Visual activities in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Fgos t with Komarova visual activities in kindergarten senior group

Abilities in visual arts(1st junior kindergarten group). ... Diagnostics is carried out according to the method of T.S. Komarova. Drawing class in senior group kindergarten "Decorative drawing based on Dymkovo painting." Summary of a math lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Counting to 8” ... Guys, today, when I came to kindergarten, I saw this letter on the table. .... Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. 2. ... FEMP with elements of visual activity in middle group... Author: senior teacher I. V. Davydova, MBDOU "TsRR kindergarten No. 63", city ... Subsequent sheets of the plan (for their age group) ... Directly organized educational activities(see list... indicate activities - i.e. long-term planning of topics for games, leisure activities, etc. Long-term plan on working with parents in the middle group of kindergarten. ... for children and parents activity - making preschool portfolio! ... Announcement, articles: “The role of family and kindergarten in the formation... etc. Goal: To attract parents to moral education children, ... Materials on long-term planning V kindergarten. ... The plans must certainly provide for a variety of activities for children, ... education in kindergarten” for each age group of the kindergarten. ... the work of the fine arts circle in the senior group... Summary of the lesson in visual arts in younger group kindergarten, lesson topic " Ladybug" Lesson author: Davydova... etc. Individual work: Conversations: “Clothing for children in the group and on the street! ... Involve parents in joint visual activities at home, ... Tips, recommendations, playing games with parents in kindergarten, ..... plan for working with parents in the senior group of kindergarten (for the fall) ... Komarova T , S, Federal State Educational Standard Visual activities in kindergarten, ... PR Physical culture in kindergarten, System of work in the senior group... PERSPECTIVE PLAN FOR DRAWING SENIOR GROUP Victory Day. Holiday dates. Federal State Educational Standard. Nishcheva N.V... Victory Day. Holiday dates. Federal State Educational Standard. Nishcheva... Notes for classes in art. This section is devoted to the visual activities of preschoolers. Notes of plans in kindergarten Author: Svetlana Sergeevna Zakharova 01/06/2014 06:18 BBK 74.100 UDC 373.2 isbn 978 5 4315 0504-1 © N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva et al., 2014 © “MOSAIC Author: Savchuk Larisa Konstantinovna, teacher of the Izluchinsky DSKV “Fairy Tale”, urban... Notes of classes in kindergarten Welcome to the site “Educator”! To everyone who... Published in sections: Application. Ideas for children's creativity; ISO. Fine... A. Bus. Lesson notes, games, manuals; Aggression in children; Adaptation of children... Month: i week: ii week: iii week: iv week: September “Kindergarten” Introduce kindergarten...
FGOS T with Komarova visual activities in kindergarten senior group

Victoria Guseva

The future of our country is today's preschoolers and tomorrow's schoolchildren. Educators and psychologists have long established that to make it easier for our children to study at school, it is necessary to preschool age special attention pay attention to the development of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking.

Ten years ago I started working on this issue in dense: I studied the literature, diagnosed my children with senior speech therapy group, compiled long-term plan work for each child for two years, and began to develop mental processes in my children through educational games. But in the process of everyday work as a speech therapy teacher groups I noticed, that in addition to games, children's most favorite occupation is fine art activity - drawing , application. The creation process itself images children are approaching play - otherwise they simply enjoy their actions with visual materials, and gradually the baby is able to create images that reflect his attitude to the surrounding reality. Every child with rapture depicts everything what he sees, hears, feels, imagines. But the most important thing is that a child can create all his work only with the constant use of all mental processes: memory, attention, thinking. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky spoke: "A child's mind is at his fingertips".

From early childhood I also liked to draw, invent various crafts from all kinds of materials, invent, something interesting, and I know what kind of emotional, creative satisfaction a person receives in the process of work, seeing the result of his work. Then it came to me solution: develop mental processes in my children through speech therapy groups in a pleasant and interesting way for both them and me - through visual activities. Since children with disabilities speech development with normal intelligence there is often a decrease in cognitive ability activities and included in its structure processes: less volume of memorization and reproduction of material, instability of attention, rapid distractibility, exhaustion of mental processes, decreased level of generalization of comprehension activities. And so that the development of all intellectual qualities through visual activities was the most effective, interesting, I decided use unconventional techniques, techniques and methods. Which allow you to simultaneously transform children’s work from frozen templates into artistic images, and at the same time achieve high results and good indicators of the dynamics of development of the child’s intellectual qualities. I would like to note that non-traditional techniques and methods create a unique microclimate for the development of the creative aspects of the intellect. At the same time, such intellectual qualities as the ability to find dependencies and patterns, classify and systematize material, the ability to combine, that is, the ability to create new combinations from existing elements, parts, objects, the ability to find errors and shortcomings, spatial representation and imagination, the ability to foresee, also develop. the result of your actions.

Taken together, these qualities constitute what is called intelligence, ingenuity, creative way of thinking.

The development of creativity is one of "bridges", leading to the development of mental processes and artistic abilities.

Therefore, I have devoted the last 5 years of my work to the most in-depth art classes, or rather - non-traditional techniques. To do this, I studied the literature of different authors, noted that many use technology in their activities« Non-traditional techniques» R. G. Kazakova, A. A. Gribovskaya, I. A. Lykova. And I realized that working with non-traditional techniques allows you to develop a creative approach to transforming the world around you, activity and independent thinking, fosters inquisitiveness, ingenuity, initiative, imagination, memory, fantasy - that is, all the mental processes and qualities that a person needs.

To achieve this goal, I determined tasks:

1. Develop children’s ideas about unconventional techniques ah visual activity, creative activity, desire to create.

2. Build knowledge, skills, and abilities in visual arts.

3. Encourage children to work individually and create collective compositions.

4. To promote in children the feeling that the product is his activities interesting to others and to himself.

5. Develop the ability to enjoy the variety and grace of forms, colors, smells and sounds.

Having set goals, objectives, studied methods, techniques, teaching techniques, selected the appropriate material, designed the artistic corner with different educational games, objects and materials for drawing (templates, felt-tip pens, tubes, sanguine, gouache, signets, bowls, foam rubber, crayons, natural and waste materials and much more).

I also thought about working with parents: prepared consultations for parent's corner, parent meeting on topic: “Development of mental processes in children with special needs through non-traditional visual techniques", together with the parents, all natural and waste materials were collected, and exhibitions of children's works were organized.

I realized that everything leads to the need to carry out classes in visual arts using non-traditional techniques. This problem is relevant, and it is confirmed by the fact that work on the use of non-traditional techniques in visual arts in modern conditions of the pedagogical process, it is mainly taken outside the scope classes and is practiced in the form of joint, individual children's activities, which does not contribute to the formation and development of mental processes in children, and creativity at the proper level.

I carried out a comparative diagnosis at the beginning of the year and the results were depressing, both in terms of the development of mental processes and in the development of creative skills.

Then I developed long-term lesson plan for the senior group.

And throughout the entire year of my work I tried, to classes brought only positive emotions and children in a creative and exciting process developed memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills hands, and also got acquainted with a variety of methods and techniques non-traditional techniques in visual arts.

Long-term lesson plan

By visual activities using non-traditional techniques in the senior group.

Circle your palm

Material: gouache paints, trays, felt-tip pens, crayons, pencils.

Program content: Practice diluting paint in a bath yourself (gouache) with water; learn to think through the plot in advance (determine what a palm or fist looks like). Practice gently dipping your hands in the bath and transferring the paint to the paper in the intended position. Develop imagination and thinking - complete the missing details and elements on the dried work.


Material: paint, brushes, paper.

Program content: Learn to pick up as much paint as possible with a brush, apply several bright spots on one half of the sheet. Practice quickly folding a sheet in half (along the fold) and smooth it with your palm. Develop spatial thinking and imagination - complete the missing details and elements on dried work.

Drawing with soap bubbles

Material: tubes, paints (gouache, sheets of paper, pictures, dishwashing liquid.

Program content: Practice gentle typing (as if inhaling) paint and just as carefully blow it onto a sheet of paper, completing the rest of the details with your finger, brush, felt-tip pen, or gluing the corresponding picture. Develop memory and imagination.

Application from dried plants "September"

Material: colored cardboard, PVA glue, transparent film, brush, stand, napkins, dry dried plants.

Program content: Learn technologies creating floral pictures on colored cardboard, developing ideas about axial and circular symmetry. Develop imagination, thinking, attention. Learn to work with fragile materials carefully and carefully.

Paper poking "Butterflies"

Material: silhouette of butterflies on colored cardboard, glue, squares of different colors (2*2 cm., pencils.

Program content: Introduce poking technique, consolidate the idea of ​​symmetry as a means of expressiveness of the image. Learn to take a square, apply it to the blunt end of a pencil, bend the corners of the square and at the same time twist them around the pencil, fill inner part silhouette element with pokes. Practice choosing matching colors. Develop memory, thinking, accuracy.

Water spots

Material: paper, gouache paint, brushes, cloth, sponge, pencils, felt-tip pens,

Program content: Learn to tint a sheet of paper with gouache paint,

Apply a few drops of water to the sheet and blot with a cloth or sponge. Practice using pencils and felt-tip pens to mark the remaining trace. Develop memory and creative imagination.

Splash, monotype

Material: pale blue tinted paper, gouache, hard and soft brushes, tube.

Program content: Improve skills to work in various techniques. Learn depict changes in the drawing are most expressive. Develop a sense of composition, thinking, attention, imagination.

Create a black and variegated background

Material: wax crayons, ink, gouache, drawing paper.

Program content: Learn to paint a sheet of paper with colored crayons, black ink and gouache mixed in equal quantities, cover the entire surface of the sheet, without waiting for the paint layer to dry, you need to scratch it with cardboard teeth or a comb.

We print with a cone, poppy, spikelet

Material: Poppy heads, spikelets, cones.

Program content: Learn to independently choose material for work, come up with a plot, and fantasize. Practice picking up thick paint on a brush and spreading it natural materials, carefully turning over and pressing until a bright print is obtained. Develop the ability to work with a variety of natural materials, attention, thinking, and sense of composition.

Material: cardboard or thick paper white, candle, wide brush, black mascara, liquid soap (1 drop per 1 tablespoon of mascara) or tooth powder, mascara bowls, a stick with sharpened ends.

Program content: Continue learning to rub a leaf with a candle, practice applying mascara with liquid soap. After drying, carefully and thoughtfully scratch the drawing, develop imagination, thinking, and attention.

Three-dimensional applique "Fruit on a plate"

Material: Colored paper, PVA glue, scissors, pencil, brushes, coasters, napkins, whatman paper.

Program content: Practice folding the accordion so that the folds match, apply glue to the non-colored side, and press firmly. Learn on your own, draw the outline of a fruit with a simple pencil, carefully cut and peck, create a beautiful composition of fruit on a plate. Develop a sense of composition, thinking, attention.


Material: Sheets of paper (20*20, plastic spoon, gouache or felt-tip pens, pencil, various objects (rings, plates, spoons, wax crayons.

Program content: Introduce unconventional artistic technique- blotography. Strengthen skills to work in technology« old form - new content". Develop imagination, thinking, memory.

Imprint with crumpled paper "Hedgehog"

Material: saucer or plastic box with thin foam impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper.

Program content: Introduce a new type of drawing. Learn to crumple paper, press it against an ink pad or foam rubber soaked in paint, and carefully apply an imprint to the paper. Develop imagination, draw small details with a brush, felt-tip pen, memory.

Paper tearing "Spider"

Material: Napkins or colored double sided paper, PVA glue, brush, thick paper or colored cardboard, coasters.

Program content: Learn to tear small pieces and long strips from a sheet of paper; consolidate ideas about the properties of paper, dividing it into two large parts (torso) and small (head). Develop imagination - draw webs and thinking with a felt-tip pen.

Foam crafts "Crocodile"

Material: Foam rubber, thread, scissors, adhesive paper.

Program content: Learn from two foam tapes (long and short) make a body by tying them together with threads. Practice making small cuts on foam rubber with scissors (fingers, gluing small parts from adhesive paper.

Foam rubber stencil printing "My favorite time of year"

Material: Blue and dark gray paper, charcoal, white and green gouache, paint bowls, foam swabs, hard brushes, napkins.

Program content: Learn to work out the weather conditions in drawings (clear, snowstorm, cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature and its depiction in various visual techniques; develop a sense of composition and color.

Embossing "Animals of Africa"

Material: Thin paper, colored pencils, objects with a grooved surface, a simple pencil.

Software: Introduce a new type of drawing. Learn to place an object with a relief surface under a thin sheet of paper and color it with pencils. Develop thinking, memory, imagination. Cultivate a love for animals.

Volumetric postcard

Material: Cardboard, glue, scissors, candy box.

Software: Learn use waste material in work, develop imagination and patience. Exercise in use colored candy lids - cutting out a rectangle maximum size, folding it in half; Glue a stand inside the folded sheet in the middle, and glue a vase of flowers to its front part.

Drawing in various techniques

Material: Wax crayons, watercolors, stencil printing, green gouache, foam pads, brushes No. 9 No. 2, sketches with image of flowers, white and pale green paper.

Software: Learn to select image technique composition yourself. Practice drawing with wax crayons, printing with foam rubber swabs, and using a stencil. Develop thinking, attention, creative imagination.

Leaf prints "Autumn carpet"

Material: leaves of different trees, paints (gouache, sheets of paper, brushes.

Program content: Practice applying paint to leaves, applying them to the paper with the painted side to make an imprint. Teaches how to place a drawing on paper symmetrically, and carefully paint petioles and twigs with a brush. Develop imagination, sense of color, thinking, memory.

Spray "Starry Sky"

Material: old toothbrushes(or brush, cardboard, comb, paints (gouache).

Program content: Practice drawing stars and the moon with paints. Learn to pick up paint with a brush and spray it onto cardboard using a comb. Develop the ability to work carefully, attention, fine motor skills.

Three-dimensional accordion applique "Matryoshka"

Material: Bright colored paper, glue, scissors, stand, brush, napkin.

Software: Learn to fold a narrow “accordion” (1 cm wide). Wrap the accordion with a thread or a thin piercing just above the middle, about 1 cm. Practice etching the accordion and gluing the upper edges to the lower ones, make a scarf from 1/4 of the circle, and glue it on your head. Develop a sense of color, thinking, attention.

Making masks for the New Year

Material: cardboard, PVA glue, scissors, tinsel, beads, foil, lace, colored paper, elastic band, stapler, tape.

Software: Learn to determine the parameters of a mask using a newspaper, based on the shape of the face, draw an oval on cardboard according to the parameters of the newspaper blank. Practice coloring and detailing a mask with appliqué. Develop memory and thinking.

Cutting snowflakes

Material: Foil, colored paper, white, scissors, PVA glue.

Software: Continue learning to fold a square into 3 parts. Learn to use scissors to round corners, make cuts, teeth, semicircles; leave as little space as possible on the triangle without touching the vertex. Practice carefully coloring a snowflake and gluing it onto a darker background. Develop mental processes: thinking, attention.

Impression with foam rubber, polystyrene foam "Let's decorate the dress"

Material: plastic box with a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber, impregnated with gouache, thick paper, pieces of foam rubber.

Software: learn to press foam rubber, polystyrene foam onto a stamp pad with paint and apply an imprint on paper. To change the color, take another bowl and foam rubber, polystyrene foam. Develop a sense of color and memory.

"Snowman" made of polyurethane foam

Material: Gray paper, red, blue self-adhesive, 2 pieces of polyurethane foam 10 * 10cm, glue, scissors, 4 beads, black marker; blue background with snowflakes.

Program content: Learn to cut out parts from polyurethane foam, self-adhesive and cardboard along the contour. Practice carefully gluing all the blanks onto the prepared background in the center, decorate with hand beads, if desired, add independently invented details (snowflakes). Develop creative imagination, memory, thinking.

Jewelry made of beads and silk ribbons

Material: orange silk ribbon, green beads, orange beads, clasp, threads, plastic circle.

Program content: Learn to carefully work with a needle, string a silk ribbon along the edge, gather it into the shape of a flower and attach it to the middle circle. Practice placing beads on a string and connecting them to a flower in the form of a pendant. Develop attention, thinking, imagination.

Mixed materials applique "Cheerful Friends"

Material: plastic rings, threads, braid, scissors, needle, cardboard covered with fabric, glue.

Program content: Learn to fasten rings with a needle and thread; Practice sewing on buttons, attaching yarn to shape different hairstyles using glue. Develop imagination, memory, and the ability to independently come up with details.

Drawings of cereals and grains "Flowers"

Material: tinted cardboard, PVA glue, cereals and grains, paints, brushes, plasticine, stacks.

Program content: Learn use cereals and grains like a mosaic, create a variety of compositions. Practice applying glue to a pencil drawing and laying out grains of an outline or a complete outline. Develop the ability to attach grains to plasticine using a stack.

Monotype landscape

Material: Paper, brushes, gouache or watercolor, damp sponge.

Program content: Strengthen the ability to fold a sheet in half. Learn on one half of the sheet, draw a landscape, so that the paints do not have time to dry. If the paints have dried, wipe the other half with a damp sponge. Practice reviving the print with paints so that it is more different from the print. Develop thinking, attention, sense of color.

Yarn applique "Chick"

Material: Yarn, scissors, glue, brush, pencil, hairspray, colored cardboard.

Program content: Learn to think through the work, draw a sketch on the fabric with a simple pencil. Practice cutting yarn 5-7 mm long, rubbing it until a uniform mass is obtained (cotton wool-like, carefully applying glue to cardboard, applying it in a thin layer so that it covers the drawn outline. Teaches you to gently press with your hand. Develop attention and accuracy.

Draw with your fingers "Forest Landscape"

Material: A sheet of paper, paint, brushes, coasters, napkins, a simple pencil.

Program content: continue to learn how to paint with your fingers, select paints yourself, apply paints with your fingers to a pre-prepared sketch made with a simple pencil, create a whole plot. Develop a sense of composition, color perception, thinking, memory.

Familiar shape "Princess of Scissors"

Material: A simple pencil, paper, various objects that can be traced (scissors, glass,...)

Program content: Continue learning to trace the selected object with a pencil. Develop imagination, fantasy, thinking, transform an object into something else by drawing and painting with any suitable materials.

Drawing on the test "Volume paintings"

Material: kneaded dough, stacks, knife, plastic caps from mayonnaise boxes, watercolor, felt-tip pen, hairpin, toothpick.

Program content: Learn new image technique: cut cardboard to fit the frame, sketch, create individual elements from the dough, dry them in the oven. Practice attaching dried parts with glue to the back of the picture; use paints to fill in the missing elements and cover the work with varnish or PVA solution. Develop thinking and imagination.

Application of seeds and orange peel "Bouquet"

Material: maple seeds, dates, orange peel, millet, semolina, dried flowers, leaves, plasticine, PVA glue.

Program content: Learn to independently select material for work: seeds, peel, leaves, flowers. Practice symmetrically arranging the design on a sheet of paper, carefully gluing it, attaching it with plasticine, using a napkin. Develop imagination, attention, accuracy.

Drawing with sawdust "Bullfinches on a branch"

Material: tinted cardboard, PVA glue, sawdust, paint, gauze, newsprint, brushes, napkins, coasters.

Program content: Introduce a new material for drawing - sawdust. Teach them to prepare for work - color: dip a gauze bag with sawdust into a solution of paints or ink, hold them in the solution for a while, and place them on newsprint to dry. Practice drawing with a pencil and partially applying glue (for one color) and filling with sawdust, carefully shaking off excess sawdust and finishing drawing small details after drying. Develop thinking, attention, sense of color.

Impression with corks, seals "Dishes"

Material: paints (gouache, brushes, printing bowls, eraser and cork seals, stencils, foam swabs, sketches of dishes, various items.

Program content: To teach an aesthetic attitude towards everyday objects and their artistic still life images. Practice combining different technician. Develop attention, fine motor skills, a sense of composition, color, and imaginative ideas about objects.

Napkin applique "Peonies"

Material: Tinted cardboard, PVA glue, multi-colored napkins cut into 2/2 cm squares.

Program content: Learn to take each square from a napkin by its 4 ends and lower the convex opposite part 0.5 cm into the glue and fill in the pre-drawn outline of a flower - a peony, pressing the napkin to the cardboard. Practice drawing a contour images planned composition. In close gluing of napkins to each other. Develop thinking, creative imagination, fine motor skills.

Volumetric cone toys "Parrot"

Material: Sheets of medium-weight paper, glue, self-adhesive, colored paper.

Program content: Learn to create fun and imaginative toys with a cone body, cut a circle out of a square and roll it into a cone. Practice adding and decorating with different parts made from self-adhesive paper. Develop a sense of color, memory, fine motor skills.

Material: cardboard, a bottle of PVA glue with a spout, gouache or watercolor paints, brushes, coasters, napkins, cups of water, a simple pencil.

Program content: Introduce new image technique - stained glass. Practice drawing a symmetrical pattern on cardboard with a simple pencil and tracing it with PVA glue from a bottle with a spout, after the glue has dried, carefully painting all the resulting figures in different colors, so that the paint does not get on the glue. Develop aesthetic feelings, attention, intelligence and creative activity.

Drawing with stripes

Material: Strips of thick paper (5cm long, 1.5cm wide, gouache.

Program content: Learn to dip the edge of a strip in paint and change its movement, draw various pictures, perform image folded and glued edges of the strip. Practice imprinting several curved lines converging in the middle. Develop thinking and attention.

Drawings of cereals and grains "Giraffe"

Material: tinted cardboard, PVA glue, cereals and grains

Program content: Learn use cereals and grains like a mosaic, create a variety of compositions. Practice applying glue to a pencil drawing and laying out grains of an outline or a complete outline. Develop the ability to attach grains carefully, shake off excess into a plate, attention, thinking, imagination.

Decorative plates

Material: White round cardboard plates, colored paper, foil, colored laces, braid, colored buttons, scissors, hole punch, glue,

Program content: Introduce a new material for work - cardboard plates. Learn to come up with a plot yourself, make holes with a hole punch and stretch the braid, glue buttons. Develop a sense of composition, thinking, attention, memory.

We work with candy wrappers "Fish"

Material: Wrappers, PVA glue, paints, background.

Software: Learn to work with a new material for appliqué - candy wrappers. Introduce the properties of this paper. Develop imagination and thinking. Exercise in use reception of color contrast. Activate the ability to independently choose a topic for work. Using stencils(doll, fish, butterflies, firebird).

Drawing with soap foam

Material: Plexiglas, watercolor paints, foam sponge, soap, pencil, brush, plates.

Software: Introduce a new type of drawing. Learn how to soap a foam sponge and squeeze the foam out of it into a plate, placing the selected contour under the plexiglass (drawing). Take the foam with a brush and apply watercolor paint of the desired color. Stir until the foam turns the desired color, paint with colored foam on the glass. Gently moisten blank slate Place the paper with water and the wet side on the plexiglass, press it and carefully, so as not to smudge, remove the sheet. Practice finishing the drawing of small details.

"Kitty". Poking with a hard, semi-dry brush

Material: Hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, cut out silhouette, outline or template. .

Software: Teach children to dip the brush into the gouache and then hit the paper with it, holding it vertically, without lowering the brush into the water, to fill the entire sheet, outline or template. Practice finishing the details with a thin brush. Develop thinking, imagination, attention.

Painting cardboard plates. "Scarlet Flower"

Material: Cardboard plates; watercolor and gouache paints, brushes, thin, medium, thick; supply, cotton wool, foam rubber.

Software: Learn to independently think about the content of your work (in case of difficulties, work according to the model). Practice creating a background; create a drawing of your own design using several different brushes, foam rubber, cotton wool. Develop imagination, thinking, memory, skills use the ribbed part of the plate, like a frame.

Magic napkins "Sun"

Material: Yellow and orange napkins, PVA glue

Program content: Learn to cut napkins into square and rectangular shapes, gather the corners with your fingers and dip the middle of the square a little in glue and glue it to the outline, roll up a rectangle with a tube and glue it in the shape of rays to a circle filled with yellow napkins. Practice careful gluing. Develop fine motor skills, attention, thinking.

Drawing with semolina "Squirrel"

Material: semolina, paints, water, brushes, sketch drawing

Program content: Introduce a new material for work - semolina, teach using a brush with PVA glue to paint over the entire contour of a pre-drawn squirrel. Practice carefully pouring the glue with semolina, and carefully shaking off the excess material into the tray, after drying, paint with paints (do not rub the semolina with a brush, but saturate the semolina with paint). Practice drawing in missing elements.

Volume applique "Flowers"

Material: Colored paper, PVA glue, brushes, coasters, napkins

Program content: Continue learning to cut circles out of a square, fold circles in half, round corners. Practice gluing the blanks together and lifting the petals with scissors. Develop a sense of color and memory.

Balloon painting

Material: Puffy blonde balloons, gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, napkins, cups

Program content: Learn to independently think about the content of the work. Practice drawing on an unfamiliar material - rubber. Develop thinking, attention, imagination, sense of color.

Drawing with plasticine "Bouquet in a vase"

Material: plasticine in 12 colors, cardboard of different colors covered with tape, a simple pencil.

Program content: Learn to draw on plasticine, make a pencil sketch. Using your thumb or a stick, rub a tiny lump of plasticine along the contour of the design until transparent. Develop color perception, thinking, imagination.

Transformations of a plastic bottle

Material: bottles different forms and sizes, brushes of different sizes, paints (gouache, liquid soap, glue, corrugated paper, foil, feathers, plasticine.

Program content: introduce new material for work -plastic bottles, their properties. Learn how to tint bottles, as well as choose your own material for work. Practice creating an interesting image. Develop imagination, thinking, fine motor skills.

Patterns of dots and vegetable stamps

Material: Tinted sheet of paper, sticks with cotton swabs, paints, brushes, gouache.

Program content: Learn to draw small elements round shape Using cotton swabs, place the pattern symmetrically in rhythmic alternation. Practice making short-lived vegetable stamps. Develop fine motor skills and a sense of composition.

Adhesive pattern on fabric

Material: A piece of white cloth, watercolor paints, PVA glue, newspaper, pins, pencils, brush, swab

Program content: Learn to put fabric on a newspaper laid out in several layers, secure it along the edges with pins, apply the desired design with a pencil, draw lines with PVA glue. Practice painting areas not outlined with an adhesive outline with watercolors. Develop thinking, imagination, attention.

"Hedgehog" made from salt dough

Material: salt dough, stack, brushes, paint, scissors.

Program content: Continue learning to work with salt dough, use techniques at work: rolling, flattening, Teach a new technique - cutting needles on the hedgehog’s back with scissors before the dough dries. After complete drying, choose the color of the paints yourself and carefully paint. Develop imagination, attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Combing paint "Camel in the Desert"

Material: album sheet A4, set of gouache paints, brush No. 1, No. 4, cups, stacks with teeth (plastic fork, napkin, set of pictures with image animals and plants of the desert.

Program content: Introduce a new type of drawing - combing paint. Learn with wet paint, use a toothed comb, as if combing the paint, smoothly and continuously moving your hand from left to right (for drawing the sky, use a comb or a wave-like up and down motion (for drawing dunes). Develop memory, thinking, interest in nature.

Drawing with strokes "Friendly family"

Material: landscape sheet, simple pencil TM, colored pencils, illustrations with image of hedgehogs.

Program content: Learn depict qualitative characteristics of drawn objects - "prickliness", convey the texture of spruce branches. Practice applying long and short strokes in the same and different directions, without gaps. Show expressive capabilities a simple pencil. Develop thinking, attention, fine motor skills.

Drawing in various artistic techniques"I'm in the underwater world"

Material: wax crayons, a sheet of A3 blue paper, a brush, paints, a tube, materials for tracing the palm, for blotography, for scratch paper.

Program content: Exercise in independent selection of content, materials and technician to work. Continue to teach how to work carefully, be able to tell what techniques the child used. Develop a sense of composition, thinking, memory, imagination.

Mosaic made of cotton balls "Lamb".

Material: cotton wool, glue, napkins, a sheet of paper with image of a sheep.

Program content: Introduce a new type of application - cotton balls. Learn to tear off small pieces of cotton wool and roll them into balls and carefully stick them on the outline of the sheep. Develop fine motor skills, attention, and observation skills.

Application "Pock" (on a cardboard plate).

Material: cardboard plates, cut napkins, glue, wax crayons, scissors.

Program content: Learn to roll balls from napkin squares, practice carefully gluing rowan berries in the shape of a bunch, cutting out symmetrical leaves from a rectangle. Develop accuracy, attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Crumpled paper craft "Mouse".

Material: 2 sheets of white paper, scissors, pink 2 by 2 squares, glue, napkins, eyes.

Program content: Introduce a new type of crafts - made from crumpled paper. Learn to crumple a sheet of paper several times, crumpling and smoothing, then give the paper the shape of a mouse’s body. Practice carefully gluing small parts - eyes, nose, ears, tail. Develop imagination, thinking, fine motor skills.

Plasticineography "Duck with ducklings".

Material: plasticine different colors, light blue or dark blue cardboard covered with tape, stacked.

Program content: Learn to draw with a new medium images - plasticine. Practice rolling balls of different colors and sizes and placing and pressing them onto cardboard in the shape of a flower. Develop a sense of color and composition, sensorimotor skills.

Applique made of wool threads "Chick".

Material: sliced ​​yellow wool threads, scissors, glue, napkins, eggshell stencil.

Program content: Introduce a new material for work - colored woolen threads. Practice the ability to use a stencil, cut along the contour, develop the ability to carefully glue cut yarn onto glue, and small details: eyes, beak. Develop attention and sensorimotor skills.

Natalia Teslenko
Summary of a lesson on visual arts in the senior group “Conversation about the work of the artist V. M. Konashevich”

Lesson notes on visual arts.

Subject: « Conversation about the work of artist B. M. Konashevich» (senior group)

Program content: introduce the features of illustrations artist B. Konashevich, teach to highlight the means of expression he uses.

Progress of the lesson.

Display illustrated books in advance artists, with which children are familiar. Invite the children to name artists illustrating these books.

The teacher shows the children books artist B. Konashevich("Confusion", "Miracle Tree", "Cockroach", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish") And tells:

These books were illustrated by the same artist – B. M. Konashevich. (a portrait appears on the screen artist) . He draws pictures in books in a simple, bright and funny way.

Tell me which sea depicted? How artist did you convey this in the drawing?

Then the children look at the sea when old man came to him a second time.

The sea got a little rough. How it was conveyed Konashevich?

Now look at the picture "The blue sea is clouded". What changes did you notice in the picture?

He sees a black storm at sea.

So the angry waves swelled,

That's how they walk and howl and howl.

Is this conveyed in the drawing?

In conclusion, the children approach the book exhibition and look at the illustrations.

Publications on the topic:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Every time you work with children, you experience a sea of ​​positive emotions. It’s so nice to see their sparkling eyes, to watch.

Hello, dear colleagues! I already wrote in a previous publication that our group is implementing an environmental project “Take Care.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the senior group "Aquarium" Paramonova Natalya Gennadievna Summary of classes in visual arts in the senior group. Theme "Aquarium". Tasks: Secure.

Abstract open class on visual arts Topic: “Under the artist’s hand, the brush comes to life. Autumn palette." Master class for children.

Goal: Formation of children's ideas about the underwater world, development of skills to depict objects in an unconventional way Drawing Tasks:

Topic: " Christmas tree decoration- Santa Claus" Objectives: Educational: to develop the ability to cut out applique details from paper folded in half.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts for children of the senior group on the topic "Golden Khokhloma" Group No. 6 "Teremok" senior (age.