In August, during the church fast, you can have a wedding. Is it possible to have a wedding during the Assumption Fast? Dormition Fast: is it possible to get married?

The question of whether it is possible to have a wedding during Lent does not face Orthodox believers. Simply because it won't occur to them. Of course not. This time is meant for something else. If people are far from God, they don’t think about it, they don’t care. But if the future spouses have doubts, it means that some kind of spark has ignited in their souls. For those who want to know whether it is possible or not, and why, this article is intended.

What is fasting?

Fasting exists not only in Orthodoxy. They exist in Islam, where such questions as whether it is possible to have a wedding during Lent are not even asked. There are periods of abstinence for Catholics and Lutherans. True, they are not as strict as the Orthodox. But a believer, no matter what religion he professes, knows what fasting is for, and will not violate traditions.

Most people perceive fasting as a restriction in food. This is fundamentally wrong. There is one folk proverb: “Fasting is not in the belly, but in the spirit.” Ask any Orthodox clergyman about the purpose of a period of abstinence, and he will, first of all, talk about the soul, about the purity of thoughts and actions, about the awareness of sins. Before each such event, the church talks about spiritual fasting, which must be observed first. It is explained why food restriction is necessary and what this is connected with. Ask a Muslim mullah and he will talk about the same thing, about the soul.

Fasting is, first of all, spiritual cleansing, a person’s struggle with the sinful desires of the flesh, pride, which means humility before the will of the Creator and the triumph of the spirit. During the period of abstinence, you need to concentrate all your thoughts on realizing your sins and atone for them before the Lord through repentance. Fasting is a revision of life values, a person’s spiritual growth, it is, first of all, compassion for one’s neighbor, helping the suffering. Here the question of whether it is possible to have a wedding during Lent is clearly inappropriate.

Church wedding

The attitude in modern society towards weddings during Lent is ambiguous. Some people don’t attach any importance to this, there is a registry office that registers marriages, why not hold a wedding. Some people still adhere to this tradition out of superstition. Which is clearly unnecessary. Still others are believers who firmly believe that it is impossible to hold a wedding at this time. First of all, because during Lent there are restrictions on what are considered sinful desires of the flesh: food, alcohol consumption (and what would a wedding be without this!), sex life. There is a special calendar of fasts, which indicates the dates of their holding.

There will be no wedding sacrament in the church during the period of abstinence. The sacrament of marriage (one of seven in the Orthodox Church) is a divine invisible grace-filled sanctification. During the ceremony, prayers are read for God’s blessing of this union. For some people, this is extremely important, so the question of whether it is possible to have a wedding in Lent is not worth it for them.

Marriage in Lent

Those who claim that the church prohibits weddings during Lent are wrong. She can't do it. The church simply does not conduct marriages - weddings. You cannot be led to God by the hand and forced to believe. Each person comes to the Lord on his own. Faith is a need of the soul. If this is not the case, then no one can force a person.

Nowadays, there is such a thing as marriage registration. It can be performed at any time appointed by the registry office employee, including on fasting days. This concept is enshrined in law. We live in a secular society, where religion is separated from the state, therefore, when it is better to have a wedding, everyone decides for himself. Many young people generally prefer civil marriages. And the older generation, for whom a stamp in the passport has always been mandatory, has resigned itself and does not mind.

Society is changing, relationships between people are being transformed. Religion remains unshakable - the spiritual repository of humanity. Orthodoxy, like Islam, is strong because it does not succumb to external influence and sacredly preserves its traditions and rituals.

How to know when to post

To be sure that the wedding does not fall on one, you need to look at the fasting calendar, which you can get from the church or find on the Internet. For 2017 they fall on the following dates:

  • 27.02 - 15.04 - Great.
  • 12.06 - 11.07 - Petrov.
  • 14 - 27.08 - Uspensky.
  • 27.11- 6.01 - Rozhdestvensky.

Weeks are small fasts lasting seven days during which weddings cannot be held:

  • 11 - 16.04 - Light Easter.
  • 07 - 19.01 - Christmastide.
  • 06 - 12.02 - Publican.
  • 20 - 26.02 - Cheese.
  • 05 - 11.06 - Trinity.

Posts lasting one day. Preceding the great church holidays:

  • 11.09 - John the Baptist.
  • 27.09 - Exaltation.
  • January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve.

In addition, weddings are not held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, before Lent and before the twelve, great and temple holidays.


Held in all Christian churches that have preserved apostolic succession and are based on Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. During Lent, believers prepare for Easter. Lent refers to the events that mark the forty-day period of Christ's abstinence in the desert. Its name in all churches contains the number 40; in Church Slavonic it sounds “Four Days”. Its duration is also 40 days. Weddings are not held during Lent.

Petrov post

This oldest occurs after seven days after Trinity. Named in honor of the memory of the most significant apostles - Peter and Paul. The celebration of the memory of the saints falls on July 12 - this is the end of Lent. Its beginning is associated with the date of Easter. Therefore, the duration of the period of abstinence can range from a week and one day to six weeks. Like any other, weddings are not celebrated on Peter's Fast.

Why don't they get married during Lent?

Weddings are not held during Lent, primarily because these days precede the great holidays of Christianity: Easter, Christmas, the Dormition of the Virgin Mary and the days of remembrance of great saints. This is not the time for fun and entertainment events, such as a wedding.

In addition, the church limits sexual activity during fasting days, as this is fornication. Even married couples It is recommended to limit yourself these days, let alone newlyweds. But in life anything can happen. Therefore, if there is a need to register for Lent, you can formalize your relationship, and after Lent, hold a wedding and get married. This will give you the opportunity to calm down and not worry about church prohibitions.

Most young people are generally against noisy feasts and lush weddings, in this case, you don’t need to think about why you can’t have a wedding in Lent. You can simply register and go on a trip. After a period of abstinence, you can hold a wedding ceremony and celebrate the celebration in a close circle of loved ones. On the other hand, holding a wedding during Lent will not be such a terrible sin, but it is still worth thinking about whether you need to start your family life with doubts about whether you are doing the right thing.

If you decide to hold your wedding during Lent, then think about making sure that all your invitees feel comfortable. If there are believers among them who observe fasting, it is necessary to include several lenten dishes in the menu.

Do weddings take place during Orthodox Lent? This is exactly what one of the most popular questions on wedding portals. It often happens that future newlyweds, most often far from the church and the Orthodox faith, have already managed to set a wedding date, order photo and video shooting, rent a hall, send out invitations... and then suddenly a grandmother living in another city exclaims during a telephone conversation : “What are you talking about! Is it possible to have a wedding during Lent?!” Having laughed at the superstitious old woman at first, after a while the bride and groom begin to torment the Internet in secret from each other to find out this, because there is no smoke without fire. They are quite understandable, because marriage is a very important step, and no one wants to start their married life with some wrong, thoughtless actions.

Why don't weddings take place during Lent? Is this a strict church institution or a folk custom, or maybe just a superstition that has no serious basis? As always in doubtful cases, this question should be asked not to a friend or neighbor, but to an Orthodox priest. Let's find out what they answer to this question.

Do weddings play a part in Lent? Weddings in the Orthodox Church

Oddly enough, if you ask different priests the question - Is it possible to have a wedding during Lent?, we can hear very different answers. Some priests believe that getting married during Orthodox Lent is possible if certain conditions are met, while others believe that it is absolutely not possible. They agree on one thing in one hundred percent of cases: you cannot get married during Lent. The ban on weddings during Orthodox Lent is so strict that it does not fall within the competence of the priest directly. In those special cases when a wedding during Lent is a matter of life and death (for example, the groom is going into the army), the request is submitted to the ruling bishop, and only he can give permission to the priest to perform the wedding sacrament during Lent. But these are truly exceptional cases.

As for the decision whether to have a wedding during Lent (meaning painting in the registry office and celebration) or not, here, perhaps, you should listen to your conscience, since there are no clear church instructions on this matter. In any case, if the decision “for” has already been made, then the priests recommend observing important rule: There should be both fast and fast dishes on the table so that your fasting relatives do not feel awkward. But if possible, it is better not to have a wedding during Lent.

Restrictions on holding a wedding during Orthodox Lent

To avoid getting into trouble when setting a wedding date, it is better to first look at the Orthodox calendar, which lists all Orthodox fasts.

Weddings are not celebrated on Great, Nativity, Dormition and Petrov fasts, as well as on the following days: on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, on the eve of the great and twelfth church holidays, on the eve of church holidays (check with the church), on the eve and on the days of the holidays of the Exaltation of the Honest and The Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 26 and 27) and the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 10 and 11).

In addition to these church fasts, weddings do not take place during holiday periods: Christmastide (January 7–19) and Holy Week (the week after Easter). But there is no reason to be upset: the rest of the time you will be happily married in any temple. Of course, you can violate this church instruction, but is it worth starting your family life with violations, especially if you are believers or have believing parents whom you do not want to upset? After all, the really urgent need to have a wedding while fasting arises very rarely.

A wedding is an exciting and very important event, so many future newlyweds attach special importance to the date of this event: some are looking to ensure that this day is prosperous according to the lunar calendar, while others are looking to ensure that the wedding in 2017 does not fall during Lent. In this article we will talk about the second case.

Is it possible to have a wedding during Orthodox Lent? Unfortunately, this issue is not really important for every couple, but our ancestors getting married did not even think of setting a wedding date on days on which, according to church regulations, a wedding cannot be held. They did this because they simply did not have the concepts of secular marriage or civil marriage, and the wedding always took place on the same day as the wedding. Nowadays, everything has become much more complicated, and sometimes young people themselves do not fully understand what kind of relationships they are in, let alone adhering to strict church canons? But those who are planning to get married in 2018, and at the same time do not want to start their family life by violating Orthodox rules, should definitely not set a wedding date for Lent.

Is it possible to have a wedding during Lent?

If it is important for young people to adhere to the church charter and traditions of their ancestors, then they definitely should not get married in Lent before Easter. After all, fasting before Easter is also about spiritual improvement, so a cheerful and noisy celebration, such as a wedding from time immemorial, is completely inappropriate during this period. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the wedding date does not fall during Holy Week of Orthodox Lent - is it possible for a Christian to go down the aisle on days when the crucifixion and death of the Son of God is remembered? Weddings are not performed in preparatory weeks for Lent. In 2018, this period covers almost the entire March and April. In addition, Orthodox Christians do not get married during Lent 2018:

  1. Petrov (June 12 – July 11),
  2. Uspensky (August 14 – 27),
  3. Rozhdestvensky (November 28 – January 6).
  4. In 2018, it is impossible to schedule a wedding for the following periods: Bright (Easter) Week (April 1 – 8),
  5. Christmas time (7 – 19 January),
  6. and also every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

For those who are interested in whether it is possible to have a wedding during Lent, it will be useful to know that strict fast days in the Orthodox Church are also the holidays of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 27) and the Beheading of the Baptist and Prophet John the Baptist (September 11). Weddings in churches are not performed even on the eve of these days.

Why can’t you have a wedding in Lent 2018?

These Orthodox Christians always complicate everything - the newlyweds will be indignant. Why can't we schedule a wedding day in 2017 for Lent? The reason is not only the ban on fun and entertainment, which, of course, is any wedding, but also for another reason. The fact is that during fasting and fasting days, the Orthodox Church recommends abstaining from marital relations, which, of course, will be completely impossible for those who have just gotten married. Even those newlyweds who have been living together for several years are advised by priests to abstain from relationships during Lent, since according to church canons such cohabitation is a sin of fornication, and not to get married during Lent 2018, but to postpone it to a more suitable date. Such abstinence, they say, can simultaneously become both a test of feelings and a kind of sacrifice to God. In order to learn in more detail about suitable wedding dates and fasts in 2018, it is worth buying an Orthodox wedding calendar.

The beginning of the fast before Easter in 2018 is February 19

  1. The date of Easter in 2018 is April 8
  2. Date of celebration of the Light Easter in 2019 – April 28

Marriages are made in heaven... Everything has its reasons - people don’t meet and get married by chance. Many couples are concerned about the question: “When is the best time to get married?” or “When is the best time to get married?”

The correct choice of date for marriage plays a very important role in the life of the newlyweds. Of course, the date of the wedding, wedding or wedding day is not the key to a happy married life, but choosing a good date for the wedding ceremony increases the chances of creating a prosperous marriage and long-lasting marital relationships.

Many couples even order a personal horoscope for themselves to determine the most suitable date for marriage and weddings. In general, we can say that the main criteria for choosing a wedding date are: year, time of year, month and day of such an important event in the lives of both people - the future spouses.

What year is best to get married?

There is an opinion that if you celebrate your wedding on a leap year, it means dooming your marriage to collapse. Many people think that leap years- unlucky. But if you look at history, you can see a completely opposite picture.

Do you think that in leap years young people did not get married, the matchmakers rested and there was no pre-wedding bustle in the brides' houses? There is one interesting feature, in a leap year... girls went to get married. It turns out that leap year was the year of brides who could choose their own groom! Moreover, the bride could be refused matchmaking only in the most rare and justified cases. So if your loved one is delaying the engagement and wedding, girls, don’t get confused and, in accordance with a long-standing tradition, feel free to propose your hand and heart to your betrothed.

Which month is better to get married or which month is better to get married?

There are many legends and beliefs in which month of the year the concluded union will be stronger, and in which month it is not recommended to get married. Such signs are more interesting from the point of view of folklore.

  1. So, it is not recommended to get married in January.
  2. February is considered auspicious month for a wedding.
  3. A bride getting married in March will have to live on someone else's side.
  4. April, which is changeable in weather, promises the same fickle and changeable happiness.
  5. According to popular belief, those who get married in May risk being deceived by their other half.
  6. June - perfect month for a wedding, for those who tied the knot in June, the honeymoon will last a lifetime.
  7. Getting married in July will bring to life new family both happy and not very pleasant moments.
  8. For a girl who gets married in August, her husband will be a friend and lover for life.
  9. Those getting married in September will be united in a strong union for life.
  10. For the young people who united their fate in October, life will be difficult and difficult.
  11. November promises a rich life for the young.
  12. December is a wonderful time for marriage - it promises that you will love each other more and more.

In our modern world, these signs are not very reliable and are more interesting from the point of view of getting to know folklore. In the old days, most weddings took place in late summer and autumn. Our ancestors loved to have weddings during the harvest months, because at this time the feast was more plentiful and the treats more varied.

In addition, it was considered good luck to get married during the fertile months. Nowadays, many couples also prefer to get married in the summer and early autumn: the table can be diversified with all kinds of seasonal fruits, fresh herbs and vegetables, the wedding celebration can be held on outdoors, and the bride will be able to choose a dress that is light and elegant.

New Western tradition honeymoon trips also best achieved under the rays of the warm summer sun. Of course, there are some inconveniences in such a celebration: at this time, wedding salons are crowded, many cafes and restaurants are booked literally every day, wedding planners and photographers work seven days a week, and some guests cannot come because they went on vacation at that time.

If you're looking to get married during the colder months and make your wedding one to remember, consider hosting weddings abroad. In this case, a wedding in the Dominican Republic is the best option.

 The wedding ceremony can take place in any month of the year. The bride and groom can choose the ones that are comfortable for them summer dress and a suit. Beautiful weather all year round, azure ocean, white-topped waves, clean sand - isn’t this the kind of original and memorable wedding you’ve dreamed of?

On what day of the week is it better to get married?

  1. According to ancient signs, a wedding held on Monday will bring wealth and joy to the newlyweds’ home.
  2. Wedding on Tuesday - the newlyweds will enjoy good health.
  3. Wednesday has always been considered a very lucky day to get married.
  4. Thursday may bring difficulties in family life.
  5. Those getting married on Friday will have to go through many tests.
  6. The union concluded on Saturday will be strong only when the young people are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of their family.

When is the best time to get married according to the lunar calendar?

The 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 24th, 26th and 27th are considered lucky days for a wedding. lunar days. It is not recommended to get married on the day of a lunar eclipse. It is best to have a wedding on the waxing moon - this guarantees constant interest in each other.

When is the best time to get married according to the Orthodox calendar?

Weddings in the Orthodox Church do not take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. According to the existing canonical rules, it is not allowed to get married on the eve of the twelve, temple and great holidays, during the great, Peter's, Dormition and Nativity fasts, during Christmastide from January 7 to 20, during Shrovetide, starting from Meat week and also during Easter week, on the eve and on the days of the beheading of John the Baptist (August 29) and the erection of the Holy Cross (September 14).

Judging by statistics, couples married in church rarely break up. According to the clergy, this happens because their marriage is made in heaven...

What weddings are celebrated every year?

  • During the first year living together On the day of marriage every month, a green wedding is celebrated.
  • The calico wedding is celebrated on the anniversary family life and on this day the young exchange chintz handkerchiefs.
  • The 2nd anniversary of marriage is celebrated paper wedding. It is customary to give beautiful books, photo albums and paintings.
  • A leather wedding is celebrated after 3 years of marriage. The family has become much stronger, but the relationship is not yet very established and flexible, like leather, products from which are usually given as gifts on this day.
  • Wax wedding - 4 years together. There must be candles burning on the table.
  • Wooden wedding - 5th anniversary of marriage. The tree symbolizes the strength of family relationships. On this day, it is customary to give spouses wooden dishes, spoons, boxes and all kinds of wooden products.
  • 6 years of marriage – cast iron wedding. Cast iron, despite its external strength, is a brittle metal; it can crack if struck. Likewise, family relationships, despite a rather long period of time, must be maintained.
  • The copper wedding is celebrated 7 years after the wedding. Spouses exchange copper rings or coins - symbols of ringing happiness.
  • Tin wedding - 8 years of marriage. On this anniversary, it is customary to give baking trays, trays, tin baking dishes, as well as kitchen utensils and household electrical appliances.
  • 9 years of marriage - earthenware wedding. The best gift On this day, the spouses will receive earthenware and crystal products.
  • Pink or tin wedding is celebrated on the 10th anniversary of marriage. On this day, it is customary to give pink roses, which will remind the newlyweds of their wedding day and of love, which is no longer afraid of thorns.
  • Quite a long list wedding anniversaries ends with an oak wedding - 80 years of marriage. Long-lived tree in in this case symbolizes the eternity of love.

Of course, it is very important to choose year, month, date and day of the week for the wedding. But we must not forget that the formula happy marriage- This mutual love and harmony in all aspects of family life: intellectual, spiritual and sexual.

Have you received a marriage proposal? Congratulations! Then it's time to choose a month for your wedding! And here many newlyweds’ heads begin to spin, because there are so many things to take into account: from the congestion of banquet halls and the busyness of specialists to personal preferences and signs. The portal will tell you about the latter, telling you about favorable days by month and date for a wedding in accordance with folk signs and other factors.

Folk signs for weddings by month

Let's look at the main signs regarding choosing a date for a wedding by month to find out what time of the year promises the spouses a long and happy life!

Wedding signs by month “affirm” that a family union concluded in winter time year, will be doomed to overspend the family budget. But this is just a general sign; each of the cold months has its own meaning:

  • Wedding in December promises young people strong and long-lasting love, which will grow stronger and stronger every year.
  • Wedding in January- not the best best choice, because according to signs, such a marriage will end with the early loss of one of the spouses, most likely the husband. Or such a marriage will often be on the verge of divorce.
  • Wedding in February promises the newlyweds a long family life filled with happiness and joy.

In Rus', winter marriages actually fell at the end of February - the time of Maslenitsa, because this promised the young people that they would “roll like cheese in butter”! And if it was snowing on the wedding day, then prosperity and happiness for the newlyweds are definitely guaranteed! In addition, engagements were often concluded at this time, and the wedding itself was held at Krasnaya Gorka, beloved by all the newlyweds.

A celebration held during the awakening of nature from winter sleep, promised the young a marriage in which love would always live, and a home filled with fun. But there are also more accurate signs in which spring month you should or should not have a wedding:

  • Wedding in March portends young people life in a foreign country or far from home.
  • Wedding in April- unstable family life: happiness in marriage will be changeable and unstable.
  • Wedding in May promises the newlyweds betrayal by one of the spouses and mutual distrust. In addition, as the signs say, marriage this month can lead to the fact that the spouses will suffer all their lives.

The most favorable day for a wedding in the spring is considered to be Krasnaya Gorka (the first Sunday after Easter), which promises the couple a strong and long-lasting union.

A wedding organized in hot weather foretells a life of joy and “warmth” for the newlyweds. And if you look specifically at the months, you can find out that each of them has its own interesting meaning:

June is a great month to bind hearts together in sacred union. Harmony and happiness will reign in the family, and spouses will love each other immensely

  • Wedding in June will turn marriage into an ongoing honeymoon. Happiness, harmony and love will always reign in the family.
  • Wedding in July has a twofold interpretation: the family will be “visited” by both joy and sorrow, all equally.
  • Wedding in August promises a friendly family life filled with romance and tenderness.

Beautiful autumn time can be an excellent time for a celebration (except for October!), this “golden” wedding will sometimes mark the beginning of a strong and long marriage. And speaking specifically by month, there are the following signs:

  • Wedding in September portends the spouses a quiet and quiet life filled with harmony and mutual respect.
  • Wedding in October- not the best choice, because... it threatens spouses with various difficulties in family relationships.
  • Wedding in November“will give” young people happiness and peace in family life, as well as prosperity and financial independence.

Now you know what the month you choose for your wedding means and how it can affect the fate of your union. If you already completely believe the signs about choosing a day for a wedding, then you should also pay attention not only to the month, but also to the date in this month. Favorable days for holding a wedding in accordance with folk examples are presented in the following photo, in which the dates for which the wedding should be scheduled are indicated by month in blue.

Astrological meaning of weddings by month

When choosing a month for your wedding, pay attention not only to signs, but also to the astrological forecast in order to choose a favorable date for the celebration in accordance with the Lunar cycle:

  • Favorable days for a wedding are 10, 11, 17, 21, 26, 27 days of the Lunar cycle.
  • Unfavorable - 3-5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19.

In addition, the fate of the marriage will be influenced by the zodiac sign under which the new family was formed:

  • If you schedule a wedding on dates under the signs of the elements of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then your life will be full of passion and love, optimism and desire for the best.
  • If on dates under the signs of the elements of Air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini), then you are destined to build light and comfortable family relationships filled with harmony and trust.
  • If the dates are under the signs of the Earth elements (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus), then your life will be measured and calm.
  • If the dates are under the signs of the elements of Water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer), then your family relationships will never lose sensuality and poignancy, and you will always treat each other tenderly and attentively.

Church calendar

In addition to personal preferences and current wedding signs, you should also pay attention to church calendar, because not all days are suitable for marriage. When choosing a wedding month and a specific date, you should definitely take into account the following recommendations of the church:

  • January: You should not get married during the Nativity Fast (January 1-6). Unfavorable dates this month for weddings are from 7 to 9.
  • February: You should not schedule a wedding for the Presentation of the Lord - February 15th. In addition, unfavorable dates are February 17-23.
  • March: This month it is impossible to hold a wedding at all, and unfavorable dates for concluding a marriage are March 3-19.
  • April: it is better to refuse to hold a wedding on Easter or the Annunciation, but Krasnaya Gorka (7 days after Easter) is an ideal choice.
  • May: You cannot get married on the Ascension of the Lord and the day before it (39th and 40th days after Easter).
  • June: You should not schedule a wedding for the second half of the month, in particular, on Trinity, Trinity Saturday and Peter's Lent.
  • July: Only after the 12th will you be able to obtain permission to get married.
  • August: The celebration can only be held until the Assumption Fast, which begins on the 14th.
  • September: favorable dates for concluding an alliance before God are September 5, 12 and 19, but on September 21 (Christmas Holy Mother of God) and 27 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross) you should not schedule this event.
  • October: A more favorable time for a wedding is the second half of the month.
  • November: You shouldn’t have a wedding on the 1st and 2nd, because... these dates are memorial days.
  • December: It is forbidden to get married during the Nativity Fast.

The following table shows some church holidays and dates on which a wedding celebration should not be scheduled.

Very important point When organizing a wedding, it is important to choose the right wedding date. Newlyweds often wonder: what time of year is best to get married? The answer to this question is simple: all seasons are good in their own way for getting married.

But if the newlyweds are wondering: on which days is it better to have a wedding, then they should prepare - analyze the desired wedding day from many points of view.

The most ardent desire of the bride and groom is that their marriage be long, lasting and happy, so there is no need to neglect advice and signs.

Summer is ideal for modern newlyweds to get married: the warmest time of the year, the delights of a celebration in nature, lush flowering plants and a rich wedding menu are available.

Each season has its own advantages for a wedding celebration, the choice is up to the newlyweds.

First of all, you should check the selected day in the sad calendar of events of the getting married families. Were there any deaths in the family that day? It is believed that a marriage concluded on such a day will not be happy.

What date is best to have a wedding? - the newlyweds think. Read below about the dates when weddings are not celebrated.

It is believed that a marriage entered into on such days can also become “transitional,” that is, short-lived.

Another date of the year is not suitable for marriage - February 29. It only happens in leap years. A family created on such a strange day is considered complex.

When choosing the best number for a wedding, astrologers analyze the position of the Moon and the Sun. Symbolically, in the perfect sacrament of marriage, the husband is the Sun and the wife the Moon. IN lunar calendar you can easily see the position of the luminaries.

For a successful start to marriage, you need to choose a day when the Moon is in the zodiac sign under which the future wife was born, and the Sun is in the sign under which the future husband was born.

The exception is days when one of the luminaries or both are in the sign of Aries - such days are universally unlucky for marriage of those people who were born under other zodiac signs. Aries may not listen to this advice.

It is better not to have weddings at the end of October and in November - the Sun is in Scorpio, which is not favorable for a family union.

A family that begins in March or at the end of February does not last long. But if your future wife’s horoscope is Pisces, ignore this recommendation.

You cannot plan a wedding if the Moon is in the signs of Virgo, Scorpio or Capricorn; The days of solar and lunar eclipses are also unsuitable for wedding celebrations.

What year is better to get married?

This question often finds very interesting answers. For example, 2014 was declared the year of widows and widowers, so some couples postponed the day of their happy union.