Exercises to prepare for school for 5 years. Preparing children for school: program and tasks

Those parents are right who think about preparing their children for school as early as early age- after all, it’s much better if a child comes to first grade with the skills of reading, writing, and counting! Still, it seems like a wrong approach when the adult generation believes that only teachers should teach the Russian language, mathematics and other subjects primary classes: they say, the program is the same for everyone, and let it be implemented when its time comes.

Professional centers, studios, and clubs offering school preparation classes are in demand and popular throughout the country in general and in our city in particular. In addition to the fact that preschool children learn to read, write and count, they often study rhythm, logic, economics, English- and come to school already prepared, having a head start over those who have not attended such classes until the age of 6-7.

The benefits of such preschool educational programs it is obvious: children improve their intelligence, short-term and long-term memory, develop aesthetically, spiritually and physically. They also take the first steps towards realizing their personal potential, gain the necessary - and not only gaming and leisure - experience of communicating with peers, and prepare to adhere to the daily routine at school.

When should a child start learning to read?

According to many modern teachers, modern children should learn to read from an early age, without waiting until they enter first grade. More specifically, experts recommend introducing children to the alphabet from the age of 3-4: parents can act as “intermediaries” in this matter, as can teachers of preschool education studios. Why will reading be useful for a child at such a tender age? It is then that children develop the makings of logical and spatial thinking, as well as memory. Reading has a beneficial effect on all of the above, and you don’t even need to prove it. In addition, it broadens your horizons, teaches you to communicate and express your opinion in words. What is worth talking about introducing a prepared first-grader to the ABC book?..

What parents of a future first-grader need to know

We need to start with the fact that, according to the laws, a child whose age is at least 6.5 years and no more than 8 on September 1 can become a first-grader. Of course there is also special cases, which are decided on an individual basis (for example, a boy or girl is a few days short of reaching 6.5 years old, etc.). Those who are geographically attached to the school have priority when enrolling in a school. If parents want to send their son or daughter to another educational institution, then they receive this right only after the guys living nearby are accepted. You can register in 2 stages. The first one starts on December 15th. Then you can apply for admission. If the school has additional places left, it can open the second stage, but the lists must be formed by the end of August. However, the official closing date for admission of first-graders is September 5. The list of documents required for admission of a boy or girl is a birth certificate, passport of the applicant (parent or guardian), SNILS of the child. It happens that the school may ask for additional confirmation of the child’s registration.

How do you know if your child is fully ready for school?

It happens that by the age of 6-7 years a boy or girl has already mastered reading, writing and counting. This, of course, pleases parents and some of them believe that this “base” is quite enough to go to first grade. However, in addition to this, it is extremely important that the child is ready for school morally, psychologically, and, as they say, in everyday life. Studying and being in class is not only about gaining new knowledge. This, of course, is the ability to behave in a team and obey the necessary rules. Before entering school, children must learn to be perseverant - after all, they will have lessons lasting at least half an hour. Naturally, a child who does not know how to change clothes and shoes, or who does it “under pressure” and under the watchful supervision of parents, may encounter serious difficulties at school. In addition, the future first grader must be able to navigate in space and understand time by the clock.

Dear parents! We have developed an optimal course for preparing your child for school, which includes 2 steps:
1. Development: Mathematical intelligence + speech development for children 4 - 5 years old.
2. Preparing for school for children 5.5 - 6 years old who will go to 1st grade in 2018-2019.

Our school preparation program takes into account all aspects of a child’s development: intellectual, emotional-volitional, social, personal. Classes are conducted taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of preschool children. During classes, frequent changes of activities are used, so children achieve and learn more.

Classes are taught by experienced teachers, whose goal is to teach the child to learn independently, develop an interest in knowledge and an inquisitive mind.

    School preparation classes are aimed at:

  • sensory development(development of perception: color, shape, size, space and time)
  • speech development (formation of speech utterances, development of vocabulary, coherent speech, grammatical structure of the language, reading)
  • development of higher mental functions (attention, thinking, memory, speech, imagination)
  • formation mathematical representations(counting and quantity, geometric figures, size and orientation in space)
  • development of motor skills (graphic exercises, shading, cutting out)
  • social development of the child (communication skills)
  • development emotional sphere
  • aesthetic development

    The preschool training program in our centers includes classes in the following areas:

  • Speech development, reading, alphabet
  • Mathematical steps, teaching counting and logic
  • Exploring the world
  • Educational games and exercises
  • Preparing your hand for writing
  • Literacy training

Summary of the game lesson "Zanimatika" for children 5-6 years old

Game lesson on the subject “Activities” “Journey along mathematical paths”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of a game lesson for children senior group(5-6 years) on the topic: “Journey along mathematical paths.” This open lesson for parents for the first half of the year.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Game lesson topic: Quantity and counting.

Lesson objectives:

Fix the count within ten (direct, reverse);

To develop the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher based on the reflexive method, the experience of self-control.



Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes Oh;

Practice solving logical problems and ingenuity problems;

To develop in children an interest in mathematics and a sense of confidence in their knowledge.

Train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction.


Develop attention, memory, speech, fantasy, imagination, logical thinking, creativity, initiative;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Cultivate positive motivation for learning and interest in mathematics;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Demo material– signs with the name of the stops; a painting with the image of eight butterflies and nine flowers, a toy Old Man - Forester, cards with numbers for the game “Numbers Got Lost”, an image of numbers from 1 to 10 on sheets of A4 size paper for physical education, typesetting canvas, geometric figures, magnetic board, tray, red and green apples made of cardboard, poster with a drawing of an apple tree.

Handouts - number cards from 1 to 10; sets of geometric planar figures, album sheets according to the number of children.

Methods and techniques: explanation, instructions, clarification, questions, demonstration, game technique, encouragement, pedagogical assessment

Ι. Introductory part:

Organizational moment.

a) greeting children;

b) check according to the list;

c) explanation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

ΙΙ. Main part.

Do you like to travel? Today we will have an unusual journey along mathematical paths. The Old Man will come with us - the forest boy, he knows all the paths in the mathematical forest. We will have to go through a lot today and solve many problems along the way. So, let's go on a fabulous journey. And here is the first stop. And it’s called “Difficult Problems.”

We’ll sit at a rest stop and solve all the problems.

How many fingers are on one hand?

What comes first, morning or evening?

How many early morning eyes

Is it opening here?

You, me, and you and me.

How many of us are there?

Name the seasons. (Spring, summer, autumn and winter).

How many ends do two sticks have?

Grandmother Dasha had a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does she have?

Which figure has neither beginning nor end?

There were 4 birds sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest were crows. How many crows?

Kolya ran home from school first, and Olya second. Who runs faster and who runs slower?

Well done, guys! You have completed the task, and we move on.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and we came to the second stop “Guess it.”

And here all the numbers scattered, they began to play in the clearing.
- I’ll ask all the guys to quickly line up the numbers!

(Children must lay out a number series from cards with numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10). Group and individual counting in forward and reverse order.

And now the Old Forest Man invites us to play the game “Guess.”

The teacher calls the number, the children find and show the corresponding card with the number. (The smallest number (1), the largest number (10), the number 3 ... 5 ...; the number living between the numbers: 3 and 5, 6 and 8, 7 and 9; neighbors of the numbers 4, 8, 3, etc. .)

Well done, guys! Let's follow the Old Man - the forester along the path further.

We walked, walked, walked, walked, and came to the third stop. And it's called "Riddles".

Guys, let's try to guess the riddles of the Old Man - the Forester?

1) I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel. (Circle.)

2) My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners.

Who am I? (Triangle.)

3) I’ve been your acquaintance since childhood,

Every angle here is right.

All four sides are the same length.

I'm glad to introduce myself to you.

And my name is... (Square.)

4) I have no corners,

I have no sides.

And I look like a melon.

Well, who guessed it?

What is my name... (Oval.)

5) There are four sides -

Opposites are equal.

Four more right angles

I look like a refrigerator.

Well, think about it, friends.

What does everyone call me? (Rectangle.)

Well, like the Old Man - the little forest boy, did the guys guess everything correctly? Shall we move on?

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and here was the fourth rest stop ahead. And it's called "Hide and Seek". The old forest man and his friends, the geometric figures, want to play hide and seek with us.

The teacher attaches geometric shapes to the magnetic board - circle, square, triangle, oval and rectangle, shows them, and the children name

geometric shapes. Then the teacher says: “Night.” The children close their eyes, and he hides one figure. The teacher says: “Day.” Children open their eyes and show a geometric figure that does not exist. And then the teacher returns the figure to its place.

The game of hide and seek is repeated for all geometric shapes. Also, the teacher can simply change the positions of the figures without removing them.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and here was the fifth rest stop ahead. And it’s called “Physical Minute”. Look, guys, how many trees there are here. And the wind that has risen is shaking the trees and tearing off leaves. The old forest boy wants to play with you.

Physical education lesson “The wind plays with the leaves...”

“The wind plays with the leaves,

He either picks him up or throws him down.

The falling leaves swirl in a waltz.

Late autumn outfit.

On the branches of a white birch

7 (3,9,4,6...) leaves survived.”

Children run to the number that the teacher calls.

The old forest boy wants each of you to come up with a picture and compose it from geometric shapes on a piece of album paper.

Children complete the task independently.

Now tell the Old Man - the forest boy, from what geometric shapes you made your figures: a boat, a fish, a flag, a tree, etc.

Well done, and now the Old Forester leads us further along the mathematical path and here is our last stop, “The Counting Clearing.”

You have found yourself in a beautiful clearing, where many beautiful flowers grow and many colorful butterflies flutter.

The teacher shows a picture of flowers and butterflies.

How many butterflies?

How many flowers?

What more? Less of what? How long?

The numbers liked this station so much that some of them went for a walk and got lost. Help them get back.

4 , 5 , 6 , 7, …9; 6 , 7 , 8 , … 10; 7 , 6 , 5 , … 3.

Which numbers are missing?

(Children pick up cards.)

Well done guys, you returned all the numbers to their places, our journey is over. We covered all the paths without a hitch.

ΙΙΙ. Summing up:

Now evaluate your participation in the journey. If you are happy with your successes today and rate your work as “excellent”, take a red apple on a tray and stick it on the apple tree on the poster, and if you think that something didn’t work out for you and you could have done better, take it and stick on a green apple. (Children evaluate their work.)

The lesson is over, thanks to the Old Forester for our

Home activities to prepare for school with children 5-6 years old
Lesson No. 1
Theme “AUTUMN”

1. Find out if the child knows what time of year it is. Ask him questions:What time of year is it? (Autumn has come.)Why do you think so? (It has become cold. There are red and yellow leaves on the trees.)

2. Help your child remember the signs of autumn. It's good if this happens while walking. Show your child what is happening in nature and talk about autumn. Offer to repeat the sentences after you: “Did you remember what I told you about now? What do birds do in the fall? Repeat, please,” etc.
Signs of autumn:
– It has become cold, strong winds are blowing, and cold drizzling rains are falling.
– The leaves on the trees turn red, turn yellow and fall off, leaf fall has begun.
- The insects have disappeared.
– Birds gather in flocks and fly south.
– The days have become longer, and the nights have become longer. .
– The fields and gardens are being harvested.
– People began to dress warmer.
- The children went to school.

3. Look at several plot pictures about autumn with your child and help him come up with sentences for each picture: “Children collect colorful leaves. People are harvesting. Birds fly south. Cold rains are coming." If a child is having difficulty, help him with questions: “What are children doing? What do people clean up? Where do the birds fly? What kind of rain does it rain in autumn?
If you see that the sentence that the child has constructed is not widespread enough, help him: “You said that children collect leaves. Right. What kind of leaves are these? Of course, yellow and red, different colors, multi-colored. So how do you answer the question now? Use this word. Right. Children collect colorful leaves,” etc.
While walking, help your child find leaves of maple, oak, birch, poplar, aspen, and rowan. Show which trees they fell from. Teach your child to recognize them: “This leaf fell from the oak tree. You see how oval and carved it is. And the wind tore this leaf from the birch tree. It is pointed, with fine teeth along the edge. And here is a poplar leaf. It is also pointed, but larger than a birch leaf. This one is an aspen leaf. It looks like a coin, it is almost round. What does a rowan leaf resemble? Doesn’t it really look like a feather?” Draw the child's attention to different color leaves: “Do you see what a maple leaf is? Right. It's orange. What color is the aspen leaf? It’s red,” etc.
4 . Learn a poem with your child that will allow him to easily remember what the leaves of different trees look like.

What do the leaves look like?
The leaf of a maple tree looks like my palm.
In autumn it is orange, in summer it is green.
Like feathery leaves on a rowan tree,
Which leaned quietly over the path.
The aspen has leaves like coins
The chestnut tree looks like a fan.
There were many, many leaves in the summer,
In the fall there were very few of them.

5. Adjective formation game “Which leaf”
An oak leaf is an oak leaf,
maple leaf - maple, etc.
Mnemonic tables will help in composing descriptive stories.

6. Collect on your walk autumn leaves and make a picture out of them.
You can also complete the painting “ Autumn forest

Lesson No. 2
Theme “Vegetables”

1. Learn with your child the names of vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage, turnips, onions, garlic, eggplant, zucchini, cucumber, tomato. It is better if you do this while visiting a market or grocery store. First, find out which vegetables your child already knows. Let him show and name them. Offer to immediately tell about each familiar vegetable according to the plan:- What is this?-What color is it?-What shape is it?– What does it feel like?-What does it taste like?Example: This is a tomato. It is red, round, smooth, sweet and sour. Introduce your child to those vegetables whose names he does not know. Show and name them. Then let the child show and name them himself.Show your child an educational presentation

2. After a while, show your child the picture with vegetables again. You will be able to check what names of vegetables the child remembers and what he can tell about them. Offer to hold a competition to see which of you can name and describe the most vegetables. Of course, the winner will be the child.

3. Play the “One - Many” ball game with your child. You name a vegetable in the singular and throw the ball to the child, he catches the ball and, returning the ball, names the same vegetable in the plural:
eggplant - eggplants, tomato - tomatoes

4. Play the game “Name Your Kind” with the ball. You name the vegetable and throw the ball to the child, the child throws the ball back and calls the vegetable “affectionately”:
tomato - tomato, carrot - carrot, onion - onion,
garlic - garlic, cucumber - cucumber, eggplant - eggplant.

5. Tell your child what vegetables are used to prepare salads, borscht, and cabbage soup. Ask questions, the answers to which will help develop the grammatical side of his speech.
– What vegetables will you put in the salad? (I will put tomatoes and cucumbers in the salad.)
– What do they put in borscht? (Potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage are placed in borscht.)
-What is cabbage soup made from? (Shchi is cooked from cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes.)

6. Learn with your child a “garden rhyme” that contains several names of vegetables:
Tomatoes, zucchini,
Onions, potatoes, squash,
Get out quickly.
The reader can also be used as a task for developing speech hearing. After reading the rhyme once, warn the child that when reading it again, he will have to count the vegetables mentioned in the rhyme.

7. Play the game (download cards)

8. Game with logic tables (download cards)

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school
Lesson No. 3
Theme “Fruits”

1. Learn with your child the names of fruits: apple, pear, plum, lemon, orange, grapes, apricot, peach, banana, pineapple. Take another tour of the market. You again need to find out what the volume of your son's (your daughter's) vocabulary is on the topic being studied. Let the child show and name all the fruits with which he is familiar and talk about them according to the plan from lesson 2.For example: This is an apple. It is red, round, smooth, strong, sweet.Show and name those fruits whose names the child is not familiar with.

2. Check how your child remembers the names of fruits using pictures. Have a competition again to practice describing fruits. To determine which of you is starting the competition, suggest using the “garden counting rhyme” you learned earlier.

3. Play the already familiar games “One - many” and “Name it kindly” with a ball, using the names of fruits.
apple - apples
lemon - lemons
pear - pears
apricot - apricots
plum - plums
orange - little orange
lemon - lemon
pear - pear
banana - banana

4. Try to come up with descriptive riddles about fruits with your child. The questions that were used to describe vegetables and fruits and logic cards will help you with this. You can resort to their help if the child does not come up with a riddle after listening to your sample.
For example. Yellow, oval, sour (lemon). Orange, round, aromatic, sweet and sour (orange). Blue, oval, soft, sweet. (plum). Green, round, smooth, hard, sweet (apple)

5. Teach your child to form adjectives from nouns and answer questions:
What kind of juice is made from apples? (Apple.)
What kind of jam is made from plums? (Plum.)
What kind of jam is made from oranges? (Orange.)
What kind of compote can be made from pears? (Pear.)
What kind of jam can be made from apricots? (Apricot.)

6. Learn a Serbian folk song with your child and spend finger gymnastics, which will contribute to the development of both the child’s memory and speech.
Apple tree, apple tree,
where are your apples? Alternately clap your hands and bang your fists against each other.
Did the frost freeze them?
Or did the wind carry them away?
Or did lightning burn it?
Or were they hit by hail?
Or did the birds peck?
Where did they go?
The frost did not freeze them,
And it was not the wind that carried them away,
Didn't burn them with fire
There was no hail with rain,
The birds didn’t peck them...
The children interrupted! Bend the fingers on both hands at the same time, starting with the thumbs, on each line.
Again, alternate between knocking your fists and clapping your hands.
Bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the little fingers.

7. To consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, play the game

Lesson No. 4


1. Review Figure 1 with your child and ask them to answer the questions:
What are the girls doing? (The girls are picking raspberries.)
Where do girls pick raspberries? (Girls pick raspberries in the forest.)
What berries still grow in the forest? (Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries grow in the forest.) If the child does not know the names of other forest berries, look at them in Figure 8. Show and name them. Then let the child show and name the berries. Draw his attention to the word “BERRIES” written above the picture.

2. Make up a story with your child about each of the wild berries. For example. This is blueberry. It grows on low bushes, it is round, black, soft, sweet.
This is raspberry. It grows on tall bushes. It is oval, red, soft, fragrant, sweet.
This is a blackberry. It grows on tall bushes. It is oval, dark blue, soft, sweet and sour.
3. Teach your child and do finger exercises daily. It will help the child remember the names of wild berries and will contribute to the development
fine motor skills, and therefore speech.
Forest gifts
To the bear for the holiday
The animals have arrived.
They brought the bear as a gift:
Bunny - blueberries,
Hedgehog - lingonberries,
Squirrel - rowan and blackberry.
The fox brought ripe raspberries.
The raspberries were very fragrant.
Touch the tip of each finger to the pad of the thumb twice on the same hand.
Do the same once for each line.
Repeat the movements you did on the first line.

4. Review Figure 3 with your child and ask them to answer the questions:
What are the boys doing? (The boys are picking mushrooms.)
What mushroom did the big boy find? ( Big boy I found a boletus.)
What mushrooms does the little boy collect? (A little boy collects chanterelles.)
What other mushrooms do you know? (I know boletus, boletus, russula, fly agaric.)
Which of these mushrooms should you not eat? (You cannot eat fly agaric.)
Remember and repeat:
The fly agaric is beautiful to look atBut dangerous, poisonous.

5. Make up a story with your child about each of these mushrooms, use Figure 4 and samples.
For example. This is a fox. It grows in the grass. It is bright and yellow. It has a round cap and a thin stem.
This is a boletus. It grows in a pine forest. It has a strong round brownish cap and a thick white stem.
This is a boletus. It grows in moss or grass. It has a bright orange cap and a straight gray leg.
Draw the child’s attention to the word “MUSHROOMS” written above the picture.

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school
Lesson No. 5
Topic: “Clothing”

Summer clothes


Autumn clothes


Hats for summer


Hats for autumn

4. You enter through one door,And you come out of three.You think you're out



Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school.
Lesson No. 6
Topic: “Shoes”

1. Invite your child to remember what shoes he has. Let him tell you what he wears at home, in kindergarten, on the street in summer and autumn, what kind of shoes he has for winter. Review pictures 15 and 16 with your child. Let him first name shoes for summer, then for autumn, then shoes for boys and for girls.

2. Play the game “The Fourth Wheel” on the topics “Clothes”, “Hats”, “Shoes”. To play the game you can use the following task options:Sneakers, Panama hat, boots, slippers. Flip-flops, coat, raincoat, skirt. Boots, shorts, sandals, shoes. Sandals, fur coat, sneakers, felt boots.

3. Play the ball game “Which?” with your child.
Leather shoes - what kind? (Leather.)
Fur slippers – what kind? (Fur.)
Suede boots - what kind? (Suede.) Rubber galoshes - what kind? (Rubber.)

4. Do the “New Sneakers” finger exercises with your child, which
will help him remember the names of shoes, will contribute to the development fine motor skills, and therefore speech. You can first use the text of the gymnastics as an exercise to develop your child’s speech hearing. For this
Read the text expressively to your child and ask what the poem is about. Before reading again, warn your child that he will have to listen carefully and remember all the names of the shoes.
New sneakers
Like our cat, they bend the fingers on both hands, starting
Boots on feet. from large ones, for each shoe name.
Like our pig
There are boots on my feet.
And on the dog's paws
Blue slippers.
And the kid is small
Puts on boots.
And son Vovka -
New sneakers.
Like this, like this, they “walk” on the table with their index fingers and
New sneakers. middle fingers of both hands.

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school
Lesson No. 5
Topic: “Clothing”

Summer clothes

1. Find out if the child knows why they wear more clothes in the summer light clothes than in the fall. If the child finds it difficult, explain that in the summer the air is warmer, so people dress lightly. And in the fall it gets cold, so people wear warm clothes. Help your child remember and name the clothes he wears in the summer, then have him tell you what he wears in the fall. Find out if the child knows what we call hats. Offer to remember what hats he has.

Autumn clothes

2. Review pictures 1-4 with your child. Let him show and name first clothes and hats for summer, and then for autumn. You can also suggest this task:-Show and name first the clothes and hats for boys, and then for girls.

Hats for summer

3. Play with your child the game “The Fourth Wheel” on the topic “Clothing. Hats." (You name: sweater, jacket, raincoat, hat. The child explains that there is an extra hat because it is a headdress, and everything else is clothing, you name: cap, scarf, beret, trousers. The child explains that there are extra trousers because these are clothes, and everything else is hats.) Then you change places, and the child gives the task. Interactive version of the game.

Hats for autumn

4. Learn a riddle with your child. It is quite complex, so first explain that one door is the shirt itself, and the other three doors are the sleeves and the thiefYou enter through one door,And you come out of three.You think you're outBut in fact, he entered. (Shirt)

5. Play with your child the ball game “Which one?” Which? Which? Which? “You throw a ball to your child and name the clothes, he throws the ball back and says what it is.
Wool jacket - which one? (Wool.)
Wool scarf – which one? (Woolen.)
Wool coat - which one? (Wool.)
Wool mittens – what kind? (Wool.)

6. Read and discuss with your child the work “The Miracle Tree” by K.I. Chukovsky

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school
Lesson No. 7
Topic: “Toys”

1 . This activity is best done in play corner your child is among his favorite toys. Let him show and name them. Invite him to come up with a story about each of them based on your model.For example. This is a bear. He has a body, a head, paws, and ears. He is brown, big, furry. I will play circus with him.This is a dump truck. It has a cabin, a body, wheels, headlights, and a steering wheel in the cabin. The cab is red, the body is yellow, and the wheels are black. At the dacha I will carry sand in it.Figure 1 can be used for the same purpose.Invite your child to show and name the toys in the picture, and then talk about each of them according to an already known pattern.

2 . Look at Figure 2 with your child.
Invite him to answer the questions:
What are the children doing? (Children play.)
What are the boys doing? (The boys are building a railway.)
What are the girls doing? (Girls play shopping.)

3 . Play with your child the ball game “Which one?” Which? Which? Which?". You
throw the ball to the child, name the toy and say what it is made of. Child
throws the ball back and says what kind of toy it is.
Fur bear - which one? (Fur.)
Wooden pyramid - what kind? (Wooden.)
Metal bucket - what kind? (Metal.)
Plastic cubes - what kind? (Plastic.)
Rubber ball - what kind? (Rubber.)
Straw doll - what kind? (Straw.)
Cardboard lotto - what kind? (Cardboard.)
Clay whistles - what kind? (Clay.)

4 . Learn the “Toys” rhyme with your son or daughter. You can first
use it as an exercise to develop speech hearing. For this
first read the rhyme expressively to the child and find out from him what it is about
counting rhyme Before reading again, warn your child that he should very
Listen carefully and remember all the names of the toys. Then you can ask your child to count all the toys.
Engine, drum,
Teddy bear, cubes, matryoshka,
Whale, plastic cat,
Dinosaur, dump truck,
I took him to the dacha.
Count everything quickly
Count and fly.

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school
Lesson No. 8
Topic: “Dishes”

1 . Read to your child K. Chukovsky’s poem “Fedorino’s Grief.” Find out what names of dishes the child remembered from the poem.2 . Look at the drawing together. Offer to show and name the dishes, and then write a story about each item based on the model.For example. This is a saucepan. It is big, blue, metal. The pan has two handles. It is closed with a lid. Soup, potatoes, and pasta are boiled in a saucepan.This is a teapot. It is small, white, porcelain. The kettle has a spout, a handle, and a lid. Tea is brewed in a kettle.This is a salt shaker. It is oval, small, blue, porcelain. It has a lid with holes to let the salt spill out.For the same purpose, you can use the dishes that you have at home. Draw the child’s attention to the word “TABLEWARE” written above the picture.3 . Play with your child the already familiar ball game “Which one?” Which? Which one? Which ones?”Glass jug - which one? (Glass.)Porcelain cup - which one? ? (Porcelain.)Silver bucket - which one? (Silver.)Metal forks - what kind? (Metal.)Plastic tray - what kind? (Plastic.)Wooden spoon - what kind? (Wooden.)A dish made of earthenware - what kind? (Faience.)Steel knives – what kind? (Steel.)4 . Offer your child an exercise to develop speech hearing. ExpressivelyRead the text to your child. Before reading again, warn him that he mustthe wife will remember all the names of the dishes heard in the poem.Our VovkaThere is a carrot on the dish.At our Shark'sPotatoes in a saucepan.At our Natasha'sCurrants in a cup.And ValerkaMushrooms in a plate.Now don't yawnAnd name the dishes.5 . To check whether a child can form nounswith diminutive suffixes, play a ball game with him“Call me kindly.” You throw a ball to the child and name the piece of utensils, childthrows the ball back and calls the same object “affectionately.”For example: saucepan - saucepan; frying pan - frying pan; plate - plate; spoon - spoon; knife - knife; fork - fork; cup - cup; jug - jug.6 . Learn finger exercises with your child and do them daily. Thiswill promote the development of fine motor skills and speechAssistantsOne, two, three, four,We washed the dishes:Teapot, cup, ladle, spoonAnd a big ladle.We washed the dishesWe just broke the cup,The ladle also fell apart,The teapot's nose is broken,We broke the spoon a little.This is how we helped mom.Alternately rhythmically clap your hands and bang your fist against your fist. Rub one palm against the other. Bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the thumbs, for each name of the dish.Rub one palm against the other. Bend your fingers again.Alternately clap your hands and bang your fist against your fist.

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school
Lesson No. 9
Topic: “Winter”

1 . During a walk, watch with your child the winter changes in nature.
Talk about the signs of winter, help your child remember them, and then ask your child to repeat them after you.
For example. What are the earth, rivers and lakes covered with in winter? Do you remember? Repeat please.

Signs of winter”
The ground is covered with snow, and the rivers and lakes are covered with ice. It became cold, there was frost outside.
Strong winds blow, there are often snowstorms and snowfalls. The nights are long and the days are short. People put on warm winter clothes.
Children sled, ski, skate, make snowmen, build snow forts, and play snowballs.

2 . Look at the story pictures with your child on the topic “Winter” (Figure 1) and help him make a sentence for each picture.
For example. Children ride down the mountain in the park. Children watch birds from the window. You can invite your child to tell about the signs of winter for each of the pictures. For example. There is a lot of snow in the park. Snow lies on the ground and on the trees. Snowflakes are swirling in the air. It's freezing outside and the children have red cheeks. Children ride down the mountain. If the child is at a loss, help him with questions:
What's on the ground in the park?
Where else is there snow?
What's spinning in the air?
Why do children have red cheeks?
What are the children doing?

3 . Explain to your child that the birds that spend the winter with us are called winter birds. Together with him, look at the images of a crow, magpie, sparrow, dove, bullfinch,
tits, goldfinches (Fig. 2). Let the child point out and name the birds. Invite him to make up short story about each bird according to the model.
For example. This is a magpie. It's big, black and white. She has a round black head, an oval white and black body, a long black tail, and large black and white wings. The magpie has black eyes and a strong beak.

4 . Talk with your child about what you can feed the birds in winter: bread crumbs, millet, plant seeds, pieces of unsalted lard. Make a feeder out of a milk carton with your child and hang it in the park or near your house. Remind your child to constantly add food to the feeder.

5 . Learn with your child and do finger exercises daily, which will help him remember the names of wintering birds, and will also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Rhythmically clench and unclench your fists.
For each name of the bird, bend one finger on both hands, starting with the thumbs
How many birds are there for our feeder?
Has it arrived? We will tell you:
Two tits, a sparrow,
Six goldfinches and pigeons,
Woodpecker with motley feathers.
There were enough grains for everyone.
Clench and unclench your fists again

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school
Lesson No. 10
Topic: “Pets”

1 . Tell your child that we call pets those animals that live with a person and benefit him, and the person takes care of them. Look together at the images of a cat with a kitten, a dog with a puppy, a cow with a calf, a horse with a foal, a sheep with a lamb, a goat with a kid, a pig with a piglet, a rabbit with a baby rabbit. Let the child show and name them. Invite your child to write a short story about each pair. Help you write stories about animals
For example. This is a cat. A cat is a pet. She lives in a man's house and catches mice. A man feeds a cat fish, meat, milk.
This is a dog. A dog is a pet. She protects the owner and his house. A man feeds a dog meat, porridge, and milk.
This is a cow. A cow is a domestic animal. She gives the man milk. A man feeds a cow grass and hay.
2 . Play with your child the ball game “One - Many” on the theme “Baby Animals”. You throw the ball to your child and name the baby pet, and he throws the ball back and names the plural of babies.
For example. Lamb - lambs; piglet - piglets; kid - kids; puppy – puppies; calf - calves; kitten - kittens; foal - foals.
3 . Play with your child the ball game “Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?". You throw the ball to your child and name the pet, and he throws the ball back, out loud forming a possessive adjective.
For example. Rabbit ears are rabbit ears; dog's tail - dog's tail; cow's head - cow's head; horse hoof - horse's hoof; sheep skin - sheep's skin; goat horns - goat horns; the eyes of a cat are cat-like; pig's snout - pork.
4 . Learn the Czech folk song “Burenushka” with your child and do finger exercises.
Give me milk, Burenushka,
At least a drop - on the bottom.
Kittens are waiting for me
Little guys.
Give them a spoonful of cream
A little cottage cheese
Oils, curdled milk,
Milk for porridge.
Gives everyone health
Cow's milk.
Show how to milk a cow: stretching your arms forward with clenched fists, alternately lowering and raising them. Make a “muzzle” from your fingers.
Bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the thumbs, for each name of the dairy product.
Show again how a cow is milked.
5 . Look at the pictures about a girl with a kitten and invite your child to come up with a story based on them. Explain that to do this you need to write at least one or two sentences for each topic.

If the child is at a loss, help him with questions:
Who was walking in the yard? (The girl was walking in the yard.)
What was the weather like? (It was very cold.)
Who did the girl suddenly see? (Suddenly the girl saw a little kitten.)
What was the kitten doing? (The kitten sat in the snow and trembled.)
What did the girl do? (The girl bent down and took the kitten in her arms.)
Where did she bring the kitten? (She brought the kitten home.)
What did she do at home? (At home she asked her mother to leave the kitten.)
What did mom answer? (Mom allowed me to keep the kitten.)
What did mother and daughter do? (Mom and daughter gave the kitten milk and put it to sleep in a basket.)
Invite your child to repeat the story without your help.

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school.
Lesson No. 11
Topic: “Wild Animals”

1. Tell your child that animals that live in the wild are called wild. They build their own homes and get their own food. If possible, take your child to a zoo or circus, where he will see wild animals, watch presentations , ,
With your child, look at images of a bear with a bear cub, a wolf with a wolf cub, a fox with a fox cub, a hare with a baby hare, a squirrel with a baby squirrel, a moose with a calf, a beaver with a cub, a badger with a cub and a hedgehog with a baby hedgehog.
Let the child show and name them.
Let the child write about each animal short story according to the model. For example. This is a bear. He is big, shaggy, brown. He has a large head and strong paws. The bear has small ears, black eyes and a nose on its head. The bear's tail is very small. Help you write stories about animals
This is a wolf. He is not very big, gray, and looks like a dog. He has a large head and triangular ears on his head. The wolf has a large mouth and sharp teeth. The wolf's tail is like a stick.
This fox is small, red, fluffy. She has pointy ears and a fluffy tail.
This is a hare. He is small and grey. He has long ears and a short tail. His front legs are shorter than his hind legs.
If a child cannot write a story about an animal based on a picture, help him with questions:
Who is this?
Is it big or small?
What color is it?
What's his head like?
What's on his head?
What kind of paws does he have?
What kind of tail does he have?
2.. Play the “One - Many” ball game with your child. You throw a ball to your child and name the animal, and he throws the ball back, out loud forming the plural.
For example: Bear – bears; wolf - wolves; fox - foxes; hare - hares; badger - badgers; beaver - beavers; hedgehog - hedgehogs.
3. Play the ball game “Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?". You throw a ball to the child and name the animal. When returning the ball, the child forms a possessive adjective out loud.
For example: The skin of a bear is bear; wolf teeth - wolf; fox tail - fox; hare ears - hare; The badger's face is that of a badger.
4. Find out if the child knows how wild animals winter. Remind him what their homes are called.
For example. The bear has a den; The wolf has a lair; The beaver has a hut; The fox has a hole; The hedgehog has a mink; The squirrel has a nest in a hollow.
To check whether the child remembers this, you can play a ball game - you name the animal, and the child names its home, or vice versa.
5. Learn Russian with your child folk nursery rhyme and perform finger exercises.
A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts
Little fox-sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache.
Who needs a scarf?
Who cares,
Who cares?
Perform rhythmic fist strikes on the table.
Bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the thumbs, for each animal name.
Again, rhythmically knock on the table with your fists.
6. Solve with your child .

Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school.
Lesson No. 12
Topic: “New Year holidays”

1. Find out if your son or daughter knows what holiday is coming up. Explain what's coming soon New Year, all people will meet him. Christmas trees will be decorated in houses, and Santa Claus will visit the children. He will bring them gifts. Everyone will wish each other happiness and rejoice.
2. Look at the drawing with your child. Explain that a carnival is a holiday to which guests come dressed in fairy-tale costumes. Help him write a story about the carnival by asking questions.
Where did the children go? (The children came to the carnival.)
Who met them at the carnival? (Father Frost met them at the carnival.)
What costumes did the children wear? (The children were in different costumes: bunny, clown, snowflake, Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio.)
What did the children do at the carnival? (The children danced, sang and danced.)
How do you think the holiday ended? (At the end of the holiday, Santa Claus gave gifts to all the children.)
Invite your child to repeat the story himself. Praise your child if he adds something from personal experience to the story.
3. Help your child come up with a story - a description about any Christmas tree toy. For example. This - Christmas tree decoration ball. It's big, round, glass,
shiny, red. White snowflakes are painted on it. He is very handsome.
This is a Christmas tree toy cracker. It is large, oval, cardboard, multi-colored. Painted on it beautiful patterns. There is a surprise inside the cracker.
4. Invite your child to play the game “Give me a word.”
To do this, read the quatrain without the last word and explain that you need to choose this word so that it fits the meaning and sounds coherently, in rhyme.
New Year is coming,
He brings gifts to everyone.
Near the Christmas tree in a bright hall Children lead... (round dance).
5. Learn and do finger exercises with your child every day.
On the Christmas tree, on the Christmas tree
Bunnies and wolves
Kittens and mice
Furry bears.
The animals are dancing
They laugh and frolic.
Kittens little mice
They are not afraid at all.
Clap your hands rhythmically.
Connect the fingertips of both hands, starting with thumbs, for each animal name.
Alternately perform clapping and fist-to-fist punches
6. Make with your childNew Year's garland Home activities to prepare children 5-6 years old for school.
Lesson No. 13
Topic: “Furniture”

1 . Review with your child the furniture that is in your home. Talk about the furniture and its purpose. First, tell your child about one of the objects, and then let him tell you.
For example. This is a closet. It is large, wooden, brown. It has two rectangular doors, four legs, and inside it has shelves and hangers. They hang clothes and put linen in it.
This is a table. It is large, wooden, brown, rectangular. It has four legs. They have lunch and drink tea at the table.
This is a sofa. It's big, soft, red. It has a seat, a back, and armrests. You can sit or lie on the sofa.
For the same purpose, you can use pictures with images of furniture.
2 . Invite your child to come up with riddles and descriptions about furniture based on pictures. First you tell your riddle, and then let him try.
For example. It has a seat, a back, and four legs. You can sit on it. What is this? (Chair.)
It has two backs and four legs. They sleep on it. What is this? (Bed.)
It has a back, a seat, and armrests. They sit and relax in it. What is this? (Armchair.)
3 . Invite your child to answer the following questions:
Where are clothes stored? (Clothes are stored in the closet.)
Where do people have lunch? (People are having lunch at the table.)
What are you sitting on? (I'm sitting on a chair.)
What can you sit in? (You can sit in a chair.)
Where are the books kept? (Books are stored in a bookcase.) In this case, make sure that the child does not omit prepositions.
4 . If you notice that your child makes mistakes in the use of prepositions, train him using the following exercise. Take any toy and place it on the table. Ask your child where the toy is. If he finds it difficult to answer, explain that it is ON the table. Now put her under the table and tell her about it. Use your voice to highlight the preposition: UNDER the table. Next, place the toy ABOVE the table, BEHIND the table, IN FRONT of the table, NEAR the table. Comment on your actions by highlighting
voice prepositions. Then invite your child to perform and comment on similar actions.
5 . Play with your child the already familiar game “Give me a word,” which helps develop auditory attention and a sense of rhyme.
A cat sat under the table,
And above it there is a table without... (legs).
There is a basket of peppers on the cabinet and both... (doors) are open.
There is a hedgehog and a wolf on the sideboard,
Well, the buffet itself is without... (shelves).


A new generation of parents raised in the heyday information technology, begins to introduce her children to all sorts of “developmental activities” almost from the cradle, and this gives good results. But for children 5-6 years old, developmental activities are no less important, even if these children already know how to read and count, not to mention fluent use of modern gadgets.

Psychology of senior preschoolers: transitional age

Psychologists say that at the turn of 5-6 years a person begins to realize himself as an individual. He already seems old enough, learns to communicate with peers, makes permanent friends. And at the same time, a willingness to consciously learn something begins to appear. It is during this period that it is important to begin to instill in him the habit of long-term studies, which will be very useful at school.

Little fidgets don’t want to sit at their desks for a long time, thinking about logical problems, and this is natural. A 5-year-old child needs a regular release of energy much more than an adult. To keep children's attention and direct it in the right direction, training should be carried out in game form, and games can also be active.

Enroll your preschooler in sports section, dancing or gymnastics: this way the baby can spend his excess energy usefully.

Another feature of the age under consideration comes to the aid of teachers - the child’s mental functions mature enough to allow him to concentrate on some activity for quite a long time. Interesting tasks for children, related to coloring, putting together a puzzle or construction set, or arranging numbers can captivate them for a long time. This is possible at an earlier age, however, as a rule, it happens sporadically. Senior is the time when such activities should become systematic.

Children 5-6 years old absorb knowledge like a sponge

The child's transition to the next stage of physical and mental development causes a new wave of interest in the world around us. He begins to ask questions of a global nature - about the structure of the world, for example. An adult should answer in detail, but at the same time, clearly, preferably with examples. If you don’t have time to answer at the moment, you should remember the question and promise the little why to answer later (and be sure to keep the promise).

Don’t be shy to admit if you don’t know the answer to a question: find it with your child on the Internet or in a book.

Along with an increased interest in the world around them, children’s interest in reading also grows. Children's educational encyclopedias devoted to various areas of knowledge stimulate the development of this skill: if a 5-year-old child does not yet know how to read, he will have a desire to learn as soon as possible. Thanks to such colorful encyclopedias, the first ideas about geography, history, culture are formed, and knowledge about the animal world and natural phenomena is replenished.

It is this age that teachers consider the most favorable for memorizing a large amount of information, which means that the development of a 5-6 year old child will affect his learning abilities at an older age. You can even benefit from a passion for computer games: preschoolers enjoy playing “developmental games” aimed at teaching counting, reading, foreign languages, training memory, attention and logical thinking.

Speech development is the most important aspect of learning

The speech of an older preschooler is normally already quite developed: it contains all types of sentences, including complex ones; The child easily operates with tense forms, freely changes words by gender, number and case. All or almost all sounds are pronounced clearly. Phonetic system native language completely mastered, but the ability to assimilate the sounds characteristic of a particular foreign language has not yet been lost. During this period, it is useful to focus specifically on the phonetic side of the desired foreign language: for example, memorize poems and songs, easily achieving good pronunciation.

As for the native language, the priority area of ​​preschool education is training reading skills. If a 5 or 6 year old child cannot read, this is the first thing to do. Typically, children at this age already know the letters and are smart enough to understand how they form syllables.

Buy your child a magnetic alphabet as early as possible: this will help him become interested in letters and remember them.

To improve reading fluency, the following exercise is useful: an adult reads the text aloud at the most comfortable speed so that the child follows the voice letter by letter. Over time, the speed of such joint reading increases due to intensive training of visual memory, and independent reading skills also improve. This developmental exercise involves individual lessons and is easily done at home with parents.

In addition to reading in preschool age it is necessary to develop oral speech. You should ask your child as often as possible to retell a fairy tale, cartoon, or come up with a story for the picture in his own words. Exercises like these are extremely useful:

  • develop memory and thinking;
  • increase the ability to logically and competently express your thoughts;
  • promote the development of imagination;
  • train public speaking skills, which is especially effective when practicing in a group;
  • allows adults to appreciate vocabulary and the quality of the child’s speech, track these indicators over the course of several lessons.

Retelling does not have to be limited to the educational framework: you can ask the child to tell something even on the way to a music school or a dance lesson.

Preparing for school: assessing the level of proximal development

An outstanding Russian scientist involved in child psychology, L. S. Vygotsky introduced into science the concept of the zone of proximal development. It is contrasted with the current level of development of the child and outlines the immediate future to which to strive. An indicator of the current level is the child’s ability to perform certain tasks independently, and the level of proximal development is the ability to perform more complex tasks with the help of adults or in a team with peers.

Sometimes parents, concerned speedy development their child, they try to speed up his learning by offering him complex logical or mathematical tasks. Such experiments may not only fail to give the desired result, but also harm the child’s psyche, so determining the zone of proximal development should be entrusted to professional teachers and psychologists. The other extreme is also undesirable, when parents overly control the completion of homework, using hints to achieve the ideal result - this can negate the child’s independence in the future.

At 5-6 years old, the child’s development should be carried out in the following basic areas:

  • mathematics (counting within 10, knowledge of basic geometric shapes, the concept of sizes and distances);
  • the world around us (knowledge of the days of the week, seasons, an idea of ​​the diversity of the animal world, etc.)
  • speech (the ability to give complete answers, describe the proposed pictures, generalize concepts into groups, read syllables).

If you wish, you can practice music, painting, dancing, and foreign language- the list of developmental activities can be continued. The main thing is to closely monitor the child’s psychological state, maintaining an ideal balance between study, play and relaxation.