Tailor's life project. “You should spend a third of your time on those who have surpassed you.”

Gradually, Dmitry came to the conclusion that it was much more profitable not to shuttle himself, but to organize a service for the delivery and customs clearance of Chinese cargo for small companies. “I was the first to bet on the Internet. Instead of going to exhibitions and going to the bathhouse with potential clients, as even market leaders did, I set up contextual advertising,” recalls Portnyagin. He left his second year of university and decided that entrepreneurship needed to be learned through practice.

In the crisis year of 2008, the business began to stall, and Portnyagin moved to China. “My clients are either in Moscow or in the central part of Russia, and my counterparties are in China, that is, I myself am not where I should be,” explains a former resident of the Amur region. So the 20-year-old entrepreneur and his wife moved to Guangzhou, where they registered the company Transitplus.

In 2012, Portnyagin launched an online podcast about business with China: he invited specialists and market players to his office and discussed with them legal and financial problems, and the peculiarities of production in China. The entrepreneur began to be invited to speak at professional conferences and exhibitions, and new clients appeared who learned about the company thanks to the podcast. “I realized then that power lies in publicity. The more open you are, the more people trust you,” says the entrepreneur.

In order to monetize his “publicity,” Portnyagin decided to return to Russia in 2015. At first, he tried on the role of a classic information businessman - he became an active participant in the “Business Youth” community, spoke on stage, and advised aspiring entrepreneurs. But the scale was not enough. “I wanted to fight the stereotype that it is impossible to do business in Russia. And at the same time, I understood that I would definitely not stand at the camera with a flipchart and tell something. Our people hate being lectured,” says Portnyagin. He decided to introduce viewers to successful people and tell their stories on his YouTube channel.

There have already been such vlogs: for example, banker Oleg Tinkov published his video interviews with aspiring entrepreneurs and oligarchs for many years. Portnyagin decided that, of course, he couldn’t do without interviews, but they needed to be diluted with spectacular elements. And in each issue I began to do test drives of cars worth 10 million rubles or more. and videos about premium holidays in different countries of the world.

Portnyagin rented equipment for the production of the first ten issues. The production of one issue cost at least 100 thousand rubles: he paid 40 thousand for the work of two operators, another 40 thousand were required for renting two cameras, and 15-20 thousand for editing. Often the budget significantly exceeded this amount. For example, in the very first episode, the entrepreneur conquers Mont Blanc - to film a five-minute episode, he had to take the film crew to France, taking on all the overhead costs. The video in which Portnyagin tests Ferrari and Rolls-Royce in the sands of the UAE cost 1 million rubles. The vlog was just gaining popularity - at first there were no sponsors. The entrepreneur paid for renting cars, hotels and other things out of his own pocket.

Another expense item was channel promotion - Dmitry announced a lottery with a prize of 1 million rubles. among those who subscribe to it. And to attract attention to the action, I used advertising from several top vloggers - Amiran Sardarov, the host of the vlog “Diary of a Khacha”, and Evgeniy Gavrilin, whose vlog “Life of Bi” was then the leader in business topics. “Transformer” started in November 2016, and by January 2017, Portnyagin released ten vlogs and collected 100 thousand subscribers.

Dmitry Portnyagin (Photo: Arseny Neskhodimov for RBC)

The economics of vlogging

“I was very inspired by the instant feedback: you read the comments and understand what people like, and immediately come up with a new release,” says Portnyagin. He plunged headlong into a new project, mastering the profession of a presenter along the way. For example, at first he had trouble talking to the camera: “I felt like an idiot talking to an inanimate object.” To practice, I started recording my monologues with my phone camera while driving. The vlog, according to him, made life more eventful and interesting.

“No matter what happens, strictly every Wednesday I have to post a new video, otherwise interest will disappear, and this is great discipline,” admits Dmitry. In six months he filmed more than 30 episodes. Each video lasts 20 minutes, filming takes from several hours to several days.

A whole team works on the channel: a producer, three editors, a designer, an SMM specialist and two cameramen. In addition, for dubbing episodes with English-speaking characters, for example, as in episodes from Miami, Portnyagin attracts professional actors with recognizable voices who dub TV series and movies. About 400 thousand rubles are spent on labor costs. per month. The businessman spent more than 1 million rubles on purchasing his own equipment for filming.

As for monetization, the model is as follows: one of the four guests of the issue is commercial, he pays from 300 thousand rubles for appearing on camera. The audience knows about this, but does not know who exactly. “Advertising must be super native. Hotel advertisers often contact me, but what will I rent there? We have to refuse,” says the vlogger.

For some advertisers, the author of “Transformer” makes special issues - for example, one of them was dedicated to the business forum of the Synergy school. “Advertising on YouTube is seriously undervalued,” says Grigory Avetov, rector of Synergy. “I am pleased with the integration on Portnyagin’s channel: firstly, the cost per click was low for us, and secondly, we gave users useful content, it was not annoying advertising.”

According to Portnyagin, the vlog now brings him about 3 million rubles. revenue per month, approximately the same amount is spent on its maintenance. But the vlog works to promote the entrepreneur himself and his other projects.

For example, several years ago Portnyagin launched the tourism project Tourister.com. This is the organization and sale of group tours of various formats, from climbing Elbrus to yachting in the Maldives. “If before we recruited a group in six months, now thanks to the vlog we do it in a week,” says Portnyagin. The average travel bill is 200 thousand rubles, the group includes up to 30 people, and the margin of this business is about 50%.

Portnyagin is also ready to create turnkey channels for others and produce them. For 1 million rubles. The Transformer team creates the concept, helps film the first two issues, and promotes the client in Transformer. The team is working on three such projects in test mode.

“The main thing is not to impose anything on anyone. If viewers feel insincerity, they will not watch and there can be no talk of any commercial success. High-quality picture and sound are also important. In third place is content, in fourth place is regularity,” Portnyagin argues. “Now is the time to stake out your niche on YouTube, where the television audience is moving.”

The Power of Networking

“I am first and foremost an entrepreneur, not a video blogger,” emphasizes Evgeniy Gavrilin, owner of more than a dozen companies, including the digital agency Nectarin, crowdfunding platforms Boomstarter and Tugush.com. He decided to start his YouTube channel “Life Bee” at the end of 2015. Having studied the cases of successful Russian vloggers, he was surprised to discover that there was almost no serious content aimed at an adult audience on Russian YouTube, and he decided to occupy this niche.

Evgeniy Gavrilin

At the beginning of 2016, while on vacation, Gavrilin himself made several videos where he talked about business and shared the secrets of success. When I returned, I decided to consult with top vlogger Amiran Sardarov (his channel “Diary of a Khach” has 1.9 million subscribers). But he issued a disappointing verdict: all the footage was no good: not the YouTube format, the presentation was incorrect.

“Amiran believes that the audience needs more “movement” and provocative moments. I listened and asked him to make the first issues turnkey,” says Gavrilin. He does not name the exact amount of the contract, claiming that over the entire period of cooperation with Sardarov he spent 2.5-3 million rubles, including for filming, editing, and integration on other channels. Over the summer of 2016, while Sardarov was producing the vlog, the channel’s audience grew to 300 thousand subscribers.

But soon a conflict arose. “I didn’t really like that in my vlog there was periodically some vulgarity, swearing, scantily clad girls, supposedly my assistants. This gave an increase in audience, but over time led to internal discomfort,” recalls Gavrilin. In the fall of 2016, he stopped collaborating with Sardarov and filmed a “frank issue” where he admitted that some moments in his vlog were feigned. Some of the audience left, but the entrepreneur was not embarrassed: “I need thinking, mature people, not schoolchildren.”

Gavrilin also hired his own team - a director, producer, two cameramen, an editor and an assistant. They also had to spend money on equipment: the group has three cameras, the purchase of each of which cost 300 thousand rubles.

“I don’t directly earn money from vlogging, but I have long since recouped my investment thanks to increased personal recognition,” says Gavrilin. According to the entrepreneur, the channel provides great opportunities for developing one’s own business projects and opens many doors. While vlogging, he significantly expanded his network of acquaintances and found new partners. For example, thanks to the vlog, he successfully sells the F-keeper restaurant service franchise, of which he is a co-investor. Popularity also helps when hiring employees: “I once posted on Instagram that I was looking for sales managers, and within a week I had a whole department staffed.”

Evgeniy Gavrilin (Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC)

Selling happiness

Experiments with vlogs do not always end successfully.

The founder of the Callbackhunter company, Ruslan Tatunashvili, started a video blog back in 2015, long before it became fashionable. On the channel “About Business, Happiness and Conversion,” Ruslan posted simple videos shot on a smartphone and GoPro. These were mainly conversations with other entrepreneurs, philosophical monologues from Tatunashvili himself, and educational video lectures on business. The videos did not have a strict format: some lasted seven minutes, others 20. Ruslan actively bought advertising on YouTube and gained 100 thousand subscribers in two months. And soon he himself began selling advertising, calling it “option”. Those who bought the “option” from Tatunashvili were mentioned in one way or another in the video or were called sponsors of the issue. The vlogger sold advertising worth more than 1 million rubles.

But then force majeure happened: in August 2015, ill-wishers complained about the channel’s content (as the bloggers themselves say, they “threw strikes”), which led to the blocking of the account. “I didn’t even know that any user can throw a strike on channels that are not connected to the YouTube monetization system for any reason,” explains Tatunashvili. “After the first two strikes, the functionality of our account was limited, and after the third, the channel was completely closed for two weeks.” It didn’t seem to be scary, but shortly before this, Tatunashvili bought advertising in the popular vlog Rakamakafo (2.8 million subscribers), from where solid traffic was supposed to come.

Troubles also occurred in the main business. The Central Bank revoked the license of the Sudostroitelny Bank, where Ruslan and his partner kept their funds. Tatunashvili sold his stake in Callbackhunter to amoCRM in 2016. The topic of the vlog also changed sharply: the entrepreneur began to talk more about philosophy and esotericism, rather than about sales technologies.

In May 2017, Tatunashvili removed video clip, where he announced that he was stopping the channel and giving it to entrepreneur Alexei Voronin. “My mission on YouTube is now complete,” Ruslan announced.

Our thoughts, actions and emotions are largely influenced by our environment. Almost all speakers advise narrowing your social circle to successful, cheerful and inspiring people.

“You should spend at least a third of your time on those who have surpassed you,” says Anton “Razor” Rudanov [founder and leader of the men’s motivational project “Sparta”]. Yes, it is not easy and brings discomfort, especially when you are used to “comfortable” friends. But it is necessary.

And the guiding star of your environment should be. Imagine a philosophical old man with a beard? :) Not at all necessary. This could be a person who is 2-3 steps higher than you. Or someone who has already achieved everything you strive for. The main thing is that he can teach you something new and important.

“The greatest people in the world have mentors,” noted Gil Petersil [startup guru and co-founder of MeetPartners]. Gil’s mentor, by the way, is Anthony Robbins [business coach and author of many books on self-development].

Advice from Gil Petersil: To find your mentor, you must first. Pay it forward - pay it forward.

Task for you: reconsider your social circle. Maybe it's time to break up with someone? Does anyone really need your help?

2. Defeat the monster

You have been assigned to conduct important negotiations. You prepared, wrote the text, even rehearsed in front of the mirror. You arrive at a meeting and clearly realize that... you are afraid.

Let's reveal a secret: the only monster was your fear. You felt lower, less than your interlocutor - and most likely even physically.

Of course, it was not very difficult to win negotiations with a stooped, insecure and dependent person! Everything will change if you mentally “blow away” the monster in advance.

Advice from Igor Ryzov [business coach, partner of the Synergy business school]:

  • Call for an assistant. If you just left your student days yesterday, and your opponent is already thirty years old, take an experienced colleague with you to the meeting. You will be calmer.
  • Equalize positions. Ask yourself two questions. “What harm will happen to me if we can’t agree?” Answer: nothing. Even if you are fired, life will not end. “What will be wrong with my opponent?” Nothing either. You see, you already have something in common :)
  • "Get into your opponent's jacket." Try to think like him. What (or who) is pressuring him? What is his goal? What exactly does he want to achieve?

And remember, monsters don’t negotiate, they live in your head.

Task for you: conduct several negotiations with serious opponents. Hard to learn, easy to fight.

3. Think oak trees

The Gothic roof of the Palace of Westminster in Great Britain is built from unique oak beams. In 2013, 500 years after construction, bugs ate a huge cavity in these beams. For restoration it was necessary to find wood of suitable quality - not an easy task. And then one of the members of parliament reports that the original oak trees were brought from his family estate, and he has the opportunity to deliver exactly the same oak beams.

“My ancestor,” he said, “immediately after the trees were cut down, he planted new oaks. And he said that they would still be needed.” The prudent Briton predicted the fate of his business five centuries in advance.

Today it is common to think in the short term, and this is understandable: are changing the world faster than we can master them. But without thorough goal-setting, our movement can lose all meaning.

The speakers suggest developing corporate farsightedness and living “beyond the horizon.” Moreover, when you have the main task of life, formulating tasks for yourself for the week ahead seems like a mere trifle.

Advice from Gleb Arkhangelsky [founder of the school of time management, author of business bestsellers “Time Drive”, “Work 2.0.”, “Corporate Time Management”]: Make a habit of writing down the main goal of the day for yourself every day. Mondays are the main goal of the week. At the end of December - the main goal of the year. And one day it will lead you to the main goal of life.

The task is for you: think through your plans for 100 years ahead. And always act in the long-term interests.

4. Go digital

“If you don’t become an IT company within 3-5 years, then you simply won’t exist,” says Alexey Voronin [investor, creator of the “Billion for a Million” course]. Chatbots, artificial intelligence, automated project, sales and personnel management systems are not just trends, but a necessity.

Absolutely any area of ​​business is going digital, from retail to medicine.

As an example, he cites robot lawyers, bot psychotherapists, bot investors, and the same bot from Sberbank that replaced 3,500 people.

Voronin also noticed the growing popularity. The clip-based thinking of Generation Z leaves no chance for texts.

So Dmitry Portnyagin [entrepreneur, author of the video blog “Transformer”] is sure that this is the platform of the future. The budgets of large advertisers are already moving there. And while there is no high competition there, it’s time to start at least a corporate vlog.

Tips from Dmitry Portnyagin on how to create a successful channel on Youtube:

  • Step 1: Select a topic (as broad as possible and, preferably, edutainment);
  • Step 2: Come up with a name (short and hype);
  • Step 3: Create channel packaging (designers to help);
  • Step 4: Create a structure (in each episode - educate, entertain, inspire);
  • Step 6: Find a cameraman (2 in 1);
  • Step 7: Buy a minimum of equipment (at first it’s better to rent and understand what you need and like);
  • Step 8: Attract traffic (the best way is collaboration with bloggers).

Task for you: Automate as many processes in your company as possible, if you haven't already. And start your own YouTube channel!

5. Don't run from problems

Unwillingness to face problems is our first national problem, says Maxim Batyrev [author of the bestseller “45 Manager Tattoos”]. We can endure as much as we want, pretend that nothing is happening, convince everyone (and ourselves) that everything is fine. We don’t fire untalented employees, we don’t close an unprofitable business, we don’t even go to the doctor until the last minute if something hurts (it will go away on its own!) What is this, fear of change? Laziness?

Meanwhile, post-stress take-off occurs more often than depression. This fact was reported at the forum by Radislav Gandapas [author of 8 books and 13 films, laureate of the 2013 Runet Prize for the book “Leader’s Charisma”].

Two in one: get rid of problems and get well-deserved growth.

Task for you: analyze current affairs - no matter work or personal. Any problems? Decide!

6. Look inside yourself

One of the main goals of the SIF was to bring together completely different views and approaches. In contrast to the stories about super motivation and endless races for results, some speakers advised stopping and taking a breath.

The most “zen” is, of course, Ruslan Tatunashvili [co-founder of the CallBackHunter service]. In his opinion, everything that exists in the external world is an internal reflection. Therefore, success cannot be achieved without harmony with yourself. And the main guarantee of harmony is calmness, joy and love.

“The more you work on packaging, the more you inflate your ego, just like a soap bubble,” says Andrey Parabellum [founder of the international Association of Independent Business Consultants “BizCon”]. You need to develop not your image, but yourself - in order to be sincere and simple.

Self-development advice from Anton “Razor” Rudanov [founder and leader of the men’s motivational project “Sparta”]: Tibetan technique: ask yourself 3 questions every evening. What am I grateful for today? What will I do better tomorrow than today? How have I helped other people?

7. Sew on the loops

One day, Igor Mann [co-founder of the business literature publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber] went to the Vienna Opera. The wardrobe man meekly hung his coat without a loop on his hangers, although once at the Bolshoi Theater this coat was accepted “with a squeak” and for an additional fee.

Already at the hotel, after the opera, Mann discovered that a loop was sewn onto his coat... with color-matched threads. The next day he returned to the opera to thank the cloakroom attendant, to which he calmly replied: “Sir, anyone in my place would do this.”

Mann considers this case one of the best examples of customer centricity. He is confident that every company in Russia should love and respect its customers, be it a bank, a theater or a car repair shop.

Tips from Igor Mann:

  • Write the word “Client” with a capital letter (as well as Guest, Friend, Visitor - any address);
  • Turn on a smile (and teach your employees to smile);
  • Calculate the lifetime value of a customer (estimate how many times the Customer will buy from you; multiply this by the Customer’s average check; and multiply by the number of years the Customer will buy your product. Be surprised);
  • Calculate the “points of contact” (advertising, signboards, business cards - everything where your company comes into contact with the Client, right down to the front door handle) and evaluate them on the scale of “wow, okay, sucks”. Make everything "wow";
  • Evaluate NPS - loyalty index (ask Clients whether they would recommend your company to their friends - on a scale from 0 to 10. Subtract from the number of “promoters” (those who rated 9-10) the number of “critics” (those who rated to 0-6));
  • Make good manners a value (for example, not swearing in the workplace).

Assignment to you: love your Clients. And overtake the MiF publishing house in terms of NPS index (85-87%).

  1. "Think Slowly... Decide Fast" Daniel Kahneman
  2. "Thinking Traps" Chip Heath, Dan Heath
  3. "Predictably Irrational" Dan Ariely
  4. "Black swan. Under the sign of unpredictability" Nassim Taleb
  5. "Geniuses and Outsiders" Malcolm Gladwell
  6. "We're Breaking Away" Cameron Herold
  7. "Sincere Loyalty" Fred Reichheld
  8. "Startup" Guy Kawasaki
  9. "Don't growl at the dog!" Karen Pryor
  10. "Zero to One" Peter Thiel

Recently, the business blog “Transformer”, authored by entrepreneur Dmitry Portnyagin, has gained enormous popularity on YouTube. Now the number of subscribers to this blog has exceeded 1 million, and some episodes have received more than one and a half million views. It is watched by different people, but primarily by young people. Portnyagin in his blog shows the beautiful life of an entrepreneur, travels the world, interviews businessmen and encourages young people to do business.

Subscribers are waiting for new episodes on the blog and believe what Portnyagin and his heroes say from the screen. Some people are inspired by these stories to quit their jobs and start their own business, while others get a dose of joy from viewing beautiful cars and hotels in different countries of the world from cool angles.

At the same time, many people were suspicious of his explosive popularity. After all, nothing in this life happens for nothing. And behind every such project there is someone in whose interests this whole game is played. Vigilant people are looking for facts that expose the ideal image of a new generation entrepreneur promoting honest modern business in Russia.

In this article I want to talk about facts that will reveal to you the true face of Dmitry Portnyagin and bring him to light. After reading this article, you will find out the truth and will be able to protect yourself and your loved ones from yet another business blogger, and you will also be able to defeat some sucker in an argument, impressing him with your argumentation. Are you ready? Let's go!

Compromising evidence

Firstly, there is compromising evidence against Dmitry, which is posted on the authoritative website wikicompromat.org. This site says that Portnyagin is suspected of fraud and is seen in self-promotion.

The authority of this site is quite high, so there are no doubts here. Especially regarding self-PR and the notorious business with China. However, this site provides irrefutable facts that discredit Dmitry Portnyagin.

I decided to check this information, because if this is true and Google really gives such tips, then many people are looking for such queries, which means that Portnyagin scammed someone through his business blog. Agree, people will not write such requests just to find some information. So this can really say a lot. But when I entered the query “Dmitry Portnyagin” into Google, I was stunned!

Google didn’t show up words like “exposure,” “swindler,” or “scam” in its suggestions. It is obvious that Portnyagin agreed with Google to remove negative information about him from the tips when he filmed the story in their office.

But Dmitry, apparently, has not yet been able to come to an agreement with Yandex and negative tips have surfaced there, which were written about on the WikiKompromat.org website.

I decided to check the query statistics in the Yandex.Wordstat service and this is what it showed:

It’s incredible, but almost 4 thousand people every month search Yandex for revealing information about Dmitry Portnyagin. And this already says a lot. I think that WikiKompromat.org is right about this and you won’t argue with it. But what is written there about the blogger’s self-PR.

I don’t know by what miracle, but the article on the WikiKompromat.org website is on the first page. Although not in first place, it is not in last place and even higher than the Transformer channel page on YouTube.

While Yandex has not given up and shows the truth about Portnyagin to people on the first page, I believe that it is necessary to show this truth in more detail. Moreover, the blogger himself does not hide anything in particular; we just need to look at his publications from a certain angle and we will see who is the customer of the Transformer project.

Portnyagin Yeltsin project

We take photographs from Portnyagin’s official account for analysis. Instagram. Look how warmly Dmitry hugs the monument to Boris Nikolaevich in Yekaterinburg. He does not hide his sympathy, so it immediately becomes clear where the roots of the Transformer project come from.

Just in case, I will remind you that Yeltsin, together with Gorbachev, destroyed the USSR in 1991 at the order of the world behind the scenes from the United States. And Yeltsin himself drank vodka while the whole country had nothing to eat. Then Putin came and saved Russia. And Yeltsin’s memory today is supported by the same forces that once brought him to power, that is, liberal traitors serving the world Masonic backstage. It is logical that American Google gives Portnyagin views and subscribers on its YouTube and invites him to its office in Moscow. But that's not all.

Read also:

Connection with Buddhism-Marxism

In August 2017, another “Transformer” vlog was released, in which the XIV Dalai Lama Ngagwang Lovzang Tenzin Gyamtsho gives an interview to Portnyagin. In this episode, the spiritual leader of the followers of Tibetan Buddhism admits that he is a Marxist. As you know, all Marxists are masons and they, led by Lenin and Trotsky, destroyed the prosperous Russian Empire in 1917. This issue was published in 2017, the centenary year of the October Revolution. Coincidence? Don't think.

So vigilant subscribers are rightly indignant about friendly hugs with a participant in the global anti-Russian conspiracy.

Masonic symbolism in clothing

Surely you have watched revealing films on the RenTV channel about how Freemasons rule America and the whole world. So, remember the most famous Masonic symbol? This is the all-seeing eye at the top of the pyramid, which is even present on dollar bills and looks like this.

Now pay attention: what is depicted on Dmitry’s jacket. Such accidents do not happen.

In addition, it is known that Portnyagin visited the United States in 2017, about which he made a separate issue. What should he do in the USA? Of course, behind the scenes he communicated with his masters from the world behind the scenes - the Freemasons - and, most likely, was initiated to a higher level. The fact that he belongs to Freemasonry and carries out its orders is not hidden and is obvious to everyone who has watched at least a couple of films on the RenTV channel about the Freemasons. After increasing his level, he apparently received the task of creating his own Masonic lodge under the guise of a business club.

Masonic club "Transformer"

In September 2017, Portnyagin began inviting entrepreneurs to his so-called business club.

These are the purely Masonic principles and criteria for joining this lodge:

The club's speaker is, among others, the famous freemason and oligarch Sergei Polonsky.

But the key proof that this club is Masonic is, of course, its logo. At first glance, it may seem that this logo is nothing special.

But in fact, this is a direct reference to the all-seeing eye, which is depicted on the dollar.

The above facts leave no doubt that Transformer is a Masonic project designed in the USA and financed from abroad. His goal is simple and clear - under the guise of a harmless blog with inspiring content, to capture the attention of young people in order to instill in them Euro-Atlantic values ​​such as business instead of our original traditional Eurasian values. This is how a real scam takes place for suckers in front of everyone, and almost no one opposes this, except for individual enthusiasts.

You now know the truth. Help others recognize it - publish this article on all your social networks, email it to your friends! Post the link in the comments to Transformer episodes on YouTube! Save them and their loved ones from this divorce!

Now seriously...

Comrade citizens, this article was written specifically for those 3,875 people who every month enter queries in Yandex (and Google too) containing the phrase “Potrnyagin exposure.” Let me remind you of the screenshot. You can double-check in the Yandex.Wordstat service.

Don’t think that there are only 3875 such seekers throughout the country. There are hundreds of thousands of such skeptics, and new additions are joining your legion every day.

The scary truth about this article

In fact, this article does not and will not contain any revelations, because there is no truth or power in revelations. Revelations are always written by the party that puts everything in a favorable light. And usually people who want to justify their sad existence are looking for exposure. I offer you truth and strength instead of wasting time looking for revelations and justifications. I wrote this article with the goal of getting into the TOP of search engines for the query of interest, and getting a flow of regular visitors (including you) to my cozy blog.

And instead of revelations, it will be 100 times more useful to study Portnyagin from the inside, listen to him more carefully, read his book, which has become a bestseller. You can also watch Dmitry’s speeches, in which he shares his secrets and plans. I was once caught by such a phrase in a speech and I am ready to subscribe to this phrase.

“I want us, a whole army of adequate and correctly thinking people, to go to YouTube and create channels that our youth will watch. Not those guys who do crap... This is this degenerate content that is in the top of YouTube, I can’t look at it! And I want us to solve this problem together, because young people are our future, friends!”

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The Internet today is replete with messages about the young and successful, representatives of the new generation, who playfully break the stereotypes of business and way of thinking that have developed over the years.

A completely new name - Dmitry Portnyagin. They started talking about him a couple of years ago, and since then Dmitry’s popularity has only been growing. They watch it, listen to it, read it. A major businessman, a specialist in the field of international entrepreneurship, whose income amounts to millions, and in dollar terms.

How did he achieve this? What are his life goals, priorities, who is in his immediate circle? And in general, how to separate the wheat from the chaff - maybe this is just another beautiful legend aimed at siphoning hard-earned money from the pockets of the gullible population? Let's figure it out.

The early years of the life of the hero of our story, in general, are no different from the growing up period of many, many. Dmitry was born in the Far East - in the city of Tynda (this is the Amur region). The event happened on April 14, 1988.

The boy grew up in a complete family: mother, father, sister. But in 1998, just at the junction of Dima’s childhood and adolescence, his father dies (by the way, his father was a successful entrepreneur). For the child, this was not just extreme stress - it was a shock from which he could not recover for a long time.

Dima began to study worse. He started getting bad grades from school. His diary was full of entries about bad behavior; his mother was forced to regularly appear at the educational institution and listen to a lot of unpleasant things about her son.

It's hard to say what would have happened next. Perhaps the notorious influence of the street, where the teenager disappeared day and night, would have done its job. But Dima became interested in boxing.

By the ninth grade, sports had become serious; Dmitry met older guys who showed their “maturity” in ways that were not typical for Dima’s usual environment in those years: didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, made plans for life, which included continuing their studies and building a career.

Dmitry began to change. He gave his mother his word that there would not be a single “C” on his school certificate - and he kept it. The young man has target: “get out among the people”, make your life bright and interesting.

As he himself said in later interviews, leadership qualities were present in him from childhood, they just did not manifest themselves in the most “positive way” at first. The guy didn’t want anyone’s help - he always wanted to do everything himself.

In any case, this is what he claims today, recalling his childhood and teenage years. Ambitiousness, the desire to stand out, and, of course, to impress girls - where would you be without this in your youth! - all this together pushed the young man to his first “exploits”.

So, “the goals are clear, the tasks are set - let’s get to work, comrades.” Dmitry enters the Blagoveshchensk branch of the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship. And the fun begins.

Where did it all start?

Already in his first year, Dmitry understands that he can make good money on the fact that Blagoveshchensk is geographically located literally a few kilometers from China. On the advice of his sister (and not without the help of her friends), he becomes a guide - this was his first profession. Dmitry takes tourists to China.

Try to put yourself in his place for a second: you don’t know Chinese, you don’t know the country, but you are faced with the task of organizing a tourist route, solving organizational issues and overcoming the Chinese “border and customs clearance.” Well, how does it feel? Can you accomplish all these feats?

Portnyagin succeeded. In order to establish a business, Dmitry subsequently had to move to China and spend 5 years there. He managed to make friends, “gain the necessary connections.” And this despite the fact that Dmitry never learned Chinese, which he honestly reports.

Personal life

He himself doesn’t really like to remember that time. In one of the interviews, he admitted that then he had to literally reconsider his entire life for the sake of a seemingly illusory result. The young man dropped out of school, practically stopped maintaining relations with his mother (they did not speak for a year), and most importantly, he sacrificed his love. At least he was convinced of it.

While still in his first year, Dima met a cute girl, Katya, also a student. He looked after her, as he himself says, “carefully, unobtrusively.” Katya appreciated this and agreed to become the companion of the aspiring businessman.

In 2008, a crisis broke out, which greatly affected Portnyagin’s financial condition. He spent all day and night solving work issues, trying to “swim out.” The wife was offended by the lack of attention, and perhaps she began to get tired of Dmitry’s deteriorating character - as a result, the couple temporarily separated. It’s interesting that Dmitry himself “slammed the door.” Then both believed that this would be forever.

Today the Portnyagins are together again. Years later, the guys matured and reconsidered their relationship. They look like a happy couple, Ekaterina supports her husband in everything and accompanies him on all his trips.

Katya is a real beauty, a very stylish and interesting young woman. She has no need to work to survive. But she doesn’t sit at home, baking tons of pies for her husband’s arrival. Ekaterina has her own business. Which? More on this later.

Dmitry was generally lucky with his family. He has a loving mother (today they have learned to avoid “sharp corners” and respect each other’s views), as well as a wonderful mother-in-law and niece.

Dmitry has many friends and like-minded people. He leads an active life, travels constantly, and does not use package tours. Some time ago, he was fascinated by extreme tourism - together with the same “crazy” guys, among whom are his friends, employees and just acquaintances, he conquers mountain peaks, looks at the world from a bird’s eye view and dives into the depths of the ocean.

Soon this direction will become a new serious branch of his business - enterprising people know how to combine work and hobbies. However, a happy person never works - he simply does his job with enthusiasm, and this business brings him income. Unless, of course, he is a real Master.

Business, companies

Dmitry Portnyagin’s business today is a company Transit Plus LLC, which supplies goods from China. In logistics alone, by Dmitry’s own admission, he earns up to $2 million a year. The year of the company’s “birth” coincided with the coming of age of its founder – Dmitry turned 18 years old.

The company's areas of interest are the supply of goods, the study of market places in the Middle Kingdom, audits of manufacturers, financial and legal assistance to entrepreneurs.

In addition, Portnyagin owns his own YouTube channel, which by the end of 2017 had 745 thousand subscribers. There is also a closed club “Transformer”, for membership in which you need to pay a considerable amount: from 400 thousand per year.

A relatively new direction - Agency "TransformatorTravel". It organizes group tours to the most unusual and interesting places in the world.

Deserves a separate discussion Society "Business Youth". This project attracted Dmitry's attention in 2015. First, he completed a training course there (the cost of which, we note, is 1 million rubles). Now he is a consultant for the club, conducting trainings and seminars.

If you type in a search engine a query like “Dmitry Portnyagin business”, a lot of information of a very different nature will appear. Please note: quite a significant part of it is negative.

So, about the company “Transit Plus” you can see a sea of ​​​​statements in the spirit of: “The company is a scammer!”, “The order took 2 months, half of the goods were delivered defective”, “Delivery of goods from Guangzhou is a complete scam! General Director Portnyagin is inaccessible to clients, hides, feeds “breakfasts”.

Should we believe such warnings? There is an opinion that Dmitry Portnyagin uses this kind of articles for black PR - they say, so that your name is on everyone’s lips, all means are good.

Let’s try to learn a little more about the business achievements of the young entrepreneur in order to be able to draw our own conclusions.

Business Youth

Project “Business Youth”: what is it? Who is it designed for? How do the people involved benefit from it?

This is rather not an ordinary training center, but a kind of community that brings together successful businessmen who are ready to share their experience and conduct master classes with neophytes. Among the gurus is Dmitry Portnyagin.

The project is aimed at young people - people aged 18 to 35 who have set themselves the goal of achieving money, fame and success. Classes are held in the form of seminars and games, where everyone must complete some task. At the end, a “debriefing” is carried out, an analysis of typical errors.

“Business Youth” states that it works only with people who are ready to invest a lot in their education - the course costs a million rubles. However, to attract potential clients, classes are divided into paid and free parts. This last one can be visited by anyone.

Will all the secrets of doing business be revealed during the classes? It’s unlikely - because then competition will increase, plus there are no uniform rules here - everyone has their own path to success. But issues related to the external side are covered in great detail.

How to dress, what style to choose, how to equip an office, how to make a website as convenient as possible for clients - the “students” will be told about all this. But there is still something behind the scenes, “little things”: how to recruit a truly talented team? How to motivate people to work?

In short, there is something to think about. But for a young man who has just embarked on the path of entrepreneurship, new knowledge opens up - you can’t argue with that. Really, where will such a student find a million? Well, these are your problems - if you want to achieve your goal, invent, search and earn money. This is the approach of the founders of Business of Youth.

YouTube channel "Transformer"

Since 2016, a new channel has appeared on the network on the popular YouTube hosting - “Transformer”. This video magazine quickly gained popularity. What does Portnyagin tell the viewer about - how does he attract people in our time, when it would seem difficult to surprise with anything?

Video topics – lifestyle (lifestyle), expensive cars(cars are Dmitry’s passion), meetings with famous personalities. Travel plays a huge role. Dmitry is almost always on the move - either he is in China, then in Thailand, or in Europe.

During his trips, a young businessman tries to learn more about the life (business and entertainment sides) of the residents of the state where he finds himself. And, of course, meet some outstanding personalities. So, in India he talked with the Dalai Lama. About what? Yes, about everything, including very topical political issues - the situation in the European Union and the fight against ISIS.

Dmitry himself says that he is especially interested in 2 points:

  1. What and how do people earn money in different countries?
  2. What is the spiritual fulfillment of their lives?

Every year he sets certain goals - he sets the bar for himself so that he has somewhere to move. So. in 2017, his plan was to visit 10 states.

The video magazine, unobtrusively, casually provides subscribers with the opportunity to observe the life of Portnyagin himself: how he prepares for travel, how he builds a house, how he tests new cars (by the way, the latter is not a cheap activity: thousands of dollars are spent on such entertainment) .

Book "Transformer"

One day, a young entrepreneur (at that time already having a thriving company) sat down and wrote a book. Its name repeats the name of the channel - “Transformer”. It is about a person who is capable of transforming the world around him. The main character, of course, is Dmitry himself. He describes his own life path, sincerely talking about the mistakes he made and inspiring the reader to take active action.

The work contains 40 keys – 40 rules that you need to follow if you want to become rich and successful. The main message of the book is “Get rich!”

The target audience, as far as one can judge from the author’s recommendations and wishes, is young people from 20 to 25 years old, mostly men, who want to “get everything from life.”

The purpose of the book, apparently, is to push readers to action, to break out of the circle of everyday life and try their hand at something new that is sure to bring success. The narration is emotional, but there is no clear system and not enough specifics.

For a person who is just starting his life’s journey, a book can be a good motivator. To those who are older and already have some experience behind them, it seems not without its shortcomings.

The official price of the book “Transformer” is 2250 rubles. You can purchase both in paper version and in electronic version, buy on the official website.

Entrepreneurs Club

Dmitry’s latest “brainchild” at the moment is closed club "Transformer".

It is aimed only at large businessmen: the minimum annual contribution, if you purchase the “Standard” package, will be 400,000 rub. per year. For this money, the club founder promises to provide:

  • excursions to top companies, not only Russian, but also those doing business on a global scale;
  • visiting forums in interesting places around the world;
  • master classes from business tycoons.

Each member of the club gets the opportunity to move in an environment close to him, surrounded by like-minded people, “spy” on new ideas, and discuss business plans.

Do you want to practice managing international relations? Find out the most jealously guarded secrets of top managers of huge, powerful companies? Please - nothing is impossible for “Transformer” and its regular visitors.

However, it is possible that after some time this will seem insufficient to you and you will want more. You can achieve this by moving to the next level: pay 700 thousand rubles for an annual membership ( "Gold" package) and receive 8 business breakfasts in the most luxurious hotels with the most successful and cool owners of multimillion-dollar companies, as well as the right to attend some secret events.

Finally there is "Platinum" level. This is for those who are ready to agree only to the maximum. For you - the holy of holies of business scenes, as well as VIP places around the world.

In general, not everyone can afford membership in the club. But that’s not all: even if a person is ready to pay 400 thousand rubles in order to gain the right to open cherished doors (for example, by taking out a loan), “Transformer” will still think about whether to let him into its world.

In order to become a member of the club, you must have a monthly income of at least one million rubles. Another requirement is an agreement to support the community (what this means will probably be discussed in person).

There is one more small limitation: the club has only 220 seats. Perhaps everyone who wants to get into it won’t have time to get into it right away.

Why was the club created? Dmitry explains the reasons that prompted him to think about this project:

“I realized that a person can only grow in a strong environment”

In other words, the club is needed so that entrepreneurs find themselves in their ecosystem, support each other and help with both connections and resources. Then it will be easier for everyone to achieve their goals and not relax after that, but continue to move forward, because competition excites, and the friendly support of loved ones strengthens them.

There, the requirements for members are somewhat lower: the “Standard” block, in particular, costs 180 thousand rubles. per year. The club also hosts master classes, trainings, and off-site conferences.

Only the main emphasis is placed on “education” exclusively feminine qualities, for which gurus of cosmetology, modeling business, famous family psychologists, as well as ladies who have managed to achieve success in competition with men, using the power of their charm as a weapon, are invited to the classes.

How much does Portnyagin earn?

Now we come to the question that arouses the greatest curiosity: how much does Dmitry Portnyagin earn?

An entrepreneur's income comes from several sources. Here are the main ones:

  • share in the profits of the Transitplus company;
  • income from the video magazine “Transformer” and the club “Transformer” - 90% of the profits belong to Dmitry;
  • share in the companies “Choice”, “Universal Gift”, “Tourister”, “Ay, Molodets”;
  • income from the book "Transformer".

But that's not all. Portnyagin is now engaged in a very profitable business - mining. A significant portion of his income comes from his cryptocurrency portfolio. Well, along the way, the entrepreneur sells mining equipment.

Analyzing the power of the cash flow that comes from this direction, we can say that Dmitry was right here: in 2 months his profit from cryptocurrency mining amounted to 12 million rubles.

Total: annual turnover of businessman Portnyagin more than 5 billion rubles. His personal fortune is $7 billion(at the beginning of 2018).


Finding Dmitry Portnyagin is not difficult. This can be done through social networks: Facebook, VKontakte. He often appears on Instagram - he has his own club there.

You can also join the Transformer club, however, it will cost a certain amount of money.

Below are all currently known contact details of Dmitry Portnyagin.