Middle group artistic creativity modeling. Long-term planning for modeling in the middle group


(according to the “Childhood” program)

1. Diagnostics to identify children’s skills when working with clay, as with artistic clay, boards, stacks Bondarenko T.M. p.39

section "World material, the ability to roll out a lump, using previously studied - Doronova T.N. p.31

art" first techniques, use a stack to apply the simplest ornament-

cop. Be careful when working with clay, create space

the greatest composition

2.Mushrooms in a basket Introduce children to the method of circular molding: straight movements - Clay or plasticine, Bondarenko T.M. p.88

using your hands to roll out sausages different lengths, the ends of the sausages on the board, a mock-up of a mushroom and T.S. Komarova. p.57

dangle and overlap each other. Sculpt the bottom and handle separately for Kazakov’s baskets p.58

and apply to the base Doronov p.101


3. How the hedgehog is prepared Learn to roll lumps of plasticine between your palms in a circular pattern Clay or plasticine, Bondarenko T.M. p.48

heading towards winter movements, straight movements, flatten them between the palm of a sheet of green paper, Komarova T.S. p.57

nyami, encourage to sculpt according to the idea. Learn to sculpt mushroom-toy objects (dummies)

round shape and different sizes

7.You are familiar Fix the structural features of the bunny (long ears, elongated piece of clay in the form of a thick one Komarov T.S. p.82

such an animal? Muzzle, short front legs and long hind legs) Fasten - sticks, boards, napkins Bondarenko T.M. from 70

(riddle about Use sculpting techniques and joining parts



8. Gifts for Help bake cakes and decorate them elegantly. Teach children to decorate Clay, heated colors. Bondarenko T.M. p.57

Birthday molded products with a pattern using a stack of plasticine, boards Komarov T.S. from 43

Jacobson p.59

9.Funny Induce in children a desire to sculpt animals they know: a hare, a bear, Plasticine, boards, Khalezova p.97

little animals (by bird, duckling. Exercise in technical and visual arts illustration by E. Charushin Bondarenko p.121

illustrations animal sculpting skills, develop independence in animal toys Komarova p.62

E, Charushina


10.Fish Learn to sculpt an oval fish using plastic clay, boards, toys Bondarenko p.134

sculpting methods. Convey the characteristic shape of the tail. Fins le-fish Komarova p.59(66)

drink by pouring and pulling clay from the total volume. Nalepami Khalezova p.87

depict the eyes and scales of a fish in a stack, arranging them rhythmically in the form

pattern. Learn the technique of pulling, flattening, and conveying characteristic

characteristics of the fish

11.Who lives To train children in the technical and visual skills of modeling clay - Clay, boards, toy - Bondarenko p.127

winter forest? votnogo - foxes. Develop independence. Use the techniques of fox Kazakov p. 97

smearing, pulling, pinching


12.Diagnostics Revealing the ability to create images using clay, plasticine, Clay, sculpture, Kazakova feeder p.64

under the section "World" possession of basic technical skills and abilities when working with Bondarenko p.167

art" clay and plasticine; ability to give an adequate assessment of one's own

work and work of peers

13. Cups for Create an interest in working with clay. Teach children to sculpt dishes using applicative work (deco- Kazakova p.71

dolls rolling, pressing and leveling the edges of the mold with your fingers. Cleaning wipes), clay, Komarova p.80

show activity and independence in work doll furniture, Bondarenko's dishes p.161


14.Round dance Teach children to depict the shape of a person, correctly conveying the relationship - Clay. Board, Dymkovskaya Komarova p.68

sewing parts. Learn to combine your work with the work of other children doll

Develop imaginative perception. Introduce children to the Dymkovo doll.

15 .Helicopter Learn to convey the shape of a helicopter using techniques: rolling, Plasticine, board, toy Bondarenko p.

flattening, smearing. Deepen children's knowledge about helicopter helicopter


16. Modeling based on a fairy tale Strengthen children's ability to sculpt dishes. Show new sculpting techniques: Clay, board, illustrations by Khalezov p.95

K.I. Chukovsky roll out the ball, flatten it into a disk, press it into the middle and with your fingers to the fairy tale, Bondarenko’s toy dish

"Fedorino grief" pull back and trim the edges. Learn to compose a composition based on literature. P.205

(dishes) to the work; to arouse interest and desire to display episodes in sculpting

literary work

17.My favorites Arouse the desire to independently choose your favorite character and rug application, color plastic - Kazakova p.76

toys pass it on characteristic features tilin


18. Dymkovo bird Create children's interest in folk toy, desire on your own Dymkovo toy, clay, Kazakova p.73

make the same toy, convey the characteristic features of the bird, board

ratio of parts by size

19. Little goat Teach children to sculpt a four-legged animal (oval body, head, Clay, boards, toy Komarova p75

(Dymkovskaya straight legs). Strengthen sculpting techniques: rolling between palms, Bondarenko goat

toy) smoothing places of fastening, pinching, etc. Teach by applying p.246

make horns, apply details in stacks.


20.Bas-relief To develop an idea in children, to teach them to convey it in a plastic way Clay, Kazakov’s tablets p.78

"Beautiful Flowers" image of a flower, place it on a clay plate

21. Diagnostics for identifying children’s skills to create images using clay and plastic - Clay, Khalezov tablets p. 87 (137)

section "World Lina, independently choose the methods of depiction and artistic

art» new materials, create decorative compositions, take part

in collective work. Showing interest in the results of the work,

the ability to give an adequate assessment of one’s own work and the work of peers.

Possession of basic technical skills and abilities



1.Diagnostics by section Identification of children’s skills in constructing buildings according to a model and according to an idea; Construction material, Tarkovskaya 26

"Construction". Knowledge and differences in building materials. dolls, building samples

City of masters.

2. Mushroom (From natural Teach children to design , using natural materials: chestnuts, acorns Natural material: cough-

material) tans, acorns, models and illu-

lustration of mushrooms, doll


3.Teremok Learn to build a house and transform it into a mansion. Learn to construct buildings Building material, File p.27

corresponding size animal toys Tarkovskaya 38

4.Fence ( manual labor) Learn to make a fence, fold a strip of paper in half, cut the paper, colored paper, scissors, Lishtvan p.52

striped house layout Binder p.27


5.Gate Continue to teach children to build buildings according to the size of the car, without working. Construction material, File p.32

in a hurry, clean up after yourself workplaces toy machine Lishtvan p.54(61

6.Garage for your car Learn how to build a garage that fits your car. Fix the name Construction material,

building material. car


7. Dog kennel Teach children to bend the sheet along the fold lines; learn to cut a circle along the cut line Scissors, colored paper Binder

8.Garlands for New Year's Strengthen previously acquired skills in working with glue, paper, scissors; Colored paper, scissors, glue Binder p.77

holiday (manual labor) instill in children an interest in working together


9.Diagnostics by section Identification of skills and abilities: folding a square in half, ironing Colored paper, glue, samples Binder p.23

"Construction" fold lines, gluing parts to the main form of work, work diagrams

Tram (manual labor)

10.Diagnostics by section Identification of skills and abilities: be able to see an image in natural material; Natural material, clay

"Construction" be able to connect parts using expressive means

Bird made from natural material.


11. Modeling large snow To consolidate children’s ideas about familiar objects in the environment, to know

figures their purpose is to see features, visually highlight the main parts. Raised-

demonstrate the ability to listen to the teacher and follow his instructions.

12. Notebook on hand Strengthen children's ability to bend rectangular sheets of paper in half; develop Colored paper, glue “Design”

rock dad (manual labor) artistic taste, cultivate accuracy in work p.80


13. Gifts for mothers and grandmothers Strengthen previously acquired skills in working with paper; teach to do new toy, Colored paper, glue,

Kam for the holiday (manual labor) conveying a fairy-tale image in it. Instill love for loved ones and the desire to make scissors for them. Samples


14. Bridges Strengthen the skills acquired by children in the middle group. Learn to build different types of Builds. material, "Design"

length of bridges using different options design of bridges, samples and variants of buildings p.74


15.Design Develop children's constructive abilities, imagination and thinking, creative abilities Building materials

by design

16.Bus for Practice folding paper different shapes in half, in four. Learn to decorate a bus. Colored paper, pencils

gnomes (manual labor)"Construction"80

17.Diagnostics by section Identification of skills and abilities when designing from ready-made geometric shapes:

"Construction» the ability of children to construct a building according to a model and according to an idea, to know construction

material, analyze your work and comrades

18.Diagnostics by section Identification of skills when designing from paper: Ability to fold in two ways

"Construction» square, smooth out the folds, glue to the main shape. Be able to give an adequate assessment

your work and the work of your comrades.

Long-term plan in visual arts in the middle group (4-5 years old), applique.

Lesson topic

Program content

Materials for the lesson

Literature used

"Beautiful flags"

Teach children how to use scissors: hold them correctly, squeeze and unclench the rings, cut a strip on the narrow side. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing and the ability to alternate images by color. Cultivate a sense of rhythm and a sense of light.

Paper the size of ½ landscape sheet (cut horizontally), four strips of two colors for each child (for different tables prepare strips of different but well-combining colors).

T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 49

“Cut the strips and stick them into whatever objects you want.”

Teach children to cut a wide strip of paper, hold scissors correctly, and use them correctly. Develop children's creativity and imagination. Foster independence and activity. Reinforce techniques for careful use of paper and glue.

Strips of colored paper 5 cm wide, white paper the size of 1/4 of a landscape sheet for gluing images (at the rate of 3-4 for each child)

T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 50

"Decorate the napkin"

Teach children to make a pattern on a square, filling in the middle and corners with elements. Learn to cut a strip in half, fold it first, hold scissors correctly and use them correctly. Develop a sense of composition. Strengthen the ability to carefully glue parts. Foster an aesthetic appreciation of work.

Square of white paper size 16*16 cm, stripes different colors size 6*3 cm, scissors, glue, napkin, oilcloth, brush.

T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 52

"Boats float on the river"

Teach children to create images of objects by cutting off the corners of rectangles. Strengthen the ability to create a beautiful composition and carefully paste images. Cultivate interest in work.

Blue or gray paper in the shape of a long narrow rectangle (for the background), narrow strips of colored paper for boats, scraps for parts.

T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 55

Teach children to cut corners and round them. Strengthen the ability to hold scissors correctly, cut with them, and carefully glue parts of the applique. Lead to a figurative solution, a figurative vision of the results of work, to their evaluation. Cultivate accuracy and hard work.

Strips of green paper for the background, colored rectangles for the mushrooms.

T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in kindergarten", page 58

“A big house has been built in our city”

Strengthen the ability to cut a strip of paper in a straight line, cut corners, and compose an image from parts. Create an image of a large house in the applique. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing. Encourage children to see an image when looking at work.

A sheet of paper, light-colored rectangles, different for all tables, and strips for windows, doors, roofs

T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 57

"Pattern on a cup"

To develop in children a sense of color, a desire to decorate a shape with a pattern, to notice beautiful objects in everyday life, and to be able to carefully stick circles onto a finished shape.

Ready-made shapes cut out of colored paper, contrasting color circles (2 cm in diameter), 5-6 peas for each cup.

T. G. Kazakova “Develop creativity in preschoolers”, p. 80

"Pyramid of Balls"

Exercise children in cutting out rounded shapes from squares (rectangles) by smoothly rounding the corners. Reinforce techniques for using scissors. Learn to choose colors. Cultivate caution in a robot with scissors.

Squares of different colors and sizes. A sheet of paper, the format corresponding to the proportions of the toy, scissors, glue, napkin.

T. S. Komarova “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 65

"Beads on the Christmas tree"

Consolidate knowledge about round and oval shape. Learn to cut the corners of rectangles and squares to obtain oval and round beads, alternate beads of different shapes, and stick them neatly, evenly, in the middle of the sheet. Cultivate a love for the holiday.

Rectangles and squares of different colors, glue, brushes, napkins, scissors.

T. S. Komarova “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 64

“We are builders.

Big house"

To develop in children the ability to create a variety of images of buildings in appliqué, imagination, creativity, sense of composition and color. Continue to practice cutting strips in a straight line and squares diagonally. Learn to think through the selection of parts according to shape and color. Fasten the techniques by carefully sticking them on. Cultivate interest in buildings.

Strips of different colors, sizes 2*8 cm, a sheet of paper in the shape of a square.

T. G. Kazakova “Develop creativity in preschoolers,” p. 88

"A flight of flying planes"

Learn how to correctly compose an image from parts, find the place of one or another part in the overall work, and carefully stick it on. Consolidate knowledge of the shape - a rectangle, learn to smoothly cut off its corners. Cultivate interest in Russian aviation.

Rectangular shaped paper for the body and wings. Scissors, glue.

T. S. Komarova “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 70

The toys are coming to visit by bus

Consolidate the knowledge of using scissors: hold them correctly, cut paper in a straight line (windows), round the corners of a square to get a circle (wheels). Learn to compose images from parts, correctly positioning and carefully gluing them. Cultivate initiative.

Paper 1/2 landscape sheet, colored forms, scissors, glue, napkin.

T. S. Komarova “Classes on visual activities in kindergarten”, p. 73

“Cutting and pasting a beautiful flower as a gift for mother and grandmother”

Learn to cut and paste beautiful flower: cut out parts of a flower (cutting corners by rounding them), making a beautiful image out of them. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, imagination. Cultivate attention to family and friends.

White paper, a set of colored paper, glue, illustrations of beautiful flowers.

T. S. Komarova “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 71

"Decorative applique on a square"

Teach children to make a pattern on a square, rhythmically placing geometric shapes in the corners, in the middle, along the edges. Learn to transform shapes by cutting them. Strengthen cutting techniques. Foster independence. Stimulate creative solutions.

White paper measuring 18*18 cm, strips of colored paper, beautifully combined in color.

T. S. Komarova “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 72

“Cut out and paste what is round and oval”

Teach children to choose a topic of work in accordance with certain conditions. Develop the ability to bring your plan to completion. Develop creativity and imagination. Practice cutting corners of rectangles and squares and rounding them.

A set of colored squares, rectangles and triangles for cutting out.

“Cut out and stick on whatever toy you want”

Teach children to think about the content of their work, select pieces of paper of suitable shape and color for the image. Develop thinking and creative imagination. Reinforce cutting and pasting techniques. Foster independence.

Stripes and squares of different sizes and colors, toys.

T. S. Komarova “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 74

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Teach children to convey the image of a fairy tale. Continue to learn how to depict a person (the shape of a dress, head, arms, legs), characteristic details(cap), observing the ratios in size. Strengthen the ability to carefully cut and paste.

Colored paper, squares, rectangles.

T. S. Komarova “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 80

"Magic Garden"

Learn to create a collective composition, independently determining the content of your image. Learn to cut in a straight line with scissors, round the corners of a square or rectangle. Develop figurative perception: representation, imagination. Cultivate hard work.

Colored paper, gold and silver. Large sheet of white paper.

T. S. Komarova “Lessons in visual arts in kindergarten”, p. 82

Svetlana Rizhko

Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 114 combined type"

Sovetsky district of Kazan

Agreed I approve

Art. teacher Khisamutdinova I.R. Head Akhmetshin I.V.

________ "__"_________2016 ______ "__"_________2016




Compiled by:

Teacher of MBDOU No. 114

Labutina A.G.

Kazan 2016

Long-term work plan for the application ( educational field HER) in the middle group at

2016-2017 academic year.

Block: “Day of Knowledge.”

"Golden Autumn".

Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Topic: “Basket of mushrooms.”

(Collective composition).

Goal: To teach children to cut the corners of a square, rounding them. Strengthen the ability to hold scissors correctly, cut with them, and carefully glue parts of the image into the applique. Lead to a figurative solution, a figurative vision of the results of work, to their evaluation.

A basket for mushrooms, drawn by the teacher and pasted onto a square sheet of paper so that there is space left for sticking mushrooms; colored paper rectangles for mushroom caps; white and light gray rectangles for mushroom stems, glue, glue brush, napkin, oilcloth (for each child).

T. S. Komarova

« Visual activities in kindergarten" middle group, p. 41, M. 2015




Topic: "Autumn tree."

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about the signs of autumn. Continue to teach how to tear small pieces from a sheet of paper, apply glue to them, and glue pictures in the right place.

Learn to understand and analyze the content of a poem.

Handouts: Cardboard with a tree trunk and branches drawn in gouache, colored double-sided paper (green, yellow, red, orange), PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 18, Moscow 2011.

Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Topic: “Fairy-tale heroes.”

Goal: Learn to fold an image of a fairy-tale hero from four parts, apply glue with a brush to reverse side figures from the middle to the edges. Strengthen the ability to apply a part coated with glue to a sheet of paper and press it tightly with a cloth.

Handout: Halves of album sheets, pictures cut into 4 parts with fairy-tale characters, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

Demonstration material: Plot pictures for fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, etc.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 11, Moscow 2011.




Topic: "Striped rug."

(Decorative applique with drawing elements).

Goal: To teach children to create a harmonious composition “Striped rug” from paper strips, alternating in color. Continue mastering the technique of straight cutting with scissors. Introduce a new method - cutting paper along fold lines. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Cultivate interest in folk arts and crafts.

Paper squares or rectangles as the basis for an applicative mat - one for each child (side length 12-20 cm), paper rectangles of different colors - three or four for each child: for cutting into strips; scissors for child labor, glue, glue brushes, paper and cloth napkins, oilcloths. Three or four rugs prepared by the teacher to show children decor options.

I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, middle group, Moscow 2014, p.64.

Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Topic: "Bus".

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to cut out the necessary parts to create an image of an object (object). Strengthen the ability to cut off the corners of a rectangle, rounding them (bus body), cut the strip into identical rectangles (bus windows). Develop the ability to formulate your idea compositionally.

Colored rectangular paper 10*4 cm for the bus body, strips of blue paper 2*8 cm for windows, two black squares 2.5*2.5 cm for wheels, scissors, glue, glue brush, strips of paper of different colors (from which children will cut the parts) (for each child).

T. S. Komarova

“Visual activities in kindergarten”, middle group, p. 54, M. 2015




Topic: " Beautiful bouquet as a gift to all women in kindergarten and mothers.” (teamwork).

Goal: To cultivate the desire to please others, to create something beautiful for them. Expand children's figurative ideas, develop the ability to create images of the same objects in different, variable ways. Continue to develop team creativity skills. Induce a feeling of joy from the created image.

A large sheet of paper (Whatman paper) of any light color; paper napkins(diameter 6 cm) of different colors, gouache paints 5-6 primary colors and shades (pink, blue), brushes, jars of water, napkin (for each child).

T. S. Komarova

“Visual activities in kindergarten”, middle group, p. 64, M. 2015

Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Topic: "Snowy City".

Goal: To learn how to compose a collective plot composition from rectangles of different sizes, the technique of making a fresco: evenly apply glue to the surface and sprinkle semolina. Continue to teach how to work in a team, distribute actions and agree on the progress of work. Continue to learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem.


A sheet of blue or blue cardboard for every 5-6 children, multi-colored rectangles made of colored paper of different sizes (from 6*2 cm to 14*8 cm), semolina, felt-tip pens,

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 31, Moscow 2011.




Topic: “White snowflake”.

Goal: Continue to learn how to hold scissors correctly and cut a square into narrow strips. Practice composing a planned object from strips. Strengthen the skill of neat and even gluing. Learn to analyze and understand the content of a poem.

Handouts: Cardboard circles with a diameter of 10 cm, squares of white paper 8*8 cm, scissors,

PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 23, Moscow 2011.

"Our smaller brothers."

Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Topic: “The face of a fox.”

Goal: Continue to introduce children to origami, fold the square diagonally and bend the corners, ironing the folds well. Continue teaching how to perform actions in the given sequence. Develop imaginative thinking. Introduce the life of a fox. Strengthen the ability to decorate a product with felt-tip pens.


Squares made of colored double sided paper orange, felt-tip pens.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 29, Moscow 2011.




Theme: "Swan".

Goal: To introduce children to a new way of processing origami paper. Learn to perform actions in a given sequence, design crafts with felt-tip pens. Develop fine motor skills.

Handouts: White paper squares 15*15 cm, felt-tip pens.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 17, Moscow 2011.

Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Topic: "Builder".

Goal: Learn to create a three-dimensional object, fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half, smooth out fold lines, cut off right corners of a rectangle folded in half to obtain a trapezoid.

Handouts: Rectangles of thick colored paper 20*8 cm and 10*4 cm, four squares 3*3 cm, scissors, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 34, Moscow 2011.




Topic: “Flowers in a vase.”

Goal: To teach children to create a composition from prepared parts cut out from postcards and magazine paper. Continue practicing neat and even gluing. Cultivate love for mom.

Handouts: For each child: cardboard, a bouquet of flowers cut out from a postcard, a vase made of magazine paper; scissors, PVA glue,

glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 36, Moscow 2011.

"Spring. Mom's holiday."

Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Theme: “The fish are playing, the fish are sparkling.”

Goal: To teach children to create harmonious images of fish from individual elements(circles, ovals, triangles).

Activate ways to cut circles and ovals from squares or rectangles by rounding the corners. Develop combinatorial and compositional skills: compose variants of images (fish) from several parts, beautifully place them on a compositional basis (round or rectangular aquarium). Enrich the experience of cooperation and co-creation when creating a collective composition.

Plain colored and textured colored paper, pieces of bright fabric, scissors, glue, glue brushes, paper and cloth napkins, oilcloths, boxes for scraps, scraps of colored paper and fabric for decorating fish, algae, and pebbles.

I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, middle group, Moscow 2014, p.136.




Topic: “Sparrows in puddles.”

Goal: To teach children to cut out circles (a puddle, the body of a sparrow) by sequentially rounding the four corners of a square. Diversify and enrich the applicative technique, supplement it with graphic elements to convey small details and dynamics. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate an interest in learning about the world around us.

Sheets of paper in yellow, light green, blue and gray one size as the basis for a composition for children to freely choose (for compiling a general album of drawings “Sparrows in a Puddle”); blue and bright blue paper squares for depicting puddles (size from 10*10 cm to 12*12 cm), gray-brown paper squares for cutting out the body of sparrows (size from 5*5 cm to 7*7 cm), colored and textured paper; scissors, PVA glue,

glue brushes, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, cloth and paper napkins.

I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, middle group, Moscow 2014, p.120.

Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Topic: “Rockets and comets.”

Goal: To teach children to create and cut out rockets in a rational way: divide the square into three triangles (a large triangle is the nose of the rocket, two small ones are the wings). Develop combinatorial abilities. Improve the breaking technique: depict the “tails” of a comet and the fire from a rocket nozzle. Cultivate interest in understanding the world around us and reflecting received ideas in artistic activities.

Sheets of paper in dark blue, purple, black, paper forms for cutting and gluing rockets, colored paper, scissors, glue, glue brushes.

I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, middle group, Moscow 2014, p.128.




Topic: “Easter. Willow branch."

Goal: Continue to learn how to tear off pieces of cotton wool, lightly roll them between your fingers and stick them on a landscape sheet in the right place. Learn to color cotton balls. Continue to learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

Demonstration material: A subject picture of a willow branch or a live twig.

Handouts: Cardboard of any color (except white), cotton wool, willow branches cut out of red or brown paper, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings, gouache, soft brushes, jars of water.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 41, Moscow 2011.


Program content.

Equipment, material

Literature used





Theme: "Butterfly".

Goal: Learn to independently decorate an applique with circles, squares and triangles, observing symmetry in creating a pattern. Continue learning to place the object in the center of the sheet. Strengthen the ability to carefully and evenly glue parts onto a sheet of paper. Develop attention and intelligence.

Handout: Landscape sheet with 3-4 pasted different butterflies(each butterfly is missing one or two wings), missing wings made of colored paper, halves of album sheets, cut out silhouettes of a butterfly and blanks for decorations (circles, squares, triangles), PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 44, Moscow 2011.




Topic: “Daisies in the meadow.”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to cut circles from squares and insert them into prepared slots on the circle. Learn how to create a collective composition and carefully stick flower silhouettes onto the base. Continue to learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

Handout: A large sheet of green cardboard or a sheet of whatman paper, tinted green, yellow circles with 6 cuts of 2 cm each, 6 white squares of 5 * 5 cm, scissors, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old”, p. 45, Moscow 2011.



Explanatory note.

Long-term plan organized activities according to the application, compiled for working with children in the middle group. The plan is based on the recommendations of the exemplary general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, educational and methodological manual by I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten . Middle group", 2014; educational and methodological manual by T. S. Komarova “Visual activities in kindergarten”, middle group 2015; methodological manual edited by D. N. Koldin “Applique with children 4-5 years old” - M: Mosaic-synthesis, 2011-48 p.

In the middle group, classes are held 2 times a month.

The duration of the lessons is 20 minutes. The total number of classes per year is 18.

Target: development of visual-figurative thinking, cognitive activity, fine motor skills, imagination, independence, perseverance, accuracy, hard work, creativity, artistic abilities, play activity, visually effective thinking, perception, sensorimotor coordination, introducing the child to the surrounding beauty. The teacher needs to help the child demonstrate his artistic abilities in various types fine and applied activities. Develop the skills and abilities to work together, build communication, develop the habit of mutual assistance, create the ground for the manifestation and formation of socially valuable motives.


Education of aesthetic perception of children.

Introduction to the world of art.

Development of the ability to master and transform the surrounding cultural space.

Development of children's creativity in visual arts.

Formation of bright positive emotions in children in the process of their creative interaction and artistic and active communication with adults.

Development of imagination, independence, perseverance, the ability to complete work, accuracy and hard work, abilities and skills in processing materials that the child can independently use to make similar crafts.

For children to successfully master visual arts and develop their creativity, it is necessary to remember the conditions common to all age groups.

1. Formation of sensory processes, enrichment of sensory experience, clarification and expansion of ideas about those objects, objects and phenomena that they are to depict.

2. Accounting individual characteristics children, their desires and interests.

3. The use of children's works in the design of kindergarten premises, the organization of various exhibitions, as well as gifts for children and adults. Preschoolers should feel: their drawings, modeling, and appliqué arouse the interest of adults, they need them, and can decorate the kindergarten, apartment, or house where they live.

4. A variety of topics for children’s work, forms of organizing classes (creation of individual and collective compositions), and artistic materials.

5. Creating a creative, friendly environment in the group, in art classes and in free time artistic activity. Respect for children's creativity.

6. Taking into account national and regional characteristics when selecting content for drawing, modeling, and appliqué classes.

One of the important tasks of artistic and creative activity is to teach children to evaluate their own work and the work of their peers, highlight the most interesting visual solutions in the works of others, express aesthetic assessments and judgments, and strive for meaningful communication related to visual activity.

Expected skills and abilities of children by the end of the year:

    An interest in the art of appliqué has been formed.

    Children can hold scissors correctly in their right hand and use them (cut with one or more scissor movements).

    They can cut straight.

    They can make images of different objects from stripes.

    They know how to cut a circle from a square by rounding the corners.

    Know how to cut an oval from a rectangle by rounding the corners.

    Compose images of objects from parts.

    They know how to choose colors that combine with each other.

    They are able to create patterns from prepared geometric elements on a strip, square, rectangle, circle, alternating them by color, shape and size.

    They know how to decorate a product with felt-tip pens.

    They know how to create appliques from colored paper, magazine paper, dried leaves, napkins, cotton wool, and postcards.

    Possess the skills of accurate cutting and pasting.

    Familiar with the technique of making frescoes.

    Familiar with origami and simple techniques of three-dimensional design.

Number of classes: 18 per academic year

- 2 lessons per month – 2 * 20 = 40 minutes;

- 18 lessons per year - 18 * 20 = 360 minutes.

Literature used:

1. Approximate general educational program for preschool education, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, M.: Mozaika-synthesis, 2014, 368 pp.;

2. D. N. Koldina “Applique with children 4-5 years old.” Lesson notes. – Mosaic-synthesis, 2011. – 48 p.

3. T.S. Komarov “Visual activities in kindergarten.” Middle group. – Mosaic-synthesis, 2015.-96 p.: color. on

4. Educational - methodological manual I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten. Middle group", 2014