Accurate compatibility test for two. Test “Are you an ideal couple? Couple test

When a loved one appears in your life, you want everything to be wonderful, in particular, that your relationship develops and brings only positive emotions to both. The test to see if you are an ideal couple is a great way to find out your chances of creating a strong and long-lasting love connection. By going through it, you can find the answer to questions such as:

  • do you match each other by date of birth;
  • are your temperaments compatible?
  • how your relationship will develop;
  • what can become an obstacle to family happiness;
  • is it worth linking your fate with this particular person;
  • Do you have a chance for a long, happy life together?
  • does it make sense to agree to a marriage proposal;
  • how similar you are to your partner in life aspirations;
  • how long will it take to “grind in”;
  • will you be able to get along in everyday life, etc.

There is no need to turn to psychologists or astrologers, spending a lot of money and a lot of time, to find out how suitable you are for each other, because you can answer a series of specially selected questions and get an instant interpretation.

Find out if you are the perfect couple with this test, right now!

If thoughts about the degree of compatibility with your chosen one constantly appear in your head or you are not sure about your choice, take the test online and get the answer you so needed. Of course, the results of the test for two “Are we an ideal couple?” are not a guarantee of the development of exactly the scenario described in the presented interpretation. However, this is a reason to take a different look at your soulmate, find in her those traits that attract or, on the contrary, repel, evaluate the depth of your feelings, and then make an informed decision about continuing or ending the relationship.

I have made a selection of the five most interesting tests for understanding a partner’s personality. Tests for two, for those who want to get even closer. Taking the tests will be a great differentiator for the two of you and will not only allow you to have fun, but also get to know your loved one better.

Test No. 1. How well do you know each other

This test for couples will show how well you know each other. You can check whether you are familiar with the habits and preferences of another person. Ask each other the questions below. Have each of you divide the paper into two parts and in one half write down how he would answer these questions. On the other side, write down what you think. Your partner would answer. After everyone answers the questions, check how many correct answers each of you has.

  1. If a fire starts, will I be the first to rescue?
  2. The best way for me to relax after a hard day is...?
  3. What country do I dream of visiting?
  4. As a child, I dreamed of becoming...?
  5. 5 things I do every morning?
  6. My biggest dislike?
  7. Do I dream of changing jobs?
  8. If I went to university again, what major would I choose?
  9. My favorite dish?
  10. What language besides my native one do I want to be fluent in?

Count the number of matches by comparing the answers.
0–3. You spend a lot of time with each other, but at the same time communicate little about intimate topics. Share your emotions more often.
4–7. You definitely can’t be called strangers. And ideas from our site will bring you even closer.
8–10. You are very close and know each other very well, keep it up!

Test No. 2. On couple compatibility

A test for two, which consists of 60 questions and very simple answer options. Answer the questions together and enjoy the process, I'm sure you will learn a lot of new things. The test results do not contain a detailed answer to your results. What makes this test for two interesting is the process of joint discussion itself.

Test No. 3. MBTI - test for two

Those who take this test for the first time claim that the test is so accurate “that it’s a little scary.” The test is suitable for couples; by passing it you will receive an accurate, detailed description of who you and your partner are, and why you act this way and not otherwise.

Test No. 4. What is your partner's love language?

Take the test to help you determine your couple's dominant love languages. After reading the question, give the answer yourself, and then ask your partner how he would answer.
Love languages:

  1. Words
  2. Time
  3. Present
  4. Help
  5. Touch

A humorous test that will make you laugh and won't make you think too much. Perfect for a light and pleasant evening.

Get closer every day, and the Udivi.ego website will help you with this! Which test did you like best and what were your results?

: Reading time:

6 questions with which the experienced family psychologist Ilyina Elena Anatolyevna begins the session.

Over 7 years of working with couples, I understood what questions to ask at the first meeting. It immediately becomes clear to me and my clients how strong, healthy this relationship is and what needs to be worked on.

Answer the questions “yes”, “yes, but I would like more” and “no”. Ideally, both partners write down their answers and compare them—an exercise I start with almost every couple.

Couple test

1. Do you feel that your partner respects you?

Your partner listens to your opinion and asks what you want? Do you two really make joint decisions as equals?

2. Do you receive positive emotions from your partner?

Do you get enough praise and compliments from your partner? Do you receive enough affection, tenderness, care?

3. Is there intimacy between you (including sex) that satisfies you?

Intimacy is not only sexual intercourse, it is an emotional background between two people:

  • the feeling that I am desired when I pass by a partner
  • touch
  • views
  • kisses
  • messages throughout the day: I love you, I want you, I miss you, you’re the best

4. Is there mutual assistance and mutual support in these relationships?

Will your partner understand and support if you are having difficulties? At work, with parents, children, with health, with a girlfriend (boyfriend)?

5. Have you agreed on the money?

Have you divided the budget or just don’t pay attention to it (both are comfortable)? Or constantly quarrel over finances:

  • because someone isn't working
  • doesn't earn enough
  • spends a lot
  • doesn’t want to keep a budget and save money
  • does not invest in purchases that both need

6. Do you and your partner have common interests?

Interests do not have to coincide one hundred percent. In a strong relationship, there are one or more things that are fun to do together:

  • watch films and discuss the plot or actors
  • walk in the park or shopping center
  • gossip about friends or passers-by
  • discover new countries or lie on the sea

What to do with the answers

If you answered “yes” to all questions in the couple’s test, everything is fine. Make sure your partner is happy with everything too.

At least one “no” or an uncertain “yes” is a reason to start working on the relationship. Talk to your partner and compare answers. If you can’t talk and you can’t hear each other, trust a specialist. A family psychologist will “build bridges” and translate to your partner what you are saying (and vice versa). In my practice, this solves all problems in every second couple.

The more “no” in the test results for two, the less positive things connect you with your partner. If all the answers are “no,” think about why you ended up in this relationship? How did you feel when you met? Where did it go?

This test for two is the first stage. You realized the problem and tried to formulate it. Then there are three options:

  1. Put off solving the problem until later
  2. Try to decide on your own, talk
  3. Seek help from a specialist

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if there is something good in your relationship, don't wait for it to disappear or get drowned in quarrels. Better make an appointment with a family therapist.

For each answer “a” give yourself 5 points, for answer “b” - 0 points. It is advisable for the man and woman to answer the questions independently of each other.

1. In your opinion, should spouses vacation together?

a) Yes; b) No.

2. The purpose of marriage is children and their upbringing?

a) Yes; b) No.

3. Should children be taught to be independent as early as possible?

a) Yes; b) No.

4. Is it true that it is not necessary to tell each other about everything?

a) Yes; b) No.

5. Should children always obey their parents?

a) Yes; b) No.

6. Did peace and harmony reign in your parents’ family?

a) Yes; b) No.

7. Do you share the opinion that after marriage, spouses should not communicate with old acquaintances of the opposite sex?

a) Yes; b) No.

8. Do you like discos, parties, meetings of friends?

a) Yes; b) No.

9. Should parents interfere as little as possible in the affairs of their grown children?

a) Yes; b) No.

10. Is understanding your partner completely important to you?

a) Yes; b) No.

11. In your opinion, children should understand from a young age how hard it is to get money?

a) Yes; b) No.

12. Can a husband and wife have “separate” acquaintances?

a) Yes; b) No.

13. Should parents be an ideal, a model for their children?

a) Yes; b) No.

14. The main thing in marriage is material well-being?

a) Yes; b) No.

15. Do you have a good relationship with your mother (question for men); with father (question for a girl)?

a) Yes; b) No.

16. Should children be raised strictly?

a) Yes; b) No.

Add up your scores and see your findings

If the difference between you and your partner was 25 points or less. Your union will most likely be successful. At least all the prerequisites for this are there. We hope that you will be able to reveal new qualities in each other, getting closer and closer day after day.

The difference is 30-55 points. You may have problems due to some differences in views. But, as you know, serious relationships are impossible without compromises. If you learn to give in and calmly listen to other people's opinions, your relationship can be quite successful. But concessions must be reasonable.

Difference of 60 or more points- you probably have different ideas about life and family. You both have to give up a lot. Love is not just about sighing on a bench and walking in the moonlight. Try to be more tolerant of each other.