Understand what is missing in life. Is there something missing in life? It's time for a change

Anemia is a decrease in the concentration and decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. The most common form is iron deficiency. Signs of anemia are vague and difficult to recognize.

Iron is an important mineral in the body, if it is not enough, then your body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells. These red blood cells carry an iron-rich protein called hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the body's tissues.

How does our body react to iron deficiency?

You can independently understand whether the level of hemoglobin is normal. There are a few key signs to look out for. Remember that the final diagnosis is carried out only by a doctor.

A few signs that may indicate anemia are:

    Fatigue. All people experience the feeling of fatigue from lack of sleep, intense physical or mental labor. With anemia, lethargy is a chronic condition that constantly accompanies a person.

    Pale vascular line of the inner eyelids. One of better ways to find out if you have anemia is to look at the mucous membranes of the eyelids. If the line is pale, then there is not enough red blood cells in the body. The face, palms of the hands and the subungual part of the fingers may also be bloodless.

    Brittle nails. Exfoliating, thin, suddenly breaking nails with anemia cannot be hidden even by an expensive manicure. They lose their luster, become flat or concave, spoon-shaped furrows appear.

    Dyspnea. If you feel shortness of breath after exercise or climbing stairs, this is a clear sign of oxygen deficiency in the lungs, provoked by anemia.

    Cardiopalmus. If you experience rapid heart rate when lying down or irregular rhythms, then your heart is in overdrive. This means that it is working to the limit to get more oxygen.

    Anxiety. Increased work of the heart can cause feelings of anxiety. If anxiety is a new sensation for you, and it is not caused by other causes, then this may be a sign of anemia.

    Numbness of limbs. In iron deficiency, the body regulates the distribution of blood to oxygenate vital organs. Usually compensation occurs due to the outflow of blood in the limbs. Anemic people feel tingling in their hands and feet. The palms and feet are cool even in extreme heat.

    "Perverted" taste. If there is an uncontrollable desire to eat chalk, paper, a handful of earth or ice, you should immediately pay attention to it. An unnatural desire to chew on something inedible is a clear symptom of iron deficiency. But pathological taste is a common occurrence during pregnancy.

    Language change. It becomes edematous, papillae smooth out and atrophy. The taste is disturbed, dry mouth and tingling in the tongue appear.

    Headache. Tension headaches and migraines are common. If you notice that you have them very often, but disappear when you do nothing to remove them, this is a reason to consult a doctor to find out the level of hemoglobin.

    Hair loss. If you notice more hair in your brush while brushing, or if your hair is thinning, you may be anemic. It could also be a vitamin deficiency or hypothyroidism, so see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.


If you have almost everything you want, it may well be that something is still for you.lacks!

You may not be completely aware of it, butdeep downyou still feel that some niche is not filled.

This simple testhelp you figure it out What do you need to find in order to feel satisfied with life. Answer 11 questions and read the result!

What is missing in a good life?

4 steps to determine what you are really missing in life

Sometimes you feel like you have everything in life: good job, home, family, friends, tolerable health, but at the same time everything is something missing. If you have experienced these feelings, you are not alone!

We offer you with four easy steps understand what you are missing and what you need to do about it.

1) Take the time to figure out what exactly is causing your dissatisfaction.

Even if it seems to you that your whole life is not at all what you really need, you can still distinguish certain things and incentives that make you unhappy.

Maybe there is something wrong in the relationship? Or do you leave work with a feeling of dissatisfaction after a hard day's work? Maybe you are not happy with your home or the city you live in? Think!

It is very important to highlight what exactly or who exactly causes you negative emotions and a feeling of dissatisfaction, because without it it is impossible to make your life better.

2) Dig deeper and try to understand what is the true cause of dissatisfaction.

For example, you realize that your work does not bring you pleasure. You've been plowing like hell for the last few weeks, but in the end you've got nothing but emptiness and dissatisfaction.

You understand that not everything in work can take you out of comfort conditions and happiness. Try to understand what exactly you do not like: the specifics of your work, your colleagues, your work schedule or your salary? And so on.

3) Determine what needs to change to make you happy with the situation

If you have analyzed and realized that you are still not satisfied with your work, and having dug deeper, determined that you are only dissatisfied with the fact that it takes away your freedom and you have no more time left for anything else, you are on the right track. : Now you know, what do you really need!

Think about what it takes to make you happy with your job: Free schedule? More flexible schedule? Lack of strict rules and work schedule? More days off and the opportunity to be late sometimes?

A normally functioning body regulates fluid intake in a simple way- a feeling of thirst. Why so much attention to water? Why not leave everything as it is, listening to the reaction of your body?

In fact, everything is not so simple. Often problems arise that many really forget to drink plain water. People drink coffee, tea, juices, smoothies, sodas, compotes, kvass, wine, beer… anything but water.

Due to the lack of water in the body, metabolic processes are disturbed, toxins are not removed, and dehydration occurs. Acute dehydration occurs due to overheating and increased sweating, due to heat combined with windy weather, due to diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, fever and sweating.

The constant lack of water in the body is not so noticeable. The human body gets used to this state. But if at the same time there are prerequisites for a large loss of fluid (hot summer days, for example), then fainting, confusion and other serious conditions that require treatment are possible.

Do you want to know if you are drinking enough water? Then check yourself for 10 signs that you are not drinking enough water.

Signs that there is not enough water in the body

Dry mouth. Dry mouth is the very first and obvious symptom that your body needs water. At this point, the body is already beginning to experience dehydration. Naturally, you should not fight dry mouth with tea, soda or sweet juices from bags. Your body is asking for water!
Dry skin. Our skin, like a mirror, reflects everything that happens to the body inside. If you suffer from excessive dryness of the skin, then most likely this is due to a lack of water in the body.
Sometimes intense thirst. It happened to you that you drink, drink, and still you can’t get drunk. Congratulations, your body has been dehydrated. This is no longer just dry mouth, this is already quite a serious dehydration of the body, during which the brain begins to send active SOS signals and simply demand water. The body dehydrates alcohol very much, so with a hangover everything is so thirsty.
Dryness in the eyes. If you experience dry eyes, even a slight itch, proteins seem to be filled with blood, then urgently go and drink water. When there is not enough water in the body, our tear ducts dry up. This can cause a lot of damage to the eyes. Especially attentive to this symptom should be taken to people who wear contact lenses.
Reducing the volume of urine and changing its color (it becomes dark). The body of each person is individual and it is sometimes difficult to determine the norm. But pay attention to the amount of water you drink if you notice changes in the nature of your urination.
Increased heart rate, palpitations. When blood in the circulatory system loses water, it becomes viscous, its volume decreases, and it circulates more slowly. As a result, the load on the heart increases, blood circulation is disturbed, human organs do not receive enough oxygen.
Feeling pain in the joints. Many people, even those who are not particularly old, experience joint pain. For some, it appears after running or jumping. Our body is thought out to the smallest detail. Our cartilage discs are 80% water, so that the joints do not fray and grind apart from each other, especially during intense exercise. Therefore, chronic lack of water begins to cause pain!
Decrease in muscle mass. Like cartilage and joints, muscles are half water. It is natural to assume that with a lack of water in the body, with its dehydration, moisture is lost - the volume of muscle mass decreases. All trainers and doctors came to the conclusion that even during training it is necessary to drink water periodically.
Chronic fatigue and drowsiness. If the body does not have enough water, it begins to look for it, without getting it from the outside, it borrows it from the inside. Including blood. Which leads to a lack of oxygen carried to all organs. One hundred, in turn, causes a feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. And now, day after day, you feel more and more tired, you don’t get enough sleep even after 8 hours of sound sleep, and coffee no longer invigorates you, you still sleep on the go.
There are problems with digestion. It is important to moisturize the oral mucosa, but this applies to the entire digestive system. Without proper hydration, the amount and density of mucus in the stomach decreases, allowing stomach acid to wreak havoc on your internal organs. This usually leads to what we call heartburn and indigestion.
The amount of water our body can hold decreases with age. As we get older, we need to consciously increase our water intake. Although the signs of premature aging are more obvious on the outside, the damage that dehydration does to the internal organs will eventually be felt for a long time to come. To reduce the risks associated with this, you need to adhere to the drinking regime throughout your life.

There is a period of time when almost every person lacks something in life and he does not realize what exactly and psychologically suffers from this unconscious dissatisfaction, experiencing sadness, sadness and sometimes falling into despair and depression. Some people constantly, you can say "always", something is missing. But if you ask these people: “What do you lack?”, then they will most likely answer: “I don’t know what I want.” And if outwardly a person “everything is fine”, then others say about such people - “Fat is furious”.

Often, some people, because of the realization that something is missing in life, but not understanding what exactly they want, and most importantly, the dissatisfaction of this hidden desire and need, sometimes a biologically (vitally) important need, especially if they are extroverts (sanguine people and choleric), they indulge either in extreme or "breaking bad" ... (introverts (melancholic and phlegmatic) - in despair, apathy and depression, accompanied by self-destructive behavior: gluttony or drunkenness, drugs, computer games, etc. addictions).

In order for a person to understand himself and understand what he lacks in life, and not to “break wood” - not to break himself and his life - you need to analyze your hidden deep needs and desires - answer yourself the question: “What do I want?”, and at the same time to the questions: “What can I do and what do I need?” ("Must" - understood as "Must").

To do this, you can use Maslow's pyramid of needs (fig. above) and Berne's scenario, transactional structural analysis of emotional and psychological starvation (dissatisfaction of biologically important needs).

If you feel that something is missing in your life, then you apparently have disharmony within your personality - this is not a pathology, but it’s worth thinking about ... and it’s better to solve this psychological problem - dissatisfaction in something leads to emotional suffering ... depression , neuroses and addictions ... inappropriate behavior and

In other words, moisture. It may not be as noticeable as hair loss or split ends. Dry hair, no matter how you style it, still looks plain, dull and hard, like stale straw.

The cause of dryness can be hereditary - the skin does not produce enough fat to moisturize the hair, and acquired - the hair is damaged and cannot retain moisture in the internal structures. In any case, it will not work to restore moisture once and for all, so shampoos for dry hair should be the basis of your care. They tend to have a creamy texture rather than a clear one.

2. Oils

Remember that moisturizing does not replace nutrition, because when the hair is destroyed, the moisture from it evaporates instantly. Vegetable oils and other products containing them help restore the hair structure.

When applied to the hair, the oil creates a protective film that helps retain moisture in the hair shaft and prevents proteins from being destroyed by heat. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely abandon the hair dryer and other thermal effects, so at least do not neglect protection.

If you know that you will blow dry your hair, use a special thermal mask. This is an innovative product that changes the usual idea of ​​​​hair care. Apply it to clean hair, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the roots. Wash off after 5-10 minutes, starting from the back of the head. Try not to wash off the mask completely, leave a little on the main length and ends. Pat dry with a towel and dry with a hairdryer.

Thermal mask with shea butter, D-panthenol, collagen, amino acids and other useful ingredients will smooth out hair cuticle scales, strengthen the structure, and create a protective layer. It eliminates static tension, so that the hair will be manageable and smooth. After applying the mask, even with the simplest styling, the hair will look like after visiting the salon. Blondes should choose a Blond thermal mask with a toning effect.

3. Keratin

More than 80% of the hair is keratin protein, the rest is moisture, lipids and nutrients, as well as pigment. We cannot completely eliminate hair damage, so it remains to work on restoration and bring in keratin from the outside.

If your hair is split and broken along its entire length, has been dyed, you should try something more than home care. A quick and effective result is obtained by the L’ANZA brand deep hair reconstruction procedure, which can be done in the Empathy Studio salon, as well as in other L’ANZA concept salons. It aims to deeply heal the hair through a cocktail of powerful active ingredients.

It contains essential keratin amino acids and a unique blend of mineral rich acids, kukui, lavender, tamanu oils, macadamia nuts, aloe leaf juice, and fumes and lemon seed extracts. The procedure will take no more than 30 minutes and with one application will return the hair to its natural state, strength, shine and elasticity. It is enough to repeat such care a couple of times a month, since the procedure has a cumulative effect.

4. Vitamin B 12 and iron

One of the first and most obvious signs of vitamin B 12 and iron deficiency is hair loss. The lack of these substances adversely affects the state of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to tissues.

If the hair is rapidly leaving your head - the main thing is not to panic. Watch your diet: the diet should be rich in protein. Take multivitamins and supplements with B12, vitamin C, copper, selenium, zinc, amino acids.

Give your hair special care. Try a Chinese hair loss treatment mask. It consists of 70% ginger root - a source of B vitamins, retinol, calcium, zinc, beneficial acids and amino acids.
The active component of ginger - gingerol - provokes heat and burning on the scalp, thereby increasing blood circulation and eliminating main reason hair loss - lack of nutrition.
Such a mask will significantly accelerate hair growth, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and stop hair loss.