Care for oily skin after 25 years. Review of cosmetic procedures for facial care at different age periods

25 years is the age when the body still independently ensures youthful skin, and you should not rush to use anti-aging cosmetics. However, at this age, the skin gradually begins to lose moisture. The consequence of this is aging and the appearance of early wrinkles. Therefore, facial care after 25 years should be more thorough.

Facial skin care after 25 years

Facial skin care at home

After 25 years, facial skin care should become systematic and regular. Special attention should be given to cleansing, nutrition and hydration.

Cleansing – the most important condition skin health. A girl should remove her makeup every day. The simplest and affordable way facial cleansing - washing. Due to the use of aggressive cleansers, the skin may lose its lipid layer and become dry and sensitive, so it is not advisable to use soap for washing. Buy a softer product suitable for your skin type - gel, lotion or foam cleanser.

Washing your face with cold water every day makes your facial skin fresh and supple. However, don’t get carried away: exposure to cold should be short-term

To deeply cleanse the skin, make a white clay mask once or twice a week, which removes toxins, soothes irritations, moisturizes the skin and saturates it with microelements. The face after such a mask looks fresh and rested.

After cleansing, the skin of the face needs to be moisturized and softened. At home, use creams, masks, lotions, and vegetable oils. Cosmetics should be applied to the face according to massage lines with gentle patting movements. Pay attention to the components of caring cosmetics. It is very good if the composition of creams and lotions includes oils of borage, black currant, avocado, wheat germ, sesame, macadamia, cashew, grape seeds, rose hips, milk thistle.

Do not apply too much cream at one time, as this may cause irritation or breakouts. Remove excess cream with a napkin

Before going outside, do not forget to apply protective cream and lightly powder your skin to create a protective film.

Apply homemade masks to your face two to three times a week. A product made from egg yolk, half a teaspoon of honey and 10 drops of the contents of Aevit capsules nourishes the skin well. The mask should be applied to the skin for 15–20 minutes, then rinsed off with cool water.

You have to take care of your own appearance all your life. Proper skin care helps maintain natural beauty and prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles. Each age category has its own characteristics. What is relevant for teenagers loses its meaning for women over twenty years of age. What is required for mature skin, not required in younger years.

Cosmetologists focus on the need to change strategy precisely at the age of 25. Why this particular period? How to properly care for your face? The algorithm of actions depends on the skin type. A competent approach involves taking into account all the nuances.

The illusion of eternal youth

Now is the time to think about how to maintain youthful facial skin after 25 years. Perhaps not everyone agrees with this. After all, the face at this age looks beautiful. There is not a single fold. It seems that wrinkles are still a long way off. But this is a misconception. Without proper support, skin can age prematurely. And fighting wrinkles is much more difficult than preventing them. Don't delude yourself with the illusion that you will always look like this. A chic appearance even in old age is possible. But you need to influence the future from a young age. Learn to face the truth. And the sooner, the better. Beautiful skin is the result of your own efforts.

Having barely celebrated your 25th birthday, it is difficult to realize that youth is short-lived. And yet the period of growth and development of the body is behind. The first changes are beginning. And even if they do not appear soon, aging is still inevitable. The starting point begins at twenty-five years. What happens at this stage of life?

  • skin renewal slows down;
  • cell regeneration becomes slower;
  • less collagen and elastin are produced;
  • moisture is retained worse in tissues.

All this has its consequences:

  • deterioration of complexion;
  • dry skin;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • decreased elasticity;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • uneven terrain;
  • the appearance of pigmentation.

By the age of 30 age-related changes may be noticeable. Especially if there are factors that contribute to premature aging:

  • improper care;
  • bad habits;
  • intense exposure to UV rays;
  • frequent stress;
  • lack of sleep and overwork;
  • the impact of poor ecology;
  • unbalanced diet.

It is possible to protect your skin from harmful effects. But it’s worth taking care of this in advance. Carefully chosen facial skin care after 25 years will preserve youth. What can you do to avoid lamenting missed opportunities?

What to focus on?

Each skin type has its own needs. But definitely facial care after 25 years means:

  1. cleansing;
  2. hydration;
  3. nutrition;
  4. UV protection.

You need to select cosmetics taking into account individual characteristics. For example, for oily types, a cream with a light texture is suitable. Those with dry skin should take care of additional nutrition. Therefore, the cream will have a denser consistency.

Main rules

There are a number of rules that apply to everyone without exception:

  1. Select products according to your skin type;
  2. Do not use anti-aging cosmetics. It is designed to solve bigger problems;
  3. Do not overuse tanning. Before exposing your body to the sun's rays, treat the surface with a special cream;
  4. Control your facial expressions. A constantly frowning face - folds on the skin as a result;
  5. Give preference to high-quality natural products. This applies to both hygiene products and decorative cosmetics;
  6. Try to lead a correct lifestyle. Beauty treatments are powerless if you are chronically sleep deprived or, for example, abuse alcohol;
  7. Monitor the amount of liquid consumed. The adult body needs 1-1.5 liters of water per day. Moisturizing creams will not cope with dryness if there is a moisture deficiency.

A visit to a cosmetologist is not something unusual for women who care for their own appearance. The specialist will not only carry out the necessary manipulations. In the salon you can get good advice regarding further care. A professional will recommend cosmetics and a list of procedures. However, not everyone can afford this pleasure financially. You can figure out how to care for your skin type on your own.

Arsenal of products for regular use

It is no longer possible to limit yourself to washing your face and applying cream. A set of cosmetics must meet individual needs. When purchasing, pay attention to the following points:

  • marked 25+;
  • skin type;
  • description of the effects of the product;
  • list of ingredients.

Required Components

The composition is of particular importance. Products for skin after 25 years must contain the following components

Retinol (vitamin A)

Accelerates cell regeneration. Prevents the formation of wrinkles. Neutralizes free radicals. Promotes exfoliation of the stratum corneum. Evens out the relief and preserves natural elasticity.

Vitamin E

Effectively moisturizes the skin. Famous for its antioxidant effects. Delays the appearance of old age for many years.

Flavonoid (vitamin P)

Stimulates the body's synthesis of substances that act as antioxidants. Protects the epidermis from the effects of free radicals.

Vitamin C

Normalizes metabolic processes. Protects from negative environmental influences. Promotes natural collagen production. Removes toxins and other harmful elements.

Fruit acids

Properties depend on the variety. Salicylic acid is needed to treat rashes. Glycolic acid cleanses pores well and activates the renewal process. Almond oil prevents photoaging. Pyruvic acid restores the barrier function of the skin and retains moisture.


They influence the processes occurring in the tissues of the dermis. Improves blood circulation. Stimulates collagen production. Accelerate epidermis renewal. Maintains elasticity. They have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbal extracts

Depending on the purpose of the product for a particular skin type, it may contain extracts of medicinal plants. For example, chamomile, calendula, nettle, coltsfoot, St. John's wort - for oily skin. Sage, mint, linden blossom, elderflowers, rose petals - for dry.

Natural oils

Their number is impressive. You should choose the component that suits your skin type.

Dry skin

Dry skin needs products that provide:

  • active nutrition;
  • deep hydration;
  • preventing moisture loss;
  • softening the skin;
  • neutralization of exposure to UV rays;
  • preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Oily skin

Oily skin needs products that achieve the following effects:

  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminating excess sebum;
  • calming, relieving irritation;
  • cessation of inflammatory processes;
  • maintaining water balance;
  • protection from factors external environment;
  • saturation with nutrients;
  • prevention of premature aging.

Necessary cosmetics

Here is an approximate list of cosmetics necessary for facial care after 25 years:

  1. Skin cleansing products: foam, gel, milk, tonic, lotion, micellar water, etc.;
  2. Creams: for application during the day, at night, as well as for the area around the eyes and sunscreen for use in summer;
  3. Additional products: serums to enhance the effect of the cream, masks to solve specific problems.

Important point. A 25-year-old woman should not forget about the area around her eyes. Regular cream is not suitable for application to such a sensitive area. In this place the skin is much thinner. To prevent early appearance To combat crow's feet, make sure you have eye cream in your makeup bag.

You shouldn't get carried away with experimentation. There is a possibility of a negative reaction. Be careful with sensitive skin. Consider the possibility of individual intolerance. If you don't find the right product the first time, don't continue to use it. Try buying a product from another company. You will definitely find the best option. Healthy and glowing skin is an indicator of the right choice.

Step-by-step care is a must

What procedures are required for this age category? Skin care after 25 years involves the following stages.


It is better to use foam or milk for washing. Soap is strictly prohibited. Its components dry and irritate the skin and can provoke excessive oil production. Universal option - ground oatmeal. This is an alternative to purchased products.


After washing, you should use toner or lotion. Preferably with a natural composition. It is welcome to brew herbs for this purpose. You can freeze the broth and then wipe your face with ice cubes.

Hydration and nutrition

This is done using cream. Be sure to have two types - day and night. Please note that the daytime must have SPF filters. The influence of the sun at this age affects much faster than in youth. If you do not protect your skin, wrinkles may soon appear on it.

The above procedures are daily. Besides these, there are other ways to preserve the beauty of your skin.

Other procedures

Don't neglect it so much effective methods improve the health of the skin, such as peelings and masks. After 25 years, masks must be applied 2-3 times a week. It is enough to return to light peeling once every 7-10 days. It is advisable to do a deep one once a month.


Face masks occupy a special place in the evening skin care ritual. Should I buy a ready-made mask or? This is a personal matter for every woman.

If you prefer a store-bought product, it must be of proper quality. If you decide to prepare the mixture yourself, your skin will be doubly grateful. Natural ingredients – a variety that is never exhausted.

Remember, face masks are beneficial for all skin types. You just have to choose the appropriate composition. And the question of whether to do them shouldn’t even arise. No self-respecting woman would ignore such an effective, fast and affordable way to restore a healthy glow to the skin.


Peeling can be done in the salon. The cosmetologist will select the necessary substances to remove dead cells. However, this task can be accomplished at home. Use special means. Only in this case, again, you need to take into account the characteristics of the skin.

25 years is not the time to fight age-related changes. This is the period when you should take care of preventing early aging. Yes, the mechanism of fading has already started. Therefore, proper care is required using properly selected products. Plus healthy image life. It is within your power to make sure that old age bypasses you for as long as possible!

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their faces. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noticing age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your flawless appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

Many people mistakenly believe that comprehensive care Only mature women need facial skin care, while young girls only need to cleanse it regularly and only occasionally pamper it with creams and masks.

Meanwhile, any more or less experienced cosmetologist will say that beauty must be maintained from a young age. After all, the skin does not fade at the snap of a finger when a woman turns 35 or 40. Metabolism in the body begins to slow down after 25 years, but since this process is very slow, we often do not notice the changes associated with it. And they are:

  • Barely noticeable wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”).
  • The skin reacts more painfully to lack of sleep and other stress. In the mornings, swelling, puffiness, and black “horseshoes” under the eyes appear.
  • Age spots and other skin defects become more pronounced.

Simply put, twenty-five years is still youth, but no longer youth. The skin at this age needs to pay more attention in order to do without “beauty injections” and other radical rejuvenation methods at 35.

Why is it important to choose care according to your skin type?

This is repeated so often that some people wonder if there is a conspiracy of cosmetologists here? After all, if you look at the consistency and composition of care products for different types skin, you can see that they are very similar.

Similar, but not quite. The fact is that cosmetics act differently for different skin types. For example, a mask for oily skin, in addition to moisturizing and nourishing, also has a sebum-regulating effect - it removes excess sebum due to drying components. Dry skin does not need this, so such a mask will only aggravate its problem. Same with other cosmetics.

By the way, many girls incorrectly determine their skin type and because of this they suffer from rashes, dryness and other problems. The napkin test has long been irrelevant and is only misleading, since the activity of the sebaceous glands varies depending on the time of day. When determining skin type, cosmetologists take into account various factors. Even the menstrual cycle is taken into account - during the period of ovulation, the sebaceous glands work more intensely. Therefore, it is better if your skin type is determined by a professional cosmetologist. This will help save time and money on choosing cosmetics in the future, because it’s better not to experiment with your own face.

How to take care of facial skin after 25 years: basic care program

To keep your skin looking young and fresh longer, you need to provide it with 3 conditions: hydration, nutrition and protection. 25 years is exactly the age when it’s time to get acquainted and make friends with basic facial care.

Morning "menu"

Cleansing. In the morning, the skin shines - the result of the activity of the sebaceous glands is visible to the naked eye. It needs to be gently removed without drying out the face. Organic cream soap is great for this purpose. Whipping into a delicate, aromatic foam, it dissolves excess sebum and washes it away from the skin. Organic soap does not contain animal fats or dyes, so it does not tighten the face, unlike conventional cosmetic soap.

Matting. Owners of fat and combination skin often face the problem of enlarged pores in the T-zone. After washing, they open and become even more vulnerable to bacteria. Refreshing facial hydrolates (organic analogs of toners) tighten pores and remove excess shine in the T-zone, preparing the face for makeup application.

Applying day cream. Many girls ignore this stage, immediately moving on to makeup, and completely in vain. Decorative cosmetics impede air exchange between layers of skin, which is absolutely unhelpful. It is not necessary to give up makeup; it is enough to ensure a supply of moisture and nutrients until the evening. This task is accomplished by a face cream selected strictly according to your skin type. Organic creams have a light, “marshmallow” texture and can simultaneously serve as a base for foundation.

After 25 years, the skin around the eyes also requires special care - in this part of the face it is especially thin and vulnerable. Creams for this area have a less dense structure and contain more moisturizing components.

Evening "menu"

Makeup remover At any age, you should make it a rule to never go to bed without removing your makeup. The pores were closed all day foundation, powder and other makeup products, and now more than ever they need freedom. Foundations can be easily removed with organic cream soap, while waterproof cosmetics can be removed with special oil-based solutions.

Applying night cream. At night, metabolic processes responsible for renewal are activated in skin freed from cosmetics. A night cream rich in nutrients will help stimulate them. Cosmetologists advise applying it along massage lines with light patting movements, “driving” the product into the skin. This improves blood circulation and promotes the absorption of all the beneficial components of the cream.

Intensive care masks

These are cosmetics that your facial skin doesn’t need every day, but you can’t do without them either. If the action of creams is aimed primarily at maintaining cellular metabolism, then masks act more narrowly - they solve certain aesthetic problems. There are different types face masks:

  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • tonic;
  • refreshing;
  • whitening;
  • etc.

For complete facial skin care after 25 years at home, organic masks based on cosmetic clay with extracts of medicinal herbs and plants. Clay has a pigment-constricting and sebum-regulating effect and does not cause allergies. This is a real salvation for those with oily and combination skin. Dryness and flaking are well removed by masks with a high concentration of fruit and berry extracts.

The optimal frequency of use of any organic masks is 2-3 times a week. The effect can be seen immediately after use.

Facial skin care after 25 years differs from skin care before 25, this is due to the fact that after 25 years, regenerative processes in the skin begin to slow down, and destructive ones, on the contrary, accelerate. This is not yet aging, or even prime, but after 25 years, this is undoubtedly the end of youth. It is 25 years that is considered a symbolic starting point, after which the mechanism of withering begins. Of course, we are still far from slowing down metabolic processes in skin cells and disrupting the protein structure. Elastin and collagen fibers are still flexible, but facial skin care after 25 years should already be aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles and maintaining complexion. At this age, facial skin especially needs active moisturizing and protection from sun rays.

After 25, the lipid layer of the stratum corneum begins to collapse, which in turn leads to the fact that the skin begins to lose moisture. Usually the breakdown of the lipid layer of the skin is caused by solvents such as washing powders, lotions for deep cleaning skin, surfactants - surfactants, which are contained in some cosmetics, and UV radiation. In order to ensure the protection of the lipid barrier, proper facial skin care is necessary after 25. First of all, try to avoid large amounts of ultraviolet rays, refuse to use cleansing lotions for teenagers, aggressive detergents, and multi-ingredient cosmetics. In general, we strongly recommend not to use it in facial skin care after 25 years. cosmetics, which are simultaneously applied to the skin. Choosing creams for facial skin care after 25 years, give preference to creams with a shorter list of ingredients.

In order to restore the damaged or deteriorating lipid barrier of the skin, it is necessary to use oils that contain fatty acids, such as evening primrose, borage, and black currant oil. In addition, it is a good idea to use oils that have a regenerating effect for facial skin care, such as cashew oil, avocado, wheat germ, macadamia, grape seeds, sesame, rice bran, rose hip, milk thistle.

Anti-aging facial skin care after 25 years

Skin aging is divided into two types: true, which is inherent in nature itself, and external, which is caused by environmental influences. Of course, no one is yet able to prevent true aging, but external aging can be delayed with the help of proper facial skin care.

Modern science suggests that early wrinkles appear precisely due to exposure to UV radiation, which damages the cells of the epidermis, the upper layer of the skin. Therefore, we recommend not to overuse sunbathing, and also to use protective creams for facial skin care.

The second cause of premature aging is oxidative stress, which can be combated with the help of antioxidants. We recommend including products containing vitamins C, E, carotenoids, as well as plant extracts, which are natural antioxidants, in facial skin care after the age of twenty-five.

Remember that 25 years is not yet the age when you really should think about the problems of aging, so do not rush to use anti-aqe cosmetics for facial skin care. At 25 years old, the body’s internal reserves are still more than sufficient.

Creams for facial skin care after 25 years

Face creams after 25 are mainly aimed at stopping or at least slowing down the destruction of skin structures, as well as removing fine wrinkles.

Face creams after 25 contain mainly the following vitamins:

Vitamin A is essential for the formation of new cells, it also accelerates the process of exfoliation of dead horn cells, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. It is strongly recommended to include products with a high content of vitamin A in the list of products for the care of tired skin after 25 years.

Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants and will slow down the process of external aging.

Vitamin C – improves metabolic processes, protects against adverse environmental influences, removes toxins, promotes collagen synthesis, improves lipid metabolism. We highly recommend that residents of megacities do not forget about this when caring for their facial skin after 25 the most useful vitamin, otherwise – premature aging.

Vitamin P (flavonoid) – promotes the skin’s production of its own antioxidants and neutralizes free radicals.

We wrote above that at the age of 25 there is no reason to seriously worry that the skin is still young, but if you want to look young at 40, you will have to provide careful care for your facial skin after 25. Nowadays there are simply a huge number of creams for facial skin after 25, so it won't be very difficult.

After 25 years, you need to pay attention to three points:

Moisturizing facial skin

A daily moisturizer for the face after 25 needs to be rich in bioflavanoids and phytoestrogens. The inclusion of such a cream in facial skin care after 25 years is necessary to ensure that a normal moisture balance is maintained in the epidermis, as well as to impede the penetration of free radicals, which have a destructive effect on the skin. Liposomes improve blood microcirculation in the vessels, restoring the radiance of youth to the face.

Fighting the first wrinkles on the face

Also, facial skin care after 25 years is aimed at combating the first wrinkles, which do not yet pose a particular danger, but so that in the future they do not become your punishment, you need to take care of this now, to do this, use face creams containing fruit and flower acids and vitamin E. The use of such creams helps smooth the facial skin and eliminate wrinkles. Also, in order to enhance the effect of using a face cream after 25 containing vitamin E, it is necessary to apply a serum containing floral acids and polysaccharides under the cream - it will actively restore and tighten the skin after 25.

Skin care around the eyes after 25 years

A delicate texture cream for the skin around the eyes after 25 containing phytoestrogens and floral acids will increase the smoothness of the skin and its elasticity. If this cream for the care of the skin around the eyes after 25 years contains vitamin E and allotoin, it will have a calming effect on the skin around the eyes, which is more delicate and thin than the skin of the face. In addition, such creams stimulate the natural restoration of facial skin and remove dark circles under the eyes.

Deep cleansing of facial skin after 25

For deep cleansing of facial skin after 25, we recommend making a mask with white clay and allantoin twice a week. This face mask will help remove toxins, relieve irritation, moisturize the skin and saturate it with microelements. After this mask, even the skin of 30 years old looks young, fresh and rested, not to mention the skin of the face after 25.

Masks for nourishing and moisturizing facial skin after 25 years

Facial skin care after 25 years must necessarily include the use of moisturizing and nourishing masks containing extracts from seaweed, grape seeds, and jojoba oil. Facial skin care with these masks will saturate the skin with minerals, soften it, and restore the structure of the epidermis. Effect: the skin will become smooth and soft, more toned.

Night facial skin care after 25

To soften and moisturize facial skin after 25 years, we recommend using night cream with geranium extract. Also, it will help prevent early aging due to the fact that it stimulates blood circulation. Products with an active oxygen complex will also help rejuvenate and improve breathing of the skin.

Remember that true old age cannot be delayed, but thanks to proper care By taking care of your facial skin after 25 years and beyond, you can avoid premature “external” aging.

This applies to direct facial care after 25 years. But there are also some rules, following which you can significantly extend the period of carelessness and youth, look not only your age, but also much younger.

1. Don't drink a lot of liquids in the evening. Maximum – a small cup of tea, a glass of juice or mineral water, but only 2 hours before bedtime.

2. Once a month, pamper yourself with professional care from a cosmetologist.

3. Use cosmetics with an SPF filter, especially if you spend a lot of time at the computer.

4. Spend as much time in the fresh air as possible, lead an active lifestyle, and play sports.

5. Eat right, watch your weight.

By following all these simple rules and regularly caring for your face, you can keep your skin fresh and youthful in its original form for many years. Forget about calendar age, let those around you admire you and wonder how old this charming and young girl really is?

After 25 years, the body’s regenerative processes begin to slow down, and destructive processes accelerate. This is the starting point for the launch of the natural wilting mechanism. You are very far from obvious signs of aging; your skin is still fresh and elastic. But imperceptibly the process is already beginning. Therefore, it is very important from this period to properly care for your skin in order to push back age-related changes, the main of which are wrinkles, as far as possible. Moisturizing and protecting facial skin from UV are the primary goals of care after 25 years.

The main reason for the onset of aging is the loss of moisture from the skin. This occurs due to the fact that the lipid layer of the stratum corneum begins to break down. Most often due to skin exposure to laundry detergents, deep cleaning lotions, surfactants and ultraviolet rays.

Basic skin care rules

Cleansing is the beginning and end of daily skin care. Cosmetologists do not recommend using soap-based products, because... they dry out the skin, and after 25 it will only harm you. Milk and soft gels for washing in the morning and evening, scrubs or masks with white clay 1-2 times a week. You can use homemade mixtures.

Cleansing is followed by toning. Do not use tonic or lotions containing alcohol. It is better to choose tonics with herbal or berry infusions. Cosmetologists usually recommend professional products, but not everyone can afford them, pharmaceutical drugs or products made according to home recipes.

Moisturizing with cream is an important stage in facial skin care after 25 years. The cream should contain vitamin A (helps skin renewal), vitamin E (antioxidant), vitamin C (improves metabolic processes), vitamin P (neutralizes free radicals), floral and fruit acids. In addition, the cream must match the age and skin type. It is worth having two types of cream - a day cream (light moisturizing) with UV protection and a night cream, moisturizing and nourishing.

Try less summer period be exposed to direct sunlight and use cosmetics with an SPF filter;
- before going to bed, limit your fluid intake - a maximum of one cup of green tea or a glass of juice;
- visit a beauty salon once every 1-2 months;
- if you spend a lot of time at the computer, use thermal water instead of tonic;
- watch your facial expressions, because in a few years all your emotions will be reflected on your face.