Making your own paper. What can you use instead of parchment paper How to make parchment paper

Guests are on the doorstep, a recipe for a delicious pie or cookies is in store, but suddenly the hostess discovers that the stock of special baking paper has run out. There is no time to buy a new one anymore. How to replace parchment paper for baking? If the hostess is young, then it won’t take long to get confused and upset. But there’s nothing to worry about, there is always the opportunity to find an alternative to culinary parchment. Especially when you consider that it is used for baking relatively recently. Let's figure it out in order.

We use tracing paper

Tracing paper, used for drawings and patterns in sewing, is somewhat similar in quality to baking parchment, but it is thinner. It is quite suitable as a replacement. This is convenient for those housewives who love not only cooking, but also sewing. Before use, both the baking sheet and the tracing paper are usually well greased with oil. The disadvantages of tracing paper are:

  • sticks to the bottom of the product;
  • becomes brittle, crumbles, and can char at high temperatures in the oven.

However, tracing paper is suitable for baking shortbread cookies, cheesecake, and products with a high oil content in the dough.

Foil will work too

Many novice cooks ask on forums whether foil is suitable for baking in the oven instead of parchment paper? In cooking, foil is often used for baking fish, vegetables, and meat, preserving the juiciness of the products well. It can also replace baking paper. The foil is greased with oil before use.

Disadvantage: the metallized base increases the surface temperature. If you miss a certain point, the baked goods may burn. Therefore, it is used only occasionally for making cookies, pies and biscuits.

Silicone technology

Products made from silicone, a modern, practical, universal material, are becoming increasingly popular and are finding more and more applications. Many housewives already have them in their kitchens and have become favorites:

  • silicone coated parchment;

Silicone molds for cakes, cookies, and bread do not need to be greased, baked goods do not burn in them, and the products are easily removed. They are easy to clean, but may darken on the inside. Before filling with dough, the silicone mold must be placed on a baking sheet or other stable surface and removed from the oven along with the baking sheet so that the products do not fall out or become deformed.

Silicone-coated parchment can withstand oven temperatures up to 300˚ C. It can be reused 7-10 times. Baked goods do not burn, products on it do not dry out, and are easily separated from the surface. This base is well suited for meringues, sponge cakes, and cake layers.

Silicone mats have universal applications. Some have special markings for rolling out and cutting the dough. They can replace parchment paper when baking by lining a pan or baking sheet. This substrate can withstand high temperatures well. The only limitation is that you cannot cut on a hot mat.

The common drawback of all silicone assistants is their rather high cost.

Office and writing paper - a compromise option

In extreme cases, if the above-mentioned substitutes for parchment paper are not found, use ordinary office paper, well soaked in oil. In addition to it, you can also use writing paper, although it is less common today than office paper. Printer paper is thicker than writing paper and is less likely to catch fire in the oven.

This solution is suitable for students and office workers; they always have such paper at hand. However, many professionals believe that such a replacement is unsuccessful. The product sticks to such paper and may become deformed, lose its shape, or burn.

For several years now, many housewives have been using paper baking dishes that have appeared on sale. They make finished products more elegant and can replace traditional baking paper.

Or maybe just grease the sheet?

When making casseroles, shortbread cookies, or apple pie, it is quite acceptable to simply grease a baking sheet or baking sheet with butter, sprinkle with flour, and shake off the excess. You can use crackers instead of flour. Teflon-coated pans greased with oil will also prevent baked goods from burning and sticking to the sides and bottom of the pan.

Advice! Do not use this method when baking meringues and macarons: they will stick to the baking sheet.

Available means

The ingenuity of our women and their practicality have long been noticed and appreciated. Here are a few improvised means that experienced housewives use instead of baking paper:

  • cut parchment flour bag (white side facing baking);
  • butter pack wrappers without foil;
  • subparchment, which is used in the packaging of confectionery products;
  • clean notebook sheets soaked in oil.

When using lined or patterned paper, you need to remember that they can be imprinted on the baked goods. If the packaging of butter or flour can be turned with the white side up, then the notebook sheets are completely lined, so they will leave marks on the baked goods with almost one hundred percent probability.

Such improvised means, unfortunately, do not always cope with their task. Often the dish still burns or becomes deformed. However, they can be used as an emergency option.

Kitchen safety

Preparing meals for the whole family, for guests, and using kitchen appliances is always associated with some threats and dangers. In addition to high temperatures, open fire, electricity, sharp objects, there is also the danger of harmful substances getting into food, which can lead to digestive problems, poisoning, and allergic reactions. We are talking not only about E. coli or microorganisms that get into food due to violations of hygiene rules.

Toxic substances can be released from materials when heated in an oven or microwave. To prevent this from happening, so as not to spoil the holiday for guests, family members and yourself, it is strictly not recommended to use instead of parchment for baking:

  • newspapers (printing ink is extremely toxic when heated);
  • paper with text printed on a printer or written on with paste;
  • a regular plastic bag (it will melt and the baked goods will be ruined);
  • thin paper without oiling (it may crumble or catch fire).


Replacing baking parchment paper when you run out is fairly easy. There are many proven means for this. For example, those chefs who have tried silicone molds and mats are absolutely sure that it is very convenient, practical, a new word in culinary devices and there is no need to use anything else. For those who prefer proven methods for baking culinary and confectionery masterpieces, for a short time the missing parchment can be replaced by foil, tracing paper, even ordinary writing paper. And don’t worry that the recipe will remain only on paper. Everything will be delicious, because it is prepared with soul and love.

For some reason, many people have a craving for antiquity and objects dating back to other eras. It is these people who become collectors of antiques or simply keep a couple of old books or a box with grandma’s jewelry somewhere in a cabinet. To one degree or another, we are all interested in antiquity, and sometimes we want, if not to buy something antique, then at least to create something similar. For example, it’s quite easy to create an antique look parchment.

You will need

  • Paper, strong tea leaves or strong coffee, frame for drying paper, milk, iron.


Manufacture parchment at home it is quite problematic, since getting the necessary materials and mastering this technique will be very, very difficult, so make an imitation parchment A. To do this, select the appropriate paper. It should not be too thin, but not too dense. Of course, you can use regular printer paper, but the realism of this parchment but will leave much to be desired. It is also better not to use thin, cheap gray paper - it will bunch up and look more like damp newspaper than parchment. Ideally, the paper should be fairly thick and slightly grainy.

Prepare a solution in which you will color the paper, giving it a special, yellowish tint parchment A. As a rule, strong tea leaves or strong coffee are used for these purposes. The best way to color paper is in a tray, like the ones photographers use to develop photographs. Pour very strong coffee or tea leaves into this tray.

Carefully lower the sheets of paper into the liquid and leave for a while. The longer the sheets lie in the liquid, the better they will be painted, but you shouldn’t get too carried away - a couple of hours is enough.

Now dry the sheets. If you just lay them out to dry, they will certainly develop wrinkles and bumps. If this is not a problem for you and you need to give the paper a shabby look, then you can leave it that way. If you need an even parchment, then carefully stretch the sheets of paper onto a wooden frame, which will hold the shape of the paper and prevent it from becoming covered with waves.

Dry the sheets thoroughly. Iron them if necessary. By the way, if you sprinkle the sheets with milk, dry them, and then iron them, yellowish spots will remain on the paper, which will emphasize its similarity to the old one.

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To create confectionery products, you need not only to knead the dough correctly. The baking process is also important, for which parchment paper is needed. It produces delicious and aromatic dough products. But there are situations when it is over. How to replace parchment paper when baking is described in the article.

Features of the material

The main purpose of parchment paper is to use it for baking. It is not capable of allowing fat and water to pass through, and is also very durable. The finished product does not lose taste and does not absorb foreign odors. Baked goods do not dry out or burn. When baking, food parchment is used; it contains no dangerous impurities. But if you don’t have it, you need to know how to replace parchment paper when baking.

Rules for using parchment

Parchment is convenient for preparing various dishes. The paper is placed on baking trays, baking dishes, other containers. It is a barrier between dishes and food. You can buy it in supermarkets, where it is sold in the hardware departments. The material is available in supermarkets and grocery stores. The rules of use are as follows:

  1. You need to line the container with parchment. The paper is placed on baking sheets, in molds for different types of products, and in baking dishes. The material serves to protect against burning, but does not prevent leakage.
  2. You need to cut the required piece of paper. To prevent wrinkles and folds on the finished products, the parchment must be distributed carefully.
  3. Parchment can be used in unconventional ways. It is needed for wrapping confectionery products. The paper is placed in gift boxes. The material is used for frying meat on a baking sheet.

Some housewives grease the paper with butter, like a baking sheet. This protects it from moving while you are placing the dough. But this is not necessary. To keep the parchment in place, you need to lightly grease the corners of the baking sheet, but do not touch the surface.

Don't confuse parchment with wax paper. These are different materials. Wax paper cannot be used at high temperatures. Parchment should only be used if the recipe calls for it. It is not needed for silicone cookware.

Paper can be composted and recycled, which is good for the environment. At the same time, there are several analogues that can perfectly replace parchment. They make the same wonderful baked goods.

writing paper

This is one of the answers to the question of how to replace parchment paper when baking sponge cakes. For meringues, it is advisable to use thick paper. It is important that there are no images on it, since the ink will remain on the dough and spoil the taste.

Before placing the dough on the paper, you need to generously grease it. It is advisable to use butter or margarine. To speed up the process, the oil is ground to a cream in advance. Do not melt it as the paper will fall apart.

Tracing paper

How to replace parchment paper when baking so that the products do not burn? Tracing paper is a suitable option. It is used in the sewing industry to produce clothing patterns. It is similar in appearance and properties to parchment. Before use, check the purity of the material.

The difference is that the tracing paper was not greased in advance. This must be done as with writing paper. Replacing baking paper with tracing paper will also be necessary if the dough does not require a lot of baking time. Tracing paper does not have such strength compared to its culinary competitor.

Silicone molds and mats

Another way to replace parchment paper when baking? For this purpose, silicone molds are sold, which are used in the preparation of muffins and cookies. There are even silicone mats - for bulky confectionery products. They can be used repeatedly. The material is suitable for any baking.

If you are interested in how to replace parchment paper when baking cookies, then you should choose silicone molds or mats. Before removing the cookies from the molds, let the finished product cool slightly, after which you can lift it with the edge of a spatula, turn it over and tap on the bottom. Many housewives appreciated silicone-coated paper. It is produced in sheets and rolls. Each sheet can be used up to 8 times. This material requires minimal maintenance, and it lasts a very long time.


If there is nothing that can replace parchment paper when baking, then foil will do. This material is fragile, so you need to transfer the dough onto it carefully. The foil gets hot, so you need to monitor the temperature in the oven so that the products do not burn.

But this material is more suitable for baking foods that release juice. Usually fish and vegetables are wrapped in it. Foil is able to retain the juice and aroma of food.

Using a baking bag and flour packaging

These options are also suitable if you are interested in how to replace parchment paper for baking. The bags have excellent resistance to high temperatures. They should be used in rare cases when there is nothing else. The product will not allow you to burn, which is the only advantage.

If you don't have baking parchment, what can you replace it with? Flour packaging is similar in properties. Often this is ordinary baking paper. Pour the flour into a separate container, lightly oil the packaging - and you can start baking. The dough should be placed on the inside of the package so that there is no imprint on the pies.

No additional accessories

If the dough is not capricious, then you can bake it on a baking sheet without using special tools. You just need to grease the surface with butter or margarine. You should not use this technique for meringues or macarons, because without paper they will burn. But the method will be indispensable for pies, casseroles, and biscuits.

Semolina will help reduce the risk of confectionery products burning. You just need to sprinkle it on an oiled baking sheet. Cereals can be replaced with breadcrumbs. Wheat flour will also work. You can grind dry bread or crackers. Baking is done in a non-stick frying pan. It does not require special coatings; you just need to grease the bottom and sides with butter. This technology allows you to get excellent results.

What should you not use?

To prepare confectionery products you should not use:

  1. Newspapers. This paper is fragile, and it is impregnated with printing ink, which is not useful for humans.
  2. Dry writing paper. Before placing the dough and sending it into the oven, it is greased with oil, otherwise the products will not separate from the paper.
  3. Vegetable oil for lubrication. The product will not prevent burning, no matter how high quality it is. And the taste and aroma will be spoiled.
  4. Polyethylene. Its composition differs from baking bags. When exposed to high temperatures, the material melts. Not only the dish will be damaged, but also kitchen equipment and household appliances.

Before using improvised means, they must be tested. After all, they may not withstand high temperatures. It is necessary to place a piece of material in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. If the product does not catch fire, curl up or smoke, then it is considered safe. Before cooking, you need to check that all materials are intact and not dirty. Suitable products that replace parchment will allow you to bake delicious and aromatic products.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Foil or parchment paper has been used for baking for a long time. This material is used for packaging dishes, gifts, and food. In the latter case, parchment has found wide use in everyday life due to the fact that it does not allow grease to pass through, and therefore will not allow the cake to stick to the baking sheet or mold. This will allow the housewife not to waste time washing dishes after baking cakes or cookies, plus the culinary masterpieces will retain their aesthetic shape.

What is parchment paper

Baking paper is made from porous filter paper. It is treated with a weak solution of sulfuric acid. This technique allows you to partially destroy cellulose and clog the pores. This makes the parchment waterproof. It is important to remember that when producing such material, the raw materials are subject to forced drying. The main advantages of rolled sheets:

  • air exchange occurs through them;
  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • moisture and greaseproof;
  • retain their properties when wet;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • can be used in baking more than once.

What does it look like

The areas of application of parchment are very wide, for example, in the furniture, clothing industry, fast food, household, and medicine. In appearance, this material is thin and transparent, depending on the scope of application it is divided into the following types:

Parchment brand name

Where is it used?

Additional characteristic

"A", "B", "C".

Food packaging.

Fatty foods.

Production of multilayer packaging. When filtering, laminating.

Withstands temperatures of 230 °C.

For packaging of medications.

You can pack dressings.

“N”, “NZh”, “N-bio”.

Food storage up to 30 days.

Packaging material for long-term storage of products.

For packaging low-fat products.

It is easy to apply printed images to paper; it can be laminated, metallized, or laminated.

Packaging of household chemicals.

Can be used for packaging cosmetics.

What are they made of?

Baking paper is produced in a factory from rag paper, which contains only organic substances. Special reagents are used to dissolve the cellulose membrane of plant cells. Thanks to this technology, the partially dissolved cell membrane is deposited in the pores of the parchment and makes such products strong and waterproof.

What is it for?

Main applications:

  • Oven baking paper can be made of different materials, for example, thin tracing paper. It is considered fragile; it not only sticks to the biscuit, but also quickly becomes saturated with moisture. If a dish is cooked in the oven for several hours, the tracing paper may crumble or become brittle. Before using this paper in cooking, it is pre-greased.
  • Smooth, all-purpose baking parchment has a thin silicone coating so it won't stick to your food. Such sheets do not need to be lubricated; they do not allow moisture and grease to pass through. They can be used repeatedly and can withstand high temperatures.
  • Durable, thick brown baking paper is used for baking dishes made from any type of dough. It absorbs fat well, but if the baked goods are low-fat, then the parchment is pre-greased with oil.
  • Silicone parchment paper has a double coating, which is why the price is higher than its cheap counterparts. The expensive material has a three-dimensional baking structure, plus a special air layer. It appears brown in color, but is sold in the form of sheets.

Baking parchment

You can buy parchment paper in a roll at any supermarket. Manufacturers indicate recommendations for use on the packaging. It is important to remember that if the composition includes silicone, then the parchment can be used more than once, and if the composition includes only cellulose, then this is a disposable option. If the package states that parchment can only be used for baking, then you cannot bake meat or vegetables in it - the dishes can be ruined.

Thick parchment for reusable use is used for preparing only the same dishes. For example, after baking meat, you cannot use the same material for sweet baked goods and vice versa. Parchment is also used to roll out thin dough; rolled sheets are often used for different types of shortcrust pastry and meringue. This material is also used to lay cooked dishes on it.

How can I replace baking paper?

Where to buy parchment paper for baking? This question is asked by every housewife who needs to bake something. Although, if necessary, you can find a replacement for such paper, for example, drawing tracing paper or A4 paper will do - they need to be lubricated with oil. You can also use food parchment, which is used in supermarkets for packaging food, or foil. How to replace parchment paper when baking? This question interests many. If you don’t have anything at hand, then instead of parchment, you need to sprinkle breadcrumbs on a greasy baking sheet, and then the dough on top.

How to use baking paper

Parchment paper is widely used for baking airy dough in a multicooker. You need to line the bowl so that the sheets peek out after pouring the mass. After baking and cooling, by grasping the edges of the parchment, you can correctly remove the fragile, airy product, plus the paper will prevent the baked goods from burning. Biscuit dough for various confectionery products is baked in this way.

Do I need to lubricate with oil?

Sometimes housewives don’t know whether they need to grease the paper before pouring the batter onto the baking sheet? If sub-parchment was used and there is no silicone layer, then it is better to lubricate it. In appearance, this paper resembles drawing tracing paper. The cost of parchment without a silicone layer is several times lower. Many housewives use greased baking paper when baking pizza. They roll out the dough on it and bake it.

Which side should you put on the baking sheet?

You can use foil instead of parchment, but you need to know which side to place it on the baking sheet. Before tearing off a piece of foil, you need to know the approximate size of the baking sheet, then grease it with oil on both sides and line it with either side. Although many housewives claim that the glossy side, in contact with the dough, improves cooking, forming a golden brown crust. Instead of foil, you can use parchment, which is placed on a baking sheet with the smooth side up.

Price for parchment paper

In Moscow, St. Petersburg or other regions of Russia, purchases can be made not only in large supermarkets, but also in online stores with cheap delivery by mail. You can order any type of parchment in rolls or sheets, it will cost differently, the price depends on the quality:

How to choose parchment paper

The usual proven method is to purchase any product in supermarkets - this way you can avoid counterfeits. It is better to give preference to parchment, which is packaged in a special cardboard box - this makes the roll easier to store. The manufacturer indicates the composition and application on the packaging, so before purchasing you should carefully read the characteristics. Price plays an important role; high-quality parchment will always be expensive.

Video: How to make parchment paper at home

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