Program for extracurricular activities in elementary schools on origami. Work program of the circle “The Magic World of Origami”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 48"

Work program mug

"Magic Paper"

Compiled by:

I.Sh. Rogatsevich,


Explanatory note.

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values. Curiosity develops and interest in creativity is formed.

Passion for origami allows students to satisfy their cognitive interests, expand awareness of this educational field, enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activities in the process of mastering the program. They also contribute to the development of fine motor skills, which has an important impact on the development of children’s speech.

This type of art has a beneficial effect on the development of attention and the formation of memory: students remember terms, techniques and folding methods, and, as necessary, reproduce the knowledge and skills stored in memory.

The purpose of the program is comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development children in the process of mastering the basic techniques of origami, as an artistic method of designing from paper.

Program objectives :

Introduce students to the basic geometric concepts and basic shapes of origami;

Develop the ability to follow oral instructions;

Teach various techniques for working with paper.

Introduce students to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc.;

Enrich students’ vocabulary with special terms;

Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.

Develop fine motor skills hand and eye;

Develop artistic taste, creativity and fantasies of pupils.
- cultivate interest in the art of origami;

Form a work culture and improve work skills;

Promote the creation of play situations, expand children's communication abilities.

Improve work skills, create a work culture, teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

Methods, used during group work:

Ø conversation, story, fairy tale;

Ø looking at illustrations;

Ø showing a sample of the work sequence.

The methodology for working with children is based on the following principles:

Ø gradual complication of program content, methods and techniques of management children's activities,

Ø individual approach to children.

Expected results:

As a result of training in this program, students:
- learn various techniques for working with paper;
- will know the basic geometric concepts and basic shapes of origami;
- learn to follow oral instructions and create origami products
- develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye;

Get acquainted with the art of origami.

Forms for summing up the program implementation:

Album compilation best works.
- holding exhibitions of children's works.

The program is based on:

1. “Origami in kindergarten” Musienko S.I., Butylkina G.V.

2. “Theory and methodology of creative design in kindergarten” Paramonova L.A.

3. “Origami for older preschoolers” Sokolova S.V.

4. “Magic paper” Chernova N.N.

5. “Origami for preschoolers” Sokolov S.V.

6. “Wonderful paper crafts” Z.A. Bogateeva

Work is carried out outside of class in the afternoon.

Duration of classes: 25 minutes.


Ø visibility in teaching - carried out on the perception of visual material;

Ø availability - the material is selected taking into account age characteristics pupils;

Ø the developmental and educational nature of training - to broaden one’s horizons and develop cognitive interests.

Calendar - thematic planning activities mug"Magic Paper"






Magic transformations of a paper square

To interest children in making crafts in the origami style, to demonstrate them, to cultivate perseverance and accuracy; develop creative abilities.

Square 10*10 any color.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova

Let's play

Identify children’s ability to recognize and name geometric shapes;

To get interested in working with paper, to introduce one of its properties - creaseability;

Strengthen small arm muscles;

Cultivate neatness.

Wonderful paper crafts.

FOR. Bogateeva

In some kingdom, in a paper state...

Get children interested in making origami crafts, introduce them to some of them;

Start introducing the history of the art of origami.

Squares of different colors and sizes.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova

Butterfly and frog

Strengthen the ability to make rectangles, rectangles and smaller squares from a square.

Green and yellow squares


Blanks for frog eyes, butterfly antennae, scissors, glue.

Wonderful paper crafts.

FOR. Bogateeva







Teach children to fold a square in half with a “kerchief”, combining opposite corners. Cultivate interest in the results of your work.

Two red squares 15*15cm, two strips 1cm wide, 20cm long made of cardboard, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova


Strengthen the ability to fold a square diagonally. Learn to bend the sharp corners of the resulting triangle to opposite sides and insert it into the resulting gap. Cultivate interest in the process of paper folding.

Square 10*10 any color.

Magic paper.

N. Chernova


Learn to bend a rectangle in half, matching the short sides.

Three A4 rectangles: two of them white, third color, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova


Teach children to fold a square in half, matching opposite corners, and bend the resulting triangle. Learn to make a Christmas tree out of triangles, starting from the bottom with the largest part. Cultivate accuracy when working with glue.

Three squares green 15*15cm, 10*10cm, 5*5cm, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova







To increase children's interest in making crafts using the origami technique, to consolidate skills decorative decoration finished figurine, practice free choice of color.

Paper squares (10*10) different colors, strips of multi-colored paper, glue.

Origami in kindergarten.

With Musienko

G. Butylkina

Frog with complication

Introduce the making of simple crafts using the origami technique by folding a square diagonally (the basic shape is “triangle”)

Green square (10*10).

Blanks for frog eyes, scissors, glue.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina


Continue to teach children how to make crafts using the origami technique, to cultivate independence and accuracy.

Square (10*10), blanks for eyes and muzzle, glue

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina

Butterfly with complication

Learn to bend a square diagonally, fold the resulting triangle in half, bend the upper sharp corners into different sides. Develop the ability to aesthetically correctly decorate your crafts.

Paper squares (10*10), blanks for eyes, scissors, glue

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina








12 blue squares 5*5, a blue circle with a diameter of 3cm and a white circle with a diameter of 2cm.

Origami for preschoolers.

S. Sokolova



Continue to teach children to make paper figures from two parts, teach clearly, follow the teacher’s instructions

Squares (8*8, 6*6) of different colors, paper scraps, glue, scissors.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkin


New Year decorations

Continue to learn how to make simple crafts from paper squares, using already known paper folding techniques, to develop constructive thinking, fantasy, and imagination.

Multi-colored squares of different sizes, paper scraps, glue, thread, scissors.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina



Teach children to connect parts in pairs, tucking the corner of one inside the other part. Continue to teach carefully and work with glue. Improve the skills of fine and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Cultivate interest in origami classes.






Teach children at rectangle, bend all corners evenly. Continue to learn how to decorate a craft with details (mouth, nose, eyes). Cultivate joy from handmade gifts.

Yellow rectangle 20*10cm, orange and red squares 3*3cm, two orange circles, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova


Strengthen the ability to bend the square with a “book” and twice with a “scarf”, lower the opposite corners to the center of the square, getting a “candy”. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher's instructions. Develop independence and attention.

Squares gray 8*8cm and 10*10cm, blanks for eyes and muzzle, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova


Continue to teach how to bend the square with a “scarf”, bend one of the corners upward diagonally. Strengthen the ability to glue a head and draw eyes. Develop your eye. Cultivate perseverance.

Two gray squares 15*15cm, 10*10cm, glue, blanks for eyes and nose.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova


Teach children to listen to the teacher’s oral instructions.

Introduce basic geometric concepts in practice. Cultivate accuracy in working with paper.

Orange (red) square 15*15cm, rectangle 15*7.5cm, blanks for eyes and muzzle, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova







Learn to bend the “kerchief” in half. Learn to understand that the parts of the head and body are made separately from squares of different sizes. Bring up

and develop the ability to control hand and finger movements with the help of the brain.

Squares brown 15*15cm, 10*10cm, two squares 6*6cm, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova


Introduce children to making crafts using the origami technique from a rectangular sheet of paper, practice freely choosing colors, develop fine motor skills, and use ready-made crafts in games.

Rectangular sheets 20*15cm.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina.


Strengthen the ability to fold the basic “kite” shape. Learn to alternate colors, connect parts, applying the short side of the workpiece to the inflection line of the previous one. Cultivate perseverance and responsibility.

8 squares 10*10cm, 4 of them one color, 4 another, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova


Learn to fold a square twice with a “kerchief”, continue to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions, to cultivate independence and attention.

Red square 3*3cm, yellow (orange) square 15*15cm, glue, pencil or felt-tip pen.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova.





Introduce children to a new way of making flowers using the origami technique, and strengthen the ability to use scissors.

16-20 squares (4*4) white or purple, yellow paper, scissors, glue.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina

Gift for mom

To introduce the design of postcards using figures made using the origami technique, to cultivate accuracy and perseverance

Multi-colored cardboard, squares of yellow, blue, red paper (10*10), green paper for leaves and stems, scissors, glue.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina


Teach children to make new crafts from a square, circle, triangle, learn to use cut line markings on a workpiece, practice free choice of color and shape of paper, encourage independence and creative initiative.

Squares (15*15) of different colors, equilateral triangles with a side of 20 cm, circles with a diameter of 20 cm with cut lines drawn, cardboard circles, scissors, glue, sticks.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina

Reinforce folding and naming basic shapes with children. Learn to make a torso and head separately from squares. Learn to fold a triangle in half with a “kerchief”, raising the corners from the middle of the long side, but not reaching the top of the upper corner. Cultivate accuracy in work and attention.

Two squares 15*15cm of the same color, pencils or markers for designing the face, glue.

Origami for preschoolers

S. Sokolova






Gifts for kids

Using the origami technique, teach how to make models of birds and boats, cultivate a desire to take care of younger children, and practice free choice of colors.

Multi-colored squares (10*10)

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina


Learn to fold paper using different basic shapes, teaming up in pairs to create a marine composition.

Blue cardboard, multi-colored squares, scissors, glue, paper scraps.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina


Remind how the basic kite shape is folded. Learn to bend the upper triangle forward and return it to its original position, make cuts along the fold line, and fold the ends. Cultivate accuracy in working with paper and scissors.

Square 10*10, blanks for eyes, glue, sheath And tsy.

Magic paper.

N. Chernova.


Continue teaching children to fold a square in half using a “book” shape. Understand the terms: “upper corner”, “lower corner”. Develop children's eye. Bring up careful attitude to paper.

A square of gray or brown color 10*10cm, pencil or felt-tip pen to draw eyes and needles on the fur coat.

Origami for older preschoolers.

S. Sokolova.






The rooks have arrived

Continue to teach children how to make crafts from the basic “kite” shape, and improve their skills in working with paper and scissors.

Black squares (15*15), blanks for eyes, scissors, glue.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina

Rowan branch

Strengthen the ability to make crafts from the basic “arrow” shape, cultivate accuracy, teach clearly, follow the teacher’s instructions

Cardboard, squares (1.5*1.5) orange or red, (3*3) green for leaves, glue.

Origami in kindergarten.

S. Musienko

G. Butylkina

My favorite origami

Reinforce the origami techniques and forms learned in class. Improve the skills of fine and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Cultivate interest in the results of your work.

Multi-colored squares 10*10, scissors, glue.

Magic paper.

N. Chernova.

Final work

Making an album of children's works for the period of study. Development of communication skills and the ability to coordinate one’s interests with the interests of other children.

Album, crafts using origami technique, glue.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 16 “Swallow”

Work program

The magical world of "Origami"

Designed in accordance with FGT

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 16 “Swallow”

I approve: Head of MBDOUDSKV No. 16 “Swallow” N.Yu. Zhestkova Protocol No. dated 2012.

Work program

The magical world of "Origami"

Program passport

Name of work program

“The Magic World of Origami” - on the formation of artistic and aesthetic orientation in older children preschool age.

Performer's organization address

KHMAO-YUGRA Nizhnevartovsk, Marshal Zhukov St. 5A, building 1

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 16 “Swallow” Head – Nadezhda Yurievna Zhestkova

Romanenko Valentina Kondratievna – teacher of the highest qualification category MBDOU DSKV No. 16 “Swallow”, Education – higher, NGPI, 2000.

Regulatory support

    Federal Law “On Education” of May 12, 1995, Chapter 5, Article 51;

    Priority national project"Education";

    State program " Patriotic education citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010" (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2005 No. 422);

    Concept preschool education 1989;

    Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010;

    Model regulations on a preschool educational institution (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 1995 No. 677);

    Law of KhMAO-Yugra “On education in KhMAO-Yugra”;

    Program “Development of education in the city of Nizhnevartovsk for 2007-2011”; Letter from the Ministry of Education dated 06/02/98. No. 89/34-16 “On the implementation of the right of preschool educational institution to choose programs and pedagogical technologies"

    Letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2000-16 “On hygiene requirements to the maximum load on organizational forms of education on preschool children.”

Customers of the program

    Council of Teachers


target groups

Children of senior preschool age

Purpose of the program

Formation of creative abilities in children of senior preschool age in the process of introducing the art of origami


Artistic and aesthetic

Implementation period

Implementation level

Preschool education

1. Explanatory note

The art of paper folding originated many centuries ago in Japan almost simultaneously with the advent of the technology for making it in the country of the Eastern Sun. For a long time, origami was a temple art, because "ori" means "folded" and "kami" means "paper" and "god" at the same time.

The second life in Japan began at the dawn of the twentieth century. The new education system was based on the ideas of the famous German educator and enlightener Friedrich Froebel. And he strongly recommended that children engage in folding simple paper structures. This activity is great for developing little fingers and allowed us to become familiar with some geometric concepts.

The importance of origami for child development

    Teaches children various techniques for working with paper, such as folding, folding, cutting, gluing.

    It develops in children the ability to work with their hands, accustoms them to precise finger movements, their fine motor skills are improved, and their eye is developed.

    Teaches concentration, as it forces you to focus on the process of making crafts, teaches you to follow verbal instructions.

    Stimulates the development of memory, since in order for a child to make a craft, he must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and folding methods.

    Introduces children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc., while enriching the child’s vocabulary with special terms.

    Develops spatial imagination - teaches you to read the drawings according to which the figures are put together and imagine products in volume using them, helps the development of drawing skills, since the diagrams of the products you like need to be sketched in a notebook.

    Develops children's artistic taste and creativity, activates their imagination and imagination.

    Promotes the creation of play situations, expands children's communication abilities.

    Improves work skills, creates a work culture, teaches accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

    When teaching origami, much attention is paid to creating plot-themed compositions that use products made using the origami technique.

The originality of the composition is achieved by the fact that the background on which the figures are pasted is decorated with additional details made using the appliqué technique. So, depending on the theme of the composition, they create the desired environment, habitat: a meadow with flowers, an island in a pond, a sky with clouds, clouds, a bright sun, a raging sea, etc.

Color design is of great importance for the expressiveness of a composition. With the help of color, a certain mood or state of a person or nature is conveyed. In the process of creating compositions, children develop a sense of center, symmetry, and an idea of ​​the depth of space of a sheet of paper. They learn to correctly place objects on the plane of the sheet, to establish connections between objects located in different parts background (closer, higher, lower, side by side), which requires changing the size of the figures. Objects that are close should be larger in size than the same objects, but located a little further or further away. This is how children master the laws of perspective.

Thus, the creation of compositions when teaching origami contributes to the use in preschoolers of the knowledge acquired in circle classes, drawing, and environmental management.

2.Purpose of the program

Formation of creative abilities in children of senior preschool age in the process of introducing the art of origami.


Educational: 1. Introducing children to basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes. 2. Formation of the ability to follow oral instructions and read diagrams. 3. Training in various techniques for working with paper. Educational: 1. Development of fine motor skills of the nose and eye. 2. Development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of the child. Educators: 1. Instill an interest in the art of origami. 2. Expand children's communication abilities.

3. Pedagogical diagnostics

Time frame for pedagogical diagnostics:

September-October; April Monitoring examines the following indicators:

F.I. pupil

Hand motor skills

Orientation on a piece of paper

Attention, perseverance

Levels of development

Babaev Misha

Viligurin Vitya

Davidenko Nastya

Zolotarenko Lenya

Ilyin Sergey

Kazyro Lera

Kalinin Georgy

Kanzafarova Diana

Makarov Nikita

Marinich Maxim

Markova Lena

Nemtsev Sasha

Savichev Vanya

Chernysheva Anya

Trefilova Nastya

Conclusion: For all indicators, two levels of task completion are determined; medium, low. Levels are determined depending on the degree of independence the child completes the proposed task. Intermediate level– the child copes with the task with the help of an adult. Low level of failure to complete a task with the help of an adult.

In September, I monitored 15 pupils of the Magic World “Origami” club.

15 children were examined, of which the development of fine motor skills of the hands was examined: average level -53.0%

low level -47.0%;

Ability to fold papers - average level - according to the teacher's instructions: low level - 100%;

Orientation on a sheet of paper: average level - 73.0%

low level -26.4%;

Attention and perseverance: average level – 60.4%

low level – 39.6%.

Evaluation of results: For all indicators, two levels of task completion are determined; medium, low. Levels are determined depending on the degree of independence the child completes the proposed task. – High level – involves completing all tasks. – The average level child copes with the task with the help of an adult. – Low level– failure to complete a task with the help of an adult.

Develop hand motor skills in children; - Learn to fold paper according to the teacher’s instructions; - Orientation on a sheet of paper; - To develop attention and perseverance in children; - Foster a love of work; - Develop curiosity and creativity.

4. Methods and forms of working with children

During the classes, various forms of classes are used: traditional, combined and practical classes: lectures, games, holidays, competitions, competitions and others. And also various methods:

Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:

    verbal (oral presentation, story, conversation, lecture, etc.);

    visual (display of video material, illustrations, observation, demonstration (performance) by a teacher, work based on a model, etc.);

    practical (performing work according to instruction cards, diagrams, etc.).

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

    explanatory - illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;

    reproductive – students reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;

    partially - search - children’s participation in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher;

    Research – independent creative work of students.

Methods based on the form of organization of student activities in the classroom:

    frontal – simultaneous work with all students;

    individual-frontal – alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;

    group – organization of work in groups.

    Individual - individual completing tasks, problem solving, etc. Frequency of classes: once a week; Lesson duration is 25-30 minutes.

Expected results

As a result of learning, children should: - focus on a piece of paper; - learn various techniques for working with paper; - fold sheet of paper in half; - fold the square sheet diagonally, connecting two opposite corners; - know the basic geometric concepts and basic shapes of origami triangle, kite, glass, book; - learn to follow oral instructions and create origami products; - will create compositions with products made using the origami technique; - will develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination; - get acquainted with the art of origami; - master the skills of work culture; - improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

Ways to record results

    Carrying out monitoring of children senior group at the beginning, end of the year

    Drawing up a diagnostic card “Assessing the results of mastering the program.”

Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional educational program

    Compiling an album of the best works;

    Exhibitions of student works:

In a group - in a preschool educational institution.

The implementation of the program on artistic and aesthetic education assumes an integrative approach, taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in educational areas:

    “Communication” - using artistic expression in classes, creating crafts for fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and poems;

    “Cognition” - sensory standards;

    “Music” - the use of crafts in decoration for the holidays, musical arrangement to create a mood and better understand the image, express one’s own feelings.

    “Socialization” - broadening one’s horizons in the process of various observations, classes to familiarize oneself with the environment (nature, wildlife), as well as familiarization with the structure of objects.

    “Artistic creativity” - where children get acquainted with reproductions of paintings, illustrations related to the theme of the lesson, combining colors and shades.

    “Theatrical activity” - creating gifts for fairy-tale heroes, characters, masks for dramatization.

Educational and thematic plan

first year of study

Name of topics

number of hours


Group Formation

Conversation on labor protection

Diagnosis of radiation exposure in preschool children

Introduction to origami

Basic shape "Triangle"

Basic form "Kite"

Basic shape "Double Triangle"

Basic shape "Double Square"

Basic form "Envelope"

Summer compositions

Summer is ahead!

Final lesson

Design of exhibition works


Calendar and thematic planning

Purpose of the lesson


Introduction to origami.

Introduce children to the new art form “origami”. Introduce symbols and basic techniques for folding paper.

Illustrations, paper.

Glass (triangle).

Introduce the basic triangle shape. Mark the fold by dividing the left corner in half and folding along this line. Connect the points of the left corner and the right side. Fold “valley” along the shown line. Wrap the top layer of paper into the pocket. Bend the bottom layer of paper back up.

Cat (triangle).

Mark the fold. Turn the cat's ears up and to the sides. Fold two layers of paper into a “valley” at once. Turn over. Draw the cat's eyes, nose and mouth.

Puppy (triangle).

Mark the fold. Bend the corners into a valley to create ears. Fold the top part of the workpiece into a “mountain” and, in the same way, fold back two layers of paper at once from the bottom. Draw a funny face for the puppy.

Hat for Little Red Riding Hood (triangle).

Divide the top corner into three equal parts, fold the sides of the triangle over the central part. Fold three layers of paper into a “valley” at once. Fold three layers of paper into a mountain at once. Fold the bottom layer of paper into a mountain.

Parsley cap (triangle).

Fold diagonally. Divide the corner into three equal parts, fold the corners along these lines. Fold both protruding corners up. Color the cap.

Flying dove (triangle).

Fold two layers of paper in a valley so that a small corner protrudes. Visually divide the resulting triangle into three equal parts and fold 2/3 of the top layer of paper upside down. Fold the workpiece into a “valley”. Turn. Fold the top layer of paper flat. Repeat on the other side. Form the head of a dove by bending the tip inward.

Napkin “Bishop's hat” (triangle).

Fold the workpiece in half and unfold. Fold the two corners “valley” towards the bottom. Bend over the top layer of paper into a valley. Fold only one layer of paper upward. Turn over and repeat the same on the other side. Fold the corners into a valley and then unfold. Bend the corners inward along the marked lines. Expand the resulting figure so that it becomes voluminous.

Samurai helmet (triangle).

Mark the midline. Lower the side corners to the bottom. Fold one layer of paper up. Turn the corners to the sides so that the lower outer corner is 90 degrees. Fold the top layer of paper into a valley. Make another valley fold. Unscrew the bottom layer of paper. Straighten the workpiece.

Fly (triangle).

Mark the diagonal by making a basic triangle shape. Fold both corners towards the center line. Turn. Unscrew the corners. Fold the top layer of paper into a valley. Make another valley fold, placing the tip of the bottom layer of paper over the top one. Unscrew all layers of the workpiece.

Turtle (triangle).

Collective work “Mushrooms in a clearing.”

Fold both corners towards the center of the triangle. Turn. Fold two corners into a “valley” at once. Turn the corners to the sides - you get the front legs of a turtle. Cut one layer of paper along the fold line and fold the resulting corners into a “valley”. Fold the sides and top corner of the workpiece into a valley. Make another valley fold. Turn over.

Prepare brown squares. Fold vertically, then diagonally. Divide the long side of the triangle into 8 equal parts. Bend sharp corners to the right and left (3/8 of the length). Color the “pockets”. Bend the bottom corner of the top layer of paper away from you, leaving the bottom layer (“mushroom stem”). Bend the lower corner of the “leg” away from you. Create a collective composition of mushrooms of different sizes.

Boat (book).

Fold a square piece of paper in half. Mark a line by folding the workpiece again. Fold the corners of only the top layer of paper to the marked line. Repeat on the other side. Fold the bottom corners into a valley. Fold the top layer of paper in half. Repeat on the other side. Open in the middle, making two mountain folds. Unscrew two corners. Unfold the workpiece. Draw clearer lines on the bottom of the boat.

Pillow (book).

Make two main “Book” forms. On one workpiece, turn the bottom left corner up and the top right corner down. Fold the second blank differently: bend the top left one down, and the bottom right one up. Turn the second workpiece over. Connect the parts. Turn over. Place corners in pockets.

Christmas tree (kite).

Prepare three squares of different sizes from green paper: 10x10, 7.5x7.5 and 5x5 cm. Fold the basic “Kite” shape. Bend the bottom triangle upward. Turn the workpiece over to the other side. Connect and glue the pieces to each other, starting from the bottom with the larger one.

Christmas star (kite).

Unfold the workpiece. Bend the corners into a valley. Fold again into a “valley”. Make eight such blanks and glue two of them. Attach the third piece. After gluing eight blanks, you will get a star.

Gnome (kite).

Turn over. Fold the corner “lengthwise” and unfold it. Make a valley fold by folding the corner to the marked line. Fold into a valley again. Fold the two side corners back, making mountain folds. Color the hat and draw a funny face.

Penguin (kite).

Fold the sides diagonally. Fold it into a mountain. Turn over. Fold the top layer of paper flat. Repeat on the other side. Make two more valley folds. Unfold the top corner and form a penguin's face. Bend the lower part of the workpiece inward.

Duck (kite).

Fold "valley" to the vertical diagonal. Approximately in the middle there is a zipper fold. Turn it upside down. Open the sides of the upper corner and form the head. Make a beak. Make zipper folds on both sides. To form the wings of the duck, make a zipper fold. Repeat on the other side. Bend the bottom of the workpiece inward. Turn.

Swan (kite).

Turn the workpiece over. Fold the sides “long” towards the center line. Fold the workpiece in half into a “mountain”. Stretch your neck up. Bend the corner inward to create a beak. Unfold the tip of the beak. Make a zipper fold by flattening the beak. Bend the very tip “valley”. Bend the tail inward and upward.

Flower (book).

Fold the top corners towards the middle of the sheet. Bend the corners into a valley. Open by making a mountain fold and then flatten. Draw four lines. Lift up two layers of paper on the left side, press with your finger along the “valley” line. Repeat the same action on the other side. Color the flower.

Medical cap (book).

Unfold the basic book shape and fold it in half again. Fold a small strip into a “valley”. Unscrew both halves of the workpiece to the intended line. Turn over. Unscrew only the top layer of paper. Fold the bottom layer of paper into a valley. Open by pressing from above, making three folds in a mountain.” Draw a red cross on the cap.

Dog (triangle).

Head - outline a vertical diagonal by folding a basic triangle shape. Fold one layer of paper upside down. Make two valley folds. Open the resulting pockets and flatten them, making two “mountain” folds. Torso – fold a square sheet of paper diagonally and unfold it. Fold the corners into a valley. Bend the bottom part of the workpiece into a “mountain”. Make two valley folds at the corners and unfold. Bend inwards along the marked lines. Fold it into a mountain and turn it over. Fold into a valley and turn over. Glue the parts together. Color the face.

Group work based on the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox.”

From the basic “triangle” shape, make the body of a cockerel. From the basic form of a “kite” - tail feathers, wing, comb. Fox and Christmas trees are made from basic triangle shapes.

Dahlia for my beloved mother.

Make identical blanks from eight squares. Place the square with the colored side facing you and bend it diagonally. Bend the side corners to the center of the square, turn it over to the other side. Fold up the bottom. Turn over to the other side. Fold over the right corner and fold the left corner towards the fold line. Turn the part over to the other side. Connect the parts and glue them.

Decorative flower (triangle).

Prepare four squares of the same size and color. Fold the base shape (triangle), bend it in half. Raise the bottom corners to the top of the right angle. Turn the workpiece over to the other side. Raise the lower sides to the fold line, extending the triangles from the other side. Fold the corners and turn the piece over. Connect the four parts. Fold the green square into a basic “kite” shape, placing the piece at a right angle upwards. Fold the side corners and turn over to the other side. Make a composition from the obtained parts.


Cut the square diagonally, fold it twice into a valley. Turn over. Fold into a valley. Turn. Place corners in pockets. Fold along the marked lines. Fold two valley folds. Turn over.


Made from a rectangular sheet of paper. Fold, connecting the long sides. Bend all four corners to the marked line. Fold in half. Mark the “mountain” fold. Fold the corners down. Fold in half away from you.

Lump (triangle).

Prepare 4-5 brown squares. Fold the square into a basic triangle shape. Fold the triangle in half. Raise the bottom corners to the top of the right angle. Turn the workpiece over to the other side. Raise the lower sides to the fold line, extending the triangles from the other side. Bend the corners away from you. Rotate the part. Connect the parts, overlapping the top ones with the bottom ones. Glue it up. Make a zipper fold on the top piece. Bend the corners away from you.

Poplar (kite).

Sailboat (kite).

Barrel - take a square sheet of paper, divide it into 8 equal parts. Cut off one part. fold in half and unfold. Make two valley folds. Poplar – fold the bottom corner into a “valley”. Use glue to attach the trunk to the tree.

Draw a line. Fold the sides diagonally. Basic kite shape. Fold in half. Turn over. Fold the sides into a valley. Twist the top corner and place the sail at an angle of 90 degrees. If you lower a sailboat into the water and blow on it, it will float.

Sparrow (kite).

Fold the sides diagonally. Bend over the corner. Make two valley folds. Pull the corners to the sides. Fold the small corners into a valley. Make another valley fold. Fold the top layer of paper flat. Fold the workpiece in half. Bend the corner inward and form a beak. Bend the tail up.

Rooster (kite).

Fold the workpiece in half in a “mountain”. Mark the fold. Divide the workpiece into three equal parts and connect. Expand. Bend the lower part “mountain” inward. Turn the top layer of paper to the sides. Fold the top layer of paper into a valley. Repeat on the other side. Form the head of a rooster, bend it into a “mountain”. Bend "mountain" one more time. Make a “mountain” fold on the bottom of the workpiece, folding only one layer of paper. Repeat on the other side.

Rabbit (kite).

Torso - mark a vertical diagonal on a square sheet of paper. Mark two more folds. Fold up the bottom of the sheet. Fold the sides into a valley. Mark two folds inside the workpiece. Bend the corners inward along the marked lines. Turn over. Head - take another square sheet of paper and mark a diagonal on it. Mark two more folds. Fold up the bottom of the sheet. Fold the sides into a valley. Mark two “valley” folds inside the workpiece. Unscrew "valley". Make another valley fold. Fold the sides, making two valley folds. Cut across the top. Turn over. Bend one ear down “valley”. Glue the head to the body and color the rabbit.

Bat (triangle).

Fold the corners to the bottom corner and straighten the workpiece. Along the marked lines, cut the paper from the center to the middle of the lines. Fold the resulting triangles inward, making two “mountain” folds. Fold the left side of the workpiece so that the cut line coincides with the center line. Form left wing bat, performing a valley fold. Bend the right side of the workpiece. Fold into a valley. Form the head of a bat. Make small cuts on the sides of the upper part of the workpiece and fold it into a “valley”.

Group work based on the fairy tale “Geese - Swans”.

The hut is made from a square sheet of paper. Baba Yaga is made from the basic "kite" shape. Geese - from the basic triangle shape.

Pedagogical monitoring at the end of the school year

The work begins with identifying the level of formation of sensory standards, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, in preschool children at the initial stage and ends with an assessment at the final stage.

Deadlines for conducting pedagogical monitoring at the end of the year: April-May Monitoring examines the following indicators:

Development of fine motor skills of the hands; - ability to fold paper according to the teacher’s instructions; - orientation on a sheet of paper; - attention and perseverance.

Children's examination results: Magic World "Origami" mug

F.I. pupil

Hand motor skills

Orientation on a piece of paper

Ability to fold paper according to teacher instructions

Attention, perseverance

Levels of development

Babaev Misha

Viligurin Vitya

Davidenko Nastya

Zolotarenko Lenya

Ilyin Sergey

Kazyro Lera

Kalinin Georgy

Kanzafarova Diana

Makarov Nikita

Marinich Maxim

Markova Lena

Nemtsev Sasha

Savichev Vanya

Chernysheva Anya

Trefilova Nastya

Conclusion: For all indicators, two levels of task completion are determined; medium, low. Levels are determined depending on the degree of independence the child completes the proposed task. High – follows the teacher’s instructions. Intermediate level - the child copes with the task with the help of an adult. Low level of failure to complete a task with the help of an adult.

Help from groups of general developmental orientation for children of senior preschool age (senior “A”)

In April-May, she conducted final monitoring of 15 pupils of the Magic World “Origami” circle.

15 children were examined, of which the development of fine motor skills of the hands was examined: average level 100%

low level -0% ;

Ability to fold papers average level - 0% according to the teacher's instructions: low level - 100%;

Orientation on a sheet of paper: average level - 100%

low level - 0%;

Attention and perseverance: high - 57%

average level – 43%

low level – 0%.

Evaluation of results: For all indicators, two levels of task completion are determined; medium, low. Levels are determined depending on the degree of independence the child completes the proposed task. – High level – involves completing all tasks according to the teacher’s instructions. – The average level child copes with the task with the help of an adult. – Low level – failure to complete a task with the help of an adult.

Conclusion: based on the monitoring results:

Continue to develop children's motor skills; - Continue to learn how to fold paper according to the teacher’s instructions; - Orientation on a sheet of paper; - To develop attention and perseverance in children; - Foster a love of work; - Develop curiosity and creativity.

Magic world origami"etc.) ShZR...

  • Preschool education program of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 44


    ... compliance With FGT and based on the approximate basic general education programs ... compliance organizations worker...institution developed ... origami... V. Oseeva. " Magic needle"; R. Seph... world (world objects and things, world relationships and your inner world ...

  • Educational program of a municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    Educational program

    And cleaning worker places; ... answers FGT, corresponds interests... based on developed standards... teacher " Origami» Artistic ... and events in compliance With program education training in... 1994 Pozhilenko E.A.. Magic world sounds and words. ...

  • Educational and methodological complex for students on an interdisciplinary course (3)

    Educational and methodological complex

    ... , developed V compliance with approximate program and... preschool age FGT; -possession... from paper: origami, ……., paper... 3. Analysis programs M. Matskevich “Enter world art" ... ("leaf fall", " magical snowflakes", "blizzard... order on worker place) - ...

  • "The Magic World of Origami"

    1st grade

    Program developer: Baydariko I.K.

    Explanatory note

    Program additional education"The Magic World of Origami" is a general cultural modified program of artistic and aesthetic orientation, created on the basis of the results of many years of work on teaching elementary school students the basics of the art of origami.
    Origami classes allow children to satisfy their cognitive interests, expand awareness in this educational field, enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activities in the process of mastering the program.

    The importance of origami for child development

     Teaches children various techniques for working with paper, such as folding, folding, cutting, gluing.

     Develops in children the ability to work with their hands, accustoms them to precise finger movements, their fine motor skills are improved, and their eye is developed.

     Teaches concentration, as it forces you to focus on the process of making crafts, teaches you to follow verbal instructions.

     Stimulates the development of memory, since a child, in order to make a craft, must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and methods of folding.

     Introduces children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc., while enriching the child’s vocabulary with special terms.

     Develops spatial imagination - teaches you to read the drawings according to which the figures are put together and imagine products in volume based on them, helps the development of drawing skills, since the diagrams of the products you like need to be sketched in a notebook.

     Develops children's artistic taste and creativity, activates their imagination and imagination.

     Promotes the creation of play situations, expands children's communication abilities.

     Improves work skills, creates a work culture, teaches accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

     When teaching origami, much attention is paid to creating plot-themed compositions that use products made using the origami technique.

    The originality of the composition is achieved by the fact that the background on which the figures are pasted is decorated with additional details made using the appliqué technique. So, depending on the theme of the composition, they create the desired environment, habitat: a meadow with flowers, an island in a pond, a sky with clouds, clouds, a bright sun, a raging sea, etc.

    Color design is of great importance for the expressiveness of a composition. With the help of color, a certain mood or state of a person or nature is conveyed. In the process of creating compositions, children develop a sense of center, symmetry, and an idea of ​​the depth of space of a sheet of paper. They learn to correctly place objects on the plane of the sheet, to establish connections between objects located in different parts of the background (closer, above, below, next to each other), which requires changing the size of the figures. Objects that are close should be larger in size than the same objects, but located a little further or further away. This is how children master the laws of perspective.
    Thus, the creation of compositions when teaching origami contributes to the use by schoolchildren of the knowledge acquired in labor lessons, drawing, and natural history.

    Purpose of the program.

    Origami classes are aimed at comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development junior schoolchildren, and increasing the effectiveness of their education in secondary school.

    Program objectives:


     Introducing children to basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes.

     Developing the ability to follow oral instructions, read and sketch product diagrams.

     Training in various techniques of working with paper.

     Application of knowledge gained in the lessons of natural history, labor, drawing and others to create compositions with products made using the origami technique.

     Development of attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, spatial imagination.

     Development of fine motor skills of the hands and eye.

     Development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.


     Fostering interest in the art of origami.

     Expanding children's communication abilities.

     Formation of work culture and improvement of work skills.

    Organizational principles (age of children, timing of program implementation, enrollment conditions, class schedule, group size)

    The “Magic World of Origami” program is addressed to primary school students and is designed for 4 years - a full course of education for children in elementary school.

    Taking into account the age of the children and the novelty of the material, in order to successfully master the program, group classes must be combined with individual teacher assistance for each child. Practice has shown that the optimal number of children in a group should be no more than 10 - 15 people.
    Forms and methods of teaching

    During the classes, various forms of classes are used:
    traditional, combined and practical classes; lectures, games, holidays, competitions, competitions and others.
    And also various methods:

    Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:
    verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, lecture, etc.);
    visual (display of video and multimedia materials, illustrations, observation, demonstration (performance) by a teacher, work based on a model, etc.);
    practical (performing work according to instruction cards, diagrams, etc.).
    Methods based on the level of activity of children:
    explanatory and illustrative – children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;
    reproductive – students reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;
    partial-search - children’s participation in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher;
    - research – independent creative work of students.
    Methods based on the form of organization of student activities in the classroom:
    frontal – simultaneous work with all students;
    individual-frontal – alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;
    group – organization of work in groups.
    individual – individual completion of tasks, problem solving, etc.

    Expected results

    As a result of training in this program, students:

    – learn various techniques for working with paper;
    – will know the basic geometric concepts and basic shapes of origami;
    – learn to follow oral instructions, read and sketch product diagrams; create origami products using instruction cards and diagrams;
    – will create compositions with products made using the origami technique;
    – develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.
    – get acquainted with the art of origami;
    – master the skills of work culture;
    – improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

    Forms for summing up implementation results
    additional educational program

    Compiling an album of the best works.

    Exhibitions of student works:
    - in the classroom,
    - at school,

    Educational and thematic plan

    1 year of study


    Name of topics

    Number of hours





    Conversation on labor protection





    Diagnostics of student learning





    Introduction to origami





    Basic shape "Triangle"

















    Basic form "Envelope"





    Flowers for the holiday of March 8





    Summer compositions





    Summer is ahead!





    Final lesson





    Design of exhibition works









    Conversation on labor protection (1 hour)
    Diagnostics of student learning (2 hours)
    Input diagnostics. Diagnostics based on the results of the 1st half of the year. Final diagnostics. Content diagnostic work see in the section “Methodological support of the program”: diagnostic card “Evaluation of the results of mastering the program”.
    Introduction to origami (2 hours)
    Rules of conduct during origami classes. Rules for using materials and tools. Terms used in origami. Making a square from a rectangular sheet of paper (two methods). The concept of “basic forms”.
    Basic forms:
    "Triangle" (3 hours),
    "Kite" (3 hours),
    "Double Triangle" (3 hours),
    "Double Square" (4 hours),
    "Envelope" (3 hours)
    Familiarity with the conventional signs adopted in origami and basic folding techniques. Basic forms. Instruction cards demonstrating the folding process. Folding products based on simple basic shapes. Design of compositions with the resulting products (volumetric applique).
    Flowers for the holiday of March 8 (3 hours)
    March 8 – international women's holiday. Folding colors based on basic shapes learned. Design of compositions and greeting cards.
    Summer compositions (3 hours)
    Floral arrangements based on simple basic shapes. Legends about flowers (Narcissus, a magical fern flower). Folding flowers. Design of compositions.
    Summer is ahead! (2 hours)
    Sailing boat. Competition "Table Racing".
    Final lesson (1 hour)
    “What we have learned in a year.”
    Design of exhibition works

    Methods of presenting and explaining material

    The proposed course of origami training is designed for 3 stages (4 years of study). During the learning process, the level of complexity of the work performed by children gradually increases. Many figures known in origami begin to fold the same way up to a certain point. Identical blanks are called basic forms.

    At stage 1 (1 year of training) all products are based on simple basic shapes: “Triangle”, “Kite”, “Double Triangle”, “Double Square”, “Envelope”. At this stage, children are shown only the folding process itself. Conventional signs and diagrams serve as additional illustrations for them when showing the folding process. In the methodological literature, teachers and educators are recommended at this stage to demonstrate to children the process of folding the product on a large sheet of paper. However, based on my work experience, I came to the conclusion that it is much more convenient to use instruction cards consisting of separate sheets. On each sheet of such an instruction card, using a large sheet of colored paper, only one operation for manufacturing the product is shown. The teacher must sequentially present the children with one sheet of such an instructional card, controlling at the initial stage of learning every action of the students, and later - only some of the most important operations. At the same time, symbols and diagrams serve only as additional illustrations when showing the folding process.

    At the beginning of training, special attention should be paid to the design of compositions. For example, the composition “Island in a Pond”. This is the first great job in 1 year of study. It is designed for six lessons. Each product (fish, butterfly, tadpole, bug, toad) is made in a separate lesson. First, for practice, children make them from large squares and decorate them with appliqué. Then, after examining the resulting samples, they make small figures for the composition, which are left in the classroom in envelopes for unfinished work.

    A separate lesson is devoted to creating a background and gluing figures. In this lesson, children should pay attention to the fact that a yellow blank for a sandbank is first glued onto a blue background, and then a green lawn is glued onto it, so the yellow rectangle for making a sandbank must be taken larger than the green one for the lawn. You can give templates of rectangles or offer children ready-made blanks of yellow and green rectangles, from which they themselves will cut out a lawn and sandbank of any shape.

    If desired, children can add additional small islands or a water lily leaf to the composition, on which insects can be glued. Before allowing students to glue the appliqué parts, you need to check that they have placed them beautifully on the plane of the sheet, and provide the children with the necessary individual assistance.

    Stage 2 of training includes the 2nd and 3rd years of study. At stage 2, crafts made on the basis of previously studied basic forms become more complex. In addition, children get acquainted with new basic shapes: “House”, “Door”, “Fish” and make products based on them. At this time, children become more familiar with the international system of origami symbols, sketch symbols and folding patterns of basic shapes in their albums. They learn to make products based not only on demonstrations of the folding process, but also on diagrams.

    In the second year of study, children are offered work simple circuits, demonstrating the assembly sequence of the product. At the beginning of training at this stage, a detailed oral analysis of the sequence of execution of the product and control of the most complex operations are required. And then you can propose some simple schemes for independent work. For example, diagrams for lessons dedicated to creating the composition “Dacha Village” from the book: Afonkin S.Yu. "Origami lessons at school and at home." Some of the simplest diagrams can also be drawn on the board as the product is being made. For example, schemes for making algae in the composition “Aquarium” or schemes for making modules for “Branches with Toys”.

    In the third year of study, the amount of independent work performed by children increases. Teaching origami acquires practical significance, since the topics of the classes are aimed not only at learning folding, but also at using origami products in everyday life. Lesson topics: “Wonderful transformations of a paper sheet” teach children how to decorate gifts, “Origami on festive table– how to make party invitations and beautifully decorate the table, etc.

    At stage 3 (4th year of study), the most complex basic forms become available to schoolchildren: “Catamaran”, “Bird”, “Frog”. The work performed at stage 3 is distinguished by its complexity. Bulk and moving products occupy a large place. Children work with diagrams drawn on the board or in a book. Draw up instruction cards for individual products. Learn to create and sketch your own products. This stage involves a large amount of independent work by students with origami diagrams from various books. At this time, the teacher provides only small individual advisory assistance to students. For the first time, a new section appears in the program: “Origami on the Internet.” In these classes, students are introduced to various websites dedicated to origami. Exhibitions presented at them the best products made using the origami technique will help students make their own creative works, which at this stage of training may already have a pronounced individual character.

    The training ends with writing an essay “Origami in our lives.” You can include the following points in your essay plan:

    - my introduction to origami;
    - what I learned in origami classes;
    - what classes do I remember most, and why?
    - my plans for the future;
    - and others.

    Approximate thematic planning of lessons

    1 year of study

    1. Conversation on labor protection.

    2. Rules of behavior in class.
    Terms used in origami.
    Pocket (wallet)
    Basic shape "Triangle"
    3. Stylized flower.
    4. Fox and dog.
    5. Cat and bull.
    6. Yacht and steamship.
    7. Composition “Ships at Sea”.
    8. Tit and bullfinch.
    9. Composition “Birds in the Forest”.
    10.Basic form "Kite"
    11. Rabbit and puppy.
    12. Hen and cockerel.
    13. Composition “Poultry on the lawn.”
    14. Crow.
    15. Fairytale bird.
    16. Owl.
    Flowers for the holiday of March 8
    17. Postcard “Bouquet of Carnations”.
    18. Rose buds. Composition “Bouquet of Roses”.
    19. Snowdrop.
    Basic shape "Double Triangle"
    20. Fish and butterfly.
    21. Tadpole and beetle.
    Basic shape "Double Square"
    22. Toad.
    23. Composition “Island in the Pond”.
    Basic shape "Double Square"
    24. Yacht.
    Basic form "Envelope"
    25. Steamship and submarine.
    26. Composition “At Sea”.
    Basic shape "Double Triangle"
    27. Lily.
    Summer compositions
    28. Narcissist.
    29. Magic flower.
    Summer is ahead!
    30. “What have we learned in a year.”