Congratulations on Navy Day - what to give. How to celebrate Navy Day

1. Personal ship
People of this profession cannot imagine themselves without the sea and ships; they miss them during a long separation. A ship in a bottle would be a good gift for Navy Day. You can give a ready-made model as a gift, or give a friend the opportunity to assemble the ship by hand. Let him rack his brains about how to stuff such a colossus into the narrow neck of a bottle.

2. Strong alcohol
It's no secret that sailors love to drink when they're on land. Well, on this holiday you should indulge them in everything. It will be best if you give a bottle of real Jamaican dark rum (70 degrees), because this is the true drink of any sailor. But in extreme cases, any high-quality alcohol will do, be it whiskey, cognac or ordinary vodka.

3. Best shots
At sea, everything looks different than on land. The views from the deck are stunning, and the sunrises and orders are worthy of being described by the world's best poets. Your friend may not be a poet, but he can capture beauty. Give a sailor a compact camera, let him take pictures of all the most interesting and beautiful things. Both you and him will be pleased to look at the pictures later and admire the water element.

4. Necessary accessory
Such a thing as a wristwatch is gradually disappearing from everyday life; people mainly find out the time through their mobile phone. But for those at sea, it is still a very relevant accessory. When you choose a watch for your sailor, be sure to buy one that is waterproof and shock-resistant, otherwise it won’t last even a day. Reliability of marine watches is the main thing! There could be a ship on the dial or just an anchor.

5. Sea at home
If your sailor is yearning for his native water surface, you can brighten up his sadness a little with your gift. Give him an air ionizer in the shape of an anchor. It will not only fill the room with the smells of the sea, but will also have a positive effect on the health of its inhabitants. The aroma of your favorite element will help bring your sea wolf out of melancholy.

Serving in the navy is not the easiest thing.

It is not surprising that men who have gone through so much difficult path- service in the Navy - they acquire such qualities as hardening, endurance, and stamina, inherent in real sailors.

If among your friends and relatives there are representatives of this profession or those who previously served in the Navy, do not miss the opportunity to remember what date is Naval Aviation Day and please the hero of the occasion with a memorable gift.

From this article you will learn what to give for the birthday of naval aviation and how you can congratulate sailors on the holiday.

This is a memorable date for the Russian armed forces, which has been present in the calendar for more than 70 years. The founding day of naval aviation and the navy is a holiday not only for sailors.

It is also celebrated by their relatives, war veterans and workers of enterprises who are responsible for providing the fleet.

Traditionally, on Russian Naval Aviation Day, parades with orchestras, festivities, and concerts are organized.

Choosing a gift for Navy Day

All sailors are happy to remember even a long and difficult service. Therefore, successful gifts for them are naval paraphernalia– uniform and items of clothing typical of sailors, for example, vest, cap.

You can purchase such things in military stores and on the Internet.

A heartfelt gift for a sailor - St. Andrew's flag, symbol of the Russian Navy. The hero of the occasion will be able to hang it above his house or in his room to remind himself of the service and the sea, and to feel pleasant nostalgia.

Ship model as a present, it will delight its recipient both as a sea wolf and as a man. The product can be ready-made or prefabricated.

Many people enjoy painting and gluing together models, especially if they are copies of military equipment. It is much more pleasant for a sailor to receive a model of the ship on which he served.

Such products can be found in stores that sell products for professional modelers.

What sailor doesn't dream of being an admiral? And an indispensable admiral’s attribute is spectacular steel cup holder.

A sailor will be no less pleased with a cup holder sea ​​dagger, which is the ceremonial weapon of Navy officers. Souvenir items are not considered bladed weapons, which is why they are available for purchase at any souvenir store.

Since the dirks are packaged in spectacular gift sheaths, there is no shame in hanging such a gift in the most visible place. A similar gift, although larger - beautiful saber.

You can give anything related to the sea in one way or another to someone who served in the Navy.

A sincere and very original gift - congratulations sealed in a bottle.

Employees of online stores offering souvenirs will help you arrange such a gift.

The text of the congratulatory letter will be written on beautiful paper, tied with a string and placed in a bottle.

Such a gift can serve as a time capsule - invite the hero of the occasion to bury it in the ground and dig it up after 10 years, so that years later, and not on this holiday, he can read the message.

A sailor will always need an unusual flask with a pattern dedicated to marine themes. It will be especially useful when fishing or hiking.

Preference should be given to stainless steel products. It is advisable to decorate such a gift with engraving. It is better to discard the drawing - it may be erased or scratched.

You can give an unusual gift to a guy, husband or father who served in the Navy. tea sieve in the shape of a submarine. This item will make brewing tea more interesting for the hero of the occasion.

Anyone who has served in the sea will be pleased watch in the shape of a lifebuoy.

You can also make a gift with your own hands: the recipient will certainly appreciate the spectacular collage of sea shells and a photo from the “service” album.

10 gift ideas for Navy Day

If Navy Day took you by surprise and you don’t know what to give a sailor, listen to our recommendations. Use them to properly congratulate the sea wolf.

Idea 1. A ship in... a bottle

Sailors dream of the sea, and their natural dream is to become a captain.

Give your loved one a hint of the fulfillment of a cherished desire - original gift ship in a bottle. A sailor who dreams of a helm and ship sails fluttering in the wind will be pleased when he receives such a souvenir.

Idea 2. Clock with barometer

A true tamer of the seas and oceans is easily recognizable by the ship paraphernalia that surrounds him.

Give a man a watch with a barometer as a gift for Navy Day.

You can find these in souvenir shops or specialized retail outlets. It will be great if the watch has a “marine” design.

Idea 3. DIY collage

Although you will have to fork out for such a thing, presented in a beautiful carved box, upholstered in leather, the spyglass will cause real delight in a male sailor.

Idea 6. Portrait to order

I want to give a gift to someone I know well, a loved one, something warm, pleasantly memorable, something exceptional.

Why not give him a photograph, and one of his own?

The format of the painting should be large, and the man in it should be depicted against the backdrop of a seascape.

Imagine: the Black Sea, seagulls are flying, a ship is moored to the shore, and on it is the hero of the occasion.

The present can be a solid painting or a comic cartoon. Which option to choose is up to you.

Whatever you choose, a commissioned portrait will be a successful gift for a sailor, which will take a prominent place on the wall of the living room or cabin of the ship.

Idea 7. “Joking” T-shirt

Rest assured: unusual gift on Naval Aviation Day will make a pleasant impression on the sailor.

Idea 10. Real order

Present the sea wolf with an order with the appropriate engraving - “The Best Sailor” as a gift.

Such a gift is addressed to the worthy.

And such insignia are awarded only for outstanding services, for special successes.

Didn't your sailor friend deserve such an award?

It is not so important that the order is not presented by the captain of the ship.

The main thing is that you encourage the hero of the occasion, noting his merits so highly.

No matter how he may seem on the outside, every sailor is a romantic in spirit, dreaming of something sublime.

And no matter how many years have passed since his service in the Russian Navy, the sea wolf will still reminisce with nostalgia about the old days:

  • when the sea wind ruffled his hair,
  • when he was intoxicated by the aroma of dishes coming from the galley and
  • when his heart skipped a beat, anticipating sea adventures.

Give the sailor a real holiday - make him happy nice gifts and warm congratulations.

Leave in his memory joyful memories of the next holiday. We hope our recommendations will help you with this.

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Serving in the navy is not an easy task. Men who have gone through this difficult path become persistent and hardened, as befits real sailors. That is why Navy Day, which is celebrated on May 31, was invented especially for them.

The Istrian holiday dates back more than seventy years and belongs to the memorable dates of the armed forces. Navy Day is celebrated not only by sailors, but also by members of their families, as well as workers of enterprises and organizations responsible for supporting the fleet, and war veterans.

On this day, as a rule, large parades with orchestras, concerts and festivities are held. This article will talk about how to properly congratulate your friends and family on Navy Day.

What to give?

Every sailor will be pleased to remember his service - even if it was difficult and long. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the traditional naval paraphernalia:

And of course, you can give absolutely anything related to the sea!

  1. A congratulation sealed in a bottle would be a very original and heartfelt gift. Many online souvenir stores are engaged in the design of such congratulations - your letter will be printed on beautiful paper, carefully tied with a string and placed in a large bottle. Such a gift can be used as a time capsule - for example, a bottle can be buried in the ground, and then dug up 10 years later and only then can the message be read.
  2. An original flask with a marine-themed design will always come in handy - especially when camping or fishing. But it would be best to choose a flask made of stainless steel - the design may be scratched and erased.
  3. If your boyfriend, father or husband is not a fan of strong drinks, but can boast of serving on a submarine, give him a nice tea sieve in the shape of a submarine. With such a thing, even brewing tea will become a very interesting process!
  4. A watch in the shape of a lifebuoy is a nice and stylish surprise for anyone who served at sea.
  5. You can also make a nice gift with your own hands - make a beautiful one and take photos from your “office” photo album. Take a closer look at these interesting options gift:

If Navy Day is just around the corner and you still don’t have a gift, use our simple and practical advice. We hope that they will be useful to you and help you congratulate the sailor as expected!

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello friends! At the end of July every year we congratulate our sailors. Traditionally, the celebration of Navy Day takes place on the last Sunday of July, just before Airborne Forces Day. And both of these holidays are celebrated with the grandeur of the Russian soul. What to give for Navy Day?

There are many options, ranging from the simplest and most inexpensive souvenirs to serious expensive gifts if, for example, it’s a sailor’s anniversary. I offer a selection of great ideas.

Gift for boyfriend on Navy Day

Did you wait for the guy from the army where he served in the navy? Or maybe you didn’t have to wait, because he had already served before you met? In any case, making a small surprise for his significant date would be a great idea. He will be pleased to know that you remember the past, about what is so important to him. So, what to choose for a sailor guy?

In fact, the choice is huge. In principle, almost anything with a marine theme will do:

  • For example, small keychain in the form of an anchor or steering wheel. If it has the emblem or inscription of the Navy on it, it will be even better.
  • Also, recently in souvenir shops you can find themed flash drives and openers.
  • The guy will like it mug, again with an emblem or inscription. Choose what he likes best - a beer mug, or for tea and coffee. And if you think that one mug is not enough, give a whole set of glasses. All this is now very accessible and can be purchased in many souvenir shops.

Such souvenirs with images of Captain Wrangel and his ship look very fun and interesting. It's really very cool gift, because there are no people in Russia who don’t like this cartoon. Or you can even give it to him CD with a recording of this cartoon, and order a cover from the printing house - personalized, and with the image of your loved one, you can also add a small wish, in prose or poetry. Your loved one will like it.

If your boyfriend really loves the sea and looks back with trepidation on the time spent on board, you might consider souvenirs with ships and sea. So there are excellent souvenirs in the form of ships in bottles. Ships come in different sizes, ranging from small ones that can fit in a pocket to giants that require, if not a separate table, then certainly a shelf in the closet.

What to give to your husband?

If your beloved sailor has already become a spouse, then a gift for such wonderful holiday may be more expensive and more interesting.

  • Model ship. There are different ones, wooden, metal and paper, of different sizes and models. It will be great if you can find exactly the ship on which your husband served.

Imagine how interesting it will be for him to assemble it himself! He will be able to find out the structure of the vessel, then paint it as he sees fit. If the ship is large enough, you can even modify it yourself: add figures of sailors - the spouse will be able to give them all names. All men are children at heart, and such a gift will definitely bring him a lot of pleasure.

  • Another gift - expensive alcohol. This could be a souvenir bottle of your favorite drink, whiskey, scotch, rum, or even vodka, depending on your preferences.

It may seem to you that this is too simple and a cheap gift, but in fact, in specialized stores the range of gift alcohol is quite wide.

For example, you can choose a regular bottle a very expensive and aged drink, or take a souvenir in the shape of a ship, or even a steering wheel (there are such), or simply opt for a large bottle - there are copies of 5 liters. Quite a significant present. You can also complement the bottle with a set of suitable glasses.

  • If your spouse currently holds a high position, this would be great compact bar in his office in the shape of a globe. He can store numerous gifts in it from his subordinates, and on his map to mark the seas and countries where he has already been, and where he is still going.
  • In addition, if he has a personal account, you can select thematic organizer, there are also many different ones today: in the form of a ship with a steering wheel, there are also some. Another work place is possible decorate with an interesting picture with a marine theme, or an image of a beautiful tanker. All these themed gifts will find a great place in the office, especially if it is still in use.
  • And if your man also has a good sense of humor, this will come in handy singing fish. They usually come pre-recorded with some kind of theme song or greeting, but some gift shops that make custom gifts may include what you say in the recording or even record the greeting you say.
  • The crowning achievement of your fantasy can be captain's cap.

Congratulations and presenting a gift to dad for Navy Day

You always want to give something special, personal to your loved one, dad, grandfather, uncle or brother.

The first thing that comes to mind is an expensive notebook from genuine leather. Of course, with an engraved name and title, and even congratulations from the whole family with signatures. If this is too easy for your loved one, there are plenty of options.

  • Firstly, it could be jewelry or expensive watch. It depends on what your man likes. The watch may be gold precious stones, you can make an engraving - name and title, and your wishes.
  • Pendant in the form of a ship's wheel or an anchor, a beautiful and high-quality ring.
  • If your relative has a weapons permit, or he doesn’t mind receiving a weapon as a gift, you can buy him gorgeous commemorative gun, if he likes to hunt. Of course, you will need a safe for it, and it is better to make it part of the gift too, if your loved one still doesn’t have one.
  • Returning to the theme of ships, it is worth mentioning another chic option. Same ship model, but made not of wood or metal, but of crystal. This gift looks very impressive.
  • Another successful gift will be convenient and comfortable armchair. Working, if your dad works at home, or soft - for relaxing in the evenings in front of the TV with a cup of tea.
  • Worth thinking about the medal for your loved one. Even if he did not participate in hostilities, and all his sea experience was limited urgent service 30 years ago - for you he is still a hero. And the heroes are given medals. It could be a medal, no matter how precious metals, and from silver or gold, depending on your budget.

DIY gifts

Congratulations and gifts for Navy Day can be made with your own hands. Moreover, such signs of attention are especially appreciated. Start with what you already know how to do.

  • Perhaps you bake wonderful cakes. Then bake and decorate according to the theme. Don't be afraid that something might not work out, you will find plenty of step by step instructions for the manufacture of this or that jewelry, as well as stores where everything you need is sold.
  • If you know how to draw, it’s time to draw for your beloved man portrait. Of course, in your favorite style. A classic portrait in a frame is best, but if it has good feeling humor, he will also appreciate the cartoon.
  • Can you sew or knit? Create something from the wardrobe. For example, decorate a vest and tie a scarf with the St. Andrew's flag. In short, do everything you know how.

If you don’t have any special talents, then you can find an option that you can do. First of all, you can find some gorgeous congratulations on the Internet and solemnly read it to the celebrant. You can also make a card from colored paper, or even from ready set for creativity. You can include the whole family, mother and grandmother, children and grandchildren, in such congratulations. This will make it even warmer and more soulful.

When choosing a gift for Navy Day, pay attention to the sailor's hobbies. What did he do before, what interests him now, maybe he yearns for that time?

There are a lot of options for such surprises, and who knows your men better than you? Even for your colleagues, you can choose memorable souvenirs - keychains, notebooks, mugs, calendars, thermoses, etc... Or you can draw a poster with a women's team, or hang St. Andrew's flag in the office.

In any case, what is important is not the gift itself, but the attention, the awareness that you remember the significant days of your men, and treat this with respect. See you soon! Don't forget to tell your friends about this interesting material.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

There are plenty of reasons throughout the year to congratulate those who have connected their lives, destinies and careers with the sea. What is the difference between gifts for a captain and gifts for a Marine?

How many professional holidays do Navy employees actually have? We reveal the secrets of how to please a real sea wolf and when is the best time to do it.

Gifts for Voe Day National Marine Fleet

This holiday was officially established in the USSR in 1939. For almost half a century, Navy Day was celebrated on July 24, but in the early 80s the date was moved to the last Sunday of July, and since then it has remained unchanged. On this day, all military sailors are congratulated and given themed souvenirs and presents.


  • T-shirt with "Sea Wolf" print.
  • Personalized apron “Watching in the kitchen” for the cook.
  • Table game " Sea battle"(with stacks).
  • Book-box "Ship's Charter" (inside there is a sailor's damask and 6 piles).
  • Souvenir boat with banknotes “For every wind there is a sail.”

  • Soulful:

  • Souvenir ship bell.
  • Wall clock "Sea".
  • Ship in a bottle.
  • Personalized notebook “Diary of sea travels”.
  • Underwater world projector.

  • Useful:

  • Wireless waterproof speaker.
  • USB hub “Submarine”.
  • “Wonderful” roulette.

  • These gifts will also be useful to congratulate a sailor on the birthday of his particular fleet:

  • Day of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy - May 13.
  • Baltic Fleet Day of the Russian Navy - May 18.
  • Day of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy - June 1.
  • Pacific Fleet Day of the Russian Navy - May 21.
  • What to give a sailor for his birthday and anniversary?

    For such cases, you can step away a little from work and in general marine theme. Give gifts related to the birthday person’s hobbies, as well as things that will make his stay on land pleasant and comfortable.

  • Gift sets for barbecues, kebabs and picnics.
  • Inflatable lounge sofa.
  • Board games (possibly themed “Overboard”, “Jackal” and others).
  • A personalized flask or even a set of flasks (“For pleasant conversations.”)
  • Personalized dirk or knife with engraving.
  • Crystal glass in a gilded glass holder.

  • Order a caricature portrait depicting the birthday boy at the helm of a ship against the backdrop of the sea and flying seagulls. And for the 50th anniversary, the luxurious Pirate set would be an ideal gift. This is a real wooden chest with a dirk, a pipe, a telescope, a map, a flask and shot glasses. All elements are made from expensive materials using gold and leather.

    What to give to the captain of a ship?

    The high status of the captain obliges him to carefully select gifts for any occasion. Stop at solid, exclusive gifts:

  • Zippo lighter with personalized engraving “At the helm”.
  • Expensive stylish cufflinks and tie clips with a compass, anchor and steering wheel.
  • Collectible spyglass.
  • Vintage table flip clock "Ship".
  • Stationery set-minibar "Captain's Chest".

  • Order a full-length 3D figurine from a photograph or a presentable portrait on canvas. And the old sea wolf will definitely like a bottle of aged rum in a wooden gift case with a personalized engraving.

    Gifts for Marines on Marine Corps Day

    The elite special forces of the Russian Navy “Black Berets”, this is what the Marines are called, notes professional holiday annually on November 27th. These are, after all, combat sailors, so gifts for them are chosen appropriately:

    • Flash drive “Military Badge” with engraving.
    • Diary "Military secret".
    • Grizzly belt knife.
    • Bottle stand "Pirate".

    • Do not forget that in addition to the military, there is also a merchant fleet with its own holiday dates. Workers of the sea and river fleet are congratulated on the first Sunday of July, and the whole world celebrates International Seafarers Day on June 25.