What to put on your lips to make them plump. How to enlarge lips at home

Girls who strive for ideal appearance use different means to get closer to the cherished canons of beauty. Lip augmentation is one of the main questions that interests many girls, how to make them plump.

The easiest way is to use a glass. It does not give such a significant effect as specialized products, but if there is no other option, you can use it.

Before you begin the procedure, you need to moisturize your lips. Vaseline, colorless lipstick or balm will do.

After this, you need to take a regular glass, press it tightly to your lips, and then strongly draw in air through your mouth and close your mouth. After a few seconds, you can relax your lips.

It is important that the procedure should be repeated no more than four times in one approach. To make the results of the procedure more noticeable, it is recommended to do it for two to three weeks.

Plump lips with a bottle

Here's how to make your lips plump at home using a bottle. The procedure will require regular bottle. Before proceeding with lip augmentation, they should be treated with any moisturizer.

The procedure itself is very similar to lip augmentation using a glass. You should press the bottle tightly to your mouth, open your lips slightly and draw in air from the container. After a few seconds, the mouth is relaxed.

Should not be repeated more than three times contract. To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to perform the exercise for a week or two. This method can quickly achieve results. However, it will not give a long-term effect.

Using a special plumper

If more is required effective remedy To make your lips bigger than a glass or a bottle, use a plumper. A plumper is a special vacuum device, a so-called suction cup, for lip augmentation. It is small in size and looks like a kind of plastic cap, quite wide.

No special skills are required to handle the plumper:

Important! If there is any damage/irritation on the lips, do not use the “suction cup”. People with weak blood vessels and diabetes mellitus should also use this product with caution.

Exfoliating scrub

One of the most effective and useful means for lip augmentation - scrub. Lip scrubs exfoliate dead skin cells, refresh and visually make lips fuller and larger. In addition, you can make a scrub at home without spending a lot of money, for example from ground coffee mixed with face cream.

Apply the scrub to the lip area once a day, preferably in the morning, so that it provides volume to the lips throughout the day.

Lip augmentation with toothpaste

Not everyone knows that you can enlarge your lips at home using regular toothpaste. It moisturizes and gives them plumpness. It is enough to apply a small amount of it on a toothbrush and then rub it on your lips with circular massaging movements. After this, rinse off the paste with water.

Balm with cinnamon

The next useful and effective way lip augmentation at home - homemade cinnamon balm. It will not only make your lips visually larger, but will also nourish them.

To prepare the balm you will need:

  • cinnamon (in oil/fine powder form);
  • petrolatum;
  • any lipstick;
  • almond oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Approximately the same amount of Vaseline and lipstick should be melted in the microwave and mixed.
  2. Then add cinnamon to the resulting mixture (a few drops of oil/0.5 tsp of powder).
  3. If desired, you can add essential oil for scent.
  4. Then transfer the balm into an empty container and apply a thin layer several times a day.

Pepper mask

To prepare such a mask, you only need three ingredients: honey, Vaseline and a small amount of red pepper.
All these components must be mixed well and rubbed into the lip area with gentle movements. You can wash off the mask after 7-10 minutes.

Menthol mask

An effective remedy A menthol mask is also considered to enlarge lips. Thanks to its menthol content, it ensures blood flow to the lips. This, in turn, helps to increase their volume.

You will need the following ingredients:

Add crushed mint to the mixture of corn oil and menthol, mix well, add coffee, mix again until smooth. The mixture should be left on the lips for 50-60 minutes., covering them with cling film on top for greater effect.

Mask with nicotinic acid

A distinctive feature of a mask with nicotinic acid is that it gives an instant effect that lasts on the lips for about five hours. To prepare the mask, you will need eight nicotinic acid tablets (they are sold in pharmacies). You will also need a small amount of red pepper (about half a spoon) and Vaseline.

Nicotinic acid tablets need to be crushed into powder, mixed with red pepper and petroleum jelly to form a homogeneous mass. The mask should be kept on the lips for no more than two minutes, then carefully remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad or napkin. To make the effect more noticeable, it must be used regularly.

Glycerin mask

At home, you can also make your lips plumper using a glycerin mask.


5-7 g (a little more than a teaspoon) of each component is enough. You should take less glycerin - about half a spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. All components of the future mask are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  2. The container with the mixture is kept in a steam bath for 2-3 minutes.
  3. For effective increase The lip mask should be left on the lips for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the product thoroughly with cool water.

The effect of such a mask will last for several hours, so for greater effect it is recommended to use it repeatedly.

mint juice

You can also make your lips plump at home using mint oil extract.

There are several ways to enlarge lips using this product:

  1. The easiest method is to add a few drops of peppermint oil to your lip gloss that you use daily.
  2. You can also use peppermint oil to make ice cubes: add 3 drops to 100 ml of water. butter and make ice cubes from this mixture. You need to wipe your lips with these cubes every day in the morning.
  3. In addition, you can massage using oil: rub the product into your lips with a not too hard toothbrush for several minutes.

Mint juice is convenient to use precisely because anyone who wants to enlarge their lips can choose a method of use that is suitable specifically for them. But you should treat this product with caution - peppermint oil is a strong allergen.

Masks with vitamins

A popular method of lip augmentation is the use of vitamin masks - they not only make lips plumper, but also nourish them useful substances.

To prepare the mask, you need to purchase liquid vitamins E and A (sold in ampoules) at the pharmacy. In addition, you will need a small amount of honey (8 g) and 5-6 g olive oil(you can also use vegetable oil instead). You need to mix all the ingredients and apply the mask on your lips, leaving for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Coffee mask

Coffee also helps to add volume to the lips - a lip mask with coffee will do its job perfectly in this case.

To make a coffee mask, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ground coffee (1 tsp);
  • cocoa butter (2-3 ml, can be replaced with olive oil);
  • honey (1 tsp);
  • peppermint oil (3 drops per mixture).

Mix the ingredients until the mass becomes homogeneous, hold on your lips for 10-12 minutes, massage them, then rinse off the mask with warm water. The desired result is noticeable immediately, but it lasts only a few hours, so you should use the mask regularly for 2-3 months.

Mustard mask

Mustard mask consists of the following products:

  • mustard powder (10 g);
  • olive/vegetable/burdock/other oil (1 tsp);
  • fresh lemon juice (5 ml);
  • honey (3 tsp);
  • Vaseline (10 g).

Cooking method:

Important! If the mask begins to sting, you should immediately remove it from the lip area so as not to cause irritation.

Lip enlargement massage

In addition to masks, regular massages are performed at home to enlarge lips. It promotes blood flow to the lips, which will also give an enlargement effect.

Lip massage will help make them plump in a few months at home

For massage you will need a cream with a moisturizing effect (you can also use Vaseline) and a clean toothbrush of medium or low hardness. Lips with cream applied to them need to be massaged in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes, until a slight tingling sensation occurs. You can do this several times a day. Experts recommend performing the procedure before taking a bath or shower.

Ice massage

Lip massage can be performed using ice. The essence of this procedure is to move an ice cube over your lips for a couple of minutes, as if massaging the desired area with it.
Ice helps accelerate blood circulation, which will provide volume to your lips. It is worth remembering that the effect of such a massage is short-lived.

How to enlarge lips with makeup

To make your lips visually look larger, sometimes well-executed makeup is enough:

Lip augmentation using cosmetics occurs as follows:

  1. First of all, you should moisturize your lips with balm.
  2. The second step in performing makeup is applying foundation(in a thin layer).
  3. The next step is to use a light highlighter. To make the effect of fuller lips more noticeable, it is recommended to apply the product not on the lips themselves, but along the contour, carefully.
  4. Then, with a well-sharpened contour pencil, you need to subtly outline the lips along the inner contour. Experts advise not to paint over the corners of your lips.
  5. The final stage of lip augmentation with makeup is the use of lipstick. It is important to lightly shade the edges of the contour pencil before applying it. Also, for a greater effect, you can not paint over the entire lip area, but apply lipstick only to the contours, and then shade it yourself with your finger. This way the shade will be smooth, transitional, and voluminous.

Exercises to make your lips plump

Gymnastics, consisting of several exercises, helps to make lips plump:

  1. You need to inhale as much air as possible, then form your lips into a tube and slowly exhale through them.
  2. You should whistle for 10-15 seconds, pursing your lips.
  3. Then they smile widely with their mouths closed, stretching their lips. Repeat 10-12 times.
  4. The lips are pulled forward with effort, then squeezed and unclenched with tension.
  5. Gently knead the lip area with your teeth for 1-2 minutes.

Is it possible to enlarge lips permanently on your own?

At home, you can use a huge number of masks, exercises and makeup techniques, but you cannot permanently enlarge your lips at home. To make them more voluminous for more than just a day or two, you will have to resort to the services of cosmetologists - operations and/or injections, but injections also give a long-lasting, but not eternal, effect.

So, it is quite possible to enlarge your lips for a while at home - you just need to choose the most suitable method and follow the instructions.

Video on how to make lips bigger

How to make your lips bigger with makeup:

Big lips without Botox and surgery. How to do it at home:

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


All women, whom nature did not endow with this feature from birth, dream of seductive plump lips. To the delight of beautiful ladies, in the 21st century this desire can be fulfilled without any difficulties. Modern cosmetologists know how to enlarge lips at home, and willingly share their experience with women. If this topic is relevant to you, let's look at it in more detail.

Methods for lip augmentation at home

Plastic surgery will help increase the volume of many parts of the face, but not every woman is willing to go under the knife for the sake of a couple of grams. For this reason, cosmetologists have developed a number of techniques to achieve the desired result without surgery. Modern methods of lip augmentation at home are effective and safe, which is why they are practiced by tens of thousands of women. Simple recipes beauty helps you achieve impressive results! Let's discuss these methods in more detail to get an overview.

The device

A device with which modern women make your lips plumper and larger, works on the principle of a suction cup. A vacuum device pumps out air, increasing the volume of soft tissue by 40-50%. The procedure takes no more than a minute, and the effect it provides lasts for several hours. The lip enlarger is absolutely harmless to the skin, mucous membrane and blood vessels, so there are no contraindications or side effects to speak of.

Many companies produce similar gadgets. The most popular of them became. So you found out the name of this thing for lip augmentation at home, which the whole world is gossiping about. This wonderful device is relatively inexpensive. Every woman can fork out for such pleasure. The device is offered in three variations, for different types of lips.


Modern cosmetology offers women a wide range of products to increase lip volume at home. Cosmetic ointments, balms and lipsticks contain special irritating particles called plumpers. The role of these components can be played by extracts of cinnamon, ginger, red pepper, and mint. In some cases, they add to the composition of such products essential oils and vitamin E. The volumizing effect is created by the blood flow that occurs as a reaction to the irritating substance.

Folk remedies

Folk cosmetology will tell you how to make beautiful lips at home and give them volume. There are many ways to achieve the desired result, and right now we will look in detail at the most effective of them:

  1. Ice massage. Massage your lips with an ice cube, and then apply a cloth soaked in hot water to them for a few moments. Repeat this procedure several times. The effect of increasing volume will soon appear.
  2. Hot pepper. This recipe is further proof that beauty requires sacrifice. To increase the volume of your lips at home using pepper, you need to take one small pod, grind it along with the seeds, and leave it in a glass of hot water. When the liquid has cooled to a tolerable temperature, soak a napkin in it and apply it tightly to your lips. The volume will appear instantly, but for the next 20 minutes after that you will have to endure a merciless burning sensation.
  3. Cap. An old method used by Soviet women at home. With the help of a cap you can increase the volume of your lips by 30-40%. The idea behind this method is that you place a cap on your mouth and suck in air to create a vacuum. After a minute, the procedure ends. The volumizing effect lasts 2-3 hours. If you don't have a cap on hand, you can use a glass, lid or jar. The main thing is that the size is appropriate.
  4. Glycerin mask. Mix Vaseline with honey, white sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal proportions. The total volume should be about 50 grams. Add a third of a dessert spoon of glycerin. Stir until a uniform mass is obtained, hold for a couple of minutes in a water bath. Apply to the surface of the lips, wait a quarter of an hour. The procedure will make muscle tissue and skin soft.

Through exercise

A special exercise will help pump up your lips. Write down a few simple exercises for yourself that you can practice everywhere:

  1. Whistling. Whistle the tunes of your favorite songs every time you have a free minute. This will warm up the muscles to improve the effectiveness of subsequent exercises.
  2. We show our tongue. Cute childish tomfoolery will help increase lip volume at home. Extend your tongue to its full length and count to ten. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Dandelion. Inhale deeply, puff out your cheeks, purse your lips tightly. Imagine that there is a large dandelion right in front of you, and blow the seeds off it with all your might. Do this 5 times.
  4. Goldfish. Purse your lips as tightly as possible, and then smile widely. Repeat this procedure often.
  5. Circles. Close your lips as tightly as possible. Imagine that you are squeezing an invisible brush with them. Draw 5 circles in the air in a counterclockwise motion, and then perform the same steps, only in the opposite direction.
  6. Shark. Bite your lips hard until you feel slight pain. Time it for 2 minutes and then release. You will soon notice that the volume of your lips has noticeably increased.


In addition to all other procedures and exercises, massage your lips daily with a regular toothbrush with delicate bristles. By developing tissue in this way, you will increase blood flow and thereby create additional volume. In addition, the brush will exfoliate dead cells. Due to this, metabolism will improve. By repeating this massage several times daily, you will quickly achieve your goal.


If you want a long-term volumizing effect, try it for yourself at home. The active component of this product is sodium hyaluronate. It is absorbed into the subcutaneous layer and accumulates water molecules around itself. Due to this, volume is created and wrinkles are smoothed out. Creams and balms with hyaluronic acid are applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin of the lips in a circular motion. In the process of performing these actions, a slight burning sensation will occur and a feeling of swelling will appear, but this is not scary. Hyaluronic products are absolutely harmless.

How to visually enlarge lips with cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics will help you get the desired result. The main thing is to choose the right lip gloss that increases volume. The glossy texture will change the visual perception of the skin surface. In addition, the shine will provide a temporary wrinkle smoothing effect. From the outside it will look quite natural and attractive.

Consequences of lip augmentation

Women who have chosen traditional methods and/or decorative cosmetics, rarely encounter undesirable effects. As for creams that stimulate blood flow to the capillaries of the lips, they can provoke an allergic reaction, so they must be used carefully. Hyaluronic acid in moderation does not cause damage to skin and muscle tissue, but if overused, irritation often occurs.

Video: how to enlarge lips without surgery

The video below will clearly demonstrate to you practical application techniques that we have discussed. Experienced cosmetologists will explain in detail how to pump up your lips at home without the intervention of surgeons. In addition, experts will talk about precautions. Use these tips to get the desired effect without any damage.

Photos before and after

The simplest and incredibly effective way to assess the effectiveness of certain means/exercises/drugs is to compare pictures before and after the procedures. Many women do this and you should follow their example. This will help you choose from all possible methods increasing lip volume at home is the most effective.

Lips enhanced with injections have been a trend for a long time. Now fashion is changing, and many people prefer naturalness, but the question of creating plump lips at home is still relevant. You don't need to spend a lot of money or visit a doctor to enlarge your lips or make them more expressive.

Here are the instructions for use. All available and safe ways, which will allow you to enlarge your lips without injections and harm to health.

Masks for lip augmentation

Masks will not only make your lips plump, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin. To prepare them, you do not need to buy expensive medicines at pharmacy kiosks; the main ingredients are in the kitchen of every housewife.

Most popular recipes:

Remember that any procedure must be carried out regularly to maintain the result, but you should not do masks every day. Carry out this procedure 3 times a week, alternating components.

Gymnastics for lips

We must not forget that the skin of the lips is very delicate and sensitive. It is easy to damage it even with simple components. If a woman does not want to wear a mask, gymnastics, which can be done every morning, is suitable for her. This will become a habit and your lips will always look great.

Preparation for gymnastics and all its stages:

Even the usual biting of your lips with your teeth will stimulate blood circulation, so you can constantly work on their plumpness. Before applying a mask or makeup to your lips, rub them with your fingertips to make them hot, this will also create an enlargement effect.

Lip massage

You can massage your lips at any convenient time, especially if a woman does not like to wear lipstick. You can do massage while watching TV, in the morning after waking up or before going to bed.

Other common massage methods to increase lip volume:

Touch your lips often and don't let them get too dry. Dry lips can become chapped easily. Such wounds take a very long time to heal. Special care is required in winter and summer periods, because frost and sun rays have a detrimental effect on the skin. For protection, there are a lot of creams and balms that create a protective film.

Plump your lips with makeup

Makeup can visually add volume to sponges without procedures. To do this, you will need ordinary cosmetics that women use every day around the world:

Highlighter can also help in this matter. Plumper is an innovative product that, by increasing blood circulation, will naturally enlarge your lips. The color and texture of cosmetics are of great importance. Always use a pencil for contouring; without it, lipstick alone will not be able to produce the desired effect.

Other ways to enlarge lips at home

Other options for devices and procedures that will add volume to sponges:

  1. There is a simple vacuum device that can significantly enlarge sponges. This device can be bought at any pharmacy kiosk for little money. This method works by pumping the air out of the jar. The jar absorbs lips and increases their volume by 35-40%. The effects of this procedure last for several hours, and regular use stimulates the muscles. The main advantage of this method is that the procedure does not involve additional creams, which eliminates side effects and allergic reactions.
  2. Any moisturizer will help. It is better to take ointments with extracts of cinnamon, ginger, red pepper or mint.
  3. Essential oils with vitamin E are ideal for massage. This remedy stimulates blood flow to the mouth, thereby increasing the volume.
  4. Ice massage is considered the most in an efficient way. This procedure can be carried out in the morning or evening.
  5. You can enlarge your lips using hot pepper, but there is a danger of burning your delicate skin. To do this, you need to chop 1 chili pepper, pour boiling water over it and apply the mixture onto your lips using a napkin. Get ready for a strong burning sensation, but the volume will appear instantly. Cosmetologists consider this method dangerous because the increase occurs due to microburn of the skin. They call this method "bee sting".

A mask made of glycerin or petroleum jelly is also effective. If you add sugar and lemon juice to the mask, you get a triple effect: scrubbing, moisturizing and massage.


When carrying out any procedure, you need to take precautions, because some products can harm the skin:

If a woman has a tendency to allergies, but she does not know what exactly the reaction is to, she should consult a doctor and get tested.

Testing can also be done at home. After the product is ready, you need to test the product on your wrist and walk around for 15 minutes. If the skin does not turn red, then you can safely apply it to your lips.

Making lips plump: little secrets

There are small tricks that will allow you to increase the volume of your lips without procedures. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. If you outline the outline with highlighter or glitter shadows, and then shade it with lipstick, then they will visually become larger.
  2. You can apply gloss to lipstick. This will create a magnifying effect.
  3. Give preference to long-lasting lipsticks that do not leave marks.
  4. If your skin is pink, then you need to choose lipstick in cool shades. If the skin is pale, then warm.
  5. Take note that bronzer doesn't just help make your skin tan. If you apply it to your lips, they will look plumper.

Note! Kiss and smile more. These simple steps will provide a natural massage to the lips and make them plumper.

From time immemorial, beautiful plump lips have attracted men with their appetizing appearance. Unfortunately, many girls can only dream of such lips, so they resort to the help of various folk, pharmacy and cosmetics, and the most desperate ones run to cosmetology and surgery centers to solve this problem using drastic methods.

In fact, you can give your lips an appetizing shape at home with the help of special gymnastics, proper care and traditional medicine recipes. We will tell you how to do this in today's article.

Rules for caring for lips to make them plump

How often and correctly you care for your lips determines their condition and appearance. To make your lips look appetizing, you should carry out various procedures for:

  1. Moisturizing;
  2. Exfoliation;
  3. Food;
  4. Stimulating blood circulation;
  5. Adding volume to lips (using home remedies and exercises).

All of the above procedures are carried out through the use of caring cosmetics (medicated lipsticks, balms and lip glosses), masks and compresses, as well as a set of special gymnastics. If you have skin diseases on your lips, you cannot carry out the above actions.

Below we will tell you how to give your lips appetizing shapes using time-tested recipes.

  • Honey. This remedy is one of the most popular in folk medicine. Honey will help the skin of your lips to be saturated with nutrients, moisturize it and preserve it. healthy condition. It is very simple to use: apply the viscous product to the surface of your lips and go to bed. You can also lubricate your lips with honey throughout the day. If you have an allergy, the use of the product is contraindicated.
  • Red pepper mask. Ground red pepper stimulates blood circulation and makes lips fuller and more appetizing. Pour 15 g of pepper into 15 ml of viscous honey and dilute the mixture with 8 ml of peach seed oil. Cover your lips with a very thick layer of the mixture and wait 40-60 minutes (if your skin gets very hot, you can keep the mask on for no longer than 20 minutes). We remove the mass with a cotton pad soaked in plain water.
  • Cinnamon-vaseline mixture. Pour 3 ml of cinnamon ether into 15 ml of melted Vaseline (can be replaced with 5 g of powder of the same plant). Use the stirred mixture as a balm. In addition to adding plumpness, this product will make your lips brighter and more juicy.
  • Sour cream/cottage cheese. Homemade cottage cheese or sour cream with the highest possible fat content will help saturate the skin of your lips with moisturizing and nourishing elements. Lubricate your lips with any product and wait half an hour. You can wash off the product or eat it. With frequent use of such masks, you will ensure a healthy condition and appearance of your lips.
  • Menthol compress. Pour 5 g of cocoa powder into 15 ml of menthol oil, stir, lubricate the lips with the product and insulate with a small piece of polyethylene. After 20 minutes, wash off the menthol compress with warm water.
  • Mix mask with Vaseline, sugar, lemon juice, honey and glycerin. In a small container, mix 15 g of sugar, lemon juice, Vaseline, honey and 8 g of glycerin. Whisk all the ingredients and place on the stove (5 minutes will be enough). After cooling, apply the mass to the surface of the lips in a dense layer and wait 15 minutes. We remove the frozen product with a cotton pad and rinse the sponges with cool spring or well water.
  • Balm with ylang-ylang ester. We remove the hygienic lipstick from the tube and melt it on the stove, drop 4 ml of ylang-ylang ether into the liquid mixture, stir and place in a small jar. We use the product as a lip balm.
  • Carrot/cucumber juice. You should wipe your lips with fresh juice extracted from cucumber or carrots 5-7 times (after drying, apply a new layer). You can also make compresses using these vegetables: soak a cotton/gauze swab in warm juice and apply it to your lips, put cellophane on top and wait 20 minutes. After removing the disc and cellophane, be sure to rinse your lips with cool well or spring water.
  • Homemade balm with esters of various plants, cocoa butter, almond and wax. Put 20 g of cocoa butter (it should be solid) and 10 g of beeswax in a small container, put it on the stove and wait for the ingredients to melt, add 10 ml of almond oil to the liquid mixture, stir everything and remove from the stove. Pour 2 g of mint and ginger ether and 5 g of cinnamon ether into the warm mass. Pour the product into a suitable small container and put it in the refrigerator. We use the prepared composition instead of lip balm. In addition to adding plumpness to your lips, this product will also make them tender and soft, define the correct contour and provide a well-groomed appearance.
  • Oil/beeswax/vaseline. We heat any of the listed ingredients (vaseline and wax should be liquid) and lubricate the skin of the lips several times a day. Healthy oils for lips are sunflower, apricot, almond, coconut, flaxseed, olive, corn, peach, etc.

Also to folk remedies can be attributed to lip massage . It should be done after water procedures using fingertips, soft terry towel or a toothbrush. Massage the skin of the lips in a circular motion for 3 minutes, take a 5-minute break and repeat the movements.

Contrast massage is no less useful. : run an ice cube over your lips for a minute, then start biting your lips (20 seconds), then use ice again and repeat biting. The duration of this type of massage should not exceed 3 minutes.

An important role in creating juicy, plump lips is played by special exercises, the implementation of which will provide you with long-lasting noticeable results after just a week. We will consider a full set of such exercises below:

  1. We compress our lips and tuck them into the oral cavity (you should feel their boundaries with your teeth). We perform pushes with our lips, simulating the process of kneading the muscles.
  2. We alternately pronounce the vowel sounds A, O, U, I for 1 minute.
  3. Pull your lips into a tube and blow out air (you can use a cocktail tube).
  4. We stretch our lips as in the previous exercise and move them in different sides(up and down, left and right).
  5. No less effective is a regular whistle. You can whistle your favorite tune or imitate birdsong.
  6. We stick our tongue out of our mouth and pronounce the numbers up to the number 5.
  7. We draw air into our cheeks, our lips should be tightly closed, and we make chewing movements with our jaws for 30 seconds.
  8. We draw air into the oral cavity and begin to release it through loosely closed lips (they should vibrate). We repeat the exercise 3 times.
  9. Open your mouth slightly and close your lips sharply (imitating the movements of a fish when swallowing air).
  10. Take air into your mouth and exhale it sharply through loosely pursed lips (as if you were blowing out a candle).

To prevent the skin of your lips from stretching or cracking during exercise, lubricate them with a moisturizing or nourishing gloss. To create juicy and appetizing lips with the help of gymnastics, you should alternate the given exercises and perform them every day, and within a month the results of your labors will be noticeable to all the people around you.

Making lips plump and juicy without the use of cosmetic drugs, surgery and Botox is quite simple, just carry out all the procedures we describe regularly. Don’t forget that makeup can also make your lips look appetizing and plump: when creating an image, use a special pencil (you can not only outline the boundaries with it, but also sketch the entire surface of the skin on your lips), apply lipstick on top (bright, saturated colors visually make your lips fuller ) and cover them with glitter. Try not to overdo it with cosmetics and rich lip colors, otherwise your face will take on an unnatural “doll” look.