B17 snow Anatoly Andreevich. About the duration of treatment. Education, additional training and credentials.

There are physical and mental stresses in everyone's life, and not everyone can cope with them on their own. Often a person finds himself alone with a large number of problems that he does not know how to solve. Sometimes the intensity of the load is such that even his psyche is at risk, because this is the most subtle and complex mechanism created by nature.

The man begins to tell the psychiatrist all about his previous conversations when he interrupts him: Ah, depression! Whether the person finally helped was put aside. Even if it is very repressed, this joke at least shows the significant difference between a psychiatrist, psychologist and psychotherapist.

The psychiatrist also offers prescriptions

"Psychiatrist" is actually quite a colloquial expression for "mental health professional." They completed a medical examination and then underwent clinical training in psychiatry. As doctors, they are also able to diagnose the physical causes of mental illness and prescribe appropriate medications. Contrary to our joke, this is not the only therapy that “psychiatrists” use. Psychiatric treatment is based on three main principles.

In such cases, people need the help of a qualified specialist to maintain balance, and sometimes mental health. But who to turn to for help and support? What is the focus of the activities of a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist, what is the difference between them?

Psychotherapist, not necessarily a psychologist

Such as therapeutic sleep deprivation or light therapy. Work mainly on a verbal level. We are talking about the interactions between a sick person and his social environment. Psychotherapists have completed training in accordance with the Austrian Psychotherapy Act, specializing in one of the many psychotherapeutic areas. However, in order to begin this training, they must have previous knowledge in certain areas. However, completion of a psychology program is not absolutely necessary.

Psychologists do not have a medical degree. They study at humanitarian universities with a specialty in psychology, where they study in detail the characteristics of the work and mechanisms of the psyche of a healthy person. They are then encouraged to specialize in a particular area, so there are a huge number of places where these specialists can work.

For example, graduates of education, philosophy, journalism or theology can also train as a psychotherapist. Psychotherapeutic treatment mainly consists of interaction between therapists and patients. This is based on recognized psychotherapeutic directions. Unlike a “psychiatrist,” normal psychotherapists do not have the right to prescribe psychopharmaceuticals. However, there are still doctors with a diploma in psychotherapeutic medicine. This diploma also allows you to practice psychotherapeutic treatments.

As doctors, they are, of course, authorized to prescribe medications. A psychologist is a person who has completed university study of psychology. Psychologists have very different areas of activity. Long-term therapy of individual patients is rarely the primary task of the psychologist. However, they work as operating room psychologists, school psychologists, sports psychologists in various institutions and provide mental health counseling. They must often identify and improve conditions in these institutions through comprehensive projects and measures.

Consultant teachers monitor educational process V kindergarten, school and university. A school psychologist provides psychological support to students, works with children's groups, helps students increase their learning efficiency and overcome internal problems. A psychologist's opinion is required for admission to certain children's educational institutions.

Since a psychologist is not a doctor, he cannot prescribe medications. We remember: only doctors can also prescribe medications. All "psychiatrists" are doctors, but not all doctors who practice psychotherapy are also "psychiatrists." Psychologists must have studied psychology, psychotherapists not necessarily. Who can best help depends on the patient. However, psychotherapeutic methods are always recommended. Also in addition to drug treatment.

What is the difference between a psychotherapist, a psychiatrist and a psychologist?

Psychotherapists, as well as psychiatrists and psychologists, deal with issues of the soul. Therefore, the distinction is difficult at first glance. Simplified, all three professional groups diagnose and treat mental illness. However, they differ in terms of their training and precise areas of focus, although in practice there may always be overlap.

Developmental psychologists are indispensable in children's development centers and organizations. The advice of a psychologist in such institutions is relevant when it comes to working with children with disabilities. In kindergarten, consultations with such a worker help all children adapt to a new social environment and not feel lonely without their parents.

General psychologists engage in scientific research, study the peculiarities of functioning and the diversity of mental processes, such as individuals, and groups of people.

A family psychologist will help every couple if the partners have difficulties in their relationship that they cannot overcome on their own. Consultation with such a specialist is necessary in case of family conflicts or emotional dependence on another person. A family psychologist also works with women who have experienced violence.

Some consultants collaborate with police officers and criminologists, help them investigate crimes, and assess the identities of people who committed crimes.

The work of a psychologist in enterprises and large companies is to recruit personnel, increase productivity and create a favorable psychological climate in the workplace.

A special category - clinical psychologist - studies in close collaboration with doctors, and in the future has the right to work in medical institutions of various profiles or emergency services psychological assistance. For example, a free psychologist will listen to anyone who calls the helpline at any time of the day. His consultation is available to anyone in a crisis situation.

Working methods

The profession of “psychologist” is necessary to work with healthy people who do not have pathological mental disorders. A psychologist is prohibited from diagnosing mental disorders and prescribing medication.

Some counselors may use a non-medical model of psychotherapy in their activities after postgraduate training. For example, with its help, a family psychologist effectively solves midlife crisis issues that lead to conflicts between spouses and negative child-parent relationships (when, due to problems in the family, children have negative experiences in kindergarten and school).

What methods does this specialist use in his practice?

  1. Conversation - in a group or individual work with clients. During the consultation process, a psychologist’s advice helps a person find solutions to his problems and overcome certain restrictions on the path of internal growth.
  2. Observation (Observation) - used to compile a description of the behavior of an individual or a group under certain conditions (third-party assessment without interfering with what is happening).
  3. Experiment – ​​involving people in the study of psychological and social phenomena.

During work, it is proposed to undergo testing in order to compile psychological portrait person. They examine the intelligence, as well as the personal qualities of the person seeking help. Then, after processing the data, the client receives certain recommendations.

A psychologist's advice is aimed at solving specific life difficulties. To achieve results, joint work between the person and the consultant is required (a family psychologist works with both spouses).

Medical psychologist

Medical psychologists are trained at the appropriate faculties in medical universities or in special programs at humanitarian universities - but even there they conduct part of their training in medical institutions.

A clinical psychologist works in conjunction with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. He does not have the right to diagnose and engage in pharmacotherapy, but evaluates the mental characteristics and personality traits of healthy people and people with various psychological pathologies.

The advice of a clinical psychologist is taken into account when choosing treatment for patients in psychiatric hospitals and dispensaries.

The essence of the work of such specialists:

  • Providing assistance to hospital staff;
  • Help for palliative patients;
  • Conducting psychological rehabilitation groups for those who have suffered serious illnesses.

Provocative questions in their work are kept to a minimum. This unit is designed to direct its activities to help suffering people.

Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst - what's the difference?


A psychiatrist has a higher medical education. It includes 6 years of general training at a medical university and then 1 year of internship or 2 years of residency in the specialty “psychiatry”.

Psychiatrists treat serious mental disorders and also provide assistance to people with borderline conditions (depression, neuroses, phobias, eating disorders, etc.). In their practice, there are cases when a patient was referred to them by a psychologist.

For therapy, this doctor primarily uses medications that affect the individual’s mental processes. If a psychiatrist undergoes additional training, he becomes licensed to provide psychotherapy.

Such a doctor evaluates a person’s mental health and makes a conclusion about his legal capacity. He may ask provocative questions to identify violations logical thinking, mental instability or hidden pathologies of nervous activity.

A certificate from a psychiatrist is required for anyone wishing to purchase a firearm, undergo a driver's test, or adopt a child.

Sometimes psychiatrists take into account the advice of a psychologist in their work in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment for a particular patient.


Psychotherapy is a psychological impact on the patient’s personality with the aim of helping in solving mental and personal problems, experiencing trauma and forming desired personality traits.

A psychotherapist is a doctor who has undergone additional training, taken a course in psychotherapy (or completed a residency in this specialty) and received a license from the Ministry of Health to conduct psychotherapeutic activities.

Psychotherapists work with diseases of the so-called minor psychiatry - depressive and anxiety disorders, psychosomatic diseases, sleep disorders and eating behavior. To alleviate the acute forms of the above conditions, a good psychotherapist can prescribe medications, but the main method of treatment for him remains psychological influence in personal communication with the patient.

Who treats depression better – a psychologist or a psychotherapist, who should you choose? To do this, a person must understand the difference between a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and psychologist. Based on the severity of your condition and the reasons that caused it.

Serious feelings after loss loved one, professional unfulfillment, family problems or lack of relationships that lead to the desire to commit suicide can be cured by a psychotherapist. In case of suicidal tendencies that torment the patient for more than 1-2 months, the help of a psychiatrist is indicated.

Temporary difficulties, the inability to behave correctly in certain situations, or the desire to become a better specialist are optimal for turning to a psychologist.

A family psychologist will help in resolving conflicts with your significant other or children. A school psychologist will help a teenager establish relationships with peers and feel more confident. A specialist teacher is called upon to teach children the rules of interaction in kindergarten.

There are various methods and schools of psychotherapy:

  • Analytical;
  • Cognitive;
  • Behavioral;
  • Body-oriented;
  • Gestalt therapy and others.

Therefore, everyone can find something that suits them.


A psychoanalyst is a psychotherapist who uses psychoanalysis in his work, a direction created by Sigmund Freud. There is no such medical specialty in Russia, so people who want to become psychoanalysts study abroad. Training in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy itself using this method last for many years.

Psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist are specialists who study and correct the human psyche. Be careful when choosing, be sure to assess the seriousness of your condition in order to receive adequate help and come to harmony.

Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist or psychoanalyst?