Toasts for the New Year are comically short. A selection of the best toasts for the New Year: don’t be banal

New Year is not only a Christmas tree, toys, gifts, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, but also a cheerful festive feast at home, in a restaurant or at a corporate party. Gathering together, family members, relatives, work colleagues, friends and acquaintances cordially congratulate each other on the winter celebration and say nice things to loved ones, good wishes. Of course, this event is not complete without toasts. It is thanks to these short speeches, funny and cool or beautiful and touching, a home banquet, friendly party or a solid corporate event turns from a standard holiday into a bright, joyful and very sincere event, imbued with warmth, cordiality and mutual understanding.

Solemn and inspired short toasts uttered at the festive table have a special effect on everyone present, automatically set the mood for positivity and evoke only the most pleasant emotions. At this moment, each person firmly believes that all the words of the toast will certainly come true and gladly raises a glass for this to happen as soon as possible.

If you have not yet decided what toasts you will say during the celebration of the Year of the Rooster and the Old New Year, use our collection. In it we have collected the most interesting short toasts, suitable for a cozy family feast, a New Year's work corporate party and a cool friendly party. Choose toasts that you like and delight your family and friends with the most beautiful, pleasant and kind words. And let all the good things that will be said New Year's table in the form of toasts and wishes, will come true as quickly as possible.

Cool toasts for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party in the Year of the Rooster

A corporate holiday is a special moment, very important for every employee. On the one hand, there is a great opportunity to express yourself in an informal setting, show off your wit in front of colleagues and attract the attention of your superiors, but on the other hand, you want to maintain the necessary balance and not lose face by uttering too provocative, cheeky and ambiguous phrases. A kind of “golden mean” in such a situation will be short, cool and funny toasts dedicated to the onset of the New Year of the Rooster 2017. They have everything you need for a good, and, at the same time, tactful and respectful dinner speech: bright, memorable congratulations, pleasant, touching wishes, kind, understandable humor and extraordinary presentation. A short, original and funny toast, said at the right moment at a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2017, will pleasantly defuse the festive atmosphere and make the most favorable impression on everyone. Colleagues will not think that you are trying to curry favor with your superiors by any means, and management will appreciate your ability to joke creatively without crossing the acceptable boundaries of decency.

We worked all year
They weren't lazy at all.
I want to drink to this
And wish you a new year,
So that the work gets done right away,
And everything was great for you!

I raise my glass
So that no one disappears at work,
And so that this New Year,
You made it through without any hassle!
Don’t bury yourself in work,
And never be arrogant!
And then you will be successful!
I drink to the bottom for you, for everyone!

Work, work, and more work,
We stayed until the new year.
And now a short break,
To give everyone a little break.
To this I raise a glass,
May everything that each of you wishes come true.
Work is not a wolf - it won’t rush into the forest,
So let's celebrate the new year calmly!

Toasts for celebrating the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in the company of friends

Celebrating the New Year of the Rooster in the company of friends - great option have a good time and become a little closer and dearer to each other. You can gather in an ordinary city apartment, set a rich table and, to the sound of the chimes, make a beautiful toast, and then clink glasses of champagne. Or organize a party with one of your friends at the dacha, dance around a real Christmas tree, light a live fire, play snowballs and toast the New Year of the Rooster right in the open air. Of course, a festive feast would not be complete without beautiful speeches and toasts. If among the invitees there is only a very narrow circle of people who know each other very well, the toasts can be quite frank. However, it is still not worth dwelling in too much detail on some moments of a certain person’s life. You can mention them in passing, and devote the main part of the toast to congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster and kind, sincere wishes for health, happiness, financial well-being and mutual understanding. Despite the fact that these words are very simple and not very original, they always sound appropriate and evoke only the warmest, pleasant and joyful emotions.

When a group of friends gathers for the New Year in a restaurant or cafe, you should approach the choice of toasts with special attention, since strangers will be sitting nearby who do not necessarily need to hear too intimate details from the life of your loved ones. It is better to stop at toasts of a more neutral content and raise a glass to the health of your family, to success in all matters, to love and to good friends who are always there and ready to support in difficult times.

Let's raise a glass to joy and happiness.
So that they are loved, bad weather disappears.
So that children are healthy and happy,
So that there is peace and joy on the whole planet.
So that the stars and the sun shine from the heavens.
So that the world is full of beautiful miracles.

We are in power with glorious traditions
The eternal search is akin to us in everything.
Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness,
Happy new toast at our table!

May success come to us with the New Year
And the days and nights will flow nicely.
Let's drink to us all,
So that you don’t get lost in life alone!

Funny toasts for the New Year 2017 in verses for home and corporate events

Cool and funny toasts in verse greatly decorate the feast on the occasion of the New Year and create a festive, bright and optimistic mood among those present. Yes, this is not surprising, because once again Absolutely all people like to smile and laugh at a good joke, regardless of age, gender and social status. However, you shouldn’t forget about tact and respect, so too frivolous, frivolous toasts with ambiguous hints and too piquant words are best reserved for gatherings in a very close company of adults. And for the New Year, when children are present at the table, despite the late hour, prepare only funny, cool toasts with simple, easy-to-understand humor.

If we are talking about a corporate party, you can memorize a toast praising the industry in which the company operates, or say a few rhymed lines wishing everyone present successful career growth and financial well-being. Such a toast will sound more than appropriate and will be greeted with a bang not only by colleagues, but also by management.

Let me raise a glass
Over the past year, over the past
And drain it to the bottom:
For happiness and good luck
For a new car, and money for a suitcase to boot!

Health, love and happiness,
I wish those gathered here,
For your success and joy,
I'm raising my glass now!

Champagne sparkles
Eyes sparkle with joy
The holiday is almost at your doorstep
Lots of health and happiness
may the road of next year bring!

Short beautiful toasts for the New Year 2017 for feasts and corporate events

When a large company gathers at the holiday table, it is not possible to say long and lengthy toasts, even of the most pleasant content. After all, everyone present wants to speak, but no one has any particular desire to spend the entire evening just talking. This is where short, funny New Year's toasts, consisting of literally 2-3 beautiful phrases. Of course, in such a small text of the toast it will not be possible to contain all the best impulses of the heart and emotional feelings, but each of the guests will have the opportunity to say a few nice words friends, relatives and colleagues gathered around the table.

Short, funny toasts for the New Year are also good because they don’t bore guests and don’t distract them from the meal. But, nevertheless, they contain the most kind words And best wishes Happy wonderful and good holiday. In addition, a toast of a small number of lines is very easy to learn by heart, so that at the right moment you can recite it with expression, without fear of forgetting the words or mixing up the sequence of phrases.

Happy New Year! Let's raise our glasses!
Let the champagne sparkle in them!
Let love reign between us!
And let life be simply royal.

The New Year is the most amazing
I want to drink only for the main thing,
For health, love and happiness,
May the celebration be glorious.

I wish you endless happiness for the New Year!
I raise my glass from the bottom of my heart,
Let this toast be to your loved ones and relatives,
May everything be fine with our dear ones

Cool short toasts for the festive table for the New Year 2017

Cool, short toasts for the New Year 2017 are suitable for both a home feast and a respectable corporate party. The main thing is to choose the right moment to say funny lines of toast. You should not do this right away, when those present have just sat down at the table. Let the first to sound beautiful and touching toasts with congratulations and kind, sincere wishes, which will be said by the owner of the house or one of the management employees, if we are talking about a corporate party.

When official and solemn speeches on the occasion of the New Year of the Rooster 2017 have been made, and those present have already imbued with the festive atmosphere and moved on to informal communication, it is quite appropriate to take the floor and make a short funny toast in verse or prose. Hearing perky, funny phrases, guests will definitely smile and gladly raise their glasses to good mood, optimism and wishes to celebrate the New Year 2017 in such a way that the holiday will be remembered for a lifetime, but at the same time there will be strength for an equally grandiose celebration of the Old New Year.

Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year we will have everything we dream of! So that we get what we plan, and the unplanned turns out to be our best expectations!

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.
Santa Claus for the New Year,
Let him carry the bag of money.

May there be love and happiness,
Let the bad weather pass by.
Positive and kind.
Happy New Year everyone, hooray!

Do you know why there are so many stars in the sky in winter? Begins to be born New star and everyone else comes to see this spectacle. The New Year is the New Star. So let's drink to the fact that this Year the New Star will illuminate the path to Happiness, Health, Peace and Success for each of us. A old year Let's drink it with the same old wine. Happy New Year!

Undoubtedly, toasts for the New Year are heard at every table. Millions of glasses of champagne clink loudly to warm, cheerful and always sincere words. We don’t want your toasts to be boring, so we suggest you get inspired by a selection of worthy options for different formats, be it an official corporate party or New Year’s toasts with your family.

Toasts for the New Year in verse

Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing,
My love is the spark of all my affairs.
My first toast is to your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you,
For the joy of meetings that awaits us,
For a thirst that knows no quenching!

Friends! New Year will come soon.
Forget old sorrows
And days of sorrow, and days of adversity,
And everything that killed joy.
But don't forget clear days,
Golden hours for dear hearts,
And old sincere friends,
Whom you all loved so much.
Live new in the New Year!

The blue planet is flying,
It’s not an easy year to remember.
In your cozy room
The smell of salad, the crackling of candles,
Like a moment of fate - the strokes of the clock,
The heart will shrink in silence,
Then the table, wine, guitar
And the noise of solemn speeches.
Friends! We love you all very much,
We wish you happiness and goodness!
Let's not forget a glass of wine
Empty to the bottom for you!

Now, summing up the results,
Let's sigh sadly about the past:
Probably the gods helped
We have to cope with the enemy all year!
Today, celebrating the New Year,
Let's have fun!
We wish each other happiness,
If someone doesn't love, he will fall in love.
Who is more happy about money than life?
Let him become rich this year!
Now it’s not a sin for us to drink
For us, for everyone and for success!

Happy New Year
And today I wish you
To this year
Tears were not in use
So that friends appreciate
And the family loved
More often awards were given
So that diseases do not attack.
That's the point. And we will be alive -
We'll get the rest,
By acquaintance or by connections,
Thank you for the salary.
Don't be sad, keep your nose up.
Well, let's drink to make it come true!

The year goes by, goes into a century -
Fast time, eternal running.
Don't look back, don't wait -
Only the army of years gone by.
Only seconds of missing moan
Yes New Year's glasses ringing.
Only yesterday time was born,
Only yesterday happiness swirled.
Just yesterday! It was, yes away.
Dawn again, midnight again...
The Kremlin chimes strike again,
Again from the times of passing...
The minute has come, the hour has come -
we raise our glass
For a new day, for a new year,
Over time, an inaudible move.

Dear guests, look,
It’s so nice and cozy here with us,
Wait a little longer
And the clock will strike twelve times.
I congratulate you to the clink of glasses,
Under the smiles, under the sparkle of the eyes,
So that happiness does not end today,
So that there is still some left in reserve.
Joy, love, health, happiness
Let the New Year go in full.
And let's forget all our bad weather -
For him, for the New Year to the bottom!

I raise my glass
For happiness to shine!
To inflame passions
I burned all my misfortunes like paper!
Love will come to us, with it peace.
Everything will become cleaner, more beautiful.
On our New Year's feast
Peoples will become kinder and kinder.
Having said no to unnecessary war,
We will live, friends, without anger.
All smiles will see the light,
Only kindness will come to visit us!
Wish good good!
It should be in every home!
A cap of gold, silver,
I wish everyone, there is no word “except”!
May the New Year give everyone
Everything you've always dreamed of,
And let the old year take away
Enmity, illness and sorrow!

Toasts for the New Year in prose

Agree that the New Year remains a holiday of contrasts. We invariably expect warmth from him, even though it is snowy and frosty outside. I want to wish that such a strange contrast does not leave you all year! No, there is no such thing as an ideal life, and there is no need for one, because it is boring. Let peppercorns, snowflakes and needles sometimes come across in a huge heap of warmth and happiness - we can’t live without them, and they make us better. Happy New Year!

Friends, do you know that from time immemorial a strange monument was built called “Opportunity”? This statue looks symbolic: a man stands on tiptoe. Symbolic, isn't it? After all, this shows how short the moment that gives us the opportunity is. Sometimes it's days, but sometimes it's seconds. And not everyone has time to grab hold of it, cling to it, and snatch what’s theirs.
However, a person does not just stand on tiptoe. He is inspired. But these wings are on legs. And this only means one thing: if a person still catches his opportunity, then with its help he can take off. And sometimes fly very, very high. The man also has a bald spot. But in front you will see long beautiful hair. Remember, dear friends, opportunity does not last forever: it disappears as quickly as it appears. Don't miss out on yours this year!

Unfortunately, our lives are entwined with chains of borders. We know that it begins and ends, leaving behind only memories. But there is one thing in our life that is limitless. These are dreams. While you are on a long and difficult journey, your dream is already resting in your home. While you are just getting ready to meet your beloved woman, your dream is already enjoying her kiss. While you are experiencing this moment, perhaps not the best in your life, your dream has already rushed forward three years. And she knows how it is and what is there. She's always on the go, she never stops. So don’t complicate her path, let her fly! Happy New Year!

My dears, I would really like you to only go upward this year, which means conquer new heights. First you need to rise to love. Without it it is impossible to climb any other mountain! This is the source, the start, the beginning. This is what will fill you with strength and inspire you.

Then it’s worth climbing to the mountain of friendship. And if you understand that there are true friends in your life, then you are not living in vain. Friendship gives us support and reliability. This is something that is impossible without in difficult times.

The next step is to rise to recognition. This may not be the most important thing, but it is incredibly important for most of you. Perhaps recognition will be the most difficult thing to come to: the path may be paved with stones, obstacles, and betrayal. However, looking down from this peak is the most pleasant, believe me!

And in the end you will come out on top. You will look at everything from above and understand that life is a success, because it has the most important thing. Conquer your peaks, everyone should succumb in this New Year!

New Year's toasts for a group of friends

There is no more pleasant feeling than realizing that we have been gathering with the same lineup for many years now! Friends, just a couple more hours and we will hear the chimes, which will proudly announce that another step in our lives has been completed. I won’t make any guesses, because I have absolutely no idea what the new year brings. You can expect anything from him - keep in mind! But we are still together, which means that all the adversity that may come our way will be overcome with ease. And we won’t say anything bad about the passing year: let it go, all the best to it!

Friends, have you ever noticed that ours is with you? life path does it look like a holiday garland? After all, when just one small light bulb burns out, all the others become useless. It’s the same in life: one small adversity leads to a series of grievances, failures and frustrations. Therefore, I would like to drink to the fact that this year we will shine without burning out for a second!

Short toasts for the New Year

You know, not a single person in this world has ever been infinitely happy without having a single true friend in his life. So let's drink to those who are always nearby!

There is a naive opinion that people can do absolutely everything in this world. But they are not allowed to do this. Come on! This New Year we will drink to those who do not need someone's permission!

There are people who live and are inspired only by their past. And such people are deeply unhappy. There are those who live only with dreams of the future. And such people often have nothing in the present. And there are those who live for the moment, for today. And such people are endlessly happy. This New Year we drink to the last ones - to us!

You know, truthful, sincere doctors are much more honest and more necessary than lying, insincere friends. So let there be fewer of the former in the year of the Rooster, and let there be no latter at all!

This New Year, I would suggest drinking to the meaning of life. After all, it is so important to live not only for yourself. So let everyone have this meaning in the Year of the Dog!

Toasts for New Year's corporate party

If you can speak at the family table without choosing words: there are only loved ones around who are interested in hearing everything you say, then it is best to prepare for a speech at a corporate party. We bring to your attention some cool toasts for New Year's holiday with colleagues.

We wish you inspiration in the New Year,
For a miracle to happen, like in a fairy tale.
With work colleagues
We met in reality more often,
So that not only nicknames are known,
But also the name of our boss.
And your real faces
Our colleagues showed it.
So that the car lets people go
From social pages on the Internet
And they poured glasses of champagne,
They said a toast worthy of a poet.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! In fact, any holiday in your society automatically becomes memorable, bright, and long-awaited. I would really like for us to meet as often as possible not only on work issues in the Year of the Dog. After all, we spend most of our lives hand in hand, and we must not forget about this! May the night be magical and the year happy.

Cool New Year's toasts about a dog

Every year we associate this long-awaited holiday with some animal. Let's remember the Year of the Snake. It’s a so-so symbol: it’s not very beautiful, and it could sting at any moment. Everyone was afraid of her! There was a Rabbit: white, fluffy, spineless. Good, of course. But it's boring! And now the Dog comes. best friend human, reliable, loyal, brave and cheerful. Let's get up early, love each other even more, enjoy our surroundings and admire our reflection. Happy New Year!

When the most magical New Year's Eve arrives, all worries or troubles fade into the background. It's time to relax, enjoy communication with friends and loved ones, a delicious feast and gifts. And of course, not a single holiday is complete without beautiful solemn words and wise wishes that must come true! And they will come true - because we sincerely believe and hope in it!

Today we have prepared for you a selection of New Year's toasts and wishes so that you can please your dear people with beautiful and kind words.

To the clink of New Year's glasses

Under the splash of champagne wine,

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness and goodness.

Let's start with this toast:

The year of the rooster is knocking on the house,

There is a lot of joy in it!

I wish you, friends,

Be happy like me!

For money through the roof,

So that there are no mice,

So that health is overflowing,

Now pour everyone a drink!

The New Year is about to arrive.

He's probably standing on the threshold.

And the champagne is already playing in the glass,

Nearby, a beautiful Christmas tree is lit.

So let's raise our glasses

For the past year, for past affairs.

Together we will drink to the future,

May everyone's dreams come true!

Many people, congratulating everyone on the New Year, wish everyone to start with a blank sheet of paper, but I want to wish that in the coming year your life continues in brighter colors, that you overcome all failures and continue to build your life without repeating your mistakes!

Once upon a time there were three women - the first had a husband, the second had a lover, and the third had both a husband and a lover. The first woman did not complain about life, because her husband constantly took care of her. The second one was also happy, because her lover spent everything free time with her. But the third, oddly enough, felt lonely and unhappy, because the two men constantly relied on each other. So let's drink to everyone being happy in the New Year! And you don’t have to rely on someone else - learn to fulfill your responsibilities yourself conscientiously =) Happy New Year, with new happiness!

Twice for the same ones... New Years are not coming! =) And you can’t celebrate the same New Year twice... So let’s drink to the timeliness, inevitability and uniqueness of this wonderful holiday! Here's to the New Year!

In youth it seems that happiness is ahead, in old age it seems that it is already behind. And what to do so as not to miss the moment of happiness? The most important thing is to enjoy every day you live, this is exactly what I wish for you in the coming year. In the meantime, let's enjoy each other's company on this wonderful New Year's holiday.

In Georgia they say this - if you want to be happy for a day, get drunk, if you want to be happy for a week, then get sick. If you want happiness within a month, get married. If you want to be happy for a whole year, get a mistress. And if you want happiness for the rest of your life, then be healthy! Let's raise our glasses so that in 2017 we will all be healthy, and therefore happy!

I want to get drunk to the sound of fireworks,

And find a couple in the new year,

I wish to find millions in envelopes,

And may Santa Claus make your dream come true!

May your wishes come true in the new year,

May everyone in the world find happiness,

Don't let them give you empty promises,

And may your wishes come true all year long.

So that every year of your life adds not only 365 days, but also new records, goals achieved and advanced features!

Glasses to the top, today is a holiday...

And in honor of him I will say a toast!

Let's drink to our luck...

After all, she is of great use!

Let's drink to warmth, to joy...

After all, the world is not nice to many without her!

And I also offer you a drink so that the fountain of happiness may flow wider!

I wish each participant at the feast that every mistake made will not just fade into oblivion, but will melt into invaluable experience!

Ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to drink to us, and we, in turn, will drink to you!

I want the clink of today’s glasses to be embodied in the life of every person present in the form of notes of happiness, the tact of good luck and the rhythm of well-being!

I want to raise a glass and offer a drink so that every person always has a reason to become better in any direction... For the incentive, comrades!

Friends, I propose to drink so that each of us the highway of life leads only forward, only to victories, only to joyful notes and endless expanses of happiness!

I want to raise a glass and drink to every person present here! Drink for every meter of luck, for every kilohertz of happiness and for every step in life! Live to the rhythm of the dance, gentlemen, and be happy!

So that each of us is in strong connection with well-being, prosperity and vitality!

I wish that you and we regularly get a ray of sunshine through the window... Which gives warmth not only to the walls of the apartment, but also to our consciousness and soul! For the warmth!

I propose to raise a glass so that for every guest at this table the coastline of life is always washed by waves of happiness, prosperity and prosperity!

I wish that your life flows with freshly squeezed sweetness and fills the farthest corners with boundless banal joy! Happy holiday!

May your every day be filled with the sweet aroma of vigor, prosperity and endless happiness!

Raise the flag of life higher every day, gain kilometers of endurance every hour. And every minute live moments of pleasure and sweet emotions!

Like many people, each of us has certain dreams, desires, goals... So I want the arrow of our actions that we shot from the bow of opportunity to always reach tens, a bull's-eye... But if there were moments when it flew past, it definitely stuck to our other dream! All the best friends, all the best!

I want to drink so that tomorrow and an infinite number of days in your lives will be abundantly sprinkled with waves of all good things and prosperity...

I wish you all bright and sweet moments, my dears, just like this juice for washing down! Fat and juicy events like this snack! And just a wonderful future with wonderful passengers in the transport of your life!

In the first years of life, we learn to take steps... Then walk confidently, then run... So, I want to wish that the steps to our success are just as progressive and promising!

I wish that each of you can always set new records, new goals and new dreams... But not just set, but increase your previous ones several times...

Happy holiday, happy celebration! I want your life to be like at the dinner table 🙂 your desires and opportunities always have the perfect taste!

From any situation, be able to reach a thread of luck and wrap it around yourself from head to toe!

I wish your soul to have pleasant and warm weather... Even when the weather outside was cloudy and rainy, there were always clouds of joy and showers of bliss!

I want to wish you always the brightest and warmest rays sunlight We reached exactly your home! Happy holiday!

Toasts for you, for us...

New Year's toasts

New Year's toasts in Year of the Rooster 2017– Can a festive feast be complete without them? Especially when cool toasts for the New Year 2017 are said to the theme, to the suit, to the very heart of a friendly and noisy company so that every person feels the significance of these words and wishes.

Editorial Karelian News brings to your attention New Year's toasts in the Year of the Rooster 2017 - funny and serious, in prose and poetry for a large company and for a close circle of friends. Choose, pronounce, drink, but don’t get drunk!

Cool New Year's toasts 2017:

The first New Year's toast is cool: Farewell! We won’t see each other sober this year!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation through time!
So let's drink to his perpetual motion machine!

Funny toasts for the New Year 2017

After New Year's Eve The couple came home, and the husband tries to open the door with a cigarette.
“It’s a cigarette,” says the wife, I’m afraid that you won’t open the door with this!
- Damn, did I really smoke the key?
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year we will smoke the keys to our happiness!

Short toasts for the New Year 2017

Toast to sobriety:
Let's drink to not looking into the glass in the New Year!
Let's drink with our eyes closed!

Let's drink to the hope that the new year will be much better than the last, but much worse than the next!

Toasts for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

With the twelfth strike
To the crow of the Rooster
We will say: “Happy New Year!
But life is not bad!”
And, having drained the glasses
To the very bottom,
We wish you happiness
And let's pour some wine again!

New Year's toasts for friends:

A toast to irresistibility:

Dear friends, I wish that in the new year you will be as irresistible as in the past year, and that the next year will not affect your appearance in any way!

One day a girl fell asleep and had a dream: next to her was a beautiful man. I woke up and there was no one nearby. So let's drink to good dreams coming true in the new year!

Girls, let's drink so that in the new year you will have someone to share any mood, both good and bad. The good will increase, and the bad will become half as much.

New Year's toasts in verse

A year passes, a century changes,
Time running non-stop,
He won’t look back and won’t wait,
Time is counting so quickly,
We hear again from all sides
We are clinking New Year's glasses,
The New Year's clock strikes again,
Again the minutes are passing by,
The time has come for the New Year,
I raise my glass
For the New Day, for the New Year,
And for a silent run.

Toasts for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party

To the chime of the clock and the explosion of firecrackers
I want to raise my glass again
For you, my dear souls,
For happiness, friendship and love!

Wine splashes in glasses,
The snow sparkles at the threshold,
May it bring health and joy,
The arrival of the seventeenth year!

Let's raise a toast to the New Year!
And this toast is extremely simple:
For happiness, joy, sun, laughter
And for love and for success,
For sensitivity, affection, kindness,
Warmth of family life
I raise my glass!
Let's have a drink, who's with me?