Congratulations for mom in prose. Beautiful statuses about mom

We have already grown up, we have our own lives, our own problems and worries, which we have learned to overcome on our own without the support of our parents. But think about it, our mothers will not mind at all if we ask them for advice, help, support. And they always give wise advice.

And how happy they are when we come to visit and bring them grandchildren. And let's not forget that our mothers are not getting any younger, that sometimes they themselves need our care and certainly kind words.

And this selection of beautiful, sincere, very touching poems about mother brought tears to tears from her son and daughter. Read them on your mother’s birthday or just for no reason, any day. Or just send these heartfelt lines to mommy.

There is no more beloved mother in the world

Beautiful sincere poems about mother, touching to tears

Imagine that you are a ROSE in a wonderful garden,
Where you are appreciated for your beauty.
And everyone inhales your wonderful scent,
And they don’t want to hide their tears of admiration.
And the dew drops sparkle like diamonds,
Your delicate bud is decorated in the morning.
And everyone is in a hurry to touch you,
And he only says compliments.
Imagine that you are ROSE, the queen of flowers,
Grace in the shape of your petals.
You give everyone joy, you are where love is,
Poems are dedicated to you again and again.
No one will dare to harm you,
ROSE has a way to protect herself.
Then God rewarded her with thorns,
So that the one who offended her does not forget...
Imagine yourself as a queen more often:
On the way to fulfilling your cherished dream
Friends and flowers will be with you!!!

Beautiful mother

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world
You look into your eyes openly and directly,
No matter how far the road takes us,
Beautiful mothers accompany us.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom
But everyone upsets her so often.
And a kind mother forgives all this
A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Under the load of worries, without bending, stubbornly
She performs her duty patiently...
Every mother is beautiful in her own way,
She is beautiful with her mother's love.

As a child, she treats us with a toy,
Sometimes we whisper to her about something happily
Someday, mom, you will become an old lady,
But you will still be the most beautiful.
S. Bogomazov

Mom's hands

Mom's hands are warm,
Mom's eyes are bright,
Mom's fairy tale in a dream,
Mom's genes are in me,
Mom's thoughts are with me,
My bow to my mother.
E. Koltovskaya

There is no more beloved mother in the world,
She is our ideal, our model.
All our lives we are just children for her,
Even though we got married, or walked down the aisle.
There is no dearer mother on the planet,
It's always warm in her arms.
Thank her for keeping you alive
It's high time to tell my family.

Far from the capital, the train is at a stop.
An old woman is walking hurriedly along the platform.
There is a reason to hurry - three minutes parking!
Maybe even today, God willing, I’ll be lucky

She kept waiting for her children and grandchildren to come to her.
Like snow in the middle of summer - without a call, without a letter!
And for a while the years of separation will be forgotten,
And again, children's laughter!.. And again, chaos!..

I saw the kids off to their big lives, crying!
The daughter wrote “I’ll come”... And the son promised...
For many years, I met every day that passed.
And alone she left the empty station.

He will remember at home over tea, as always, alone,
How her children waited with strawberries...
Half a bucket for my son, half a bucket for my daughter,
May their life be as sweet as berries!

Life has come to an end - the daughter and son have grown up,
And long ago we learned to live without a mother, alone...
This was the last train in my mother’s life!..
And she knew it...
They didn't know!

Mother! Dear, holy,
Wonderful word!
Sanctified by love
Miracle heart of gold!

Mother! Tender, dear,
You are the only miracle
There is no other like this, I know
And where does it come from?

You, my dear,
I'm always taken care of
If you are nearby - I know -
All sorrows are fleeting!

Mom means tenderness
This is affection, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story,
This is the morning dawn
Mom is a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer,
This is snow, an autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.
Honore de Balzac.

Let's listen to a poem touching to tears about mothers who forgive everything. What beautiful words…

Yours, mom, today is your birthday...

Beautiful touching poems for mom on her birthday

Let it be Bright for you,
Everything in this Life
The world will be full of Beauty,
Goodness and Light!
Let the Music sound in the Soul,
Without stopping,
And the Dream flies skyward like a bird,
Playing in the rays!
Let there be beautiful sunrises
Let the evenings shine!
Gifts, flowers, compliments,
Romance, happiness, goodness!
Let them always surround you in life
Attention, affection, love!
And with sincere tenderness they give
Bouquets of beautiful flowers!
May it come on this day
Happiness is endless
Let love reign in the Soul
And warmth from the heart!


Another year has slipped into the past,
Adding a little gray hair...
What can I wish for you, my dear,
On a beautiful day...a day of sun and spring...
Today is your day... Your birthday...
And let the heavens rejoice with might and main...
Let nature give its bloom
For you, so that beauty does not fade...
May the sun smile on you today
And the birds sing only for you...
Let happiness knock on your window...
And in your house love will find shelter...
HAPPY ANGEL DAY TO YOU!!!...And good health
For many, many years...
Live with Hope, Faith and Love...
May God protect you...everywhere and always...

Once upon a time I was born on earth
Magic fairy, that glare of the eyes
Could stop rivers and mountains.
And the holiday came, and it suited her.
And it became so quiet, beautiful all around!
And suddenly all congratulations for mom
Formed into verses, and inspiration came
This is the right moment for us.
Well, what do we have left to wish you?
Stay like this and live life,
As people usually do, it’s a joy to invite guests.
And then every day will be like a holiday.

Mommy, honey, let it be for you
Birds compose sonnets and odes,
Early clear morning dawn
Gives peace of fertile nature.
The sun's rays warm with warmth,
The stars and sky invite you to fly,
The angel of goodness covers with his wing,
Let the sorrows fly by.

Our dear mother,
These gentle lines are for you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this Earth.
Let no sorrows come into your home,
Let illnesses pass by.
We would place the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.
But even this would not be enough,
To repay your kindness,
All our lives, our dear mother,
I owe you an unpaid debt.
Thank you, dear, for raising me,
For not asking for anything in return.
That sorrow and joy are divided in half,
You wished us the best life in everything.

Today I am for the beautiful one,
The best on Earth,
I'll give you a red bouquet,
My mom, for you!

Red color is associated with health,
That's why I wish
Never deal with illness
Always be cheerful!

May the years not be young,
Your soul is young!
All the relatives send greetings,
And, of course, mom, me!

Hearing people praise her son makes the mother happier than the day she gave birth to him.

I wish I could give these scarlet roses to all mothers!

Heartfelt beautiful poems for mother from son, touching to tears

Let them not be considered fiction
I heard this from the sun:
Roses bloom in our hearts,
While the mother's heart beats.
Oh mom! Towards the worlds
Walking through sunrises and thunderstorms,
I wish all mothers
Give away these scarlet roses!

Mom's heart is radiant,
Kind, bright, clean
Loves, regrets, forgives,
Always helps out in troubles.
I may not be a boy for a long time,
But for you I am a son:
Say your cherished word
And you're ready to scold.
Let the years have no power -
You remain beautiful
In strength and good health,
Loved ones are warmed by love.

My mother gave me everything in the world,
Warmth, affection, and love.
Always gave me advice
When I didn't know the right words.

She opened her eyes to the world,
And showed me the way in life.
I have always loved you so sincerely
And it dispersed grief and sadness.

When I cried, she consoled me,
When it was hard for me.
You always hugged me tenderly,
I felt your warmth.

I'm happy that you exist, dear,
You are the best, the most valuable.
You are my happiness, dear,
Nothing more is needed.

When there is a mother, life is wonderful,
She's an angel on earth.
She's like a bright ray of sunshine
She is like all the stars in the sky.
Dmitry Veremchuk

My mother gave me everything in the world,
Warmth, affection, and love.
Always gave me advice
When I didn't know the right words.
She opened her eyes to the world,
And showed me the way in life.
I have always loved you so sincerely
And it dispersed grief and sadness.
When I cried, she consoled me,
When it was hard for me.
You always hugged me tenderly,
I felt your warmth.
I'm happy that you exist, dear,
You are the best, the most valuable.
You are my happiness, dear,
Nothing more is needed.
When there is a mother, life is wonderful,
She's an angel on earth.
She's like a bright ray of sunshine
She is like all the stars in the sky.

It's so good to have a mother
Her smile is so wonderful
When she is always with us.
Friends, this is so lovely!
She is like a bright ray of light,
She gave us everything and opened up the world.
About how many of her gifts,
We just didn't appreciate it.
She only taught good things
And so calm, quiet, gentle.
Oh how she loved us all,
Since no one, and so boundless!
I love you, my dear,
It's so good when you're near.
Be with me, you dear,
And nothing else is needed!

My mother raised in me a feeling of boundless love. I may have been insufferable when I was young, but I have always been loving. Angelina Jolie

There is no dearer voice than mother, no warmer mother’s eyes!

Touching poems for mother from an adult daughter

My dear, my dear, my sweetheart,
Thank you for everything, for everything in the world!
Let the stars of the world shine for you
And flowers bloom all over the planet.
Let the dawn wash you with morning dew
Your face, eyes, your dear hands,
I feel so comfortable that you are with me,
And may we never know the pain of separation!

Mommy, sweet, gentle, nice,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
“Thank you,” I tell you for everything.
Live, smile through adversity,
We will share the worries with you in half.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
We will illuminate your life path with love!

Having learned about the happiness of motherhood,
I want to tell you this -
What's a child's birthday
Mom should be celebrating.

Oh, so much joy and happiness
Comes to mom at that moment,
When a child from beautiful dreams
Will appear in the white light!

And even though I'm far from being a baby,
And even if I’m not twenty-five,
But for warmth and support,
I will come to my mother.

I am a mother myself. I won’t hide it from anyone -
I can be both unbearable and harsh.
And I know that sometimes they are offensive
Epithets fly off the tongue.
Of course, not out of malice, but out of frustration
I can say unnecessary words...
Don't be offended, kids, don't -
Forgiving is sometimes easier than understanding

And you, dear, smile bravely,
Look - spring is on the way again.
Live longer. You know, it's so important to us
That our grandmother and mother are next to us...

I'll straighten your hair
I will kiss you many times
There is no dearer voice in the world,
There are no warmer eyes in the world...

Here is a collection of texts with beautiful, warm, sincere and touching words of gratitude to my mother from my daughter. The texts are written in prose (in your own words) and are intended both for public speaking (at an anniversary, wedding, birthday and other festive events) in front of guests, and for private conversation. You can also sign a gift, postcard or card for a bouquet with these words.

Another page of the site will help you add to the texts.

Dear Mom! You deserve the greatest gratitude. I want to thank you sincerely for:

  • that from the very beginning of my life until today you have made the complex simple for me
  • for the fact that you tried to make something difficult easy
  • because in days of bad weather you managed to get me a piece of the sun
  • for the fact that you are amazingly talented and you knew how to make me healthy
  • for the fact that you managed to turn even unpleasant moments into exciting moments
  • for the fact that you manage to turn a faceless room into a dear, warm and sweet home
  • for the fact that you are trying to turn banality into extraordinary
  • for the talent to create a culinary masterpiece from trivial and ordinary food
  • for the fact that you are unfamiliar with cold indifference and you always give me as much warmth as you can find
  • for the fact that you incomprehensibly extract gifts from life, even when it seems that they do not exist

And most importantly: thank you for doing all these wonderful things not for yourself, but for me.

I am eternally grateful to you, mom. And I wish that you never run out of energy to work as an Angel. And so that your miracles do not dry out. I will try to be the kind of daughter so that motherhood does not become a feat for you. May your life be long and easy, mommy.

Precious mommy! I have so much to thank you for that I don’t know where to start. I’ll try not to cry and you should try too. Otherwise, the two of us will definitely drown everyone at once.

Mommy, you are the most precious thing I have. And today I want you to accept my sincere gratitude for literally everything that you have done and continue to do for me. I notice everything and appreciate everything. And I will never forget this.

  • Thank you, mom, for creating such a wonderful family in which I felt comfortable, warm, and happy to grow and develop. And for continuing to do this now.
  • Thank you for trying to please me at every opportunity and for looking at the world with optimism. I constantly learn this from you and optimism has helped me out more than once in difficult times.
  • Thank you for always being ready to lend me a helping hand - with such a friend nothing is scary.
  • Thank you for your warmth and kindness - they warm me daily.
  • Thank you for always being able to find the right words and give hope in difficult times.
  • Because you try to protect even your adult daughter and remember that I still need your love - it inspires me.

Be happy mommy and don't leave me.

Dear mom! I want to thank you, first of all, for life. And for everything that you generously endowed me with this gift:

  • for a warm and cozy childhood. Memories of him always warm my heart;
  • for your care and affection. They make my life comfortable and happy;
  • for your constant support. I need her even as an adult and am grateful that you don’t leave me without her;
  • for the wise advice that you are always ready to share with me;
  • Thank you also for your eternal concern, Mom. It helps me keep my head and make smart decisions in life;
  • for keeping my secrets;
  • for swearing when you no longer have the strength to endure worrying about me;
  • for denying yourself so much for me;

Special thanks to you mommy for your love. And because you have it, it never runs out. I appreciate it very much, I cherish it and I want you to live forever. Be happy and healthy. Well, I promise, I will do everything to make you proud of your daughter and worry less.

Today, on this holiday, I want to express words of sincere gratitude to the best person on Earth - my mother!

Mommy, I love you very much and I know that you love me too. I am very grateful to you for this love, for the light with which it illuminates my life. Also, mom, I am grateful to you that by your example you teach me kindness, patience, wisdom, support, femininity and beauty. In general, all the best that a person can bring into this life. I have never met a brighter person in my life and my intuition tells me that I never will, such people no longer exist.

Thank you mom and always be as young, beautiful, stylish, healthy. Be happy, mom.

Mommy, thank you for working as my Guardian Angel every day and all my life. I value you very much and take care of you as best I can. I love you very much, yours pure heart, your smile, care, your friendship, wisdom, warmth and sensitivity. And I even love your comments and dissatisfaction, they always help me avoid mistakes. You - best mom in the world. I dream that you will never be upset, that peace of mind will not leave you, that good health will follow you throughout your life and that you will live forever.

I thank my mother almost daily in my thoughts. So, today, not for the first time, I say “thank you” to her... I want to tell you, mommy, that I know: with a daughter like me, it was often not easy for you. And I thank you for giving me so much strength, so much enormous daily work to raise me and so that I would not be too much of a waste of a woman.

Thank you for your love, warmth and care. For the tons of fairy tales I read as a child at bedtime - I remember them all and cherish them in my heart. Thank you also for the sleepless nights when I was sick. For standing up for me even when I was wrong... Thank you for being a true friend and always on my side. Mother! I am happy that I have you and that you are like this. I have grown up a long time ago, but I continue to learn from you all the best that the human heart is capable of.

I hope mommy that I can thank you for all this. I'll try.

Mom, there was a lot of joy in the life of our family, but sometimes there were difficult days. Special thanks to you for your happiness. But today I would like to thank you for the fact that even on cloudy days you tried to get a little sun for me. And sometimes a star from the sky. And you still succeed to this day. These pieces of joy and warmth always warm my heart, help and support. I wish all your dreams come true and I hope that your daughter does not disappoint you. Be happy.

Mom, you have always delighted me. There is no other such unique and wonderful woman. I am proud of you and dream of being like you. You are the most beautiful, smart, charming, feminine, gentle, sweet, charming, bright, sincere, kind, successful. You are a diamond. I am grateful to you for your love and friendship. I am also grateful to God that he gave me such a mother. I also thank this completely established life for the fact that it treats us warmly and we are alive, healthy and have the strength to enjoy it. Always be happy, mom.

Mommy! I have already thanked you many times for your love, care and the gift of life... And today I want to thank you also for the steadfastness with which you withstood my pranks. For the endless patience with which you treated my whims. For the wisdom that helped you not to punish me for being lazy in my studies. For ingenuity, without which it was impossible to feed me healthy food. For my willpower - thanks to it I could be put to sleep. For adequacy when I introduced you to my inadequate chosen ones. For your tact when I told you my sorrows without choosing expressions. For your responsiveness when I tormented you with my troubles at school. For sensitivity, without it, you and I didn’t know much about each other.

You showed me a wonderful example. Someday I will become a mother myself, and I hope that I will be able to be as wonderful a mother as you.

You know mom, I always sincerely thank you for everything. Gratitude to you has settled in my heart forever and will never leave. All the best that I have was created by your hands. Thank you for giving your life, your time and your warmth to me. This is a priceless gift.

Thanks to you, there is no room left in my heart for coldness, anger, envy, selfishness, hatred... only warmth, light and kindness live there. Everything you gave me. You're doing everything right, mom. I'm proud of you.

Mommy, I have already told you many times how grateful I am to you for everything you have given me. And I will thank you many more times. But today I want to say “thank you” for something else.

I myself have already become a mother and now I know what it is to raise and raise a child... So, now I am grateful to you for your punishments in childhood, for your persistence and even severity in certain matters, when I did not want to fulfill your demands. Thank you mom for having the strength to insist on your own and force me to do things that are unpleasant for me. It was your persistence and rigor that brought me the greatest benefit. Maybe even much more than praise, gifts and encouragement.

I want you to know that I no longer hold any grudges against you in my heart. And I understand why you did it. Thank you, dear. Be happy and may all your wishes come true.

Mamusik, I thank you for being you, and for being me!

And I am also very grateful to you for giving me such a rosy existence. Because we are not completely lost people. Because I have an education and do not work as a janitor. Because my health is normal. Because our home is warm, cozy and bright, and not a gloomy and dull kennel. Because I know how to enjoy everything good and not despair when faced with injustice. Because I can do so many things and because I can understand so many things.

In general, mom, I have always thanked you for life and love... And now I want to thank you for raising me to be a viable girl, and not an infantile chicken.

  • don't talk too long (if you're giving one of these acceptance speeches in public);
  • do not read the text from a sheet of paper - try to learn the words (the texts are not difficult);
  • Read the text from the sheet only if you have serious problems with memory and everyone knows about it (so they will understand you correctly). Or if you worry too much;
  • If the text you like turns out to be too long to remember (in case you need to give a speech from memory), you can remove several points from it so that the meaning is not lost (this is also not difficult) and tell about your gratitude in a slightly shortened version.

Quotes and Aphorisms 27.04.2018

Mom is the first and most important word in every person’s life. A sacred word in all languages ​​of the world. Mother's love begins long before we are born; it is the most sacred and brightest feeling in the world.

Many wonderful works and poems have been written about mothers. After all, we want to tell them so much, to thank them for so much! It is difficult to describe all these feelings in a few words. Here quotes and aphorisms about mother will come to the rescue, which contain all the most important things that can be said about the women who brought us into this world.

This is the sacred word “mother”...

“Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of little children.”

William M. Thackeray

“A mother is the most touching thing on earth. Mother means: to forgive and sacrifice oneself.”

Erich Maria Remarque

“There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with it.”

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

“Mom is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists.”

Ernest Legouwe

“Let us praise the woman-Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breasts fed the whole world!”

“Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from the Mother’s milk.”

Maksim Gorky

“If mothers ruled the world, there wouldn’t be any damn wars in the first place!”

Sally Margaret Field

"Motherhood is a blessing."

Maria Shkapskaya

"She's a mother, and she's right."

Ivan Turgenev

Arkady Perventsev

“The sanctity of life begins with motherhood, and therefore it is sacred.”

Gabriela Mistral

“What could be more sacred in the world than the name of a mother! All the most precious shrines are named and illuminated by the name of the mother, because the very concept of life is connected with this name.”

Victor Korotaev

“Mom is the first word of a person who has just appeared in the world. So, maybe it was the first word of all humanity? Wasn’t it with him and with similar “childish” words that our language began in ancient times?

Lev Vasilievich Uspensky

“The word “mother” is clear to everyone.”

Anna Olkhovskaya

About mom with love

Quotes and aphorisms about mother embody all the gratitude that any person feels for his mother and the admiration for her.

“An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, for a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.”

Guy de Maupassant

“Between justice and mother, I choose mother.”

Albert Camus

“Motherhood is worthy of respect. Father is always just an accident.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Mom is the most beautiful word uttered by a person."

Gibran Kahlil Gibran

“Mom is the only miracle of nature from whom even death is powerless to separate us.”

“The heart of a mother is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.”

Leonid Sukhorukov

“The only love I believe in is the love of a mother for her child.”

Karl Lagerfeld

“The only woman who will not allow her life to be given for her is her mother.”

Marat Zhumankulov

“A mother’s love is omnipotent, primal, selfish and at the same time selfless. It doesn’t depend on anything.”

Theodore Dreiser

“Children are the anchors that hold a mother in life.”

“The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers.”

Honore de Balzac

""There is nothing that a mother's love cannot withstand."

“A mother’s heart is the only fireproof capital that can always be repaid at any time.”


Mother's love is omnipotent

Quotes about mothers meaningfully reveal things that we, as children, thought little about. That motherhood is a woman’s greatest destiny and a tremendous amount of work. Just read these lines... They accurately and precisely hit the very heart...

“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”

William Wallace

"Wars are cursed by mothers."

Quintus Horace Flaccus

"A mother's heart beats faster."

Sergey Fedin

“No one can outshout a mother’s heart.”

Tatiana Lindberg

“We love our mothers almost without thinking about it, and we do not realize the full depth of this love until we are separated forever.”

Guy de Maupassant

“A mother who is truly a mother is never free.”

Honore de Balzac

"Wars are cursed by mothers."

Quintus Horace Flaccus

“Endless, deep, warm, saving happiness is to sit near the cradle of your child, opposite the mother.”

Franz Kafka

“Mother creates, she protects, and to talk about destruction is to speak against her. Mother is always against death.”

Maksim Gorky

“By becoming a mother, a woman forever deprives herself of the right to be weak.”

Diaz de Mirud

“A man loves his mother, almost without realizing it, without feeling it, because it is as natural as life itself, and only at the moment of the last parting does he notice how deep the roots of this love are. No other attachment is comparable to this one, because all others are accidental, but this one is innate, all others are imposed on us later by various everyday circumstances, and this one lives from our first day in our very blood. And then, then you lose not only your mother, but with her half of our childhood itself disappears, because our life, a small child’s life, belongs to her as much as to ourselves. She alone knew her as we do ourselves.”

Guy de Maupassant

“Mothers carry the keys to our souls with them all their lives.”

Cassandra Clare

"You really don't understand human nature if you don't know why the kid on the carousel waves to his mom every lap, and why his mom always waves after him."

William Tammeus

A daughter is a chance to correct your mistakes...

What is it like to be a mother of a daughter? What is it like to see yourself as a child, to relive all these girlish sufferings and whims, to endure and know that all this will soon pass? But you don’t want her to grow up so quickly... Quotes and aphorisms about mother and daughter contain all these fears and the hope that your daughter’s fate will be happier than your own.

“Being a mother of a girl means tenderness and constant expression of feelings. This is “I love mom, dad and the elephant” and endless “oh, I’m mowing” in front of the mirror.

Being a mother of a girl means gorgeous dresses and “don’t untie the bow.” This is “stand still, otherwise your hair won’t work out” and “you’ll need a hairpin with ladybug or a butterfly?

Being a mother of a girl means dolls and tea parties. These are “shhh, my lalya is sleeping” and “mom, here, tea from a cube.” Being a mother of a girl means being the mother of a little helper. This is when a cat and a flood are wiped off dust with a brush after washing dishes.

Being a mother of a girl means that at home there is a little fashionista, an assistant, a nanny, a cook, an artist, a trainer, a fashion model and a Skoda all rolled into one.”

“The mother looks at her daughter and tries to get used to her happiness. But how can one get used to it, to such happiness? Now this is a surprise for the rest of my life: I am the mother of a daughter.”

Ekaterina Sivanova

“What mother would not sacrifice herself and anyone else for the sake of her daughter’s happiness?”

Helen Bronte

“It was watching my daughter, watching her grow up, that largely helped me accept the fact that I was getting old. I see myself in her and try to help her explore this world. I feel very good with her."

Courteney Cox

“Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.”

“I like you so much at nineteen. I like your grown-up soul. A soul that knows how to get sick and recover. Hear and understand. A soul that knows how to cry with me about me, with itself about itself. My trembling angel, putting his foot in the flowerbed of the universal fashion for bitchiness. Now you don’t even have to look at you reproachfully. My gaze is before your eyes and so on. You test the limits of strength, but do not cross them. My girl."

Lara Gaal

“You know, everything is so unstable: today your little girl is just starting to walk, and tomorrow she is already rushing down the highway. And you are a mother, you have to adapt to the fact that your daughter continues to grow. You just hope that she lives her life better than you.”

“You are warmer than sunlight and much more valuable than anyone gemstone, my dear daughter."

“Why do you think adult daughter going to see her mother, whom she hasn’t seen for a long time? Do not you know? For help, even if she doesn’t understand it.”

“Only now do I understand what is really important. With the birth of my daughter, I gained self-confidence that I never knew I had before. Now, standing on stage or on camera, I don’t get nervous at all. After all, if everything is fine with my daughter, then everything else doesn’t matter.”

Milla Jovovich

“A daughter is a compliment to a woman from God - which means she is worthy of repetition.”

My happiness is my son

In ancient times, the birth of a son was a reason for respect in society for a woman. He is the successor of the family, the bearer of the family name, the heir. Now we are freed from these prejudices, but, nevertheless, a son for a mother is something of which she is secretly proud. Quotes and aphorisms about a son and mother reflect the inextricable connection that unites mother and son, that feeling of surprise and pride: how could I, a woman, give a man to this world?

“By giving a woman a son, God gives her the opportunity to try to raise a Real Man herself, capable of not only giving compliments, but also taking action.”

“Hearing people praise her son makes a mother happier than the day she gave birth to him.”


“If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son.”

“A son is the only man whom you can never stop loving.”

“If you have a house, don’t be afraid of the cold; If you have a son, do not be afraid of need.”

Chinese proverb

“If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then this man is her son.”

“A mother loves a son who becomes a thief or a murderer more than a son who becomes a pastor.”

William Faulkner

“No one adorns a woman more than her son walking next to her.”

“How noticeably strangers’ sons grow up - how their own sons inadvertently grow up...”

Olga Vasilenko

“One day there comes a moment when, walking next to your son, you want to take his hand out of habit, and suddenly you realize that you have to take his arm.”

“Raise your son the way you would like your daughter’s husband to be.”

About mom with meaning

Mom... This word accompanies us all our lives. We unconsciously shout it out when we are scared, surprised, or happy. Mentally, my mother is always with us. Touching quotes about my mother with meaning to tears - these are words spoken from the heart.

“A little girl, when asked where her home is, answered: “Where her mother is.”

Keith L. Brooks

“How can a mother not worry about her children? For every scratch, for every bruise, for every fall? They have bruises on their knees, and their mother has wounds in her heart.”

Natalia Kalinina

“You never stop being a child as long as you have a mother.”

S. Jayet

“There are many amazing things in the world: millions of roses, myriads of stars, a series of sunsets and sunrises, friends, relatives... and only one mother.”

Kate Douglas Wiggin

“Only twice – at the birth and death of a child – does the mother hear her own cry, as if from the outside.”

Isadora Duncan

“A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.”

Honore de Balzac

“A child is forever. There will never again be freedom, independence, or a calm heart. It will always worry, be afraid, freeze. It will always be connected to another heart, and we must finally begin to get used to it. No, it won't get any easier. Never. We must somehow learn to bear this anxiety.”

Anna Ostrovskaya

“Everything is mortal. Immortal life destined only for the mother. And when the mother is no longer alive, she leaves behind a memory that no one has yet decided to desecrate. The memory of our mother nourishes compassion in us, like the ocean, the immeasurable ocean nourishes the rivers that cut through the universe...”

Isaac Babel

“God speaks to us through the lips of our mothers.”

Igor Krasnovsky

"God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers."

Rudyard Kipling

“Who said angels don’t exist? It’s just that on earth they are called mothers.”

“Before he was born, the child said to God: “I’m scared, what if I can’t?...” - You can. I will give you a Guardian Angel... - What is his name?... - It doesn’t matter, you will call him “Mom”.

Wise words from great people about mother

Famous philosophers, poets and writers, of course, could not ignore this topic. Quotes about the mother of great people reveal the entire sacred meaning of motherhood. They once again remind us that the person who gave us the most precious thing - life, deserves eternal gratitude.

“We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother.”

Moussa Jalil

“We love our sister, and our wife, and our father, but in agony we remember our mother!”

Nikolay Nekrasov

“A mother’s clairvoyance is not given to anyone. Some secret invisible threads are stretched between mother and child, thanks to which every shock in his soul echoes with pain in her heart and every success is felt as a joyful event in her own life.”

Honore de Balzac

“What a mother doesn’t see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart, she can feel with her heart.”

Alexander Ostrovsky

“All women are like their mothers, and that is their tragedy, but no man is like his mother, and that is also his tragedy.”

Oscar Wilde

“The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.”

Zoya Voskresenskaya

“A child recognizes his mother by her smile.”

Lev Tolstoy

“Memories of a mother’s love are the most comforting memory for someone who feels lost and abandoned.”

Erich Fromm

“She who educates a living soul is more talented than any painter or sculptor.”

John Chrysostom

“The Milky Way of our life begins from our mother’s breast.”

Leonid Sukhorukov

About loving your mother with meaning

In the Caucasus they say that a real man can cry twice in life: the first time at birth (after all, everyone cries when they are born), and the second time when the mother dies. These beautiful quotes and aphorisms about mom with meaning will surely give us a lot to think about.

“No matter how much you love your mother, you get used to her care, you don’t think of thanking her, you forget that the mother herself needs affection and care.”

Lev Davydychev

“Mother is our closest and most dear person to the coffin board - whether it’s hers or ours - from it we receive life itself, and everything that follows - strength, love, self-confidence. Mother teaches us human rules, enlivens our minds, puts kind words into our mouths, and overshadows our memory with her unquestioning instructions about the most dear and humane things that came before us.”

Albert Likhanov

“The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life until the grave.”

Harriet Beecher Stowe

“A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.”

Pierre Beranger

“Mother’s hands are woven from tenderness - children sleep on them in a peaceful sleep.”

Victor Hugo

“Love between a man and a woman is a human feeling: it is born, lives and dies... Mother’s love is a divine feeling: it is immortal.”

Tatiana Lindberg

“The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.”

Donna Brower

“You should not start a quarrel with a woman in whom maternal feelings have awakened. She has all the morality of the world on her side.”

Erich Maria Remarque

“What is a mother? Mother is the pain of birth. Mother is worry and trouble until the end of her days. A mother is ungrateful: from the first steps she teaches and instructs, pulls back and warns, and no one likes this at five, ten, or twenty years old.”

Sergey Baruzdin

“Magdalene fought and wept,
The beloved student turned to stone,
And where Mother stood silently,
So no one dared to look.”

Anna Akhmatova

Beautiful statuses about mom

Social networks have become a part of our lives. And our modern mothers keep up with the latest trends. Quotes for classmates, VKontakte, Facebook about your mother will help you express your feelings of gratitude and love for them.

“Moms are like buttons – everything hangs on them.”

“The world would be a better place if everyone acted like mom was watching us.”

“The cut umbilical cord does not break the connection between mother and child - it continues to exist until the mother passes away.”

“You have 500 friends on the Internet, 100 at a wedding, 10 at a birthday party. And when you have problems, there is only one. And most likely it will be mom.”

“—3 years: my mom is the best!
— 7 years old: Mom, I adore you!
- 10 years: Mom, I love you!
— 15 years old: Mom, don’t yell!
- 18 years old: I want to leave this house!
- 35 years old: I want to return to my mother!
- 50 years old: I don’t want to lose you, mom!
— 70 years old: what I would give to see you again, MOM!”

“You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right.”

“Only mother carries us all our lives! 9 months in your belly, up to 3 years in your arms and all your life in your heart.”

“Mothers hold children’s hands for a short time, but their hearts forever.”

“There is only one beautiful child in the world, and every mother has one.”

“When you have a baby, you have to get used to the fact that from that day on your heart beats in the other breast.”

Anne Geddes

When we were children, my mother was the main person in our lives. We brought all our troubles and joys to her, consulted with her, shared our most intimate things. With age, other people appear in our lives: a loved one, our own family, children... And mother quietly gives way to them. Yes, this is life...

But as you grow up, don’t forget your mothers. They need us now just as we once needed them. They need to know that they are still an important part of our lives. Let's tell our mothers more often how much we love them and how much they mean to us!

“Send them telegrams more often, try to warm them up with letters. Our mothers can do everything in the world, but they don’t know how not to grow old.”

And as a spiritual gift, we will listen, of course, to the incomparable Tamaru Gverdtsiteli and her incredibly poignant song "Mom's eyes".

Eleutherococcus tincture. Application

There is no person on earth closer and dearer than mother. And it doesn’t even matter how old you are, five or fifty, you always need her support, her kind look and it’s simply important to hear her gentle voice.
"Mother!" - this is the first word that a person utters. Listen to this combination of sounds - MOTHER! How much warmth there is in it, how much it is painfully close, so close to the tears of a dear one.
But the more we grow up, the less we think we need our mother. We are whirled by whirlwinds of events, fireworks of new acquaintances and meetings, beckoned by “wonderful distances”, and sometimes we forget about her, about mother... And she waits, worries about us, hopes that we will call, tell us how we are doing and just talk. And every time she approaches the mailbox with hope in search of the treasured letter. But in all this whirlpool of life, we only occasionally send letters, very short ones.
Mom finds it painful because I have no time to be frank with her, and very lonely, because I have a hundred thousand things to do around me, and she has only one hope - that everything is fine with me.
When mom is around, it seems familiar and ordinary. But as soon as she goes on a business trip for a couple of days, everything around her collapses and becomes completely different. I immediately understand that the house lives and shines only with her. Even my beloved cat walks and looks for her, meowing pitifully. Returning home from school, I see lights burning in the windows. I know that my mother is waiting for me. How many feelings immediately overcome my soul! Both joy and excitement from waiting to meet her. And all my little troubles fall apart on their own.
Every time I enter the house, she greets me and asks me many questions, but I do not have the strength to answer them. Mother! It's only because I'm very, very tired. You have no idea how important it is to me that you are waiting for me.
I know that you always rejoice at my victories and worry even more than I do about my failures and troubles.
And if suddenly I get sick, you will hear me coughing in the middle of the night, you will carefully get out of bed and quietly, trying not to wake me, you feel my hot forehead and sigh sadly, shaking your head.
The next day you buy me my favorite cake, and only for a snack you give me numerous medications. This method of treatment probably seems right to you.
Evening... The lamp on my table is on. There are books, textbooks around me... The clock on the wall is approaching midnight. I sit immersed in complex world Sciences. And suddenly someone's hand touches my shoulder. It was my mother who brought my favorite lemon tea and was wondering how I was doing. How much you do for me! I understand this only now, when I have very little left before graduating from school, and I will leave for a city that is foreign to me.
I look through family photographs where you are laughing, standing near the birches, and suddenly I clearly understand that I love her. I love it very much. Despite everything: not even our small differences. After all, you come to make peace with me first, and you never stop being there, even during quarrels, you support me and always forgive me, no matter how bitter the insult I caused.
It turns out that you love me very, very much, no matter what I do. And for me you are the best, the most beautiful, the most beloved, only because you are my mother.
But our nature is full of mysteries. Even if the mother is just biological, the child still loves her. I had the opportunity to verify this. The editor of our children's newspaper “Shumok” received a letter with a poem dedicated to my mother. There was so much sincerity in these lines! I read this letter, and my eyes filled with tears, because the lines were dedicated to a woman who was unable to give her children warmth, love, and affection. And the child, even realizing that she doesn’t need him, loves her and dedicates a poem to her. You can’t even say anything here except that mom is mom. And every person needs it, everyone without exception.
Sometimes, when I see her sleeping, I so want to cuddle up to her so that she will wake up from sleep, stroke me on the head like a little girl, kiss me, say something special. But I feel somehow embarrassed because I’m like this, almost an adult, asking for affection. It’s just that I love my mother very much, and so much that sometimes it seems to me that her love and warmth breaks my heart.
But we confess our love to her very rarely, on March Eighth, her birthday, or in exceptional cases, but we should do this more often, just like that.
After all, from a simple “I love you” there is so much happiness in my mother’s eyes!
Sometimes I want to say: “Mom!” Forgive me for not paying attention to you. I'm sorry for all the hurtful words I said. Sorry for my terrible character. I will definitely become better! I'm sorry for all the words I didn't say and for the actions I didn't do because I didn't have the courage. Forgive me for so rarely saying: “Forgive me!”, and even less often – “I love you.”

Today is a magical day - the day when our large family gathers in one place, at one table. And it's not New Year, and not Day national unity and agreement, today is the birthday of our beloved Mother. If I begin to list all your merits and confess my warm feelings, then this speech will be endless, because every minute you become better and more precious to me - your daughter. The most important wish is health and longevity, you are still too young to get tired, and your grandchildren will easily save you from boredom and time for all sorts of stupid things like melancholy and despondency. Happy Birthday Mom!

If it were not for your science, example, care, if not for all your advice, I would not have become a happy, independent and self-confident woman. Health, longevity, success and love to you, my dear mother. Happy birthday!

Beloved mom! With all my heart I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health, always a cheerful mood, dazzling beauty and youth for long years. I love you very much and thank you for being able to create such an amazing and wonderful family like ours. thank you for Holy holiday, which you gave us with your birth, for the fact that you gathered us at this table. I kiss you, my dear, and hug you tightly!

You, mommy, are the most beautiful in the world. There is no one closer to you, because you and I are connected by an inextricable connection that will never disappear. You are my guardian angel, taking care of me day and night. So let me today sincerely congratulate you on the brightest holiday - your birthday! I want you to always smile sincerely, without hiding your overwhelming happiness. So that not a single disease touches you, and excellent health accompanies you throughout your life. Let your beauty not fade over the years, on the contrary, let it add elegance to you. I love you endlessly, because you are so wonderful. May mutual understanding in our family always warm your soul, and may your colleagues at work appreciate and respect you. Happy holiday to you, dear mother!

Mom, I can't speak like in the movies, beautiful phrases. But today is your birthday, and of course, I want to congratulate you on this wonderful day. But I will say what is on my heart. This day is wonderful not only because once upon a time, many years ago, your mom and dad gave you life. This day is also so unique in that then, on your birthday, my fate was already determined up there. The gods already knew that my mother was born, who many years later would give me to the world. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know what a mother’s love is and what this world is. It only sometimes seems that without us he would not have changed. In fact, without seeing it, we would not be able to know how beautiful it is. And you, as one of the best things in life, are an example of this. After all, few of us who have a mother think about how lucky we are. There are thousands of children in the world who do not know this. That's why mom, I'm happy that I have you. And I am grateful to you. You are the part of my world that gives me strength and wings. I don't just love you. I want you to know and always remember: “I will always be there. Even if I am far away, I will be near with my loving heart.” Love you. And I wish your life to be so wonderful that at any moment you can stop and say with confidence: “Yes, I’m happy!”

Today is my beloved mother's birthday. And on this day I will not wish her anything... but just say “Thank you.” Thank you for the life you gave me. Thank you for the joys you have given me. Thank you for the care you provided. Thank you for the happiness and love that I taught you to appreciate, give and accept. Thank you for every day in which the sun shines and your smile. Thank you for every day that you are with me. Thank you for being there. Thanks for all. And that's all you. In me, in my actions, in my words. You're the best. Happy Birthday dear.

Mommy, the brightest and dearest person in my life. No matter how women are sad that their youth fades away over the years, for me your birthday will always be the best and main holiday! All this is the very day when a person was born, without whom my existence would have been impossible. I wish you good health, because you have everything else - your children, your happiness, the beauty that lives in everyone, wealth - your family and loved ones. We will always be there to please you, support you in everything and love you. Shine on your holiday, we all sincerely congratulate you! May you have only a good mood, fragrant flowers and warm words today!

Touching birthday wishes for mom in your own words

Happy Birthday, my dear, beloved mother! I love you so much, appreciate and cherish you, I would like to give you all the treasures of the world in the palms of my hands! Wherever I am, I know my mother is always waiting for me. I can come to her and hug her, tell her about everything, and together we will rejoice and remember what childhood was like... Today is your holiday, and I want to say that you are still just as good, you are my most caring, kind, best Mother! Today I wish you the kindest, most beautiful, magical and desirable things!

Dear mommy! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you health, happiness and joy, may love always live in your heart! I love you very much, and I want you to always be in a great mood, so that in your beautiful eyes joy shone more often, and a smile played on the lips! May your soul be light and calm, and may your life have more pleasant events, interesting meetings and happy moments. And one more thing - I thank fate that I have such good mom. Thank you for everything, and God bless you with health and long life happy life! And I will try to do everything to ensure that there is more joy and warmth in her.

My beloved, beautiful, gentle and affectionate mother was always wise and strong. Anything happened in her life, but she always found the strength to smile again and, hugging me tighter, saying that everything would be fine ahead. Today we celebrate her birthday, she is happy again, and her hand lies in the hand of her beloved man... I want to wish you, my dear mother, cloudless happiness and longevity in love, always be surrounded by the attention of your loved ones and never tire of smiling!

My beloved, the best mom in the world, I congratulate you on your birthday. May your personal holiday bring you a lot of great mood. May good luck visit your home often. I wish you good health, peace, and boundless happiness. May fate be favorable to you, may bad weather fly by. All earthly blessings to you, dear, respect and a lot of joy. Live long and long, dear mother, because we always need your care, your wise advice, and it doesn’t matter how old we are...

My lovely mommy!!! My life and congratulations in prose to mothers are my everything! Thank you for being with me! You are the best part of my life. You are a saint. I wish you a happy birthday! I want to wish you great health, remain as unique and kind. I want you to live a worthy life as a prosperous person. Don’t worry about anything, because you have me - a person who is always next to you! Kiss!

Mom, since childhood, you have been my main role model. Remain forever the same charming, blooming, sweet, sympathetic and kind. You are always the most economical and feminine mother in the world. And I wish these qualities to only increase year after year. I want to pamper us with your good mood, a smile and incredibly delicious dishes.

Happy birthday to the most beloved woman in the world! Mom, I want to wish you harmony, happiness, happy everyday life and a cozy weekend! May everything work out for you, and may every day give you unforgettable moments and only good impressions!

Sincere congratulations to mom on her birthday in prose

Happy Birthday Mom! I wish that everything always works out for you - your natural optimism works wonders, and your inner strength can move mountains! I also wish you good luck, new ideas and inspiring events, a number of true friends and good mood!

My dear, my dear mother! I hasten to congratulate you on this important event! Let only the most wonderful roses bloom in your heart, let only the most singing birds chirp in your soul! May your long and happy path of life be illuminated by the brightest and most the most beautiful star! Mommy, Happy Birthday to you!!!

The happiest and brightest holiday for me is the day when my golden mother was born! And I want to express all that love, that tenderness that is in me! Mommy, I love and appreciate you infinitely! Be the happiest! Thank you so much just for existing! Happy birthday!!!

Dear mother, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. You are the most important, dearest person in the world. May your life last for a long, long time, may health and happiness come, may all grievances and troubles disappear forever.
We wish you a fabulous life, patience and luck in everything. May there never be sadness in your life, may joy always be your companion. Always be, mommy, loved and protected by God. May everything you dream about certainly come true!

Dear mommy! On your birthday, we want to wish you eternal youth and unearthly beauty, which you continue to successfully preserve, despite all life’s trials.
We have already become adults, but you have not changed a bit since those times, you still smile with that bright smile that we remember from childhood. Thank you, dear mother, for all the care, love, wisdom invested in us, and for your unique ability to maintain a home even in the most difficult times!

Dear mommy! The invention of the wheel, the discovery of radio waves, the conquest of space - all these are just trifles compared to your birthday. After all, you taught us to live and love. And what could be more important?! We wish you to be the happiest genius on earth!