What are the benefits of fish oil for pregnant women? Omega-3 for pregnant women Omega 3 at what week of pregnancy to drink

Caring for the health of mother and child is the most important basis for building a healthy society.

One of the prerequisites for the birth of healthy children is proper and balanced nutrition of the mother during pregnancy.

Exactly rational nutrition of a pregnant woman ensures the normal course of pregnancy and reduces the risk of abnormalities in fetal development.

An extremely important role is played during pregnancy and the formation of almost all organs and systems of the newborn. polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) type omega-3.

Omega-3 belong to essential (irreplaceable) fatty acids.

They are not synthesized in the human body and it is extremely important to receive them daily in sufficient quantities and in a balanced composition.

According to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Omega-3 deficiency for the majority of children and adults in Russia is about 80%.

Published results from a 15-year study in the UK clearly showed that mothers who consumed omega-3 fatty acids in their diet during pregnancy had children are born with higher mental development.

In addition, the coordination and motor skills of these children are above average.

Even their language and communication skills are better developed.

For 15 years, Professor Jean Golding from the University of Bristol conducted research in which 14,000 pregnant women took part.

Professor Golding also observed the children of these women, and in particular their mental development.

Another study was conducted by Dr. Joseph Hiblin from the US National Institutes of Health.

Based on his research, he came to a clear conclusion:

    A mother's use of a diet enriched with omega-3 acids during pregnancy makes the child smarter.

According to him, Omega-3 improves brain function child's mental, language and motor skills.

Another important observation that Professor Golding and Dr Hiblin came to is that children whose mothers had a chronic omega-3 deficiency in their diet during pregnancy experienced difficulties communicating.

Some of the children even have pathological problems in establishing and maintaining contacts.

This is of particular concern because pathological communication problems in childhood lead to communication problems in adulthood.

What is omega-3?

These are polyunsaturated fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which are produced from the fat of deep-sea fish and other fish species.

Goat's milk and kumiss are rich sources of omega-3.

Their sources are also plants, mainly flaxseed, as well as nuts (walnuts, pine, etc.).

Omega-3 acids have a significant effect on the brain.

Since our brain is 60% fat, consumption of omega-3 acids improves the mental development of children.

But not only participation in the construction of structural elements of cells of the nervous system is an important factor.

The results showed that an omega-3 dietary supplement given to piglets resulted in a doubling of the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the anterior cortex.

Serotonin is a substance that is a chemical transmitter of impulses between nerve cells of the human brain, it controls a person's mood and emotions, and also appetite and sleep.

So, it is absolutely obvious that it is necessary to enrich the diet of all people, and in particular the diet of pregnant women, with products containing omega-3 acids.

Nutritionists recommend including 2 tablespoons of flaxseed or pumpkin seeds, 1 tablespoon of olive oil (a source of omega-6 fatty acids) in your diet daily, including fish in your diet at least 2 times a week, and drinking goat’s milk and kumiss.

But nutritionists say that this is not enough.

It is necessary to periodically use dietary supplements containing omega-3 acids.

For pregnant women, the need for micronutrients, including omega-3 (PUFA), is 25% higher than for non-pregnant women of the same age.

This is due to the fact that the mother must provide not only for herself, but also for the child.

The results of multicenter studies provide evidence for the use of Omega-3 PUFAs for treatment And prevention obstetric complications such as

Accordingly, the above minimum will have to be multiplied several times.

The NSP company supplies the Russian market with dietary supplements containing omega-3 acids called

which has the following properties:

The dietary supplement is available in capsules (60 capsules per jar), each of which contains 1,400 mg of fish oil with a guaranteed content of polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are of particular value.

Many women are interested in why the doctor prescribes Omega-3 during pregnancy and even when planning it. What's special about fish oil? What does the above substance affect? Let's try to figure it out.

What is Omega-3?

This substance is a type of DHA and EPA, which are produced from the fat of fish that live at significant water depths.

In addition to this natural source, Omega-3 is found in goat milk, koumiss, flaxseed, pine nuts and walnuts.

Scientists have proven that it has a powerful beneficial effect on the human brain, since the latter consists of more than 60% fat. Therefore, Omega-3 can improve a person’s mental performance.

For an ordinary person, in order to meet their body’s daily need for fish oil, nutritionists advise daily consumption of foods such as flax seed or pumpkin seed in an amount of about two tablespoons, and a tablespoon of olive oil. Twice a week you need to include fish in your diet. It is also recommended to regularly consume kumis and goat milk.

For women in this position, this will not be enough. The requirement for Omega-3 for pregnant women is at least 300 PLMA. Therefore, the expectant mother is advised to take additional fish oil.

The benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy

It is known that for pregnant women a special role is played. In this case, it is necessary that polyunsaturated fatty acids be present in the pregnant woman’s diet.

It is worth noting that it is important to take Omega-3 during and during its course. These substances are not synthesized in the human body and are irreplaceable.

Omega-3s are especially important when planning pregnancy. Taking the above fish oil during this period helps replenish the reserves of this substance in the woman’s body. Omega-3 performs quite important functions:

  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • calms the nerves and its system;
  • reduces platelet aggregation;
  • increases performance;
  • has a positive effect on vitality;
  • ensures the process of producing anti-inflammatory prostaglandins;
  • promotes optimal functioning of the retina and brain.

Omega-3s are also extremely important for pregnant women:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent the development of premature labor;
  • reduce the risk of developing toxicosis in the later stages of pregnancy;
  • prevent the occurrence of depression in pregnant women.

Preeclampsia or late toxicosis is a rather dangerous disease for expectant mothers. It is accompanied by severe edema, high blood pressure, damage to the placenta, nervous system, liver and even kidneys. With prolonged gestosis, little blood enters the placenta. The result of this is tissue starvation and lack of nutrients.

Fish oil also has a positive effect in late toxicosis:

  • protects the cells that line the vessels from the inside from destruction and damage;
  • affects stress hormones, as a result of which norepinephrine becomes the main one, which is not as dangerous as adrenaline;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • helps normalize blood flow;
  • effectively resists depression and prevents the development of neurosis in pregnant women.

In addition, doctors note that in some cases the immune system of the expectant mother begins to actively attack the placenta. Omega-3s have the ability to inhibit the over-functioning of the immune system.

The effect of Omega-3 on child development

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have the following effects on fetal development:

  • contribute to the overall strengthening of his health;
  • prevent digestive system disorders;
  • protect from the effects of adverse factors.

In addition, Omega-3 contributes to the normal preservation of the child’s retina. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that expectant mothers take fish oil while pregnant. In addition, in the first months of a baby’s life, pediatricians prescribe this substance to prevent rickets.

The best remedy for pregnancy depression: Omega-3

It is known that every day a person faces various types of stress. If there is an Omega-3 deficiency in his body, then the depressive state simply stretches over time.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent negative emotions from completely taking over your mood. Omega-3s do not allow a person, including a pregnant woman, to dwell on the bad. This is a reasonable alternative for preventing depression in expectant mothers.

Why is a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids dangerous for pregnant women?

A lack of Omega-3 for pregnant women threatens the following health problems:

  • premature labor of various origins;
  • habitual miscarriage;
  • provoking the development of placental insufficiency;
  • intrauterine growth retardation.

In addition, Omega-3s have a preventive effect on thrombotic complications and postpartum depression.

"Omega-3 Doppelhertz" during pregnancy

This dietary supplement is a combination supplement and contains fish oil from northern salmon. "Omega-3 Doppelhertz" during pregnancy has the following effect on the body of the mother and her baby:

  • hypolipidemic;
  • restorative;
  • antioxidant;
  • membrane stabilizing;
  • hypotensive;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiplatelet.

One capsule of Doppelhertz-Active Omega-3 contains 24% of the daily dose of fish oil and 50%. This drug reduces the risk of problems with the heart and its system, and also normalizes microcirculation, cerebral blood flow and improves brain functionality.

Typically, Doppelhertz-Active Omega-3 for pregnant women is prescribed one capsule per day. The duration of the course of taking the above drug is individual.

Vitamins "Vitrum Omega-3" during pregnancy

The above preparation contains vitamin E and decosehexaenoic and eicosapantaenoic acids. The last two belong to the Omega-3 group.

"Vitrum Omega-3 Cardio" during pregnancy has the following effects on the body of the expectant mother:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • takes part in breathing processes;
  • enhances the activity of membrane receptors;
  • improves lipoprotein metabolism;
  • regulates the exchange of magnesium and calcium ions in myocardial cells;
  • protects cells from oxidation products.

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women individually, but not more than three capsules per day.

"Omega-3 Trimester" during pregnancy

This complex is notable for the fact that it is intended specifically for pregnant women. It takes into account the needs of the body of a woman preparing to become a mother, and contains Omega-3 acids, folic acid and vitamin D. According to doctors, during pregnancy and preparation for it, these three nutrients must be taken additionally.

The basis of the drug is Icelandic fish oil - an organic source of Omega-3 and vitamin D. It also contains folic acid, vitamin E and vitamin B12. The union of these components brings the following benefits to mother and baby:

  • harmonizes a woman's reproductive health, increasing the chances of conception
  • lays the foundation for the child’s mental and physical health
  • helps a woman cope with anxiety, mood swings, and late toxicosis
  • increases the elasticity of tissues, facilitating the process of childbirth and preventing ruptures during pushing.

The complex will be useful both during pregnancy and in the process of preparing for conception and breastfeeding.

No one has long doubted the benefits of taking vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. They are needed for the proper development of the baby, a successful pregnancy, and normal childbirth. But Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are neither vitamins nor minerals. However, they are definitely necessary during pregnancy. Why? Let's talk more.

For the health and intelligence of the child

Our brain, nervous system and eyes are 30% Omega-3. But at the same time, our body cannot synthesize these substances on its own, so it “extracts” them from other sources. During pregnancy, all organs and systems of the baby are laid and formed, and, naturally, the lack of “building materials” at this stage is simply unacceptable. The consequence of Omega-3 deficiency during fetal development can be hyperactivity, emotional instability, and decreased cognitive abilities.

But there is also good news. According to research conducted in the UK, with sufficient Omega-3 intake during pregnancy, children had a much greater potential for intellectual development. Logical and figurative thinking, gross and fine motor skills - in all these parameters, children from the control group developed faster and showed better results.

In addition to building the brain and nervous system, Omega-3s are necessary for the formation of immunity, the proper functioning of the digestive system, and the normal development of the retina. According to studies, children who did not receive a sufficient amount of Omega-3 PUFAs in the embryonic period are more susceptible to allergic and atopic diseases, and they have a higher risk of developing hypertension.

For a safe pregnancy

In many countries around the world, special studies have been conducted on the effect of Omega-3 on pregnancy. As a result, it was found that taking Omega-3 reduces certain risks of pregnancy:

  • spontaneous abortion and premature birth. Omega-3s regulate the production of prostaglandins, which in excess cause uterine contractions and can lead to miscarriage or premature birth 1 ;
  • development of late toxicosis (gestosis), preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • birth of a low birth weight child;
  • development of thrombosis and blood clot formation;
  • increased blood pressure and development of hypertension;
  • the occurrence of depression (including postpartum depression).

In addition, Omega-3 strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, supports vision and immunity, improves brain function, and helps reduce fatigue.

In 2017, scientists made a very relevant discovery for expectant mothers. According to the study, the higher the concentration of Omega-3 in the blood during pregnancy, the lower the risk of gaining excess weight during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

How to provide your body with Omega-3 during pregnancy?

Many women become pregnant already with a deficiency of Omega-3 in the body. By the second trimester, when fetal development requires a large amount of Omega-3, this deficiency in a woman’s body intensifies. Therefore, it is important to ensure sufficient Omega-3 intake from the first days of pregnancy. The best option is to take it before conception, so that the necessary reserves have time to accumulate in the body.

However, there are nuances in obtaining Omega-3 from natural foods that you need to be aware of, especially for a pregnant woman.

There are 11 Omega-3 acids in total, but the most important for humans are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) plays a slightly lesser role. When we talk about the beneficial properties of Omega-3s, their positive effects on the brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems, we are talking about DHA and EPA. Plant products contain mainly alpha-linolenic acid, which in our body must be converted into docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid. Our bodies are able to absorb about 5-7% of alpha-linoleic acid from plant foods, so plant sources are not the most effective means of providing yourself with Omega-3.

Fish oil contains easily digestible and undeniably beneficial DHA and EPA, however, there are some “buts” here too.

Certain types of fish, such as salmon, are currently not wild-caught but rather farmed. Moreover, the basis of their diet is not marine flora and fauna, but feed. As a result, farmed fish contains little Omega-3, although it is still fatty and tasty, and is also affordable.

Therefore, the most environmentally friendly and clean sources of Omega-3 are small fish - anchovies and sardines. For example, Azov anchovies, known to us as anchovies, contain approximately 23-28% fat, and almost all of it is Omega-3 PUFAs. For Peruvian anchovies this figure is even higher - 40-60%. And due to the fact that Peruvian anchovies feed mainly on plant plankton, they do not accumulate heavy metals (unlike large predator fish). By the way, it is precisely these Omega-3 PUFAs - that is, obtained from Peruvian anchovies - that are part of the "" complex.

Each "" capsule contains Omega-3 in the dosage recommended for pregnant women - 200 mg (in terms of DHA).

It is worth noting that “” is a whole complex of useful substances to support mother and baby:

  • Contains 11 vitamins and 4 minerals in the required dosage.
  • Folates (vitamin B 9) are present in two forms: “regular” folic acid and its highly active form, methyltetrahydrofolate (Extrafolate TM). In most vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, B 9 is presented only in the form of “regular” folic acid. In its pure form, this form of the vitamin is not used by our body; it must additionally convert folic acid into its active form. Unfortunately, in approximately 5-11% of women, due to genetic characteristics, this function is impaired. Methyltetrahydrofolate is an active form of folic acid, which is immediately ready to perform its biological role and does not require additional effort from the body.
  • Contains iron in liposomal form (Lipofer TM), which does not cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, liposomal iron is absorbed by the body better than traditional forms, for example, pyrophosphate and fumarate, which makes it possible to more effectively provide a woman with iron.
  • Contains iodine, a sufficient supply of which is a prerequisite for the full development of the child and normal childbirth. Unfortunately, most of our country is iodine deficient, so during pregnancy and breastfeeding a woman needs an additional source of iodine.

"" can be taken during the period of planning conception, throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding to provide mother and baby with all the necessary substances.

During breastfeeding, Omega-3 will be actively released into milk, since in the first year of a child’s life they are especially important. Therefore, it is very important to take Omega-3 supplements after childbirth, throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

Currently, on the shelves of pharmacies and stores for expectant mothers there is a real “sea” of all kinds of dietary supplements, vitamin complexes and herbal preparations. Each pharmaceutical company claims that its product is the most important and irreplaceable, that without its pills or drops it is impossible to bear a full-fledged healthy child. This is not entirely true: most of the bright packaging is a banal way to lure money, but among them there are also truly necessary drugs, tested by time and millions of users. Omega-3 is one of these.

Omega-3: composition and release form

Omega-3 is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid.

REFERENCE! Polyunsaturated fatty acids belong to the group of dietary fats necessary for the human body, which it cannot produce itself. They lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels; protect cell membrane lipids from oxidation; prevent the development of diabetes; have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails; prevent the penetration of aggressive foreign cells into the body. The required daily intake is 10-15 grams.

The most popular and optimal source of Omega-3 is fish oil. It should be stored in the refrigerator or a dark, cool place (it oxidizes in the sun and heat).

  • Prenatal + Omega-3 (this is a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids designed for pregnant and lactating women);
  • Vitrum Cardio Omega-3 (a source of not only the necessary acids, but also vitamin E);
  • Doppelhertz Omega-3 (made from Arctic salmon oil);
  • Omega-3 Trimester (includes not only Omega-3, but also folic acid, vitamins A, D, E. Created on the basis of Icelandic fish oil).

These drugs are absolutely safe, are of natural origin and their effectiveness has been proven by numerous studies. Admission - in courses of 3 months.

ATTENTION! If the dosage form contains 1000 mg of Omega-3, then 1 capsule should be taken half an hour after meals (3 times a day). Be sure to drink it with water.

Products that contain a high percentage of Omega-3 should also be indicated. In the first place is sea fish: tuna, sardines, mackerel, salmon and others. These are nuts (pine and walnuts), flaxseed oil, sprouted wheat, koumiss, goat milk, coconut pulp, chia seeds. Nutritionists advise consuming at least 1 tablespoon of olive oil or 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds, a glass of kumiss, and a piece of tofu cheese per day.

What does Omega-3 give to a pregnant woman?

Pregnant (as well as lactating) women should use this supplement, since it plays a huge role in the formation of organs and vital systems of the fetus. According to studies, children whose mothers regularly took Omega-3 are distinguished by high mental abilities, well-developed motor skills and coordination, language ability and high communication skills. It is especially important to take the supplement in the first and third trimester of pregnancy (and in the first six months of the baby’s life). The supplement has a positive effect on the child’s retina and prevents digestive system disorders. Another huge plus for the expectant mother: Omega-3 prevents sad thoughts from taking over the mood and focusing on the bad. Taking Omega-3 helps prevent thromboembolic complications, early birth, and miscarriages.

Why is Omega-3 deficiency dangerous in pregnant women?

Omega-3 deficiency is one of the prerequisites for the development of such troubles as postpartum depression. And during pregnancy, a woman’s mood will change dramatically: outbursts of causeless rage, depression, and self-rejection may occur. The reason is the dysfunction of brain neurons. External symptoms are also unpleasant. The sebaceous glands begin to work incorrectly, which is why the pregnant woman’s skin dries and peels, dandruff appears on the head, muscle weakness and joint pain prevent the woman from leading a normal life, memory deteriorates and attention is distracted. Immunity drops significantly - and this is very dangerous for a pregnant woman, especially in spring and autumn, during outbreaks and epidemics of ARVI.

REFERENCE! Japanese researchers have proven that a small amount of fish oil per day helps patients even with mental disorders.

How to take Omega-3 correctly?

Both doctors and nutritionists are unanimous: you cannot get enough Omega-3 from everyday food. Firstly, current food is not of good quality, and secondly, in order to get the required dose of fatty acids, it is necessary, for example, to eat 3 kilograms of tuna every day. This is hardly possible. Therefore, it is necessary to take additional Omega-3: in liquid form or capsules. It is best to do this during meals or immediately after - this reduces the risk of gastrointestinal disorders.

Contraindications to the use of Omega-3

There is nothing unambiguous in nature: and a useful substance can turn into poison if used uncontrollably or without taking into account contraindications. Omega-3 substances also have them. A pregnant woman should not use it if she has:

  1. Hypercalcemia
  2. Hypersensitivity to Omega-3 or allergy to fish products
  3. Kidney failure
  4. Liver pathologies
  5. Endocrine system disorders, thyroid diseases
  6. Active tuberculosis
  7. Stones in the bladder or gall bladder (bile ducts)
  8. Stagnation of bile

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

Polyunsaturated fatty acids accumulate in the body very slowly, so it is difficult to achieve an excess, let alone an overdose of these compounds. But it’s quite possible if you take high doses of Omega-3 for a long time. And an overdose will be much more dangerous than a lack of the substance. During the period of bearing a child, a woman should not violate the dosage regimen suggested by the doctor, otherwise, in addition to symptoms of intoxication such as nausea, headache, gastrointestinal disorders and chest pain, blood thinning will gradually occur. And this is fraught with bleeding that is difficult to stop (even an ordinary cut will pose a danger).
The supplement is compatible with other medications, but taking additional vitamin complexes should be agreed with your doctor to avoid unnecessary stress on the liver. In addition, fish oil should be carefully combined with blood thinning medications.

REFERENCE! There are currently no similar drugs that contain the same components as Omega 3.


Civilized people always take responsibility for their health. A woman takes on an additional burden when carrying a child, so taking care of her health should come first among all other matters and worries. Be prudent and attentive - and motherhood will bring you a lot of joy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

Thank you, the article is great! The doctor prescribed Omegamama to me, but I didn’t think it was so useful and important. My general condition has improved significantly. Skin and hair glow. Super!

From Guest

Thank you, the article is great! The doctor prescribed Omegamama to me, but I didn’t think it was so useful and important. Now I'll drink)

From Guest

I drank Omegamama “9 months” during pregnancy. It contains the same fish oil, but there is no unpleasant smell or taste at all. With my terrible toxicosis, this was very important. Plus the dosage is convenient - 2 tablets per day. During pregnancy you need to take so many vitamins that your head is spinning, but with these vitamins it’s easier. I am now a nursing mother of a healthy baby :) We can say that the vitamins did their job! Omegamama is also prescribed for those at risk of postpartum depression, so the benefit goes not only to the baby, but also to the mother

Many women who are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant are interested in the question, why do obstetricians and gynecologists prescribe Omega-3? Why should men drink it additionally? Which drugs should I choose? Expectant mothers experience a lack of nutrients in their bodies. Fatty acids are no exception. In what cases is it recommended to take polyunsaturated fatty acids, are there any contraindications?

Omega-3: composition and release form

Omega-3 is a complex preparation containing several types of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid) and D-alpha tocopherol. Substances are essential for our body and are not produced independently.

The product is available in plastic or metal bottles with a volume of 30 to 90 ml. The medication is recommended by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for use by pregnant women. Omega-3 is produced by many manufacturers. The most popular are Doppelgerz, Cod Liver Oil and Teva.

Mechanism of action

Omega-3 during pregnancy has the following effects on the pregnant woman's body:

  • immunostimulating;
  • antihypertensive;
  • hypocholesterolemic;
  • hypolipidemic;
  • antiatherosclerotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipsoriatic.

These actions are carried out due to the integration of vitamin E and acids included in the product into the metabolic processes of the body. The drug also has a beneficial effect on the fetus:

  • helps preserve the baby's retina;
  • ensures normal development of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Can pregnant women take omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Typically, the drug is prescribed to prevent rickets and strengthen the immune system for frequent colds. Omega-3 is taken from the planning stage of pregnancy to the end of breastfeeding.

The instructions indicate that during pregnancy the drug should be used with caution. This is due to the high probability of overdose. The appointment should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician; the woman should strictly adhere to the regimen.

In what cases is it prescribed?

The dietary supplement should be used if there is a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body. Typically, Omega-3 is used from the period of pregnancy planning until the end of breastfeeding for the following purposes:

  • reducing the risk of complications during labor;
  • prevention of the occurrence of pathologies in the cardiovascular and central nervous systems;
  • compensation for the lack of PUFAs in the mother’s body during breastfeeding;
  • increasing the beneficial properties of mother's milk.

This drug with a large number of vitamins also helps:

  • normalize sleep;
  • increase endurance to stress;
  • improve the condition of skin, nails and hair.

Are there any contraindications?

There is no specific list of contraindications to the use of Omega-3. However, it is recommended to take the drug with caution in the following conditions:

  • individual hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • severe diseases of internal organs in the stage of decompensation (especially the liver);
  • systemic autoimmune diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract in the pathological process;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies in the acute phase.

What is the danger of omega-3 acid deficiency during pregnancy?

Omega-3 fatty acids have many positive effects on the expectant mother's body. With their deficiency, the development of various diseases and conditions is possible:

  1. Increased risk (9 times) of developing preeclampsia (a form of late toxicosis). This is a rather severe complication of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, characterized by the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure and proteinuria.
  2. Eclampsia. It has been proven that a deficiency of essential fatty acids increases the risk of developing eclampsia, a severe convulsive condition leading to fetal death, by 6 times.
  3. Depression and other mental disorders.
  4. Disruption of the process of formation and development of fetal organs. First of all, the cardiovascular and nervous systems and the gastrointestinal tract will suffer. Children who were deficient in these vitamins will lag behind their peers in intellectual development in the future.
  5. Miscarriage (2 or more miscarriages in a row).
  6. Delayed growth and development of the fetus.
  7. The appearance of fetoplacental insufficiency (FPI). A severe pathology in which the volume of blood delivered to the fetus gradually decreases. As a result, irreversible destructive-atrophic processes occur (primarily in the brain and liver).

To avoid the development of these conditions, you need to take Omega-3 throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy. It is also important to consume vitamins that saturate the body with PUFAs and create a favorable background for the growth and development of the baby during preconception preparation (see also:). It is better for pregnant women not to take risks and consult with their gynecologist.

The following pathologies can be identified that cause psycho-emotional discomfort due to a lack of Omega-3 components:

  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • dry skin;
  • increased brittleness of nails and hair;
  • myalgia and arthralgia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness, general malaise;
  • constant constipation.

Application regimen and dosage

The daily norm of polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy is 3-5 grams. It is very inconvenient to consume and calculate the required amount in products containing the necessary ingredients. The drug was developed for this purpose.

The norm for Omega-3 is 0.3 grams every day. The recommended daily dose is 2 capsules, which should be consumed once a day after meals. Recommended doses may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. For example, for Doppelhertz it is 3 capsules per day.

In addition to Omega-3, there is also Omega-6 and Omega-9. They contain a different amount of acids from the original version, but their dosage regimen is similar. Also, when taking Omega-3, you should remember that the trimester does not matter. The dosage is the same throughout the entire period.

The dietary supplement is also recommended for men. It increases the plastic and inert properties of seminal fluid, increases the number of healthy sperm and reduces the number of inactive sperm. These factors increase the likelihood of conceiving a healthy baby. A man should also prepare for a future pregnancy.

Are there possible side effects?

Side effects are rare. According to research, their frequency is less than 1 in 1,000,000. However, the development of the following pathologies is possible:

  • allergic reactions associated with individual hypersensitivity of the body to Omega-3 components;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain syndrome in the epigastric region;
  • increased gas formation;
  • headaches (cluster type);
  • arthralgia;
  • myalgia;
  • hypertensive crisis.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

For an overdose, the daily dose of the drug must be more than 7-10 grams for more than 10 days. Characteristic symptoms:

  1. Increasing blood aggregation properties. The pathology is dangerous and leads to thrombotic complications - ischemic cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction. Thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary arteries is often possible.
  2. Malfunctions of the immune system. The pathological reactivity of immune cells leads to an increase in the frequency of allergic and pseudo-allergic reactions to all kinds of allergens.
  3. Prolonged depression (see also:). Persistent mental deviations are formed, which are practically not relieved by medications.

Effective analogues

There are several analogues on the pharmaceutical market, the most famous:

  1. Purified fish oil.
  2. OmegaPrim is a widespread innovative product. Completely compensates for the lack of Omega-3 in the mother’s body, and additionally contains selenium. You need to take this supplement 1 capsule 4 times a day.