DIY ribbon hairpins with photo tutorials. Kanzashi on bobby pins and stiletto heels, master class with photos Flowers on stiletto heels made of satin ribbons

Hairstyle occupies a special place in the image of every beauty. When creating it, much attention is paid to accessories: ribbons, bows, hairpins. The main condition is that the hair decoration must be of high quality, chosen tastefully and please the owner.

It often happens that finished products that are sold in stores do not suit the chosen image. Then there is only one way out - to make a hairpin yourself.

It's always nice to wear jewelry that you made yourself. They differ from those purchased in a store because... the craftswoman puts her imagination into them. A woman of any age can complement her look with an original accessory.

In addition, homemade jewelry can be a good gift for a loved one.

Ribbon hair clips for beginners

Let's figure out how easy it is to make hairpins from ribbons, and how a detailed master class for this work will help us. We suggest discussing this in this useful lesson. Let's try together to build and glue bright, cute and beautiful decorations for the ponytails of little fashionistas.

You can make many useful things from satin and high-quality grosgrain ribbons, but they are most often used to make elastic bands or hairpins. The only thing is that this creative material is easy to work with, practical and, not least important, available to craftswomen in any color and quantity.

By choosing bright ribbons and beads of delicate colors, we will get an original couple of useful things for a girl. These hairpins can be a stylish gift for a holiday or birthday.

Let's start making hairpins from combined ribbons and figure out how simple the master class is.

To make hairpins (elastic bands) from satin ribbons with your own hands, you need the following material:

  • 1. Rep tape width 2.5 cm – 62 cm,
  • 2. Organza ribbon width 2.5 cm - 60 cm,
  • 3. Satin ribbon thin width 0.5 cm - 32 cm orange and 16 cm yellow,
  • 4. White bobbin thread and a sewing needle with a small eye,
  • 5. Silicone hot glue,
  • 6. White plastic center – 2 pcs.,
  • 7. Scissors,
  • 8. Fastening – clamps 2 pcs.,
  • 9. Matches or candle.

A strong base for making hairpins will be two rep ribbons. They need to be cut into two sections for each hairpin, 8 cm long, as shown in the photo.

To make the ribbon more attractive and beautiful, we will cut its edges diagonally into a triangle. To do this, fold the ribbon at the edge with the front side facing inward and make cuts on both sides.

Rep ribbon, like satin ribbon, tends to crumble at the edges and unravel. To avoid this, we just need to take matches or a candle, with the help of which the cut edges need to be slightly scorched.

To combine two tapes, you need to apply glue to the bottom one in its center and cover it with a second tape.

For the central center of the ribbon hairpin, we will prepare pieces of rep and organza. The edges of the organza are also singed, but very quickly and carefully. This material burns easily.

We fold the grosgrain piece of ribbon for the middle in half and sew it with a simple seam.

Since the thread has not been torn off, we use it to tighten the piece from rep, securing the thread to a knot.

We also tighten the organza ribbon, singed at the edges, using a thread and a needle.

By pulling the thread through the center of the bows, they need to be fastened together.

We fasten it.

We also sew the second organza bow to the ribbons. We sew all three bows well again and tighten them to fix them in the center.

For two handmade hairpins we will make two blanks.

Cut a thin orange satin ribbon into pieces of the length indicated in the photo.

We will need only 4 of these blanks.

Lightly grease the central part of the rep with glue and attach thin satin ribbons there. Before attaching these additional ribbons, their edges also need to be trimmed and singed.

We will prepare a thin yellow satin ribbon in the form of 7.5 cm segments, the edges of which we cut and singe.

We fasten these segments in the center of the hairpin.

We generously fill the ribbons collected together - the middle ones, which we made from three bows (rep and organza) on the wrong side with hot glue and combine them with the main part made of rep to create hairpins.

To hide the threads in the middle of the hairpin, you can sew a decorative element (button) or place a half-bead or plastic round center there to suit your taste. It is attached using hot or super glue. It is best to use hot glue, since super glue has a specific smell.

To securely attach the hairpin to your hair, you can use a metal clip. It is attached to the base of the hairpins with glue. The finished hairpins are allowed to dry, and they are completely ready.

In this lesson we suggested making these hairpins from ribbons and a master class for them with your own hands. Happy crafting and creative success.

Kanzashi hairpins

Kanzashi is a technique for making flowers from ribbons and fabric. This is a traditional art form of Japan and China. Kanzashi jewelry is quite popular there. They are worn by brides and decorated with traditional kimonos.

The kanzashi technique came to our country not so long ago. Rapidly gained popularity among women of all ages. But schoolgirls especially loved it.

Similar decorations in the form of hairpins, elastic bands, hairpins can be found in stores specializing in hand-made products or you can make them yourself.

Bow hair clip for a schoolgirl

Every mother wants her schoolgirl to look beautiful. A large selection of ready-made hairpins in the store does not guarantee that it will look original and unique. And the advantage of a self-made accessory is that it is made with love and only in a single copy.

To make bows you do not need to have any special skills or abilities. The whole job will take no more than 10-15 minutes.

Hairpins made from grosgrain ribbons

Hairpins made from several types of ribbons can be an excellent addition to the outfit of little fashionistas. Ribbons made of rep and satin go well together.

Rep tape is made from polyester thread. It is a narrow strip with characteristic transverse scars. It is easy to work with, it is highly rigid and retains its shape well.

Satin ribbons are a widely used material for needlework. They are made from viscose or acetate silk.

You can decorate a ribbon hairpin with various decorative elements that will serve as the center of the flower.

If it is not possible to purchase a ribbon, you can make a similar hairpin from small leftover fabric.

The process of creating jewelry is quite exciting and does not require much skill. Making the accessory is easy, just follow the instructions.

Read more about how to make hairpins with mushrooms in the master class ""

Elastic band "Ladybug"

Ladybugs are considered the most beloved insects among children. Therefore, hair accessories that contain the image of the “sun” look funny, cause affection, and most importantly, children like them.

These decorations are quite easy to make yourself. And you can involve your child in the manufacturing process, then the accessory will be even more beloved and valuable to him.

Good day to all!

The Kanzashi technique is not new and there are quite a few master classes presented at YaM. But! These stilettos have one thing going for them. About her in progress.

So, we cut squares from fabric and ribbon. I have 4x4 cm. The key point is that the fabric must melt.

Chopped. We make a regular sharp petal. Fold the square diagonally, again and again.

We trimmed the tip a little, clamped it, and melted it. And this is where the fun begins. The melted tip must be “flattened” as quickly as possible, but not as usual, but by inserting tweezers with one side inside the petal. Clamped, the “welding seam” became flat. So after melting, throw the lighter as quickly as possible (not very far), intercept the petal and ivy the seam.

3. We cut the lower part of the petal parallel to the top, you can cut it a little harder closer to the middle, then the petals will seem to be recessed inward, also beautiful. After this, we flattened the petal so that nothing would bulge anywhere and LIGHTLY melt the cut area. I specially made an ordinary melted petal so that I could feel the difference. So, let's burn. We made a sufficient number of petals. Due to the resulting “roundness” of the petal, we make 5 petals per flower.

4. Arm yourself with glue. Yes, yes, no sewing yet. Although this is not entirely environmentally friendly and is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. YES! We don’t bring the product close to our face when gluing it, otherwise you’ll smell it and get poisoned. We open the windows and don’t let children in. Spread a little around the seam and glue the petals (as already mentioned: 5 petals per flower). We help ourselves with tweezers where necessary. We align the top part of the flower, because the middle will stick there. If the bottom is a little uneven, that's okay. As you can see, everything comes out quite aesthetically, including the reverse side, which sometimes frightens inexperienced needlework lovers.

5. Now we glue the beads in the middle. I have imitation pearls. I glued the truth onto a simple Moment-crystal. Speed ​​is not needed here. Accuracy is our main credo! Here the daughter missed her mother and brought a bunch of bugs with her. Let it dry for half an hour. And now we sew. We take monofilament and tediously sew the pin to the flower. Usually they make a base. But if we make it, we will hide all the beauty, the flower will not be carved, then why did we need to flatten the seam

DIY ribbon hairpins with photo tutorials

DIY ribbon hairpins with photo tutorials

Recently, it has become popular to make hairpins from ribbons with your own hands, as well as elastic bands and braid braids with ribbons. In such needlework, the tsumami kanzashi technique made from satin ribbons helps. Our master class, as well as video lessons, will be devoted to creating hair jewelry in the Tsumami Kanzashi style.

Making a hairpin from ribbons

We will start our master class with creating kanzashi hairpins for beginners. To do this, we need the following accessories, namely:

  • pieces of satin ribbons, or grosgrain ribbons, orange and white;
  • decorative material in the form of a rosette and black beads;
  • scissors;
  • textile glue;
  • fire from a candle or lighter;
  • simple hairpin.

The pattern for creating a hairpin is simple. Take the tapes and mark them with a simple pencil, measuring 5 by 5, in the amount of 16 pieces. We do the same procedure with white tape. Cut everything into squares and pour fire over candles or lighters so that the threads do not unravel, and you can make tsumami kanzashi. Look at the photo, this is what you should get.

For such a hairpin, we will make pointed petals. This technique is very common and you can easily find it in videos on the Internet.
Let's make the pointed double petal orange, inside it will be white. Take the orange square and bend it diagonally, then once more and pour fire on the corner. Also fold the white blank diagonally, only three times. Look at the photo to see what happens.

Attach the white blank to the orange one and make a petal. Remove the end and excess material and scorch with flame. We should have 16 such elements.
To decorate the hairpin, we need a few more simple single-layer blanks. From a piece of tape, do exactly the same actions that we did above in the text.

Simple pointed petals are made in the same way as two-layer ones. Let's not repeat ourselves so as not to waste time. This process can be seen in the video or photo in the text.

We need twelve pieces of such blanks.
Our master class continues, and we begin to make the main part of the hair clip with our own hands. Cut out a circle with a diameter of 3.5 cm from thick cardboard and stick tape on it. In the end, such an element should be formed.

Now we move on to connecting all the elements together. Take the double pointed petals, and after smearing them with glue, attach them to the round base. We do this in a circle. Do this technology, clearly along the edge, attaching all the petals tightly. This should be the first tier of the flower, as shown in the photo.

Next, you need to cut out another circle with a diameter of 2.5 cm and also cover it with satin. Then, in a circle, glue simple petals. In the end, you should end up with a do-it-yourself piece using the tsumami kanzashi technique.

This small flower must be coated with glue on the reverse side and carefully glued to a large bud.

Our master class is coming to an end, all that remains is to decorate the flower. For this, we need a socket with a black bead.

Place a drop of glue on the rosette and then on the bead, glue this decor into the center of the flower and press with your finger. Look what a tsumami kanzashi we got.

Now take a simple hairpin, crab or elastic bands, onto which we will attach a flower.
Apply glue to the hairpin or crab, and press the flower against it, holding it a little with your fingers until it hardens completely.

Spray a little hairspray onto the finished accessory.
This master class is for beginners, completely completed. In the same way, you can decorate hairpins or elastic bands. We hope that our video tutorials will be useful to you, and you will be able to create new hair decorations with your own hands.

Kanzashi hair band

This interesting master class will be devoted to creating an elastic band for hair using the tsumami kanzashi technique. For this, we will need the following materials:

  • narrow blue and blue ribbon. For use, it is better to take satin ribbons, but you can make an elastic band from grosgrain ribbons;
  • scissors;
  • candle or lighter;
  • textile glue;
  • a piece of satin fabric;
  • rhinestones;
  • regular elastic band or crab.

We will make these rubber bands two-color. To do this, take blue and blue ribbons. One is two meters long, and the second is one meter long. Cut the blue material into pieces of eight centimeters, and the blue material into pieces of seven centimeters.

Fold each flap in half so that it overlaps and pour over the fire.

From a piece of fabric, you need to cut a circle with a diameter of 2.5 cm and douse it with fire. Then, we begin to glue the blanks, symmetrically to each other.

From the first to the third tier, the petal color will be blue. The next two tiers need to be created in a blue tint. Trim the topmost elements to make them shorter.

In the middle of our tsumami kanzashi flower, which we made entirely with our own hands, we glue a beautiful rhinestone shaped like a heart.

On the wrong side, we attach a simple elastic band or crab, bought in a store, for little money. Before doing this, make a small mount for it.

Our simple master class on creating an elastic band is completed. We hope that these lessons for beginners on kanzashi techniques have impressed you. The same method is used when decorating hairpins. A detailed video can be viewed on our portal.

Master class on weaving ribbon into a braid

Since ancient times, shiny and beautiful hair has been counted as a sign of beauty in women. A braid with a ribbon was considered a symbol of chastity and wisdom. If your hair is well-groomed and shiny, then you are a wonderful housewife.
Nowadays, braids with ribbons have not lost their uniqueness. On the contrary, they gained many admirers. How to weave a ribbon into a braid is a question every representative of the fairer sex asks herself when she is going to a holiday or just to work.
Our lessons will help you master the skill of weaving braids with ribbons.
Braids with satin ribbons woven into them make a woman more mysterious and tender. The ribbon looks especially interesting on dark and long hair. If you don’t have a suitable ribbon at hand, you can create it with your own hands using a thread with beads. This accessory will turn a simple hairstyle into an evening option.

Prepare all the necessary materials to create a beautiful hairstyle, such as:

  • crest;
  • satin ribbon;
  • crab and studs;
  • decorative material for hair, such as a tsumami kanzashi flower.

You can insert the ribbon into a simple braid. If you want to create a bow at the end, then take longer material. So let's start our lessons:

  • comb your hair well and make a ponytail with an elastic band;
  • Tie a ribbon around the elastic band to hide it underneath. The resulting edges of the tape should be the same length;
  • Divide your hair into three buns and connect the outermost strand with a ribbon. Then, braid your hair as always;
  • upon completion of this work, tie an elastic band and make a bow on top of it.

This hairstyle, like a braid with a ribbon, can be woven not only on the back of the head, but also on the sides or on the top of the head. If you have very long hair, braid the braid around your head, securing it with a hairpin.

Now, let's do a French braid for beginners, also decorated with ribbons. Let's start the lessons:

  • comb your hair and make an even parting. Braid the braid from one side and then from the other;
  • make three bunches of hair on top, grabbing auxiliary strands from the face and begin to weave a French braid. When your braid reaches your neck, secure it with bobby pins. On the other side, do exactly the same actions;
  • connect the braids together and decorate with a ribbon. Then, start weaving a simple braid with a ribbon.

Our wonderful master class is completely finished, with the help of your imagination, you can weave beautiful braids, decorating them with ribbons at your discretion. You can watch an interesting video on how to weave braids with ribbons on our website or on the Internet.

Video: Do-it-yourself kanzashi hairpin


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DIY beaded hairpins in a master class (photo)

To keep your curls in order and your hairstyle to look neat, use not only hairpins, but also hair clips that you can make with your own hands. The process of making original jewelry is fascinating and does not take much time.

It's easy to learn how to make hair clips with your own hands. Beginners should start working with simple compositions and elements, for example, with ordinary elastic bands. Using glue, they are decorated with beads, ribbons, rhinestones and small beautiful elements.

At home, as a rule, they make do with improvised means. So, an original hairpin can be made from large beads and satin braid. The completed workpiece will need to be attached to a special base so that it stays on the strands. Jewelry is also attached to a hoop or various clips.

Necessary materials

Hair clips are made both from improvised components and from components presented in stores.

The basic equipment you need to have:

  • glue gun and regular glue;
  • tweezers;
  • small rounded pliers;
  • round nose pliers;
  • various needles;
  • Crochet hook;
  • centimeter.

Base for hairpin

Depending on the craft you are creating, you need to choose a base for it, which can be as follows:

  1. With an automatic clasp mechanism that can withstand large volumes of hair. The decor of such decoration requires a large composition that could hide a large structure.
  2. Click-clack, in the form of invisible hair, fixing small strands.
  3. Hairpins made of high-strength metal, which are decorated with ordinary beads or fabric weave.
  4. Hoop or wreath.
  5. Metal base from an old hair clip.
  6. Special blanks with frames, frames and platforms.

Step-by-step instructions for creating flowers for kanzashi

DIY hair clips are made using the kazansha technique as follows:

Satin ribbon lily for beginners

Necessary materials:

  • satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • fabric glue;
  • sticky web;
  • wire;
  • iron;
  • candle.

Step-by-step execution technology:

  1. To make leaves 7 cm long, you need to cut the tape into 14 cm pieces.
  2. Fold the braid in half and insert a wire with a cobweb inside one of the halves for the entire width. Place the metal piece in the center of the petal.
  3. Cover with the other half and iron with an iron so that the parts of the tape stick to each other.
  4. Shape the leaves. Trim the ends according to the pattern prepared in advance.
  5. To process the edges of the petals and give them waviness, you need to singe them in parts with a candle, while simultaneously stretching them with your hands.
  6. Make a rounded base for the craft from the same tape as the main product.
  7. Glue the leaves to the base in two rows of 3 pieces, or more if possible.
  8. Due to the fact that the petals are on a wire, they are easy to give the desired configuration.

Master class: Kanzashi rose

Method of making an original rose using the kanzashi technique:

DIY Kanzashi forget-me-nots

Execution of gentle forget-me-not kanzashi step by step:

Daisies made from ribbons and beads

You will need the following materials:

  • white satin ribbon 0.5 cm;
  • felt with a diameter of 2.5 cm;
  • yellow beads;
  • glue;
  • devices.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Cut the braid into 24 pieces of 8 cm each.
  2. Fold each piece in half with the wrong side inward and use your fingers to form a fold in the center.
  3. Place one edge of the strip on the other and fuse it over the candle.
  4. Glue the first tier of 8 petals face up to the felt base.
  5. Glue the second row on top between the first leaves in the amount of 8 pieces, shifting the blanks to the center.
  6. The last layer of 8 pieces. glue under the bottom of the daisy.
  7. Place a drop of glue in the middle and spread it in a circle. Sprinkle yellow beads on top and leave for a few minutes. Shake off the remains.
  8. Using tweezers, adjust the shape, rounding it.
  9. Pour a little more glue and add more beads. Turn the product over and the excess beads will fall off. Set aside for 5 minutes, then shape the middle into a circle.

Kanzashi hairpin made of three types of petals

DIY technology:

Bow for a schoolgirl: popular options

Options for bows for schoolgirls:

To design a two-color bow you will need:

  • two multi-colored satin ribbons of different widths;
  • thin shreds of one of the selected colors;
  • threads

Execution step by step:

  1. It is worth forming a three-layer base from a wide braid. To do this, you need to select the diameter and evenly wind three turns of the tape, fastening the middle with thread.
  2. Make the top bow from two layers, located one on top of the other. Fasten the ends of the ribbons in the middle and tie the two layers together.
  3. The finished product will consist of a three-layer base, a two-tier blank and two thin hanging strips.
  4. To form, place all the layers one on top of the other and tie tightly with a ribbon in the middle.
  5. The decoration can be attached to the hair using a bobby pin or hairpin.

How to make rubber bands from satin ribbons

Execution step by step:

  1. Cut into 6.5 cm pieces. 1.1 m of black ribbon with a light dot and 1.5 m of white with dark polka dots.
  2. For one inflorescence you need to create 8 black petals and 11 white ones.
  3. To form a leaf, bend the braid in the middle at an angle.
  4. Fold it again to create an even triangle.
  5. To secure, singe the base of the petal with a lighter.
  6. Make a fold at the bottom of one end, followed by a second one.
  7. There should be a lot of details.
  8. It is advisable to assemble the decoration on a felt circle.
  9. The first tier is dark, the next two are light.
  10. Take another felt circle, make 2 cuts on it and attach the elastic using glue and a fabric strip.
  11. Glue the base and flower.

Leather hairpin: flowers

Leather flowers can be made in the same way as fabric ones, by cutting out the petals and treating their sections with flame. It is advisable to collect leather leaves with a special needle with a triangular cross-section. By piercing the material, it will not cause parts to break.

To make a leather rose, you need to divide a rectangular piece into two parts with a longitudinal wavy cut in the middle. Each of the created flaps is a finished pattern. The wavy edge must be treated with fire, which will increase its volume. Then roll the resulting pattern into a tight tube and fasten it with invisible stitches on the straight cut side.

Jeans flower

Step-by-step technology for denim colors:

Hairpins with flowers made of foamiran

Hair clips are made with your own hands from foamiran, which can be seen in the example of making a rose:

Decor hair clips

The decorative component of the hairpin can be decorated with various materials:

  • fabrics;
  • feathers;
  • wooden elements;
  • skin;
  • plastic;
  • beads;
  • buttons;
  • stones;
  • ribbons;
  • cones;
  • metal parts.

Centers for jewelry made of beads, beads and rhinestones

To make a center out of beads, you need to drop a little glue into the center and sprinkle the beads on top in an even layer, shaking off the excess. Apply more adhesive to the created beaded hill and, if necessary, add glass beads. Leave for a few minutes and smooth out the shape with your hands or a toothpick.

For the middle of the beads you need to tighten 6 pcs with a thread. elements of the same size, and attach another one in the center. For the base, make a small felt circle and glue the prepared piece to it. Rhinestones can be sewn onto a round fabric base, or glued with glue.

Decor made of beads and wire

To make a feminine beaded wreath you will need:

Work order:

Using a similar technique, you can decorate any hairpin with beads. Hairpins and scallops work well as a frame. Many people choose such elegant homemade jewelry as wedding accessories.

Self-made hair clips are stylish decorations that will help emphasize individuality and exclusivity. When making original jewelry with your own hands, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and apply a variety of ideas. Then the new thing will turn out unique and attractive.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video on the topic: DIY hair clips (kanzashi)

DIY kanzashi:

DIY bow hairpin:

Every holiday hairstyle needs decorations. Flowers created to match the color look unsurpassedly beautiful. kanzashi technique. If you find among the satin ribbons a color that matches your dress or eye shade, we are ready to introduce you to a master class on creating pointed little flowers.

To create small flowers, prepare:

Satin ribbon 2–2.5 cm wide. If you want to combine colors, then each flower can be made in a different color or a pair can be highlighted in a different tone petals in a flower. The coloring depends entirely on your imagination and wishes. Ribbon length - approximately 10 cm is spent on one flower.
- Cautery on wood. Many flowers using kanzashi technique can be created using a lighter, but miniature petals require precision in work, so it is more convenient to draw cut lines with a heated device.
- Glue. Use any transparent and quick-drying glue. But the best is hot glue.
- Hairpins.
- Small rhinestones to decorate the center of the flower.

Let's start with the petals. To do this, cut the ribbon into squares, the size of which is 2×2 or 2.5×2.5, depending on the width of your ribbon.

We bend each square from the corner to the opposite corner so that a triangle emerges.
Once again we bend the triangle, try to evenly overlap the edges.
Now we bend it inside the triangle and get a small petal blank.

At the next stage, you need to attach the workpiece to the glass, press the work with a metal ruler (which does not melt from the action of the burner). The ruler should lie along the line connecting the base point of the petal (the place from which the petal “grows”) and the point marking the middle of the back of the petal. If you draw a line parallel to the bottom of the workpiece, you will not be able to turn the petal out.
Turn out the petals. If the base turns out to be elongated, then trim 1–2 mm, otherwise the flower will be ugly.

Having created 6 petals, you can begin gluing them. First, cut out a 5-6 mm base from satin and singe its edges. Then start gluing on the petals.
The result is a flower of 5–6 petals. Be sure to cover the middle with a small rhinestone; its color should stand out a little against the background of the flower.

Make another circle with a diameter of 7–8 mm. Make two holes in it with a hot awl at a distance slightly less than the ends of the pins. Now carefully insert the pin.

Apply glue to one of the satin circles and connect the flower base to the satin base at the pin.

Holidays flowers on stiletto heels ready to decorate any hairstyle.

Flowers made using the kanzashi technique for hairpins! A floral decoration that no representative of the fairer sex can do without!

Once upon a time, these devices decorated the hair of the favorites of kings and queens, but the peak of popularity came at the beginning of the 20th century, when New Zealander Ernest Godward invented spiral stud. One of the most ancient inventions on earth, as excavations have shown, was made from stones, precious metals and ivory. Today they are almost no different, simple invisible pins decorated with flowers made of leather and ribbons, lush kanzashi, patterns of rhinestones, semi-precious stones and imitating them.