Scenario for a Christmas-themed event for children. Scenario of the concert program “Christmas”

Christmas holiday scenario

Readers run in with a bell to the sound of cheerful music.

Child 1: It’s a pity: it was a wonderful

And cheerful New Year.

And what else is good?

A glorious holiday awaits us all?

Child 2: There is a twinkling star in the sky,

It barely appears

Everyone knows: a good day will come

Bright holiday of Christmas.

The bell rings and children run out.

They sing the song “Christmas” (Musical Director Magazine)

The snowball is turning silver

This evening is fabulous.

The moon has lit the stars,

All the kids are happy.

The heavens sing.


Coming to us

Everything rejoices and sings.

On this Christmas Day

The stars are shining bright.

Miracles await the boys

Christmas tree with gifts.


Christmas, Christmas!

All dreams come true

And under our Christmas tree

The holiday doesn't end.


After the song, the children begin to dance, the rest sit down in their places.

Child: Everything is white with fluff,

There is no order in the yard.

A blizzard of fun is swirling

White snow in January.

It swirls, stirs, howls,

It blows snow into the snowdrifts.

creeps along the path

White blizzard.

Dance "Metelitsa"

The dancers remain in their places.

Leader: Christmas haze all around

Bells ring in the darkness

And the words sound in harmony with them

Peace on earth and happiness to all.

We are glad to meet you

Let's light candles today

Let them burn between us

Magic lights.

The “stars” go backstage to put on their stars. The rest take their places. They pick up candles.

Leader: Christmas is a religious holiday. The word Christmas itself indicates that someone has been born. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.

The news of the birth of Jesus was carried by heavenly angels.

A golden star lit up in the sky.

This star was not an ordinary one.

The Almighty God Himself lit that star.

And the star burns and shines

The path to salvation is illuminated for us.

Star Dance

After the dance, the “stars” take off the stars and take candles.

Leader: Christmas is the holiday of believers in Christ. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home warmth and family harmony.

The presenter leaves. Children sit on their knees. Readers go to the middle with candles. To the music.

Child 1: A distant city, Jerusalem!
The Magi glorify him
And in honor of the born son,
Gifts are being sent to this city!
Angels and people rejoice:
Jesus Christ came into the world
And not in wards, but in mangers,
In a cramped cave appeared...

Child 2: And everything was illuminated with light.
People rejoice and rejoice
Hope, faith appeared,
That life will be happier now!

Child 3: The brightest star
May it light our path in life!
Jesus Christ is our savior,
He foretells joy in life!

Child 4: Fire of the soul, fire of hearts
We turn to you Christ,
Be cleaner in thoughts and deeds
We want!
You, Christ, we
Let's glorify!

A little dance with candles.

Child 5: Quite a few years have passed since then,
But people remember, we will remember,
How were you born?
The light in the sky has become brighter!

Child 6: And since that magical night,

When the star lit up

We praise Jesus on this holiday

Magical - Christmas!

Cheerful music, bustle. The barkers come out.

C o m p a l 1: Honest people gather for the festivities! Dress up, take the rattles! Let the whole family hurry to the beginning!

2nd: From all doors, from all gates, hurry to our holiday! He who knows how to work hard also knows how to have fun!

3rd: Winter is rushing us! Hurry! Get out of the yard! Carol, sing, dance, joke!

Children come out and sing carols.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

How the carol went

At Ivanov's yard

And Ivanov's yard is on seven pillars.

Yes, seven miles.

And near this yard

All silk grass.

And on every blade of grass

By pearl

Little children are their daughters.

Mistress of the house

Like pancakes in honey.

Child: Christmas has come - We have been waiting for it for a long time. The people celebrate Christmastide: They rejoice and sing. Young and old are having fun, who came to our gatherings!

(A knock is heard on the door.)

(A knock is heard again) Aunt Alena and Aunt Matryona enter.

Aunt Alyona: Happiness to you, owners,
Good health, Happy New Year!
With all the family! Kolyada, Kolyada, she looked young!
The sparrow flies, twirls its tail,
And you people, know, cover the tables,
Receive your guests, welcome Christmas!

Aunt Matraena: I sow, sow, snowballs,
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hello adults, hello children, peace to your home!
Merry Christmas to you,
Which came to your home.
I wish everyone, everyone, that you are healthy!
You lived together for many years!

Leader: Come in, dear guests.

Aunt Alyona: I’ll sit next to you on the bench
I'll sit with you
I'll tell you riddles
I'll see who's smarter!

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.

They didn’t raise me - they made me out of snow.
Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.
Eyes are coals, hands are knots.
Cold, big, who am I?
(snow woman)

To our home on New Year's Eve
Someone will come from the forest,
All fluffy, covered in needles,
And that guest's name is...
(Christmas tree)

Aunt Alyona: Well done guys, they guessed all the riddles.

Aunt Matryona: Guys, do you know why the Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas?

The children come out and talk.

Child 1:

A great miracle took place that night. God sent us a Savior.

In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger, the Baby, the Son of God, lay.

The star above the cave, like a guiding light, shone for the learned Magi,

And the loud song of the shepherds majestically and harmoniously rushed to the heavens.

Child 2:

With people, all nature rejoiced that night: rustling in the trees, leaves

They praised God in a mysterious whisper and the flowers smelled stronger.

Three trees - a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree - grew at the entrance to the cave.

And during the first days they bowed to the baby in proud delight.

Child 3:

The beautiful palm tree overshadowed him with its green crown,

And fragrant oil dripped from the tender branches of the silver olive tree.

Only a modest tree stood sadly: it had no gifts,

And the eyes of people were not captivated by the beauty of her unchanging cover.

Child 4:

The angel of the Lord saw this and said to the tree with love:

“You are modest, you do not grumble in sorrow, for this you are destined to be rewarded by God.”

He said - and the stars from the sky rolled down onto the tree one after another,

And everything began to shine, and the palm tree and olive tree eclipsed with its beauty.

Child 5:

The baby woke up from the bright starlight, looked at the Christmas tree,

And his face suddenly lit up with a smile, and He extended his arms to her.

And since then, every year we remember and devoutly honor Christmas

Whether a child or an adult, everyone is happy about the holiday, and there is a celebration in every family!

Aunt Matyron: What great guys!

LEADER: Come on, dear guests, let’s join the children in a round dance and dance with the Christmas tree?!

Dance middle group"Christmas Tree"

Aunt Matyren: Oh, how fun you are. Let's play?

1. Relay race “Build a snowman”
Two teams (“SNOWFLAKE” and “ICE” are lined up in columns one after another. Each of the members of the two teams is given paired snowman parts cut out of cardboard. (three circles - large, medium and small, arms, legs, eyes, nose - carrot, bucket, broom). At the command of the leader, the players of both teams, in pairs, run up to a certain place, put their piece and return to their team. The team that assembled the snowman the fastest wins.

2. Competition "Snowflake"
One participant per team participates. They take hold of the two ends of the rope on which the sticks are tied. There is a snowflake tied in the middle of the rope. At the command of the leader. Participants wind a string around a stick, approaching the center. Whoever gets to the snowflake faster wins.

3. Competition “Firewood for the stove”
Two teams of adults line up in two columns. Opposite in the box there are logs. At the command of the leader, participants one by one. They run to the box, take one log and carry it to their team. The team with the most wood wins.

Matryona and Alena sit on a bench.

Aunt Matryona: Oh, I’m tired, Alena!

Aunt Alyona: So rest, Matryona! Chai is not young anymore!

Leader: Relax, dear guests, and see how our kids enjoy winter, snow and such a wonderful holiday!

Junior group “Snow-Snowball”

HOST: Guys, who will delight our guests with poems?

Child 1: We are with the whole family this evening
Let's gather around the table
Mom will say:
- Maybe candles
Shall we light it up for the holiday?
Let's turn off the electricity
We can do without him
And we will solemnly decorate
General dinner
On Christmas!
Let the cheerful fire jump
Over a raspberry candle,
And the candlestick is quietly crying
Stearic tear...

Child 2: I ripped it off the calendar
Leaf on the sixth of January,
And under it are two words:
"Christmas Nativity"!
What to do? How can this be?
Doubts began:
What should I give to God?
On his birthday?
A book? Pencil? Candy?
Maybe this box?..
Teddy bear? Saber? Or a gun -
My best toy?
I put down my pencil:
Will you give something to God?
Well, what doesn’t God have?
And why does he need candy?!
Flipped through the stamp album -
This is also not a gift!
He threw a saber and a cannon into the box -
My best toy...
The whole day passed in fuss.
And almost in a dream
I whispered until I cried:
“Happy birthday, Christ!”


Aunt Alyona: What a wonderful time we had!

Aunt Matyron: What a bright holiday!

Aunt Alyona: Merry Christmas to you!
Meet him with Christ!
Only with Him will you find light,
Protection from adversity and troubles!

Aunt Matyarena: May Jesus fill your home
Love, joy, goodness!
And remember - salvation is in Him!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Children: Thank you!

Children stand for the final song “Christmas is coming to us”

The sparkling stars have a gentle light,

They send greetings from heaven!

And in spite of the crazy winds

Christmas is coming to us!

The snow is spinning, light fluff...

Make a wish out loud!

Your soul will be light,

After all, our Christmas is coming!

Chorus. All my friends will gather together!

You can’t live without friends on this bright holiday!

And the starry round dance will whirl in the dance,

And a fairy tale will come to us!

Brings back to childhood a holiday without end,

Today we will turn our hearts to heaven.

Let today again, to spite everyone’s troubles,

Christmas is coming!)

This holiday of kindness

And dreams and beauty

Comes to us every year

It will bring us happiness.

He gives us gifts!

We'll split it in half

And candies and firecrackers,

Gingerbread fruits, toys.

Children become a semicircle.

Aunt Matryona: Well, friends, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Aunt Alyona: It’s customary to give gifts at Christmas. Well, we have prepared something for you!

They give gifts to children.

LEADER: What a wonderful tradition - giving gifts. But I want another tradition for us to make a wish and blow out the Christmas cake candles!

They bring out the pie. Make a wish. The candles are blown out.

All the children gather in a group. They look at the audience.

Leader: Blessed one, let the star rise.
And it will shine in the heavens for everyone who believes!
Holy Sacrament of the Birth of Christ
Happiness will warm our Orthodox souls!
The whole world is filled with light and goodness!
Love, hope, faith! Merry Christmas!

How wonderful it is that among our New Year's holidays Christmas has taken its place of honor! This holiday has been declared an official day off since January 7, 1991, but, alas, the traditions of its celebration have been practically lost. Perhaps only the great-grandparents of today's children could remember how they celebrated Christmas when they themselves were little.

Proposed home holiday script Christmas nursery rhymes», can serve as the basis for organizing a cozy and sincere Christmas celebration in close company; if desired, you can add your own concert numbers, fun, etc. to it.



Amusements - assistants to the presenter



for the competition "Fight on Kalinov Bridge": scissors. balloons

for "Tug of War": rope

for a comic version of the same competition: a long rope with small round (necessarily smooth) sticks attached to the ends. There is a knot in the middle of the rope. Sticks can be glued together from thick paper (or thin cardboard), previously rolled into cylinders.

Scenario "Christmas Nursery Rhymes"


Oh, our village Vatrushka wakes up late!

Oh, he loves to sleep! The roosters are already hoarse, the cows in the stalls are hoarse, Christmas is on the threshold, and Vatrushka is still sleeping, sniffling in all the holes.

1st Fun Man: And guests in our village are like seeds in a cucumber. Friends came in large numbers from all the volosts!

2nd Amusement: and from Nemetchina, and from Turetchina,

3rd Amusement: Salt and bread were brought from Kingisepp.

1st Fun Man: and the merchants came from Kupchin - very respectable men,

2nd Amusement: and the sheep came running from the Black River!

(Hint to the organizers: Kingisepp, Kupchino, Chernaya Rechka can be replaced with the names of the districts of your area.)

Christmas Carols

3rd Amusement: Various visiting performers, and local suitors!

In chorus: Wake up, Vatrushka!


Come on, carolers, knock on the windows, wake up the people, after all, the Kingdom of Heaven will sleep, forgive me, Lord!

(Hint to the organizers: Choose carols to suit your taste, distribute the words among the children. Adults need to stock up on “gifts.”)

(you can download it by clicking on the document - Appendix 1)

Leading: Well, here it is, finally. Look, Grandma Matryona swam out and kicked her geese out into the yard.

Scene "Two cheerful geese lived with grandma."

(The skit is a dramatization of a well-known children's song, which is very easy to act out.

It turns out especially funny when the grandmother is played by the smallest actor, and the geese are played by adult aunts or uncles. You don’t have to worry too much about costumes for geese: put paper ribbons on your heads with the inscriptions: Gray Goose, White Goose, and that’s all! Both adult geese and tiny grannies can sing, and guests can sing along too. You can use the recording, or turn on the musical accompaniment - a backing track. Well, there’s no need to invent movements, everything is written out step by step in the song .

(The lyrics of the song can be downloaded by clicking on the document - Appendix 2)

Host: What’s stopping us from having a homemade verpet, kind, cheerful and not at all scary?!

Home "Nativity scene"

What is a "nativity scene"?

Since about the eighteenth century, nativity scenes have become one of the favorite folk entertainments of the Holy Week in Rus' and Little Russia. A nativity scene is a special puppet theater, a “box”, where they show a performance on one single plot: the Nativity of Jesus and the events associated with it (expulsion from Paradise, the worship of the Magi, the worship of the shepherds, the atrocities of King Herod, etc.).

The puppet theater got its name from the name of the cave in which, according to legend, Mary gave birth to the Holy Child. In Old Church Slavonic the cave is called a den. And since the church had an ambivalent attitude towards puppet shows (and to be honest, the “nativity scene” versions of Christmas events were not always distinguished by exceptional piety), the word “nativity scene” also acquired an additional meaning: “disgrace,” “disorderly conduct.”

Nevertheless, the people loved nativity scenes. And as it turns out, they have retained their charm for modern children: kids really love puppet theater! Therefore, if you wish, try to give them a Christmas gift: build a small home “box”, as was customary in the old days. Children will be happy to take part in this activity.


Let's take a small box, cover it on the outside and inside with colored paper (or fabric) and arrange a Christmas decoration inside: the backdrop can be glued with stars, and in the center we can attach a large Star of Bethlehem. Let's make figures of Mary and Joseph bending over the cradle. Children really like it when animals participate in the composition - a donkey and an ox, according to legend, who warmed the Baby with their breath.

Planar application is the simplest option. The youngest family members can take part in such a project if they already know how to hold scissors in their hands. They can be tasked with cutting out stars and gluing silhouettes of figures to a pre-marked location.

If the figures are cut out of sufficiently thick cardboard, they can be installed in the center of the box, gluing them to the “floor” of the nativity scene.

You can sculpt Christmas characters from plasticine or sew them from soft materials - it all depends on your capabilities and imagination.

The main thing is that all elements of the composition are secured, because making a nativity scene is only half the battle. With such a small nativity scene, we went to caroling: we knocked on the neighbors’ door, wished them Merry Christmas, danced and sang carols - funny songs with praises to Christ, wishes, praises and comic threats. For this, the carolers were given gifts.

Leading: The village is waking up. There appeared smoke above the hut, and another one! Now let's have fun!

1st Fun Man: Oh, guys, look, the Zaplatovs are quiet, there’s no smoke,

2nd Amusement: There is no light coming from the window!

3rd Amusement: And the door creaks open in the wind...

Leading: Well, let's look there to see if there's any trouble.

Hey good people, is anyone home?

Scene "Old woman, close the door!"

- this is a dramatization of a poem by Marshak

(The text of the poem can be downloaded by clicking on the document - Appendix 3)

Or you can arrange a “visible song,” that is, stage a song. under Musical insert 1 .

Leading: The trouble is with these old people! Stop sulking at each other, let’s go outside: sing songs, lead round dances. It's Christmas and you're fighting! I'll close your door, I won't break!

1st Fun Man: Look, the fun is in full swing on the square!

2nd Amusement: The buffoons play around with Vanya, the mummers dance, and in the booth they show a miracle!

3rd Amusement: Look, look! An aunt with a beard and mustache speaks in a deep voice! And her name is Vlas!

Leading: And the guys from Vatrushka sing ditties. Fun, cheerful! Those who are brave, come out into the circle!

Ditty competition

You can organize a competition of ditties... You can probably find a lot on the Internet, for every taste. You will find one of the options for ditties for children and adults in Appendix 4.

(Download ditties by clicking on the document - Appendix 4)

It wouldn’t hurt to prepare a few printed ditties and hand them out to your guests. Well, the singers, of course, will be the main ones characters- Presenter and mummers.

At the end of the competition, you can reward the most sonorous singers.

1st Poteshnik (addressing the presenter ):

Come to us for morning pickle

The English ambassador has arrived!

Leading: Oh, really! I don’t know whether he’s an ambassador or a merchant, but it’s clear right away that he’s a fine fellow from abroad. He puffs up his chest like a cartwheel and walks like an important gander. There is a lot of arrogance, but in your pocket, listen, there is one louse on the lasso.

Here you can imagine a parody dance number performed by Ambassador or sing something “imported”.

Costume skit "Ambassador at the Celebration"

2nd Amusement: Arouses interest

your technical progress:

How do you sow rutabaga there?

With or without peel?

Ambassador: Oh yes!

Leading: Arouses interest

Your nutritional process:

How do you drink kakava there?

With or without saccharin?

Ambassador: Oh yes!

3rd Amusement: Arouses interest

Here's another cut:

How are your women doing there?

In trousers? Ali without?

Ambassador: Oh yes!

Leading (addressing the 3rd Fun Man):

I was embarrassed, I would at least send an ambassador,

Al's head was completely weak.

No matter what they say,

Anything will lead to women!

3rd Poteshnik To the presenter:

Listen, don't shout loudly.

Where is the place for the test? In the oven!

Why swear and scold

Find me a bride!

(option: Find me a groom)

(The dialogue with the ambassador is borrowed from Leonid Filatov’s fairy tale “About Fedot the Sreltz”)

Leading: There is a treasured game.

Here's the ring I saved.

(Or, if the presenter is male, ask any girl: Have you got a ring?)

Who will get the ring?

He will immediately enter the circle.

Game "Ring".

Sounds 2.

(Amusement goes “to the people”, looking out for a pretty girl, puts it in the palms of the chosen one, and brings her out into the circle. Now the girl is looking for a mate. The game continues for some time, and when there are five people (or the recording ends), the selected people stand in a chain and go out to the audience, the last one picks up one of the spectators, etc., until everyone gathers in a big round dance).

Another fun activity that both children and adults love. After the round dance you can play trickle. Remember this dance-game? Couples line up one after another and raise their hands, and the one who is left without a pair “dives” under their hands, and along the way takes the other half from one of the pairs. The one left without a partner, in turn, dives “into the stream.”

Leading: Well, that's great! One couple was matched. And the holiday continues!

Come on, oh yeah, yeah!

1st Fun Man: Everyone, please come here:

2nd Amusement: And Tishki and Mishki,

3rd Amusement: And Kolka and Grishka,

Leading: And Tanya and Manechka!

Well, good fellows, have some fun, show off your heroic strength!

Who wants to fight Zmey Gorynych?

Team championship "Fight on Kalinov Bridge"

One chair is placed in front of the teams, with three balls tied to the back of each chair (three snake heads, but maybe more if you have a large company). There is a relay race to see who can decapitate the monster the fastest. To do this, team members take turns running up to a chair and cutting off one of the heads with scissors*. The fastest team wins.

Scissors must be prepared in advance and placed on a chair so that players do not run around with them.

Competition "Tug of War"

Leading: The next competition is “Tug of War” .

It can be both real and comic. In the second case, the role of the rope is played by a long rope (ribbon), to the ends of which small round sticks are tied (see Props). At the Leader’s command, the opponents begin to wind the rope around the sticks. The winner is the one who winds the rope to the middle faster.

1st Fun Man: Ay, yes Tishki, ah, yes Tishki!

2nd Amusement: Oh, yes Kolka, oh, yes Grishka!

3rd Amusement: Ay, yes Tanya, ah, yes Manechka!

Leading: Indeed, well done! Both brave and strong! Shall we test your dexterity?

Competition "Come on, bite it!"

Leading: And now it's time for a fun duel!

A competition is being held “Come on, bite it!” Participants must bite into an apple, which is suspended on a rope at mouth level, without using their hands.

When children play, it is better not to strengthen the apples, but simply hold them in an outstretched hand. This will make it possible to give everyone the same opportunity to play, because the height of the children gathered can vary greatly.

You can end the holiday with a good old New Year's song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and a general round dance.

1. Presenter:

Well, winter has come!

She suddenly appeared, light-winged,

Covered the houses with snow,

The fields and hills were whitened.

Snowflakes lay down like fluff,

They started their friendly dance,

And the world sparkled around

Pearly beauty in the sun!

2. Presenter:

And how many shining stars.

Burning in the terrible universe!...

And you can hear the ringing of bells

The Christmas holiday is coming!

(bells ringing)

Choir of the Temple of Jonah Mother of God "Heaven and Earth" - church

Exit of the presenters

1. Presenter: Hello dear guests!

2. Presenter: So happy holiday Merry Christmas to you!

1. Presenter: The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest and most joyful day!

2. Presenter: It was on this day that the Virgin Mary’s son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, was born!

1. Presenter: And with His birth, good, bright miracles poured onto the earth, and the world was filled with joy, light and love...

2. Presenter: In the good old days at Christmas, people gathered with the whole family, forgot quarrels, asked forgiveness from their loved ones for worries and involuntary grievances.

1. Presenter: So let this tradition not lose its significance in our time and be passed on from generation to generation.

2. Presenter: Let the candles shine today, let children’s laughter be heard, let all people rejoice

1. Presenter:. May the guns fall silent on this holiday and not a single rocket rise into the air except fireworks!

2 Presenter. May your life be filled with peace, love, desired victories and good mood.

Together. Happy holiday!

1 Presenter. According to tradition, the Dean of the Romodanovsky district, Priest Vladimir Kugushev, came to congratulate us

(Behind the scenes)

2 Presenter.. Let the wind get angry, beat on the window,

Let the porch be covered with snow,

On a frozen trail

The Christmas holiday is coming to us.

Song "Christmas"

Song "Candles Are Burning"

BACKGROUND 1. Presenter.. And now we will tell you an amazing story, almost fabulous. Once a year a magical night comes. Every home is filled with joy. My heart is warm, everything is ready for the holiday. In every house people light candles. Because on this night Christmas comes...


(Behind the scenes) 2 presenter: This is how Christ was born, whose warmth and care every person feels.

Song "Jesus is Born"

(On stage)

1 Presenter. Christmas means joy.

Christmas means peace.

Christmas means it's necessary

forgive everyone, as Christ forgave

Presenter 2: Christmas means people

access to God opened again.

Friends, we will sing and pray,

Glorifying Christ love.

Song "My Savior"

(Behind the scenes)

1 Presenter. More 2000 years have passed since Jesus Christ came to earth. He lived a short life, but showed people the most important thing - great love God to humanity.

Song "Jesus" Tomilin

(Behind the scenes)

2 Presenter. Christmas angel with his wings -

IN frosty patterns– draws pictures,

Which we have all known for centuries,

In them, the memory will melt like a lilac piece of ice.

Song "ANGEL"

(Behind the scenes)

1 Presenter. The air temple shines like a bright cloud on the mountain -

As if a white swan is flying from the lake to the heavens.

There, between the emerald pines, lakes of crystal sparkle.

Like prayer in wonderful sounds, church bells flow into the distance...

SONG “Little Girl”

On stage

2 Presenter. The chosen one of God is the Virgin Mary,

You were born under a lucky star.

You lived in prayer and obedience

Not knowing that you will be the one,

who will give birth to a son, Jesus.

Son of the Most High, Son of the Creator.

Savior of the world, of all humanity,

And his Kingdom will have no end.

1 Presenter. Everyone turns to you in prayer,

There is no limit to your kindness.

Good heart, holy deeds,

You gave birth to Jesus.

Song "Virgin Mary"

Choir of the Temple of Jonah the Mother of God "Virgin Mother of God"

Song "Mother Mother of God"

(Behind the scenes)2 Presenter.. The holiday of Christmas in our minds is inextricably linked with the Russian winter. And let it be cold outside. But doesn’t this stop us from sincerely enjoying the holiday? On the contrary, the colder it is outside the threshold, the hotter our hearts beat... The more joyful our songs sound.

Ensemble "Souvenir" on stage

(Behind the scenes)

1 Presenter. It is believed that during Christmas, the most cherished wishes come true. Make a wish, dream and may all your wishes and dreams come true!

Song "Christmas" Vladlena Konstantinovskaya

(On stage)

2 Presenter. Every year the approach of Christmas night lights up stars in our hearts, coming from that distant guiding star of Bethlehem.

1 Presenter. And we understand: there is another, invisible country next to us. Everything about it is amazing: there is goodness and light in it, its laws are fair and merciful, its music is divine, its truths are inexhaustible.

2 Presenter. This is the Spiritual World, the kingdom of good Angels, and the road to this kingdom is open to everyone, you just need to open your hearts.

2 Presenter. Dear friends!

We cordially congratulate you on the great holiday of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Presenter We wish you Christmas joy and God's help in all good deeds, peace and prosperity!


List of sources used

1. Magazine “How to entertain guests.” 2008

2.www. party-games. zaural. ru

3.http://sc-pr. ru/

“Christmas gatherings” - history, traditions and customs of the Christian holiday

Christmas in elementary school. Scenario for primary school children

Churepkina Valentina Petrovna, teacher at the Regional Children's Sanatorium for Tuberculosis Patients, Berezovsky, Barzas, Kemerovo Region.

The whole family this evening
Let's gather around the table.
Mom will say:
Maybe candles
Shall we light it up for the holiday?
Let's turn off the electricity
We'll manage without him.
And we will solemnly decorate
Community dinner on Christmas Day.
Let the cheerful fire jump
Over a raspberry candle,
And the candlestick quietly cries
Stearic tear. P. Sinyavsky
Description: The event is dedicated to the Orthodox calendar holiday “The Nativity of Christ”. Children's age is 6-10 years. This material will be useful to teachers primary classes, educators preschool institutions, as well as children and parents who are interested in and honor centuries-old traditions, Christian values ​​and folk wisdom.
Target: appeal to the spiritual and moral traditions and values ​​of one’s people.
give children information about Orthodox holiday“The Nativity of Christ”: history and traditions;
to form cognitive needs and interests, activity;
enrich the child’s experience, saturate this experience with new knowledge and information about the environment;
give children the pleasure of becoming a direct participant have a wonderful holiday Christmas;
educate and develop in children age-old traditions, Christian values ​​and folk wisdom.
Preliminary work: memorizing poems, carols; selection of musical repertoire; the day before, invite the creative group to cut out paper beautiful snowflakes and decorate the class (group) with a round dance of snowflakes; Assignment for children to take home: cut out figures of heroes from biblical stories (figures of Mary, the Magi, shepherds, animals surrounding the baby’s manger, angels) or make them from cardboard and paper.
Material: computer; christmas tree; Star of Bethlehem; snowflakes cut out of paper; figurines of heroes of biblical stories made of cardboard and paper; sweets and baked goods prepared by the children together with their parents for the holiday; a bag containing all kinds of souvenirs and sweets.
Progress: Plays "A Christmas Carol"
Teacher: Hello, dear guys. I greet you and our dear guests on the Orthodox holiday “The Nativity of Christ.”
Christmas is a holiday in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on the night of January 6-7.

The Boy God was born in a manger
Among donkeys, lambs.
And I was illuminated by a star
Bethlehem courtyard and garden.

And the gray donkey thought,
Looking into the Baby's eyes:
“He came with goodness and faith,
With compassion and affection!”

And the puppy is a couch potato
I peeked from the kennel,
How the Magi came from the East,
They brought their gifts.

"Holiday Traditions"

Teacher: Since then, on January 6, as soon as the first star appears in the sky, Christmas Eve begins.

In the old days, the father brought hay into the house to lay it on the table (because little Jesus was laid on the hay!) and put a pot of kutya in it - the most important dish on this holiday.
On Christmas Eve, children always brought kutya to their godparents, and they eagerly awaited their little godchildren and treated them to all sorts of things.

"The Legend of the Christmas Tree"

Teacher: Traditionally, the main holiday attribute is the Christmas tree. The first toys were apples, nuts and various sweets. Later, the Christmas tree began to be decorated with shiny toys, light bulbs, and candles. At the top there must certainly be the Star of Bethlehem, indicating the birthplace of Jesus Christ (the children help the teacher install the star).
Teacher: Guys, on the eve of the holiday we made figurines of heroes from biblical stories. I suggest you update the outfit of our New Year tree.
The teacher and the children decorate the Christmas tree with figures of characters from biblical stories made of cardboard and paper.

At the same time, the teacher tells the children a fairy tale about a Christmas tree, the meaning of which is that when Jesus created many trees, he began to decorate them. He decorated the apple tree with poured apples, the plum tree with blue cream, and the rowan tree with poured red berries. . . The trees approached Christ one by one, and he decorated them, only one modest tree remained on the sidelines and was embarrassed to approach God. Then Jesus, seeing this tree, approached it himself and said that for her modesty, 2 times a year this tree would be decorated with the most beautiful toys, shiny balls and sparkling garlands. That is why twice a year - on New Year and Christmas, the Christmas tree becomes the most beautiful tree in the world.

"Christmas Nativity Scene"

Teacher: An integral tradition of celebrating the Nativity of Christ are nativity scenes. The Nativity scene is a kind of puppet theater that our ancestors showed at Christmas. Christmas plays were performed using homemade dolls attached to sticks. The subjects of the nativity scenes were associated with the birth of Christ.

“We went caroling”

Teacher: An equally interesting custom is caroling. On Christmas night, young people walked around the courtyards, sang carols, wishing their owners well, health and prosperity. And they certainly gave them sweets and hard coins.
Preparations for the rounds began several days in advance. Costumes and masks were prepared in advance. The traditional characters of the mummers were a wolf, a goat, and Baba Yaga. Usually the singers walked with a large homemade star made of paper, it symbolized the star that rose over Bethlehem when Christ was born.

Teacher: I suggest you guys support this glorious tradition, especially since it is not at all difficult to do. Of course, if you go into each apartment without warning in a well-dressed crowd, then most likely they will simply not open the door for you. That's why better than people, to whom you plan to come to sing carols, notify them in advance. This can be done verbally, or you can simply post a notice at the entrance to the entrance.
Now the guys will present us some traditional carols.
The phonogram of a Russian folk melody sounds.
Children come out dressed as traditional characters: wolf, goat, hares, bears, Baba Yaga, goat and others, as well as in costumes with elements of Russian folk costume (colored scarf or kokoshniks, sundress, etc.), holding a large homemade a star made of paper, a box and traditional caroling begins.
All together in chorus:
We will sing carols
And glorify Christ for you.
Open the chests
Take out the snouts.

1st child:
An angel came down from heaven to us,
And he said: "Christ is born"
All together in chorus:
We came to glorify Christ,
Happy holiday to you all.

2nd child (addresses the leader):
Carols, carols, carols,
I'm alone with my father,
Short skin
Give me a pie, mistress!

3rd child:

Give us some candy
Maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

4th child:
I'm a little boy
He brought a sheaf to Christ.
Happy holiday,
I wish you good health.

5th child (addresses the guests):
Come on, auntie, give it to me,
You, little swan, give it to me!
Give me some pie
As wide as a mitten,
Don't lose the filling -
Give me the whole pie!

6th child:
Little boy
Sat down on a glass
The glass is fragile,
Give me a ruble.

7th child:
Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck.

8th child:
Kolyada, Kolyada,
Give me some pie
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb.

9th child:
Give me a dumpling,
a spoonful of porridge,
Sausage ring.

10th child:
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children!
All their efforts are rewarded with sweets, coins and small souvenirs.

Game "Primerzli"

Adults also take part in the game to make the game even more fun. The essence of this game is as follows: on small pieces of paper they write parts of the body: forehead, nose, ear, hand, etc. All the pieces of paper are put into a bag. The participants in the game take turns taking out pieces of paper and “freezing” each other with the body parts indicated on the piece of paper. It turns out to be a very funny chain.

"Yuletide fortune-telling"

Teacher: And another traditional Christmas entertainment is fortune telling. As a rule, young unmarried girls do fortune telling. The most surprising thing is that according to church laws, fortune telling is a great sin, but on Christmastide, fortune telling is allowed. In general, fortune telling is a dangerous game; there is always a risk of encountering evil spirits. During Christmas time, the risk is much less: “Christ was born, and all the evil spirits have their tail between their legs, spinning around uselessly, and cannot harm...”
Teacher: There is also a belief that wishes made on Christmas night will definitely come true. You just need to remember that wishes must be good, then they will definitely come true.
Teacher: Christmas is a holiday of gifts. In memory of the gifts of the Magi to the newborn Jesus, people give each other gifts at Christmas.

Game "Gifts of the Magi"

Everyone present takes turns putting their hand into a bag containing all kinds of souvenirs and sweets, and trying to guess what kind of item is in their hand; After this, the item is taken out of the bag. If the participant guessed correctly, then he takes this item for himself.
Teacher:“Gifts of the Magi” is an ancient game, and Christmas gifts are waiting for us under the Christmas tree, packed in several layers of wrapping paper (take one of them).

How to organize Christmas for children so that it brings joy and is remembered for a long time? In this article we will look at interesting scenarios holiday.

Every parent wants to organize Christmas holidays for their children in such a way that it brings joy and is remembered for a long time. Let's look at two average children's parties held on their own at home.

Option one. About a week before the wonderful event, mom begins to create a menu, buy balloons and call guests. A rich table is set with chops, salads, cake and wine. Until 2-3 toasts, they still remember why they gathered and admire the bright holiday and the still clean, cheerful children. After this, the little guests are usually left to their own devices (as a rule, these are children of different ages of invited relatives and friends, sometimes even unfamiliar with each other).

Option two. Having firmly decided to arrange a holiday more for children than for adults, mother serves them a separate festive table and throughout the entire event he tries to somehow channel the destructive energy of youth in the right direction.

Have you had a similar experience? Then let's try to organize a holiday according to the third option.

Scenario for the Nativity of Christ

From Christmas morning to welcoming guests

New Year, Christmas and Birthday are the most fabulous holidays of childhood. Remember how impatiently you went to bed, waiting for the onset of a little fairy tale in the morning.

Preparing for Christmas begins long before the holiday itself: children are told about, with older children you can teach it (“Christ is born, praise!”). We'll arrange it in a few days. At night or in the morning - in the temple.

On the day of the holiday, let's surprise the child as soon as he opens his sleepy eyes.

Balls are banal, I don’t argue. But how amazing it is to wake up and see a multi-colored garland above you! And sitting down in your crib, be surprised by the blanket covered in confetti and streamers? Make a surprise - create the mood of a fairy tale.

It often happens that some of the guests invited to the celebrations have already arrived, while others have not yet arrived. The children who came are awkwardly bored, not knowing what to do with themselves. I suggest this way to pass the time: instead of a beautiful starched tablecloth, we put a disposable light paper tablecloth on the table and give the children felt-tip pens - let them draw a funny drawing themselves. Or we’ll hand out album sheets asking them to write (or draw, if the children are still small) a funny Christmas card. Or maybe ask the children to tell what kind of holiday it is today.

Can be applied to blank sheets with a marker, various squiggles and bizarre, incomprehensible figures and invite the children to show their imagination and add something to them so that these squiggles turn into understandable drawings: turn something into a mysterious animal, something into a fairy-tale creature, an exotic plant.

I would recommend that for children from 4 years old (and 10-year-olds enjoy this kind of entertainment) cut out each Christmas Star from white cardboard, cut small stars, diamonds, flowers from colored foil, cut pieces of tinsel, sprinkle confetti and invite everyone to decorate the cardboard blank . If you can give older children - from 6 years old - glue in a cup and brushes, then for kids it is better to prepare the base in advance by applying double-sided tape to the star.

Treats for

You won’t surprise your child’s guests with a snow-white tablecloth and crystal. Anything that would be a shame to get dirty and broken is out of sight. Let's look at our children with common eyes: will they be happy with meat and salads? Rarely will parents answer in the affirmative. What about fruits and sweets? Well, what a stupid question, you might say. Let's pamper our guests with different delicacies. There should be a lot of juices on the table - at least a liter per child, preferably more - something, and children, excited about the holiday, drink a lot. Fruits should be divided into convenient parts: grapes (without seeds, if you don’t want to collect them all over the house) cut into branches of 3-4 berries, citrus fruits are peeled and disassembled into slices, apples... well, almost nothing ever eats them, like and bananas, traces of which leave stains on clothes. In general, avoid fruit that gets dirty; one persimmon is tantamount to a small nuclear explosion.

You can arrange a little surprise: put a piece of paper with Christmas wishes under the plates!

If you really want to feed your children substantial food, make sandwiches, canapés with meat, sausage, fish, cheese, decorate them more interestingly, serve a cocktail (you can beat milk, banana and a little sugar in a blender) - a very satisfying and nutritious meal. But should you stick to the standard cake? I recommend making this original dessert: buy waffle cakes, ice cream, a can of cream, different fruits. 10 minutes before serving, place a 3 cm thick layer of ice cream on a waffle sheet, cake layer, more ice cream, cake layer, ice cream, now a mixture of chopped fruits, pour in whipped cream and stick in candles - the cake is ready! Let's call it, for example: "Christmas delicacy."

...By the way, as one of the entertaining entertainments, you can invite guests to prepare and eat canapés themselves (using plates with chopped products) and decorate their cocktails with chocolate chips, colored sugar dragees and straws.

Sequence of events

The room is decorated, the table is set, the food is ready. What should follow what so that it is not boring, but also not oversaturated? Guests began to arrive. While we are waiting for a full turnout - the children need to be occupied with quiet play - this is exactly what painting a festive tablecloth is very suitable for. Everyone is assembled - we sit down at the table. We congratulate the children and eat sandwiches with drinks and fruit. There’s no point in staying too long over the treat – as soon as the noise starts, you’ve had your fill, it’s time to play.

Games can only be organized by an adult leader, otherwise the uncontrolled little one will simply walk on his head, causing a real doomsday. Are all the planned entertainments over? Back to the table! And after - quiet games(the children were tired and overexcited). At parting, each guest should be given a small gift - this will be a very pleasant souvenir.

What about the parents of the invited children, you ask? Who will take care of them? When will I celebrate? Who will serve and clean the cutlets and Olivier? Our holiday is for children. If you can bring your child and leave – wonderful! If this is not possible, warn in advance that you will have to participate as your assistant. And while the children are eating, you will have time to eat a cake and drink a glass of wine.

Let's entertain and keep busy: competitions for Christmas

On the Internet you can find many different competitions and ready-made holiday scenarios. Be careful! Fast, energetic activities (relay races, tag and other running and jumping entertainment) must be alternated with calm games (drawing games, riddles and other sedentary tasks). Some active games It is permissible to arrange a row at the very beginning of the holiday, but at the end of it it is better to combine a couple of quiet ones so that the children calm down. If noisy competitions follow one after another, the children will quickly get tired, overexcited, and the rest of the evening will no longer be a joy. And on the contrary: too many sedentary activities will make active children bored and they will begin to look for exciting games on their own. It is advisable that in your holiday scenario the type of game is not repeated: if it’s a relay race, then only once, if dance game– then also only once, the agility competition should also not be held twice.

Be sure to divide the guests into two teams; the competitive aspect adds spice to the competition. Let each team choose its own name and come up with a slogan. For every competition she wins, she will receive a point in the form of something significant. It could be a little Christmas star. There should be more of them than the number of competitions, in case of a tie.

What else can you do for little guests?

Relay races and blind man's buff are all great, of course, but it would be nice to surprise the children with entertainment that is unusual for such a holiday.

Children are completely delighted when they are offered to make something interesting themselves from... real yeast dough. You can buy it frozen at the store or make it yourself. I emphasize - the dough must be yeast! Their creations comically swell and enlarge as the finished pieces begin to fit, which is simply amazing for little guests! Each child is given a piece of parchment paper, the size of a notebook sheet, on which they must make their own pie. This is necessary so that the figurine of a man or animal made from dough is transferred to the baking sheet without deformation, and from the baking sheet in baked form back to the plate. For decoration, you can offer saucers with kernels of nuts and seeds, raisins. These baked souvenirs are given to the guests at the end of the holiday, and she happily takes them home. You can suggest making the Christmas star again, this time not from cardboard, but from dough.

I remind you that calm games must alternate with active games. If two quiet classes go in a row, more active children will lose concentration and begin to get distracted and make noise. If two energetic and noisy competitions are held without a break, the children will quickly become overtired and begin to be capricious.

I’ll tell you a relay race game that we came up with and tested first at a children’s party and then at an adult party, it turned out to be so fun and win-win funny. Blanks: two sheets of Whatman paper pinned to the wall, two markers, two containers with the same set of notes indicating body parts. Since our task was to depict a “Russian beauty,” we wrote: crown, braid, eyes, nose, mouth... boots. The main thing is not to miss a single part so that the drawing is as complete as possible. All notes are mixed and placed in a box, which is placed under each Whatman paper. With the START command, the first player runs with a marker to the wall, pulls out a piece of paper, reads what to draw, draws it on the sheet, runs away and passes the marker-relay to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of the line. The player who received the marker also runs to the wall, reads, draws and returns. IT'S SO MUCH FUN! Our cameraman could not film the competition - his hands were shaking with laughter, and I, as the presenter, was unable to comment on the resulting “Beauties” - disproportionate body parts, distorted facial features... Tears flowed in a stream from laughter. We held the same competition among adults: they drew Miss Beauty - it was even more cool than at children's party. The team whose drawing is the cutest wins.

The end of the Christmas holiday for children

Such a wonderful day has come to an end. I would like to end it in such a way that you are not sad that it is over, but feel good at heart. If you filmed the holiday on camera, you can play the video on the TV screen at the moment when the guests are eating the cake. The children are already tired, they don’t really want to talk and have fun, but this kind of viewing will amuse them. If the children are already schoolchildren and know how to write, after clearing the table, bring a huge postcard and markers purchased in advance, let everyone leave a review of the holiday and congratulations and wishes to everyone present. It would be nice to make a simple letter on the computer and give it to each guest at parting: the most dexterous, the most cheerful, the most resourceful - they will proudly show it to their parents, remembering the past fun.

...And how nice it is, saying goodbye to your child’s friends, to hear: “Thank you! Thank you very much for the holiday! We've never had so much fun before!!! ...Will you invite us next time?!”