Caring for rabbit fur. How to clean a rabbit hat at home Clean a white rabbit fur coat at home

A fur product adds extravagance, elegance, and charm to the image. Clothes made from rabbit fur are comfortable, warm, and soft. You can clean rabbit fur at home using available products.

Do not soak, wash by hand or in an automatic machine, or clean with detergents; this will damage the product. Dry clothes at room temperature; using a hair dryer is not recommended. To remove minor dirt, use a soft bristle brush. Clean the pile with a low-power car vacuum cleaner or hair dryer.

Before using the products, try cleaning the jacket by knocking it out. Hang the clothes on a hanger, cover with a damp cotton cloth and beat out. In winter, the product is cleaned with snow: the item is placed pile side down and knocked out (the method is suitable for environmentally friendly regions).

Large fur items cannot be washed even on the delicate cycle. Washing will cause the item to change in size and the fur will begin to fall off.

Review of rabbit fur cleaning products

Before removing dirt, test the substances on an inconspicuous area (apply for 15-20 minutes and evaluate the result). For convenience, the product can be poured into a spray bottle.


The substance perfectly absorbs household dirt and dust and is safe to use.

Rub the starch into the pile and wait half an hour. The product should darken. Shake or vacuum the product to remove any remaining starch. Repeat if necessary.


A solution of water and table vinegar (2:1 ratio) will remove organic stains. This method will help you get rid of unpleasant odor, will give things silkiness, well-groomed shine and softness.

For stubborn stains, dilute vinegar essence in water (4:1). The substance is caustic and toxic; you should work with rubber gloves.


Place the clothes on a hanger or spread them out on a flat surface. Sprinkle the product with bran and leave for 15-20 minutes. Shake the item and comb the lint. Repeat if necessary.

The method is suitable for products of any color; black fur can be cleaned.


Prepare a solution: hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp), ammonia (1/2 tsp), water (400 ml). The substance removes yellowness that forms during long-term storage or exposure of fur products to water.


You can clean a rabbit fur coat with talcum powder or baby powder. Rub the substance into the pile with light movements and leave for half an hour. After the procedure, the product should be vacuumed or shaken well.

Talc can be replaced with semolina or wheat flour.

Starch, bran, flour, talc are natural adsorbents that can be used without fear of spoiling the item. For greater effect, substances are combined. Option – baby powder and bran (ratio 1:2).

How to clean a rabbit hat or collar

  • fat stains on the collar will go away if you treat them with hot bran. You need to heat the substance in a clean frying pan with a non-stick coating to a temperature of 50°C and pour it into the pile;
  • prepare a solution: 3 tbsp. l. coarse table salt, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, 400 ml water. Apply the liquid to a cotton pad, wipe off the stains, and let the substance soak for half an hour. Then wipe the surface first with a damp cloth, then with a dry cloth;
  • To clean yellowed rabbit fur at home, mix denatured alcohol (technical alcohol) and ammonia (1:1 ratio). The liquid will remove stubborn stains on a fur hat;
  • clean things without using chemicals: stretch the product onto a three-liter jar, clean with steam. For these purposes, you can boil water and hold the item over steam, you can use an iron with a steam function;
  • collars are cleaned using gel for fur products (powders and liquid products are not suitable). The item is dipped into the solution and, without twisting, hung to dry;
  • to give a fur knitted hat a shine, wipe the pile with glycerin (can be purchased at a pharmacy) or spray with Amway spray;
  • You can wash the rabbit collar lining with soapy water, being careful not to stain the fur. Either tear off the lining, wash it, then sew it back on;
  • Collars and hats made of faux fur cannot be cleaned with acetone, alcohol, or vodka. At home, soap solution works well to remove stains. The substance is applied to the foam rubber and the stain is treated. The product is dried for outdoors. Artificial fur can be washed in washing machine provided you select the delicate mode.

Features of cleaning a white fur coat

  1. Mix 0.5 tsp. ammonia, 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide, 1 glass of water. Treat a white fur coat with this solution and the stains will go away.
  2. Snow-white items can be cleaned well with semolina or starch.
  3. Use animal shampoo (dilute with water first). The liquid is applied to a napkin and the pile is processed in the direction of growth. Afterwards the surface is wiped with a dry cloth and dried.
  4. Prepare a solution of bluing with water (1 tsp of blue for 1 liter of water). The method is suitable for removing stains and preventing the appearance of yellowness.

After treatment with chemicals, the product will acquire a pungent odor. After the procedure, dry the item outside for 30 minutes.

Products made from rabbit fur are among the most frequently purchased on the domestic market. It’s not surprising, because not only fur coats are made from it, but also collars and hats. However, many owners of such things are faced with a problem related to cleaning fur. You will learn how to clean a rabbit fur coat at home from this article.

Grandma's secret to getting rid of dust

In a time when there were almost no cars and most of the snow was white and not brown, fur coats were cleaned right on the street. To do this, they laid it with a pile on the snow and carefully beat it out. Eventually, all the dust that accumulated in the item of clothing fell onto the snow. The result is a perfectly clean fur coat. Now this method will be relevant only for residents of environmentally friendly areas.

However, there is another way to clean such a piece of clothing - it will be relevant for residents of big cities. To implement it, snow is replaced with pure cotton material, after which:

  1. Hang the item of clothing on a hanger.
  2. Wrap it in pre-moistened cloth.
  3. Carefully beat out the item of clothing.

Important! If the contamination is severe, you can replace the fabric and repeat the procedure. Once all the dust has been removed, you can begin to get rid of stains and greasy areas.

Fur of any type, including rabbit fur, is, first of all, a delicate material. If measures to remove contaminants are not careful, the material can be completely damaged. Before carrying out this procedure, you need to remember a few points:

  • Washing rabbit fur in a machine is strictly prohibited.
  • It is unacceptable to use strong chemicals when removing stains.
  • Do not comb the pile with a fine-toothed brush.
  • Drying a fur product on a radiator or using a hair dryer is prohibited.
  • To prevent yellowing of a white rabbit fur coat, it should be wrapped in a thick cover of a dark, cool color. It is better to store such a fur coat in a cool place.
  • To clean rabbit collars and hats, it is better to use cleaning products with a gel consistency.

By taking these rules into account, you can significantly extend the life of an expensive item and enjoy its warmth for a long time.

Basic methods of cleaning fur products

Before using the methods described below, you need to test their effectiveness on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. To do this, you need to apply a cleaning agent, wait 15 minutes, then remove it and objectively evaluate the result. If it does not affect the product, feel free to use this method.

Uses of hydrogen peroxide

This method is ideal in the fight against yellow spots caused by improper drying or prolonged contact with water. In addition to a fur coat, you can wash a rabbit hat in this way; to do this, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Mix 30 ml of 6% hydrogen peroxide, 300 ml of clean water and 20 ml of ammonia.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray it onto the item of clothing at a distance of 30-40 cm. Each drop should lie evenly over the entire surface of the item.
  4. Gently run the brush through the pile.

Important! In this way, both the entire product and its individual parts (for example, collar and sleeves) can be cleaned.

Using semolina

Necessary materials:

  • Vacuum cleaner (you can use a car one).
  • Basin or other container.
  • Semolina. It can be replaced with regular potato starch.

Important! If the fur item is heavily soiled, it is recommended to remove the fur part from the lining and wash each part separately.

To clean a rabbit fur coat at home, you must follow the steps described below:

  1. Pour approximately 10 liters of warm water into the prepared container, adding 1.8 kg of cereal or starch to it.
  2. Dip the fur into the liquid, rinse well and shake it thoroughly.
  3. When all manipulations are completed, walk over the treated surface with a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment. Before this, you need to lay out the fur coat on a horizontal surface with a white sheet.
  4. When the procedure is completed, you should sew the lining back.

The secret of oat bran

Even with the help of oat bran, you can thoroughly clean a rabbit fur coat at home. To do this you need:

  1. Wash the non-stick frying pan and dry it.
  2. Pour about 100 grams of oat or flax bran into it.
  3. Heat the mixture on the stove, but do not fry.
  4. Lay the fur coat on a clean table, pour heated bran onto it and rub it in thoroughly. If the composition is not enough, make more.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the fur must be combed with a special brush in the direction of the villi, and then hung on a hanger.
  6. When the fur coat dries a little, it should be combed again, being careful not to harm the fur.

Important! Many housewives use a broom as a brush. You should not take this into account, as there is a risk of staining the item of clothing even more.

Using table vinegar

This composition is used not only to wash a rabbit hat at home, but also to give the fur product silkiness and softness. To use this method, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • Dilute 9% vinegar with clean water in a ratio of 1:2.
  • Dip a cotton pad into the solution and walk it over the contaminated area several times.

Important! Do not press too hard on the fur; carry out the procedure with extreme caution.

  • When the manipulations are completed, you need to wipe the product with a soft damp cloth and dry it naturally.
  • Brush your fur coat or hat with a special brush.

Important! Since rabbit fur is very capricious, you should use only mild table vinegar. If essence is used, it must be diluted with cold water at the rate of 100 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of filtered water.

We use children's talc

This method is classified as dry, since there is no need to treat the product with water before performing the procedure. To wash a rabbit hat at home in this way, you need:

  1. Cover the entire surface of the product with powder.
  2. Rub it well into the pile so that everything greasy spots absorbed into the product.
  3. Leave the product in this position for about 15 minutes.
  4. When the time is up, shake the product and vacuum.
  5. Brush the product with a soft brush with frequent teeth. Its role can be performed by a brush for animal hair.
  6. Remove talc residue using a hair dryer or fan.

Important! Talc can be replaced with wheat flour, and the principle of action will not be different.

Gasoline use

Required materials:

  • Pure gasoline (the kind used for lighters is suitable).
  • Corn starch.
  • Brush designed for fur products.

Important! Before you start processing your fur coat, you need to open all the windows and make sure that there is no open fire nearby. You should also take into account that there should be no children or animals in the room.

So, here is the basic procedure that will help you wash a rabbit hat at home:

  1. Shake the fur coat several times. The ideal option would be if the product has already been knocked out on the street using the “grandmother’s” method.
  2. Mix 100 g of starch with gasoline so that you end up with a mixture similar to sour cream.
  3. Rub the resulting composition against the direction of the villi.
  4. Shake the product and repeat these manipulations several more times.
  5. When all the steps are completed, the fur coat needs to be combed, removing any remaining mixture.

Important! You may be bothered by the smell of gasoline after the procedure. Don't worry, it will disappear in 3-4 days.

A rabbit fur hat gets dirty quite quickly when worn, so it needs timely and proper care. The answer to the question how clean a rabbit hat You can look for dry cleaning specialists, entrusting them with the restoration of your hat. However, you can do this yourself. To find out, you need to turn to simple and effective means, such as:
1. Talc, baby powder, flour, starch: the selected product is evenly distributed on the surface of the product, lightly rubbed into it and left for half an hour. After this, the hat is shaken off, and the remaining substances are combed out of the fur with a soft brush or comb with rare teeth (a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or fan can also help remove them).
2. Bran: not too hot bran (wheat, rye), heated in a frying pan, pour onto the fur, and then perform the steps described in the first paragraph.
3. Table vinegar: 9% vinegar is mixed in the same volume of water, after which the product is wiped with this composition using a cotton pad. Remains of the product are removed with a damp cloth.
4. Gasoline and denatured alcohol: purified gasoline is mixed with denatured alcohol in a 1:1 ratio, and then the fur surface is wiped with a cotton swab. After cleaning, the product is well ventilated.

To clean the rabbit hat from dust, it is wrapped in a damp light cloth and carefully knocked out.
If the need arises clean a Rex rabbit hat , you can safely try using any of the listed methods.

How to clean light rabbit fur

White fur tends to acquire a yellowish tint over time. To find out the most effective remedy how to clean a white rabbit hat , you can use:
1. Dry cleaning described above using potato starch and semolina.
2. Hydrogen peroxide: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of 6% peroxide is mixed with a few drops of ammonia and a glass of water. The resulting solution is evenly sprayed onto the surface of the product using a spray bottle at a distance of 30-40 cm, after which the fur is dried and combed.

How to clean a knitted bunny hat

The owners knitted hats from rabbit fur the question may arise how to clean a knitted bunny hat. The answer may surprise them, because knitted bunny hats can even be washed! To do this, you need to soak the product in warm water with powder for 10 minutes and then carefully wash it by hand. Rinse and pat dry with a towel, and then dry the hat on both sides with a hairdryer. Place the headdress on a glass jar for 12 hours to dry the insides.

How to Clean the Lining of a Rabbit Hat

You can remove small stains from the lining fabric using a mixture of equal parts of denatured alcohol and ammonia. If it is necessary to completely refresh the lining, then it must be carefully torn off from the hat, washed in water with the addition of powder, and after thoroughly drying, sewn back on.
A rabbit has very delicate, fragile and delicate fur, so when caring for it you must follow the following rules:

  1. Before cleaning the product, test on an inconspicuous area.
  2. Do not expose fur to strong mechanical stress.
  3. Clean fur only in the direction of pile growth.
  4. After wet cleaning, dry the product away from heating devices and direct sunlight, periodically combing the fur.
  5. Carry out product care during the season as needed, as well as at the end of the season and before the start of a new one.

If you still have doubts about how to clean a rabbit hat at home effective and, most importantly, safe, you should entrust the care of your headdress to experienced craftsmen.

Rabbit fur clothing has become popular due to its beauty and warm material. But like any thing, a product made from rabbit fur must be properly cared for. Most often, stains appear where the collar or pockets are located. You can perform the cleaning procedure yourself, without using chemical cleaning.

Fur can be washed at home using the following products:

  • acetic acid;
  • semolina;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • talc in powder form;
  • starch;
  • gasoline;
  • soft bristled brushes;
  • ammonia;
  • bran

How to clean rabbit fur at home using these products? Can these funds be used? Let's find out.

How to clean a rabbit fur coat using these products? These products are capable of absorbing dirt and grease. Wherein chemical exposure not happening. Cleaning with these dry substances can be done at home. Let's look at the cleaning process:

  1. First, you need to apply talc to your clothes.
  2. Then, using light and smooth movements, begin to rub the product into the fur.
  3. Wait approximately half an hour.
  4. Finally, shake out the rabbit fur coat and use a soft bristle brush to remove any remaining product.

You can make a mixture of starch, talc and semolina. Ratio – 1:2. The cleaning technology is the same. Rabbit fur is delicate. Rabbit fur fibers are thin. Therefore, to clean the remaining mixture, you need to use only a soft-bristled brush. Movements must be careful and smooth, otherwise the fur item being washed may be damaged.

These products may change color. Therefore, cleaning must be done as long as they remain white.

Removing stains

If fat gets on a fur coat or hat knitted from rabbit fur, it is not necessary to use a powerful stain remover. A solution consisting of water and acetic acid will help you cope. Ratio – 1:1. There is another recipe that will help get rid of dirt. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 400–450 ml of ordinary water;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. ammonia;
  3. 3 tbsp. l. table salt.

30 minutes after you have applied the prepared solution to the problem area, wipe the area with a damp cloth. It is better to use a cotton napkin.

We clean a fur coat or hat using hot bran. Hot rye bran will help eliminate the most stubborn fatty stains. First, place the rye bran in a frying pan, which must be preheated beforehand. The bran should be heated to 50˚C. They must be stirred while heating. You can determine the temperature like this: put your hand on the bran, and as soon as it becomes hot, it means the desired temperature has been reached. After heating, the product must be rubbed into the affected area until the unpleasant mark disappears.

Cleaning the lining

A common case is that the top of a rabbit fur item is clean, but all the dirt is concentrated on the lining. To clean it, use the following methods:

Cleaning white fur

After a certain period of time, a tint of yellow may appear on the white fur. How to clean a white rabbit fur coat? You can wash fur using a solution that will consist of the following ingredients:

  • ½ tsp. ammonia;
  • 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 200–250 ml of ordinary water.

First, soak a cloth in this solution. Wipe the white fur with a damp cloth, then allow it time to dry. Do not use a hair dryer or other device for drying. Drying should occur naturally. You can add gasoline to the solution, but it will leave bad smell, which will disappear in 7–8 days.

Using these tips, you can wash a fur coat at home, and clothes made from rabbit fur, namely a hat or fur coat, can be worn for a long time.

Rabbit hats and fur coats have recently been the most popular winter wardrobe option. They sewed from skins various models children's clothing. Today the market for fur products is more diverse, but rabbit fur is still popular. Therefore, the question of how to clean without the help of a professional dry cleaner has not lost its relevance.

First, let's discuss a little why rabbit fur does not go out of fashion and is one of the most in demand. One of its main advantages is its affordable price compared to other natural furs.

Products made from it are light, soft and retain heat well. But they are not designed, like mink or sable, for many years of wear. The skins lend themselves well to processing and dyeing, which makes it possible to create a wide variety of clothing models.

In addition, relatively recently, products made from the skins of Rex rabbits appeared on the market, which in their own way appearance are in no way inferior to natural chinchilla or squirrel. Clothing made from Rex lasts a long time, has an expensive look and is not afraid of moisture. The skins of the French orylag are light and durable; the quality of the fur is similar to chinchilla, and visually resembles a beaver.

Of all their brethren, white animals have the thickest hair; they have a very dense underfur. White fur coats look great, they are suitable for women of any age, they are wonderfully refreshing and allow you to create romantic image. But, over time, such a thing may lose its snow-white appearance and even turn yellow.

Is it possible to restore the original appearance of a product yourself? Let's look at the main ways to clean a rabbit's coat, including white, at home, using improvised means.

How to clean rabbit fur at home

After prolonged wear, the rabbit fur coat becomes unkempt appearance, it may become heavily soiled. In this case, the question arises: how to wash rabbit fur and is it even possible to do it? This should be done carefully, following all recommendations, so as not to spoil the product and return it to its original appearance.

So, we wash the rabbit fur in washing machine taking into account expert advice:

  1. Before washing, you should do a small test. Pull the lint. If a tuft of hair is pulled out, the procedure should be abandoned.
  2. It is necessary to remove all decorative elements, inserts, brooches, buttons, check the pockets
  3. Carefully roll the product and place it in a fabric bag or pillowcase. Place it in an automatic machine, set the washing mode to delicate and spin to 500 rpm.
  4. For washing, use liquid detergents, as they are more gentle and are easily removed during the rinsing process.
  5. You can add a little vinegar when rinsing.

A short fur coat or vest can be washed by hand. To do this, fill the bath with water at room temperature and add a little gel. Heavily soiled areas can be treated with detergent and left for about 15 minutes. Wash the product very carefully.

After washing, the fur coat must be hung on hangers to drain the water. The item should be dried away from heating devices, heating radiators and open flames. After complete drying, the product should be combed with an animal brush or a soft comb, shaking it periodically.

If the pile begins to bristle in certain areas, you can prepare a weak solution of conditioner and treat problem areas.

Owners of elegant fur coats are often interested in how to clean white rabbit fur using improvised means. The most effective way against yellowness and gray plaque is to use the following solution:

  • 300 ml of well-purified water;
  • 30 ml hydrogen peroxide 6%;
  • 20 ml of ammonia.

Mix all components and add to a spray bottle. Treat the surface evenly from a distance of 30 - 40 cm. After spraying the solution, go through the pile with a comb.

Dry cleaning can be done using talc without additives. It is necessary to sprinkle the entire surface well, carefully rub the absorbent into the fur and wait 10-15 minutes. After this, clean the fur coat with a vacuum cleaner and comb it out with a comb.

Wheat bran, semolina or potato starch can be used as an absorbent. When using any product, it is necessary to take precautions and thoroughly clean the fur from any remaining absorbent.

Tidy up your rabbit's fur

If the surface is not heavily soiled, but simply dusty after the summer season, it can be easily tidied up without the use of special products. To do this, wrap the fur coat in a damp cloth and lightly beat it out. All minor dirt and dust can be easily removed.

To comb your rabbit's fur, you can use a pet brush or a regular soft comb. It will take on a beautiful, smooth look.