The best autumn crafts for children in the competition. What crafts to make in the fall for a competition in kindergarten

Creativity competitions are regularly held in schools and kindergartens. In autumn, the event is dedicated to this time of year and its features. Children usually enjoy taking part in such events and in preparing for them. Options for work ideas for the “Gifts of Autumn” crafts competition are limited only by the imagination of the participants and their capabilities. First of all, you need to focus on the child’s age and hobbies. It is worth considering several job options that will be of interest to the children.

Hedgehog from natural materials

This craft is suitable for the “Gifts of Autumn” competition, both in kindergarten and school. Needed for work plastic bottle, plasticine, pine cone, glue gun, cardboard box lid, dried flowers, leaves. The creative process itself takes place in several stages.

Often, for the “Gifts of Autumn” competition, crafts are prepared from, for example, pumpkins and apples. If desired, this composition can also be supplemented with fruit figures.

Vase of leaves

This craft is quite simple to make. In addition, you can put any gifts of autumn in such a vase. To make it, you will need to stock up on artificial maple leaves, wide vase, plastic film, glue.

The whole family can take part in preparing such crafts for the “Gifts of Autumn” competition with their own hands.

The vase may look like this:

Products using physalis will also look beautiful, for example, you can make a candlestick.

Pumpkins will make original owls.

Older children can try to make owls from a variety of natural materials.

You can combine drawing and applique of leaves and flowers.

Bouquets and arrangements of autumn flowers always look spectacular.

You can use a pumpkin as a vase.

Bouquets combining flowers and vegetables will look original.

You can make flowers from autumn leaves.

Look, kids:
Autumn opened the exhibition.
As an artist, she
Covered everything with bright paint!

With the onset of autumn, our kindergarten traditionally hosts an exhibition of children's and family crafts made from natural materials, “Autumn Fantasies”.
The main condition- use of autumn gifts (vegetables, fruits) in works. This annual exhibition in cold autumn weather always pleases us with bright warm colors, gives a charge of vigor and good mood, was held under the motto:
“Plunge into the world of autumn colors and fantasy!”
The main goal the exhibition was to unite parents and children in a joint productive activity. Nature itself was supposed to be the main assistant and inspiration.
Children really enjoy making things with their parents. Such activities help them calm down and concentrate on their fingers. Excellent development creativity and skills.
They also bring a lot of pleasure to adults. Firstly, it’s always a pleasure to spend time with your child, and secondly, beautiful things made with my own hands, pleasing to the eye.
Sitting with mom or dad at the table and gluing, cutting, drawing and shaping, and then presenting a work of your art for everyone to see - most children will enjoy this activity.
Autumn has arrived, with rich harvests of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits can serve as excellent materials for creating crafts. Nothing can bring an adult and a child closer together than joint creativity.
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Pumpkin, onions, peas,
Golden squash,
And a pot-bellied zucchini,
That he lay down on his side,
And carrots and beets,
And the potatoes were a success, -
He was already waiting for the end.
Cones, acorns, rowan...
Everything is suitable for crafts,
Let's get down to business!
Covered everything with bright paint!
Many thanks to the parents
for active participation!!!

Each craft is unique in its beauty, individuality in the choice of materials, and execution technique. And all together they create a real autumn, fabulous mood!
All the crafts were undoubtedly made with soul. They amaze with their uniqueness and brightness.
You showed creativity, imagination and skill.
Various materials that were used for crafts resourceful parents– works made from onions, pumpkins, cucumbers, carrots, eggplants and peppers, as well as cones, seeds, moss, mushrooms, branches, leaves were presented.
Everyone who saw our exhibition received a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions. Even the most important, strict and tired adults had bright smiles on their faces from meeting with unusual man-made beauty.
And how emotionally the children expressed their delight when they saw among the many crafts their only, best, in their opinion, craft!
They vied with each other to tell how they all made their masterpiece together.
The teaching staff of the kindergarten is confident that family competitions help create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual understanding, and cooperation between parents, children and teachers.
You are all talented, remember this, you just need to apply work and imagination, perseverance and patience to your talent.
Everything impossible is possible!
When we go forward, WE TOGETHER!
And what seemed difficult to us -
You helped solve it on the spot!
Thank you for your support,
Which they provided us with.
We wish you to be happy
And may the good remain with you.

With respect and gratitude, teachers of group No. 3

(works that do not meet the conditions of the competition,
but worthy of publication in terms of sharing experience)
* * *

Dear readers!
Our creative competition “Autumn Fantasies” has come to an end, which pleasantly surprised us with the variety of submitted works made from all kinds of natural materials using various techniques and techniques.

I was pleased with the competition a large number works performed at a high level, and was upset by the inability to mark each of them, after all, a competition is a competition.

Despite the fact that the works were selected in four nominations, and the evaluation criteria for each of them were quite clear, the works were still arranged very tightly in the competition table, and only 1-2 points separated the winners from the participants who were not included in the prize ranking .

The jury evaluated the works according to the following criteria:

  • compliance of the work with the theme of the competition;
  • correct, understandable job description;
  • use of characteristic autumn natural materials;
  • accuracy of execution;
  • original idea;
  • composition.

    The participants not only made their crafts and applications with great care, they also demonstrated their ability to perform delicate, painstaking work. Pleased detailed description works, which, in our opinion, will allow other readers of the portal to take advantage of original ideas and repeat many wonderful crafts.

    I would like to note that the participants created not only recognizable images, but also interesting stories. With great pleasure, we discovered that not only mothers, but also fathers, brothers and sisters helped the little participants in creating crafts.

    It was a pleasant surprise that the majority of schoolchildren who took part in the competition completed the crafts on their own. At the same time, interesting, complex compositions were compiled with a surprisingly precise selection of elements. Bright, easily recognizable characters were created in single crafts.

    The competition, in addition to the exchange of ideas and excellent examples for working with children at home, became a kind of meeting place for everyone loving parents. Many thanks to everyone for getting out of the thicket of things and taking part, sharing their experiences and thoughts. Reading the descriptions of the works, you involuntarily plunge into the atmosphere of creativity and imagine how it was all done with soul, how diligently little children’s fingers cut out the leaves, and somewhere they simply served them to their mother. I would like to congratulate all participants for being true creators! And for parents there are no more joyful moments than seeing the sparkling and happy eyes of their children, right?

    For the future, I would like to wish the guys who were not among the winners:

      1. Carefully read the rules for accepting competitive works. For example, some works were sent without a description. Some of the work was made from materials that are not so much autumn, but all-season (seeds, branches, flowers, pine needles, straw). There were also works where materials such as paper, plasticine, shells were either key in the composition or played a dominant role, and natural materials only played a secondary role.

      2. Remember the saying “Very good is also not good.” For example, in compositional crafts, participants, in pursuit of an abundance and variety of elements, ended up with crowding and diversity. The obvious overkill in the number of characters led to the loss of the plot. It is difficult to concentrate and appreciate such work.

    But in general, both the jury members and the readers of the portal (judging by the comments left) received great pleasure from viewing the competition works. Guys, you are great dreamers, inventors, real creative individuals and simply WELL DONE!
    The jury of the competition includes:
  • Lyudmila Orlova, co-author of the "New Year's Costume Catalog", wall newspapers and other creative ideas;
  • Lyubov Kozyreva, sponsor representative - for children;
  • Elena Zlobina, author and performer of educational aids for children;
  • Tatyana Kalinchenko, author and performer original crafts from beads;
  • Tatyana Evtyukova, editor of the Sun portal.

    Nomination "CHARM OF EYES"
    (autumn paintings, panels, appliqués)

    Place Job Jury comments Awarded
    I Deer

    A charming craft! The composition is well thought out. I really liked the deer - an interesting selection of elements, the proportions were respected. Even the frame is made independently and harmonizes perfectly with the craft. Brilliantly simple, and what an effect! Bravo! Diploma
    and a prize
    II Owl
    in the autumn forest

    The work is beautiful, interesting, memorable. The character of the owl is amazingly conveyed. The materials and techniques are quite accessible to everyone, I would like to repeat them! Such a panel can decorate any interior. Great! Diploma
    III Bird

    Great job! The technique is complicated primarily because there is no pre-applied contour. And the material (dried leaves) is quite fragile. Nevertheless, the work was done beautifully, the elements are small and very harmoniously selected. Even the paws are made of natural material! The frame is also framed with leaves, which together with the bird make up wonderful composition. Very beautiful! Diploma
    In this category
    People's Choice Award (116 votes) goes to
    work Owl in the autumn forest, Artem Kurochkin
      Autumn kaleidoscope (author: Lyubov Romanova)
      The work is incredibly beautiful. The ornament is complex, meticulously thought out and executed. Amazing!

      Carpet of autumn leaves (author: Katya Ivolgina)
      It's a great idea to lay out a symmetrical carpet pattern of autumn leaves. It turned out great!

      Mushroom basket (author: Alexey Kazakov)
      The work is very interesting, the color scheme is perfectly chosen (natural components and background). A very interesting technique of weaving from leaves pasted onto a strip of paper has been proposed. Very beautiful

      Hen with chicks (author: Vadim Grekhnev)
      A very interesting, harmonious composition. I liked the plot, the selection of materials, and the excellent execution. Well done, Vadim!

      Ants-defenders (author: Kirill Andriyanov)
      The work makes a very pleasant impression, primarily because of its original plot. Ants are as if they were alive. Well done, Kirill!

      Night Watch (author: Sasha Grachev)
      Amazingly accurate individual elements, which as a whole made up a wonderful composition. Bravo, Sasha!

      Autumn forest (author: Artem Parastaev)
      Artem, you turned out real autumn landscape. Well done! Very beautiful panel!

      Autumn cockerel (author: Maxim Romanov)
      Interesting, complex composition, excellent selection of elements and a bright, recognizable character. Well done, Maxim!

      Birch (

      My beloved Hassan (author: Danila Kalenov)
      I really liked the work. Traditionally, birds and fish are made from leaves, but here it’s a horse! The leaves are chosen so precisely that the proportions of the horse are preserved. The character is recognizable. The craft is pleasing to the eye. Well done, Danila!

      Autumn party (author: Katya Konygina)
      A good composition in a complex, labor-intensive technique. Smart girl, Katya! But I would like to read a more detailed description of point 3

      Autumn Bouquet (author: Erica Lang)
      Nice job. The materials cannot be called traditionally autumn materials; the seeds are all-season. But there is a plus to this - the craft can be done at any time of the year. Thanks to the use of non-fragile seeds and plasticine, which allows the element to be remade if necessary, this technique can be used for the creativity of the youngest children.

    Nomination "FLOWER WALTZ"
    (autumn bouquets, ikebana)
    Place Job Jury comments Awarded
    I Bouquet for mom

    What painstaking work! The result was a wonderful duet - a magnificent bouquet and an autumn vase. Everything is very harmonious. Great guy, Bogdan! You can imagine how pleased your mother was! Diploma
    and a prize
    II Magic

    Cool, interesting and very elegant! I liked not only the original idea, but also the wonderful fairy tale that was invented. Bravo, Marina! Diploma
    III Autumn bouquet

    A beautiful, harmonious, complex composition, executed at an almost professional level. This exquisite work may well become an interior decoration. Well done, Sasha! Diploma
    In this category
    People's Choice Award (139 votes) goes to
    work Forest Rose, Ruslan Sergeev

    Additional comments from the jury
    to works that were not among the leaders, but somehow touched and liked.

      Forest rose (author: Ruslan Sergeev)
      Great idea and execution, original use of pine cones. Very elegant and cute. Well done, Ruslan!

      Pencil holder (author: Natalya Nikulina)
      I really liked the interesting, unusual use of plant stems. Bravo, Natasha!

      Autumn bouquet (

      Seven-flowered flower (author: Sofya Matsegor)
      A very interesting find - coloring the leaves! And what delicate colors, harmony - nothing superfluous, everything is in place. Wonderful, Sophia!

    Nomination "FAIRY TALE"
    (autumn crafts, fairy-tale heroes)
    Place Job Jury comments Awarded
    I Lesovichok

    Amazingly sweet, positive work. The materials are the simplest, and the result is above all praise. I am glad that the whole family was engaged in creativity. Very positive mood from this craft and story, well done! Diploma
    and a prize
    II Carriage for Cinderella

    Great job! I was especially impressed by the beet wheels and carrot decorations for the fairytale carriage. Bravo, Sasha! Diploma
    III Samovar

    An interesting, elegant craft that leaves a pleasant impression. The elements are perfectly chosen, the details are thoroughly thought out. Well done! Original idea, excellent implementation. Smart girl, Natasha! Diploma
    In this category
    People's Choice Award (148 votes) goes to
    work Carriage for Cinderella, Dima Abakumov
    and a prize

    Additional comments from the jury
    to works that were not among the leaders, but somehow touched and liked.

      Little guy (author: Albina Chebaeva)
      Very funny, funny guy. The work is not difficult to perform, it is easy to repeat. And I definitely want to do it! Albina has a wonderful imagination. Well done!

      Sovunya (author: Polina Kulikova)
      A charming craft. The owl is alive! The work evokes only positive emotions. Bravo, Polina!

      Turtle (author: Mikhail Perepletov)
      Real cartoon turtle! The elements of the craft are perfectly chosen and even the expression of the “face” is surprisingly “turtle-like”. Mikhail, you did a wonderful craft!

      Piggy (author: Alena Klimova)
      Well, she’s just a real pig, even her belly is grimy! A fun craft that will make you smile. Smart girl, Alena!

      Crocodile Gena (author: Polina Dyurbina)
      Very interesting work. Simply amazing “portrait likeness” - a real crocodile, and even with an accordion. Simple, accessible and original. Well done, Polina!

    Nomination "Forest WONDERS"
    (compositions from autumn material)
    Place Job

    Dear friends! We are opening new competition on the "Native Path" - Autumn-themed children's craft competition! We invite you to join our friendly circle of creativity lovers with children to exchange ideas for autumn children’s creativity with each other at a competition :)

    Autumn-themed children's craft competition "Autumn Workshop"

    Prizes for the children's crafts competition "Autumn Workshop"

    Prizes for winners

    - wonderful children's books publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" - our permanent sponsor! — toys from the magazine "Games and Toys: a magazine for those who care about what children play." The winners will be selected by a random computer search (a video of how this happens will be posted on the “Native Path” website to confirm the fairness of the choice).

    Prizes for all competition participants

    All participants of the “Autumn Workshop” competition will receive: - A book of New Year's master classes for readers of "Native Path" (in pdf format) - A certificate of participation in the competition.

    Who can participate in the competition

    Anyone who wishes can take part in the competition. - teachers with their students (educators, leaders of children's clubs), - parents (mothers and fathers, grandparents, great-grandparents) with children, - nannies and their students who made a craft together, - librarians and museum teachers leading creative activities with children or family groups. Let's make autumn creative and interesting! So that even the cold and rain outside the window do not prevent us from enjoying life!

    How to submit work for a competition

    Send your work by email to Asya Vladimirovna Valasina, the author of the “Native Path” website - valasina@site until November 4, 2015 inclusive.

    What works are accepted for our competition?

    and how to correctly format the description of your craft

    - IN subject of the letter write: to autumn competition. — Crafts made by in any technique.

    The topic of the work should be related to autumn: autumn nature, vegetables and fruits, crafts from leaves, cones, natural materials. autumn rowan, mobiles - rain, autumn weather calendar and any others.

    - The work must be uncompressed photo of your craft (drawing, autumn souvenir, etc.) in finished form. If you are a teacher and made a craft with a group of children, then you can attach several photographs of the work of different children (indicate the name and age of the child for each craft).

    — In the text you need describe how you can make such a craft - the description should be clear , so that other readers of “Native Path” can make a similar autumn craft with their child. The description can be quite brief or more detailed. If you need to explain something, you can take intermediate photographs of the stages of the craft. The main criterion is that your readers can also do this with their children!

    If the craft is complex, then detailed information is desirable. step-by-step description its manufacture.

    Crafts without a description of how they were made will not be accepted for the competition.

    Eif you made a craft based on any book or magazine -indicate the source (author, book title, publisher),

    — Don’t forget to indicate: this is important for issuing a competition participant certificate —

    a) Your last name, first name, patronymic, b) Place of residence - city, town, village (country), c) Age of your child or children of the group with which you are studying, d) For teachers - name educational institution where you work.

    Crafts do not have to be original — You can use traditional ideas too. After all, the main thing is to engage in creativity with children, to find time, desire, and inspiration for this! This main goal competition! And we are always ready to support and encourage those who do this!

    All competition works are checked for plagiarism by a special program — You cannot take other people’s photographs and pass them off as your own. Such works are not accepted for our competitions. We always have fair competitions!

    Where will your ideas be published?

    In a separate article on “Native Path” indicating all your data as the author of the craft. If you wish, it can be published anonymously only with your name indicated. Then just notify us about this in a letter.

    Look at the works from last year's winter competition - how they were published:. Thanks to all those who took part in the competition last time!

    Prizes from the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

    Prize No. 1 - a book for creativity “How to arrange a nursery”

    A very useful book for everyone who loves to craft, loves the comfort of home and wants to bring a piece of their imagination, love and soul into their home. In the book you will find 30 master classes on organizing space in a children's room and decorating it. All master classes are combined into sections:

    — We play in the nursery: rugs, houses, screens, tents,

    Storage in the nursery: storage of children's drawings, baskets and bags, pockets, garage for cars,

    Decorative elements: curtains, pillows, height meter, limiter, flags, mobiles.

    All master classes are step-by-step and very clear, two sheets with patterns are given.

    The book is suitable for both beginners in needlework and experienced craftsmen. I am sure that you will really like the book and will be useful, it will give you new ideas and an impetus for creativity!

    Prize No. 2 - “The Big Book of Nature”

    This is a large book for children with colorful illustrations.

    The authors of the book are experts in the field of children's book publishing and nature topics. Nicola Davies is an award-winning zoologist and the author of numerous children's books. Mark Herld is a talented illustrator and artist who specifically studied the art of illustration for natural science publications.

    The book is filled with love for nature, plants and animals. It contains many poems for children - short and interesting for kids. It allows us – adults – to look at the world through the eyes of a child.

    The book is large format and well printed. And it will be a wonderful gift for a baby! And also an excellent tool for book corners of a kindergarten or children's center, children's libraries.

    Prizes No. 3 and No. 4. Coloring pages and posters “Zoo” and “City”

    "Fun Zoo" and "City"- These are poster size coloring pages. This coloring book can be painted both by one child and with friends or in a kindergarten group, on children's party with guests. And the finished coloring book will decorate the children's room! You can play with the finished coloring book, you can turn it into a game - a walker, or use it as a marker of the play space in children's games. You can look at the elements of the coloring book and introduce your child to the world around him - all the different types of technology that are not on the “City” poster. Interesting for boys! And at the zoo you can meet the most different types animals. You can color not only with pencils, but also with felt-tip pens and even paints, since the poster paper is durable.

    Poster size 76×56 cm

    Prizes from the magazine “Games and Toys”

    If you don’t know the magazine “Games and Toys,” with which we have been friends for a long time, then get to know it here: . On this page of “Native Path” you can always download for free any issue of the magazine “Games and Toys”, “Games and Toys. Expert". The magazine is allowed to be downloaded and shared with friends and acquaintances! Three prizes - three laces for children different levels of complexity from the editors of the magazine “Games and Toys”: - lacing - handbag, - lacing - house, - lacing - parrot.

    See you again on the “Native Path”!

    Catalog of already published works of the autumn children's crafts competition "Autumn Workshop -2015"

    Autumn crafts with mom, crafts for school, crafts for kindergarten:

    Application " Autumn trees»: Svetlana Nikolaevna Matvienko, teacher primary classes, KSU "Comprehensive school No. 6 of the city of Saran", 2nd "G" class. Kazakhstan, Karaganda region

    Autumn 3D applique"Hedgehog": children from the 3rd grade of the KSU "Comprehensive school No. 6 of the akimat" of Saran (Kazakhstan, Karaganda region), teacher - Olga Alekseevna Zykova and Svetlana Nikolaevna Matveenko, primary school teacher, KSU "Comprehensive school No. 6 of the city of Saran", 2 " G" class. Kazakhstan, Karaganda region

    Application “Autumn” made of colored paper with a hologram effect: Herzen Ivanna. Ivanna is 4 years old, she is a student of the Municipal Budget Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 6” of Preschool No. 11 “Fairy Tale” (teacher - Antonina Petrovna Ivanchenko). Valeria Herzen, mother of little Ivanna, sent an application to our children's crafts competition “Autumn Workshop”.

    Application "Mushroom picker": Marina Igorevna Larina and her daughter Vika (5 years old). They live in the city of Kungur, Perm Territory.

    Application "Mushrooms"— for the little ones: three-year-old Matvey Varfolomeev (3 years old). His application was sent to our competition of children's crafts by his mother Galina Petrovna Varfolomeeva (Moscow).

    Autumn ornament using applique technique: teachers Evelina Nikolaevna Sterzhakova and Irina Viktorovna Larecheva together with children 5-6 years old (GBOU School No. 324 “Firebird” DP kindergarten No. 215, Moscow). Curator of software and PDO studio " Sunny bunnies": Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna.

    — Vera Khiglod, technology teacher, head of the children’s club artistic creativity.

    — Ilyushina Natalya Vasilyevna (Saratov, MDOU kindergarten No. 196 of compensatory type, teacher of the 1st category).

    — Anastasia Iosifovna Kalinkova from St. Petersburg, and her son Jaromir (3 years old).

    23. Butenina Maria and her daughter Butenina Daria (2B grade MBOU secondary school No. 15) from Yoshkar-Ola (Republic of Mari El).

    24. Brusyantseva Irina Vladimirovna and daughter Margarita (3 years old), Orenburg.

    25. We make panels together with the children. Ilyushina Natalya Vasilievna (Saratov), ​​teacher senior group MDOU kindergarten No. 196 compensatory type/

    26. Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna from Moscow, teacher additional education from GBOU School No. 324 “Firebird” DP kindergarten No. 215 (PDO and Fine Art Studio “Sunny Bunnies”).

    27. Tsvetkova Natalia Chavdarovna (Cherepovets, Vologda region) and her pupils aged 7-9 years from the association “The World Around Us” MBOU DOD “Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after A.A. Alekseeva."

    28. Ruzaeva Yulia Romanovna (St. Petersburg) together with her daughter (2 years 8 months).

    29. Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna, additional education teacher and teacher-organizer (Moscow GBOU School No. 324 “Firebird” DP kindergarten No. 215 and No. 179).

    30. . Petushkova Lyubov Anatolyevna - teacher middle group No. 11 “Stargazers” from the city of Yugorsk, Tyumen region (MBOU secondary school No. 5).

    31. preschool and primary school age from participants in the “Autumn Children's Crafts Workshop” competition.

    32. . Vasilyeva Anna Aleksandrovna and Vasilyeva Zhenya (6 years old) from Petrozavodsk.

    33. . Parastaeva Daria, 11 years old (Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak district, Bolshoi Kuganak village). Head: additional education teacher Maria Viktorovna Spevak.
    Publication of competition master classes continues!

    Prize-winners of the competition "Autumn Workshop - 2015"

    Prizes from the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber go to: The book “How to arrange a nursery” receives Anna Shikhareva and daughter Sofia (5 years old) The book " Big book nature"- Educator - Liliya Rustemovna Samigullina and Rodion Aleksandrovich Izmailov (3 years old) MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of a combined type" of the Moskovsky district of Kazan Coloring book - poster "Zoo"- received by Davletberdina Malik (5 years old) and Khabibullina Liliya Rustemovna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of a combined type" of the Moskovsky district of Kazan Coloring book - poster "City"— this prize goes to Yulia Terekhina, 5 years old, teacher Elena Anatolyevna Rim, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow “School No. 166” Structural Unit No. 7 Prizes from the magazine “Games and Toys” go to: Lace "Handbag"— Marina Osolikhina and her children Georgy, 5 years and 10 months, and German, 3 years and 11 months Lacing "Parrot"— Furzikova Marina Vladimirovna and son Daniil, 2 years 6 months, Yoshkar-Ola Lacing "House"— Kolokolova Nelly (7 years old0 with mother Kolokolova Olga (Kaluga region, Kaluga)

    The winners were selected by random selection of numbers by a computer using the service, so that everyone has an equal chance of winning a prize! Here's how it happened:


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    In autumn, it’s time for competitions in kindergartens for crafts made from natural materials. Fortunately, there is such a variety of this material on the street, it’s like some kind of supermarket! Parks and squares are full of leaves of any color, take it - I don’t want it! And if you search more diligently, you can find cones with acorns, chestnuts, and also berries. So on a fine autumn day, stock up on bags with your child and go to the nearest park to stock up on materials for crafts! Such a walk will bring happiness, and you will also collect the materials from which you will make autumn crafts for the garden. Of course, you will find interesting new products. And these are the ideas we are ready to offer you for your consideration.

    Ideas for crafts made from natural materials

    Of course, creating crafts can be difficult in some cases. And this is all because there are a lot of ideas, but they are of little use. Indeed, in such diversity, the eyes are very wide open. To make very interesting autumn crafts with your child, use: acorns, chestnuts, cones, and leaves.

    What can be created from acorns and chestnuts.

    As a basis for various little men and other figures, chestnuts and acorns are irreplaceable things. To create such little men, of course, glue is useful for fixing certain parts. In general, everything is simple here. Turn on your imagination and then everything can work out.

    In addition, acorns can be used to make excellent topiaries. To do this, you first need to crumple up the paper as a base. Then shape the lump into a ball using threads, napkins or paper towels. Then we attach our ball to the trunk, which is a straight branch, disguised with wound twine or corrugated paper, or you can just use a ribbon. Any stable utensil will fit under the pot, and you can also decorate it with imagination.

    We continue to show you crafts made from autumn materials that can be taken to kindergarten. Let's go back to the different figures. Additional elements for them can be made from anything - from plasticine, felt, fabric, paper, feathers, seeds and sunflower seeds. You can also use toothpicks. Children mainly like to make toys from natural materials. younger age. With your help, they can easily do something interesting.

    If you have an older child and he is no longer particularly interested in making little animals and people, you can suggest making an interior wreath from acorns. The basis for it is an intertwined vine, and the acorns are held on it using liquid nails or Moment glue.

    Here are some beautiful autumn crafts for your kindergarten competition. Original candlesticks are also a good idea for crafts. Making them is extremely simple. Take an ordinary jar, pour acorns into it, and then place a candle in it. Of course, you shouldn't light a candle. At the crafts competition, it will be clear that everything is fine with your imagination.

    Pine cones are the basis for autumn crafts.

    You can make an original basket from the cones, which the child himself will then fill with rowan berries, rose hips or sea buckthorn, and mushrooms. It is made using wire, fishing line and pliers. Of course, this craft can be classified as complex. Therefore, the help of parents is very important here. But if you work hard, you will end up with a wonderful product that has every chance of winning first place in the competition.

    And if you simply paint the cones in different colors, you will get flowers, why not asters? Agree that this is very original. And besides, it’s very simple. The cones are simply painted using watercolors. Then they can be placed in some container.

    And of course, the classic lush version - figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters. Look at all the fun things you can do. Of course, all these ideas deserve your attention.

    Crafts from vegetables and fruits.

    Don’t forget about the ornamental potential of vegetables and fruits (see selection of photos).

    Autumn is harvest time, so we take advantage of the abundance of vegetables presented, from which we can also create something no less original. Pumpkin is the leader in ornamental production. It can be used as an independent item, such as a vase, or used as a blank for the image of a bird or animal.

    In conclusion

    Now you can find out what autumn-themed crafts you can make for kindergarten. Have fun making them! With their help, take first places at exhibitions and be proud of your creativity.

    Photo gallery of autumn crafts: