State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov. Adam Delimkhanov - the most interesting things in blogs

Deputy of the fifth (seventh year) and sixth (eleventh year) convocations from the ruling party "United Russia", Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Chechnya. Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov possesses all these regalia. He is known both for his work as a sovereign and for numerous scandals, along with accusations of participation in illegal activities.

Delimkhanov Adam Sultanovich. Biography

Adam Sultanovich is a native of the settlement of Benoy, which is located in the Nozhai-Yurtovsky district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Born on September 25, 1969. Between 1987 and 1989 he was in military service in the ranks of the Soviet troops by conscription. After demobilization and returning to his homeland, he got a job as a mechanic in the repair business of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomy "Argunskoe" with a third-class qualification. He worked here for a short time, from the beginning of spring until July 1990. Then he moved to the supply service at the local company Tesham, where he stayed at work until 1991.

In 1994, Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov successfully graduated from the Chechen-Ingush State University. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (now ChSU). It was established that in the nineties he was actively involved in the distillation and resale of various car models. In the second half of the nineties, Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov served as a personal driver for Salman Raduev, who became known for his involvement in organizing several high-profile terrorist attacks, such as an attack on a hospital in Budennovsk, a terrorist attack in Kizlyar, and explosions of buildings in Buinaksk and Volgodonsk. For this he was arrested in early 2000.

Chechen wars

It has not been established for certain about direct participation in the first Chechen war. By the beginning of the second Chechen campaign, he was already one of the leaders in the security of the President of the Chechen Republic. The head of this service at that time was Akhmad’s son, Ramzan Kadyrov. It is worth noting that Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov and Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov are cousins. It is noted that they have been very friendly with each other since childhood. In addition to Delimkhanov, his younger brothers were also in the security service of the President of Chechnya.

According to the separatists, Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov was a traitor to Ichkeria due to the transition to the positions of Russian troops and interests. This fact is considered one of the reasons for the attempt on his life that occurred in December 2001. As a result of an armed attack on his vehicle, Delimkhanov received multiple gunshot wounds and was taken to the hospital.

Service in the police

Since 2000, his advancement in internal affairs began. Since August 2003, he quickly overcame a couple of career levels in the authorities, starting from an intern, through an ordinary employee, to an inspector for planning and analysis of headquarters in a company under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic (a division of the Security Service of Akhmad Kadyrov). A month later he commanded a police battalion at the military department of the city of Gudermes.

After this, he was appointed to a position in the “oil regiment” - a special unit with about two thousand police officers, specializing in the protection of fields and transport sites in Chechnya. He was involved in suppressing illegal extraction of petroleum products and cutting into the carbohydrate transportation system. It is known that, in addition to security activities, this regiment was also engaged in the fight against illegal gangster groups on the territory of the Republic. The first scandal broke out immediately. Some accused Delimkhanov of embezzling part of the salaries of employees of his unit.

The second education was legal, received in 2004 at the institute in the city of Makhachkala.

Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov. Activities as a government official

In 2006, Delimkhanov took the post of Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya. This became possible thanks to the promotion of Ramzan Kadyrov to the post of Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. Delimkhanov is considered the unofficial right-hand man and first deputy of Ramzan Kadyrov, as well as a potential successor. Many media outlets assessed this rotation as an attempt by Ramzan to introduce his people into his father’s circle. In 2007, Delimkhanov commanded the majority of the security forces of the Chechen Republic, and in December he was elected as a deputy from the United Russia party. In the fifth convocation, he was responsible for regional policy, becoming deputy chairman of this committee. In his position, he paid special attention to the issues of Chechnya in the post-war period. It is precisely getting into the State Duma at the moment in Delimkhanov’s biography that is considered the highest achievement in his career advancement in

Crime charges

Delimkhanov Adam Sultanovich was repeatedly accused of high-profile crimes. For example, in 2005, Ichkeria militant Doku Umarov accused the “oil regiment” of threatening and killing civilians, in particular the people of the Minister of independent Ichkeria, Khusainov.

It is believed that Delimkhanov commanded the operation to eliminate the commander of the Highlander battalion, Lieutenant Colonel. Some even said that Adam Sultanovich fired the control shot in this murder.

In March 2009, Dubai police accused Delimkhanov of organizing an attempted murder. On this charge, he was put on the wanted list through Interpol channels.
On October 23 of the same year, another assassination attempt occurred. This time, the driver who tried to blow up the car was eliminated before the explosion.

In 2011, Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov was again re-elected as a representative to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and became the fourth Chechen in its composition.
Delimkhanov is the owner of many Russian regalia, in particular several and the most honorable Order of Akhmad Kadyrov.


Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov is little known as a family man. The family hides from the outside world. It is known that he is a close friend and cousin of the head of the Russian Federation Ramzan Kadyrov. Also, numerous brothers of Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov are employed in various structures of the Chechen Republic.

Russian statesman. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic (2006-2007). Deputy of the State Duma of Russia (since 2007), member of the United Russia party. (On September 23, 2009, the newspaper “Zavtra” published an interview with Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, in which he called Delimkhanov “the man who can replace me”)


Adam Delimkhanov was born on September 25, 1969 in the village of Benoy, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. A relative (according to some media reports, cousin) of Ramzan Kadyrov.


In 1994 he graduated from the Chechen State University.


In 1987-1989, Delimkhanov served in the Soviet army.

From March to July 1990 he worked as a 3rd category mechanic at the Argunskoye repair and technical enterprise, then until 1991 - as a supply worker at the Tesham enterprise.

In the second half of the 1990s, Delimkhanov was the driver of the Chechen field commander Salman Raduev.


Deputy Delimkhanov called on Emelianenko to answer for his words

State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov on his Instagram criticized MMA fighter Fedor Emelianenko, who condemned the idea of ​​holding fights according to the rules of mixed martial arts in Grozny with the participation of children.

“It is quite strange to hear such words from the lips of a person whose moral, ethical and professional image is in deep doubt. Fedya talks about the need to properly educate the younger generation, but at the same time does not give an explanation as to why he raised his brother, a drug addict, who beat and raped women,” Delimkhanov said.

Adam Delimkhanov was elected State Duma deputy from Chechnya

Acting The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced that deputy of the previous convocation Adam Delimkhanov from United Russia again won the elections to the State Duma and will represent the republic in the lower house of the Russian parliament and in the seventh convocation. He ran in Chechen single-mandate constituency No. 36 and received 93.24% of the votes, TASS reports.

Adam Delimkhanov: The State Duma of Russia will have to solve important problems in the development of the state economy and social sphere

The participation of the Head of State in the first meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation set parliamentarians up for fruitful and active work in lawmaking. This was stated by Russian parliamentarian, adviser to the Head of the Chechen Republic Adam Delimkhanov, reports.

“Our work has always been guided by the interests of the country’s citizens. Interaction with society, the ability to respond to people’s needs and adopt only those bills that fully reflect the solution to pressing issues are the main directions of work of the lower house of the Russian Parliament. The fact that the President of the Russian Federation paid special attention to these concepts indicates the need to strengthen work in these areas. It is extremely important for each deputy to respond properly to instructions and look for the best methods of implementing their own practices,” noted A. Delimkhanov.

The United States imposed sanctions against Russian MP Adam Delimkhanov

The United States has imposed sanctions against State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, according to the published list of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (the division of the US Treasury Department responsible for implementing sanctions, OFAC).

United Russia deputies Delimkhanov and Zhuravlev made peace

State Duma deputies from the United Russia faction Adam Delimkhanov and Alexey Zhuravlev made peace. “The conflict has been resolved, reconciliation has taken place, we will work together,” Zhuravlev told reporters.

United Russia members who fought in the State Duma went to peace

State Duma deputies from the United Russia faction, Alexei Zhuravlev and Adam Delimkhanov, who fought, announced their reconciliation. Their decision was influenced by Naryshkin’s statement about depriving them of their deputy status, as well as the threat from the ethics commission, which promised to look into the incident.

United Russia members Zhuravlev and Delimkhanov do not want to go to the police after a fight in the State Duma

Law enforcement agencies have not yet responded to the fight with the “golden pistol” within the walls of the State Duma. According to a source familiar with the situation surrounding the conflict between State Duma deputies Alexei Zhuravlev and Adam Delimkhanov, neither side has yet contacted the police.

Source: “The fight is a matter of private prosecution. To begin an investigation into this fact, it is necessary for one of its participants to contact law enforcement agencies with an official statement.”

State Duma deputy from Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov, who attacked his colleague in United Russia within the walls of parliament, refused to resign his mandate

Such a short and first statement after the conflict was made in an interview with RIA Novosti by Delimkhanov’s assistant Tatyana Lazina, adding only that the deputy also does not intend to submit any statements. United Russia member Alexei Zhuravlev, who was injured in the fight, previously stated that he would also not resign. According to him, Delimkhanov made complaints to him about his deputy request, and then attacked him, hitting him on the head on the sly.

The State Duma “surrenders” to the police the deputies whose golden pistol fell out during a fight

Speaker of the lower house of parliament Sergei Naryshkin believes that law enforcement agencies should understand the situation. It's been a long time since our deputies fought within the walls of parliament. But there is a serious reason here. In the stronghold of Russian democracy, the chairman of the Rodina party, Alexey Zhuravlev (he entered the State Duma through the All-Russian Popular Front), and the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government, United Russia Adam Delimkhanov, clashed. He is a cousin of Ramzan Kadyrov - the head of Chechnya himself spoke about this.

Armed Adam Delimkhanov beat Edros Zhuravlev in the State Duma for a monument to Chechen women

United Russia members Alexey Zhuravlev and Adam Delimkhanov started a serious fight near the elevators over a monument to Chechen girls.

In the State Duma, a serious fight occurred between two United Russia deputies. Alexey Zhuravlev and Adam Delimkhanov fought in the lobby near the elevators of the 15th floor. An ambulance had to be called to help the victims.

Delimkhanov had an appointment with Zhuravlev today, but the deputy had to wait. The fact is that Zhuravlev gave an interview outside the State Duma building. After sitting and waiting, Delimkhanov went out to the elevator hall when Zhuravlev suddenly appeared.

“Adam Sultanovich’s golden pistol fell out - I don’t know where it came from”

As State Duma deputy Alexey Zhuravlev told Kommersant, in the building of the lower house he was attacked by deputy Adam Delimkhanov (both are members of the United Russia faction). According to Mr. Zhuravlev, Mr. Delimkhanov threatened him for a parliamentary request to check for extremism the opening of a monument to Chechen women from the village of Dadi-Yurt, who died resisting the “barbaric action” of the Russian army during the Caucasian War of the 19th century and a proposal to investigate the training of Chechen special forces by former employees of the unit "Alpha". Adam Delimkhanov’s reception office did not answer calls, and United Russia refrained from commenting until the information was confirmed.

The Ethics Commission will discuss the fight between two United Russia members

The conflict between fellow party members occurred the night before. According to secretary A. Zhuravlev, the deputy’s visitor, who also got into a fight, had to call an ambulance. The place where the fight took place is not equipped with a CCTV camera.

The Dubai Prosecutor General's Office has canceled the search for deputy A. Delimkhanov through Interpol channels.

RBC 07/19/2012, Grozny 11:28:51 The Dubai Prosecutor General's Office dropped all charges against State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov and stopped searching for him through Interpol channels. This was reported in the press service of the head and government of Chechnya with reference to Senator Ziyad Sabsabi, who represented the interests of the parliamentarian in Dubai.

The Dubai prosecutor's office dropped charges against a close associate of R. Kadyrov

The Dubai Prosecutor General's Office dropped all charges against State Duma deputy, member of the United Russia party Adam Delimkhanov, who in 2009 On the initiative of this department, he was put on the wanted list by Interpol. According to the press service of the Chechen government, this was stated by Senator Ziyad Sabsabi.

Dubai refused to close the criminal case against Adam Delimkhanov

The authorities of the capital of the UAE refused representatives of Chechnya to close the criminal case against State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov. He is accused of murdering Hero of Russia Sulim Yamadayev. The official position of the state is this: until Sulim’s children become adults and are able to make decisions themselves, the criminal case will not be dropped. Unofficially, the Dubai authorities make it clear that the appearance on their territory of a person who was seen in such an unsightly story is not desirable.

Interpol has stopped the search for Adam Delimkhanov The UAE has withdrawn a warrant in the name of a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, who was being prosecuted in the case of the murder of ex-commander of the Vostok battalion Yamadayev

A source in the Russian intelligence services told Rosbalt that Interpol is no longer looking for Adam Delimkhanov. According to him, the Dubai police have withdrawn the international search warrant for the deputy, and information about him has been removed from the relevant databases. “Other persons suspected by the UAE in the murder of Yamadayev continue to be wanted,” the agency’s interlocutor noted. According to him, the Russian special services do not yet have information whether the criminal prosecution of Delimkhanov in the UAE has been terminated or whether he has just been removed from the international wanted list.

Rosbalt: Interpol has stopped searching for State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov

Interpol has stopped searching for State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, whom Dubai police suspected of involvement in organizing the murder of Sulim Yamadayev, the former commander of the Vostok battalion.

As a source in the Russian special services told Rosbalt, the Dubai police have withdrawn their warrant for the international search for the United Russia member. Other persons suspected of murdering Yamadayev in the UAE remain wanted, the agency's interlocutor added. He believes that Dubai’s position changed after the visit of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, to the UAE in November 2011. The Russian special services do not yet know whether the criminal prosecution of Delimkhanov has been stopped in the UAE.

Who is Adam Delimkhanov

Delimkhanov Adam Sultanovich, cousin of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. The State Duma deputy was elected as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party “United Russia”. Member of the United Russia faction. Start date of powers: December 2, 2007. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy.

Main position of Adam Delimkhanov

Who is Adam Delimkhanov, besides what we know about him? All his credentials, such as deputy chairman of the Committee for Federation Affairs, pale in front of Delimkhanov’s main title. He is nothing more or less than Ramzan Kadyrov’s successor in case something happens to Ramzan. This does not mean that in the event of some unexpected turn, power in Chechnya will automatically pass to Adam. No. But the people who stand behind Ramzan know that if something happens to their patron, God forbid, they will come under the wing of State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov.

At a football match, State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov again felt like a field commander

During a break in the match between Terek Grozny and CSKA Moscow, a certain man with a deputy badge burst into the referee's room with referee Alexander Gvardis and very emotionally explained to the referee how to whistle correctly when the favorite team of the Chechen representative in the State Duma is playing, and how to whistle - more expensive for yourself. Officials tried to prevent impromptu advanced training courses, but to no avail. They were pushed aside by the characters accompanying the high-ranking fan.

Deputy Delimkhanov: Budanov’s murder is retribution

The closest associate of the head of Chechnya, State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov called the murder of former Russian army colonel Yuri Budanov, which was committed on Friday in Moscow, “retribution.” “I think this is retribution,” deputy Delimkhanov told Gazeta.Ru. link:

What is Adam Delimkhanov known for?

Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov was born on September 25, 1969 in the village of Benoy, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1994 he graduated from the Chechen State University in Grozny, in 2004 from the Makhachkala Institute of Finance and Law with a degree in jurisprudence. In 1987-1989 he served in the armed forces of the USSR. In the early 1990s, he worked as a mechanic, supplier, and sold cars. According to media reports, in the second half of the 1990s he was the driver of the Chechen field commander Salman Raduev.

Sulim Yamadayev tried to declare blood feud against Kadyrov

The former commander of the Vostok battalion, Sulim Yamadayev, attempted to declare a blood feud against Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov and State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, the Kommersant newspaper writes on Wednesday, May 13, citing Sulim’s brother Isa Yamadayev.

The Yamadayev brothers missed the confrontation at the appointed place

In May 2009, Isa Yamadayev told the press about Sulim Yamadayev’s attempt to declare blood feud against Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov and State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov (the deputy, according to the UAE authorities, was involved in the assassination attempt on Sulim).

The FSB will look for those who declared blood feud against Kadyrov

The investigation into the incident of declaring blood feud against Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov and State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov has been transferred to the jurisdiction of the FSB. Interfax reported this on Friday, June 26, with reference to the official representative of the Russian Federation Investigative Committee for the Chechen Republic.

An assassination attempt on Kadyrov and Delimkhanov was prevented in Grozny

On the evening of Friday, October 23, an assassination attempt on Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov and State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov was foiled in Grozny, Interfax reports, citing Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs for the republic Roman Edilov.

Eurocement Group agreed on debt restructuring with a new creditor

On April 12, the Vedomosti newspaper, citing six of its own sources, also wrote that Krotov acted in the interests of State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, who is called in the media one of the friends of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. According to Krotov himself, this information is not true, and he made the deal with Krasnyansky in his own interests. Krotov added that he has known Krasnyansky since 2007.

The owner of Eurocement gave the creditor $600 million

The Eurocement Group holding of Filaret Galchev returned $600 million to creditor Pavel Krotov, who is believed to represent the interests of deputy Adam Delimkhanov. To do this, Galchev had to borrow about $700 million from Sberbank, writes the Vedomosti newspaper, citing its own sources.

Deputy Delimkhanov denied the authorship of the blog in LiveJournal

State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov said that he does not keep a diary on LiveJournal and has nothing to do with the delimkhanov blog, Interfax reports. According to Delimkhanov, he does not know who runs this blog. The deputy called the message “My City Moscow” that appeared in it - that he allegedly drove around Red Square and Arbat in a Kalina car - “out of bounds” link:

Delimkhanov, Adam Sultanovich
Date of birth: September 25, 1969
Place of birth: Benoy, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district, Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR
Citizenship: USSR (until 1991) CRI (1991-1999) Russia (since 1991)
Religion: Islam
Party: "United Russia"

Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov(b. September 25, 1969) - Russian statesman. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic (2006-2007). Deputy of the State Duma of Russia (since 2007), member of the United Russia party.
On September 23, 2009, the newspaper “Zavtra” published an interview with Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, in which he named precisely Delimkhanova“a person who can replace me.”

Born in 1969 in the village of Benoy Nozhai-Yurtovsky district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
Adam Delimkhanov-relative (presumably cousin) of Ramzan Kadyrov.
In 1987-1989, Chech served in the Soviet army. In 1990-1991 he worked as a mechanic, then as a supplier.
In 1994 Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov Graduated from Chechen State University.

In the second half of the 1990s
Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov was the driver of the Chechen field commander Salman Raduev.
Since 2000, he has worked in law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. In December 2001, an attempt was made on Delimkhanov. In August-September 2003 - commander of the police battalion of the private security department at the Gudermes City Department of Internal Affairs. In 2003-2006 - regiment commander of the Private Security Directorate under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic for the protection of oil and gas complex facilities.

Since July 18, 2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic.
Novaya Gazeta notes that when about a hundred parents of militants were summoned to the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs in May 2007, the Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov stated that there would be no forgiveness for anyone who went into the forest: “They will have their heads cut off.”
In September 2007, he announced that Doku Umarov (the so-called “president” of Ichkeria) would be detained and brought to trial, or destroyed.

In the elections of December 2, 2007, he was elected to the State Duma. In the Duma he holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy.
On April 5, 2009, the police in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) announced that two direct participants in the assassination attempt on Sulim Yamadayev had been arrested: Iranian citizen Mahdi Lornia and Tajik citizen Mahsud Jan; it was also stated that three citizens of Russia and a citizen of Kazakhstan would be put on the international wanted list, in particular, Adam Delimkhanov; the latter called the accusations against him a provocation and declared his readiness to cooperate with the investigation.

In an interview published on September 23, 2009, the Head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, called Adam Delimkhanov to his successor: “There is a team, there are people who will continue my work. I have always given each commander the task of preparing the person after me. I have prepared a person who can replace me. [- Alexander Prokhanov: Who is this?] Adam Delimkhanov. My closest friend. Closer than a brother. All my brothers, all my nephews, all my relatives love him, and they are all in battle. He is now fighting in the mountains. As a State Duma deputy from the Chechen Republic, he fights in the mountains.”
On December 3, 2013, a fight broke out in the State Duma between Delimkhanov and United Russia deputy Alexei Zhuravlev. According to eyewitnesses, during the fight Delimkhanov’s golden pistol fell out.

Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov(b. September 25, Benoy, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian statesman. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic (-). Deputy of the State Duma of Russia (since 2007), member of the United Russia party.

On September 23, 2009, the newspaper “Zavtra” published an interview with Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, in which he called Delimkhanov “a person who can replace me.”


Adam Delimkhanov was born on September 25, 1969 in the village of Benoy, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Relative (according to some media reports, cousin) of Ramzan Kadyrov.

In 1987-1989, Delimkhanov served in the Soviet army. From March to July 1990 he worked as a 3rd category mechanic at the Argunskoye repair and technical enterprise, then until 1991 - as a supply worker at the Tesham enterprise. In 1994 he graduated from the Chechen State University.

In the second half of the 1990s, Delimkhanov was the driver of the Chechen field commander Salman Raduev. With the outbreak of the Second Chechen War in 1999, Adam Delimkhanov was among the Chechens who went over to the side of the federal forces. From March 2000 to August 2003, he worked in the internal affairs bodies as a trainee, then an employee, and later as an inspector for analysis and planning of the headquarters of a separate police company under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic for the protection of objects - buildings of state authorities (security service head of the Chechen administration Akhmat Kadyrov). Since 2000, he has worked in law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. In December 2001, an attempt was made on Delimkhanov. In August-September 2003 - commander of the police battalion of the private security department at the Gudermes City Department of Internal Affairs. In 2003-2006 - regiment commander of the Private Security Directorate under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic for the protection of oil and gas complex facilities.

In September 2007, Delimkhanov announced that Doku Umarov (the so-called “president” of Ichkeria) would be detained and put on trial, or destroyed.

On April 5, 2009, the police in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) announced that two direct participants in the assassination attempt on Sulim Yamadayev had been arrested: Iranian citizen Mahdi Lornia and Tajik citizen Mahsud Jan; it was also stated that three citizens of Russia and a citizen of Kazakhstan would be put on the international wanted list, in particular, Adam Delimkhanov; the latter called the accusations against him a provocation and declared his readiness to cooperate with the investigation. Yamadayev has been put on the international wanted list. His profile and photograph appeared on the official website of the Interpol General Secretariat. As Interfax notes, the document was distributed with the so-called “red corner” - evidence of the involvement of the wanted person.

In 2010, Adam Delimkhanov oversaw the creation of the Memorial Park Complex on Kadyrov Street in Moscow. Courtyards were landscaped and playgrounds were created. The main decorations were two fountains and a miniature arch. The funds were allocated by the regional public fund named after. A. Kadyrov.

- Delimkhanov said at the official opening of the complex on September 19, 2010.

On December 3, 2013, in the State Duma, Delimkhanov behaved disgustingly and unworthily, starting a shameful conflict, and then a fight with United Russia deputy Alexei Zhuravlyov, during which Zhuravlyov’s visitor was also injured. According to eyewitnesses, during the fight Delimkhanov’s golden pistol fell out.


In the ranking of 500 Russian billionaires compiled by Finance magazine at the beginning of 2011, Adam Delimkhanov took 314th place. His capital was estimated at 300 million dollars or 9.1 billion rubles. According to official data for 2011, Delimkhanov received an income of 1.9 million rubles, and his wife - 187 thousand rubles.

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  • - article in Lentapedia. 2012

Excerpt characterizing Delimkhanov, Adam Sultanovich

– The militia – they directly put on clean, white shirts to prepare for death. What heroism, Count!
Boris said this to Pierre, obviously in order to be heard by his Serene Highness. He knew that Kutuzov would pay attention to these words, and indeed His Serene Highness addressed him:
-What are you talking about the militia? - he said to Boris.
“They, your lordship, in preparation for tomorrow, for death, put on white shirts.”
- Ah!.. Wonderful, incomparable people! - said Kutuzov and, closing his eyes, shook his head. - Incomparable people! - he repeated with a sigh.
- Do you want to smell gunpowder? - he said to Pierre. - Yes, a pleasant smell. I have the honor to be an admirer of your wife, is she healthy? My rest stop is at your service. - And, as often happens with old people, Kutuzov began to look around absently, as if he had forgotten everything he needed to say or do.
Obviously, remembering what he was looking for, he lured Andrei Sergeich Kaisarov, the brother of his adjutant, to him.
- How, how, how are the poems, Marina, how are the poems, how? What he wrote about Gerakov: “You will be a teacher in the building... Tell me, tell me,” Kutuzov spoke, obviously intending to laugh. Kaisarov read... Kutuzov, smiling, nodded his head to the beat of the poems.
When Pierre walked away from Kutuzov, Dolokhov moved towards him and took him by the hand.
“I’m very glad to meet you here, Count,” he told him loudly and without being embarrassed by the presence of strangers, with particular decisiveness and solemnity. “On the eve of the day on which God knows which of us is destined to survive, I am glad to have the opportunity to tell you that I regret the misunderstandings that existed between us, and I would like you not to have anything against me.” Please forgive me.
Pierre, smiling, looked at Dolokhov, not knowing what to say to him. Dolokhov, with tears welling up in his eyes, hugged and kissed Pierre.
Boris said something to his general, and Count Bennigsen turned to Pierre and offered to go with him along the line.
“This will be interesting for you,” he said.
“Yes, very interesting,” said Pierre.
Half an hour later, Kutuzov left for Tatarinova, and Bennigsen and his retinue, including Pierre, went along the line.

Bennigsen from Gorki descended along the high road to the bridge, which the officer from the mound pointed out to Pierre as the center of the position and on the bank of which lay rows of mown grass that smelled of hay. They drove across the bridge to the village of Borodino, from there they turned left and past a huge number of troops and cannons they drove out to a high mound on which the militia was digging. It was a redoubt that did not yet have a name, but later received the name Raevsky redoubt, or barrow battery.
Pierre did not pay much attention to this redoubt. He did not know that this place would be more memorable for him than all the places in the Borodino field. Then they drove through the ravine to Semenovsky, in which the soldiers were taking away the last logs of the huts and barns. Then, downhill and uphill, they drove forward through broken rye, knocked out like hail, along a road newly laid by artillery along the ridges of arable land to the flushes [a type of fortification. (Note by L.N. Tolstoy.) ], also still being dug at that time.
Bennigsen stopped at the flushes and began to look ahead at the Shevardinsky redoubt (which was ours only yesterday), on which several horsemen could be seen. The officers said that Napoleon or Murat was there. And everyone looked greedily at this bunch of horsemen. Pierre also looked there, trying to guess which of these barely visible people was Napoleon. Finally, the riders rode off the mound and disappeared.
Bennigsen turned to the general who approached him and began to explain the entire position of our troops. Pierre listened to Bennigsen's words, straining all his mental strength to understand the essence of the upcoming battle, but he felt with disappointment that his mental abilities were insufficient for this. He didn't understand anything. Bennigsen stopped talking, and noticing the figure of Pierre, who was listening, he suddenly said, turning to him:
– I think you’re not interested?
“Oh, on the contrary, it’s very interesting,” Pierre repeated, not entirely truthfully.
From the flush they drove even further to the left along a road winding through a dense, low birch forest. In the middle of it
forest, a brown hare with white legs jumped out onto the road in front of them and, frightened by the tramp of a large number of horses, he was so confused that he jumped along the road ahead of them for a long time, arousing everyone’s attention and laughter, and only when several voices shouted at him, he rushed to the side and disappeared into the thicket. After driving about two miles through the forest, they came to a clearing where the troops of Tuchkov’s corps, which was supposed to protect the left flank, were stationed.
Here, on the extreme left flank, Bennigsen spoke a lot and passionately and made, as it seemed to Pierre, an important military order. There was a hill in front of Tuchkov’s troops. This hill was not occupied by troops. Bennigsen loudly criticized this mistake, saying that it was crazy to leave the height commanding the area unoccupied and place troops under it. Some generals expressed the same opinion. One in particular spoke with military fervor about the fact that they were put here for slaughter. Bennigsen ordered in his name to move the troops to the heights.
This order on the left flank made Pierre even more doubtful of his ability to understand military affairs. Listening to Bennigsen and the generals condemning the position of the troops under the mountain, Pierre fully understood them and shared their opinion; but precisely because of this, he could not understand how the one who placed them here under the mountain could make such an obvious and gross mistake.
Pierre did not know that these troops were not placed to defend the position, as Bennigsen thought, but were placed in a hidden place for an ambush, that is, in order to be unnoticed and suddenly attack the advancing enemy. Bennigsen did not know this and moved the troops forward for special reasons without telling the commander-in-chief about it.

Prince Andrei, on this clear August evening on the 25th, lay leaning on his arm in a broken barn in the village of Knyazkova, on the edge of his regiment's location. Through the hole in the broken wall, he looked at a strip of thirty-year-old birch trees with their lower branches cut off running along the fence, at an arable land with stacks of oats broken on it, and at bushes through which the smoke of fires—soldiers’ kitchens—could be seen.
No matter how cramped and no one needed and no matter how difficult his life now seemed to Prince Andrei, he, just like seven years ago at Austerlitz on the eve of the battle, felt agitated and irritated.
Orders for tomorrow's battle were given and received by him. There was nothing else he could do. But the simplest, clearest thoughts and therefore terrible thoughts did not leave him alone. He knew that tomorrow's battle was going to be the most terrible of all those in which he participated, and the possibility of death for the first time in his life, without any regard to everyday life, without consideration of how it would affect others, but only according to in relation to himself, to his soul, with vividness, almost with certainty, simply and terribly, it presented itself to him. And from the height of this idea, everything that had previously tormented and occupied him was suddenly illuminated by a cold white light, without shadows, without perspective, without distinction of outlines. His whole life seemed to him like a magic lantern, into which he looked for a long time through glass and under artificial lighting. Now he suddenly saw, without glass, in bright daylight, these poorly painted pictures. “Yes, yes, these are the false images that worried and delighted and tormented me,” he said to himself, turning over in his imagination the main pictures of his magic lantern of life, now looking at them in this cold white light of day - a clear thought of death. “Here they are, these crudely painted figures that seemed like something beautiful and mysterious. Glory, public good, love for a woman, the fatherland itself - how great these pictures seemed to me, what deep meaning they seemed filled with! And all this is so simple, pale and rough in the cold white light of that morning which I feel rising for me.” Three major sorrows of his life in particular occupied his attention. His love for a woman, the death of his father and the French invasion that captured half of Russia. “Love!.. This girl, who seemed to me full of mysterious powers. How I loved her! I made poetic plans about love, about happiness with it. Oh dear boy! – he said out loud angrily. - Of course! I believed in some kind of ideal love, which was supposed to remain faithful to me during the whole year of my absence! Like the tender dove of a fable, she was to wither away in separation from me. And all this is much simpler... All this is terribly simple, disgusting!

Member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption.

Adam Delimkhanov was born on September 25, 1969 in the village of Benoy, Nozhai-Yurtovsky district, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, now the Chechen Republic. In 1987-1989 he served in the Soviet army. From March to July 1990 he worked as a 3rd category mechanic at the Argunskoye repair and technical enterprise, then until 1991 - as a supply worker at the Tesham enterprise.

In 1994 he graduated from the Checheno-Ingush State University named after L.N. Tolstoy, now Chechen State University. In the second half of the 1990s, according to media reports, he was the personal driver of the Chechen field commander Salman Raduev. With the outbreak of the Second Chechen War in 1999, Adam Delimkhanov was among the Chechens who went over to the side of the federal forces.

From March 2000 to August 2003, he worked in the internal affairs bodies as an intern, then as an employee, and later as an inspector for analysis and planning of the headquarters of a separate police company under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic for the protection of objects - buildings of state authorities, security service of the head of the administration Chechnya Akhmat Kadyrov.

Since 2000, he has worked in law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. From August to September 2003 - commander of the police battalion of the private security department at the Gudermes City Department of Internal Affairs. In 2003-2006 - regiment commander of the Private Security Directorate under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic for the protection of oil and gas complex facilities. In 2004 he graduated from the Institute of Finance and Law in Makhachkala with a degree in Jurisprudence.

Since July 18, 2006, Adam Delimkhanov has been Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic. From April to December 2007, he served as First Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic, overseeing the work of law enforcement agencies. In the elections of December 2, 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation as part of the federal list of candidates of the United Russia party. In the Duma he joined the United Russia faction and took the position of deputy chairman of the Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy.

In December 2011, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation from the United Russia party. He was a member of the party faction, first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Government Issues. In 2013 he graduated from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Full member (academician) of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Adam Sultanovich Delimkhanov was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from electoral district 0036, Chechen - Chechen Republic. Member of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption. The start date of the term is September 18, 2016.

He has awards for military merits, including the highest state award of the Chechen Republic - the Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov.