What pregnant women can and cannot do. Folk signs about what pregnant women should not do

With the onset of pregnancy, the health of the unborn child largely depends on how a woman behaves. During pregnancy, in the womb of the mother, all the organs and tissues of the little person are formed, their growth and development occurs, so it is very important that the baby receives a sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals in a timely manner. Unfortunately, the fetus cannot do this on its own - it receives all this from the mother’s blood.

information That is why, during pregnancy, a woman should eat properly and nutritiously, avoid various excesses and harmful additives that can interfere with the child’s normal development.

If before conception you did not eat very healthily, then the right moment has come when you need to reconsider your views on gastronomic preferences for the health of your baby and your own.

What pregnant women should not eat

This part will list foods that pregnant women should not eat:

  1. Raw, eggs, fresh milk, oysters, etc.. The danger is that all these products are highly likely to contain pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, helminths, listeria) and viruses (noravirus and rotavirus) that cause gastrointestinal infections. In general, any poisoning can be dangerous to human health (especially salmonellosis and noravirus infection), and during pregnancy, when a woman’s body experiences increased stress, this can negatively affect the fetus. Poisoning is dangerous because it causes fever, dehydration (which is especially dangerous for the fetus), and exhaustion of the body. In addition, some pathogens (for example, salmonella) can disrupt the proper development of the baby’s organs and systems;
  2. Products of dubious quality(spoiled vegetables and fruits, expired food) can also cause intestinal upset, dysentery, typhoid and other diseases.
  3. A separate group includes such products as
  • Citrus;
  • Strawberry;
  • Nuts;
  • Tomatoes.

The danger is that these products greatly increase the likelihood of a child developing allergies in the future. There is a direct connection between the consumption of this category of products by the expectant mother and the development of diathesis, dermatitis (nonspecific inflammation of the skin), allergic rhinitis and even bronchial asthma. The best way to avoid all this is to completely avoid this category of foods during pregnancy;

  1. Salt. A common food additive like salt can also cause some complications during pregnancy. The fact is that salt retains excess fluid in the human body and can lead to increased stress on the heart (it needs to pump more blood). This most often leads to and. These conditions are especially dangerous for pregnant women, as they can complicate the course of pregnancy;
  2. Smoked meats. During pregnancy, these foods should not only be limited, but even excluded from your daily diet. The fact is that during smoking, carcinogenic substances (substances that can cause the development of cancerous tumors), for example, benzopyrene, may appear in products. In some cases, these substances cause various disorders in tissues that actively reproduce. During pregnancy, the targets of such substances are the organs and tissues of the baby, which is actively developing;
  3. Canned foods(canned food, even factory-made canned goods). They contain large amounts of salt and vinegar. It is also worth noting separately the content of various preservatives, the effect of which on the growing fetus is often not clear. For example, we can name a substance such as sodium nitrite, which is widely used to preserve the fresh color of meat products and their long-term storage. For an adult, a small amount of this substance does not pose a great danger - but not for a small child, whose metabolism is several times higher than that of the mother. If you cannot refuse this category of products, carefully read the ingredient label to avoid possible complications;
  4. Margarine and its substitutes It is not recommended for pregnant women to eat. They contain a large amount of “harmful” fats and saturated fatty acids (cholesterol and others), which can cause premature blockage of blood vessels and lead to the development of atherosclerosis;
  5. Absolutely not for use by a pregnant woman. It has a teratogenic (disturbs the processes of normal development of the baby’s organs and systems) effect on the fetus, affects the formation of the digestive tract organs, and causes severe hypoxia of the baby’s organs, primarily the brain and nervous system. Currently, there is a huge amount of popular scientific literature that describes in detail all the negative consequences of drinking alcohol during pregnancy;
  6. Refined sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates(flour products, buns and various sweets). With the systematic use of these products during pregnancy, the blood sugar level rises sharply and can disrupt the normal functioning of the pancreas. In some cases, failure to follow simple diet rules can cause the development of a dangerous condition -. In approximately half of the cases, this type of diabetes mellitus persists even after pregnancy has resolved;
  7. Fast food, fried food, convenience foods contain preservatives and stabilizers in large quantities, are prepared in poor oil, and contain carcinogens. There are also virtually no beneficial nutrients in this category of foods.

Before you eat this or that harmful product, think about whether you would give it to your one-year-old child?

important There is a popular belief that a pregnant woman should eat for two. It is erroneous. During the entire pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain no more than 8-14 kilograms (depending on the initial weight). All weight gained that goes beyond these limits makes the woman’s condition more severe, increases the risk (a condition in which the organs and systems of the woman’s body no longer cope with the increased load), high blood pressure, edema, and the birth of a large fetus.

The load on the heart, kidneys, and joints also increases. And the likelihood that over time, excess weight can cause some negative cosmetic effects: stretch marks appear on the chest, hips, buttocks, abdomen, and varicose veins.

Therefore, the main thing is to eat properly, nutritiously, so that the food meets all the needs of the mother and the growing fetus, but does not harm both.

Maybe after reading these prohibitions a woman will have a question: what should she eat? Don't worry, excluding these products, there is still a lot of tasty and healthy stuff left. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Listen to your body and it will tell you what you are missing at the moment. Usually our body itself sends signs, you just have to figure them out.


What can pregnant women eat and what can’t they list. Can pregnant women drink? Menu for pregnant women. Nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth.

Many pregnant women don’t think about their diet at all and eat “everything.” What pregnant women can and cannot actually eat. Can pregnant women drink? You will find an indicative menu for pregnant women in this article.

Epidemiological studies indicate that malnutrition during pregnancy can lead to serious consequences: miscarriage, premature birth, the birth of a child with various intrauterine defects, and retardation in physical and neuropsychic development. This refers to serious disorders: exhaustion of the mother’s body, serious illnesses, etc. and that doesn't mean it! that if you eat fast food, you will have a sick child.

Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, walks in the fresh air and sleep will help increase the likelihood of a good pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the birth of a healthy baby.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to radically change your eating habits, and you shouldn’t expose your body to additional stress, but it’s advisable to make adjustments.

What pregnant women should not eat


  1. Alcohol
  2. Products containing preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, E-102, E-202, E-122 are especially harmful.
  3. Raw and undercooked foods (meat, fish, eggs, milk)
  4. Canned and smoked foods (dangerous from botulism), spicy, fried foods (huge load on the gallbladder and liver of a pregnant woman)
  5. Strong allergens: chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, strawberries, honey, red berries. If you really really want it, perhaps use it in small quantities.
  6. Carbonated drinks, store-bought juice.
  7. Herbal tea, herbs. Many cause uterine contractions, increase and decrease blood pressure. Before use, be sure to read whether it can be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Freaks in the diet of a pregnant woman, as a rule, are signals from the body about a lack of certain substances. This does not mean that if you want to eat salt or sugar with a spoon, fish with milk, chew chalk, etc., you should do it. Look for the problem and eliminate the deficiency of specific microelements.

What pregnant women can and should eat

First three months many have terrible toxicosis and a complete aversion to food. At this time, the body’s need for basic nutrients and energy in a woman practically does not change and corresponds to physiological standards. The need for folic acid (vitamin B9) increases, take vitamins or eat more legumes, spinach, green onions, cabbage, peas, etc.

Eat as usual, do not overload your body during these months, eat more seasonal fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Give preference to baked, boiled and steamed dishes. I had toxicosis, I tried to eat small portions until I felt nauseous, bananas, muesli bars, and yoghurt helped.

In the second and third trimester To ensure high rates of fetal growth and further growth of the placenta and uterus, the need for nutrients increases. You need calcium and vitamin D during this period; sources include dairy products, cottage cheese, oatmeal, butter, egg yolk, spinach, green onions, raisins, and sea fish liver.

As a rule, during this period, problems with iron deficiency appear (Anemia during pregnancy: how to treat). There is a heavy load on the kidneys and liver. A decoction of cranberries, lingonberries, and cherries will help against untreated pyeloniphritis (inflammatory process in the kidneys). I drank these decoctions constantly, thanks to which I was saved from inflammation without antibiotics.

Diet, especially last 2-3 months pregnancy, greatly influences the course of labor. In the last month of pregnancy, you should limit your intake of animal proteins - meat, fish, butter, eggs, milk. Instead of milk, it is preferable to consume fermented milk products.

Indicative menu for pregnant women

Breakfast (options) : oatmeal with pieces of fruit, muesli, cereal, banana, buttered toast, tea.

Dinner (options) : soup, vegetable salad, turkey fillet with side dish, mashed potatoes with steamed cutlet, goulash with side dish, stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls.

Afternoon snack (options) : yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit, baked apples.

Dinner (options) : fish with side dish, steamed meat, baked potatoes, vegetables.

Snacks (options) : muesli bars, dried fruits, candied fruits.

I saw a lot of mothers in the antenatal department who simply overeat a few days before giving birth, ice cream, pies, sausage rolls, chocolate, candies, sausages, strawberries, raspberries, etc., all in very large quantities. For what? -Well, after giving birth it won’t be possible! Such mothers, as a rule, give birth to children with diathesis, rashes, etc., I won’t even list them, and I myself saw this already in the postpartum department. After childbirth you can! but carefully and gradually.

Nutrition (diet) of a nursing mother

Lactation process– energy-intensive, accompanied by the secretion of significant amounts of milk containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, which requires replenishment of these essential food ingredients in the mother’s diet.

First month after birth: porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), pasta, potatoes, lean meat (turkey, beef, chicken), preferably not fried, soups, bread, butter, dried fruit compote without sugar.

Then we gradually introduce foods from our usual diet and monitor the child’s reaction (namely allergic)! Do not confuse heat rash and allergies. Up to three months, babies often “bloom”, pimples appear on their cheeks, and after three months they disappear. Foods and drinks from the “prohibited” list remain prohibited.

How to replace sweets, buns and chocolate: marshmallows (without chocolate), regular cookies, crackers, crackers, bagels.

MYTH 1! The baby has colic because I ate cabbage, ate candy, etc. Breast milk is formed from blood, i.e. The baby will get into the milk only what is absorbed into the mother’s blood. The cause of infant colic is still not clear. During the first months of life, a child’s digestive system works in test mode; colic, constipation, and diarrhea are possible. In 90% of cases, the relationship with the mother’s diet is a coincidence.
MYTH 2! To have a lot of breast milk, you need to drink tea with milk or condensed milk. Myth! myth! myth! There will indeed be more milk from such tea, just like from any other warm drink. But a child may develop an allergy to cow's milk or condensed milk, and it is very common (allergy to cow's milk protein).

MYTH3! If you drink alcohol, you need to express it later. Alcohol is absorbed into the mother’s blood and, accordingly, after some time enters breast milk. After a certain period of time, the alcohol “dissipates” from the milk. This period is determined by the quantity, strength of the drink and your weight, so 300 grams of wine or 500 grams of beer disappears in about 4-5 hours. Therefore, there is no point in expressing alcohol while there is alcohol in your blood.

Pregnancy is a period that requires careful monitoring of your health. The expectant mother must remember that the child’s development primarily depends on her well-being. It is very important to get proper rest and eat right.

Why is nutrition paid so much attention? And are there any diets for pregnant women?

Restrictions during pregnancy

Until recently, there were strict nutritional requirements during pregnancy. Gynecologists closely monitored weight gain and urged not to overfeed the child; for some reason, allergists forbade eating honey and citrus fruits. With even minor swelling, pregnant women were not allowed to drink more than 1 liter of any liquid per day.

But do these strict restrictions have any justification? And is it worth following such recommendations?

Modern nutritional requirements for pregnant women

To date, it has been proven that there is no direct relationship between the mother’s nutrition and the child’s weight. In any situation, the baby will absorb exactly as many nutrients as he needs at the moment. And even if the expectant mother for some reason limits herself to food, first of all, the child will be provided with food. Its development will not be affected, unlike the woman’s health.

A baby's weight gain depends on various factors, including diseases of the mother's endocrine system. That is why, when sugar levels rise (diabetes mellitus in pregnant women), children weighing 4–5 kg are born, regardless of the constitution and nutrition of the mother.

Diet for weight gain

Is a diet necessary for significant gains? What to do if your weight increases rapidly? There is no clear answer to this question. Previously, normal weight gain was considered to be 11–15 kg throughout pregnancy. Today these boundaries have expanded.

It is assumed that a pregnant woman’s body is able to control its own needs. But sometimes it's better to listen to common sense. A constant desire to eat is a normal condition during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. But you need to eat not buns and cakes, but full-fledged snacks.

It is advisable to eat not 2-3 times a day, but 4-6 and do it in small portions. Such fractional meals are useful not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth.

In case of significant weight gain, the main emphasis should be on plant foods - vegetables and fruits, meat, cottage cheese. And reduce the amount of carbohydrate foods in your diet. This is especially true for easily digestible carbohydrates - potatoes, bread, chocolate, sweets and sweet drinks.

You need to know that sometimes the usual desire to drink can hide under the mask of hunger. And a glass of plain water will help get rid of annoying sucking in the pit of the stomach.

Rational nutrition

In order for food to be properly absorbed, it is necessary to properly distribute its intake throughout the day.

The most high-calorie meal should be lunch. During this time you can eat whatever you want. If possible, the menu includes a first course - soup or cream soup. They are well absorbed and do not overload the digestive system. If the desire to eat continues, lunch is supplemented with a second course - boiled, stewed, baked meat with a side dish or vegetable salad.

Breakfast is usually inferior in calorie content and volume to the lunch meal. In the early stages of pregnancy, many women do not eat breakfast at all due to severe toxicosis - nausea or vomiting. To alleviate the condition, you can drink a glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice in the morning. Orange juice helps some people. And sometimes it’s enough to chew a raw carrot or an unleavened cracker.

By evening, toxicosis usually decreases. Although there are also opposite cases. You should strive to have dinner not late, 3-4 hours before bedtime. Usually at this time you can eat porridge or other side dish with meat or fish. Cottage cheese dishes are perfect for an evening menu.

Since sometimes hunger haunts pregnant women throughout the day, snacking is encouraged. They will be appropriate between main meals. For a second breakfast, you can make a vegetable salad or a protein omelet, eat fruit, cottage cheese, and mild cheese. For an afternoon snack, kefir or yogurt with cookies is usually consumed.

For the normal development of the child and the well-being of the mother, nutrition must be balanced and varied. The following products are recommended during pregnancy:

  1. Lean meats (beef, veal, turkey, quail, chicken, lean pork).
  2. By-products – liver. It is consumed in limited quantities, no more than once or twice a week, to prevent excess vitamin A.
  3. Porridges from different cereals. Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal porridge are especially recommended. Wheat and semolina can interfere with the absorption of iron.
  4. Pasta made from durum wheat.
  5. Vegetables in any form, except fried. Raw vegetables in salads and steamed vegetables are especially useful.
  6. Fruits. Seasonal - in any quantity, citrus and exotic - very moderately.
  7. Dill, parsley, celery are allowed in the preparation of various dishes.
  8. Dairy and fermented milk products. Pregnant women can consume milk, kefir, yogurt, butter, sour cream, and low-fat cheese as they wish.

It is important that your diet contains foods rich in folic acid, vitamin E, iron, and calcium.

Foods containing folic acid and vitamin E

Folic acid is needed for the proper formation of the child’s nervous system. It is usually prescribed in tablet form. But do not forget that it is also present in ordinary products. Rich in folic acid:

  • spinach;
  • salad;
  • parsley;
  • legumes;
  • citrus.

Vitamin E is also necessary during pregnancy. It is found in eggs, wheat sprouts, soybeans, and various vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, peanut).

Iron-rich foods

Pregnancy is a time of increased iron consumption. A woman must not only maintain her reserves, but also provide this microelement to her baby. To prevent hemoglobin levels from decreasing and anemia from developing, you definitely need foods rich in iron in your diet. However, not only the percentage of this element in food matters, but also the degree of its digestibility.

Iron is best absorbed from meat, fish and other seafood. The diet of a pregnant woman must include:

  • beef tongue;
  • beef;
  • turkey meat;
  • liver;
  • fish.

Meat and fish can be made into casseroles, stewed or eaten boiled. Among plant foods, the leaders in iron content are legumes - lentils, peas, beans. Among cereals, it is better to give preference to buckwheat and rice.

Vitamin C, which is found in vegetables and fruits, helps absorb iron from food. For this purpose, it is better to wash down meat dishes with orange or tomato juice. Contrary to popular belief about the high iron content in pomegranates and apples, there is not too much of it.

Products containing calcium

During pregnancy, a woman should take care of increased calcium intake into the body. After all, it is spent on building the baby’s skeletal system. If the intake of calcium from food is insufficient, the expectant mother develops brittle nails, hair becomes dull, and teeth deteriorate. This microelement is best absorbed from dairy products, although in terms of calcium content it is inferior to some plants.

During pregnancy, you need to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, hard cheeses or feta cheese, drink milk and kefir every day. You can make cottage cheese yourself, but store-bought cottage cheese must be subjected to heat treatment.

Among plant foods, preference is given to spinach, cabbage, and parsley. Canned fish can also be considered a source of calcium.

Prohibited Products

Are there foods that are prohibited to eat during pregnancy? Since pregnancy is not a disease, there cannot be an absolute ban on certain foods. But there is a list of products, the use of which while carrying a baby is highly not recommended.

First of all, this applies to unhealthy foods such as chips, hot crackers and similar snacks. They contain many chemical flavors and additives that can harm the baby and mother. During pregnancy, sugar substitutes such as aspartame, sucraltose, and neotame should not be used.

Don't overindulge in sweets. This leads to rapid weight gain and creates a feeling of fullness to the detriment of other foods the body needs. You should not eat large quantities of foods that cause fermentation in the intestines - legumes, cabbage dishes. During pregnancy, this can cause severe abdominal pain.

Since constipation during this period is not uncommon, the problem should not be aggravated. It is worth giving up bread and flour products and eating more vegetables and fruits.

You should strictly not eat mushrooms purchased from your own hands - dry or pickled. However, during pregnancy it is better to avoid any mushrooms; their protein is too difficult to digest. You should also not eat raw eggs, sushi, or rare steaks.

During pregnancy, it is undesirable to eat fried and fatty foods, rich broths, and use large quantities of spices and seasonings.

Drinking regimen

You can drink without restrictions during pregnancy, if you do not forget about common sense. During this period, the woman’s circulatory system works with redoubled force to ensure normal nutrition for mother and child. If there is not enough fluid entering the body, it begins to function idle.

Edema in a pregnant woman is not a reason to prohibit her from drinking. Almost always they are associated with other reasons:

  1. Increased vascular permeability.
  2. Poor kidney function.
  3. Decreased protein levels in the blood.

Limiting drinking does not in any way affect the solution to this problem - liquid will be lost in the same volume. But there will be less of it in the body, which means that degenerative processes will begin to develop in the placenta, and the health and development of the child will suffer.

The expectant mother should be wary if the desire to drink becomes constant and obsessive, and her thirst is practically not quenched by anything. This condition is called polydipsia and indicates the onset of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy (gestational diabetes).

A situation where a woman drinks much more often and more than she urinates also requires close observation. If at the same time the body weight increases sharply, we are talking about the onset of gestosis - a dangerous complication of the second half of pregnancy.

Drinks during pregnancy

What can and cannot be drunk during pregnancy? Are there any requirements for drinks? During this period, it is better to drink green tea, compotes, fruit and vegetable juices, and fruit drinks. At home, you can make your own yoghurts and cook jelly.

You should not drink herbal teas without the permission of your doctor. Some herbs can cause uterine contractions or harm the development of the baby. Chamomile decoction is considered safe and can be consumed freely as a regular drink. It is not recommended to drink black tea and coffee due to its tonic effect.

During pregnancy, you should not drink alcohol, even in small quantities. Alcohol has a negative effect on the child and takes a long time to be removed from the mother’s blood. Also, at this time, you should not abuse energy drinks, since their effect on the baby’s development has not been studied by anyone.

In general, the diet during pregnancy is not too different from a balanced diet in everyday life. But the expectant mother must remember that the child’s health now depends on the quality of her food, and should not allow gross errors in the diet.

In the early stages, the developing embryo is most sensitive to adverse influences, so in the first weeks the inhibitions are especially strong. However, in the following months, right up to childbirth, they do not lose their relevance.

There are some very important things that pregnant women should not do in the early stages:

  • On many women's websites and forums you can find questions from girls who are frightened by the fact that they took alcohol on the day of conception or in the first days after it, not knowing about their pregnancy. Of course everyone knows that alcohol can fatally affect the development of the baby in the womb. However, nature is not so stupid and cruel. In the first 10-12 days after conception, the embryo has not yet begun to develop and does not receive nutrition from the mother’s blood while the fertilized egg is just being implanted into the wall of the uterus. Therefore, in the worst case, the fertilized egg will simply die and be excreted from the body during the next menstruation. But if it takes hold and the pregnancy continues to develop, then everything is fine. However, after this period of 10 days, the formation of tissues and organs of the fetus begins, so you need to stop drinking alcohol before the baby is born. This is especially important in the early stages, from 3 to 13 weeks, when all organs of the embryo are formed.
  • The second important point is the need to quit smoking if the woman smoked before pregnancy. It is better to do this before pregnancy so as not to burden the body with additional stress. But once you become pregnant, it’s not too late to do this. Smoking by the mother can “reward” the child with cancerous tumors or cause diseases of the central nervous system, sometimes leading to miscarriage.
  • Of course, you should try to eat as much as possible natural products.
  • Inhalation should be avoided toxic substances: paints, gasoline, dichlorvos, asphalt vapors, etc.
  • It is absolutely prohibited to conduct x-ray examinations, including x-ray teeth.
  • You can't get vaccinated.
  • It is advisable to avoid taking medicines, in case of serious health problems, carefully study the instructions for medications and select analogues that do not negatively affect pregnancy.
  • Not only are synthetic drugs dangerous, but also herbs. For example, parsley and oregano, consumed in large quantities, have an abortifacient effect.
  • Caution is also required when using aromatic oils, some of them can harm the development of the fetus. Thus, oils of tansy, wormwood, and oregano, when actively consumed, can cause miscarriage.
  • Lying in a bath with very hot water can cause pregnancy to end. If you decide to take a bath, do not forget that the water should be warm. You should not visit the bathhouse or sauna if you are not a regular fan of these procedures or if there is a threat of miscarriage. But if you are a long-time lover of steaming and breathing hot air and do not have health problems, then you do not need to deny yourself these health-improving activities. Just limit the time you spend in the steam room and lower the temperature in the sauna. And watch your body carefully.
  • Unfortunately, strong scandals are not so rarely the cause of early miscarriage. You need to protect yourself and not let others bully you. nerve.

Second trimester of pregnancy

This trimester is usually the calmest and easiest. Toxicosis, as a rule, has already passed, but troubles associated with an enlarged abdomen and compression of internal organs are still to come.

Dos and don'ts for pregnant women in the second trimester:

  • During this period, the woman regains libido, which often disappears in the first trimester. If there is no danger of miscarriage, then any positions and types sex and not contraindicated.
  • Alcohol It’s still better not to include it in your menu, but if you really want to, you can occasionally drink one glass of light wine or a glass of beer.
  • It is forbidden hunger at. Some women, worried about maintaining their figure, go on strict diets. But for the development of the child and the well-being of the pregnant woman, a lot of protein is needed. The menu should include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk.
  • If the uterus has increased tone, it is necessary to avoid lifting gravity more than 2 kg. But if the health of the expectant mother is in order, then weight up to 5 kg will not cause problems.
  • Fitness Not only is it not contraindicated, but it is also desirable if it does not cause negative reactions. However, you need to be careful when choosing exercises. It is better to postpone horse riding and diving.

Third trimester of pregnancy

In the last trimester, the belly of a pregnant woman reaches a large size, the internal organs are greatly compressed, which can cause a lot of inconvenience.

  • One of the most common and unpleasant consequences of organ compression is heartburn. To avoid it, it is recommended not to drink carbonated drinks and not to overeat. It is better to eat small portions, but more often, than rarely and plentifully. After eating, you should not take a horizontal position for 1-2 hours.
  • Recommendations for fitness and wearing heaviness are becoming more strict. You should completely avoid weightlifting and avoid carrying bags weighing more than 2 kg.
  • It is forbidden overwork and stay upright for a long time.
  • During this time, you should avoid wearing shoes. high heels due to the risk of ligament damage, back pain and premature birth. At the same time, flat soles contribute to the development of flat feet. Shoes should be stable; a small wide heel 2-3 cm high is ideal.

Folk signs

People have long had a set of rules for pregnant women. Many folk superstitions about what pregnant women should not do have no logical explanation. However, there are many that contain rational grain:

  • “If a pregnant woman clutches her face in fear, the child will have a birthmark on her face.” The birthmark can be dealt with, but a miscarriage or premature birth can cause severe fright.
  • “A pregnant woman should not eat in secret: the child will be born timid or a thief.” Eating secretly indicates either serious dietary restrictions, or a pregnant woman’s addiction to junk food, or overeating. All this, of course, is not good for either the woman or the baby in her womb.
  • “A pregnant woman should not look at terrible animals and freaks: the child will be a freak.” The emotional state of the mother is important for the development of the child, even when he is still inside the uterus. It is advisable to avoid stress and negative emotions.
  • “You can’t swear in front of a pregnant woman: the baby will be born with a birthmark.” Here we are also talking about the dangers of stress.
  • “You can’t talk about the day and hour of birth.” Indeed, it is best to avoid disclosing this information or even reporting a time later than it actually is. This way you can save yourself from intrusive questions in the run-up to childbirth.
  • “A pregnant woman should not play with a cat, otherwise the baby will have many enemies.” If a woman has not interacted with cats before pregnancy, she runs the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis through feces. And this disease can cause deformities in the fetus.

What can and cannot be done by women during pregnancy? What habits should they get rid of as quickly as possible so as not to harm the health of the unborn child? How should their diet change while pregnant? What should pregnant women not do according to folk wisdom? Which sports are good for the health of a young mother, and which ones can cause her to have a miscarriage or cause premature birth? The answers to all these questions can be found in this article.

What should pregnant women not do in the early stages?

The first and most important thing that expectant mothers should give up is the consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Starting from 3-4 weeks and ending at 12-13, the formation of the baby’s internal organs occurs. It is at this time that it is especially important to try to limit the entry of harmful substances into the mother’s body in order to preserve the health and sometimes the life of the baby.

Smoking and drinking “fun” drinks in the early stages can lead to early toxicosis and severe pregnancy. In addition, these habits can cause the birth of a child with heart defects and other health problems. Thus, a baby may be born with incorrect body proportions. Smoking and alcohol consumed by the mother in the first trimester can cause strabismus, as well as drooping eyelids in the baby. Children whose mothers drank or smoked are usually born with low immunity and poor memory. They are usually far behind their peers in development.

Additionally Women carrying a baby should avoid sports training. They can cause spontaneous miscarriage.

It is contraindicated for expectant mothers to be nervous. They need to look at all life's adversities with a smile. Don't worry about trifles. If something serious happened, then you should try not to think about it or, as psychologists advise, try to find something good in what happened.

The health and life of the baby depends on the mental state of the expectant mother. She should remember that all the neuroses and stress that she experiences in the early stages are transferred to him. Due to the frequent experiences of a woman during pregnancy, her baby, at best, may be born weakened and nervous. At worst, she may “lose” the child while she is still pregnant.

We need to change our daily routine. If before pregnancy a young woman slept less than 6 hours a day, then it’s time to change that. While carrying a baby, the expectant mother needs to rest as much as possible and should not be overtired. She should sleep at least 9 hours a day.

A girl “in pregnancy” should stop using all kinds of medications, unless, of course, her life depends on them. We are talking about cases where a pregnant woman has a serious illness in which maintaining her health depends on taking certain medications. You should check with your doctor about how to continue to use them correctly so that the harm from them to the baby is minimal.

Information If you have a cold, expectant mothers are prohibited from using vasodilator drops to ease their breathing. You can't use them with antibiotics either. Treatment for any disease should only be prescribed by a doctor. Under no circumstances should pregnant girls self-medicate.

Also, expectant mothers should. Now it must be exclusively correct. No fast food, soda or chips. From now on, only healthy food.


  • A pregnant girl should not lie in a hot bath or go to a bathhouse or sauna.
  • Pregnant girls should not do repairs in the apartment or anywhere else. They must shift this responsibility to someone else.
  • The same can be said about general cleaning. It can only be carried out together with someone, while a woman carrying a baby should try to do only some simple work. It shouldn't require much effort from her.

If you need to clean up, but there is no one to help, then you need to take the following measures. First, choose a detergent with a mild odor. Secondly, be sure to wear rubber gloves when using it. And thirdly, never forget to periodically ventilate the room being cleaned.

  • It is prohibited for expectant mothers to beat out carpets. This action requires them to make sudden and impetuous movements, and this is by no means useful for pregnant girls, one might even say, on the contrary, harmful.
  • Do not climb onto high surfaces. For example, it is not recommended to climb onto a chair. A girl carrying a child may feel dizzy, which can cause her to lose her balance, lose her balance and fall. The consequences can be tragic. Therefore, she should entrust painting of floors, walls, ceilings, as well as washing windows to someone else.
  • Lifting heavy objects is not allowed under any circumstances. The weight of a bag or any other item that a pregnant woman lifts should not exceed 2-3 kg.

Rearranging the furniture in the house should be done by the husband, friend, father-in-law, but not by the future mother. This is too much of a burden for her. This type of activity may cause her to bleed due to placental abruption, which could lead to later or premature labor.

  • Pregnant women should not sit motionless for a long time. This happens, for example, when a woman sews or knits. These activities are undoubtedly very exciting, however, because of them, her body is constantly under tension. The joints become stiff, the back (most often the lumbar region) begins to hurt greatly. Because of this, blood circulation deteriorates, the amount of oxygen entering the woman’s body, and then the baby’s, decreases. Because of this, fetal hypoxia may occur, and the woman will have to undergo treatment in a hospital. To prevent this from happening, expectant mothers should observe the following conditions during such activities:
  1. while knitting or sewing, sit upright, while leaning on the back of a chair or armchair;
  2. Do not cross your legs under any circumstances;
  3. Every 40 minutes get up and do a warm-up for about 5-10 minutes or just walk around the room.

What not to do in the first trimester (weeks 1-13)

What pregnant women should not do in the second semester (14-26 weeks)

What pregnant women should not do in the third semester (27-40 weeks)

Drink "fun" drinks, smoke cigarettes or weed, use drugs.

Wear uncomfortable and tight clothes.

Lie on your back.

Dye your hair with low-quality dye. The same can be said for painting your nails with cheap polish.

There are flour, sweet and fried. If you really want them, then you need to consume them in very small quantities.

Fly on an airplane.

Eat poorly processed foods, as well as dirty vegetables or fruits.

Carry heavy bags.

Feel nervous or panic.

Take medications.

Do strenuous exercise.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Stay in rooms with people with measles or rubella, if the pregnant woman has not had them before.

Consume foods high in calories.

Do physical exercise.

Take a hot bath.

Drink herbal teas and herbal decoctions.

Drinking, smoking, or being in the same room as smokers.

Have unprotected sex with different partners. In some cases, intimate relations with a regular partner may be prohibited. This happens if there is a threat of miscarriage.

Lie in a hot bath, especially with essential oils in it. You are also not allowed to go to the bathhouse, solarium or sauna.

Take medications without a doctor's prescription.

Pregnant women are not allowed to be nervous.

Experience stressful conditions.

Walk in high heels.

Lift weights.

Make love if pregnancy occurs with complications.

Pregnant women are contraindicated from lifting weights.

Clean the litter box after cats.

You should also not have contact with sick people.

Wear uncomfortable clothes.

Do fluorography or x-rays.

Listen to loud music.

Eating poorly.

What should pregnant girls not eat?

“Eat whatever you want. Since the body requires some kind of product or drink, it means that it needs it, so you can eat everything without restrictions!” - This is an extremely incorrect statement. Pregnant women need to strictly monitor what they consume, otherwise they can greatly harm the baby’s health. So, let's look at what you can't eat during pregnancy, and also what you can, but in moderation.

Information Under no circumstances should you eat stale or expired foods, dirty vegetables or fruits, as well as meat and fish that have not undergone proper heat treatment.

What can you eat during pregnancy, but be careful?

  1. Chocolate (no more than 20-30 grams per day).
  2. Butter.
  3. Coffee (1 cup per day) or tea (2 mugs per day).
  4. Fatty fish (no more than 300 grams per 7 days).
  5. Cod liver (you can eat a small piece once a week).
  6. Salt (4-6 grams per day).
  7. Seafood.
  8. Fatty meat.
  9. Fast food (once a month).
  10. Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup and horseradish.

Women during pregnancy are prohibited from engaging in any active sports. Thus, they cannot play football, volleyball or basketball, or skate or roller skate. The only sport that is not prohibited for pregnant women is swimming. Although there are some limitations here too.

During pregnancy, you should not stretch your abdominal muscles, otherwise uterine tone may occur or a miscarriage or premature birth may occur. Therefore, pregnant women are prohibited from doing any exercises that strain their abdominal muscles. Let's take a closer look at which of them pregnant women should avoid:

  • squats;
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • arm presses;
  • any abdominal exercises;
  • twisting;
  • jumping;
  • lunges;
  • exercises performed while lying on your back;
  • lifting weights.

Additionally It is not recommended to exercise during pregnancy in the first trimester! Only starting from the second you can start thinking about doing any exercises, but still, before you start doing them, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you exactly what a pregnant woman can do and what she cannot do. If the pregnancy is difficult, then he can prohibit any type of training and prescribe complete rest to the girl carrying the baby.

What should you not do after conception according to folk wisdom?

There are many signs that can somehow change fate. For example, it is believed that if a person accidentally breaks a mirror, then now he will encounter only misfortunes on his way. One more thing: if a girl looks like her dad and not her mom, then she will live a happy life.

The signs were invented a long time ago, no one knows what caused them, however, many still continue to believe them. So, let’s look at what, according to folk superstitions, women “in position” are not allowed to do:

  • look at deformities, otherwise the child will be ugly;
  • buy things for the baby before his birth, as evil spirits may want to take them away. To achieve their goal, they can try in every possible way to get rid of the baby who is still in the womb;
  • stand or sit on the threshold. According to our ancestors, the threshold represents the boundary between the external world and the internal world. Sitting or standing on it, you can receive a curse from otherworldly spirits;
  • If you are pregnant, you should not play with cats. In ancient times, it was believed that because of such games, the baby would later have enemies who would deceive him in every possible way using cunning. Our ancestors also believed that playing with cats could cause a baby to grow subcutaneous hair, which would subsequently interfere with his sleep;
  • tell others about your pregnancy in the early stages;
  • look at the carrion and also spit on it, otherwise the baby will have an unpleasant odor coming from his mouth;
  • in a sitting position, cross your legs. This can cause bow-legs or clubfoot in the baby;
  • step over brooms and logs. It is believed that because of this, the brownie may be offended by the pregnant girl and send misfortune to her;
  • According to popular belief, a pregnant girl should not eat red berries. Ancient people believed that because of them a child could develop scrofula;
  • cut hair;
  • beat animals, otherwise the child will be born nervous;
  • blow on the fire, otherwise during childbirth it will be difficult for the baby to breathe;
  • comb your hair on Fridays. According to the ancients, this would make childbirth difficult;
  • attend a funeral, go to a cemetery. This sign is explained by the fact that as long as the baby is in the mother’s belly, he does not have a guardian angel, and therefore evil spirits can try to take his soul for themselves;
  • eat fish. As our ancestors claimed, because of it a baby can be born dumb;
  • knit, as this may cause the baby to become entangled in the umbilical cord. Any knot tied by a pregnant woman can block the baby’s path to the world of the living.

What is contraindicated for pregnant women on Easter?

  • Firstly, pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. There is a memorial week for this.
  • Secondly, do any housework. Thus, it is prohibited to sew, wash, cook, clean, wash, vacuum, or plant anything. Swimming is also not allowed on this holiday.
  • Thirdly, indulge in lovemaking with your husband or any other man.

What should pregnant women not do on Good Friday?

On Good Friday it is not allowed to sing, dance, have fun and shout, swear, drink alcohol, or make love with a partner. On this day, instead of all of the above, you need to think about your life, as well as what Jesus Christ did for people.

Just like on Easter, pregnant women should not do housework under any circumstances, and swimming is prohibited. On this day, girls carrying a baby should spend time with their family reading the Bible and praying.

Ordinary people are forbidden to eat and drink until the service of Vespers. Only after the shroud is taken out are they allowed to eat some bread and drink water. This is due to the fact that Good Friday is considered the strictest day during the entire Lent. Pregnant women do not need to “mock” their bodies in this way. Some people believe that not only should they fast, but they shouldn’t even go to church. However, these are all the prejudices of older people. If the expectant mother wants, then she can go to the service.