He invites guys to his friends. How to ask a guy out on a date: methods for determined girls

A person's intentions should be judged by his actions, not his words. So, a guy asked you out on a first date, but you haven’t really gotten to know him yet. What to do? Tell us where did he invite you, and we'll tell you what to expect from him.

To parents

If a guy invited you to his parents' house, most likely he is already ripe for serious relationship, and now wants to transfer them to new level . You don't know his family yet, do you? It's time to get acquainted.

Please pay attention to like your parents young man communicate with each other. If the father sits on the sofa, watches TV and commands “Wife, bring me a beer”, “Wife, answer the phone - I’m busy!”, and the wife does nothing but rush between the sofa and the kitchen, your gentleman will probably be behave in the same way.

To friends

Rejoice! If a guy is ready to invite you to his friends, it means that you have won not only his location, but also his trust, and this is worth a lot. Treat your guy's friends in a friendly manner, even if they don't really deserve it, be positive, smile more.

You need to pay attention, of course, to your friends. This is the case when it is better to judge a person not by himself, but by his environment. What unites them all? What role does your boyfriend have in this company? If he is the so-called “Lifesaver,” then he will constantly help others, save, while feeling like a victim, but he will not give up this role. “Jokers” love when all the attention belongs to them, and therefore can sometimes be selfish. Well, if you got the “Group Leader”, he will probably command you, if not always, then from time to time for sure.

On a romantic trip

You have long dreamed of going to Paris and looking at it at least with one eye, and your gentleman decided to invite you to go there. Of course, you immediately agreed. Have you ever wondered what he expects from you? IN Apparently, the guy is seriously passionate about you, since he decided to fulfill your cherished dream(or maybe he was fulfilling his dream, but considered you a person worthy of sharing his dream).

This is a high degree of trust, but try not to melt in his arms, just as this person should not be idealized. The journey will end, you will return to everyday life. That’s when the shortcomings (as well as the advantages) of your

If you don't know if there are ways that will encourage a guy to ask you out on a date, the answer is yes! By the way, there are some that are very effective. And if you like a guy, call it falling in love, butterflies in the stomach or love at first sight, but he can easily like you enough to ask you out. Naturally, there is no perfectly accurate formula, because every guy is different and so are the conditions, but don’t despair! Below are 30 ways to get a guy to ask you out. And if you use one of these tips, Cupid will do the rest.

1. Be yourself if you want him to ask you out.

Nobody likes lies. Think about it. If the guy was a gentleman on the first date (opened the door for you, pulled out a chair for you, etc.) and all that magic disappears when you get much closer, you'll feel cheated, right? So don't make the same mistake. Sure, we play along a little to surprise someone (read our tips on what to wear to impress on a first date), but there's a fine line between "playing along" and "cheating." So listen to him when he talks about his favorite sport, but don't pretend you were born to be a fan just to be asked out on a date.

2. Continue to be yourself, even on the outside.

Don't dress a certain way thinking that he will like it. This sure sign the fact that you are trying too hard to please him, especially on the first date. When I was 15 years old, I had a crush on a guy, and I knew for sure that his ex always wore bright makeup. If he chose her for this, then why don't I do a slightly blue eyeshadow? I never tested the theory, my friend (thanks to her) stopped me before anyone saw me and made me swear that I would NEVER do that to my face again. I can't imagine what would have happened then. I should probably read these first date makeup tips. The moral of the story is: if you feel very uncomfortable short skirts, on high heels and with dramatic makeup, try to avoid it. Find yours and wear it with confidence!

3. Highlight your physical features

There are things you can wear and things you shouldn't wear, especially on a first date. Fashion trends are changing every day. Don't follow fashion just to get him to ask you out, it can make you very uncomfortable and it's not good for your confidence. Pay attention to your killer legs, wear colors that highlight your captivating eyes, wear belts that shape your waist, you get my point. Just remember that finding what works for you is a process. You may miss your choice a couple of times, but that's okay. Just feel comfortable and enjoy the process! Don't forget to read the article on how to find the right clothes for your clothing type.

4. Don't pretend

Having the same interests as a guy is good, you can’t fake them. As you have already read, one of the most effective ways To get a guy's attention is to be yourself. So, feigning an interest in football or showing that you are terribly interested in knowing about video games is not very good idea. You can be interested in this - and be interested in his interest, but pretend. This may come back to bite you later.

5. Don't lose eye contact to get him to invite you.

Eye contact is a very important thing. You can tell a lot of things with your eyes, such as that you are interested in him. At a convenient moment, without a shadow of suspicion, try to catch and hold his gaze. If you catch him staring at you, that's even better. When you catch his gaze, smile at him. He will definitely understand that you are interested in him, and it will be easier for him to approach you.

6. Smile

One of the most powerful weapons that makes guys give in is your smile! If you just run into him, use your pearls right away and use them well. This is the easiest way to show a guy that you are friendly, approachable, and most importantly, that you are interested in him.

7. Send a clear signal to get him to ask you out.

It's hard to guess what the other person is thinking and whether they're thinking about asking you out, so make sure you're sending clear signals. You don't have to express your feelings to him publicly, just make him feel special through flirting and encouragement that other guys don't get.

8. Let him know that you are free...

Another way to hint to a guy that he should invite you is to show him that you don’t have a partner and that you are very single. Try to convey this with a joke. That's what I do. Also, this good way find out if he is free. If the coast is clear, go ahead!

9. Take the initiative

Shy, uptight Bluestockings are rarely noticed. If you like a guy and want his attention, stop waiting and praying, make the first move... no matter how scary it is. Next time you see him, walk by, smile and say hello. You can't go wrong here! Here are some more tips for taking the initiative without scaring him away. Confidence is the engine of falling in love, so it will take a little effort for you to take a step that is worth the effort. These tips will help you arouse his interest in you without making you seem too intrusive.

10. Make it easy for him to ask you out.

By this, I don't mean that you have to be very simple. And you shouldn't rush at him right away. What I'm saying is that you need to make sure he's comfortable inviting you. It would be wrong to expect him to invite you when you are with friends. This can really confuse him, so make sure that at such a moment you are alone and without unnecessary “witnesses”.

11. Find out what he likes

There are a few things guys love to talk about: cars, sports, action movies. Find out what he likes and doesn’t like, and lead the conversation in that direction. And like I said earlier, don't pretend to be a fan if you think that's how he'll ask you out. At the same time, do not cut him off with the words “I don’t like sports.” Appear genuinely interested and listen to what he has to say. And, if you really hate something he loves, try playfully arguing with him. This will bring you closer. Remember, the key word is: playful!

12. Capture every moment you spend with him.

I know this sounds a little vague, but really, ladies, seize the day. Don't let your fear make you take a step back! Guys love sociable girls. I'm not talking about being annoying and pestering everyone - no one likes girls like that. Don't let fear control you. If you're at a karaoke bar, then rock it! Remember that life is a series of events, and don't miss a single one while you're trying to get a guy to ask you out on a date.

13. Show off your witty side

You've heard many times that guys love girls who can make them laugh. This is most often true, and is one of the reasons a guy will want to ask you out. If you have a sense of humor, don't be afraid to show it! It's better to be witty, it combines intelligence and humor, and there's nothing sexier than that.

14. Don't get caught in the circle of friends

Many girls, at first, try to become a friend to a guy, which is also true - theoretically. Be careful when you do this. It's good when your relationship becomes friendly, but don't fall into his circle of friends. He should also see you as a girl and not one of his homies. Maybe it will turn out that way that because of this he won’t ask you out on a date. You need to keep a balance and show from time to time that you are a girl, but also have your bells and whistles.

15. Don't let your friends interfere

16. Actions speak louder than words

You take the initiative and use flirting tips, and you succeed! You are talking to each other and now you want to increase the sexual attraction between you. Here's what you need to do. Look at him often and when he catches you looking at him, smile. When you talk, look him in the eyes, listen to what he says, laugh at his jokes. Straighten a lock of hair. And do it as if by accident. Touch his shoulder with your shoulder or touch his arm with your hand from time to time. Actions truly speak louder than words, and you must be able to read the subtext of such flirtatious touches. All this will let him know that you are very interested in him.

17. Walk with him

I've seen a lot of comments about how girls want to be invited, but at the same time, they don't even go out in the same company as him. Everything is going wrong, girls! You need a chance to get to know each other. Let him carry your bag after class, ask him to help you with assignments (even if you don’t need it), ask him to teach you to play a musical instrument (if he plays), there are many reasons and any will work.

18. Flirt with him to get him to ask you out.

This is another one that you need to be careful with, but if you find the balance, good job! Flirt with a guy based on the following criteria: eye contact, finding a common topic, innocent touching him, etc. is a good way to encourage him to ask you out. Just don't overdo it, because you might get desperate and it will scare him off.

19. Listen to him

Do you like being listened to? Well, him too! Listening does not only mean that you are interested in him. This is also a good way to approach him and will improve your relationship.

20. Don't talk about yourself too much

I know that there are girls who believe that guys should know everything about them in order to be invited by them. This is a bad idea. If he mentions that he likes a restaurant, say that you like it too, but don't try to tell jokes or funny stories about the place. This will not push him, but, on the contrary, will push him away due to an overabundance of information. Be mysterious, let him reveal your secrets himself.

21. Discuss the right topics

You did everything you had to do. The flirting was successful. You probably almost managed to be invited. Now all he has to do is invite you to one of these swanky places for a successful first date. Some guys are smarter and will ask you out right away. Some still need to be heated up. And what I do is I start talking about upcoming concerts, new movies and restaurants I want to try. Talk about it enthusiastically, but not desperately, and the invitation may slip away from him. When you get on a first date, remember that some topics are simply endless. Here are some topics you can discuss on a date. Also, read our article on conversation tips for a successful date.

22. Stop at the most important point

What I mean is that when you run out of things to talk about, find a reason to say goodbye and end the conversation. I know this is the last thing you want to do, but believe me, it will make him ask you out again. The idea is to leave him when he wants more of you. This is one of the smartest ways to encourage a guy to ask you out.

23. Show yourself smart

If you decide to spend some time together, remember to change your position from time to time so as not to seem fussy (this is one way to calm down on a first date). When you are face to face, it means that you can get to know each other better. But snuggling up to him, especially when the room is full, means being closer to him in a physical sense. Remember that when you lean towards him, speak softly. This is all an attitude of mind and expectation. And like I said earlier, don't do this too often or you might get asked, "Should we use the break room?" like I did.

24. Have fun yourself

If you are hanging out with friends, focus more on them instead of constantly looking at him. Don't spend all your time watching him like a hawk, it might scare him. Place this, have fun with your friends. Let them laugh and make fun of you. This will make him want to be in your crowd, and especially with you. And if he passes by, smile and say hello, that will be it. What if you are in his company? Read these tips on how to behave around your crush. I promise they will help.

25. Let him have a good time

How to make a guy feel something is up to you and whether he asks you out or not. Remember, flattery will help everywhere. Believe it or not, guys love compliments just like us. So don't hesitate and say that he has a charming smile, you like his shoes or his perfume. And as always, don't overdo it, or he'll think you're sucking up. Also, be polite to him. He will want to spend more time with him.

26. Be confident

Do you think a guy will fall for you if you don't love yourself? Confidence is the most attractive trait in someone and if you are comfortable in your body it will show! Just remember that you are wonderful and special and that no one is perfect. True, don’t go too far and don’t become too arrogant.

27. Sense of humor

Nobody wants to date a nasty old lady. But you don't have to put on a smile 24/7, but it's good to be with someone who laughs good-naturedly at your jokes (or tell them playfully if you don't find them funny), and try to find the funny side of difficult or embarrassing situations. Remember that “if you don’t laugh at yourself, life will seem much longer than you would like.”

28. Don't become intrusive

I know that you think that you love him madly, despite the depth of your feelings, do not exaggerate. Don't constantly text him, don't call him constantly, don't "casually" run into him where he hangs out, or wait for him after class. I assure you that you will only make things worse. All guys need some space!

29. Be patient until he asks you out.

My mom said that love can't be rushed, and it's true! I know you are impatient to start a relationship, but this intolerance can dispel reciprocity. You've done your best, now wait. Give him time and space so he can understand how he feels about you. I'm not saying you have to wait your whole life, just let things go with the flow. The result will be positive.

30. If he doesn't ask you out, don't take it personally.

I know this seems unnecessary in an article about how to get a guy to ask you out, but there is a possibility that it could happen. I think that refusal should not be taken to heart. If you tried everything and it didn't work out, or he rejected you, understand that you can't force someone to love you. He, one way or another, feels something for you or not, but the most important thing is that you tried. So don't stop and remember that there are other (better) fish in the sea.

Follow these 30 ways to get a guy to ask you out and I'm sure he'll ask you out! Personally, I think if you two are having a good time and he doesn’t make the first moves, invite him yourself. If you have a list of places to go on dates, he won't be able to say no, and you'll feel more confident. If you have your own tips, please share!

Hello. Help, please, I don’t know what to do. I recently met a guy on a dating site. We began to communicate, learn more about each other, and in one of our conversations he asked if I could love him. I replied that I don’t know... anything is possible. Then he invited me to his place for an overnight stay and said that he would not pester me. Allegedly, he liked me because of my communication, and he wants me to be nearby so that he can talk about everything that bothers me or him. He promised not to pester me or anything like that, but he says that he wants to stir up something cool, and I suspect that he is up to something bad. I don’t know what to do, on the one hand it’s scary to agree, and it’s not in my rules, but on the other hand it’s interesting. Maybe there really are no bad intentions there. The person just needs to speak out or get some kind of support. I don't know what to do. Please help. Thank you.

Olga, St. Petersburg, 20 years old

Family psychologist's answer:

Hello, Olga.

Olga, to be honest, it’s even difficult for me to imagine how one can be so naive. You want to go home to a complete stranger, without seeing him or his passport, without having the slightest guarantee of your safety, except for his words. Even his name may not be his. It's like sticking a lion's head in its open mouth and waiting to see what it does. And, I’ll say right away - the chances that a lion will affectionately stroke you with his tongue tend to zero. Olga, get out of the fantasy world and return to reality. If a man wants to speak out, he can do it in a cafe or on a bench in the park. If he calls you home for the night, offering to stir up something and promising not to pester you, there are simply a lot of options. How do you like, for example, a gang rape that your friend films on video? He's not pestering about it, is he? And he started something really cool, but not for you. I hope my fantasy can sober you up at least a little. And I also hope that you will begin to think about and take care of your safety. You are alone, and it’s time to start taking care of yourself.

Sincerely, Babievskaya Elena Kirillovna.

Ironically, even the most confident girls have difficulty asking a guy out on a date. Either because of the fear of seeming intrusive, or because throughout the existence of the very concept of a “date,” men have always made the first step. Be that as it may, you will probably find many arguments for and against instead of just doing what you want. We decided to recommend a few simple and proven ways to break the ice and get your desired date.

1. Do it yourself

There is nothing more empowering than being responsible for who you date and when. Women are not used to taking the first steps, and therefore our whole being says that it should not be this way. But if we put aside stereotypes, our self-esteem needs this kind of victories no less than men’s. Take the first step, be direct and frank, approach the guy you like. Firstly, he is the same person as you, and secondly, confidence always attracts. Even if he didn’t think about approaching you first, after your invitation, he will certainly think about you and your gesture.

2. Buy him a drink

A bit of a cliché, but in love all means are fair, especially if you want to attract his attention without making the first move. For some, this way of declaring their sympathy may seem intrusive, but we believe that this is a great way to show yourself as a confident and independent girl who will not wait for a miracle, but will simply take and do something to implement her plans. If a guy likes such a gesture of attention, and he simply cannot help but like it, then you will have a reason to sit closer to each other and talk.

3. Offer interesting leisure activities

If the first two methods seem too assertive to you, then try acting from afar. Ask the guy you think is cute what he does for a living and how he is used to spending his time free time. This scenario is very easy to implement if you are attracted to someone from a common group of friends or a guy who just recently came to work on your team. Once you find out how he likes to have fun, offer him similar leisure activities.

If the guy has not yet realized that you like him, then he will be interested in the opportunity, and you can relax, gain confidence and charm him with a calm soul, telling him about your hobbies. Have common interests- this is one of the most effective ways to establish an emotional connection. The main thing is that his favorite pastime is not repairing tractors, although he can come out of this situation as a winner.

4. Disguise your intentions

For those who can’t decide to ask a guy to spend time alone, there is always the option of having fun in the company of friends. Invite him to some event where there will be other girls and guys, and in the process just be next to him and organize an interesting conversation. The main thing in this method of getting closer is not to confuse the guy by inviting him to a completely unfamiliar company, or not to lose sight of him when communicating with friends, otherwise he might go on a date with someone else.

5. Leave a serious hint

If this is not your style at all, then you can always let the guy know that you are giving the green light to the possible romantic development of your relationship. Just hint to him that you wouldn’t mind if he invited you somewhere, or tell him that you enjoy spending time with him much more than without him. This way you will save yourself from worrying about seeming intrusive, while remaining confident in yourself, because making a serious hint is also an achievement. If a guy is interested in getting closer to you, then he will definitely do everything himself, or you both will have the opportunity to avoid an exciting conversation and just go on a date.

6. Be sincere

You don't have to be a smart tactician to arrange a date with a guy, you just need to be sincere in your intentions and show signs of attention. A smile, a long look, a light touch, flirting, genuine interest in his life, presented easily and naturally, are direct evidence that you are not just polite, but also interested in him, or at least he has captured your attention. As soon as the guy feels this, his ego will tell him what to do next, and you will only have to push him to a decision or take the risk yourself.

Not every guy can just come up and ask for your phone number or invite you for coffee. Some take more circuitous routes. Maybe they are shy, unsure of themselves, or afraid of being rejected. Then they simply send certain signals and wait for you to respond to them. For example:

1. He always asks if you go to group events. Are you going to a mutual friend's birthday or corporate party? He probably doesn't want to go there if you aren't there.

2. He constantly offers you a ride.. And if you notice that for this he made a big detour and spent extra time, then he definitely has his sights set on you.

3. He suggests something that could be a date, but doesn't call it that. For example, he heard that you want to watch a movie and suggests going to the cinema together. Or he simply says that he has an extra ticket lying around, or offers to go check out a new cafe.

4. He offers his clothes when you're cold. Of course, maybe he's just a nice guy. But if you didn’t talk, and he himself offered you his jacket, his concern is probably more than friendly.

5. He goes out of his comfort zone to do you a favor. For example, he agrees to take you to the airport. And this is usually far away, and if you also get up early... He definitely hopes that you will invite him with you.

6. He very strangely invited you to someone else’s wedding as a “+1”. There's a difference between inviting a friend to be the "couple" at someone else's wedding and inviting someone we really like.

With a friend it’s simple: “Hi, I need a couple for a wedding, I don’t want to go alone. Will you come with me? I'll pay for everything, don't worry about the gift or anything. Do me a favor."

And when you like someone: “Hi... uh... mmm... here's the thing... nothing like that, just (strange laugh) my friends gave me an invitation for two to their wedding... I thought maybe you would go with me? Well, if you want, of course, although I can ask someone else.”

In general, if he invites you to some event, and it takes him longer than one second, he mumbles and is embarrassed, then he definitely likes you.

7. He finds reasons and reasons to meet you. He happened to pass by your work, remembered that you had some special book that he needed, etc.

8. He turns down other women when he's around you. He doesn’t want to meet others, and this seems strange to you, but it’s all about you.

9. He texts you late at night. He writes because he thinks about you.