The problem of developing the mental abilities of older preschoolers. Intellectual development of preschool children Relevance of the development of intellectual abilities of preschool children

Intellectually developed, smart individuals have always been at a high price. A person characterized by a good store of knowledge in a variety of different areas ah, has an advantage over other people, which leads to success in professional activities. It is necessary to distinguish developed intelligence and erudition. After all, you can know a lot of fascinating information, but not be able to analyze, compare, or think logically. Today, there are many ways to develop intelligence that can be used from a very early age.

Child's intelligence

Knowing that the human psyche is the ability to perceive the world around us in a certain way and react to it, it is not difficult to understand what intelligence is. - quality of the psyche, covering all aspects of human activity: mental, emotional, and physical. It is the ability to adapt to a variety of situations based on one's level of development. In other words, a well-developed intellect is synonymous with a harmoniously developed personality, a combination of the wealth of the inner world with physical development.

“Did you know that the development of a child’s intellectual abilities is an integral part harmonious development, which includes spiritual and physical education?

Many parents will ask the question: why develop a child’s intelligence? The answer is obvious: in order for the child to become able to learn quickly, easily and effectively, to successfully use acquired knowledge, to make discoveries in the future, or to learn to do something that others cannot. Therefore, attention should be paid to the development of intelligence from early childhood.

Stages of intelligence development

First of all, the level of intelligence (intelligence quotient, IQ) is manifested in the child’s thinking ability. Thinking is directly related to physical activity. By moving, crawling, running, stomping through puddles or playing in the sand, the baby learns about the reality around him, developing his brain. It is in this regard that one should not limit the baby’s motor activity, allowing him to independently explore the world. Prohibitions and restrictions inhibit the baby’s brain activity.

Younger schoolchildren will develop intellectually by playing board or computer logic games. Play is a great way to organize learning about anything. Agree, it is much better when the development of intellectual abilities takes place in an unobtrusive environment.

Even more interesting is how to intellectually develop teenagers. The school curriculum becomes more complex year after year, and therefore the first exams can become a real test for students with intellectual difficulties. Adolescence is characterized by changes in the physical and mental spheres, as well as a slight decrease in cognitive interest. This is where parents need to think carefully about how to stimulate the intellectual development of teenagers, not just by forcing them to read more.

Factors of intellectual development

"Did you know that breast-feeding activates the baby’s mental development?”

The mental development of a child depends on certain factors:

1. Genetic factors. This refers to the one that a child receives from his parents at birth. The level, quality and direction of a child’s intellectual development largely depend on these factors.

2. Factors that arise during the mother's pregnancy. The kind of lifestyle a pregnant woman had is reflected in the mental development of the child. For example, mental retardation of the unborn child can be affected by:

  • malnutrition
  • lack of iodine in the mother's body
  • illnesses during pregnancy
  • taking medications
  • consumption of alcohol, drugs, smoking.

3. Environmental factors. Impairments in the mental activity of children can arise due to:

  • poor nutrition of children
  • lack of communication
  • restrictions on motor and cognitive activity
  • single-parent family.

4. Large family factor. Studies have shown that first-born children are more mentally developed than other children in the family. However, in large families children develop better socially: they easily acquire communication skills and adapt more quickly to society.
5. Factor social status family. Children from very poor families do not always please their parents with their school performance.
6. School influence factor. In most secondary schools, teachers still consider a good student to be a student who is calm, answers questions as required, and does nothing without asking. These characteristics do not correspond to children with high creative potential: those who take a non-standard approach to solving tasks. Only individual and student-oriented approaches to education will stimulate the mental development of children in school today.
7. Factor of the child’s personal qualities. The development of mental abilities is also influenced by what kind of character and temperament a child has. Thoughtful children are attentive to fulfillment complex tasks However, they lack self-confidence and are afraid of failure. Easily excitable children are somewhat superficial, but are capable of spontaneously expressing creative impulses.
8. Factor of personal qualities of parents. It’s good when parents are intellectually developed, successful, self-confident, and love their work: in such conditions children develop faster. However, this is not the main condition for raising a smart child. The main thing in education is the care of parents and faith in the strength of children.

Intelligence of preschoolers

"This is interesting. A child's brain is formed before three years by 80%. Try not to miss this moment to shape your baby’s intelligence.”

Having seen the toy for the first time, the baby carefully examines it: examines it, twists it, shakes it, tastes it, listens to it. Knowing this "exploratory" nature of young children, we need to offer them toys that stimulate their thinking ability:

  • block constructors
  • toys that can be taken apart
  • simple household items that you can play with.

How else can a baby explore the world while developing his brain?

  1. Try not to buy all the toys. Toys can be made with my own hands, transform household objects into toys: this will make it more interesting to study them.
  2. Involve your child in joint creativity. Make a toy together with your child and play with him.
  3. Allow your child to use different objects that interest him as toys. Naturally, within reasonable limits: they must be safe.
  1. Many toys distract attention. Therefore, it is better to remove excess toys.
  2. Children love multifunctional toys.
  3. Children usually get bored with toys from the store quickly.
  4. The child will be more interested in complex toys that can be explored endlessly.

Along with playing with toys, engage in didactic (educational) games with your child, play outside in sports games, read and teach your baby to read, start learning the basics with your little one foreign language, engage in drawing and modeling, develop your child musically. There is no need to overload the child. It is ideal when classes are held in a playful way, are exciting and bring pleasure. Only then will the preschooler’s intellect develop naturally and harmoniously.

Watch a video about how you can develop the mental abilities of children

Features of intellectual development of schoolchildren

Study becomes the leading activity for younger schoolchildren. Based on this type of activity, children actively develop thinking, related features (analysis, planning, etc.), the need for learning and motivation for it. The development of the student’s personality depends on how interesting the learning activity is and how successful it is. In progress educational activities children acquire the ability to learn and use theoretical knowledge. refers to the period of intensification of intellectual development. Mental development also stimulates other qualities of the student. Thanks to this, awareness of the need for educational activity comes, voluntary and intentional memorization occurs, attention and the ability to concentrate develop, etc. The success of intellectual development at this age depends on the personality and activities of the teacher, his ability to take a creative approach to teaching children, to use modern methods training aimed at stimulating all cognitive processes, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

It is interesting that school-age children develop a mentality. Some students have an analytical mindset, other students have a visual-figurative one, and others are characterized by the presence of both figurative and abstract elements. In order to harmoniously develop the minds of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to influence both the logical and figurative components of the mind, presenting educational material in a voluminous manner.

Successful learning is facilitated by the presence of the following components of schoolchildren’s thinking:

  • be able to think: analyze, synthesize, summarize, classify information, formulate judgments and conclusions;
  • be able to think critically, having several options for solving a problem;
  • be able to highlight the main thing, see the goal.

To successfully develop thinking at school age, it is best to use the ideas of developmental education. This pedagogical technology assumes that the tasks are of a problematic nature, which stimulates the active development of the student’s intellect.

Diagnosis of intelligence

Knowing the level of mental development of a child, you can choose the right teaching methods for him. To determine the IQ level, special ones are used. For kids - bright pictures, by examining which and answering questions, the child demonstrates a certain level of his intelligence. Preschoolers can undergo diagnostics using special tasks and questionnaires.

Psychological tests are used to check the IQ of schoolchildren. They are built in the form of blocks aimed at studying intelligence in different areas. By focusing on the results, you can find out how he perceives information best.

Ways to develop intelligence

What can improve a child's mental qualities?

  1. Games that develop the brain. These can be chess or checkers, puzzles, logic, psychological and board games.
  2. Mathematics and exact sciences. Mathematics teaches you to structure concepts and treat everything with order.
  3. Reading. A good fiction book will always give you something to think about. Read to your child, teach yourself to read, discuss what you read.
  4. Education. The learning process is valuable in itself, as it activates the development of all human abilities.
  5. Learning a foreign language.
  6. Learning something new. Read encyclopedias and reference books with your child, watch educational films and programs, go to. Create conditions in which your child will be interested in discovering something new every day. This will expand your horizons and erudition. Let the child be inquisitive.

How to stimulate the intellect?

  • constantly ask your child questions
  • use the words “Think”, “Be more attentive”, “Remember”
  • while walking, relaxing, give your child tasks (observe, count, solve a riddle)
  • teach your child to finish what he starts
  • Discuss with your child the results of his activities, identify shortcomings, and think about how to do better.


Develop your child harmoniously. Books alone are not enough to make a child smart. Create a whole system for your baby’s intellectual development at home. Study together, paying attention to the comprehensive development of mental abilities. Let the classes be not boring and bring benefits.

Preparation for the pedagogical council on the topic:

1. Report-presentation " Intellectual development children preschool age».

2. Master class for teachers “Use of Dienesh blocks and Cuisenaire sticks to develop the intellectual abilities of preschool children”

3. Consultations for parents

3. Report-presentation “Voskobovich’s educational games”

4. Report-presentation “Didactic games as a means of developing children’s intellectual and creative abilities”

Senior teacher


Appendix No. 1

Analytical information

based on the results of thematic control

“Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children through games of logical and mathematical content”

Date:from 09.11.2015 to 13.11.2015

Who conducted: head Shilenina S.A., senior teacher Borisova L.V.

Target: determination of the effectiveness of educational educational work in preschool educational institutions on cognitive development of childrenthrough games of logical and mathematical content.


1) Calendar analysis - thematic planning educators

2) Study of the subject-development environment.

3) Assessment of professional skills of educators.

4) Analysis of the level of development of children.

5) Analysis of forms of interaction with parents on this issue.

Results of thematic control

Analysis of teachers' plans made it possible to generalize ideas about the system of games being played in groups, their focus and integration with other types of activities. From a young age, children begin to master mental operations associated with sensory development. For kids, this period is called: “What’s there?” Teachers plan Voskobovich games, games with Dienesh blocks and Cuisenaire sticks. Since middle group, educators encourage children to be cognitively active and take initiative. Children begin to master a system of actions to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Games are held that enrich child development: checkers, chess, generalization games, association games, games with experimentation. In older preschool age, the child’s horizons broaden and the ability to navigate life around them improves. Independence, planning and outcome forecasting skills are developed. All this is taken into account by teachers in their work. Children of the older group, while playing, learn to build projects, put forward hypotheses and test their truth. In interviews with teachers, it was revealed: · sufficient knowledge of modern requirements for the mental development of preschool children; · use of traditional technologies in the system of working with children; however, intelligence games are mainly used in the form organized activities with the teacher. As a result of checking the organization of the subject-development environment in the groups, the following was discovered:

  • Availability of equipment (all groups have game libraries with a selection of educational games, according to age)
  • There are guidelines for their use
  • The games are located in a free access area.

However, the availability of structural material, both for construction and for creativity, is still insufficient.

Assessment of a teacher’s professional skillswas carried out in the form of control of GCD on educational field « Cognitive development».

Open viewings were conducted by: teacher ………………. "IN autumn forest"(younger age), teacher………... "Journey into a fairy tale" (older age), teacher……….. "Piggy visiting the guys" (middle age). Teacher ………… “On a visit to the forest animals” (younger age)

Teachers………………………. During the lesson we used a variety of game techniques and methods of activating mental activity (problem situations were solved). Throughout the lesson, teachers stimulated the children’s speech activity. To meet motor activity Children have thought through the organization of physical exercises.

The teacher ……………….is recommended to take a more careful approach to preparing the lesson (in the selection of material, equipment and its placement). In the lesson, apply the integration of educational areas, use a variety of methods and techniques for working with children - methods of motivation, ensuring the emotional interest of children

In the process of analyzing the level of development of children, the method was usedobservations. While observing children in independent activities, teachers noted: younger group The level of choice of games is still quite low; in middle and older age, about 50 percent of children give preference in choosing games with logical and mathematical content

In the process of thematic control, the work system of teachers was studiedwith parents. All groups have stands for working with parents and have advisory material this direction.

Based on the results of the control, the commission prepared the following recommendations:

The effectiveness of teachers’ work on the intellectual development of children in preschool educational institutions through games of logical and mathematical content can be considered satisfactory if the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Continue to replenish entertaining mathematics centers with games of logical and mathematical content, create an accessible, rich subject-spatial environment for the development of cognitive interest in children.

Duration: permanent

  1. To ensure sustainable cognitive interests in children in the educational educational system, the following pedagogical conditions must be observed: inclusionentertainingin the content of GCD and regime moments; createproblem-search situations; use stagesanalysis, openness, different shapes children's organizations (2, 3, 4 each)

Responsible: group teachers, music director

Duration: permanent

  1. Introduce parents at parent-teacher meetings to new games with logical and mathematical content.

Responsible: group teachers, music director

Deadline: until June 2016

Senior teacher _________________________________ L.V. Borisova


Pedagogical advice:

“Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children through games with logical and mathematical content”

Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers, allowing them to carry out the intellectual development of preschool children using educational games innovative technologies in the conditions of a preschool educational institution.

  • increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of modern educational technologies;
  • development of intellectual and creative activity of teachers;
  • training teachers in methods of using gaming
    innovative technologies.

1. Speech by head S.A. Shilenina

The path that a child goes through in his development in the preschool years is enormous; during this time he acquires much more than in his entire subsequent life. During preschool childhood, a person “forms.” The changes that occur in the development of the mind of a preschool child are surprising and elusive. Nevertheless, this amazing and elusive thing must be seen and understood.

Changes in recent years have shown the inconsistency of the “standard personality.” Today we need people who are intellectually courageous, independent, original thinkers, creative, who can make non-standard decisions and not be afraid of it.

It is during the acquisition of mathematical concepts that the child receives a sufficiently sensory experience of orientation in the various properties of objects and the relationships between them, masters the techniques and methods of cognition, and applies the knowledge and skills formed during training in practice. This creates the prerequisites for the emergence of a materialistic worldview, connects learning with the surrounding life, and cultivates positive personality traits.

In the last decade, alarming trends have emerged, namely: in the educational system of kindergartens, school uniforms and teaching methods began to be used, which does not correspond age characteristics children, their perception, thinking, memory. We must not forget that the leading activity in kindergarten is play. Mathematics remains the most time-consuming subject in school. Parents, teachers, and students themselves talk about this. What about preschoolers? They don't know that mathematics is a difficult subject. And they should never know about it. Our task is to teach the child to comprehend mathematics with interest and pleasure and to always believe in themselves. Today we must decide for ourselves - mathematics for a preschooler is work or pleasure.

Results of thematic control (Appendix No. 1)

2. Report-presentation “Concept for the development of mathematics education in Russian Federation" - senior teacher Borisova L.V.

(Appendix No. 2)

3. Master class for teachers “Use of Dienesh blocks in working with children” - teacher Khudyakova M.V.

(Appendix No. 3)

4. Making a decision of the pedagogical council.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten in the village of Divnoye

Master class “Using Dienesh blocks in working with preschool children.”

Compiled by:

teacher MBDOU d/s p. Divnoe


Target: To expand the knowledge of teachers through acquaintance with the educational didactic games of Z. Dienesh, as a means of developing the intellectual and creative abilities of preschoolers 4-6 years old.

Master class plan

  1. Theoretical substantiation of the relevance and effectiveness of the use of logical blocks by Z. Dienesh for the development of creative potential in children
  2. Practical part. A business game with participants in a master class based on Z. Dienesh’s cards indicating properties, cards with symbols for changing properties; algorithms. Participants are offered several games.
  3. Reflection
  1. Relevance and effectiveness of the use of Dienesh's logical blocks in the pedagogical process of the senior group.

One of the main tasks preschool education- formation of key competencies of preschool children in accordance with State Educational Standards programs. Formed competencies, developed communicative and information culture of the individual are now considered as the basis for the successful adaptation of a modern person in society.

In the world of information civilization, it is not enough to teach children to count, measure, and calculate. It is important to develop the ability to think independently and creatively.

I believe that educational games play a major role in developing children’s ability to think independently and creatively. And I found didactic materials that were unique in their developmental capabilities - logical blocks by Zolton Dienesh.

These private techniques are distinguished by their characteristics: universality, abstraction, and high efficiency. They allow, “through the hands” of the child, to form the concepts of “longer - shorter”, “between”, the concept of a numerical sequence, the composition of a number. Dienes blocks are a set on which equivalence and order relations are easily discovered.

Zolton Dienesh's logical blocks in my work are both a tool for the teacher's professional work and a tool for the child's educational and cognitive activity. The entertaining nature of this didactic material enlivens mathematics, which many consider dry, uninteresting and far from the lives of children.


Development of cognitive interests and methods of mental activity;

Developing the ability to think independently and creatively; see, discover properties, relationships and dependencies in the surrounding world;

Expanding your horizons.



  • ability to design and model;
  • ability to operate with objects, signs, symbols;
  • visual – figurative, logical, non-standard – creative thinking(the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle);
  • imagination, intelligence, curiosity, memory, attention;
  • observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.
  • mental functions associated with speech activity.
  • Foster independence, initiative, and perseverance in achieving goals.

Forms of organizing work with logical blocks:

Dienesh's logic blocks and Cuisenaire's sticks can be used in a playful way in organized, complex, integrated educational activities. Dienesh's logical blocks provide clarity, consistency and accessibility, and change of activities. For example, in the field of “Cognitive Development”, with their help children operate

  • sensory standards (geometric concepts)
  • learn what a set is, a subset
  • with values
  • with spatial representations
  • arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction.

In the field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”, in the process of modeling, children replace real objects with a design made of sticks and blocks using creative imagination, on the basis of which creative thinking is formed; using drawing and appliqué, we model a pattern, an ornament using sticks and blocks, experimenting with the consonance of colors .

In the area of ​​“Physical Development” we conduct outdoor games with sticks and blocks - these are landmark objects.

  • Playing together with Dienesh's logical blocks makes it possible to consolidate the multilingual component:
  • in didactic games, printed board games, mobile games, role-playing games (shapes, colors, spatial orientation and much more)
  • in outdoor games (object landmarks, designations of houses, paths, labyrinths);
  • in desktop-printed (working with maps for games, diagrams, albums, algorithms);
  • in role-playing games:Shop - money is indicated by blocks, prices for goods are indicated by code cards. Mail - the address on a parcel, letter, postcard is indicated by blocks, the address on the house is indicated by code cards. Likewise. Train - tickets, seats.
  • In independent and collective play activities (they design, work with albums, diagrams, play printed board games, organize role-playing games).

Literature that will help teachers when working with these techniques:

  • Kamarova L.D. “How to work with Cuisenaire rods?” - reveals all stages of teaching preschoolers the basics of mathematics with the help of colored Cuisenaire sticks.
  • Nosova E.A. Nepomnyashchaya R. L. “Logic and mathematics for preschoolers.” In this book, Nosova talks about Dienesh's logical blocks. The manual presents 4 groups of gradually more complex games and exercises with logic blocks and includes diagrams. R.L. Nepomnyashchaya introduces Cuisenaire sticks, initial exercises for playing with them, and gives several sample exercises with them.
  • In practical guides, Panova E.N. “Didactic games - classes in preschool educational institutions” for younger and older ages, presented didactic games and classes using Dienesh blocks for younger children and Cuisenaire colored sticks for older preschool age.
  • Game activities are presented in the manuals by V. P. Novikova, L. I. Tikhonova “Educational games and activities with Cuisenaire sticks. For working with children 3–7 years old"

Methodological support required for games with blocks and sticks:

  1. Business game with participants of the master class based on Dienesh cards indicating properties, cards with symbols of changing properties; algorithms. Participants are offered several games.

Game “Where is the carrot hidden?”Target. Development logical thinking, the ability to encode information about the properties of objects using signs and symbols and decode it.

Material. Logic blocks, cards with properties.

(in the book by Nosova E.A. each game or exercise is presented in three versions, for complication: operating with 1 property, 2 and 3)

Game "Highway or build a track"

Target. Developing the ability to identify properties in objects, abstract these properties from others, follow certain rules, and independently create an algorithm.

Material. Tables with rules for building roads (Table 1-3), logical blocks.

Contents - To lay out tracks, rules are used that require focusing on two properties of blocks - these are tables. (alternating by one property - color or shape, by two properties - color and shape, shape and thickness of blocks, shape and size. To maintain interest, I offer various game tasks: build a path from the palace Snow Queen to help Kai and Gerda escape; decorate the cake, make beads. (literature by E.A. Nosov)

Game "Build a house"

Target. Development of logical thinking and attention.

Material. Set of logical figures in a bag, house cards, rectangles according to the size of the cells.

Game “Help the figures get out of the forest” (literary by E.A. Nosova)

Target. Development of logical thinking and reasoning skills. Material.Logical figures or blocks, tables. Contents - There is a table in front of the children. It depicts a forest in which the figures are lost. We need to help them get out of the thicket.

Children determine why signs are placed at road forks. Signs that are not crossed out allow only figures like themselves to follow their path; crossed out signs - to all figures not like them. Then the children take apart the figures (blocks) and take them out of the forest one by one. At the same time, they reason out loud which path they should take each time.

Game "Architect" (album "Let's Play")
Goal: develop the ability to work with an algorithm, act strictly according to the rules. Material: Algorithms No. 1,2 Dienesh blocks
Game description:
Children are invited to develop a playground project
select the required building material
build playground facilities
Selection of building material in strict accordance with the rules (according to algorithm No. 1 or algorithm No. 2). How to choose a building material? Let's do this together using algorithm No. 1.
We take any block. Let it be, for example, a blue large thick triangular block. The word “beginning” tells us where to start the path (movement according to the block diagram).

Game "Cargo Delivery".

Goal: The ability to modify the properties of objects in accordance with the diagram shown on the card.

Option 1. You need to deliver valuable cargo - blocks from city A to city B (you can come up with the names of the cities yourself). You can transport cargo along any of the 12 proposed routes. Changes occur with cargo along the way. You can play this game with your friends by agreeing on which routes you will take to transport goods.

Game "Labyrinths" (album “Rescuers Come to the Rescue”)

Goal: the ability to act consistently in strict accordance with the rules.
Before us is a labyrinth. If you manage to pass the labyrinth A, you will help the prince free the enchanted princess (the blocks are magic stones for freeing the princess).

Rules: take any block, move it only in a straight line, not obliquely. We bypass the black cages of the trap. The path of the block must be built in accordance with the signs - symbols. Any block can move along empty cells.
While going through labyrinth B, you will participate in the delivery of tea to England from India (blocks are containers with tea).

  1. Reflection

At the end of our master classIt is proposed to compose "Cinquain". “Cinquain” (from the English “way of thought”) has a certain scheme according to which we reveal the essence of the concept, definition, and rule.

1 line – 1 noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

Line 2 – 2 adjectives.

3rd line – 3 verbs

4th line – on the fourth line there is a whole phrase, a sentence with which you will evaluate our activities. It could be catchphrase, quote. And we will determine what happened to you during our meeting. Maybe you learned something, maybe someone was interested. Maybe our master class has inspired you to do new things.


"Master class

Exciting, interesting

Beckons, Teaches. Inspiring.

It excites thoughts and awakens confidence!”


Slide captions:

Using Dienesh Blocks to develop the intellectual abilities of preschool children

Relevance and effectiveness of the use of logical blocks by Z. Dienesh in the pedagogical process of the senior group. One of the main tasks of preschool education is the formation of key competencies of preschool children in accordance with State Educational Standards programs. Formed competencies, developed communicative and information culture of the individual are now considered as the basis for the successful adaptation of a modern person in society. In the world of information civilization, it is not enough to teach children to count, measure, and calculate. It is important to develop the ability to think independently and creatively. I believe that educational games play a major role in developing children’s ability to think independently and creatively. And I found teaching materials that were unique in their developmental capabilities—Zolton Dienesh’s logic blocks and George Cuisenaire’s sticks. These private techniques are distinguished by their characteristics: universality, abstraction, and high efficiency. They allow, “through the hands” of the child, to form the concepts of “longer - shorter”, “between”, the concept of a numerical sequence, the composition of a number. Cuisenaire rods and Dienes blocks are a set on which equivalence and order relations are easily discovered. In my work, the logical blocks of Zolton Dienesh and the sticks of George Cuisenaire are both a tool for the professional work of a teacher and an instrument for the educational and cognitive activity of a child. The entertaining nature of this didactic material enlivens mathematics, which many consider dry, uninteresting and far from the lives of children.

Goals: - development of cognitive interests and methods of mental activity; - development of the ability to think independently and creatively; see, discover properties, relationships and dependencies in the surrounding world; - broadening your horizons. Tasks. Develop: the ability to design and model; ability to operate with objects, signs, symbols; visual - figurative, logical, non-standard - creative thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle); imagination, intelligence, curiosity, memory, attention; observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality. mental functions associated with speech activity. Foster independence, initiative, and perseverance in achieving goals.

Forms of organizing work with logical blocks and colored sticks I use Dienesh's logical blocks and Cuisenaire's sticks in a playful way in organized, complex, integrated learning activities. Dienesh's logical blocks and Cuisenaire's rods provide clarity, consistency and accessibility, and change of activities.

Master class “Using logical blocks by Z. Dienesh”

Goal: To expand the knowledge of teachers through acquaintance with the educational didactic games of Z. Dienesh as a means of developing the intellectual and creative abilities of preschoolers 4-6 years old. Plan for the master class Theoretical substantiation of the relevance and effectiveness of the use of logical blocks by Z. Dienesh and colored sticks by D. Cuisenaire for the development of creative potential in children Practical part. A business game with participants in a master class based on Z. Dienesh’s cards indicating properties, cards with symbols for changing properties; algorithms. Participants are offered several games. Reflection

Socio-communicative development is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, developing a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature. Social and communicative development

role-playing games Shop - money is indicated by blocks, product prices are indicated by code cards. Mail - the address on a parcel, letter, postcard is indicated by blocks, the address on the house is indicated by code cards. Likewise. Train - tickets, seats.

Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc.), about small homeland and the Fatherland, ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world. Cognitive development

Game "Where is Jerry hiding?" Target. Development of logical thinking, the ability to encode information about the properties of objects using signs and symbols and decode it. Material. Logic blocks, cards with properties. Contents: The presenter each time uses cards to indicate three properties of the block under which Jerry the mouse is hidden. It denotes block properties with crossed out and uncrossed signs. Game “Under which bush is the carrot” Game “Arrange the hives”

Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write. Speech development

Games: “Magic bag” “Name it correctly” Games with Dienesh blocks contribute to the development of speech: children learn to reason, enter into dialogue with their peers, build their statements using the conjunctions “and”, “or”, “not”, and in sentences etc., willingly enter into verbal contact with adults, enriches themselves vocabulary, a keen interest in learning is awakened.

Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; formation elementary ideas about types of art; music perception, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.). Artistic and aesthetic development In drawing and appliqué we model patterns and ornaments.

Physical development includes gaining experience in the following types children’s activities: motor, including those associated with performing exercises aimed at developing physical qualities such as coordination and flexibility; contributing to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movement, large and fine motor skills both hands, as well as with the correct, non-damaging to the body, performance of basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions), the formation of initial ideas about some sports, mastering outdoor games with rules; formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere; formation of values healthy image life, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, motor mode, hardening, in the formation of useful habits, etc.). Physical development

Outdoor games: “Find a pair” “Find your house”

At the end of our master class, I propose to compose “Sinquain” on the topic of the master class: 1 line - 1 noun. This is the theme of syncwine. Line 2 – 2 adjectives. Line 3 – 3 verbs Line 4 – the fourth line contains a whole phrase, a sentence with which you will evaluate our activities. This could be a catchphrase, a quote.


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Concept for the development of mathematics education in the Russian Federation

Concept for the development of mathematics education in the Russian Federation December 24, 2013 No. 2506-r

I. The importance of mathematics in modern world A high-quality mathematical education is necessary for everyone for a successful life in modern society. Without a high level of mathematical education, it is impossible to fulfill the task of creating an innovative economy, implementing long-term goals and objectives of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. Increasing the level of mathematical education will make the life of Russians in modern society more fulfilling and will meet the needs for qualified specialists for knowledge-intensive and high-tech production.

II. Problems of development of mathematics education Problems of a motivational nature: - low educational motivation of schoolchildren associated with public underestimation of the importance of mathematics education; - outdated content and lack of training programs that meet the needs of students and the actual level of their training. 2. Problems of a substantive nature: - the content of mathematical education continues to become outdated and remains formal and detached from life; - the needs of future specialists in mathematical knowledge are not sufficiently taken into account; - replacing training with “coaching” for an exam.

II. Problems of development of mathematics education 3. Personnel problems - Graduates educational organizations The majority of higher education students with a pedagogical focus do not meet qualification requirements, professional standards, and have little experience in teaching and experience in applying pedagogical knowledge.

III. Goals and objectives of the Concept The goal is to bring Russian mathematical education to a leading position in the world.

III. Goals and objectives Concepts Objectives: modernization of the content of mathematics education curricula at all levels (ensuring their continuity); ensuring that there are no gaps in basic knowledge for each student; ensuring the availability of publicly available information resources necessary for the implementation of mathematics education curricula; improving the quality of work of mathematics teachers; supporting mathematics education leaders; providing students who are highly motivated and exhibit outstanding mathematical abilities with all the conditions for the development and application of these abilities; popularization of mathematical knowledge and mathematical education.

IV. The main directions of implementation of the Concept of Preschool and primary general education: The system of educational programs for mathematics education with the participation of the family should provide: in preschool education - conditions (primarily the subject-spatial and information environment, educational situations, means of pedagogical support for the child) for pupils to master forms of activity, primary mathematical concepts and images used in life;

IV. The main directions of implementation of the Concept Preschool and primary general education: in primary education - a wide range of mathematical employment of students in the classroom and during extracurricular activities, material, information and personnel conditions for the development of students using mathematics

IV. Main directions of implementation of the Concept 2 . Basic general and secondary general education Mathematics education should: provide each student with the opportunity to achieve the level of mathematical knowledge necessary for further successful life in society; provide each student with developing intellectual activity at an accessible level; provide the number of graduates required by the country, whose mathematical support is sufficient to continue education in various directions and for practical activities, including teaching mathematics.

IV. Main directions for the implementation of Concept 2. Basic general and secondary general education It is necessary to provide each student with the opportunity to achieve compliance with any level of training, taking into account his individual needs and abilities. The possibility of achieving a high level of training should be ensured by the development of a system of specialized educational institutions and specialized classes, a system additional education children in the field of mathematics. It is necessary to stimulate an individual approach and individual forms of work with lagging students, first of all, attracting teachers with extensive experience.

IV. Main directions for the implementation of Concept 3.Vocational education The vocational education system must provide the necessary level of mathematical training for the needs of mathematical science, economics, scientific and technological progress, safety and medicine. To do this, it is necessary to develop modern programs, to include the main mathematical areas in the corresponding priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy.

IV. Main directions of implementation of Concept 4. Additional professional education, training of scientific and pedagogical workers of educational organizations of higher education and scientific workers of scientific organizations, mathematical science For successful teachers, the opportunity for their professional growth should be provided in the form of scientific and applied work, additional professional education, including internship in organizations that are leaders in fundamental and applied research in the field of mathematics and mathematics education. It is important to support world organizations in Russia, solving the problem training of top-level researchers and teachers, including the creation of world-class scientific and educational centers inviting scientists to conduct research work and participation in the development of educational programs.

IV. Main directions of implementation of the Concept 5 . Mathematical education and popularization of mathematics, additional education For mathematical education and popularization of mathematics, the following is provided: state support accessibility of mathematics for all age groups of the population; creating a public atmosphere of a positive attitude towards the achievements of mathematical science and work in this field; Providing ongoing support and improvement in mathematical knowledge. Additional education system: mathematical clubs, competitions, distance learning in mathematics, interactive museums of mathematics, mathematical projects on Internet portals, professional mathematical online communities.

V. Implementation of the Concept Implementation of this Concept will ensure new level mathematics education, which will improve the teaching of other subjects and accelerate the development of not only mathematics, but also other sciences and technologies.

One of the most important tasks of education small child– development of the mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things.

Intelligence is the thinking ability of a person - mind, reason, mind; level of mental development.

Intellectual development is both the process and the level of cognitive activity of a growing person in all its manifestations: knowledge, cognitive processes, abilities, etc.; it is carried out as a result of the influence of life circumstances and the environment on the child. The leading role in intellectual development belongs to systematic intellectual education.

The intellectual development of a child presupposes that the child has an outlook and a stock of specific knowledge. The child must master perception, elements of a theoretical attitude to the material being studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization.

Intellectual development presupposes:

Differentiated perception;

Analytical thinking (ability to reproduce a pattern);

Rational approach to reality (weakening the role of fantasy);

Logical memorization;

Interest in knowledge and the process of obtaining it through additional efforts;

Mastery by ear colloquial speech and the ability to understand and use symbols;

Development of fine hand movements and visual-motor coordination.

The goal is to create conditions and promote the intellectual development of children.

The main task of a teacher in working with children is to help each child set feasible tasks, master techniques for solving them, and help them find application for the results of their activities.


1. Formation of techniques for mental operations of preschoolers (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy, ability to think and plan their actions.

2. Development in children of variable thinking, imagination, creative abilities, the ability to give reasons for their statements, and build simple conclusions.

3. Developing children’s ability to purposefully master volitional efforts, establish correct relationships with peers and adults, and see themselves through the eyes of others.

The basis for organizing work with children is the following system of didactic principles:

an educational environment is created that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process (the principle of psychological comfort);

new knowledge is not introduced into finished form, but through the independent “discovery” of it by children (principle of activity);

each child is provided with the opportunity to advance at his own pace (minimax principle);

with the introduction of new knowledge, its relationship with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed (the principle of a holistic view of the world);

Children develop the ability to make their own choices and are systematically given the opportunity to choose (the principle of variability);

the learning process is focused on children acquiring their own experience of creative activity (the principle of creativity);

continuous connections are ensured between all levels of education (the principle of continuity).

The principles outlined above integrate modern scientific views on the basics of organizing developmental education and provide solutions to the problems of intellectual and personal development of each child.

Methods and techniques:

Practical (game) ;






Didactic tools: Visual material (games, demonstration material, diagrams, symbols, models).

Form of organization of children's activities:

Individual creative activity;

Creative activity in a small subgroup (3-6 people);

Educational and gaming activities ( educational games, classes) ;

All this is based on the development environment:

1. Math fun:

Plane modeling games (Tangram, etc.);

Puzzle games;

Games with Dienesh blocks and Kuzner sticks;

Problems are jokes.

2. Didactic games:


Modeling character;

Specially designed by the teacher for teaching children;

3. Educational games are games that help solve mental abilities and develop intelligence. Games are based on simulation, the process of finding solutions.

The intellectual development of preschool children is carried out through the joint efforts of educators and parents, who are united by a common view of children. Its essence is to recognize the ability of children to have deep intellectual experiences and joy, the uniqueness of each child, the uniqueness of his personality. At the same time, adults, respecting the child’s personality, create a number of immutable truths: the child is not an object to be studied, but a person who needs to be known in development; children have an innate tendency to grow and mature and have an inner intuitive wisdom; Interest in the mysterious lives in any person from birth, every baby is an explorer.

Thu, 11/10/2016 - 00:20 | admincgmiideia

SP DOD CDT GBOU Secondary School of the village. Kinelsky m.r. Kinelsky Samara region

“Intellectual development of children of preschool, junior, middle and senior school age”

Compiled by:

Yanovich Lyudmila Evgenievna

Job title:

Additional education teacher

1.1. Relevance……………………………………………………………..3

2.2. Psychological and pedagogical aspect………………………......8

2.3. Lesson in a group of the first year of study (5 years)………….…9

1.1. Relevance

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155, research activities preschoolers received a new impetus in development. Research activities helps graduate of preschool educational institution meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, according to which the graduate must have such qualities as curiosity, activity, encouragement be interested in new things, unknown in the outside world. The child learns to ask questions to an adult, he likes experiment, he gets used to acting independently. Project and research activities teach you to manage your behavior and plan your actions aimed at achieving a specific goal, helps in mastering the universal prerequisites of educational activities: the ability to work according to rules and patterns, listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

The goal is to promote development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, desire for independence knowledge and reflection, which in turn will lead to intellectual, emotional development.


Study and analyze psychological literature on development of cognitive processes;

Contribute development of cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independence knowledge and reflection, development mental abilities and speech.

The fourth year of life is the time when a child enters preschool childhood, the beginning of a qualitatively new stage in his development.

In early preschool age, the child’s communicative behavior becomes more complex, subject matter improves and social perception begins to develop, the first stable ideas, imaginative thinking, imagination and productive activities arise.

This is of great importance for the development of the child. age period have first ideas about themselves and the people around them. The child is aware of his emotional, everyday, object-game and communicative experience, strives to reflect it in the game, inept drawings and messages “from personal experience”.

The ability to solve problems in terms of images - representations is expressed in the mastery of shape-making and the appearance of an object drawing, social substitution in the game, the ability to work according to the simplest model, constructing a whole from parts, etc.

Already in early preschool age, the cognitive function of speech becomes of great importance. This applies to the information that an adult tells him in response to the child’s inquisitive questions; the vocabulary is actively replenished with words of a general nature, verbs, names of properties and relationships.

Thus, the development of children of primary preschool age (3 - 4 years) has characteristic abilities. At this time, children show special curiosity about things and events. Every child is filled with a desire to explore and learn. Most skills and knowledge are acquired by children from play.

Intellectual development of children of middle preschool age

Preschool age from 4-5 years is called middle age. He seems to be in the transition from junior to senior preschool age. These children are characterized by some features of younger preschoolers (concreteness and imaginative thinking, instability of attention, interests and emotions, predominance of play motivation, etc.). At the same time, middle preschool age is characterized by the development of cognitive abilities, the development of the communicative, volitional and motivational sides of the personality.

Preschool age from 4 to 5 years has its own development standards:

The social and emotional development of a child is characterized by increased communication and joint games with children and adults (desire to help adults, etc.).

The development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands becomes more difficult (3-4 years: hold a pencil well, throw the ball over the head; 5 years: throw the ball up and catch it with both hands, consolidate self-care skills).

Intensive speech development and understanding of speech is expressed in the fact that a 4-year-old child can identify and name shape, color, taste, using words - definitions. During this period of preschool age, vocabulary increases significantly due to the naming of basic objects. By the age of five, he masters generalizing words, names animals and their young, professions of people, parts of objects.

Memory and attention develop significantly (memorizes up to 5 words at the request of an adult; maintains attention on activities that are interesting to him for up to 15-20 minutes).

Mathematical concepts and counting skills are developed (they know and name the parts of the day, count within 5).

Thus, middle preschool age is an important stage in the progressive development of a child. He masters a lot of new knowledge, skills and abilities that are extremely important for his further full development.

Intellectual development of children of senior preschool age

The cognitive activity of an older preschooler mainly takes place in the learning process. Expanding the scope of communication is also important.

In older preschool age it improves nervous system, the functions of the cerebral hemispheres intensively develop, the analytical and synthetic functions of the cortex are enhanced. The child’s psyche develops quickly.

Perception, being a special purposeful activity, becomes more complex and deepening, becomes more analytical, differentiating, and takes on an organized character.

Voluntary attention develops along with other functions and, above all, motivation for learning and a sense of responsibility for the success of educational activities.

Thinking in children of senior preschool age moves from emotional-figurative to abstract-logical.

The cognitive activity of children at this age contributes to the development of intelligence and the formation of readiness for systematic learning.

“On the basis of children's curiosity, interest in learning is subsequently formed; the development of cognitive abilities will serve as the basis for the formation of theoretical thinking; the development of voluntariness will make it possible to overcome difficulties in solving educational problems.”

Studying the intellectual development of preschool children, N.N. Poddyakov wrote: “One of the general tasks of studying the problem of intellectual education of preschool children is to develop such educational content, the mastery of which would allow children, within the limits available to them, to successfully navigate those areas of the surrounding reality that they encounter in everyday life.”

In older preschool age, the child develops and develops complex systems of general ideas about the world around him, and the foundation of meaningful and objective thinking is laid.

Thus, we can conclude that the intellectual development of preschool children is a systematic and purposeful pedagogical influence on a growing person with the aim of developing the mind. It proceeds as a systematic process of mastering by the younger generation the social and historical experience accumulated by humanity and represented in knowledge, skills and abilities, in norms, rules, etc.

The essence of intellectual development is understood as the level of development of mental abilities, meaning the stock of knowledge and the development of cognitive processes, i.e. there must be a certain outlook, a stock of specific knowledge in understanding the basic laws. The child must master systematic and dissected perception, elements of theoretical thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization.

Intellectual development also presupposes the formation in a child of initial skills in the field of educational activity, in particular, the ability to identify an educational task and turn it into an independent goal of activity.

The artistic education of children in the modern education system cannot be secondary. fine arts, paper plastic, artistic design, various crafts from paper, cardboard, origami - the most emotional areas children's activities. Working with different materials, in different artistic techniques expands the child's capabilities, develops imagination and creative abilities.

It all starts from childhood. Already in the very essence of a small person is the desire to learn and create. The effectiveness of the educational process is more successful the earlier, the more purposefully children develop abstract, logical and emotional thinking, attention, observation, and imagination.

Discovering a unique individuality will help a child realize himself in school, creativity, and communicating with friends. The world of a little person is colorful and emotional. When you come to a lesson, you want to make it unforgettable and emotionally filled. The goal is to introduce children to domestic spiritual and moral traditions through the organization of artistic and productive activities.

Create a sustainable interest in artistic activity in students. Introduce children to a new species visual arts– by spraying paint, a variety of art materials and techniques for working with them, consolidate acquired skills and abilities and show children the breadth of their possible application. To cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards art, attention, accuracy, and determination. Develop group work skills. Encourage a friendly attitude towards each other and towards nature. This project is best used in educational process children's art studio. The material of this development is compiled taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children. Methodological recommendations and lesson plans on this topic can become useful material teachers of additional education for children when drawing up educational programs for artistic creativity both main and, to a greater extent, during the holidays.

2.2.Psychological and pedagogical aspect

You can address the topic of New Year's crafts throughout all years of study, but it is better to start from the first year of study. Even if the child is not very good at cutting and designing correctly, the children can create compositions and ornaments, the main thing here is to captivate the child and let him feel success.

For example, in the first year group (5 years old), students need to bring colored cardboard, scissors, glue, white paper, napkins, etc. to the “New Year’s craft” lesson. This is very intriguing for the guys. They ask the question: why are all these items needed in the lesson, and how will they help us in our work? And everything is very simple: we lay out the objects, cut out colored cardboard according to the template, and decorate with ribbons and snowflakes. Work can be done in groups and individually. An important point is a display of the teacher’s personal works in this technique. Thanks to this, students know what result they should strive for. Thus, unconventional techniques They help make the lesson emotionally richer and develop students’ imagination and imagination. Such works arouse interest not only in classes at the association, but also, finally, become prize-winners at exhibitions.

2.3. Lesson in a group of the first year of study (5 years).

Item: Artistic creativity

Subject: Introduction to the program. New Year's craft.

Target : introducing children to domestic spiritual and moral traditions through the organization of artistic and productive activities.

Tasks: educational

  • Contribute to the unity of the children's team;
  • Tell us about the sequence of making the craft.
  • Reinforce knowledge of safety rules when working with scissors and glue.


  • Develop the ability to summarize information on a topic, establish the sequence of work for making crafts.
  • Develop fine motor skills by developing skills in working with colored cardboard, ribbons, foil, scissors, and glue.
  • Promote the development of children's speech: enrichment of vocabulary, development of verbal communication skills in activities.
  • Provide assistance in mastering social skills and norms of behavior, establishing communications with adults and peers based on joint activities and mutual assistance.


  • Formation of the value sphere of the child’s personality based on familiarization with the traditions of spiritual culture and the traditional way of life.
  • Cultivating a respectful, merciful, attentive attitude towards others, skills of benevolent and virtuous behavior, the ability to empathize and adequately express these feelings.

Form: lesson like a school lesson;

Type of lesson: lesson on mastering new knowledge;

Methods of training and education: verbal: story, explanation;

practical: completing assignments;

analytical: encouragement;

visual: display, demonstration;

Form of organization of cognitive activity: collective, individual;

Equipment and materials:

For the teacher:

screen, laptop

For students:

colored cardboard, napkins, scissors, glue, tape, white paper various small flat objects.

PROJECT on the topic:

“Development of intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age as a condition for a successful transition to schooling.”


The problem of the full development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children remains relevant in our time, since one of the criteria for preschool preparation of children is intellectual development. Working in the senior group of compensatory assignments, I became convinced that one of the most important areas in the work of a teacher is the development of children’s cognitive processes as a means of a successful transition to school education. Parents do not attach importance to the use of didactic games at home, this was shown by the results of a survey on the topic “What do children play at home? »

The initial diagnosis of intellectual abilities revealed problems in the development of thinking processes, voluntary attention and memorization, auditory perception. Children do not know how to follow the rules of the game, give in to each other, independently resolve conflicts, distribute roles, etc. A low level of interest of parents in joint games with children was also revealed. Therefore, for a successful transition to schooling, the need for this project arose.


Immaturity of the intellectual sphere of children with special needs development.

Project objectives:

Develop the cognitive processes of children of senior preschool age;

Develop cognitive activity and desire to acquire new knowledge;

Stimulate mental activity through the selection of knowledge of varying degrees of complexity;

Develop the ability to use speech to express one’s thoughts and desires, develop auditory understanding of speech addressed to him;

Develop the ability to comprehend one’s own actions;

Develop flexibility of thinking.

Expected result

During the project, children will have to develop the ability to reason, draw conclusions, and build cause-and-effect relationships;

Such qualities as curiosity, intelligence, observation, and flexibility of thinking must be developed.


During the school year, events were held in the evenings in accordance with the work plan. The children learned to play didactic games, following the rules, and learned to negotiate among themselves. During the game, children developed fine motor skills of their fingers, children learned to control and manage their movements. Conflicts that arose during the games were resolved first with the help of adults, and then independently. During the games, dialogical speech was improved.

We develop fine motor skills of the fingers and imagination.

Strengthening children's knowledge about animals different countries, develop speech, thinking, memory.

We consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, color; We develop attention, visual perception, speech, thinking.

We strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game; We develop combinatorial and logical abilities.

We strengthen counting, develop intelligence, logical thinking and spatial imagination.

We continue to learn to play checkers, develop logical thinking, perseverance, and fine motor skills of the fingers. We cultivate calmness and self-confidence, the ability to win and lose with dignity.

Working with parents

Without work in this direction it would be more difficult to achieve results. The following activities were carried out in accordance with the plan:

Introducing parents to the content of work in the educational field “Cognitive Development”;

Exhibition - excursion “Playing - we teach, teaching - we play” - an exhibition of group didactic games taking into account age and learning tasks;

Visual information in the corner for parents “We play checkers and dominoes at home”;

Master class “Use of didactic games to develop the cognitive abilities of the future schoolchild”;

Parent meeting “Raising inquisitive people.”

Final event

At the end of the year, the final event "Checkers Tournament" was held. The winners of the qualifying competition took part in it. Having gone through a serious selection process in their groups, the twelve best checkers players competed in a stubborn battle with each other. Main character tournament - the Queen of Checkers clarified what educational games children like to play, where checkers first appeared, and in which countries they are played. Then, both the guests and the tournament participants answered the question “What is needed to play checkers?” the children answered: intelligence, intelligence, brains, attention, knowledge, etc. Another difficult test for the Queen of the tournament was a crossword puzzle, which the children successfully completed. . The winners of the tournament were the guys from our group.

The checkers tournament confirmed that the work carried out according to plan gives a positive result: the children independently thought through their moves, showed such important qualities as concentration, attention, perseverance, the ability not to be offended when losing, and the ability to rejoice at the victories of others.


Diagnosis of the intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age in the compensatory group showed that the use of didactic games and didactic material gives positive dynamics in the development of children's intellectual abilities.

Please note that three people are children with disabilities.


The expected result has been achieved. Children have become more developed such qualities as curiosity, intelligence, observation, and flexibility of thinking. Children began to reason independently, draw conclusions, independently resolve conflicts that arise during the game, and the ability to lose with dignity.

Based on all of the above, it is necessary to continue working on the use of didactic games to develop the mental abilities of children. And also work with parents in order to increase knowledge about the importance of games with children at home for the successful preparation of children for school.

Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children.

The problem of working with gifted children is relevant today. The solution to this problem is the teaching staff of MDOBU " Kindergarten No. 25" of the city of Minusinsk sees in creating conditions for a differentiated approach to building the educational process. Over the past three years, our preschool institution has been working to create conditions for identifying and maximizing the development of the intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age in a holistic educational space as the basis for improving the quality of preschool education .

One of the central tasks of this work is the early identification, training and education of intellectually developed children. After all, it is highly intelligent, creative people who are able to make the greatest contribution to the development of society.

An important role in identifying intellectual giftedness in preschoolers belongs to a teacher-psychologist, who diagnoses the abilities of each child. The success of the child’s subsequent development depends on how promptly the inclinations of giftedness are identified.

In the large Soviet encyclopedia, the concept of “intelligence” is interpreted as “the ability of thinking, rational cognition.” Research has found that preschoolers can understand the general connections, principles and patterns underlying scientific knowledge. However, a sufficiently high level of intellectual development can only be achieved if training during this period is aimed at the active development of thought processes and is developmental, focused on the “zone of proximal development.”

Everyone knows that play is the main activity of a child in preschool age; it is through play that a child develops diversified. Currently, there are a huge number of games aimed at developing a child’s intellectual abilities. In directly educational activities already in early age we include games for the development of cognitive processes (perception, voluntary attention, memory). These are games such as “Remember the pictures”, “Find the same ones”, etc.

Gradually, the possibilities of using games and exercises to develop visual-figurative, abstract, logical thinking in the educational process are expanding. Teachers involve children in solving riddles, solving logical problems, offer the games “Continue the pattern”, “Find the pattern”, “Divide into groups”, “Find a common word”, “Make a figure”. It is important that this work is carried out systematically and systematically. Only in this case is it possible to obtain the highest possible result of the intellectual development of preschool children.

One of the promising methods that contribute to solving the problem of developing intelligence is the method of project activity. Our institution annually implements various projects: “Letters from the Queen of Mathematics”, “Conversations about Space”, “Nature’s Pantry”, “Tales of the Main Thing”, “Miracle Tree”, “Wonderful Basket”, etc.

Currently, a system has been created at the preschool educational institution group work in order to enhance development activities. In the preschool educational institution, the work of the circles “Miracle Checkers”, “ Skillful hands", the research circle "Ekosha", which contributes to the creation of a full-fledged environment for the intellectual development and communication of children. It has become traditional to hold a city checkers tournament and a city competition “Smart Guys and Clever Girls” within the walls of our kindergarten.

An indicator of the effectiveness of the activities of a preschool institution in the direction of the intellectual development of children is the participation and victories of pupils in these events:

2010 - 2nd place in the city checkers tournament;

2011 - 2nd place in the city competition “Smart Men and Women”;

2011 - 2nd place in the city checkers tournament;

2011 - 1st place in the city competition “Smart Men and Women”;

2012 - 1st place in the city checkers tournament;

2012 - 2nd place in the city competition "Clever Men and Clever Girls".

An important condition for the success of this work is the coordinated actions of all teachers involved in working with intellectually gifted children. Today, the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions has a sufficient level of creative potential to implement the assigned tasks. Teachers constantly improve their skills, take advanced training courses, and participate in seminars and conferences.


1. Abramova G.S. Practical psychology. - M.: ed. Academy Center, 1997

2. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: ed. Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1968\1990

3. Vygotsky L. S. collected. op. in 6 vols. M., 1992

Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children through didactic games

Intellectual development of preschool children through didactic games

Play is the main activity of a child in preschool age; while playing, he learns about the world of people; while playing, the child develops. In modern pedagogy, there are a huge number of games that can develop a child’s sensory, motor, and intellectual abilities. The concept of “development of intelligence” includes the development of memory, perception, thinking, i.e. all mental abilities. With the help of games, you can attract interest in learning, cognitive and creative activities, and reveal the artistic abilities of preschoolers. A didactic game is a game form of exercise that cannot be avoided in learning. In order for children to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities, they need to be trained in this. An exercise that is simply repeated many times does not arouse interest; children quickly become distracted and get tired. An exercise carried out in a playful way is perceived in a completely different way by children. They repeat the necessary actions and words with interest. The game is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the game realizes the need to influence the world. The most famous teacher in our country, A. S. Makarenko, characterized the role of children’s games as follows: “Play is important in the life of a child, it has the same importance as the activity of work and service for an adult. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work. Therefore, the upbringing of a future leader occurs primarily in play...” In the first seven years, the child goes through great and difficult path development. This is clearly reflected in games, which from year to year become richer in content, more complex in organization, and more diverse in character. In the first two years of life, when the child’s imagination is not yet developed, there is no play in the real sense of the word. At this age, we can talk about the preparatory period of play, which is often called “objective activity.” By the age of two, children’s games exhibit those features that clearly manifest themselves at a later age: imitation of adults, the creation of imaginary images, the desire to act actively. In the third year of life, the child’s imagination begins to develop, and a simple plot appears in games. Child's play activities 3-4 summer age based on actions with toys. At this age, the baby is characterized by a special interest in the objective world. Children aged 4-5 years have greater attention span. At this age, tactile, visual, and auditory perception improves, and the process of memorization and recollection develops. Children 4-5 years old are interested in games that combine movement with solving mental problems. For the fifth year of a child’s life, it is advisable to use more often word games, and not only for the purpose of developing speech, but also for solving mental problems. An important criterion for assessing the development of a 6-7 year old child is his ability to assimilate new information. The more a child shows interest in reasoning, the better he learns new concepts. For development 6-7 year old child Visual-figurative thinking is characteristic.

The program of education and training in kindergarten provides the following classification of games for preschoolers:





Didactic games occupy a large place in the work of preschool institutions. They are used in classes and in children’s independent activities. A didactic game helps to assimilate, consolidate knowledge, and master the methods of cognitive activity. Children master the characteristics of objects, learn to classify, generalize, and compare. The use of didactic games as a teaching method increases interest in classes, develops concentration, and ensures better assimilation of program material. In kindergarten, each age group should have a variety of didactic games. Each didactic game includes several elements, namely: a didactic task, content, rules and game actions. The main element of a didactic game is a didactic task. It is closely related to the lesson program. All other elements are subordinate to this task and ensure its implementation. Didactic tasks are varied. This could be familiarization with the outside world, development of speech. Didactic tasks can be associated with the consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts, etc. The content of the didactic game is the surrounding reality (nature, people, their relationships, everyday life, work, events in social life, etc.) A large role in the didactic game belongs to the rules. They determine what and how each child should do in the game. Rules teach children the ability to restrain themselves and control their behavior. An important role in didactic games belongs to game action. Play action is a manifestation of children’s activity for play purposes. Thanks to the presence of game actions, didactic games used in the classroom make learning entertaining and emotional. Choosing a game for a teacher is a serious matter. The game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice what is familiar to him and encourage him to learn new things. The didactic material selected for the game should be visually attractive, the purpose of the objects and the meaning of the questions should be clear and understandable to children.

Classification of didactic games:

1. Didactic games with objects.

While playing with objects (toys), children become familiar with their properties and characteristics, compare, and classify them. Gradually, their play activities become more complicated, they begin to single out and combine objects according to one characteristic, which contributes to the development of logical thinking. Children are increasingly attracted to tasks that require conscious memorization and are required to search for the missing toy. In a didactic game, it is necessary to make the subject of attention and the content of children’s speech exactly what meets the goal set by the teacher. If we fix the names of certain items, then it is necessary to select exactly these items. If we assign names to qualities, then these qualities should be clearly visible to children. For example, a teacher reinforces the exact name of a color in children. He selects several homogeneous objects for the didactic game “Guess What I Hid” different colors. There are six flags on the table: blue, white, red, yellow, green, orange. The teacher hides the blue flag. The driver must name the sign of the object. Children really like such games as “Find and Bring”, “Magic Bag”, “What’s Extra”, “Guess What Has Changed”. In this game, the teacher combines the arrangement of objects so that children have to use the words: left, right, front, side, top, bottom.

2. Board games

Board games involve actions not with objects, but with their images. Most often, they are focused on solving such game tasks: selecting pictures, cards - pictures during the next move (“Dominoes”, composing a whole from parts (cut pictures, cubes, puzzles). Thanks to such actions, children clarify their ideas, systematize knowledge about the environment world, develop thought processes, spatial orientation, ingenuity, and attention.

3 Word educational games

Verbal didactic games are of great importance in the speech development of children. They form auditory attention, the ability to listen to the sounds of speech, repeat sound combinations and words. Verbal didactic games are the most difficult because they force them to operate with ideas, to think about the things with which they are acting at that time. Preschoolers have to describe objects, guess them from the description, and reason. This type of games is especially important if the child still speaks poorly.

Verbal didactic games:

Travel games (they are designed to enhance the impression, add educational content, and draw children’s attention to what exists nearby, but they don’t notice it)

Games-assignments (“Put cubes of this color into a basket”, “Take objects out of the bag” round shape» Encourage children to comprehend the next action, which requires the ability to compare knowledge with circumstances or proposed conditions, establish causal relationships, and active imagination.

Riddle games (develop the ability to analyze)

Games-conversations (the basis is communication between the teacher and children, children among themselves, which appears as game-based learning and play activities)

Didactic games should develop curiosity, the ability to independently solve mental problems, contribute to the creation of persistent gaming groups, united common interests, mutual sympathy, friendly relationships.

Project (preparatory group) on the topic: Project program “Development of intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age”

Project of the program “Development of intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age”

a fleeting chance. Only work and will

can give it life and turn it into glory.

How was your childhood, who led the child by the hand in

childhood years that entered his mind and heart

from the surrounding world - from this in a decisive

Depends on what kind of person you will become

today's baby.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The development of intellectual abilities of preschool children is an urgent problem of modern preschool education. Today, society’s need to educate creative people who have an unconventional view of problems, who can work with any information flows, and quickly adapt to changing conditions, has become especially acute.

Currently, effective psychological and pedagogical support for the development of intellectual abilities of preschool children is necessary. Because intensive development of intelligence in preschool age increases children’s performance at school and is a potential for mental development in relation to subsequent stages life path personality.

In this regard, the need arose to create a draft program “Development of the intellectual abilities of children of senior preschool age”

The conceptual foundations of the draft program are the views of D. B. Elkonin: children's thoughts are aimed at differentiating and generalizing objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The distinction between living and nonliving, good and evil, past and present, etc. is the basis for a child’s penetration into the essence of different spheres of life. On the basis of this, the first generalizations of ideas about the world, the outline of a future worldview, and the intellectual development of preschoolers arise.

The project program was created in the context of the implementation of “Our new school"and mastering the educational field "Cognition" (Federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program preschool education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 655).

Implementation of this project contributes to the creation of a system of work on the intellectual development of children of senior preschool age in preschool educational institutions, since it involves the creation of certain conditions for improving the quality of the educational process in this area, which is an important condition for the development of children, including more successful planning of work with children with intellectual giftedness.

Additionally, the draft program will help families of pupils to be involved in the process of intellectual development, and this will make the child’s development process more open. Which in turn activates partnerships between the teaching staff and parents. And it will expand the range of forms of interaction with parents of disorganized children at the “Modern Family” advisory center.

Goal of the program project: increasing the level of intellectual development in children of senior preschool age.

Main tasks:

More details on the website

Methodological development (middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Games developing the intellectual abilities of preschool children

Effective development of intellectual abilities of preschool children is one of current problems modernity. Preschoolers with developed intelligence remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school.

When introducing innovative methods and forms of work into the educational process of preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to remember that classes should stimulate the mental development of the child, improving his perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, motor sphere, that is, those mental functions and personal qualities that lie the basis for successful completion of the curriculum.

An important means of developing a child’s mental activity and intellect is play. In preschool pedagogy there are many different teaching materials: methods, technologies that ensure the intellectual development of children are: Dienesh's logical blocks, Cuisenaire's sticks, V. Voskobovich's games and puzzle games.

The main purpose of these games is the development of a little person, the correction of what is inherent and manifested in him, bringing him to creative, exploratory behavior. On the one hand, the child is offered food to imitate, and on the other hand, a field for imagination and personal creativity is provided. Thanks to these games, the child develops all mental processes, mental operations, develops modeling and design abilities, and forms ideas about mathematical concepts.

At this modern stage, the conditions for the formation of a versatile and full-fledged personality are characterized by the humanization of the educational process, appeal to the child’s personality, and the development of his best qualities.

The implementation of this task objectively requires a qualitatively new approach to teaching and raising children, and organizing the entire educational process. First of all, in my opinion, this means abandoning the authoritarian way of teaching and raising children. Education should be developmental, enrich the child with knowledge and methods of mental activity, and form cognitive interests and abilities.

In this regard, new game forms teaching and raising children, in particular new educational didactic games.

The essence of play as a leading activity is that children reflect in it various aspects of life, the characteristics of relationships between adults, and clarify their knowledge about the surrounding reality.

Play is a means of a child’s understanding of reality and one of the most attractive activities for children. Most effective means for the development of mental activity are Cuisenaire's rods, Dienesh's logical blocks, Voskobovich's games, and puzzle games.

Using the above-mentioned non-standard developmental means in our work, some stages were developed in introducing children to new game. Each stage carried certain goals and objectives.

Stages of introducing children to a new game

Stage 1: Introducing a new game to the group.

The goal is to introduce children to a new game, its features and rules.

Stage 2: The actual game.

Goal: To develop: logical thinking, the idea of ​​set, the ability to identify properties in objects, name them, generalize objects by their properties, explain the similarities and differences of objects.

  • Introduce the shape, color, size, thickness of objects
  • Develop spatial relationships
  • Develop cognitive processes, mental operations

Stage 3: Standalone game children with educational material.

  • Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, design and modeling abilities.

In accordance with the principle of increasing difficulties, it is envisaged that children begin mastering the material with simple manipulation of games and initial acquaintance. It is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to get acquainted with the game on their own, after which they can develop mental activity through these games.

Games and exercises were used in a specific system. Gradually, games became more complex both in content and in the ways of interacting with the medium. All games and exercises were of a problem-based and practical nature.


  1. Applications………………………………………………………..15

Explanatory note

Game of childhood– the norm, a child must play, even if he is doing the most serious thing. The game reflects the internal need of children for active activity; it is a means of understanding the world around them. Thanks to the use of educational games, the learning process for preschoolers takes place in an accessible and attractive form, creating favorable conditions for the development of the child’s intellectual and creative potential.

Ya. A. Komensky believed that play is not only a type of activity for a preschooler, but also a means of his mental and moral development and education. Preschool childhood is the most important stage in human development, a sensitive period for the development of many mental processes.

It is in preschool age that the work of all analyzers is improved, individual areas of the cerebral cortex are developed, and connections are established between them. This creates favorable conditions for the child to begin developing attention, memory, mental operations, imagination, and speech.

The full development of intellectual abilities is important for preschool children who will be going to school in the near future. Intensive development of intelligence in preschool age increases children's learning ability at school and plays a big role in the education of adults.

The issue of the full development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children still remains relevant today. Preschoolers with developed intelligence learn more easily, remember material faster, are confident in their own abilities, and adapt more easily to a new environment. Creative personality traits and a high culture of thinking help the child adapt to various life situations.

Creative abilities play a big role in the future life of a preschooler. Children with a high level of intelligence and creativity are confident in their abilities, have an adequate level of self-esteem, have internal freedom and high self-control. Showing interest in everything new and unusual, they have great initiative, but at the same time successfully adapt to the requirements of the social environment, maintaining personal independence of judgment and action. Searching for new ways to develop the intellectual and creative abilities of older children

preschool age led to the solution of this problem through educational games of Voskobovich, Dienesh, Cuisenaire.

The use of educational games by Voskobovich, Dienesh, and Cuisenaire makes it possible to organize a joint play activity teacher and children.

One of the necessary conditions for creating a comfortable environment for a preschool child in an institution is positive, emotionally charged communication with adults. Joint games of children with adults and children, performing interesting game tasks, bright,

colorful design of play aids makes the child’s stay in preschool institution joyful.

This program describes the course of development of the intellectual and creative abilities of children of senior preschool age, according to which additional educational services are provided. The program was developed based on the sources given in the bibliography.

Purpose of the program: comprehensive development the personality of a child of senior preschool age, the development of his intellectual and creative abilities through educational games of Voskobovich, Dienesh, Cuisenaire.

Program objectives:

  • development of a child’s cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things;
  • development of imagination, creativity of thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle);
  • harmonious, balanced development in children of emotional, figurative and logical principles;
  • formation of ideas (mathematical, about the world around us), speech skills;
  • development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.

Principles of program construction:

  1. The principle of selection and combination of various types of activities.
  2. The principle of accessibility.
  3. The principle of taking into account the individual characteristics of children.
  4. The principle of activity (new knowledge is not introduced in a ready-made form, but through the independent “discovery” of it by children).

7. The principle of creativity - children acquiring their own experience

creative activity.

8. The principle of emotional stimulation (praise, reliance on positive qualities child).

9. The principle of compliance of the developmental environment with the characteristics of self-development and development of a preschooler.

Educational games by Voskobovich, Dienesh, Cuisenaire

  • games for the development of sensory abilities (“Geokont”/constructor/, “Game square”, “Transparent number”, “Miracle puzzles”, “Multi-colored ropes”, “Math baskets”)
  • games for attention (“Transparent Square”, “Transparent Number”. “Gleb Was Walking Home”, “Dienesh Blocks”)
  • games for the development of logical thinking (“Geokont”, “Splash-splash boat”, “Voskobovich Square” (two-color), “Snake”)
  • games for the development of creative thinking (“Voskobovich Square (four-color)”, “Miracle Crosses”, “Miracle Hundreds”,)
  • games for speech development (“Cord-entertainer”, “Geokont”, “Labyrinths of letters”, “Transparent square”)
  • games to develop imagination (“Cuisenaire’s Sticks”, “Miracle Honeycombs”, “Miracle Crosses”, “Transparent Square”

Expected result

Children are able to analyze, compare, contrast, and effectively learn mathematical representations, independence in making and choosing decisions develops, speech-evidence, verbal communication develops;

  • are able to perform complex mental operations and finish what they start;
  • are able to see a problem and make decisions independently;
  • developed fine motor skills of the hands.

Information about program participants:

The program is designed for children of senior preschool age for one academic year. It requires the active participation of parents and teachers.

Place of implementation - kindergarten and family. The program involves two classes per week, eight classes per month, and 62 per year. Duration of each lesson: 25 min.- senior group, 30 min.- preparatory group.

Program implementation tools:

Sets of educational games by Voskobovich, Dienesh, Cuisenaire, fairy-tale heroes purple forest.

Material from the site


Intellectual development of children of primary preschool age (children 3-4 years old)

The fourth year of life is the time when a child enters preschool childhood, the beginning of a qualitatively new stage in his development.

In early preschool age, the child’s communicative behavior becomes more complex, subject matter improves and social perception begins to develop, the first stable ideas, imaginative thinking, imagination and productive activities arise.

The first ideas about oneself and the people around them are of great importance for the development of a child of this age period. The child is aware of his emotional, everyday, object-game and communicative experience, strives to reflect it in the game, inept drawings and messages “from personal experience”.

The ability to solve problems in terms of images - representations is expressed in the mastery of shape-making and the appearance of an object drawing, social substitution in the game, the ability to work according to the simplest model, constructing a whole from parts, etc.

Already in early preschool age, the cognitive function of speech becomes of great importance. This applies to the information that an adult tells him in response to the child’s inquisitive questions; the vocabulary is actively replenished with words of a general nature, verbs, names of properties and relationships.

Thus, the development of children of primary preschool age (3 - 4 years) has characteristic abilities. At this time, children show special curiosity about things and events. Every child is filled with a desire to explore and learn.

Most skills and knowledge are acquired by children from play.

Intellectual development of children of middle preschool age

Preschool age from 4-5 years is called middle age. He seems to be in the transition from junior to senior preschool age. These children are characterized by some features of younger preschoolers (concreteness and imaginative thinking, instability of attention, interests and emotions, the predominance of play motivation, etc.). At the same time, middle preschool age is characterized by the development of cognitive abilities, the development of the communicative, volitional and motivational sides of the personality.

Preschool age from 4 to 5 years has its own development standards:

The social and emotional development of a child is characterized by increased communication and joint games with children and adults. The desire to help adults, etc.).

The development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands becomes more difficult (3-4 years: hold a pencil well, throw a ball over the head; 5 years: throw the ball up and catch it with both hands, consolidate self-care skills).

Intensive speech development and understanding of speech is expressed in the fact that a 4-year-old child can identify and name shape, color, taste, using words - definitions. During this period of preschool age, vocabulary increases significantly due to the naming of basic objects. By the age of five, he masters generalizing words, names animals and their young, professions of people, parts of objects.

Memory and attention develop significantly (memorizes up to 5 words at the request of an adult; maintains attention on activities that are interesting to him for up to 15-20 minutes).

Mathematical concepts and counting skills are developed (they know and name the parts of the day, count within 5).

Thus, middle preschool age is an important stage in the progressive development of a child. He masters a lot of new knowledge, skills and abilities that are extremely important for his further full development.

Intellectual development of children of senior preschool age

The cognitive activity of an older preschooler mainly takes place in the learning process. Expanding the scope of communication is also important.

In older preschool age, the nervous system is improved, the functions of the cerebral hemispheres intensively develop, and the analytical and synthetic functions of the cortex are enhanced. The child’s psyche develops quickly.

Perception, being a special purposeful activity, becomes more complex and deepening, becomes more analytical, differentiating, and takes on an organized character.

Voluntary attention develops along with other functions and, above all, motivation for learning and a sense of responsibility for the success of educational activities.

Thinking in children of senior preschool age moves from emotional-figurative to abstract-logical.

The cognitive activity of children at this age contributes to the development of intelligence and the formation of readiness for systematic learning.

“On the basis of children's curiosity, interest in learning is subsequently formed; the development of cognitive abilities will serve as the basis for the formation of theoretical thinking; the development of voluntariness will make it possible to overcome difficulties in solving educational problems.”

Investigating the intellectual development of preschool children, N. N. Poddyakov wrote: “One” of the general tasks of research into the problem of intellectual education of preschool children is to develop such educational content, mastery of which would allow children, within the limits available to them, to successfully navigate in those areas of the surrounding reality with which they encountered in everyday life."

In older preschool age, the child develops and develops complex systems of general ideas about the world around him, and the foundation of meaningful and objective thinking is laid.

Thus, we can conclude that the intellectual development of preschool children is a systematic and purposeful pedagogical influence on a growing person with the aim of developing the mind. It proceeds as a systematic process of mastering by the younger generation the social and historical experience accumulated by humanity and represented in knowledge, skills and abilities, in norms, rules, etc.

The essence of intellectual development is understood as the level of development of mental abilities, meaning the stock of knowledge and the development of cognitive processes, i.e. there must be a certain outlook, a stock of specific knowledge in understanding the basic laws. The child must master systematic and dissected perception, elements of theoretical thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization.

Intellectual development also presupposes the formation in a child of initial skills in the field of educational activity, in particular, the ability to identify an educational task and turn it into an independent goal of activity.

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Kiseleva Elvira Rudolfovna / Kiseleva Elvira Rudolfovna– teacher of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 178”

Annotation: The article discusses the features of the intellectual development of preschool children. The article reveals the connection between the dependence of the intellectual development of a preschool child on the characteristics of his interaction with the surrounding social environment

Annotation: The article discusses the features of the intellectual development of preschool children. The article reveals the connection depending on the intellectual development of preschool on the characteristics of its interaction with the environment of the social environment.

Key words: intellectual development, intelligence, preschool age

Key words: intellectual development, intelligence, preschool age

Every child is inquisitive and insatiable in learning about the world around them. In preschool age, knowledge is accumulated at a rapid pace, cognitive processes are improved, and speech is formed. Preschoolers with developed intelligence learn and remember faster new material, are more confident in their own abilities and, as practice shows, have a greater desire to learn.
So what is the intellectual development of a child? There is an eternal debate about what intellectual development is. Some psychologists argue that this is a set of specific knowledge and skills, others believe that its indicator is the ability to assimilate information and use it if necessary.

Everyone agrees on one thing: child's intellectual development depends on the environment. This means that it is influenced by many factors, which in some cases slow down development, and in others, on the contrary, significantly accelerate it.

The intellectual development of a child, depending on age, has several stages. At the end of the first - beginning of the second year, while the baby has not yet actively mastered speech, visual and effective thinking is inherent in him. At this age, children visually and actively become familiar with the surrounding reality through tactile examination of objects. The main people who will help the child get acquainted with objects and how to use them are parents. It is these skills that become the child’s first knowledge on the path to subsequent knowledge of the world.

Preschoolers aged 4-6 years begin to develop visual-figurative thinking. That is, preschoolers think in visual images and are not yet familiar with specific concepts. The thinking of children at this stage is subordinate to them.

Thus, the intellectual development of a child is divided into several periods, and each previous one creates the foundation for the next.

The main condition child's intellectual development– good atmosphere in the family. Loving parents who will always adequately respond to a request, help with friendly advice and deeds, and create favorable soil for development. A calm child, confident in his importance in this world, will study everything that surrounds him with great interest, and therefore develop harmoniously.

A child’s intelligence is a specific form of organization of individual cognitive experience, providing the possibility of effective perception and understanding of the world around him. But the knowledge of the surrounding world among preschoolers, unlike schoolchildren, is not concentrated on educational activities - it is carried out in everyday life, in the process of communication with adults and peers, in play, work, various types productive activity.

For a child, play is life. The game is one of the most difficult, and in the life of a child the most important species activities.

For the modern educational system, the problem of mental education is extremely important. With the help of games, you can attract interest in learning, cognitive and creative activities, and reveal the artistic abilities of preschoolers. It is possible to organize the education and development of a child in the form of the most attractive, and most importantly, the main activity for him - games.

Play is the main activity of a child in preschool age; while playing, he learns about the world of people; while playing, the child develops. In modern pedagogy, there are a huge number of educational games that can develop the sensory, motor, and intellectual abilities of a child. Before talking about the development of didactic games, it should be recalled that the concept of “development of intelligence” includes the development of memory, perception, thinking, i.e. all mental abilities.

Mental education is the purposeful influence of adults on the development of active mental activity in children. It includes the communication of accessible knowledge about the world around us, its systematization, the formation of cognitive interests, intellectual skills and abilities, the development of cognitive abilities

By concentrating your attention on only one indicator, you cannot talk about the development of children's intelligence as a whole. It is worth noting that it is better to conduct educational didactic games with a group of children, since group games are able to develop their intellectual abilities much better. Preschool childhood is the first stage in mental development child, his preparation for participation in society. This period is important preparatory stage for the next stage - school education. The main difference between a preschool child and a schoolchild is the difference in the main, leading types of their activities. In preschool childhood there is play, in school childhood there is learning.