Why does a modern woman need a man? Why does a woman need a man? Why do men keep women in reserve? Lover just in case: what is it for?

How not to fall in love with a man - a beautiful creation, with a heart full of fire, brave and courageous. Even if a man is inconspicuous and does not look like Apollo at all, he is still the closest and dearest to someone. When we part with our loved ones, we think, why do I miss him so much? Living with such pain is difficult and sooner or later every woman begins to think: why does a woman need a man at all? Why do we fall in love? Isn't it easier to live without all this?

Why does a woman need a man and why

The need to share warmth, love and tenderness

Every person must have an outlet for love, tenderness and unspent warmth. We implement some of these components, for example, at work, among friends and relatives, with pets.

However, there is usually too much energy of kindness and warmth in a woman’s heart. In a man’s heart there is sometimes no less such energy than in a woman’s, therefore, by giving sincere feelings to each other, a man and a woman realize themselves. Self-realization is very important for every person.

Such a desire arises on a purely instinctive level, in every woman. Every woman by nature wants to reproduce, and the only one who can give us this is a man. Instincts are very strong feelings and therefore a woman, albeit unconsciously, needs a man;

Like behind a stone wall

Since the dawn of civilization, a man has been positioned as a protector and breadwinner. Physically, he is stronger and more resilient, so a woman next to a man feels protected. A man will be able to protect her from difficulties in life; you can hide behind him and go through all the hardships together.

A woman needs a man for safety and a sense of security. It’s not for nothing that a woman is called the weaker sex; consciously and unconsciously, she feels support and support in a man. Most women believe that they cannot solve their problems or take care of themselves without the help of a man and therefore when a man leaves she feels helpless;


The instinct to reproduce new offspring and survive is inherent in every person. Moreover, this instinct is fundamental throughout the animal world. So, a woman is looking for a man, a female is looking for a male, etc. Signals that a woman wants intimacy with a man are sent by her body to her brain every month. And it doesn’t matter at all how a woman manifests this desire - as an emotional attachment to a man or at the level of philological needs.

Also, before the birth of a child, every woman has a lot of unspent energy. If a woman does not have a child, she realizes herself as a mother with her man, giving him tenderness, love and the warmth of her body. Many women in such a situation simply idolize their man and begin to protect him like mothers;

Like-minded people

All people are looking for allies to communicate, seeking understanding.

A woman sees a man as an ally, like-minded person, friend and believes that only he can understand her in certain situations, which is why every woman needs a man. People come together when their thoughts, life priorities and values ​​are similar.

This way they can fully reveal their souls to each other, throw off a certain mask, be themselves and not face condemnation. With a beloved man, there is no need to hide your true self.

It's easier to live together

Also, we cannot live without men, because living together is still more interesting and enjoyable, even if we don’t think about sexual attraction;

Love and passion

And we cannot live without men, because our relationships with them involve chemistry, how it arises, no one knows. Love and passion for men... A woman needs a man to feel desired, loved and sexy.

The realization that nothing is eternal in the world

Another fact why we cannot live without men is that there is nothing eternal in this world. You need to love and enjoy life here and now, so that later it is not too late.

In the end, I would like to say: no matter how painful the separation may be, you should not despair, you should think only about the good. It just might not be your person. And, in the end, you will definitely find your happiness, perhaps right now it is coming to meet you. Don’t get hung up on any particular man and remember that just as we cannot live without men, a man cannot live without a woman. If there were no women, there would be no man.

Why do we fall in love with each other?

At first glance, this is an unreasonable question. Why trust, open up, part, forget? Why fall in love? Which of this is true and which is not? The attitude towards love has two extremes: “I can’t live without him/her” and “there is no love.”

"No Love"

You've probably met people who don't believe in love and try to "win" as many others as possible to their point of view. Like, love always ends, brings only pain and disappointment, reveals all your weaknesses, makes you vulnerable and unlike yourself, and most importantly - why fall in love, what will it give.

Such people loved, you say. And they suffer from a broken heart. That’s why they close in on themselves, coming to one simple conclusion: “If it all ends in a broken life and a broken heart, then I don’t want to start this again.” This is the simplest instinct of self-preservation, which turns into unhealthy skepticism.

What may really seem important detail- this is weakness. You know what they say: “strong people are the most dangerous, they always know that they will get through.” It turns out that only the weak close themselves off from new feelings.

However, we should not forget that those who fence themselves off will only be able to do this for the time being. And one day - on a sunny morning or on a gloomy afternoon - love will still knock on their closed window and they will no longer think about why to fall in love and whether it is worth doing it.

And it will not matter in whose guise she will come - in the image of the same gloomy recluse or a girl radiating light, looking at whom it is impossible not to smile. Not even to smile, but to laugh out loud - loudly and loudly, like a four-year-old child. But let's return to the so-called second type.

“I can’t live without him/her”

Try saying this in front of your parents. Wise life experience Mom or dad will easily answer: everyone can do it without everyone else. And he breathes, and writes, and works, despite all the unhappy romances and elegies. However, such a person - one who has suppressed pain in himself and exists on mechanical repetitions of everyday actions - is no better than the “no love” type.

And yet, why do we fall in love, why do we need love? Why does every person sooner or later need this long, emotional and one-sided process? The answer is unlikely to inspire optimism in you, but it is true, and there is plenty of evidence for this: peace is based on love.

On love for a woman, for a man, for a friend, girlfriend, family and friends. Love is always near us, without it nothing happens in our lives. Look around, and you will understand that you don’t need to ask yourself the question “to love or not to love?” You already love. This life, this world and these people. Everything that surrounds you.

For what modern woman need a man?

A woman and a man are made for each other! Their love is pure and selfless, the main thing for them is that their beloved partner is nearby to help and support in difficult times, and that on winter evenings they are not bored and lonely.

Alas, this stereotype has practically lost its relevance, and selfless relationships, for the most part, practically do not occur. This does not mean at all that love and pure relationships are now worthless - simply, women and men value certain benefits in relationships more, and it’s good if, having benefits from their partner, loving woman I’m ready to give him something of my own, something very important to him. In other cases, one can observe a model of a man’s use by a woman: “You - to me, and I, perhaps, to you.”

So, we will try to answer the question “Why does a modern woman need a man?”

The first thing to note is that many women, when dating a man and marrying him, have little idea of ​​what they want from their husband. Why are they getting married? They simply cannot imagine life without this person. However, sooner or later, love passes, and healthy female rationalism comes to the fore. When a lady does not know what she wants from a man, she will have the feeling that they are not family, and she was clearly in a hurry with marriage.

Well, there are such situations. IN in this case, the only thing that can be advised is not to lose your head, looking through rose-colored glasses. When tying the knot, you should rely not only on today’s feelings, but also look to the future, allow yourself a certain amount of rationality. Believe me, your spouse also sees privileges for himself in family life, otherwise I would not have decided to take this step.
Everyone knows well what the advantages of marriage are for a man: constant and safe intimate relationships, no need to take your wife to a restaurant every time and give flowers, no need to constantly communicate on topics that are not pleasant for a man. When a man gets married, he forgets what it means to cook his own food, clean the house, wash, iron, etc.

However, let the guys not relax too much, because the list of what a woman looks for in a man is much longer:

1. Romance. Even the most avid feminists, for the most part, continue to be women. They dream about romantic relationships, love, affection, courtship and compliments. For women, a man is a prince who can turn her life into a fairy tale. Every woman secretly dreams of a man who would fulfill all her desires.

Without romance, a woman fades and falls into a state of depression. Alas, today the number of women who have not known true romance is increasing every year. Even the presence of a man does not guarantee a woman romance, because it is alien to most representatives of the stronger sex. They don’t see much need to court a lady, give her flowers and confess their love. This reluctance is especially manifested in marriage. For a man, a woman is prey. He won her, they got married - and that’s enough! Why do anything else if the woman is already nearby. This opinion is wrong, and has already led to the destruction of more than one strong family. If the man nearby does not give a woman romance, she will find her in the arms of another male. Only if, in addition to romance, she receives other things that are important to her from a man.

What do ladies do who lack romance in their lives? Some create romance for themselves - buy flowers, an aromatic lamp, bubble bath, put on light music - and forward to the world of bliss and warmth! Others get their much-desired romance from movies and books about love. They live the life of the heroines, identifying themselves with them. However, none of the ways to get romance can replace the real thing. male warmth and love.

2. Attention. As soon as a woman has a man, she feels the gaze of passers-by and begins to literally “bloom and smell.” She is pleased that she is admired and even admired. Well, who else can admire a woman more than the man himself. Billions of compliments best friends will not replace even a compliment said calmly and without much fanfare: “And you look great!” from a man dear and close to my heart.

When a woman feels that a man likes her, she strives to become even more beautiful - she visits beauty salons, buys a subscription to gym, leads healthy image life and constantly monitors his appearance. With the help of a man, a woman begins to feel beautiful and desirable. Serious changes “await” a woman internally too - she becomes more self-confident, more sensual, and all her current affairs are completed “once or twice”.

3. Feeling of reliability and security. Not a single woman can argue with the fact that the man in the family plays the role of protector. This happened a long time ago, in ancient centuries, when men went to hunt mammoths, and women sat at home and did housework. If animals attacked a family’s home, the man took up arms and went to protect his relatives.

Those years have sunk into oblivion - today a woman no longer wants to put up with the role of a housewife, but strives to realize her potential. Many ladies even earn two, three and ten times more than their men, but one thing remains the same - the role of a man as a protector. Next to a man, a woman feels protected. She knows that in case of danger, a man will protect his wife and children, even at the cost of his own life.

4. Financial security. No matter how women try not to focus on this, money is far from the last component on her wish list. A man in a woman’s eyes is not only a protector, but also a provider. He will make sure that the family has something to eat and drink, and will also ensure complete financial security for the family.

If the couple is not married, the woman still needs money, this time purely for her personal needs: to go to the movies, a restaurant, nightclub, buy new clothes, cosmetics, diapers for the youngest son - depending on your luck :)

Many ladies are so accustomed to the stereotype that a man should earn money that they don’t even consider other options. She could go and earn money to satisfy her personal needs, but... why does she need a man then? Many men do not like this position of women, and this is understandable - no one wants to feel like an “ATM machine”. However, completely denying women all of their needs has health risks.

5. For the birth of a child. The procreation program is inherent in a woman from birth. Actually, just like in a man, only in the former it manifests itself about 10 years earlier. Walking down the street and noticing a cute baby, a woman blurs with tender feelings. She understands: “I want a child too.” At this moment, for her man, life turns into real fun (provided that the man is not ready for the birth of his first child). The lady begins to literally “blow her mind,” asking 20 times a day: “Darling, when are we going to have a little one?” In this case, the man will have to discuss this issue with the girl in order to come to a common denominator, otherwise she will feel that she is not heard and her needs are not taken into account.

However, there are also more positive situations when a man himself has been thinking about a child, his heir, for a long time. In this case, the union of lovers becomes even stronger.
So we have given the answer to the question “Why does a modern woman need a man?” Of course, the list of points can be continued endlessly, but the main thing, as always, is on the surface: A woman needs a man to feel supported and supported. It is in a man's arms that a woman can again feel weak. She does not need to run anywhere and perform purely male duties, because there is someone to take care of her.

Why does a successful woman need a man? There is only one answer - for love. Yes, it sounds so simple, but it’s far from so simple in life.

For a love that does not limit, does not force, does not oppress or subjugate. For love that respects, preserves the internal and physical space of the other, which develops and supports. This is mutual care, support, acceptance and recognition of value. This includes sex, which with love becomes completely different in quality. There are no other reasons to be together.

Perhaps this is adult love. When there is no ardent desire to possess, but there is a calm desire to be in order and to bring joy to others. You feel good, tasty, comfortable, interesting alone, but together there are more colors and the sensations are brighter.

Moreover, I again agreed with the idea that true love is possible only between self-sufficient people. When you don't have to solve your problems at someone else's expense, you can feel and appreciate the person himself. And this desire is not rabid, but even. It will happen, it will happen. No means no.

So, “Why does a successful woman need a man?”

I remember once reading an article where one man popularly explained why accomplished men over forty do not need a permanent relationship. They say there is enough money to have someone to do the housework: cook, wash, iron, clean the house, etc. You can always find someone to go out with, and there will be more than one option. If we talk about the benefits of regular sex in a permanent relationship, then, firstly, for a mature man this issue is not so relevant, and secondly, if you are successful, then having sex is not a problem at all. In addition, a mature man, in addition to work itself, has a lot of hobbies and various activities: hunting, basketball (football, volleyball, etc.), sauna with friends, traveling, fishing, etc. And no time limit! No one burdens you with the fact that you owe something to someone: arrive on time, don’t forget to give a gift, stop somewhere “along the way,” think, take care, etc. And in the comments, people tried to convince that it’s good, they say, a soul mate is nearby, that a person has not met true love, and therefore tries to decompose its existence into components.

For the last few days I’ve been thinking too... And I can’t find any reasons... Why does a successful woman need a man?

Let's immediately discard the arguments “from time immemorial” and “naturally laid down.” Let's talk here and now about the present tense, okay?

So... Living together. Honestly? For a man, living together only burdens him. It is not the man who is burdened, but he who is burdened by himself. Moreover, scattered socks are generally a trifle. What is usually instilled in a man by his mother? You must be looked after. And I, being independent, a separate person, I just can’t understand why. Why would I be happy to ensure that an adult like myself is clean, well-fed and well-groomed? He won’t keep an eye on mine, right? If I have a need to take care of someone, then children and animals more than compensate for this need. So caring for another adult is only on the terms: you - for me, I - for you.

I will say more, at the sweet age of forty there is a need to be taken care of. I’m already close to inviting a housekeeper to cook and clean for myself, rather than aggravate my existence with obligatory breakfasts, lunches, dinners with the advent of serious relationship. So come to me or me to you - only in order to make my life easier, and not to hang yourself on me.

Next point. It is generally accepted that a man must provide where and what the family lives on. What if you dealt with it yourself? And, in general, do you continue to cope normally? There is an apartment. I made the repairs. Even worries about: “who will nail the nail and hang the mirror?”, “who will connect washing machine?”, “Oh, there’s no one to assemble the furniture!” It turns out that they are quite successfully solved by specially trained people. And yes, now I don’t know any work that can’t be done for money. Without any favors, repairs are done for money at a service station and for money they arrange for a technical inspection.

You say, what about support? We swam, we know. The man is weak, not psychologically stable - he strives to jump off. Women are more reliable for support. Visit at the hospital. Lend money. Smoke a beer in the evening. Talk over cards in a cafe. Heart-to-heart conversations are generally better to do with women. Well, you get the idea.

Oh yes, important! Sex. The same situation as for men. No problem. Moreover, the options range from 22 years to... Well, it’s a matter of taste. Having a serious relationship seems to promise regularity and quality, but in practice it is far from a guarantee. For men, the same things happen as for women: “tired”, “trouble at work”, “no time for that”, “well, if you stir me up” (this is generally fu-fu-fu!). Another disadvantage of habitual sex is that when a man examines a woman’s body, he becomes even more primitive (a man, in the sense) than he actually is: he pressed this button, stroked it here. The entire prelude is five minutes, the act itself is three. So let me disagree: the new ones are trying!)))

What follows is not so important, but interesting. I watch the series, I watch TNT, I watch Comedy Club. And I think... Happiness. It’s fortunate that no one grabs the remote control and starts searching for news on all TV channels. It’s fortunate that no one tells me that only stupid women watch TV shows. I’m lucky that no one bothers me at all in the evening. I'm happy that I can pour myself a glass of wine. Or a glass of cognac.

And no one will say reproachfully: “Aren’t you getting drunk?” I’m happy that I can drink coffee at 11 pm and not listen to: “Can you sleep later?”

I’m happy that I can decide for myself whether I can sleep or not. I’m happy that I can watch 16 episodes of the series I like in one day, and no one gives me a hard time about it.

I am happy that I do what I want, work the way I want. No one looks over my shoulder when I write and comments: “What a mess!” or “You’re texting guys again!”

Nobody says about my clients: “What kind of suckers come to you?” And of course, only I myself determine what kind of makeup suits me, what I should wear, what color I should dye my hair and, in general, how long my hair should be.

In general, I'm satisfied. I'm happy with what I have. I love. For this I have little boy and a big girl. Mom, sister, my godchildren. My dear friends.

There is a lot that you still want. Thai boxing, Osho's dynamic meditations, salsa, tango, travel, exotic cuisines of the world, the same jewelry, cinema and works of art, sophisticated authors and new books, grooming, English and Chinese, and...

Be yourself while helping people.

Well, give me at least one reason - why does a successful woman need a man? published

Lilia Akhremchik

Most often, the question of why a woman needs a man is asked by women themselves. On the one hand, constant breakups convince them more and more that they don’t need anyone, and on the other hand, when a handsome man meets, they cannot deny themselves romance.

According to scientists, if we omit practical aspects, then a woman needs a man on a deep psychological level. Thousands of years of union of these sexes have not been in vain, and as a result, it is already perceived as a problem.

In the question of why a woman needs a man, from the point of view of her psychology, a woman is still considered the weaker sex, so it is important that she can always be supported by a strong male shoulder next to her.

Why does a modern woman need a man?

In the age of feminism, representatives of the fair sex can afford to wear jeans, root for a football team, and even serve in the police. And some women begin to claim that they no longer need a man for complete happiness. It is worth noting that there are only a few such women, and although the direct need for a man as a breadwinner really disappears, the desire to create a cozy family home does not disappear.

Many people ask why an accomplished woman needs a man, without even thinking about the fact that money, most often, does not bring the desired happiness. For the weaker sex there is always a primary role The desire to start my own family and have children played a role.

Why does a woman need a man friend?

The presence of a man has always had a calming effect on the female part of the population. Even if a representative of the fair sex does not want to have a romantic relationship with him, it is important for her to know that someone strong can always come to her defense.

Also an important factor for a woman in friendship with a man is that a man almost always says what he thinks. It is important for her to know that someone can directly tell her what the problem is and what she is doing wrong.

Why does a man need a woman? Is it just to leave behind offspring? Well, of course not. A man needs a woman in order to create a full-fledged unit of society - a family. Is this really that important? Let's turn to statistics. She says that people who are married live longer than those who are single.

Why do girls get married?

Many can say - out of love. Yes, this is precisely the reason that is considered the most common today. It is clear that there are exceptions. Sometimes a woman wants to improve her financial situation, sometimes to escape from her parents and gain independence and independence at the expense of her husband. But still, every girl dreams of being loved and desired. Moreover, for a woman, an emotional connection plays a more important role than a physical one. A representative of the fair sex wants to talk with her chosen one, she likes it when they listen to her and do not interrupt her. But it’s not for the sake of conversations that girls go down the aisle.

Every woman has a mother's instinct. She dreams of having a child, and raising a child is easier when there is strong support nearby. This is exactly what the girl wants to see in her chosen one. She needs her loved one to be there in difficult times, solve all problems and provide moral support. Many girls do not want and do not like to take responsibility. But from the age of 18 you have to do this. Therefore, young ladies often find smart and wealthy husbands who make decisions for them.

Why do men get married?

It's stupid to think that it's just for sex. Of course, he is important, but finding a mistress is easier than becoming the head of a family. Why does a man need a woman? So that she would take care of him and be there in difficult times. Men rarely admit that they lack warmth and affection. After all, it sounds somehow too vanilla. But in reality it turns out that representatives of the stronger sex are not deprived of emotions. They just don't show them. When choosing a wife, a man wants to see an intelligent woman next to him. beautiful girl who will become a good housewife and mother. There are many expectations placed on this woman, sometimes simply impossible.

Often young guys get married in order to escape from their parents and feel like adults and independent. They don't think that family is a big responsibility. Some men try to find a successful match and marry a rich girl. In this way, they can quickly improve their status and financial situation. But still, most often, representatives of the stronger half of humanity marry for love. They expect their chosen one to become a faithful wife, reliable support and reliable lover.

Why do people start families?

Men's opinion

If you ask any representative of the stronger sex what he wants from life, he will most likely answer: to achieve self-realization and material well-being. Why does a man need a woman? Of course, it’s good when money is invested in a business, but there is always a balance that needs to be spent on something. And most often men spend it on pleasure. Today there is a wide variety of gastronomic delights, sexual pleasures and ways to get adrenaline through sports. But a person always strives for stability. And after a man has worked his way up, by the age of 30 he realizes that he needs to settle down. For what? Yes, because it is impossible to run after momentary pleasures all your life. Every person wants to create not sand castles, but stone buildings that will last for centuries. That's why men create families. They want to raise children who can continue their endeavors and change this world for the better.

Why does a woman need a man? The opposite sex hopes that girls are also looking for stability in relationships. Men believe that a woman wants to see them as support and protection. But most importantly, according to the opposite sex, girls of all ages want to receive love from their chosen one, recognition of their beauty and uniqueness.

Women's opinion

Representatives of the fair sex believe that they need men to be wealthy and peaceful life. After all, when you're nearby strong man, any adversity is not scary. He will protect you from offenders, you can trust him with your worries, and this wizard will find a solution to any problem. Why does a woman need a man? To ensure her a comfortable existence. After all, since ancient times in Rus', the husband earned money, and the wife ran the household. This principle still exists in many families. A woman works for her own pleasure, spends her salary on herself, and the man provides for the family. Moreover, this option suits both.

Many modern women think that men are given to them in order to make children. They view representatives of the stronger sex as unique machines for fertilization. According to such women, all men are assholes who are incapable of raising normal child. Most of these ladies are feminists, and they vehemently assure everyone that a girl should live for herself, and not be a cook, a cleaner and a nanny all rolled into one.

Psychologists' opinion

Why does a man need a woman? The question can be answered objectively like this: for moral and spiritual support. After all, it is the kinship of souls, not bodies, that brings people together. Thanks to common interests, spending time together and relaxing, a man and a woman become close. And most importantly, their connection is based on common memories. Psychologists say that it is more difficult for people to break up the more eventful their past is. Falling in love passes, and feelings may cool down, but only the best moments will always remain in memory.

Is there love? Psychologists say that there is. It is not only passion that drives people when they promise each other to get stars from the sky every day. Here sympathy and hopes placed on the future also play a role.

Does a woman need a man after 40?

Many ladies ask this question. But really, why does a woman need a man after 40? Yes, because a person at any age needs love and tenderness. Even the strongest woman yearns to find a man who will become a reliable support for her. After 40, ladies don't need passionate feelings. They become selective, they no longer want to see a passionate young man next to them. Successful and wealthy ladies crave a man who, above all, will become their faithful friend and reliable assistant. It’s too late for a 40-year-old lady to think about children. If she didn’t give birth before this age, it means it’s no longer destiny. Now you need to live the allotted years with dignity, and you want to have a husband nearby with whom you can share both sorrows and joys.

Ladies often wonder why a man needs a 40-year-old woman? And they come to the conclusion that representatives of the stronger sex want to see next to them a person who is wise and experienced, who can become a worthy life partner.

Why does a woman need a man after 50 years? To brighten up your leisure time, show off to your friends and while away the evenings in an interesting way. Life is very bad for lonely pensioners, and people of both sexes understand this very well.

Does a man need a woman after 40?

Definitely needed. At this time, men often experience a midlife crisis. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex either leave their wives or secretly look for love on the side. They do this in order to assert themselves and understand that life is not over.

Why does an accomplished woman need a 40-year-old man? If he is her husband, then any lady hopes to see him as a reliable support. If he is a girl’s lover, then she hopes that her chosen one is good in bed. Men over 40 are still in demand among women. After all, the peak of their sexual activity has not yet ended. Over the years, men acquire wealth and charm, which together make them very attractive to women.

At what age does family life lose its meaning?

This may seem strange to many, but not at all. Family always plays a big role for a person, even if it consists of only two people. Therefore, you should not wonder why a strong woman needs a man at 40 or 50 years old. Everyone wants simple human happiness. You should not blame a person for not finding your soul mate earlier. After all, everyone's fate is different. Maybe, formerly a woman She was pursuing a career, and for her men were not objects of admiration, but simply lovers. And the same thing often happens with men. They can find a lover even at 50 years old. Moreover, they say that if there is a large age difference between spouses, then the one who is older will try to become younger.

A modern view of relationships

Today people prefer to live for themselves. They put off starting a family until later. The main thing is self-realization and unlocking your potential. Why does a modern woman need a man? To satisfy your ego. Ladies want their gentlemen to give armfuls of roses and do crazy things. Moreover, they will decide later whether to reciprocate these signs of attention or not. Sometimes girls lose their love this way. They want to be looked after beautifully. But they are in no hurry to take reciprocal actions themselves. Do men like it? No. Not everyone wants to melt hearts snow queens. It's complicated. It is much easier to find an available girl who has few requirements. It will be easier to live with her, she can be controlled and commanded.

Men want to see strong and confident women. Moreover, they do not want to invest money in the development of their companion. There is an opinion that a modern family should look like this: the husband runs his own business, the wife runs her own, and the children are raised by a nanny and all kinds of children's centers.

Looking to the future

Why does a woman need a masculine man? To feel strong and independent. Girls want to be equal to men. Therefore, modern ladies do business, not household chores. What about love? Many people forget about it. People get sex from lovers, and communication and support from friends. But this is the wrong way to develop society. After all, it was thanks to monogamy that people were able to escape from primitive society. Advertising and the West are imposing free love on Russians. And that’s why people think it’s very convenient to live for themselves. There is no need to care about anyone, and there is no need to get close to the opposite sex. This is wrong. Men and women have a need for love. It is what makes people move forward and successfully overcome any obstacles.