“Multi” season: what does it mean for clothes. Similarities and differences with the concept of “demi-season”

What is demi-season and demi-season? Most often, this question arises when talking about clothes or shoes. Demi-season - intended for wear in spring or autumn. The term refers to colloquial speech, is used primarily in the commercial or domestic sphere and has French roots.

Meaning of the word

Demi-season is a time of year, spring or autumn, an off-season, a transitional period that does not have such specifically expressed characteristics and phenomena as winter cold and summer heat. Since the word is usually used in relation to clothing and shoes, it refers to those parts of the wardrobe that are intended to be worn in spring and autumn.

The term can be applied to things that are more or less warm. Some will be used at the end of spring - beginning of autumn, closer to summer, others - during the period of the end of autumn - the beginning of winter and the end of winter - the beginning of spring. All of them can be called demi-season.

Several decades ago, the understanding of what the demi-season was in relation to clothing was somewhat different - one could encounter the use of a word in the form of a noun to designate specific elements of the wardrobe: a coat, jacket or raincoat. Currently, this meaning of the word is considered obsolete.

The adjective “demi-season” is currently used mainly in trade and private conversations.

If you turn to slang vocabulary, you can find an unusual phrase - “demi-season fraer”. In the thieves' dictionary this will mean a fickle person. What is the demi-season in this case? The equivalent of duality and changeability.

Origin of the word

In exact translation, the word “demi-season” means “half-season” and has French roots - demi-saison.

It is formed from two words.

  1. The first part is demi ("half or half"), in turn, derived from the Latin vulgarism (a rude and often vulgar expression) dĭmĕdius or Latin dimidius, meaning "half". This word is formed from the prefix dis-, which gives the meaning of separation and separation, and the part medius (translated into Russian - “average, moderate”), word formation going back to the word *me- (“between”), related to the Proto-Indo-European language, which is considered the ancestor of all the languages ​​of the peoples of the Indo-European group - Slavic, Romance, Germanic and many other tribes.
  2. The second part of the word “demi-season” is the French saison, translated as “time of year”. It is borrowed from Latin, in which the word satio means "sowing and sowing time." It, in turn, is derived from the verb serere - “to sow”, and takes its roots from the Proto-Indo-European *se- “to sow”.

What should be demi-season clothes?

The meaning of the demi-season as a half-season and off-season suggests a number of qualities that things intended for use at this time of year should have.

It is worth considering that the off-season can be different and changeable, so the definition of “demi-season” will include a fairly diverse list of wardrobe items.

However, we can define a set of qualities that any demi-season clothing and shoes should have:

  • practicality;
  • convenience;
  • waterproof and windproof (for clothing);
  • resistance to pollution;
  • wear resistance;
  • ease of care.

Demi-season clothes

Of course, fur coats, sheepskin coats, down jackets and other items will not fall under the definition of demi-season items. outerwear, designed for frost. Even if in some climate zone there is a low minus temperature in spring and autumn, you should not focus on this in the names. The basis is taken from the varieties of annual weather conditions in the middle latitudes, where all four seasons are quite pronounced and significantly different from each other.

Demi-season outerwear is a medium-insulated coat, jacket, raincoat, some windbreakers and parkas. Something you can wear when it’s hot in winter clothes and cold in summer clothes.

Demi-season shoes

What is the mid-season in shoes? The same as in clothing, with the difference that there will be more names and variety. In addition, the use of demi-season shoes will be less limited by calendar seasons - sometimes fashion dictates looks in which airy, translucent summer dresses are combined with heavy leather shoes and boots; certain types of light skirts and trousers are recommended to be worn with ankle boots, etc.

Demi-season shoes include the following models with or without light insulation: boots - leather, patent leather, rubber, made from synthesized materials (they can look different - the presence, height, shape of the heel and shaft vary from flat soles and unisex style "to stiletto heels and over the knee boots); ankle boots and ankle boots; boots; closed shoes.

Only weather conditions and personal preferences will help you navigate when choosing an outfit.

Translated from English language multi means "many" or "multiple" in compound words. Russian uses its version "multi" to mean the same concept. The word is universal and is not limited to areas of application.

Manufacturers often point to household goods"season multi". What does this mean for clothing and when can it be worn? What are the similarities and differences between demi-season items and those with this word on the label? The answers to these questions will help you navigate when shopping in online stores, as well as styling a universal basic wardrobe.

“Multi” season: what does this mean for clothing?

The concept has firmly entered the everyday life of the modern buyer. If the label of an item or shoe says “multi-season”, this means that they can be worn without being limited to just one season. The term is often used to describe products from online stores. You can find not only the designation “multi-season”, but also its synonym “all seasons”.

If you come across such a characteristic in the description of clothes or shoes in an online store, you can purchase items for a universal basic wardrobe that will be relevant throughout the year.

What are the similarities and differences between demi-season clothing and clothing with the “multi-season” characteristic?

With the introduction of a new term into online stores, users logically have the above-mentioned question. “Demi season” and “multi season” - what does this mean when choosing clothes for each specific occasion? The difference is simple and clear when translating the prefix demi- from English. "Demi" means "semi-". Demi-season clothes are those that can be worn only for six months, in the off-season, when the weather changes from cold to hot.

Hence the conclusion that the similarity between demi-season and multi-season clothing is the ability to wear it in autumn and spring. Multi-season items will last you throughout the year.

The difference can also be seen in shoes. Demi-season shoes are put away in the closet with the onset of summer, and multi-season sneakers, sneakers and boots can be worn all 12 months.

What multi-season items should be in a basic women's wardrobe?

A huge advantage of this category of clothing is its versatility, as well as the ability to adapt to layered outfits throughout the year. This opens up wide opportunities for fashionistas to experiment with styles.

IN basic wardrobe The following multi-season items will become indispensable: jeans, shirts, trench coats, canvas jackets, cardigans, trousers, dresses made from universal fabrics. The clear advantage is that they can be combined with winter, summer and demi-season outfits.

Multi-season clothing traditionally makes up a large part of the everyday wardrobe. When purchasing such things, it is better to rely on their practicality. You'll be able to adapt them to other parts of your wardrobe throughout the year.

  • practical;
  • comfortable;
  • waterproof;
  • resistant to stains;
  • easy to care for;


As a rule, one pair is not enough during the off-season. The weather outside the window is too different at this time.

What is the designation “multi” given in the description of the appropriate season for shoes?

For spring and autumn, you should definitely have wear-resistant models of demi-season shoes that are not afraid of puddles and slush. Most often these are high-quality leather or patent leather boots with flat soles or small heels. They are comfortable to walk in, they perfectly repel moisture and dirt, while maintaining their winning appearance. For those who like to attract the attention of men, you should pay attention to sexy boots. They will help you warm up and add chic and piquancy to your look.

The appearance of a product can be deceiving, and down jackets are no exception. The presence of fur, a “puffy” style, an impressive “winter” price and sellers’ statements can mislead anyone, but not knowledgeable people. So that you are not in the dark, we have prepared information about the differences between demi-season and winter down jackets. Carefully read the presented data - they will certainly be useful to you if you intend to buy a down jacket for winter or the off-season.


In recent years, many manufacturers of down jackets have been replacing natural down with synthetic insulation (for example, holofiber). It would seem that there is nothing reprehensible in such a replacement: firstly, swan, eider and duck down are in short supply; secondly, down jackets with artificial insulation are much cheaper. However, you should be aware that down jackets have the best balance between weight and heat transfer resistance: they are warmer and lighter compared to their synthetic counterparts.

"Down" aspect

The production uses down, diluted by 10-40% with small feathers, making the insulation more elastic and durable. There is a simple pattern between the heat-insulating properties of down jackets and the amount of feathers: the more feathers, the colder the down jacket. Many companies indicate the proportions in insulation with a fractional number on the labels. For example, the most common option is 80/20: 80% down and 20% feather.

The quality of down jacket filler can be indirectly judged by the Fill Power (FP) coefficient, also indicated on the labels. This number characterizes the relationship between the weight of the product and its “warmth”: in winter coats FP is equal to or exceeds 550, in demi-season models this figure is lower. So-called Arctic down jackets, designed for 30-degree frosts, are characterized by FP close to 750 and higher.

Styles and seasons

Depending on the model’s fit, three unofficial gradations are distinguished:

  • fit-regular - a down coat “true to size”, that is, visually the figure, if at all, increases, then only slightly;
  • slim - a tight-fitting down jacket that emphasizes the contours of the figure;
  • relaxed - a “puffy” model that enlarges the figure.

For winter down jackets, fit-regular and relaxed styles are more typical; while spring-autumn down jackets are often sewn as slim. However, you shouldn’t judge the seasonality of a down jacket only by its cut: as we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the appearance of a garment does not always indicate its real ability to retain heat.

Sewing features

The insulation in down jackets is enclosed in separate cells - the so-called bags. The size of the cells can be determined by the distance between the seams, and this feature can also be used to judge the seasonality of the model.

Shoes, season: multi in Russia

Winter down jackets are quilted every 10-30 cm; in demi-season down jackets, the bag side size can reach 40 cm.

Sometimes the insulating layer of a down jacket consists of two parts: the lining and the outer. In double-layer down jackets, bags with insulation are placed in a special way so that “cold bridges” do not form - points of contact between the seams between the layers. In addition, winter down jackets often use “warm seam” technology, thanks to which the bags do not become thinner at the seams.

All manufacturers of down jackets can be divided into two categories - conscientious and not so conscientious. The former prefer to speak honestly about the properties of the product and do not hide its real consumer properties; the latter often keep something silent or embellish something. Our company works only with honest brands: WHS, Decently, Black Vinyl and Voyage and a number of others. There are no counterfeit or inauthentic items among the clothes we supply - we do not deceive our customers. If you like transparent business relationships, we will be happy to consider your proposal for cooperation, please contact us!

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Well-known manufacturers of high-quality outerwear

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Demi-season shoes

In the world of women's sandals, ballet flats, shoes, ankle boots and over the knee boots, it is so easy to get confused, so often for convenience, all this variety is divided into summer, winter and demi-season shoes. Everything is clear with the first two types; they have a self-explanatory name. The third one is a little more difficult. Let's try to figure it out.

What does demi-season shoes mean?

If you turn to the dictionary, you can find that translated from French the word "demisaison" means nothing more than "transitional season." We are talking about spring and autumn, when there is a change from cold to warmth, and vice versa. This period includes both fine sunny and unpleasant rainy days. Accordingly, demi-season women's shoes- these are shoes, ankle boots or boots that are suitable for such changeable and unpredictable weather.

They should be:

  • practical;
  • comfortable;
  • waterproof;
  • resistant to stains;
  • easy to care for;
  • and, of course, fashionable and beautiful!


A great alternative for rainy days are trendy rubber boots or ankle boots. They are bright, cheerful - they can bring a smile even on the cloudiest day of the year. Wear them with a raincoat and a statement umbrella - they're fashionable, personal and super cute. If outside the window is the long-awaited “Indian summer” - the golden time of the off-season, when it is warm and dry outside, then give preference to demi-season ankle boots or women's shoes. Designed for good weather, they can be made from natural suede. This material looks incredibly noble and expensive. What it will be: classic feminine stilettos or unisex loafers that are trendy this season – it’s up to you to decide. But it will be quite difficult for true fashionistas to do without such a pair in the golden autumn or late spring.

Finding the meaning/interpretation of words

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

multi in the crossword dictionary

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


The initial part of complex words that introduces meaning: indicating the multiplicity of objects or the multiplicity of something. - usually homogeneous - actions, functions, etc. (multivibrator, multiplane, multiplets, etc.).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Seasonality of shoes

(from Latin multum - many) part of compound words, meaning multiplicity or multiplicity of something, for example. multiprogramming.

Examples of the use of the word multi in literature.

And yet, Your Majesty, that is, dear Multi, we would like to know what happened next.

Transliteration: mul'ti
Back to front reads: itlum
Multi consists of 6 letters

words rhyming with multi, words from word multi, words starting with "m", words starting with "mu", words starting with "mul", words starting with "mul", words ending with "i", words ending with "ti" ", words ending with "yt", words ending with "lti", words containing "u", words containing "ul", words containing "ul", words containing "ult",

Demi-season shoes

In the world of women's sandals, ballet flats, shoes, ankle boots and over the knee boots, it is so easy to get confused, so often for convenience, all this variety is divided into summer, winter and demi-season shoes. Everything is clear with the first two types; they have a self-explanatory name. The third one is a little more difficult. Let's try to figure it out.

What does demi-season shoes mean?

If you turn to the dictionary, you will find that translated from French the word “demisaison” means nothing more than “transitional season.” We are talking about spring and autumn, when there is a change from cold to warmth, and vice versa. This period includes both fine sunny and unpleasant rainy days. Accordingly, demi-season women's shoes are shoes, ankle boots or boots that are suitable for such changeable and unpredictable weather. They should be:

  • practical;
  • comfortable;
  • waterproof;
  • resistant to stains;
  • easy to care for;
  • and, of course, fashionable and beautiful!


As a rule, one pair is not enough during the off-season. The weather outside the window is too different at this time. For spring and autumn, you should definitely have wear-resistant models of demi-season shoes that are not afraid of puddles and slush. Most often these are high-quality leather or patent leather boots with flat soles or small heels. They are comfortable to walk in, they perfectly repel moisture and dirt, while maintaining their advantageous appearance. For those who like to attract the attention of men, you should pay attention to sexy boots. They will help you warm up and add chic and piquancy to your look.

A great alternative for rainy days are trendy rubber boots or ankle boots. They are bright, cheerful - they can bring a smile even on the cloudiest day of the year. Wear them with a raincoat and a statement umbrella - they're fashionable, personal and super cute. If outside the window is the long-awaited “Indian summer” - the golden time of the off-season, when it is warm and dry outside, then give preference to demi-season ankle boots or women's shoes. Designed for good weather, they can be made from natural suede. This material looks incredibly noble and expensive.

Women's shoes season MULTI

What it will be: classic feminine stilettos or unisex loafers that are trendy this season – it’s up to you to decide. But it will be quite difficult for real fashionistas to do without such a pair in the golden autumn or late spring.

Demi-season shoes

In the world of women's sandals, ballet flats, shoes, ankle boots and over the knee boots, it is so easy to get confused, so often for convenience, all this variety is divided into summer, winter and demi-season shoes. Everything is clear with the first two types; they have a self-explanatory name. The third one is a little more difficult. Let's try to figure it out.

What does demi-season shoes mean?

If you turn to the dictionary, you will find that translated from French the word “demisaison” means nothing more than “transitional season.” We are talking about spring and autumn, when there is a change from cold to warmth, and vice versa. This period includes both fine sunny and unpleasant rainy days. Accordingly, demi-season women's shoes are shoes, ankle boots or boots that are suitable for such changeable and unpredictable weather. They should be:

  • practical;
  • comfortable;
  • waterproof;
  • resistant to stains;
  • easy to care for;
  • and, of course, fashionable and beautiful!


As a rule, one pair is not enough during the off-season. The weather outside the window is too different at this time. For spring and autumn, you should definitely have wear-resistant models of demi-season shoes that are not afraid of puddles and slush. Most often these are high-quality leather or patent leather boots with flat soles or small heels.

Season multi shoes what is it

They are comfortable to walk in, they perfectly repel moisture and dirt, while maintaining their advantageous appearance. For those who like to attract the attention of men, you should pay attention to sexy boots. They will help you warm up and add chic and piquancy to your look.

A great alternative for rainy days are trendy rubber boots or ankle boots. They are bright, cheerful - they can bring a smile even on the cloudiest day of the year. Wear them with a raincoat and a statement umbrella - they're fashionable, personal and super cute. If outside the window is the long-awaited “Indian summer” - the golden time of the off-season, when it is warm and dry outside, then give preference to demi-season ankle boots or women's shoes. Designed for good weather, they can be made from natural suede. This material looks incredibly noble and expensive. What it will be: classic feminine stilettos or unisex loafers that are trendy this season – it’s up to you to decide. But it will be quite difficult for true fashionistas to do without such a pair in the golden autumn or late spring.