Sensational revelations of Yegor Creed about his affair with Nyusha: “I wanted children from her” (Video). Frank interview with Yegor Creed for TOPBEAUTY (full version) Is Egor Creed vulgar or not

“What the hell is love - your dad’s opinion is stronger,” 21-year-old singer Yegor Creed concluded his performance on the Crocus City Hall stage on February 22 with this dramatic phrase. The musician performed his ex-lover’s song “Only”, adding a verse of his own composition. With this rebellious act, the idol of millions told about his breakup with singer Nyusha.

A couple of years ago, the romance between the aspiring artist Black Star and the top performer Nyusha was discussed only on the sidelines of show business. The couple never advertised their tender feelings, however, not because of a desire to isolate their personal life from the press, but because of the firm opinion of Nyusha’s father and producer Vladimir Shurochkin that Creed is only looking for a reason to earn points for his popularity. When the counters under the clips of the young pupil of Black Star exceeded 50 million views, the relationship between the lovers had long since ended. In a frank interview with SUPER, singer Yegor Creed for the first time shared the story of his romance with Nyusha and told why he decided to perform her song at a concert.

On February 22 you had a concert at Crocus City Hall. Why did you perform Nyusha's composition?

Everything was within the framework of the concert, I chose this song because it is close to me.

Why is this so?

I just needed to speak out, and in this song I expressed what had been sitting inside me for a long time. I didn’t want to hurt or offend anyone, it’s just something that hurts.

So you dedicated it to Nyusha?

To some extent, yes. I took a step to completely let go of this whole situation.

Please remind me of the verse you added to this song.

I really like the first line: “I write about love so often that love, stuttering, will write a story about me. And we made a bet, I scored your name on the left hand. And in fact, the weeks flew by, everyone kept telling you: he has no money. What the hell is love, your dad's opinion is stronger. You lie a thousand times, throw out a thousand phrases, then a thousand tears about where you are now. Strong in words, but all hopes are in ruins, you were the best, and now you are my fear.”

Do you have a name on your left hand?

This is the tattoo that no one could ever see. There is one letter there.

Was this the first time you talked about your novel?

I wouldn't say it's the first time. I have an entire album about her.

Why did you hide your affair and how did it end?

It's time to sum it up, because there are too many rumors swirling around. We need to answer clearly once and for all. I would not say that I had an affair with the singer Nyusha. Romances with the singer Nyusha are carried out by those guys who want to be with her as a singer, and I had an affair with Anya. And I perceived her exactly like a real girl, and not some singer or image from the stage. She and I met at the very beginning of my journey, when I was making almost no money. She had it all, she was a superstar. She was already driving expensive cars, and what attracted me to her was that she started dating me, an ordinary guy. So there was sincerity in this

I won’t speak for her entire family, because she has a wonderful mother, but the rest of her relatives were not very supportive of her choice, because they did not consider me serious, and what could I give her - I did not have money.

Did this influence you in any way?

I always talked about us in many interviews, but I always called her “She,” but Nu is the most best girl that was in my life. She was a motivator for me, giving me a kick when I gave up. Throughout three years I tried and wrote, but nothing worked. For all this I want to say a huge thank you to her.

Why did you break up and how long ago was all this?

It's been over a year since we broke up. I tried not to think about her, but since I had the opportunity to perform her song, I remembered the past and thought it was time to talk about it. That performance was extremely emotional. After it I felt empty.

Why didn't you talk about this before?

Her parents thought that I was dating her because I wanted PR to advance my career. That is why I hid this relationship so carefully. I didn’t say anything, only my closest friends knew. It’s probably rude of them to deny all this and say: “Who is this? I don't know him. We barely communicate with him.” She was the first girl I was very serious about. I wanted children and saw her as my bride. The song “The Most-Most” was written about her, then “The Bride”, in it the phrases: “Your parents don’t love me, they talk nonsense, they say, he will destroy you,” - this is our whole story. At the very end of the relationship, when we broke up, I realized that men cry. I arrived at the studio, recorded a song that summed up the entire album “Bachelor” - “Beregu”. This is my most personal, serious, adult song, I wrote every line and tears flowed. At that moment, I experienced every line, as if I were cutting open my heart and taking out one line at a time. Every time I sang it at concerts, I thought about it.

Is this story over for you?

What was this song then? The cry of the soul?

This song summed it up for me. I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings, I wasn't trying to offend anyone, I just told it like it is. I am a man, and a man must tell the truth.

During this time, did Nyusha somehow react to your songs?

Don't know. We saw each other little, corresponded little. After her, I had a short relationship with a girl. In my entire life, the strongest relationship I had was with her.

Does the burden of fame that has fallen on you prevent you from building relationships?

Everything has its pros and cons. It’s hard when you come to a cafe and they recognize you, you feel uncomfortable. Building a relationship is very difficult, especially when you are two public people. What destroyed me most in our relationship was when the love seems to be very strong, but when you come to some event where there are strangers, it’s as if you don’t know each other. I didn't understand how this could be. If we love each other, how can we hide it?

Can you date a girl from show business?

No, definitely not.

Do you think that you have become callous after your relationship with Nyusha?

No, I just became more courageous. When we first started our relationship, I was just a child, it was very disturbing. I was wildly jealous, and because of this, quarrels arose all the time. This was my biggest mistake, that I behaved like this. You could say I grew up in this relationship, started it as a boy, ended it as a man.

If you met her now, what would you say?

Moscow time 02:30, Friday, I’m in a stuffy karaoke, and this is not the first time my friends order “Oh my God, mom, I’m going crazy!” They tear throats like the last time. It seems that even I learned the words. After that night, meeting the most fatal blond of our scene and personally hearing some of his new songs became my goal. The girls will die of envy. Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait long for a reason: on March 7, Egor gathers guests for a concert at Crocus City Hall. This should be noted!

“If you want to develop, you have to make mistakes”

I noticed that you came wearing an AC/DC T-shirt. Does this have anything to do with your musical preferences? Or is this just a tribute to fashion? I thought that you only listen to your Black Star colleagues...
I love both the T-shirt and the band. My musical tastes are varied. As a child, I adored the song “Constance” from the film “D”Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” and with my sister I watched videos of Britney Spears and Ricky Martin on MTV. Or I could go into the yard, where the guys and I swung on the horizontal bars, played chips and listened to the band “The King and the Clown.” It doesn’t matter to me what genre the artist works in, as long as he does it cool. And why divide: here is rap, there is punk, here is pop? Many of us are accustomed to thinking that pop music is exclusively for girls. underwear that open their mouth to the soundtrack. Although we are talking about popular music, it can be reggae or chanson.

Yes, you are right. There are no strict laws here, but there is a lot of scope for experimentation.
Unfortunately, not everyone thinks so. Often something new is perceived as something strange, which is why musicians cling to familiar formats. If you have achieved minimal success, try to repeat it using proven methods. I'm all for experiments. But here, too, it is important not to get too carried away and start making music just for yourself. After all, you work for the viewer too.

By the way, about experiments. Who, for example, could you cover?
“Leningrad”, but it would never have occurred to me to offer a duet to Sergei Shnurov. I'm afraid of collaborations. There are singers who have not released a single hit. Such “half-hearted artists” as Pitbull for example. All his songs are popular, but recorded with someone.

Judging by your interviews and many photos on the Internet, you are very attached to your family. What is the most important thing your parents taught you?
I can’t remember any clear advice or moral teachings. It seems to me that, first of all, a child should be raised not in words, but in deeds. As a child, I looked at my parents, how they interacted with people, behaved at home, and absorbed it like a sponge. They didn’t restrict me in anything: “Do you want it? Go and do it." But they always warned about the consequences. And when I declared that I was going to connect my life with music, no one forced me into another profession. I think this is correct. Each person has his own path. If you want to develop, you have to make mistakes.

Yes, it is sometimes painful for parents to watch this.
I agree, but these feelings are not familiar to me yet. It will probably be very difficult when I have children, especially if it’s a girl. I can’t imagine my reaction when my daughter goes on a date with a guy.

Stop! And I thought that you didn’t want a family at all! If my memory serves me right, you called your first album “Bachelor.”
When the disc came out, the title matched mine state of mind. I once dreamed of quickly starting a family and children. I even discussed this with my girlfriend. I wanted to become a young father, so that when my child turns 20, I would be on the same page with him and understand the trends in the world. But then I realized that I would turn into a dad on Skype, constantly disappearing on tour. I understand that if I had a child, I would create a lot of problems for myself. We broke up with that girl. And everything would be much more complicated, because children suffer in a divorce.

“When I have children, it will be very difficult, especially if it’s a girl.”

Nowadays, many women are passionate about improving their appearance. Instagram is full of them: with clearly drawn eyebrows, cheekbones, and pumped-up lips. How do you feel about such “remade” beauties?
I have always dated girls who prefer naturalness, but I do not rule out that someday I will like a woman with something “made”. I don't want to judge anyone. What's outside is just a picture. My dad once said very well: “Son, at your age I also liked some girls only because of their appearance, but all my life I have lived with the one whom I also value for their inner qualities. You stay with a person because you love and respect him.”

What qualities do you consider the most important in women?
I am convinced that you can come up with an ideal picture in your head: a woman should be like this. And then fall in love with someone else completely.

Yes, similar to your mother...
I don’t know, none of my girls looked like my mother.

“One fan gave me a cake and tried to kiss me on the lips. I don’t understand such signs of attention.”

At 22 years old, what do you know about women?
I had affairs with women both 10 and 12 years older, and each of them was interesting to me in their own way. I realized that any girl next to a man wants to feel weak. Especially the one who is building a career and works very hard. She dreams of coming home, not having to prove anything to anyone, and being with a person who will just hug her. And any man wants to go home and breathe out.

It’s not easy for a girl to be next to a guy who has a lot of fans. Have you ever had any crazy fangirl moments?
This happens all the time. For example, this morning I was broadcast on Russian Radio, one fan gave me a cake and tried to kiss me on the lips. I don't understand such signs of attention. But, perhaps, when you constantly listen to an artist’s songs, read his interviews, it seems that you have known each other for a long time. Although there are also very active fans whom I already know. When I see them, I always say hello. This is important for them and for me. I want to show that I appreciate them.

The hero of the new season of the “Bachelor” project on TNT, which will premiere this Sunday at 20:00 on TNT, Yegor Creed told how to seduce a girl, what he dreams of seeing in his chosen one and what his mother thinks about his personal life, and also invited all readers to the biggest solo concert of his career.

“I’m callous and I’ll be surprised if anyone fixes this.”

– Egor, even without “The Bachelor” you have thousands of fans who would agree to marry you even tomorrow. What is the difficulty in finding a girl not on the project?

“I think, first of all, it all comes down to time, which is hard to come by.” And it’s not clear where to look.

– There are dating sites on the Internet, work, the street. Are you the first to meet girls?

- Extremely rare. I just started in the last year; before, it never happened that I was the first. The girls always took the initiative themselves. Or, if I liked someone, I made sure she made the first move.

– What is this secret technique, can you tell me?

As a rule, this is indifference

What touches us most? When they don't care about us. This is true, albeit a little bitter. Everyone remembers that the less we love a girl, the more she likes us. And this, unfortunately, is true. But it works if we talk about short-term relationships. The trick for the first stage, the first stage is to interest, to make you fall in love. And if you want to build a family, you cannot show your indifference, it will only ruin everything.

– Do you remember your first love? What was she like?

Of course, I remember, but I don’t know what to tell about her. I remember that because of my first girlfriend, I set a life taboo - never betray friendship for the sake of love. I won’t fight with my friend for a girl and forget about meeting friends either. There are such men, well, sometimes they are called henpecked, who find themselves a girl - they immediately disappear from the radar, they simply do not exist for those around them. Give all your time only to your significant other. This is normal and correct, but any couple should have personal space, time only for themselves and their people. It’s impossible to prohibit something, set conditions and declare that you will be only with me 100% of the time, period.

-Have you never done this yourself?

It was like that. But it’s not that I forbade it. There was sick love, turning into fanaticism, constant jealousy. I was jealous of the girl even towards my friends, I wanted to be with her all the time. This is how my selfishness manifested itself. What does it mean when you tell a person, “Don't go there, don't meet them”? This is all to make you feel good. This is selfishness in couples. True love– this is when you can let a person go.

-Have you ever had your heart broken?

- Yes, more than once. And when I went to “The Bachelor,” I was aware that I was very callous, so much had already happened in my life that I would be surprised if during the entire project someone could melt my heart.

“Mom said she was starting to worry about me again”

– What does your mother say about your personal life? Doesn't he want grandchildren as soon as possible?

We rarely discuss this. Well, earlier she could say: “When will you find someone for yourself,” but now we don’t raise this topic. But I told her that I would go to TNT’s most romantic project, and she said: “Well, now I’ll have to worry about you.”

– At the very beginning you meet two dozen beauties. How did you feel when beauty came straight towards you?

I felt that some girls were somewhat different from my usual image and type. I didn’t immediately understand what to do with this - it’s unusual. After all, we know what kind of people we like; they all have one thing in common.

– What would you like ideally?

First of all, I see a person next to me to whom I will tell my most secret secret. And I don't care if it sounds childish or stupid. I want to share all my victories with my girl. After all, we first of all go to those whom we trust the most, usually our best friends. I really want to realize that your best partner is nearby: in life, in sex - in anything. When absolutely everything in a person is close. Then you realize that this is your soulmate and it’s hard to find. Still, love is a strange thing, for everyone it means it has its own meaning. As I think, there is love between my parents, but never between newlyweds. Love for me is the final stage of a relationship, when everything has already been passed.

– Could you date a fan?

It's hard to say. The problem here may be that the person will think they know me. From interviews, clips, Instagram. But in reality the situation is completely different. You can judge by rumors, but nothing good will come of it. By the way, in “The Bachelor” on TNT, perhaps many will see me from a completely different side.

“Every rose ceremony is also very difficult”

– What is the most difficult thing on the show?

Do whatever I want for the girls. It's technically difficult within the show. It depends on the situation and the location of filming. Every rose ceremony is also very difficult. You understand that you will definitely have to give up someone. It’s always hard to say “no,” although I had to do this before the project. On a project this is much more difficult. Sometimes the girls made this choice easier for me. But the further it goes, the more difficult it becomes - the girls fall more in love and become attached. “The Bachelor” on TNT is an extreme situation.

– This is a very popular project, aren’t you afraid that girls go to it to promote themselves and gain subscribers on social networks?

Yes, I know that many come for PR. My task is to understand who came for subscribers and who came for love. And there’s another thing - girls come for PR, and then they are shocked when feelings appear. And here it’s either a double bummer or a double thrill – depending on your luck.

– Did you communicate with past “bachelors” before the project?

- On purpose - no. But I remember how a few years ago Timur Batrutdinov and I crossed paths at an event. He sat all thoughtful, looking at one point. I asked what happened, and he said that filming had just finished. I saw that a person lives in a project, that this is all for real. And now I absolutely understand him.

“Truth and realism will be with me, I am not a prince on a white horse”

– How did you prepare for filming?

- Absolutely not. Cold mind, soul and heart. I walked with a feeling of indifference. Now the situation is completely different.

– Aren’t you afraid that after this phrase everyone will say that you are also on TNT for PR?

I'm not afraid. And it's not that I don't need PR. It just doesn't matter what they say. At the age of 17, I moved to Moscow myself, signed a contract with Black Star and began to fully support myself. I know that no one will ever believe that I achieved everything myself, because it’s easier to say that someone else’s success is not constant work and effort, but luck, chance, someone pulled it through. People can say whatever they want, I'm not going to prove anything to anyone. I’ll only say one thing – I already refused to participate in “The Bachelor” once. The final stage, it turns out, happened quite recently - we met with the general producer of TNT. I honestly said that the project doesn’t need me, truth and realism will be with me, I’m not a prince on a white horse, and I won’t be able to play a role to please everyone. If I want to be rude and cruel, I will, I'm not going to play. And then they told me that that’s why they called me. This became the decisive argument.

– Have you set any limits for yourself, what you definitely won’t do on the project?

– I’m not, but there are rules on the project that I had to break.

– What has the project changed in you?

In general, absolutely everything, and I am grateful to the project for this. I became wiser, began to understand people more, especially women. When you participate in such a large-scale project, you realize that everything rests on your shoulders. And you have to make sacrifices, for example, sleeping for two hours for many days in a row. It is important to make the girls around you happier, so that everyone discovers something for themselves. Therefore, dear readers of, watch the “Bachelor” show on TNT every Sunday from March 11 at 20:00 and come to my biggest solo concert on April 7 in Moscow! You will become happier and forget about your worries.

Baseball cap, Forty Seven Brand; T-shirt, RTA (TSUM); jacket, Balenciaga (TSUM); jeans, RTA (TSUM); sneakers, Dior (TSUM)

Everyone in the industry knows that Yegor has a difficult and demanding character. But maybe that’s why all his concerts were sold out three months in advance. Creed, of course, is a little flirty when he says: “Yes, this is just the result of a lot of work,” but between his old version KReeD and the new Yegor will truly be an abyss. At the age of 17, Penza rapper KReeD signed a contract with the Black Star label, moved to Moscow and abruptly left the genre (“When I still lived in Penza, I took part in rap battles and released completely dirty music - the kind Face and Pharaoh are doing now”) into pop music.

Instagram: @egorkreed

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Now here is a new round. Last year, Egor released his second album, “What Do They Know?” and changed the sound again. “This is a step forward for me,” says Creed proudly. “Friends discouraged me from releasing rap tracks, they said: “They will mix you with shit, and rap portals will be completely destroyed.” And everyone was wildly surprised that the album was released. An older audience has increased, and from those portals that we thought would destroy me. There were 80% positive comments, and 20 were from the category “I never thought I’d say this, but I liked Creed.”

But now they’ll definitely smash it! Egor took part in the show “The Bachelor” on TNT (premiere today at 20:00). This means that for three months the whole country will discuss it up and down. But he did not regret: “The best time of my life. Well, in three years that’s for sure.”

Egor has already received an offer to participate in this show. “Then I refused because I was not ready, especially since there was a peak - a lot of concerts. In general, it didn’t work out then. But it so happened that last year the general producer of the TNT channel, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov, again invited me to take part in the show. Slava is a true professional and a man of his craft. I met with him and said that if I agree, I will do everything sincerely, from the heart. I will adjust everything, I will be myself. And he replied that nothing else was needed. And I thought: if so, then why not.”

T-shirt, RTA (TSUM); jacket, Louis Vuitton; jeans, RTA (TSUM)

Yes, Yegor does not hide that initially he did not come to the project for love and even stated on Instagram: “I didn’t come here to look for love. In general, I lost faith in her a long time ago. I decided to take part in the show “The Bachelor” to show you the real me.” He really doesn’t believe in love (at least now). "This is mine life experience. I am the kind of person - if I fall in love, I completely immerse myself in the person. I can quarrel with everyone, cancel concerts, pay penalties, simply because she wanted me to be around. But now it’s very difficult to find the one who will love me not for my personal account, a cover in a magazine and a way to promote herself, but for who I am inside.”

Creed, in his opinion, fulfilled the task of showing himself as a real person: “There will be everything there: quarrels, and my tears - I’ve never been shy about it.” We will find out whether Yegor managed to change his opinion about girls and love every Sunday on TNT at 20:00. “I was once again convinced that girls can be super insidious. I didn't even know they could be so crafty in their rivalry until I came on The Bachelor. So when some girl did something nice, like give me a blanket, just because it was cold, I felt something incredible inside. I thought: “Damn, someone is looking after you, showing concern.” Every little thing delighted me.” But Creed does not reveal other details: after all, the show must go on.

Instagram: @egorkreed

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But he talks about work willingly and invites him to a concert on April 7 at the VTB Ice Palace. “The venue is designed for more than 10 thousand spectators, it is very cool and looks European. At the concert I will sing new songs, for example, I have just recorded “A Million Scarlet Roses”, I also recorded a song with and Scrooge - a very strange tandem, because we are all different in style. And of course, the audience will be able to hear old favorites.”

baseball cap, Forty Seven Brand; T-shirt, RTA (TSUM); jacket, Paul Smith (GUM); jeans, RTA (TSUM)

Creed guarantees that it will be very cool, but warns in advance that he does not need to bring flowers. “I’m a man and I don’t really like it. I'm a person who doesn't like to give autographs and take pictures, it seems to me that this should be something so exclusive. Therefore, when we have time, we arrange an autograph session. Then I’ll sign everyone’s name and take a photo with everyone. It’s just that often people cannot understand that the artist may not have slept, after a flight and simply in a bad mood.”

Yegor had many unpleasant situations with fans; his last vivid memory was New Year: “I had three concerts. I came to the last one - an event at Crocus. I invited my parents there to celebrate the New Year together. Three o'clock in the morning, we drive up, there is a crowd of fans at the entrance. I'm incredibly tired, I want to be with my family. I explain: “Guys, Happy New Year to you. Thank you for sharing a little of this holiday with me. I have a stage appearance soon, and then I want to spend time with my family.” And in the end, we left at eight in the morning, and they climbed over the fence, approached the back entrance and demanded attention. I don't like this. Or when people come up at the airport or when I’m eating and start barging in with their questions and phone numbers. I don’t like it when boundaries are crossed.”

Watch the premiere of the “Bachelor” project today at 20:00 on TNT.

Tickets for the Yegor Creed concert at the VTB Ice Palace can be purchased.

TSUM addresses:

Louis Vuitton - Stoleshnikov lane, 10/18;

DIOR - TSUM, st. Petrovka, 2;

Balenciaga - TSUM, st. Petrovka, 2;

Paul Smith - GUM, Red Square, 3.

Girls aged 10 years and older keep photographs of Yegor on their phones and hang them on the wall in the bedroom. A single, attractive author and performer stirs up interest in himself with love songs. Teenagers, and even adult young ladies, also listen to the 22-year-old idol - and fall in love, believing that they are the “best.” TV Program magazine met with Yegor Creed to find out who and what is most important to him in life.

“It happened that I gave up…”

— Egor, about 20 years ago, fans followed “Tender May” around the country, kept watch after concerts... Now both times and idols are new. Are fans now active or do they only express emotions using the Internet?

— I have the most active audience in the country. If at four in the morning I post a photo on Instagram, then within 20 minutes it will be in all fan groups. They also support us at concerts. The other day it took place, and the girls stood outside in the cold from six in the evening until half past nine, waiting for me at the service entrance. After the performance, I went to the buffet, took 15 glasses of tea, chocolate, and sweets and brought them out. This is a small thing, but this is how I thanked the girls for their love and support. I see how much joy just communicating with me brings them; any manifestation of attention is very valuable to them. This is exactly how feedback works. If an artist does not communicate with his audience, does not love them, then the audience will be inactive.

— You yourself found yourself on the other side of the stage.

- I’m still the same. There are many people I admire. I remember when I first flew to Los Angeles and saw the Professor from the movie “Back to the Future” - actor Christopher Lloyd - I asked permission to take a photo with him, but he refused me. I asked again. He refused again. After a couple of years, I understood why this happened, since I myself constantly find myself in a similar situation. I learned to refuse people a photo together because I was in a hurry, or I was eating, or they addressed me rudely. But I never refuse those who are correct and positive.

— Schoolgirls are mostly fans of you...

— Not only that, but recently a man came up to me in a restaurant to get an autograph for his five-year-old daughter: he said that his child had been listening to my songs since he was three years old. I have always had a young audience. Probably, radio hit singles work for any age and gender. The statistics of my YouTube channel may surprise you - over the past year the male audience has grown to 65%, and more boys have started going to concerts. As for age: 50% of my viewers are young people from 18 to 25 years old, 15% are from 25 to 35 years old, about 10% are people over 35, the rest are children and teenagers under 18 years old.

During the year, Creed and his team had 300 concerts. Photo: Dmitry ISKHAKOV

— What brings a popular musician his main income?

— All artists in the country have concerts as their main source of income. Last year I had about 300 of them. This year we made a difficult decision: there will be fewer concerts. I can afford it. When an artist grows, fees, venues, audiences, and the number of songs grow. I want to open a business, but I haven’t decided what kind yet. I’ll do this so that I won’t depend on music financially as much as I do now. When you travel around the country a lot, you get tired. There is no time or energy left for creativity. I want to be able to write and record more songs. And doing this is not detrimental to my health and the time allotted to me.

— How do you dream of seeing yourself in 20 years?

— I just dream of seeing myself at 42 years old! I hope that I will be alive and well. And that there will be no war. I never plan ahead.

— What are your plans for the near future?

- I’m working now - preparing for big concert at Crocus. If everything that director Alexei Golubev and I came up with can be realized, then it will be a concert that no one has ever done at Crocus City Hall. We will simply turn the game around on March 7th.

- Intrigued!

— There is a stage in the concert hall. So, it simply won’t exist. Is this enough?! (Laughs.)

The musician tries to listen to the advice of his parents. “If I yell at my loved ones, then I get very worried,” says Yegor. Photo:

— What concerts do you go to abroad?

— I saw a couple of artists in clubs. In Russia, club performances are when a musician comes out with his team and puts on the same show as in any cultural center or concert hall. Abroad, they simply take a microphone, turn on their songs and read or sing something from above. Of the big concerts, I attended a Beyoncé show, and in the fall I went to a Justin Bieber concert in Germany. I don’t know what he did the day before the performance, but Bieber was very tired at the concert. Sang three songs live. The rest is to the soundtrack. The general impression was spoiled by his devastated state. Of course, it’s not necessary once at a time.

— Their shows are cool.

- And the budgets are different - not comparable with Russian ones. If we take the budget of any detail in Beyonce’s show... For example, a screen with an 11-story building costs 50 - 70 million rubles. This is not financially available to us. But we can surprise - there are a lot of ideas.

— In the New Year’s blue light, Joseph Kobzon himself wanted to perform a remake of the hit “The Most-Most” with you. He even addressed you in a special way: “Hello, our new star

- Few saw it. But when both young people and adults find out, they say: wow, how cool! It was a great honor for me to perform with Joseph Davydovich on the same stage. I realized that all my work was not in vain. The song “The Most-Most” opened me up to a large audience. This was the first success and the result of two and a half years of work in Moscow. It happened that one gave up. But I believed and worked.

— In January, at a creative evening with Konstantin Meladze, you performed the song “Samba of the White Moth.”

— Recently, Konstantin called and suggested that I perform this song again - at the Muz-TV awards. He liked the way we remade “White Moth Samba,” which is good news. An interesting and incomprehensible story for me - the cover was in the top iTunes downloads for some time and is still among the hot tracks. The song began to live in a new way. I am sure that 70% of young people have not heard this song at all. Now all processes are fleeting. Justin Bieber was asked why he releases three singles in a short period of time. He explained: before, songs lived forever, then songs lived for years, and now songs live for months. Because there are many artists, a lot of information and wide availability on the Internet.

Schoolboy Egor with his father Nikolai Bulatkin. The boy's parents raised him strictly: they did not spoil him, they taught him to work from childhood. Photo:

“I haven’t met men who don’t cheat”

— You grew up in a wealthy family. Did your parents spoil you a lot?

— To get 10 rubles from my dad for my favorite ice cream, I had to work hard: wipe the dust, wash the dishes. I never had a PlayStation or a Sega console, but my friends had them. I got my phone later than everyone else in the class. For some time I came to school in a domestic car, and my classmates drove foreign cars. Thank you very much to my family for never spoiling me. This is probably why I started earning money almost immediately after I moved from Penza to Moscow - at the age of 17. Many were surprised that I cleaned the apartment myself. Thank you to my parents for teaching and teaching me.

— What do you have in common with the golden youth?

- Nothing at all - I’m not a golden youth. It happened that I was sitting in a club with guys who left 100 thousand rubles at the expense. There are guys who waste a lot of money on alcohol, women, and drugs. I'm not like that. And I see many good examples nearby. For example, I am friends with Joseph Prigogine. They have a wealthy family, their children are well brought up, and they work - they all have their own businesses.

-Are you counting money?

- Certainly. Because I earn my money through hard work. I love beautiful things, we all want to live in comfort. But I don’t allow myself to make super expensive purchases. I don't spend more than I earn. I never regret money on gifts for my family - my parents and sister.

— Are you saving for something?

- It’s stupid to put it off. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.

- From which bad habits want to get rid of it, but still can’t?

— I want to exclude two things from my life. The first is swearing in conversation. And secondly, quarrels with parents. The realization that I was wrong again happens almost immediately when I allow myself to do so. I'm sorry.

Yegor Creed visiting his sister Polina in America. Photo:

— What advice do you not listen to from your mother, and then regret?

“Mom always reminds us not to open up to everyone.” I am kind by nature, so I communicate as if I have known the person for a long time - I trust. Then they put a spoke in my wheels - I get burned like that all the time.

— They say you were offered to participate in the television project “”?

- Yes, there was an offer. They did not agree on the terms of my participation. Playing love is hard.

-Have you watched this program?

— No, but I saw Timur Batrutdinov after the project. He was squeezed like lemon: Batrutdinov really lived this show, a month later he came to his senses. I am sure that not all participants are like this; some of the “bachelors” will certainly play.

It happened that I was sitting in a club with guys who left 100 thousand rubles at the expense. I'm not like that

- Do you have a girlfriend now?

- No. There are girls I talk to. There is one that fascinates me. But she lives far away.

— Psychologists advise men to start a family after 30 years old - when they have worked up.

- The man always walks. At any age. Although, probably, there are ideal families and faithful men, women.

- So if you get married, you will still cheat on your wife?

- No, I don’t want to speak for myself at all and promise anything now. I just haven't met men who don't cheat.

- Why is this happening?

- Because all men are assholes! Kidding. Of course, love will save the world. You need to look for the ideal partner for yourself. It's not easy to meet him. Cheating happens often, because now is a time when the concept of the institution of family among young people is blurred.

The musician has loved pets since childhood. Photo:

“The happiest person lacks happiness”

— The most active discussions on the Internet were: Panayotov, Temnikova and Nyusha. Who would you send?

— Little-known rappers. Why not do something unusual? Put on a transparent dress, stand on heels, go out with a beard and flash your dick, impress the world, as Conchita Wurst did... I understand. Out of fear that they will sue or show themselves poorly. Although Nyusha is a very talented girl, and if she had overcome her inner fear, she would have performed with dignity. , and I consider Panayotov the most technical singer in the country, he has the best vocals. But at Eurovision it is not enough just to sing well. Although if Sasha pushes, he will have . I'll root for him.

- But what do you need for complete happiness? In principle, you give the impression of a happy person.

— The happiest person lacks happiness. Happiness is fleeting - I enjoy a performance, a conversation with my mother, a movie. Sometimes I’m happy that I broke up with my girlfriend (laughs). Or if my phone doesn't ring all day. But I don’t remember such days.

- Do you know how to forgive?

“Once at school a classmate didn’t say hello to me, only then did I realize that we had quarreled the day before. I don't remember bad things at all. I have a filter inside for such things. Although with best friend, with whom I was friends for eight years, I have not communicated for two years. Our paths diverged due to one situation.

- Does this bother you?

“If it bothered me, I would have solved it.” It's hard for me to be in a state where something worries me. What I don't like most is unfinished business. This is very difficult for a perfectionist.

- You live alone. Do you like loneliness?

- Not good. When I'm left alone for a long time, there are too many thoughts in my head, conversations with myself on different topics. Now I’m preparing for a concert, so I’m constantly in the process. There is no time to be sad.

Personal matter

Egor Creed was born on June 25, 1994 in Penza. Studied at a magnet school English language. He played chess, tennis, football and basketball. He began writing his first song lyrics at the age of 11. In high school, he made music videos and posted them on his YouTube channel. One of the clips received over a million views, the musician was noticed, and at the age of 17 he signed a contract with the Black Star music label.