Development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old. Motor skills development classes for kids

We bring to your attention children's games aimed at developing fine motor skills hands in young children and preschool age using objects and materials that are within walking distance. This will not only save the family budget, but also spend more time with the child.

Games for children 0+

Massage of the hand and fingers. For greater effect, massage with nursery rhymes, for example, “Magpie-Crow”;

Let your child feel objects with different textures, sizes and temperatures: pieces of ice, Walnut, a prickly rubber ball, a warm metal bowl, a fur hat, etc.). To stimulate tactile sensations, do.

Homemade photo frames with materials of different textures are an excellent tool for massaging children's palms.

Tie different pieces of fabric, ribbons, pompoms, etc. to the hoop. The game evokes a grasping reflex and encourages the baby to active actions in a prone position. These movements strengthen the muscles of the hands and fingers and promote the development of fine motor skills.

Suggest threading large pasta onto straws/skewers.


Teach your child to make balls and sausages from plasticine, and then flatten them with your finger, show that you can draw on plasticine with a toothpick or special tools.

Play finger games or finger theater, for example, based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood (printable template).

Place in a bowl of water small toys or any small objects, suggest catching them with your hands, a spoon or a strainer.

Games for children 4+

Using a thread and a needle, make beads from rowan berries, small pasta, foil balls or real beads. Pasta can be pre-colored.

To develop fine motor skills, practice winding yarn into a ball or winding thread onto a spool.

Make your own lacing (templates): cut out the outlines of any object (car, cloud, apple) from cardboard, make holes along the outline using a hole punch, tie a bright thick thread to the ear stick and show what needs to be done. Surprisingly, children are much more interested in such homemade lacing than their store-bought counterparts.

Think over the menu in such a way as to involve your child in cooking as much as possible: let him whisk, peel boiled eggs, cut a banana, etc.

Practice tying bows and knots different types, braiding hair and lacing shoes.

Helps develop fine motor skills:

Games with all kinds of tweezers. For example, you need to arrange the beads on a soap stand using tweezers.
Games with a pipette. We offer a game with Lego blocks. The challenge for children is to fill each hole with water as much as possible without spilling a drop.

Pasting small stickers.

Working with scissors. Play hair salon.

Modeling. See activity ideas.

Games with rubber bands (for weaving bracelets). See how to make an educational game “Math Tablet”.

Puzzles. You can take simple photos yourself.

Mosaic. Especially, children will love to do

Screwing the lids. For example, you need to select lids for jars.

Lego and other construction kits with small parts.

All kinds of transfusion of liquids and pouring of bulk materials from one container to another.

Creative activity using a figured hole punch (in,).

Exercise equipment for developing fine motor skills

Educational game “Developing basic skills” (c).

The Developing Essential Skills board is both a puzzle and a frame with clasps. It will help your baby learn how to fasten buttons, belts, zippers, and lace shoes. In addition, during the game, hand motor skills and logical thinking develop.

Book-simulator “I dress myself” (in, in).

The training book “I Dress Myself” will help your child develop fine motor skills, speech skills and independence. Your baby will learn to: tie shoelaces, fasten zippers, buttons, Velcro and buckles.

Books on developing fine motor skills

We offer a selection of useful and exciting books for children that will help develop the skills necessary to master writing. (Click on the image for details).

Workbooks for the development of fine motor skills

Publishing house "I can":

Publishing house "Prof-Press":

Publishing house "Clover Media Group":

Albums for the development of fine motor skills
Recipes for kids

More ideas for games to develop fine motor skills can be seen in!

Do not forget that in addition to exercises for developing the muscles of the hand, it is important to regularly train the muscles of the forearms and shoulders, because writing is a monotonous process in which the whole hand is involved, and not just the fingers, and long-term writing at school will be easier for a trained child. Therefore, do not forget about active walks, ball games, banal exercises, and exercises in the pool.

A three-month-old baby suddenly notices his hands. He watches one of them move, then the other, then tries to pull both hands towards the object that attracted attention. Soon the baby tries to hook the fingers of the other with one hand and, finally, grasps the object with each hand in turn.

Fine motor development program

Gradually, children's fingers adapt to grab toys hanging nearby. Slowly but surely the distance is reduced: the baby takes out and feels the toy hanging directly above his hand, then above his chest, and finally on his side.

The baby tries to grab toys while lying on his stomach. It is impossible to truly coordinate the movements of your hands without focusing visually. It is necessary to teach hands “obedience”, because the time is coming for active exploration of the surrounding world, which consists of different objects. Each one must be able to not only be picked up, but taken comfortably. Then it can be manipulated.

You can’t do this without special exercises. Some will “introduce” the left hand to the right, others will allow you to actively manipulate, for example, your own legs. While playing, the little one develops motor activity, hand-eye coordination, and body coordination. But first, a few important rules:

  • Train with your baby daily (2-3 times a day if possible). The exercise takes 2-3 minutes.
  • The baby should be happy with both the process and the toys. Praise the baby. After all, he tried so hard, stretched, grabbed. The child must be encouraged!
  • Toys must be clean: having mastered the “grab” technique, the baby will try to immediately put the prey into the mouth.
  • Choose objects of different sizes so that some can be grasped with your palm; others - hold with all fingers of one hand; the third - take only two or three fingers.
  • Toys of different shapes will allow the baby to learn in time to open his palm, turn his hand, grouping his fingers to hold objects.

Fine motor skills at 3-4 months

Development exercise fine motor skills: 1

The baby brings both arms along the midline. Grabs one handle with the other.

Finger games “Funny Hands”

Task: stimulate the baby’s desire to reach his and his mother’s face with his hands, as well as attempts to grab one hand with the other.

Objects: mom’s face, a bright colored sock, a beaded bracelet.

Conditions: the child lies on his back.

Lesson 1: Have fun recite the nursery rhyme and perform the necessary actions:

  • Pens, pens, don't be bored!

Grasp your hands in your elbows and shake them slightly to relax your fingers.

  • Where have you been? Answer!

In front of the baby's face, bring his arms together and spread them, holding them by the elbows.

  • Stayed at home?

Pat the baby's cheeks with your open children's palms, touch his head: let him feel his face.

  • And go see your friends!

Use your baby's hands to do the same exercises with your face.

Lesson 2: Put a bright sock or a beaded bracelet on a child’s hand. And - start the game with the words of a fun nursery rhyme:

  • Pen, pen, where was it?

Raise your elbow so your baby can see the sock or bracelet.

  • Could you hide from us?

Move the pen with the object in front of the child’s eyes, let him watch.

  • We will find you now!

After these words, do not rush to continue; let the baby try to grab the bracelet with his free hand.

  • And let's go play soon!

If this happens, your words will be a joyful conclusion to the game, but if not, push the child’s second hand to the bracelet yourself.

Advice: Don’t forget to put the bracelet on your baby’s arms one at a time.

Result: the child actively pulls his arms up, brings them together in the center of the body, and grabs one arm with the other.

Fine motor skills exercise: 2

The baby grabs his leg with his hand.

Finger games “Hands and feet”

Task: stimulate the baby's desire to touch his legs with his hands.

Toys: bright sock with a bell.

Conditions: the baby lies on his back.

Class: put a sock on the child’s foot and sing a nursery rhyme.

  • Hands and feet, don't be bored!

Bring your child's feet together so he can see his legs.

  • Where have you been? Answer!

Bring your feet together and spread them so that the bell on your toe rings.

  • Do you want to play?

Direct the child's opposite arm toward the toed leg.

  • So it's time to get acquainted!

Help the little one grab the sock.

Adviсe: put the sock on the right and left leg, helping the baby to grab with the opposite hand; tickle the child's feet, help him feel his fingers with his hands.

Result: the baby actively grabs the right leg with the left hand, and vice versa.

Fine motor skills at 4-4.5 months

Fine motor activity: 3

The baby grabs round and square objects with his hand.

Finger games “Koloboks and stumps”

Task: arouse in the child a desire to grasp three-dimensional and flat objects of round and square shape.

Toys: cubes with a side of 4 cm and balls (three pieces each).

Conditions: The baby lies on his stomach (he has a cushion under his chest).

Lesson 1: Place a ball in front of your child and say cheerfully:

  • Kolobok, Kolobok,
  • Why are you lonely?
  • Grandma kneaded the dough
  • There was only enough for one!

Did the baby take the ball? Place another one in front of it and continue:

  • No, the test was enough for her!
  • Here's the second one!
  • It's more fun this way.

Did the baby take the ball? Put the third one:

  • Here is the third bun!
  • What a ruddy side!

Make sure your child spreads his fingers over the entire surface of the ball.

Lesson 2: Place three balls in a row in front of the baby, and a cube between us, and start with the words:

  • Kolobok-koloboki,
  • There is only one stump, but there are three of you!

The baby will reach for the “stump”. Place your fingers on the corners of the cube - this makes it easier to grasp it. Then offer the remaining balls one at a time.

Lesson 3: again place three balls and a cube (from the edge). Whatever your baby chooses, help him grab it correctly. Offer the remaining pieces.

Lesson 4: lay out the balls and cubes one by one, watch how the baby makes a grab, help him distribute his fingers comfortably:

  • Here's a funny bun!
  • There's a stump in the forest!
  • And now another stump!
  • And now the bun again! Etc.

Advice: alternate three-dimensional objects with flat ones.

Result: the baby reaches for the object with both hands (hands open), grabs it with his fingers, and turns it.

Fine motor activity: 4

The baby grabs rectangular and triangular shapes.

Finger games “Houses for gnomes”

Task: arouse in the child a desire to grasp three-dimensional and flat objects, as well as manipulate them.

Toys: rectangular wooden blocks and cones, three figures of each type.

Conditions: The baby lies on his stomach (you can place a cushion under the chest).

Lesson 1: Place a block in front of the baby and say:

  • We will, we will build a house,
  • May it be spacious!
  • We need bars with you,
  • Here they are, look!

Did he take the figurine? Place another block and continue the nursery rhyme:

  • One block, two bars,
  • The house is neither low nor high!

Surely the baby will leave the first block for the second. Now place the third block and finish the game:

  • Well, if you take the third one,
  • He will stand stronger!

It is important that the baby, when grasping the block, distributes his fingers into the corners.

Lesson 2: Place three blocks and one cone in front of the child (it’s in the center) and “build a house” again:

  • We had three bars,
  • Well, don't forget the roof!

The baby will reach for the “roof”. Help him spread his fingers evenly over the surface of the cone. Offer the remaining pieces one by one.

Lesson 3: again place three bars and one cone in front of the child (it’s on the edge). Observe what the baby chooses, help him grab the object correctly. Then offer him the remaining pieces one by one.

Lesson 4: Place the bars and cones in front of the child one by one, watch how the baby takes them, and in time help him conveniently distribute his fingers over the surface of the figure:

  • Here are the bars for the houses,
  • Houses for gnomes.
  • There are roofs for houses,
  • So that the gnomes can live!

Advice: alternate three-dimensional objects with flat figures.

Result: the baby reaches out to the object he sees (his hands are open), prepares his hand in advance to more conveniently grasp the figure, grabs it with all his fingers, and turns it in his hand.

Fine motor skills at 4.5-5 months

Fine motor activity: 5

Press with your fingers on the surface of the toy.

Finger games "Pianist"

Task: encourage the child to try to press the keys of the instrument until a sound can be produced.

Toys: toy piano.

Conditions: The baby lies on his stomach, in front of him is a musical instrument (place a cushion under the chest).

Class: Play with the keys yourself first. Then give your baby the opportunity to press the keys with his fingers and tap them with his palm.

  • This is the kind of artist we have,
  • Famous pianist!
  • He'll play now
  • Let everyone dance joyfully!

Adviсe: help your child “play” with both hands at once; Unclench your children's fingers and move along the keys in both directions.

Result: The baby presses the keys with the fingers of both hands or hits them with his palms, making sounds.

Fine motor skills at 5-6 months

Fine motor activity: 6

The child transfers toys from one hand to another.

Finger games "Ball"

Task: stimulate the baby's desire to move the object.

Toys: ball with a diameter of 3 cm.

Conditions: the baby lies on his stomach.

Lesson 1: hand the baby the ball. Did he take it? Start the nursery rhyme:

  • What a bouncy ball!

Lightly squeeze the child's hand with the ball and shake it.

  • He's ready to take off at a gallop!

Pull the toy lightly so that your baby's hand experiences muscle tension.

  • It just begs to be played!

Rub the toy in the child's hand, encouraging him to give up the ball.

  • It will be difficult to hold on!

Transfer the toy to the toddler's other hand or point the ball towards it.

  • The ball jumped and jumped,
  • It's in our hands again!

Be glad that the child has the toy again.

Lesson 2: the beginning is the same, changes during the game appear with the words:

  • It just begs to be played!

With your child's hand holding the ball, touch the fingers of your free hand.

  • It will be difficult to hold on!

Continue touching your fingers with the toy. If they are compressed, straighten them out.

  • The ball jumped and jumped,
  • Got into mommy's hands!

Gently take the ball from your child's hands.

Adviсe: the game can be repeated, increasing the number of “hits” in different hands; alternate the objects with which you touch your baby’s fingers, developing the skill of giving different things; organize “developmental situations”, encouraging the baby to reach for a toy with one hand and play with it with the other.

Result: The baby (lying on his tummy or sitting) shifts the toy in his hands and gives it back at the request of an adult.

Master class “Development of fine motor skills of hands in children of middle preschool age”

Rasskazenkova Olga Nikolaevna
Teacher Municipal government preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 27"

An important factor Formed fine motor skills play a role in the success of a child’s intellectual and psychophysical development. At all stages of a child's life, hand movements are very important. The most favorable period for the development of a person’s intellectual and creative capabilities is from 3 to 9 years, when the cerebral cortex has not yet been fully formed. It is at this age that it is necessary to develop memory, perception, thinking, attention.
(“The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at the tips of their fingers. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
The development of fine motor skills is important because the child's entire future life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw, write, and also perform many different household and educational activities. The development of manual skill and fine motor skills is also important for the personal development of the child himself. By owning a hand, a child in the process of his development becomes more independent, autonomous and independent from an adult, which contributes to the development of his initiative in various types of children's activities. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, among the targets at the stage of completing preschool education, it is noted that the child shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, the child has developed fine motor skills; he can control and manipulate his movements.

A consequence of poor development of fine motor skills of the hand is the general unpreparedness of most children for writing or a problem with speech development. Children with poorly developed manual motor skills awkwardly hold a spoon or pencil, cannot fasten buttons, or lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the construction set, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics.

GEF DO says us that the child’s development should occur in “forms specific to the development of a given age group, primarily in the form of play,” which is why in my work I use didactic games that allow the children in my group to actively develop fine motor skills. There are many such games, I want to present those that we made together with our parents.
Organizational point: we may not know each other well, but I hope we will understand each other, and games will help us with this, we will take them with us. Look what a beautiful bunch of grapes I have, I’ll now tear off one berry from it and tell you my name - my name is Olga Nikolaevna. Pass the bunch on, each “berry” says its name.

Well, here we are. A bunch of grapes consists of different berries, and we are all different. The berries are on a branch together, holding on tightly to it, so we will play games together and exchange work experience. Take the hands of the one sitting next to you, feel the warmth of the hands of your colleagues, who will be your good helpers. By using organizational moment I create a favorable atmosphere for the upcoming activity, which from the first minutes promises to be exciting, unusual and interesting.
I suggest going on a tour of the autumn park. And to keep us warm, we need to put on a coat (hand out coat templates and offer to fasten the buttons). While working, read a poem: the buttons on Verochka’s coat are harmful, the girl’s poor fingers are suffering. The buttons seem to mock Vera, jumping like squirrels, breaking off the threads. Angry tears are rolling down, your brow is frowning sternly, shouldn’t you wear a dress outside in the fall?

With children, you can make playing with buttons exciting, during which you can set various didactic tasks: developing fine motor skills, eye, concentration, perseverance, consolidating knowledge of colors, size, learning to count.
One, two, three, four, five - we continue to play, so that our hands do not freeze, we need to warm our hands (game “Hands with elastic bands”). Take two models each and complete the task according to the sample. While working, read the poem: Masha put on her mitten, oh, where am I going? The finger is missing, it’s gone, it didn’t make it to my little house. Masha took off her mitten - hello, little finger, how are you? (play with your fingers). Children love such games very much, they develop thinking, attention, speech, because children can repeat the poem together with the teacher.

My daughter has boots, they are as good as in the picture, but one of all the problems is that my daughter doesn’t like them at all. She doesn’t like laces, they are difficult to deal with (hand out the game “Lacing Shoes”). It’s terrible how much flour it takes to lace up 2 pieces! Slippery, stubborn, mischievous ones. Then the laces came to their senses and were stuck into the holes.

This game can keep your child busy for a long time. What seems so simple and uninteresting to us adults captivates the child and, at the same time, develops his motor skills. This exercise is especially good for training finger coordination. It requires extreme concentration and contributes to the accuracy of the eye.
We are dressed and shod, we can go out for a walk - I suggest collecting a bouquet of leaves for mom (game " Autumn bouquet"). We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, poplar leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves and take an autumn bouquet to mom. “Autumn Bouquet” is another one of children’s favorite games; with its help we develop fine motor skills, imagination, attention, coordination of movements, speech, and consolidate form. It can be transformed into the games “Which tree is the leaf from”, “Run to the tree”.

We were walking around the park and watching everyone, suddenly, out of nowhere, mice came running (hand out templates, offer to make the mice eyes, nose, ear and braid the tail).

At this time, perform physical. a moment with the jury members. First, let’s warm up our fingers (rubbing the pencil on our palms), exercise “Crane” - we lift the pencil, press it firmly with our finger, “Iron” - I swing the pencil, from left to right as I want.
Such games with a pencil can be played with children while working in notebooks, and we recommend them to parents for individual work Houses.
Make paws for your mouse: the mouse was in a hurry to visit and got ready for the journey (your mice ran), the mice stole the cheese, threw a feast in the hole (play with the cheese). Everything is upside down, burrum-burum, gnawing-gnawing-gnawing and crunch, crunch, crunch. There are many variations of this game; it improves coordination between the eyes and hands, and coordination of movements. Weaving influences the development of accuracy, patience, perseverance, the desire to overcome difficulties, to complete the work started, gradually controlling one’s actions. You can take this game with you and play with your children.
Our journey into the forest has ended.
Look at the sun, stretch out your hands towards it. Its rays are like gentle hands mothers warm us with their warmth, we want to laugh, rejoicing at the new day.
If you liked everything, and you will use games in your work, I ask you to give a ray of sunshine.

I use this game as a reflection at the end of the activity. You can not only attach rays, but also decorate the rays with ribbons, which contributes to the development of manual dexterity, movements of the hand and fingers, skill, and accuracy.
I would like to end our master class with the words of the philosopher Emmanuel Kant - “The hand is a kind of external brain!” This means that at the tips of the fingers there are nerve endings that contribute to the transmission of a huge number of signals to the brain center, and this affects the development of the child as a whole.
I will be glad if you use these games in your work. All I can do is thank you for your attention, it was a pleasure working with you.
I wish you all creative success.

Fine motor skills are the ability to reproduce precise movements with the hand and fingers. This is important not only for development, we must also remember that the phalanges of the fingers are the main tools in the work for representatives of many professions. The development of fine motor skills in children aged 6-7 years is facilitated by drawing, playing musical instruments, working with plasticine and small construction sets. But the greatest effect is obtained as a result of special classes.

The exercises offered to children help develop accuracy and speed of movement. As a result of their implementation, the hands and fingers will become stronger, flexible and mobile. There are three types of such tasks:

  • exercises with small objects;
  • graphic tasks;
  • finger games.

In light of preparing for school, the greatest attention should be paid to completing graphic tasks. Children must learn to hatch and draw lines of different thicknesses and shapes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that they draw lines without lifting the pen from the paper, do not go beyond the designated contours, do not leave spaces, perform movements correctly (from top to bottom, left to right), do not turn the notebook, and sit correctly at the table.

Classes to develop fine motor skills of the hands should be carried out regularly, studying for 10 - 20 minutes a day. Monotony and monotony should not be allowed; during the lesson, children should be offered several different exercises with exciting game content. To do this, the teacher and parents are invited to use a card file of exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children 6 - 7 years old.

Graphic tasks

Most of these tasks are performed on prepared cards. You can purchase special notebooks, copybooks, and coloring books.


The card contains the outlines of objects and a pattern of shading (vertical, horizontal, oblique). The direction of the lines is indicated.

Children need to shade the drawings, trying not to go beyond their contours and make even spaces between the lines.


The picture shows clouds and flowers below. Children are asked to water the flowers so that they do not wilt. To do this, they need to draw lines. This task can be performed several times, each time offering a picture with different types of lines.


You need to circle the boat and draw waves on the water. Please note that the lines are of different types (straight and curved).


You should complete the lines of the fins and scales.

Patterned shading

The card contains examples of curly lines. Children must place a pencil on a dot and draw a line to complete the patterns. The main thing is to try not to lift the pen from the paper until the line is completed.

Complete the drawing

Children will enjoy completing tasks to complete the pictures:

  • complete the cage for the tiger cub;
  • complete the pyramid, shade every second ring;
  • complete the butterfly, etc.

Connect the dots

It is necessary not only to draw lines in the desired direction, but to draw the grass near the house by connecting the dots in pairs. In more complex version It is proposed to connect all the points with one line.

Develop your eye

In such tasks, you need to try to draw lines between objects yourself. At first, children are given easier tasks when they need to draw arched curved lines. It is much more difficult for children to draw straight lines so that they hit the target as accurately as possible.

  • help the bunny jump over the bumps;
  • hit the ball in the basket;
  • help restore the volleyball net;
  • hit the target in the shooting range.

  • Draw with pressure
  • In this task you need to perform shading using the correct pressure:
  • shade the clouds so that one is darker and the other is lighter;
  • shade the glasses - one with water (it’s almost transparent), the other with juice (much darker);
  • Shade the leaves, making them different in color intensity.

Repeating the pattern by cells

For such a task, cards lined in a cage are prepared. At the beginning of the line, the “rhythm” of the pattern is set, which you need to repeat independently until the end of the line.

Graphic dictations

Games with objects

Usually young children are protected from playing with small objects. After all, they can put them in their mouth or put them in their ear. However, after 5 years such classes are simply necessary.

Games with sand and granular substances

Children can be given the following tasks:

  • pour sand from one container to another;
  • pour sand with a measuring spoon;
  • sift sand through a sieve;
  • finger painting in the sand;
  • modeling from wet sand;
  • searching for buried small objects in the sand.

The most exciting activity in this series is creating crafts from colored salt.

Games with cereals and seeds

Cereals have a coarser texture than sand. Therefore, they can be used for sorting. To do this, take a handful of cereals or seeds of three different types and pour them into one pile. The child is given three small containers into which he must place the grains. This can be done with your fingers or use tweezers.

In another game, children are asked to determine which grains are by touch. To do this, they are scattered into small fabric bags that are tied tightly. You need to take the bag and, having crushed it in your hands, name the cereal.

You can make pictures from cereals and seeds and create applications on plasticine.

Games with buttons

The buttons are larger. They are also suitable for sorting (by size, shape, color). In addition, buttons can be used to lay out ornaments, paths, lines according to a given pattern, pictures.

take on vector

Very interesting task- Fill in the circles in the picture with buttons, matching them by color.

Games with ropes

Games with ropes and laces are great for developing fine motor skills in children. They can be used for tying and untying knots, braiding or macrame.

The task associated with stringing beads is very useful. It’s better to make these “beads” yourself by cutting cocktail tubes. You can specify the exact number of beads that need to be strung or ask you to create them beautiful pattern, alternating them by color.

Many games involve lacing. Such tasks can often be found on the pages of educational books made from felt.

Games with paper

When working with paper, offer children the following tasks:

  • crumpling and smoothing a sheet of paper;
  • folding origami.

A very fun game of creating a planned mess. First, children are asked to break colored paper into small pieces, and then make a colorful rain of them by throwing them into the air. After the active phase of the game, you need to ask the kids to help collect all the scraps, which is also very useful for the development of fine motor skills. These pieces can be used for torn applique. During this game, invite children to tear paper of different thicknesses (from newspapers to cardboard).

Games with clothespins

The set must include clothespins different colors. Also, for such games you need to prepare different templates. You can offer the following tasks:

  • attach needles to the hedgehog;
  • add rays to the sun;
  • do a boy's hair.

Games with clothespins are very popular in math and reading classes, so you can combine these types of activities and ask children to use clothespins to:

  • count examples;
  • attach the appropriate number of clothespins to the number template;
  • indicate the required letter.

Games with matches

Although matches are not a toy for children, they can be used for activities to develop fine motor skills by giving the following tasks:

  • moving from stack to stack;
  • laying out the figures drawn in the picture from matches;
  • folding into a box.

Children love to assemble matches into a cube with a small hole in the center of one of the faces. You can use cotton swabs instead of matches.