the clearings and danced in a circle.

The second one saved the whole thing an hour. The fruits are ripening by this day. People say: “The second one saved the apple.” From this day on, you can pick ripe apples.

The tradition of eating apples on this day and making wishes existed everywhere in Rus'. At the same time, it was necessary, when swallowing the first piece, to make a “saving” wish. It must definitely come true.

We celebrate Apple Saving in the summer, during the holidays. But it’s unfair to ignore this delicious fruit. Therefore, today we invite everyone to the “Festival of Ripe Apples”


Yuri Korinets

There are piles of apples in the house,
There is nowhere else for the apple to fall -
in drawers, in books, in the cupboard behind the dishes...
Apples this year, how to attack!

I see the boys have gone to school.
They carry apples in thick briefcases,
At home they couldn't manage the table -
They gnaw apples along the way.

They quickly pass behind the fence.
The cold wind blows in their faces.
Apples are falling, apples are falling
In puddles, on the ground, in the grass, on the porch.

Leading: Apples are one of the most ancient fruits that appeared on Earth.

Archaeologists claim that even cavemen ate apples. Pliny the Elder describes 23 varieties known in Rome. Thanks to Roman soldiers, the apple migrated to Europe, and now it is one of the most popular and affordable fruits.

I sat and thought, “Where should I start? »
After all, I really wanted to write a poem.
About something cheerful, beautiful, lofty...
About a delicious cookie with apple juice.

You know, people, that in our Universe
There is a fruit, and it tastes awesome
It smells great and is easy to chew.
And the fruit is called apple.

Everyone loves him - old people and teenagers
That fruit looks very catchy
There is green, and yellow, and red
And this fruit makes us happy on a rainy day.

Leading: People have written many proverbs and expressions about apples. And you can explain their meaning. Let's check it now.

Proverbs about apples:

  1. There is no room for an apple to fall (very crowded)
  2. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree (when it comes to bad behavior inherited from parents).
  3. Hit the bull's eye (accurately guess something or say something correctly)
  4. Apple of discord (what caused the quarrel)
  5. Forbidden fruit (what you cannot do, take, etc. - according to the forbidden apple of paradise)

Leading: Do you know where the expression came from

"Apple of discord"- the goddess of discord Eris, offended that she was not invited to the wedding, secretly threw a golden apple with the inscription “To the Most Beautiful” on the table at which the gods were feasting. And a dispute began between Zeus’s wife, the goddess Hera, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, and the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. The result of the dispute was the Trojan War.

Since then, the expression “apple of discord” has meant any cause of dispute and quarrel.

"Hit the Bull's Eye"the hero of the Swiss legend Tell was a hunter and shooter. The emperor's governor, Gesler, ordered a pole with a hat to be placed in the middle of the city. So that everyone passing by would bow to this hat as a sign of respect for the emperor. But Tell refused. He was captured. Gesler said to the brave Swiss: “If you hit the apple on your son’s head with an arrow, I will let you go.” The boy was taken to a fairly long distance, but Tell successfully completed the task and was released.

The expression “hit the bull’s eye” means hitting the target exactly.


In plain sight of passers-by
An apple hung in the garden.
Well, who cares?
The apple was just hanging.
Only the Horse said
Which is low.
And the Mouse is high.
Sparrow said it was close
And the Snail is far away.
And the Calf is preoccupied
Because the apple is not enough.
And Chicken is the one
Which is very big and heavy.
But the Kitten doesn’t care:
- Sour - why is it?
- What do you! –
The Worm whispers, -
He has a sweet side.

G. Sapgir

Leading: Apples have helped the heroes of fairy tales more than once. Let's remember them:

Literary questions:
1. In which fairy tale do golden and silver apples grow near the crystal bridge? (“Magic ring.”)
2. In which fairy tale did the princess eat a forest apple? (“Wild swans.”)
3. On which saucer does the pouring apple roll? (According to silver.)
4. In what fairy tale did the king want to get younger with the help of apples? (“Rejuvenating apples.”)
5. In what fairy tale did the princess eat a piece of a poisoned apple? (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.”)
6. In what fairy tale did the apple tree save the children from the geese that were chasing them? (“Geese-swans.”)

V. Volgina About the apple.
Three apples from the garden
Hedgehog brought
The most rosy
Gave it to Belka.

Apple Ya.Akim
The apple is ripe, red, sweet.
The apple is crunchy and has a smooth skin.
I'll split the apple in half
I'll share an apple with my friend.

Amber apples N. Lunina
The apple tree is ripe
Amber apples
Yana and Yasha were eaten.

Ripe apples I. Gorlonova
They hang on a tree.
Apples are tempting
They're petting you and me.
Love, love apples
Adults and children.
These fruits are ripe
The best in the world.

Leading : It's time to play, have fun, frolic together. Are you ready?

We are starting competitions.

Apple hedgehog.
We split into two teams. Each team is given an apple studded with the same number of matches or toothpicks. Pulling out one match at a time, participants must pronounce epithets for the word “apple” - ripe, juicy, ruddy, pouring, red... (Another option: pulled out a match - complimented the birthday girl.) If someone doesn’t know what to say, then they skip theirs turn, and the next one continues the competition. The winner is the team whose apple is freed from the “needles” the fastest.

Who is bigger?
2-3 people participate. Contestants are blindfolded. Task: collect apples laid out on the floor into bags. The one who collects the most wins.

Apple, swim!
For the game we take big basin with water, throw a few apples into it (the tails can be torn off to complicate the task). Two children kneel in front of a basin, holding their hands behind their backs, and try to pull an apple out of the water with their teeth. The first one to grab the apple and pull it out of the water is the winner.

What apples are there in the garden?
October did not spare paint.
The branches bent into an arc,
Preserving the remnants of summer caress.

Among the trees, like in paradise,
I flutter like a busy bird.
I give you wealth by the bucketful,
To friends from the autumn of the witch.

Let your hands stick like honey
And the day is almost upon us.
I walk regally through the garden,
In a chic apple crown!

Try it, take a bite!
An apple is suspended on a rope in front of each participant. Task: try to bite off a piece without using your hands. The one who manages to do it first wins. The competition is difficult, but fun!

Who's faster? (relay)
We split into two teams. The first participants take a spoon with small apples in each hand. You need to run around the room without dropping the apples, go around the stool standing against the opposite wall, and come back, passing the spoons with apples to the next team player.

Apple Dance
Children stand opposite each other, holding an apple between their foreheads. Couples try to perform any dance moves to cheerful music. If the apple falls, the pair is eliminated from the game. Whose couple will last the longest?

Merry round dance.
Children stand in a circle and, to the music, begin to pass an apple to each other. When the music suddenly stops, whoever has the apple at that moment must complete the task. The presenter reads it out, or the child himself draws out one of the cards with the written task. For example: depict an airplane, show a cat that has eaten too much, give a compliment to the neighbor on the right, sing, dance, crow, etc.

Autumn apples.

Autumn took out a brush,
Started to paint the leaves
But, having generously painted the maples,
Still didn’t calm down.
Wandered while walking, autumn
In the fallen gardens -
On branches in transparent crowns
Apples are like lanterns.
Autumn was even confused -
Is it enough for everything?
A lot of late apples
She has few colors.
I thought about it a little,
And I decided not to split hairs,
Yes on green apples
Sprinkle your cheeks red.
The one with yellow fruits -
Made the tones thicker,
And burgundy (like “Chinese”)
Purple gave.
I've been drawing autumn for a long time,
I laid out all the colors,
But now the autumn fruits
You can't deny beauty.

Dance on chairs.
Participants sit on chairs. Everyone puts an apple on their head and sits and performs a dance so that the apple does not roll off their head.

We divide into teams. Each participant needs to walk around the room with an apple on their head, go around the chair and come back. The one who drops the apple begins the journey again. Which team will complete the task faster?


Brought to the ground by the winds
The leaves in the garden rustle.
And the forgotten apple
Hanging on an apple tree.

The black trees are creaking!
“Come on, fall, it’s time!” —
But the apple is stubborn
Hangs again in the morning...

It hangs, it sways,
And autumn doesn't end

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. We invite everyone to the table to taste apple pie.

A reliable, thorough and conservative person, he does not pursue technical innovations, does not like gambling and poorly planned trips. Everything in his life should go according to plan.

Apple women are the best wives and mothers in the world, and men are very careful in matters of the heart.

Pear lover

A true optimist, never loses heart. It's always fun and festive with him. This is a devoted friend, always ready to help.

Girls who prefer pears to other fruits dream of finding a strong and courageous companion, behind whom, as they say, is like behind a stone wall.

banana lover

The personality is sensitive, vulnerable, can hardly tolerate criticism, and is very touchy. But, if necessary, I am ready to sacrifice myself.

Grape lover

Can't stand loneliness. When left alone, he often seeks solace in wine. This person always and everywhere strives to have fun.

Strawberry lover

This is not an erotomaniac at all, but simply a lover of a beautiful life who gets along well with people and loves to flirt. But be careful - he is terribly jealous! Men who love strawberries are often rowdy. Quarrels and bickering are their element.

Cherry lover

An eternal child who loves surprises and is not averse to being naughty. This is a sincere and kind person, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his loved ones.

Orange Lover

Energetic, active, likes to stand out in the crowd. He quickly wins over people, especially representatives of the opposite sex, gets along easily, but just as easily breaks up.

Fruit + vegetable = ?

But it's not that simple. We love not only fruits, but also vegetables. Choose the most pleasant pair for yourself from cucumber, melon, watermelon and tomato - and find out everything about yourself!

Cucumber + melon

More often, such a duet is preferred by serious and brave men. Among them are many athletes and travel lovers. They are purposeful, always achieve their goals, but are completely devoid of romanticism. They won't sing serenades under the moon, they won't give you a million roses - but you can count on a bouquet on duty when you meet.

Girls who love cucumbers and melon often become bosses. In everyday matters, they are completely helpless: they don’t like to cook, they don’t know how to save money for a rainy day, they don’t like to do laundry or wash dishes. She won't make a housewife, but she will certainly make a loyal and understanding friend.

Tomato + watermelon

Lovers of these juicy fruits are cheerful and active people. They are too sociable, sometimes, when they get carried away, they can blurt out something offensive, but not out of malice, simply from a lack of tact. They lack cunning, they are too sincere.

Men of this type love to eat delicious food and lie on the couch.
Girls adore animals and are able to create comfort even in the most neglected bachelor pad.

Cucumber + watermelon

Fans of this combination are restless people. Although outwardly they are reserved, they are all seething inside. Life with a cucumber-watermelon person is like life on a volcano - you never know what to expect from them tomorrow. Moreover, he will not make a scandal over trifles: such a person accumulates grievances for months, and one fine day he may unexpectedly explode and slam the door. However, it is precisely among the cucumber-watermelon people that scientists and inventors are often found.

Melon + tomato

If a person has a craving for these fruits, he is balanced and tactful, loves beautiful things, and has good taste.

Men with melon-tomato preferences are a little feminine and suffer from narcissism. But they make excellent artists, performers and musicians.

Melon-tomato girls are impressionable, devoted, and capable of devoting their entire lives to their loved one.

Mlada Sidorova

1. Game “Harvest”

3-4 people participate. Apples or items that replace them are scattered across the playing field. Participants must, blindfolded, collect as many “fallen from the tree” apples into baskets as possible. The one who collects the most apples wins. He gets a prize.

2. Relay game “Carry it - don’t drop it”

Task: run to the counter and back, holding a spoon with a small apple in both hands and pass the baton to the next player

3. Game “Hedgehog and Apple”

The players stand in a circle and quickly pass the apple behind each other. The hedgehog walks in the center, stops opposite the player who, as it seems to him, should have an apple at that moment, and says: “Give me an apple.” If this player has an apple, he must give it to the hedgehog and change roles with him, if not, the game continues.

4. Game “Praised Apple”

Two teams take part and take turns praising the apples. The team that says the most words of praise will win.

5. Game “Oh, apple”

Dance “Apple” with an apple on the head - several participants dance, the one with the last apple on his head wins

6. Relay race “Apple on a plate”- carry it without dropping it and pass it on to the next team member

7. Round dance game “The apple was rolling”

Children stand in a circle and pass the apple around, singing:

"The apple was rolling

Past the garden

Past the hail.

Who will raise

He will come out"

Whoever the song stops on comes out into the circle and dances.

8. Round dance game “We ate apples”

In the center is a child (Mashenka or Vanechka). Children with apples stand in a circle, put the apples on the floor, dance around the apples lying in a circle and sing:

“We ate the apples and ate them and crunched them.

Little Mashenka (little Vanechka)

There wasn't enough apple.

I'll go to the garden

I’ll find an apple for Masha (Vanya).”

As soon as the song ends, all the children try to grab the apple. Those who don't have enough become the center.

9. Relay game “Sacks of apples”

There are apples and balls mixed in the bags; you need to find the apple by touch and take it to the basket. The first team to find all the apples in the bag wins.

10. Relay game “Sorting the harvest”

Apples (balls from a dry pool) are scattered on the floor. Participants - 3 teams - must collect apples by color (red, yellow, green) into baskets. Who's faster?

11. Game “Aim for Bullseye”

Each player receives an “apple” (ball). The teams line up and take turns throwing “apples” into the bucket. The team that throws as many “apples” into its bucket as possible wins.

12. Relay game “The apples are ripe”

Two Whatman paper with apple trees are attached to the easels. Each team is given a marker. While the music is playing, the children take turns running up to their Whatman paper, drawing an apple on the apple tree, returning and passing the marker to the next participant. The team that finishes drawing first wins.

13. Apple Hockey Relay

2 teams use a stick to drive apples (or balls replacing them) into the goal. The team that completes the task first wins

14. Game "Apple slide"

Children take turns rolling an apple down a hill. Whoever rolls further is the winner.

15. Game “Colorful Apples”

Children randomly walk around the hall (area) to music. Everyone has in their hands an “apple” (ball) red, yellow or green. When finished, you need to find yourself a pair of the same color.

You can play with singing:

“We walked around the garden,

We picked sweet apples.

Choose your friend

Give me some apples!”

Or another option:

“You take a closer look at each other

And gather together by color” - gather in 3 groups, according to the color of “apples”

Publications on the topic:

Didactic game “Hedgehogs with Apples” for the first junior group Author of the game: M. G. Instrankina Goal: Find apples of the same color Tasks: Continue.

Card file "Physical training minutes" Hares The hares jumped, tumbled and played. And when you hear the howl of a wolf, everyone runs home. Boots So we put on our boots and ran along the path.

Game "Hedgehog with Apples". Goals: to develop the ability to select rhyming words, to promote the development of phonemic awareness, to promote.

Educator of the State Institution CSSV "Mayak" Omelchenko Lyudmila Anatolyevna. “The child’s mind is at his fingertips” V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Goal: Acquaintance.

Here you can play for free online game- I Love Orange Juice, original name - I Like OJ. This game has been played 14205 times and has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 with 48 votes.

  • Platform: Web browser(PC, mobile phones and tablets)
  • Technology: html5. Works in all modern browsers
  • Ability to play in full screen

How to play?

You are not required to know how to sort fruit or even how to repair a juicer. All this has been prepared for a long time and is just waiting for your arrival. The opening of the juicer, intended for storing fruit, is covered with a lid. You will remove it only at the moment when you notice the orange. Proceed carefully and quickly - the most different fruits and even vegetables. Try not to mix up or spoil the orange juice by adding an apple or tomato to it. Spoiled juice is considered unfit for consumption, and your game is lost. All that remains is to return to the beginning and catch oranges again for a new portion of juice. Earn these nice coins. Soon you will be able to save up for a brand new powerful juicer.