Penguins on a Christmas tree made of plastic bottles. DIY penguin made from plastic bottles

Elena Werner

For we need manufacturing: two plastic bottles, tape, glue, gouache ( black-white, brushes, a stationery knife and of course desire and imagination.

There are many examples on the Internet making such a penguin, but for us he will be a “girl” in a beautiful skirt, for which you will need a satin ribbon, thread and a needle.

First we need to cut off the lower parts from plastic bottles , one smaller and the other larger.

These parts can be connected to each other using glue or tape.

Then paint with white gouache, you can use acrylic paint white.

Using a black marker, draw a “tummy” penguin.

It will remain white, and paint everything else black.

Now our imagination has turned on) Manufacturing skirts from satin ribbon. It can be easily put on like an apron and tied at the back penguin. Since this is a girl, let's attach a bow to her. We came up with the idea of ​​making the eyes from foamiran on an adhesive base; you could draw them or use ready-made eyes, which can be bought in “Everything for Creativity” stores.

After manufacturing, the thought had already occurred to me that I could make a rope and hang this wonderful penguin on the Christmas tree.

And from the upper parts bottles turned out to be a crocodile. Green, kind - crocodile.

It turned out to be blowing penguin and crocodile. So different and so cute.

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Winter is a wonderful time of year! Clear, bright sky, bright sun, fluffy soft snow... But sometimes, when the sun suddenly takes a day off, you really want something bright, cheerful and positive, don’t you? Therefore, today the topic of my photo master class is a penguin from a plastic bottle. We will make a funny, cute, clumsy and very good-natured baby. Do you agree?

More precisely, not even a baby, but a baby. Because this little penguin we have is a girl and she already has a name. Nuki.

I was inspired to create this miracle by one of the works of the wonderful needlewoman Lucy ( // It was with her that I first saw how animals are made from plastic bottles of drinks like Cola, Sprite, etc. Of course, when I saw Lucy's penguins, I couldn't remain indifferent. Born in my brain right away new idea and I hastened to bring it to life.

DIY penguin from a plastic bottle

In order to make a penguin from a plastic bottle, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • 2 plastic bottles (1 liter) of CocaCola or Sprite
  • stationery knife
  • scissors
  • glue "Moment"
  • pencil
  • felt-tip pen or marker
  • acrylic paints

Once you have everything you need at hand, we can get to work. And the first thing we will do is cut the bottles along the pre-marked lines. A CocaCola bottle is quite convenient in this regard, because by stepping back an equal distance from the central corrugated part of the bottle along the entire diameter, you can cut it fairly evenly.

I recommend marking with an ordinary felt-tip pen. It is then easier to remove, unlike a marker. To make cutting easier, I first make a cut with a stationery knife, and then take scissors and trim if necessary. So, to cut off the larger part, we will step back approximately 2 cm from the central grooved part of the bottle. And to cut the bottom part, we simply cut along the groove of the bottle.

Now we insert one half of the bottle into the other, having previously coated the edges with Moment glue and press it on top with something heavy, for example books. Let's leave it like that for a while. Since I started everything at night, I put the carcass under a stack of books and calmly went to bed, and in the morning everything was ready!

Now we need to cover our carcass with white paint. You can take acrylic paint or use white spray paint leather goods and shoes. I used my old spray. It turned out to be very convenient.

A little advice: if you don’t have either one or the other, I recommend using ordinary gouache and adding a little PVA glue to it. With this simple method, you will ensure that when the paint dries, it will not crumble or rub off, staining your fingers.

After the paint has completely dried, carefully apply with a simple pencil contours of the muzzle, tummy, eyes, beak... You may not be able to draw symmetrical lines the first time. Don't be upset! It didn’t work out for me right away either. You can, of course, console yourself with the fact that absolute symmetry does not exist in nature, but you can first draw a face on a sheet of paper, adjust the drawing relative to the middle line, folding it in half, and only then transfer it to a painted workpiece.

Don't be afraid to erase unnecessary lines with an eraser. Then, we will still cover our face with fresh white paint.

The face is ready! Lovely! Now let's outline the location of the wings. It is important to understand here that the outline will be very conditional. Only in order to further determine what shape and size the wings will be. Therefore, you should not dwell on this for long and carefully draw out the shape.

So, after we have outlined the shape and location of our future wings (or rather the wings plastic penguin), we need to cut out two corresponding blanks from the remains of the bottle. We will make notches along the upper edge on both sides so that they are better secured in the already fully prepared carcass.

Well, all the main details are ready and it’s time to get down to the most enjoyable part of our master class - the artistic one. Cover the desired areas of the carcass with black paint. Using the template of the cut out wings, we make cuts on the carcass at an angle of approximately 45-50 degrees. You may have a different angle depending on your original design.

Great! Now let's move on to the small details - color and draw the eyes, beak, muzzle and abdomen. We paint the wings in such a way that the inner white part of the wing appears to be visible from the front side.

Important: do not forget that the wings need to be painted symmetrically in relation to each other. Otherwise you will have to redo it. And this, you see, is sad.

After everything is painted and dried, an absolutely wonderful and touching little penguin should appear on the table in front of you. I'm so pleased with the result! It turns out that plastic bottles can make very cute and wonderful crafts.

But it’s too early to stop. Let's add some shadows... Unfortunately, I do not have professional skills as an artist, so, to be honest, shadows are always difficult for me. But I tried really hard and I hope it shows.

Like this. The shadows turned out very light and unobtrusive. And now the long-awaited moment has come when we need to put everything together and see what we got. We insert the wings into the previously prepared slots and straighten them. If desired, the wings can be fixed with glue for reliability.

For example, one of my wings constantly tried to fall off. So I applied glue to the protruding part of the part and glued it into the slot.

Ready! Why not a girl?! She's so cute! All that's left is to put on some warm ones and let's go outside! But there are no headphones yet. I'll have to knit.

You know, as soon as I finished work, my Katyushka asked me to hold the penguin in my hands. She really liked him (or rather, she). And not only for her, but also for me. And to my husband. He didn’t even believe it at first when I said that I made it from ordinary plastic bottles.

And by the way, you can make not only penguins from bottles, but also other crafts that can easily decorate your garden or yard. It would seem - waste material, but so useful from a decorative point of view.

But it’s time for me to say goodbye to you. I'd love to hear your comments. Perhaps some of you have decided to make such a penguin right now. Or maybe you have already made some other crafts from plastic bottles? Write and show. I will be very interested.

Share the material with your friends on social networks, add it to your pages or bookmarks, subscribe to my newsletter with new master classes, templates, patterns, announcements about competitions and other equally interesting handicraft projects and always be positive and creatively purposeful!

I wish you creative success and a great mood!


Garden crafts in the shape of penguins made from plastic bottles are probably the simplest shapes, (as) most plastic bottles have a “penguin” shape.

All you have to do is a little varnishing and touching up the crafts to get wonderful penguins that will perfectly decorate your area. Once made, penguins can be placed in a corner to make them feel more comfortable, and again on a stone or alpine slide, very small penguins will perfectly decorate the cella of any room.

More spectacular penguins will be obtained if you use larger plastic containers. It is best to use containers with a volume of 10, 12 or at least 15 liters for making penguins. If you don’t have bottles of that size, then you shouldn’t give up on the idea of ​​making this craft, because at least you can make little penguins that can be successfully placed on stands made of stones. The result is a penguin system. If you have one large bottle and several small ones, then you can kill one adult penguin and a bunch of his kids.

Materials and tools

For work we will need:

  • plastic bottles, even Coca-Cola bottles;
  • glue gun;
  • acrylic paints white, black and red;
  • lapel, also acrylic;
  • primer;
  • black marker;
  • strips of fabric.

How to make a penguin from a plastic bottle?

It is necessary to cut off the neck of the plastic bottle so that the narrowing residue remains intact. Now the penguin's body is almost ready.

To make a penguin head, you need to take a bottle of the same size. A bottle of 1, 1.5 al2 liters is suitable for this. You need to cut it into two parts so that the upper part has a small margin, for a tighter connection of the parts.

Penguins will not have any problems with their paws, since all plastic bottles have a wavy bottom.

Sometimes all the parts for the craft will be ready, all that remains is to fasten them together. A glue gun is ideal for these purposes, but we need to do this very carefully so as not to melt the plastic blanks. If you don’t have such glue at hand, you can connect them as follows: you need to make holes with a hot nail in the places where you need it, and stretch the wire through them. Unfortunately, this option will be illiterate and very beautiful.

We give the penguin a natural look, for which we need to paint it. Whoever needs this will need paint in three colors - red (for the paws and beak), white and black. For painting a penguin, acrylic paint is best, as it will hold up well on the penguin both under the scorching sun and in the pouring rain. In order for the paint to apply well and evenly, the surface must be primed.

To beautifully draw a penguin breast, we will make a blank from paper, which we attach to the blank and outline with a marker.

We paint over the scotoma that we drew with a marker with white paint.

The body and legs need to be painted black.

You and I will paint the hat red. Although here you can use any other, for example egg, blue, green, etc.

You can decorate the hat in any way, for example, simply by placing dots in a different color.

To please someone's beak, you need to pick up something sharp. One of the most simple options fully sharpened wooden peg. Or you can simply paint it with paint. We also draw eyes.

(as soon as the paint dries, the craft needs to be opened with several layers of varnish.

But that’s not all. For a hat, it’s tedious to make a pom-pom. You will need an exceptionally thick knitting thread. See the photo for how to do this.

And the swan song of the decorative element is the scarf. We take any strip of fabric and wrap it wherever the penguin’s eyes look.

To give the scarf more naturalness, we make serifs at the end.

Let's say how penguins from plastic bottles turn out to be very light, they need to be somehow fixed in place. They can be nailed or tied, or they can be simply weighted. To do this, you can pour sand or small pebbles inside the bottle.

Next we will tell you how to make a penguin from a plastic bottle quickly and easily. Such interesting craft will definitely become a real “highlight” of your garden and will take pride of place in the flower garden or next to an artificial pond.

Master class: funny penguin from a plastic bottle

In order to make an original garden penguin figurine, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • 2 liter plastic bottle;
  • acrylic paints (black, white, yellow);
  • toy eyes;
  • black cardboard;
  • glue.

So, let's look at how to make a penguin from a plastic bottle. Let's take a transparent container, wash it and remove paper labels from it. Now let's pour black paint into it and close the bottle with a lid. Lightly shake the plastic container so that the paint gets onto all the walls of the container. After this, open the bottle and leave it alone for a while.

Charming crafts from plastic bottles: DIY penguins

While our workpiece is drying, let's work on the penguin wings. Cut out two pieces from thick black cardboard oval shape. These will be the wings. Now let's take white acrylic paint and draw a bird's belly on the outside of the bottle. We will decorate the beak and paws with yellow paint. Glue the prepared wings. That's all, the penguin is almost ready. All that remains is to attach toy eyes to the bird’s face. If you wish, you can decorate the craft with sparkles, beads or fabric. Now you know how to make a penguin from a plastic bottle. In fact, it's not difficult at all. Even a child can make such a craft, of course, under the supervision of an adult.

We create a beautiful black and white bird from scrap materials

If you want to enliven and diversify the interior of your home, pay attention to this simple master class on making a penguin from a plastic container. The product is attractive, bright and very colorful. To complete this craft you will need two identical bottles, glue, strips of fabric, a marker, leftover yarn different colors. First, thoroughly wash and remove stickers from plastic containers. Then cut the bottles as shown in the picture.

Insert the resulting parts into each other and glue them together. Then take white acrylic paint and cover the entire piece with it. After the product has dried, use a black marker to draw an outline that will define the boundaries of the penguin's tummy. Now cover the workpiece with black paint, leaving only the part inside the outline and the top unpainted. Use orange paint to paint a triangular nose and hat. Then paint the top of the craft. Make a pom-pom from yarn and attach it to the center of the penguin's hat. Cut a scarf from a piece of fabric and tie it around the neck of your cute bird.

Such a charming penguin, constantly drawing attention to itself, will become a bright detail in the interior of your home.

Charming "penguin". We design a summer cottage plot with our own hands

We present to your attention another simple technology for making crafts “penguins from plastic bottles”. To create it, you should prepare the following consumables:

We'll tell you how to make a penguin from a plastic bottle below. First, paint the container with black acrylic paint on one side - this will be the back of the penguin. Then let's take cotton balls and put them in a bottle. Fluffy pieces of cotton wool will be clearly visible through the transparent plastic. They will make the bird's abdomen look very realistic. Then we will make the penguin wings - we will cut out oval blanks from black cardboard and glue them to the sides of the bottle. Let's decorate the face - attach toy eyes to the lid of the container, and make a nose from an orange piece of fabric. We will make a “tuft” from black feathers. That's all - a funny and cute craft made from a plastic bottle is ready. Show your imagination and decorate your penguin the way you want. You can glue sparkles, beads, buttons, tie a bow or scarf, and also make a funny hat from an ordinary old sock.

Making a large penguin from a 10-liter plastic eggplant: necessary tools and materials

If you want to decorate your garden, do beautiful crafts from large plastic bottles. Penguins from large containers turn out to be very interesting. Such products will decorate a stone wall and will fit perfectly into any landscape. So, let's look at how to make a penguin from plastic bottles. To make one large bird, you will need two plastic containers, one with a capacity of 10 liters, and the second with a capacity of 1.5 liters. You also need to prepare a sharp knife, acrylic paints (black, white and red), sand to weigh down the bottle and a wooden peg for the beak.

Funny garden figure made of plastic

So, how to make a penguin from a 10 liter plastic bottle: take the prepared container and cut off the neck, but so that the narrowing part remains. Pour some sand into the container (to make it heavier). To make the head, use a one and a half liter bottle. Cut it in half and insert the necked part into the “body” of the bird. Now fasten the parts: make holes in the plastic with an awl or nail heated over the fire and thread the wire through them. Make the beak from a pre-sharpened wooden peg. Insert it into the neck of the smaller bottle. After making the frame, you can start painting the penguin. Use black paint to paint the back and wings. Make the paws red and decorate the beak. Use white acrylic paint to paint the abdomen. After completing the work, let the product dry. That's all, the adorable penguin is ready.

You can look for a place for him in the garden. You can make babies from smaller bottles - as a result you will get a family of cheerful and elegant penguins. Good luck with your creative experiments!