Products useful for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester. Nutrition for a pregnant woman: features of each trimester

Toxicosis of the 1st half of pregnancy is over, the most favorable time has come for all expectant mothers - the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the tummy has not yet had time to grow, so it does not bother the woman, and the symptoms of toxicosis and mood swings are left behind. The woman is full of energy and has a good appetite. In order not to dial extra pounds, it is necessary to follow a diet for pregnant women and eat properly during pregnancy.

The fourth month of pregnancy has arrived, the risk of miscarriage at this stage is reduced (according to statistics, up to 25%), the woman feels great. Just during this period, the expectant mother is full of energy and strength, her movements are free and easy, since the belly is not yet too big. By this period, all the most important processes of formation of the vital organs and systems of the fetus have been completed, and the baby continues to actively develop. Starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (from 13 to 24 weeks), a woman needs to receive more nutrients, which is why it is so important to adhere to proper nutrition during pregnancy during this period.

Features of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Starting from the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman is no longer bothered by morning sickness - toxicosis begins to recede, and in the morning there is no longer such aversion to food. Woman wakes up in good mood, full of strength and energy, she has an excellent appetite.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, many expectant mothers are faced with the fact that they are constantly hungry. If we remember the favorite advice of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers: “Now there are two of you and you need to eat for two,” then this is probably how every pregnant woman feels. I constantly want to eat something to satisfy my hunger. IN modern world Doctors have their own opinion on this matter - monitoring your weight during this period is simply necessary so as not to gain extra pounds.

The baby feels great, an important period - embryogenesis has ended and now the baby has to gain weight, and his internal organs continue to improve. Starting from the 13th week of pregnancy, the fetus needs more nutrients and vitamins. It is the placenta in the 2nd trimester that needs nutrients, because during these weeks it will serve as lungs for the baby and is the main one in providing the baby with everything necessary for normal development and growth. During this period, a woman may experience a lack of vitamins, so you should not continue to neglect vitamins for pregnant women; on the contrary, pay more attention to this issue. If you haven't started taking vitamin complexes yet, it's time to go to the pharmacy.

Beginning in the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman needs to have a blood test to check her levels of folic acid and vitamin C. Many pregnant women have low levels of these levels. It is important to pay attention to iron reserves, because during these weeks the baby begins hematopoiesis processes, and iron levels in the blood may also be low. Take a blood test for hemoglobin.

If in the 1st trimester of pregnancy a woman’s diet was unchanged - 3 times a day, then with the transition to the 2nd trimester of pregnancy it is advisable to eat 4-5, or even 6 times a day, but you only need to eat small portions.

Along with an excellent appetite, some women in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy may encounter unpleasant moments:

  • Enlarged mammary glands cause some discomfort. Breast soreness no longer bothers the woman as much, but strong sensitivity in the nipples appears. This is a normal reaction of the body, it’s time to start hardening procedures and buy a new bra;
  • By the middle of the 2nd trimester, the neat tummy begins to grow faster and faster, changes are visible every week. Weight gain during this period can be from 1.5 to 2 kg;
  • heartburn begins to bother you;
  • are formed dark spots around the nipples, on the stomach and face. During this period, it is important to use sunscreen and not stay in the sun for a long time;
  • Stretch marks appear on the chest, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. A contrast shower, special cream or oil will help prevent their appearance;
  • convulsions and dizziness - it is necessary to adjust the diet, take a vitamin complex for pregnant women.

Nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy

Mid-pregnancy is the most favorable period for a woman. You are allowed to eat almost everything, of course, within reasonable limits. There are dietary restrictions and they apply not only to expectant mothers, but also to everyone who wants to stay in great shape and not gain extra pounds.

What to exclude:

  1. Salty food, smoked foods. It is advisable to completely remove pickled and canned vegetables and fruits, canned fish and meat from the daily diet.
  2. Tea and coffee - these drinks must be completely excluded. If drinking coffee is prohibited, then the amount of tea should be reduced by at least 2 times. It is especially important not to drink tea immediately after eating meat, since the drink interferes with the normal absorption of iron. You are allowed to drink green tea or herbal teas 2 times a day.
  3. Sweets and starchy foods should also be limited so as not to gain excess weight. For pregnant women, excessive indulgence in cakes and buns can lead to the development of diabetes. The dangerous period is starting from the 13th week of pregnancy, when the pancreas releases more insulin into the blood. You can eat marshmallows, halva and marmalade.
  4. Fatty and fried foods. The list of products can be quite extensive; it is undesirable to eat smoked sausage, lard and fast foods. Since fried and salty foods retain fluid in the body, and this is a direct path to the appearance of edema, such foods should be completely abandoned. Try not to cook food in a frying pan during pregnancy (fried pies, potatoes, croutons, etc.).
  5. We exclude sweet drinks and soda from the diet completely. Good for the body mineral water, fruit drink, freshly squeezed juice, compote.
  6. Allergenic foods: strawberries, citrus fruits, exotic fruits.
  7. You can eat chocolate, but only once a week, so as not to disrupt the calcium absorption process.
  8. The consumption of fish and meat broths should be limited, and it is also undesirable to rely on spices, garlic and onions.
  9. We exclude all products that cause fermentation in the body: sugar, cakes, pastries, any flour sweets, white bread and grapes.

The expectant mother's diet during pregnancy should be balanced; prepare food from fresh ingredients and only for one meal. It is not advisable to leave leftover food in the refrigerator for tomorrow. It’s better to cook something fresh than to finish last night’s dinner the next day.

For the normal development of pregnancy, it is undesirable to consume foods high in cholesterol.

Here is a list of the main products that need to be limited in the diet of a pregnant woman in the 2nd trimester:

  • any sausage products (sausage, frankfurters, ham);
  • beef liver and kidneys;
  • chicken eggs;
  • butter;
  • high fat sour cream;
  • salted and fried lard;
  • cakes and pastries, buns;
  • alcohol.

Alcoholic drinks should not be consumed at all, with the only exception being homemade red wine. A pregnant woman is allowed to drink only a couple of sips of quality wine and only 1-2 times during the entire pregnancy. Remember, alcohol can be harmful to a baby.

As you can see, the list of foods that need to be completely excluded or limited from a pregnant woman’s diet is small. Therefore, you can easily switch to a balanced healthy diet. If you are soon to become a mother, and you really want to eat a forbidden product (chocolate, cake, a piece of sausage, chips or drink cola), it is better not to limit yourself and not to be nervous about it - eat this product, only the portion should be very small. During your entire pregnancy, if you allow yourself such weakness 1-2 times, nothing bad will happen.

How to switch to a healthy diet

After the first half of pregnancy, when a woman is bothered by nausea and even vomiting in the morning, it is not easy to readjust and start eating a balanced diet. The habit that eating a piece of food will cause a gag reflex to appear again is still there. Therefore, it is important to switch to a balanced diet correctly so that the body does not suffer from bloating, heartburn or constipation. Frequent eating will help you cope with the task, when you need to eat little but often. Drink more water (still).

If you suffer from constipation, then you need to focus on salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, you can season them olive oil or homemade yogurt.

You need to eat more foods high in calcium per day: milk, low-fat cottage cheese, greens, and don’t forget about foods that contain a lot of iron: spinach, sea fish, cabbage, buckwheat. Once a day you need to eat at least 1 product containing a lot of folic acid, this is beef, lettuce, lentils or beans, and don’t forget about vitamin C - cauliflower and broccoli, kiwi, sweet peppers, tomatoes.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you need to eat light food in the morning, and it is better to leave heavy foods that take a long time to be absorbed by the body for lunch. It is undesirable to combine dense food with liquid food; we do not follow the rule of eating soup for lunch and the second one. We divide the meal into 2 times, first we eat a small portion of borscht or soup, and then after a few hours you can eat porridge. You should not wash down your food; it is better to drink a glass of compote or juice 30 minutes after eating.

Nutrition during pregnancy. Menu

The diet during pregnancy can be planned in advance. This interesting activity which you can do together with your husband. On a day off, invite the future father to participate in creating a menu for the future mother. The list of products consists of more than 20 items: these are protein foods - fish, meat, eggs; dairy foods - milk, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir; plant foods - vegetables and fruits, greens; fats (vegetable oil and butter), carbohydrates, water and juices.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a sample menu for a pregnant woman in the 2nd trimester:

  1. Breakfast: prepare any porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet), 200 g is enough; make an omelette from 1 egg. Eat 1 fruit (banana, apple, etc.), drink half a glass of any warm drink - green or herbal tea, milk.
  2. Second breakfast: boil yourself 1 egg, put 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese on a plate, you can eat any dried fruit, vegetable or fruit. Don't forget to stay hydrated.
  3. Lunch: half your usual portion of liquid (soup, borscht). A piece of boiled meat or fish (150 g), any side dish (half the usual portion), fresh salad - 250 g. Any drink: compote, tea, juice 30 minutes after eating.
  4. Afternoon snack: you can treat yourself to cottage cheese with dried fruits, and then drink a glass of warm kefir/tea with marmalade or marshmallows. You are allowed to eat 1 fruit.
  5. For dinner, you can cook 50 g of meat or fish, make a salad of fresh vegetables, drink juice or compote.
  6. Second dinner: before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk, herbal tea or kefir.

It turned out to be 6 meals, as you can see, the portions are small, but the harmonious combination of healthy foods will not allow you to remain hungry. If you feel hungry between meals, you can eat an apple or nibble on a carrot.

Here is another example of a menu for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

  1. Breakfast consists of a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with kiwi or peach. You can eat the fruit separately or add pieces to cottage cheese. Wash it down with warm tea or milk.
  2. Second breakfast: treat yourself to a delicious casserole of 1 apple and cabbage.
  3. Lunch: you can bake fish in the oven, make a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, add lettuce leaves and a few sprigs of dill and parsley. Add just a little salt and season with olive oil. Drinks: freshly squeezed juice, compote.
  4. The afternoon snack consists of a portion of vinaigrette (250 g) and any drink.
  5. For dinner, you can pour 2 handfuls of muesli with warm milk. It turns out not only satisfying, but also very tasty.
  6. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm kefir or milk, or you can drink herbal tea.

About weight gain

This often happens when, at the next appointment with the gynecologist, the expectant mother steps on the scale, and then listens for a long time from the doctor that she has gained extra pounds again. Throughout pregnancy, normal weight gain can range from 8 to 14 kg, this depends on the woman’s weight before pregnancy and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Natural weight gain, starting from the 13th to 20th week of pregnancy, should be 350 g per 7 days. It turns out that by the 20th week a woman should gain only 4-6 kg. Not everyone manages to invest in these indicators; not only metabolism plays a role here, but also the age of the expectant mother, her lifestyle and eating habits. If the body is accustomed to receiving fast carbohydrates (cakes, buns, sweets) before pregnancy, then it is very difficult to switch to a healthy diet.

If a woman quickly gains weight, then it is necessary for the body to rest and have a fasting day. This does not mean that you need to starve; you can spend the day on only one product: kefir, apples, cottage cheese or vegetables. For example, if you decide to do a fasting day, then you need to drink 1 liter of kefir during the day (it is better to take low-fat, but not 0% fat). Kefir will help remove excess fluid and improve intestinal function.

When you can’t spend the whole day on kefir or apples alone, you can try this diet:

  1. For breakfast, eat a banana and drink a glass of kefir.
  2. The second breakfast consists of plums, apples or apricots (no more than 200 g).
  3. For lunch, you can boil a chicken breast and make a salad of fresh vegetables (season the vegetables with vegetable oil, exclude mayonnaise!). Meat can be replaced with a bowl of soup.
  4. Afternoon snack: drink a glass of compote (from fresh or dried fruits), eat 2-3 pieces. biscuits.
  5. Dinner consists of kefir and low-fat cottage cheese. You can put any fruit in cottage cheese.
  6. Before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir or herbal tea.

Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids: juice, tea, kefir and regular purified water will help prevent dehydration.

What to eat to avoid allergies

Most newborns suffer from food allergies. To prevent the development of this disease, expectant mothers need to take care of this and follow a diet during pregnancy.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of allergenic products, the consumption of which should be reduced with the onset of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

  • cow's milk (it is better to replace it with goat's milk);
  • shrimp, crabs and red fish - you can eat them once a week, not more often;
  • chicken eggs - only the yolks are allowed to be eaten. We replace this product with quail eggs;
  • chicken meat;
  • hazelnuts and peanuts are better substitutes walnuts, but it is advisable to dry them before use. You are allowed to eat 100 g of nuts 2 times a week;
  • chocolate and cocoa – very little and only once a week;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries, mango;
  • ready-made food with preservatives and flavorings, fast food.

It is not difficult to eat a balanced diet, and the list of restrictions does not mean that you need to completely forget the taste of these products. You can eat everything, but in reasonable quantities, stick to a healthy diet and then your pregnancy will be easy.

Hundreds of articles have already been written about the fact that nutrition should be correct. And this is no coincidence. After all, our health and even life expectancy depend on how we eat. But you need to pay attention special attention nutrition during pregnancy and compliance. To the expectant mother Now you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of the health of the new little man who will be born very soon.

The duration of each of them is three months. And this division is not accidental, since the development of the embryo occurs “according to plan.” Especially important changes, which happened to the fetus at any period, can tell about the correctness of its development. In order for the baby to receive everything he needs at each stage of his development, the mother needs to adjust her menu. Moreover, it is important that foods that are healthy in the first trimester may be prohibited in the second or third. That is why the menu differs by trimester. But there are a number general rules for the entire period of pregnancy:

  • Eating 5-6 times a day in small portions, chewing carefully - this is ideal;
  • Last meal 3 hours before bedtime;
  • Alcohol is prohibited!
  • We refuse fried, smoked food and various pickles; it is better to eat boiled, stewed, steamed or baked in the oven;
  • The priority is to eat only healthy foods - fruits, vegetables, cereals, vegetable oil is also useful;
  • We take vitamin complexes throughout pregnancy!

Diet and nutrition in the 1st trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the embryo develops into a fetus. Already at 3 weeks you can hear the beating of a tiny heart, and at 4 weeks the eyes appear, the spine, nervous and circulatory system, as well as the intestines are formed. At the same time, the brain is born and the embryo gradually “transforms” into a fetus. These are the most serious weeks in the development of the unborn baby, so it is especially important that the fetus receives everything it needs for full development. In the first trimester, a pregnant woman should choose foods especially carefully.

Good to know! To reduce the risk of congenital pathologies in the fetus, the mother’s diet should contain proteins, folic acid, zinc, selenium, and copper. Iodine, cobalt and vitamins C and B will reduce the manifestations of toxicosis in a woman, and will also help the proper formation of the thyroid gland in the fetus.

Proteins not only reduce the risk of fetal pathologies, but are also a building material for embryonic cells. Folic acid (vitamin B9) promotes timely cell division and is responsible for nervous system baby. A deficiency of these elements in the body of a pregnant woman in the first trimester can lead to irreversible consequences for the baby after birth. To prevent this, a pregnant woman’s diet during the 1st trimester should include daily foods rich in these elements:

  • lean meat and eggs,
  • legumes,
  • cabbage, lettuce, peas,
  • wholemeal bread (high in fiber and vitamin B)
  • cheese, cottage cheese (these products should be low in fat),
  • seaweed,
  • freshly squeezed juices, especially apple and celery juices;
  • liver.

The health of the unborn child depends on what you eat in the first three months of pregnancy, so Avoid anything that could negatively affect fetal development, and it won’t bring you any tangible benefit:

  • instant products and fast foods,
  • crackers and chips,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • canned food,
  • coffee (exclude completely, as there may be bad consequences from increased blood pressure to miscarriage),
  • vinegar, pepper, mustard.

Give preference to vegetables and fruits - they are much healthier for both you and your unborn baby.

Menu in the first trimester

Days of the week Eating Menu: products and dishes
Day 1BreakfastMuesli with milk
LunchLow-fat yogurt
DinnerMeat broth soup
Afternoon snackVegetable salad
DinnerRice with stewed cabbage
Before bedGlass of milk
Day 2BreakfastMilk porridge (oatmeal or rice)
LunchSandwich with butter
DinnerFish soup
Afternoon snackCottage cheese - 100 gr.
DinnerPasta with liver baked in kefir
Before bedVegetable salad with seaweed
Day 3BreakfastCottage cheese - 100-150 g, green tea
LunchTea with cookies
DinnerVegetable soup (pumpkin or broccoli puree soup)
Afternoon snackFruits
DinnerSteamed chicken fillet cutlet, puree
Before bedYogurt
Day 4BreakfastBuckwheat porridge with milk. Any juice
DinnerCauliflower or broccoli soup, bread.
Afternoon snackApple or pear
DinnerSalad with tuna, avocado, tomatoes and spinach leaves
Before bedCranberry juice
Day 5BreakfastBread with cheese and tomatoes. Kefir or fermented baked milk.
DinnerPasta with meatballs. Vegetable salad.
Afternoon snackHandful of walnuts
DinnerBaked potatoes with sour cream. Herbal tea.
Before bedKefir
Day 6BreakfastCheese pancakes made from low-fat cottage cheese. Herbal tea
LunchDried apricots - a small handful
DinnerVegetable soup with chicken pieces. Whole grain bread
Afternoon snackGrated carrots with apple
DinnerGreen salad with soft cheese and tomatoes.
Before bedGlass of milk
Day 7BreakfastOatmeal with milk and apple. Juice
DinnerChicken soup. Tomato salad. Tea
Afternoon snackAny fruit of your choice
DinnerChicken cutlet with steamed vegetables.
Before bedYogurt

You can create such a menu yourself, the main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of nutrition in the first (1st) trimester, and of course, all the doctor’s prescriptions.

Diet and nutrition in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, almost all the most important systems and organs have already been formed and are actively developing, the brain mass increases, the fetus begins to breathe, so it is necessary not only to include in the menu products that promote the processes of growth and development, but also to ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen.

During the same period, the rudiments of teeth are laid, the skeletal system is strengthened, therefore, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of calcium entering the body. However, calcium is effectively absorbed only in combination with vitamin D, so foods need to be consumed in the right combination, or simply eat foods that are rich in both calcium and vitamin D:

  • dairy products,
  • spinach,
  • liver of pollock (or other sea fish)
  • raisin,
  • egg yolk,
  • butter.

At this stage, it is important to reduce the amount of salt and control the amount of fluid entering the body, as well as control the consumption of carbohydrates, since their excess can lead to excessive weight gain. Walking in the fresh air is very useful (remember that the baby especially needs oxygen now).

  • spicy and smoked,
  • fried and fatty foods,
  • sausages and sausages,
  • flour and sweet.

Good to know! In the 2nd trimester, eat allergenic foods (citrus fruits, exotic fruits, strawberries) with caution; eat them rarely and in small portions so that the child is not born with allergies.

During this period, the fetus’s genitourinary system is already practically formed, and the mother’s liver is especially subject to stress, cleansing the body of toxins. Help her by simply eliminating certain foods. Flour and sweet foods can provoke uncontrolled weight gain, not for the baby, but for yours, which can lead to varicose veins and pain in the legs.

Menu in the second trimester

Days of the week Eating Menu: products and dishes
Day 1BreakfastSandwich with cheese and tomatoes. Fried egg.
LunchCottage cheese with raisins
DinnerVegetable soup
Afternoon snackYogurt
DinnerVegetable salad with lettuce leaves and avocado
Before bedRosehip infusion
Day 2BreakfastOatmeal with milk
LunchBanana, apple, nuts
DinnerChicken soup
Afternoon snackCottage cheese - 100 g.
DinnerVegetable stew with lean meat.
Before bedA glass of kefir or yogurt
Day 3BreakfastOmelette
LunchLow-fat yogurt
DinnerMeat or fish soup
Afternoon snackFruits to choose from
DinnerMilk porridge
Before bedVegetable salad or fruit
Day 4BreakfastCheesecakes with raisins and sour cream
LunchA handful of almonds or walnuts
DinnerLentil soup
Afternoon snackApple or pear
Dinner. Boiled rice. Tea
Before bedYogurt
Day 5BreakfastOmelette with sandwich
LunchA glass of tomato juice
DinnerVegetable stew from seasonal vegetables with meat
Afternoon snackPeach or other seasonal fruit
DinnerSpaghetti with tomato sauce
Before bedHerbal tea
Day 6Breakfast
LunchBread with a piece of cheese
DinnerBeef stew with buckwheat. Vegetable salad. Green tea
Afternoon snackJuice or favorite fruit
DinnerChicken breast baked with tomatoes. Vegetable salad
Before bedGlass of milk
Day 7BreakfastCorn porridge with milk and dried apricots
LunchLow-fat yogurt
DinnerCabbage soup. Tomato and cucumber salad
Afternoon snackGuest of dried fruits or nuts
Dinner. Rose hip decoction
Before bedYogurt

Diet and nutrition in the 3rd trimester

Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy should be organized according to the principle - less is better, but better.

The need for carbohydrates does not imply excessive absorption of high-calorie foods. Quite the contrary, you need to control their intake into the body, otherwise you will experience a large weight gain. And in the later stages, this threatens not only a protracted labor, but can also be dangerous for the life and health of the baby. In addition, we must not forget that in the last three months the need for calcium continues. Therefore, foods consumed in the second trimester do not need to be excluded from the pregnant woman’s menu. During this period, it is better to give preference to:

  • fish,
  • fruits,
  • nuts
  • fresh vegetables,
  • vegetable soups
  • boiled or steamed fish and meat.

Due to the approaching birth and the end of the formation of most of the fetal body systems, it is recommended to be especially careful about the diet during the 3rd trimester. To avoid swelling, late toxicosis, heartburn and depressive fatigue, limit your intake of the following foods:

  • fatty meat,
  • fats (beef, pork, etc.) and lard; leave only butter and vegetable oil in the diet.
  • fried foods,
  • yolk,
  • rich broths (meat and fish),
  • meat sauces,
  • pickles.

Meat consumption should be limited to 3-4 times a week, and in the last month to 1-2 times a week.

Good to know! In the third semester, limit your water intake to no more than 1 liter per day (including soups and other liquid foods). Also, keep your salt intake to a minimum (5 grams per day), as it retains water in the body.

If you exclude from your diet dishes that put a lot of stress on the stomach and liver, you will feel much better and will be able to avoid the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy, receiving only pleasure from your “interesting” position.

In addition, it is useful to carry out fasting days 1-2 times a week; on such days you can eat cottage cheese, kefir and apples. Such fasting days will tone the body and prepare it for childbirth. But such days can only be arranged on doctor's recommendation!

Menu in the third trimester

Days of the week Eating Menu: products and dishes
Day 1BreakfastMilk porridge
LunchRaisins, dried fruits
DinnerVegetable soup
Afternoon snackRyazhenka or kefir
DinnerBuckwheat porridge with steam cutlet
Before bedFruit
Day 2BreakfastTea with milk or dry biscuits
LunchYogurt or fruit
DinnerPasta with vegetables
Afternoon snackVegetable salad with spinach, tomatoes and olives
DinnerDiet pilaf in a slow cooker
Before bedRyazhenka or kefir
Day 3BreakfastTea and butter sandwich
LunchLight seaweed salad with egg
DinnerFish soup
Afternoon snackCottage cheese
DinnerPuree with fish or lean meat
Before bedFruit salad or juice
Day 4BreakfastBread with butter. Boiled egg. Herbal tea
LunchFruits to choose from
DinnerBorscht, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snackApple or pear
DinnerSalad with rice, egg and tuna
Before bedYogurt or fruit
Day 5BreakfastCottage cheese with jam or grated berries
LunchOrange juice
DinnerRoast beef with vegetables. Herbal tea
Afternoon snackAny seasonal fruit
DinnerRice with steamed vegetables.
Before bedKefir
Day 6BreakfastOatmeal with milk and dried apricots
LunchSandwich with lightly salted salmon
Dinner. Chicken breast baked with tomatoes
Afternoon snackSmoothie from berries and kefir
DinnerBoiled fish with rice
Before bedRyazhenka or kefir
Day 7BreakfastCheesecakes with sour cream
DinnerFish cutlet with pasta or rice. Vegetable salad
Afternoon snackFruits to choose from
DinnerLazy cabbage rolls
Before bedHerbal tea or glass of milk

Good to know! IN last month During pregnancy, it is better to exclude light carbohydrates from the diet: sugar, flour, jam and honey, and avoid fatty foods. This will allow you to prepare for childbirth, reduce the weight of the fetus and facilitate its birth.

You can skip porridge or tea with cookies, but don’t skip soup. Let it be simple noodles cooked in meat or chicken broth, your stomach needs hot food and no drink can replace it. The general principle of nutrition during pregnancy, regardless of trimester - eat more often, but make smaller portions. If you really want something, eat a little, because most often during pregnancy you want something that the body lacks, for example, zinc, which ordinary seeds are rich in.

One more nuance that should not be forgotten. No matter how fully organized the diet is during pregnancy, it is impossible to get all the necessary substances from food alone. Therefore, doctors prescribe special vitamins for pregnant women and preparations containing iodine, magnesium and, if necessary, iron. This precaution reduces the risk of the fetus not receiving vital vitamins, micro- and macroelements tenfold.

A video about nutrition during pregnancy will briefly talk about nutrition and give useful tips:

Pregnancy is a special condition of the female body, which is associated with various changes in hormonal levels, metabolism and even the physiology of internal organs.

Due to the restructuring of all systems during this period, a woman often experiences unpleasant sensations - nausea, heartburn, constipation. It is impossible to predict their occurrence, but you can reduce the risk of occurrence to a minimum. To do this you just need to follow a diet.

Morning sickness:

Morning sickness, as one of the manifestations of toxicosis, can be caused not only by changes associated with the restructuring of the body. You can reduce the risk of these sensations. To do this, after waking up, you don’t need to get up immediately and abruptly. Lie down for a few minutes, wake up completely, and only then get out of bed.

Another simple recipe - you should eat no earlier than an hour after getting up, and in the evening avoid overeating (if possible, do not eat hearty meat dishes at night).

Heartburn during pregnancy:

The cause of heartburn is increased stomach acidity. To avoid the unpleasant bitterness of heartburn, exclude black bread, fresh white bread, fried foods, sour and spicy foods, and kefir from the menu. Low-fat milk will help relieve heartburn that has already appeared. Under no circumstances should you drink soda diluted with water!

Constipation during pregnancy:

Constipation is an unpleasant phenomenon to which a pregnant woman is especially susceptible in the third trimester. The grown fetus compresses the intestines, making it difficult for processed food to pass through. In addition to discomfort for the mother, constipation is dangerous for the baby. If the intestines are not cleaned in a timely manner, toxins begin to be absorbed into the blood, inevitably ending up in the fetus, and can cause intoxication (poisoning).

  • cabbage,
  • apples,
  • lettuce,
  • sweet pepper

For normal bowel function, eat more raw vegetables.

Edema during pregnancy:

This is another trouble that a pregnant woman is often susceptible to. The appearance of edema is caused by an imbalance of fluid in the body. Therefore, you need to ensure that the difference between the volume of liquid drunk and excreted is no more than 200 ml. Ideally, these indicators should be equal. To prevent swelling, you should reduce the amount of salt, as it promotes fluid retention in the body.

If swelling has already appeared, a simple exercise will help relieve the condition. Lie on your back so that your legs are higher than your head (you can lean on the wall or the back of the sofa). If you are very thirsty, drink in small sips and little by little.

The period of the second trimester for mommy is considered the most calm and serene. Usually by this time toxic ailments are left behind, an excellent, even heroic appetite appears, leading to rapid weight gain. From the 19th week, the baby begins to actively grow, so the mother’s micronutrient needs increase noticeably. Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the second trimester requires special attention so that the child does not lack nutrition, vitamins and microelements. This requires a specialized and balanced diet for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester.

From the first days after conception, it is necessary to monitor your diet

Today, only the lazy do not talk about a balanced diet during pregnancy, since the mother’s diet is of great importance for the baby who has not yet been born. Nutrition in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy should become balanced. This implies the harmonious content of B/F/U. In order to feel excellent and have excellent health, you need to monitor the harmony of these indicators in the pregnant woman’s menu. A balanced diet is considered the basis for a successful pregnancy, so mothers should pay some attention to this issue.

  • Carbohydrates. A significant part of energy metabolism, which increases productivity and performance, provides a feeling of satiety. The daily diet should consist of 50% carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can be complex or simple. Particular attention should be paid to complex carbohydrates, since simple ones are simple sugar, but do not provide the body with the necessary energy. It is useful to include complex carbohydrates in the pregnant woman’s menu in the 2nd trimester, which will provide the mother’s body with the right energy. They are present in whole grain porridges, dried fruits, coarse flour and durum wheat varieties.
  • Fats. This is a significant energy source, which also helps to absorb many vitamins and microelements. But in order not to harm the body, especially during pregnancy, there should be little fat in the diet. Only 30% per day is allocated to fat.
  • Squirrels. A building material for the body, so its supply is very important for the baby. Protein is present in both animal and plant foods. The daily diet should consist of 20% protein.

These are the main criteria for a balanced diet in the second trimester of pregnancy.

General principles of nutrition for the 2nd trimester

The features of the diet for pregnant women generally come down to several basic criteria: regularity, variety, high quality of the dishes and products consumed, balance and moderation, proper preparation. Let's start with regularity. The menu for pregnant women for the 2nd trimester for every day includes 4 meals a day. In this case, food should be eaten at approximately the same time, without deviating from the schedule. You should also not overeat before going to bed at night, or, worse, wake up at night to eat something.

For toxic ailments, it is recommended to make the diet 6 times a day and reduce the serving size. This will help avoid nausea. After toxicosis disappears, you need to switch back to eating 4 times a day. The intervals between meals should be about 4-5 hours. The uterus simply begins to continuously enlarge, displacing the gastric organ in a horizontal position, so evacuation takes longer than usual.

You can't skip meals. If you don’t want to eat after waking up, you need to drink a glass of water at room temperature. It will help to properly start the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and after a quarter of an hour, mommy will have a desire to have something to eat. Just don’t drink cold water, because it slows down the digestive processes, suppressing your appetite.

Diet variety

Nutrition for pregnant women should be varied, so you need to constantly alternate between different foods such as fish and vegetables, meat and poultry, cereals and seafood, fruits and legumes, dairy products, etc. Since hormonal transformations occur during pregnancy, so do the taste preferences of a pregnant woman during pregnancy. Gestations also change. A pregnant woman may categorically refuse foods that she previously loved, while eating dishes that she was not enthusiastic about. Such errors in the diet sometimes cause illness.

For example, if a mother overdoes it with garlic, then she develops swelling, and if she is carried away by citrus fruits, the baby may be born with an allergy. If pregnant women in the second trimester do not have enough dairy products in their diet, then their hair begins to split, fall out, and nails break. The body simply rearranges its activity, all incoming microelements and vitamin substances are first supplied to the fetus, and only then to the mother. As a result, the patient herself experiences calcium deficiency, which is accompanied by similar symptoms. And if during pregnancy in the 2nd-3rd trimester the mother gets carried away with confectionery or baked goods, then this is fraught with obesity for the child.

Moderation and food quality

Pregnant women need to eat for two, as many people like to say. However, this statement is completely false.

  • You need to consume twice as many vitamins and microelements, and not double the portions. If eaten in such large quantities, you will soon need a pregnancy diet to lose weight.
  • Mothers should absolutely not overeat, especially before bed. It is better to avoid snacking with company, nervous soil or because there is nothing to do.
  • Because of this diet, in the last trimester of pregnancy, constipation and colic and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric area are often bothered. Snacks should also be avoided.
  • The quality of food is also important. Patients can eat more than just healthy products, and also fresh.
  • When purchasing products, you must monitor the production date.

It’s better not to buy ready-made food; try to prepare it yourself. Then you will probably know what products your dishes are made from, how fresh and high quality they are.

How to cook food for a pregnant woman

Fresh berries are very healthy

Products for pregnant women should not only be of high quality, but also properly prepared. In such a situation, the most in ideal ways cooking is considered to be baking or steam heat treatment. With these cooking methods, the maximum possible amount of nutritional components and micronutrients is preserved in the products. The second most useful method is cooking by boiling or stewing. This method of processing products is also suitable for a pregnant woman and will help maintain the principle of diversity.

Sometimes a pregnant woman can eat something fried. To properly fry a dish, you need to finely chop the food and fry for no more than 3-4 minutes. Then carcinogens will not have time to accumulate in the dishes. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with such dishes; it’s better to use safer methods of heat treatment of foods.

Prohibited Products

It is very useful to exclude unhealthy foods from your diet during pregnancy. When a woman notices the first manifestations of an interesting situation, the first thing she needs to do is give up alcohol. Even schoolchildren know that drinking ethanol depresses the nervous system structures and provokes the occurrence of physical pathologies in the baby. What should mothers not eat? Fast foods are also prohibited for mothers, as they create extra stress due to their high cholesterol and fat content. It is necessary to protect the pregnant body from such influences.

Although mushrooms are considered a rich protein product, they cannot be classified as dietary food during pregnancy. It’s just that mushrooms are considered a difficult to digest product, so you shouldn’t rely on them when carrying a child. Pregnant women should not eat smoked meats that contain carcinogens. It is better to reduce flour or completely eliminate it from the diet. There is nothing useful in buns and buns for a pregnant body, they only add weight, so it makes no sense to eat such foods either.

Abuse of sugar leads to disruption of carbohydrate metabolism, and sometimes even provokes diabetes in pregnant women. Fried foods are also not healthy for mommy; it is better to replace such dishes with stewed or baked, steamed foods. Bread in the diet should also be reduced, since yeast often causes heartburn in mothers. If you can’t give it up completely, then it’s better to replace the product with whole grain bread or crackers.

Salty and pickled foods, fatty and spicy foods are also prohibited. All this contributes to fluid retention in the body, severe swelling, which does not allow you to put on your usual shoes.

Micronutrients needed by a pregnant woman from 20 weeks

Although the second trimester is the calmest, it is still necessary to comply with the standards of micronutrients, vitamins and nutritional supplements. From about 20 weeks, you need to adhere to these norms of physiological needs.

  1. The energy value per day should be about 2550 kcal. In this case, the used/f/u ratio should correspond to 100/85/350 grams.
  2. Proteins should be obtained from eggs, legumes, cheese, fish and meat, and fats from vegetable oils and animal fats.
  3. It is better to fill carbohydrate needs from cereals and cereals, fruits and potatoes, vegetables and berries.
  4. As for vitamins, mothers need folic acid, B12, B6, D and E, B2 and B1, A and C.
  5. Folic acid (requirement for pregnant women 400 mcg/day) is present in nuts, beans and greens.
  6. B12 (4 mcg/day) is found in milk, meat, and seafood.
  7. Sauerkraut and black currants, rose hips, etc. are rich in ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C (90 mg/day).
  8. Retinol or vitamin A (1000 mcg/day) is present in carrots and pumpkin.
  9. Vitamin E or tocopherol (10 mg/day) can be obtained by consuming vegetable oils and pumpkin seeds.
  10. Vitamin B6 (2.1 mg/day) can be fully provided to the body by eating pine nuts and legumes. Sweet pepper and sea fish.
  11. Vitamin D (12.5 mcg/day) is present in egg yolk and fish.

Additional factors

  1. B2 (1.5 mg/day) is also a fairly useful vitamin that pregnant women can get from dairy products and meat.
  2. Potatoes and meat are rich in vitamin B1 (1.5 mg/day).
  3. During pregnancy, the female body experiences no less need for microelements such as iodine and zinc, magnesium and iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  4. Calcium (1100 mg/day) is present in large quantities in broccoli, dairy products and milk.
  5. Magnesium (450 mg/day) can be obtained by consuming buckwheat and millet, legumes and nuts.
  6. Fish, seafood, meat and seeds are rich in zinc (20 mg/day).
  7. Phosphorus (1650 mg/day) can be obtained from cottage cheese and fish, and mineral water.
  8. Lentils, buckwheat, spinach and meat are rich in iron content (38 mg/day).
  9. Iodine (0.18 mg/day), necessary for pregnant women, is present in fish and seafood.

All of these micronutrients are important because each has specific tasks and important functions. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the daily requirement for each of these components.

Fasting day for mommy

Fermented milk products help digestion

From the beginning of the second trimester until approximately the 20-week period, weight gain by week is about 300-350 g, and after the 20th week they already reach 400 g. Usually, by the 20-week period, the total weight gain reaches 4-6 kg, which accounts for 40% of the weight gain for the entire gestation. If the indicators are higher, then you should think about losing weight, or more precisely, about fasting days.

A special problem during pregnancy is always creating a nutrition program aimed at reducing body weight. The reasons are that losing weight and going on diets during gestation is prohibited. Even a few days of strict dieting is enough to cause serious deficiencies in some micronutrients. But mothers also want to maintain a normal shape, and for pregnancy overweight of no use. In such a situation, the most successful solution would be a fasting day. Even though on such days there will not be much variety in the diet, such food is safe for health and will ease the digestive system.

It is recommended to spend such days approximately once every week and a half. Unloading also has contraindications, so you should definitely consult with a gynecologist to determine whether unloading will be useful in your case. Such days can be spent in various ways, for example, apple or kefir, cottage cheese, etc. On a kefir day, it is recommended to drink only kefir during the day, only 1.5 liters. On cottage cheese day, eat only cottage cheese, 600 g per day, as well as 2 glasses of unsweetened tea. Apple unloading involves one and a half kilograms of apples for the whole day.

The baby will not have food allergies

According to statistics, about 20% of babies under one year old suffer from food allergies. The cause of this phenomenon is usually a genetic predisposition, maternal smoking and frequent viral infectious diseases, as well as unhealthy diet during pregnancy. To reduce the risk of your baby developing allergic reactions to foods, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of certain foods from the second trimester.

First, milk. No matter how beneficial it is, a pregnant woman can drink no more than 300 ml of milk per day, since children very often have an allergic reaction to protein from cow's milk. Secondly, seafood - crabs, shrimp or red fish - should be eaten no more than once a week. Nuts are also considered no less allergenic, so you can eat 100 g of them per week. It is preferable to eat walnuts, they are the healthiest, but hazelnuts and peanuts are considered the most allergic.

Chicken eggs also require special attention. You can eat them one at a time and no more than 2-3 times a week. In this case, it is better to eat them without proteins, and also exclude chicken meat from the diet. It is also better to limit chocolates and cocoa to once a week. It is better to avoid honey altogether; if necessary, you can eat a small spoon for colds or sleep disorders.

It is also better to avoid eating bad berries, fruits and vegetables such as raspberries and citrus fruits, strawberries and mangoes, tomatoes and peaches. You should also avoid eating food from packages, which are rich in preservatives, stabilizers and other chemical compounds.

Sample menu

For convenience, you can create an approximate weekly menu by day. At first you will have to navigate the schedule a little, but over time the pregnant woman will get used to this diet and will be able to select dishes herself, change them to equivalent ones, etc. Approximate diet for each day is indicated in the table.

daybreakfast2 breakfastdinnerafternoon teadinner2 dinner
MonScrambled eggs, sandwich with cheese and tomatoesCottage cheese with raisinsSoup with meat or fish brothYogurtPasta with tomato sauceRosehip tea
VTMilk oatmealApple, banana or nuts 30 g.Chicken broth soupCottage cheese 100 g.Vegetable stew with lean meatYogurt or kefir
SROmeletteLow fat yogurtStew with meat and vegetablesFruitsMilk porridgeLight salad or some fruit
ThuCottage cheese with raisins and sour cream30 g nutsLentil soupApple or pearBaked chicken, boiled rice and teaYogurt
PTOmelet, sandwichJuice or compote 200 mlVegetable soupapricotsLettuce and vegetable saladTea with milk
SBCorn porridge with apricots, milkBread and slice of cheeseVegetable salad, baked chicken breast, green teaSome fruit or a glass of juiceZucchini pancakes with sour cream, rosehip teaMilk
SunCottage cheese with jam or fresh berriesYogurtCabbage soup, cucumber and tomato saladDried fruits or nuts about 30 gBuckwheat with a piece of stewed veal, vegetable saladYogurt

What are the dangers of breaking your diet?

If a pregnant woman neglects the recommendations for relative changes in diet and continues to consume foods that are unhealthy and unsafe for a growing baby and violates the regimen, this can lead to delays in fetal development and miscarriage. later, the formation of an overly large child, which is fraught with various complications during delivery, as well as complications in the process of bearing a baby such as gestosis, hyperedema, excess weight gain, etc.

It is extremely important for the expectant mother to carefully monitor her diet, eat exclusively healthy foods and exclude from her diet tasty but harmful foods. Also, from the second trimester until delivery, it is important to control the amount of salt and fluid you drink. It is necessary to give up alcohol from the first day of the delay, even wine or beer. These simple measures will help you carry your baby easier and avoid gaining excess weight during gestation.

The idea that pregnant women first need to restructure their diet has firmly entered the consciousness of every woman, especially mothers and mothers-in-law: there are now two of you, you need to eat for two. The first thing I want to start discussing the topic of “menu for pregnant women” is a strict and categorical statement: no need to eat for two.

And in general, changing a woman’s diet during pregnancy is an important matter, but it must be done, like everything else during this period, with caution. In fact, if a woman has previously adhered to the principles of a healthy diet, then she will not have to seriously change her diet.

Separately, I would like to say about those women who, before pregnancy, were actively involved in their figure: they went to fitness, went on a diet, and took various dietary supplements. They will need to turn to a nutritionist to draw up a menu for pregnant women, since it is simply impossible to predict the reaction of the body, accustomed to stress and dietary restrictions, to a sudden change in diet.

Composing sample menu for a pregnant woman, it is necessary to take it into account calorie content, as well as the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The relationship between these three components is the basis of proper nutrition in normal times, but during pregnancy you cannot turn a blind eye to it.

Squirrels, as is known, are the main material for the construction of cells, tissues and organs. Therefore, they are especially necessary during pregnancy: it is from proteins that the baby’s body will be “built.”

Carbohydrates- this is the main source of human energy, and without them any activity is simply unthinkable. A lack of carbohydrates leads to increased fatigue. In addition, it is carbohydrates that give a person a feeling of fullness.

Fats They are also used as a source of energy; in addition, they promote the absorption of certain vitamins and microelements. Fats are the most high-calorie component of food, so they must be consumed with caution.

The menu for a pregnant woman should consist of 30% fats, 20% proteins and 50% carbohydrates. Separately, you need to remember that carbohydrates can be simple (sugars) and complex. Simple carbohydrates are very quickly broken down into components, including glucose, which immediately enters the blood. Moreover, during pregnancy, sugars are broken down faster than usual, which provokes sudden changes in blood glucose levels.

An increase in glucose levels in turn provokes the release of insulin, which is produced in the pancreas. Frequent and sudden surges in glucose seriously increase the load on the pancreas.

Please note that everything said above applies to both the mother and her unborn child. As a result of such stress, the expectant mother may develop, and the baby may become overweight. Both will seriously complicate the process of delivery. Diabetes, in most cases, goes away after childbirth, but complications caused by it can remain with you forever.

Thus, it is necessary to avoid sweets and flour - the main source of sugars - almost completely. Their place should be taken by whole grain cereals and vegetables. The calorie content of pregnant women's diet and their menu should be 2000-2500 kcal.

Nutritional features of a pregnant woman

What rules must be followed when creating a menu for a pregnant woman? Almost all of them, as already mentioned, are comparable to those that we know from a balanced diet.

First of all, you should adhere to the principle fractional meals: that is, eat not the standard 3 times a day, as we were taught before, but at least 5-6 times a day. Of course, the portions should be smaller than in the case of three meals a day. This approach will eliminate the feeling of hunger, which means gaining excess weight.

All vegetables are better to eat fresh. Heat treatment, of course, is not excluded, but in this case most of the useful substances. You should also be aware that freshly prepared food is always healthier and tastier than food that has been in the refrigerator and reheated.

The last rule is difficult to implement given the modern rhythm of life: a woman can hardly prepare fresh food for herself while at work. But at least on weekends and holidays, it makes sense to allow yourself to eat fresh food.

For pregnant women, more than for anyone else, the need to eat with feeling, sense and order, and not on the go, as is now customary, is relevant. Food must be thoroughly chewed.

What should a pregnant woman eat? First of all, vegetables and fruits, almost any kind. Salads, slices, stewed vegetables, vegetable soups - all this will be appropriate in your “pregnant menu”.

You can’t give up animal food either. They are simply vital for the unborn child. animal squirrels. So meat, fish, and dairy products should also be present in your diet. Of course, they shouldn't be too greasy.

Of course, you can’t do without a variety of cereals. Especially those made from whole grains. They are unusually rich in carbohydrates and microelements. Unfortunately, they take much longer to cook than flakes or crushed porridges. To speed up the cooking process, you can soak the grains overnight before cooking.

Fasting days for pregnant women

Menu for pregnant women with overweight and those who gain it during pregnancy is a separate issue. In the generally accepted sense, you cannot lose weight or go on diets during pregnancy. But I want to stay in shape, and being overweight won’t be a plus for pregnancy. How to solve this problem without harm to your health and the health of your baby?

The ideal option would be to introduce fasting days for pregnant women into your diet. The menu on such days, of course, is not very varied and nutritious, but it does not cause harm to the health of the mother and baby. Of course, if they are carried out wisely and without excesses.

Experts recommend conducting such fasting days once every 10 days. Please note that fasting days also have contraindications. Therefore, you should definitely consult with your doctor about whether you need to perform “unloading” and how useful it will be.

There are three various options fasting days for pregnant women:

  • kefir – 1.5 liters of kefir per day;
  • apple – 1.5 apples per day;
  • cottage cheese - 600 low-fat cottage cheese and tea without sugar: 2 glasses.

Absolutely no!

It's time to talk about what pregnant women should absolutely not eat. When planning your diet during pregnancy, keep in mind that the daily menu should be completely free of coffee, chocolate, smoked foods, fatty foods, pickles, and so on. Ideally, a woman’s diet should not contain food containing chemical preservatives and dyes, flavor enhancers, and the like. The latter, unfortunately, is difficult to achieve, but it is still worth striving for.

Is under the strictest prohibition alcohol. And not only because of the harmful effects of directly containing alcohol. Wine increases blood pressure, and beer increases the load on the kidneys.

It is worth talking separately about allergens. These traditionally include chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, seafood, and various exotic products. These foods should be avoided by all pregnant women. If a woman or her relatives have an identified allergy, then those allergens that cause a reaction in them should also be avoided.

Reading such lists, women often become despondent: it turns out that pregnant women are not allowed to do anything. But, firstly, this is not at all true, women can do very, very much, all of this is listed above. And secondly, remember one little trick: everything listed above, except, perhaps, alcohol, should absolutely not be consumed systematically, and a one-time use of any product simply physically cannot have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus. So sometimes, rarely and very little, but you can still afford your favorite dish.

It also happens that a pregnant woman, especially early stages, is drawn to various strange dishes, including those that are not recommended to eat. So the question arises: what to do?

It makes sense to listen to the wishes of your body, but they are not always fulfilled literally. It’s better to think about why a woman is drawn to this particular product. As an example, we can understand the craving for pickled cucumbers, since it has long been included in all the jokes. Salt retains water in the body, so maybe that’s what your body needs?

How to prepare food for pregnant women?

The menu and nutrition for pregnant women should not only consist of the right products, but also properly prepared. It is best to steam food or bake it in the oven. These two cooking methods ensure the preservation of the greatest amount of nutrients.

In second place is cooking and stewing. This is a more aggressive treatment, but still quite acceptable for pregnant women. Moreover, both methods allow you to prepare a lot of delicious dishes.

Subject to certain rules, a pregnant woman can afford to consume and fried foods. In order to preserve as many useful substances as possible, and at the same time not receive harmful ones, it is necessary to follow certain rules. In particular, the products need to be cut as finely as possible and fried quickly - for 3-4 minutes.

Example of a daily menu for pregnant women

If you wish, you can create a menu for pregnant women for a week or for every day. This is relevant if you doubt that you can immediately get used to the new diet. But, as a rule, this is only necessary for the first month, maximum two. Then the woman will probably get used to the menu for pregnant women.

But it makes sense to separate the menu for a pregnant woman by trimester. After all, on different dates Women need different amounts of nutrients. As an example, we present one menu per day for different trimesters. Based on these menus and their explanations, you can create a menu for yourself.

Menu for pregnant women 1st trimester

  1. Breakfast: muesli with yoghurt and freshly squeezed pear juice.
  2. First snack: salmon sandwich.
  3. Lunch: mushroom soup, kaputa salad, herbal tea.
  4. Second snack: whole grain bread with cheese.
  5. Dinner: carrot salad and vegetable risotto. You can wash everything down with kefir.

In the first trimester, it is very important that a woman receives a large amount of folate and vitamin B6 from food.

Menu for pregnant women 2nd trimester

In the second trimester, it is important for pregnant women to have omega-3 acid, calcium, vitamin D and iron in their diet.

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, apple and cinnamon, chamomile tea.
  2. First snack: almonds with prunes.
  3. Lunch: lentil soup, seaweed salad, cranberry juice.
  4. Second snack: sandwich with herring.
  5. Dinner: mushroom omelette and yogurt.

Menu for pregnant women 3rd trimester

Carbohydrates and vitamin K play a special role here.

  1. Breakfast: pancakes with cream cheese and sour milk.
  2. First snack: cheese sandwich on whole grain bread.
  3. Lunch: fish soup, tuna and herb salad, rosehip broth.
  4. Second snack: cheesecake.
  5. Dinner: fish with rice and fermented baked milk.

Proper nutrition is the basis for the proper development of the fetus, so such important issues must be approached with full responsibility.

I like!

The second trimester of pregnancy is the “golden time” for the expectant mother. This is a period that is characterized by calmness and excellent well-being of the pregnant woman, which cannot be said about the first and third trimesters. Toxicosis is already over, and childbirth is not soon, but you shouldn’t relax at all - regular visits to the doctor, taking the necessary tests, and most importantly, proper nutrition— the expectant mother should pay due attention to all this.

What happens in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy begins with the 13th and ends with the 24th week of pregnancy. At this time, the fetus begins to actively grow and gain weight. The baby’s internal organs are already formed and are slowly beginning their work. The cerebral cortex is formed, the pituitary gland begins to function. Only the respiratory system is still “sleeping,” but soon it will start working. In the fifth month, the pregnant woman begins to notice the first movements of the fetus. At this time, the baby reacts very sensitively to the emotional state of his mother: sadness or joy is transmitted to him. In the sixth month, the fetus begins to breathe and its immunity is formed. By the end of the second trimester, all his senses are already functioning. The final stage is ahead - preparation for childbirth.

Since the baby grows rapidly in the second trimester, the mother also has to eat more. You can’t stop your appetite at this time! It is believed that during pregnancy you cannot restrict yourself in anything, and even more so in food - this is a delusion! Over the entire period of bearing a child, a woman should gain a maximum of 10 kilograms. Any doctor will tell you that being overweight in an interesting position is fraught with edema and difficult delivery, not to mention the recovery of the body after childbirth. Therefore, if you do not want the problems listed above, take into account the following rules:

Don't skip breakfast

Many women refuse breakfast due to toxicosis. Firstly, it is harmful for the fetus, which was already without food for 8 hours while the mother was sleeping. Secondly, skipping breakfast will make you want to eat more for lunch, and overeating is a direct path to gaining extra pounds.

Don't eat at night

It is clear that a pregnant woman’s appetite is unpredictable, and nightly outbreaks of hunger are quite acceptable for a woman in this position. Therefore, if you really want it, you can have a night snack. But it shouldn’t be fried meat or a piece of cake - eat fruit at night, drink yogurt or kefir.

It is forbidden to go hungry

No diets or abstinence from food during pregnancy are acceptable! This will greatly harm the baby! A pregnant woman should eat 5-6 times a day, while receiving the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Refrain from catering and processed foods

As you know, the quality of food products and semi-finished products suffers, and if you do not want your child to receive harmful concentrates and additives through the placenta, completely abandon them.

Create a menu

A pregnant woman's diet in the second trimester should be balanced; The foods that the expectant mother eats at this time must contain the required daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In order to know exactly what these products are, create a personal menu that includes everything that your local doctor recommends: cereals, soups, fruits, juices, etc. Calculate the required rate and, if possible, do not deviate from it. This way you can not only deliver the substances your baby needs for growth, but also control your weight.

Coping with constipation in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the belly begins to noticeably round - the baby is growing rapidly and gaining weight every day. For this reason, the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, which can cause venous congestion in the pelvic area and constipation. Another reason is the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, which stops intestinal activity. Constipation may be accompanied by hemorrhoids.

A special diet will help you cope with all these troubles. A pregnant woman needs to eat as much fiber as possible: carrots, cucumbers, apples, beets, wholemeal bread and dried fruits. Fermented milk products are also useful in this case. You can prepare an infusion of prunes: take 100 grams of dried fruit and pour two glasses of boiling water, adding a little sugar. Cover with a lid and let stand for 10 hours. You should drink half a glass of the infusion before meals. Infusions of chamomile flowers, mint leaves, caraway seeds and dill should be prepared if you are also worried about bloating.

To avoid constipation, try not to drink strong tea, coffee, chocolate, white bread, semolina, and blueberries. Do not eat dry food and try to do exercises - it promotes intestinal motility and good functioning.

I don’t want to, I won’t, or a change in taste preferences

Pregnancy is a time of changing taste preferences. Those foods that you just recently couldn’t stand have become your most favorite dishes. Physiologically, this can be explained by the fact that the mother’s body lacks any substances necessary for her child. Before pregnancy, the body did not react to the lack of any substance in the body - it could easily replenish it thanks to the food supplied to it. With the onset of pregnancy, a lack of any substance cannot go unnoticed: energy costs increase, and the amount of elements supplied with food is no longer enough for two. Therefore, the body “announces” a new portion of substances.

What do the taste preferences of the expectant mother indicate?

  • If you want fish and seafood, your body doesn’t have enough phosphorus and vitamin D;
  • Craving for chocolate, sweets, ice cream - lack of glucose;
  • Milk, cottage cheese, kefir - too little calcium;
  • Meat and nuts are not enough protein;
  • Citrus fruits - lack of vitamin C;
  • Apples, strawberries, strawberries, cabbage, beets - low in iron;
  • Bananas, peaches, apricots, potatoes - there is a lack of potassium in the body;
  • Legumes - urgently need zinc;
  • Greens - need for folic acid;
  • Salty foods are a sodium deficiency.

The whims of women in interesting situations are legendary. Only all these whims are justified and have a clear explanation: the body needs substances that the brain lets you know about - it sends signals along the nerve channels. This phenomenon is called “dominant pregnancy.” However, it is not uncommon for a woman, while pregnant, to want to eat something forbidden: chips, rolls, burgers from McDonald's. This is clearly not a “dominant pregnancy” - the brain cannot send signals about a deficiency harmful substances. There is most likely a psychological reason here rather than a physiological one. Pregnancy for a woman is stressful, during which she becomes excessively irritable. What do women usually do when they feel stressed? Of course, they “seize” him. Chips, burgers, chocolate. For this reason, a pregnant woman has an irresistible desire to eat something harmful - to “eat up” the stress that pregnancy is for her. In this situation, unhealthy fast food is contraindicated for her - she should eat something else, healthy - fruits, yogurt, dried fruits. In this case, it is not recommended to think “If I eat a little, nothing will happen!” Even a tiny part of something harmful can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Foods that should be limited in the second trimester of pregnancy

There are a number of foods whose consumption should be limited in the second trimester of pregnancy.

  • Fatty foods: lard, fried foods will lead to excess weight.
  • Pickles, sausages and smoked meats will put stress on the kidneys, which can cause swelling.
  • Allergens: oranges, strawberries, mangoes.
  • Coffee and chocolate reduce the absorption of calcium by the body.
  • White bread will lead to constipation.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Grapes, buns - can cause bloating.
  • Foods rich in cholesterol: fatty sour cream, butter, beef liver, sausages, cakes, egg yolks - worsen liver function and help you gain extra pounds.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Liquid - contributes to the appearance of edema.

It is believed that if you are expecting twins, it means you will gain 2 times more extra pounds! And this is possible, but if you eat right during pregnancy, this can be easily avoided.

It is logical that if two babies are growing in the womb, then the daily calorie intake - 300 milligrams - needs to be multiplied by 2. Therefore, you need to calculate the menu based on these numbers. We also multiply all other components by 2:

  • Proteins - 100 * 2 = 200 mg (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, legumes);
  • Fats - 85*3 = 170 mg (vegetable oils);
  • Carbohydrates - 350 * 2 = 700 mg (fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals);
  • Calcium - 1100*2 = 2200 mg (dairy products, broccoli);
  • Magnesium - 450 * 2 = 900 mg (nuts, legumes, millet, buckwheat);
  • Phosphorus - 1650*2 = 2300 mg (seafood, cottage cheese, mineral water);
  • Iron - 38*2 = 76 mg (meat, buckwheat, spinach);
  • Zinc - 20*2 = 40 mg (meat, fish, dairy products);
  • Iodine - 0.18*2 = 0.36 mg (fish, sauerkraut);
  • Folic acid - 400 * 2 = 800 mg (greens, beans, nuts).

In addition to these products, you must take a vitamin complex prescribed by your doctor.

We determine the freshness and quality of products

During pregnancy, it is preferable to eat “country food” - fresh, natural products. However, not everyone has a vegetable garden and a cash cow, so you have to go to the store for an alternative. A pregnant woman needs to be especially careful about the quality of products, since the health, growth and development of her baby directly depend on this.

How to determine whether meat is fresh or not

  • Tender meat from animals over 6 weeks old has a light pink or light red tint, as well as dense subcutaneous fat.
  • The meat of animals under 5 years old has a rich red color and its fat is yellowish.
  • Old animals have dark red meat and yellow, loose fat.
  • Good meat will have a pale pink skin and will be firm and moist when cut.
  • The smell of meat should be clean, without any rotting impurities.
  • If you press on the meat and the mark quickly disappears, the meat is fresh. You can check the freshness of frozen meat in the same way - a bright mark should remain on the surface of the package after pressing.
  • Re-frozen meat has bright red tendons and pinkish fat.

Is the fish fresh?

  • Fresh fish has a characteristic sea or river smell, without any acid or rotting impurities.
  • The gills are light red, without mucus.
  • The eyes are clean and transparent.
  • The body of the fish should be elastic, the scales should be light and shiny, with a small layer of mucus.
  • The abdomen should not be swollen.
  • If you press on the body, the mark will quickly disappear.
  • Fresh frozen fish have lighter gills than unfrozen fish and slightly sunken eyes.
  • There should be no stains or damage on the body/
  • A belly that is too round and a yellow or dirty gray color indicates that the fish is starting to spoil.

Cottage cheese

  • Depending on the percentage of fat content, good, fresh cottage cheese has a shade from white to pale yellow.
  • Good cottage cheese should be moderately moist - not dry, and with small lumps.
  • The smell is slightly sour, without any rotting impurities.
  • A musty smell and slipperiness indicate an expired product.


  • Fresh milk should be rich and thick - just drop it onto your palm. If the drop is smooth and does not spread, the milk is fresh.
  • Whole milk is bright white, diluted milk is clear and odorless.
  • U fresh milk a sweetish smell; expired ones have a sour smell.


  • Real, “live” yogurt does not last long: live bacteria live in it for only a couple of weeks.
  • Pay attention to the date of the product: choose one that was manufactured most recently.


  • Good butter is white or pale yellow in color.
  • There should not be a bright yellow layer on the surface of the product - this is oxidized fat, which is very harmful to health.

Sour cream

  • Fresh sour cream should be thick, homogeneous, with a white or ivory tint.
  • The smell should be delicate and elusive; a sour, musty smell indicates the product is expired.
  • There should be no lumps on the surface of the sour cream - this is a sign that it was frozen, and this is strictly forbidden to do with this product - it becomes unsuitable for food.


  • When exposed to light, there should be no dark spots on the surface of the egg.
  • The freshness of this product can only be judged by the date indicated on the package.


  • Potatoes are considered fresh in the second half of summer.
  • If you see potatoes on the counter after the New Year, refrain from buying them. At this time, germination processes occur in its tubers, which is why it acquires toxic properties.

As you know from a popular joke, pregnant women have 3 states - sleep, food and food again. It's true - a woman in an interesting position always wants to eat. What can you pamper yourself with during this truly magical time?

  • Seasonal fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Juices;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Some chocolate or sweets
  • Berries, compotes.

Contrary to popular belief that you should not drink alcohol during pregnancy, we add: you can, but it depends on what kind. Brandy or whiskey, of course, is not allowed, but natural, homemade red wine is welcome! Just no more than two tablespoons. Harmful fast food in small doses won’t do much harm either. Therefore if to the expectant mother If you really want chips or Coca-Cola, you can satisfy her whim, but remember not to get carried away. When else, if not during pregnancy, can you pamper yourself with various goodies without worrying about your figure?