Long-term planning in the educational field "Artistic creativity: modeling, appliqué", middle group

Voronina Tatiana
forward planning in educational field « Artistic creativity: modeling, appliqué, middle group.

Artistic creativity: modeling / application.


2.09-9.09 L. « Modeling by design» Teach children to define the content of their work, to use in sculpting familiar techniques. To form the ability to choose from the created the most interesting works (by topic, by implementation). Cultivate independence, activity. Develop imagination, Creative skills children. T. S. Komarova "Classes" p. 32.

10.09-16.09 A. Zayushkin garden (cabbage and carrot)» Teaching children to create applique images of vegetables: carrots - by cutting a rectangle diagonally and rounding the corners, cabbage - by a broken and overhead method applications. Arouse interest in the compilation of a collective composition "Zayushkin garden". Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate communication skills, interest in co-creation. I. A. Lykova " pictorial middle group» page 56.

17.09-23.09 L. "Apples and Berries" To consolidate the ability of children to sculpt round objects of various sizes. To teach to convey a positive attitude towards the results of their activities, a benevolent attitude towards the created works. T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten» page 27.

24.09-30.09 A. "Clouds ran across the sky" Introduce children to technology applicative mosaic: cut narrow strips of paper in blue, gray, cyan and white color into pieces and stick within the drawn contour - a rain cloud. Generate interest in creating expressive color image. Develop fine motor skills, consistency in the movements of both hands. Cultivate independence, confidence, interest in artistic experimentation. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 50.

Period Topic of the lesson Program tasks Methodical literature

1.10-7.10 Monitoring A. “Cut stripes and stick them on what you want objects” To teach children to cut a wide strip of paper (about 5 cm, to hold the scissors correctly, to use them correctly. Develop creation, imagination. Cultivate independence and activity. To fix the methods of careful use of paper, glue. T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten» page 31.

8.10-10.10 A. "Color House" Continue to teach children how to use scissors - "approximately" cut wide strips of paper into cubes ( "squares") or bricks ( "rectangles"). Show the method of dividing a square diagonally into two triangles to get the roof of the house. Generate interest in composing a composition from self-cut elements. Develop an eye, a sense of form and composition. Cultivate independence, confidence in their skills, accuracy. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 30.

15.10-21.10 L. "Here's our watermelon" Teaching children to sculpt watermelon slices by modeling the parts (rind, pulp) in size and shape. Introduce original design elements - and intersperse with real watermelon seeds or sculpt from plasticine. To form the concept of the whole and its parts as interrelated forms of existence of one and the same object. develop thinking and creative imagination. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 40.

22.10-28.10 A. "Striped cat rug" Teaching children to make a harmonious composition "Striped rug" from paper strips, alternating in color. Continue mastering the technique of cutting with scissors in a straight line. To introduce a new way - cutting paper along the fold lines. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Raise interest in folk arts and crafts. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 62.

29.10-2.11 L. "Tea set for toys" Teaching children to sculpt dishes in a constructive way (each child makes a tea pair). Generate interest in teamwork to create tea set for toys. Learn to negotiate the size of crafts and the nature of the design (e.g. moldings, scratches, imprints). Develop fine motor skills, eye. Synchronize the movements of both hands. Develop collaboration skills and co-creation. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 108.

Period Topic of the lesson Program tasks Methodical literature

5.11-11.11 A. "Golden Sunflower" Teaching children how to create beautiful image sunflower from different materials. keep shaping applicative skills in application to creative task. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition. Bring up artistic taste. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 38.

12.11-18.11 L. "Come Visit" (sparrows on the feeder) To teach children to sculpt birds in a constructive way from 4-5 parts, different in shape and size, using additional materials (matches for the legs, beads for the eye, seeds for the beak). Show the possibility of obtaining the most expressive color by mixing two original colors. Direct to an independent search for ways to convey the movement of a stucco figurine (head down, wings up). Develop a sense of form, the ability to compose. Raise interest in nature, the desire to help wintering birds in the cold season. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 88.

19.11-25.11 A. "Tree in Autumn" Cultivate an interest in nature. Develop observation. Learn how to use strip cutting. Strengthen the ability to work neatly, clean your workplace. N. S. Astafieva, S. N. Petrova "Thematic and forward planning in the educational field« artistic creativity» » page 36.

26.11-2.12 A. "Leaf fall and starfall" To teach children to create plot compositions on paper from natural material- dried leaves, petals, seeds. Introduce the phenomenon of contrast in fine arts. Develop a sense of color and composition. Cultivate interest and respect for nature. Arouse the desire to preserve its beauty in paintings and compositions made of natural material. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 36.

Period Topic of the lesson Program tasks Methodical literature

3.12-9.12 L. "Bablis, bagels, dryers"

Generate interest in sculpting bagels and bagels. Develop the ability to roll columns (cylinders) different lengths and thickness (for bagels - long and wide, for bagels - short and narrow) and close the ring. Show design options for moldings (sprinkling with semolina, poppy seeds, piercing holes with a pencil, plastic fork or toothpick). Develop perception of shape and size, eye and fine motor skills. I. A. Lykova " Artistic labor in kindergarten. middle group» page 56.

10.12-16.12 A. "Mouse Sailor" To teach children to create different boats from paper, independently combining the mastered techniques applications: cutting corners to make a ship's hull, cutting a rectangle or square diagonally to make a sail, tearing paper into strips to make jets of water and sea foam. Show different variants integration of drawing and applications: 1) construction applicative compositions on a protonated background; 2) clearance graphic applications. To develop the compositional skills of I. A. Lykov " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 130.

17.12-23.12 L. "Snow Baba-French" Continue to teach children to create expressive stucco images in a constructive way. Explain the relationship between plastic form and method modeling. Learn plan your work: to think image, divide the material into the required number of parts of different sizes, sculpt sequentially, starting with large parts. Show techniques for decorating a molded figure with additional materials. Develop an eye, a sense of shape and proportion. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 76.

24.12-30.12 Vacation period.

Period Topic of the lesson Program tasks Methodical literature

8.01-13.01 Vacation period.

14.01-20.01 A. "The sun is visiting" Teach children to draw simple stories based on fairy tales. To fix the technique of cutting rounded shapes from squares of different sizes. Lead to an understanding of the generalized way images of different animals(chicken and duckling) a applications and drawing - based on two circles or ovals of different sizes (torso and head). Develop a sense of color, shape and composition. Cultivate independence, confidence, initiative. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 138.

21.01-27.01 L. "Goat based on the Dymkovo toy" To teach children to sculpt a goat, to make it from parts. By sticking to make horns. Apply details with a stack. N. B. Khalezova "Decorative modeling in kindergarten» page 48.

24.01-3.02 A. "Christmas tree beads" To consolidate children's knowledge of round and oval shapes. Learn to cut the corners of rectangles and squares to get round and oval shape; alternate beads different shapes; stick neatly, evenly, in the middle of the sheet. T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten» page 53.

Period Topic of the lesson Program tasks Methodical literature

4.02-10.02 L. "Decorate the flower pot" Teaching kids how to make simple patterns using the sticking technique. Fix tricks moldings mastered earlier. Develop a sense of composition. R. G. Kazakova "Drawing with children preschool age page 53.*

11.02-17.02 A. "Gloves and Kittens" Generate interest in image and design"gloves"(or "mitten") on their palms - right and left. To form accurate graphic skills - carefully and confidently outline the hand, holding the pencil near the hand and not lifting it from the paper. Show the dependence of the decor on the shape of the product. Learn to create an ornament on your own - according to the idea or according to the plan. Develop imagination. Coordinate hand and eye movements. Give a visual representation of the symmetry of paired objects (same pattern on both gloves in each pair). I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 64.

18.02-24.02 L. "Funny helicopter (Daddy's day)» Teaching children to sculpt air transport (helicopter) in a constructive way from parts of different shapes and sizes. Clarify the idea of ​​the structure and method of movement of the helicopter. invert attention to the ways of fastening parts (lubrication, use of toothpicks and straws). Develop eye, fine motor skills, coordinate hand and eye movements. Generate desire to please dads (grandfathers, brothers) with their handicrafts. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 96.

25.02-3.03 A. "The hut is ice and bast" Teaching children to create on one applicative basis(wall - large square, roof - triangle, window - small square) various images fairy-tale huts - bast for a bunny and ice for a fox. Fix the method of cutting a square diagonally in order to obtain two triangles. Direct to self-selection of source materials and . Develop creative thinking and imagination. Raise interest in folk culture. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 92.

Period Topic of the lesson Program tasks Methodical literature

4.03-10.03 L. "Flowers-hearts" To teach children to sculpt relief paintings as a gift to loved ones - mothers and grandmothers. Show options Images flowers with elements - hearts. Learn how to make hearts ways: 1) simulate with fingers hands: roll out a ball, flatten into a disk, stretch and sharpen on one side, press and smooth on the other; 2) cut out with a mold or a stack. Generate interest in framing stucco paintings. Develop a sense of form and rhythm. Cultivate aesthetic taste. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 104.

11.03-17.03 A. "Sparrows in the Puddles" Teaching kids how to cut circles (puddle, body of a sparrow) by rounding the four corners of a square. Diversify and enrich applicative technique, complement it with graphic elements to convey small details and dynamics. Develop creative imagination. educate interest in the knowledge of the world around. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 118.

18.03-24.03 L. "Eared Pyramids" To teach children to sculpt a pyramid from disks of different sizes with tops in the form of a bear cub, hare, kitten head (optionally). Show tricks work planning(laying out lumps of plasticine in a row from largest to smallest). Develop a sense of color, shape and size. Cultivate confidence. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 28.

25.03-31.03 A. “Beautiful pyramids were brought to the store” Exercise children in cutting rounded shapes from squares (rectangles) by smooth rounding of the corners, to consolidate the techniques of possession of scissors. Learn to choose colors, develop color perception. Learn to arrange circles from largest to smallest. T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten» page 56.

Period Topic of the lesson Program tasks Methodical literature

1.04-7.04 L. "Owl and Titmouse" To teach children to sculpt expressive pairs images, contrasting in size of the body and eyes. Refine your idea of appearance and owl and tit lifestyle. Continue the development of relief modeling. To create conditions for the independent choice of materials, methods of work and funds artistic expressiveness . Develop a sense of form and composition. Raise interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of ideas in art activities. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 100.

8.04-14.04 A. "Rockets and Comets" Teaching children how to create and cut rockets in a rational way way: Divide a square into three triangles (the big triangle is the nose of the rocket, two small ones are the wings). Develop combinatorial skills. Improve the break technology: portray"tails" comets and fire from a rocket nozzle. Raise interest in the knowledge of the world and the reflection of the received ideas in the art. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 126.

15.04-21.04 A. "Bus" To consolidate the ability of children to cut out the necessary parts to create object image(object). Strengthen the ability to cut corners of a rectangle by rounding them (bus body, cut a strip into identical rectangles (bus windows). Develop the ability to compose your idea. T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten» page 58.

22.04-28.04 L. « Modeling by design» Strengthen the ability of children to conceive the content of their work, using the learned methods of creating Images to bring the idea to the end. Cultivate independence, activity, creation. Make you want to admire your work, talk about them. T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten» page 62.

Period Topic of the lesson Program tasks Methodical literature

30.05-5.05 A. "Victory Day. Greeting card" Teaching children to cut round shapes cutting the corners of the square, carefully work with glue; bring the idea to the end. Arouse the desire to make your own Greeting Cards and donate them. Develop creative imagination. A. A. Anistratova "Crafts for the holidays" page 27.

6.05-12.05 Monitoring. L. "Blind what you want" Continue to develop independence and creation, ability to create image by your own design. Reveal the level of proficiency various sculpting techniques. T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten» page 54.

13.05-19.05 A. "Flower bed" To teach children to make a flower from 2-3 paper forms, beautifully combining them in color and size. Show design techniques flower: "Coast" (edge) cut with a fringe, turning the paper circle in your hand; stick a smaller shape onto a larger one, applying glue to the middle of the base flower. Generate interest in decorating a collective flower bed or clearing with flowers. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 24.

20.05-26.05 L. "Beetles in a flower bed" Teaching children to sculpt beetles, transferring the structure (torso, head, six legs). Fasten way sculpting hemisphere(partial flattening of the ball). Develop coordination in the system "eye-hand", synchronize the operation of both hands. Cultivate independence. I. A. Lykova " pictorial activities in kindergarten. middle group» page 26.

May 27-May 31 A. "How are we all together collected a basket of mushrooms» Teach children to cut the corners of the square, rounding them. Strengthen the ability to properly hold scissors, cut with them. Glue parts carefully images in app. lead to figurative solution, figurative vision of the results of work, to their evaluation. T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in the middle group of kindergarten» page 45.

Download the book by Lykov I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten. Planning, class notes, guidelines. The middle group is absolutely free.

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Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten. Planning, class notes, guidelines. Middle group description: The book contains a system of developing lessons in modeling, appliqué and drawing in the middle group of kindergarten (64 abstracts with methodological recommendations). All classes are interconnected, meaningful and aimed at the implementation of the tasks of the artistic and creative development of children, formulated in the preface. Teaching aid is included in the author's program of artistic education, training and development of preschool children "Colored palms"

Name: Visual activity in kindergarten. Planning, class notes, guidelines. middle group
Lykova I.A.
Series: colored palms
The year of publishing: 2010
Number of pages: 144
Format: pdf
The size: 66 mb

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13-04-2014, 17:08

How to develop a child's artistic talent? How to direct and organize joint activities child and adult, regarding the development of aesthetic tastes and views of the younger generation? The best way to introduce your child to the basics visual arts and what to pay attention to in the formation of basic knowledge and skills creative activity baby? The answers to these and more questions can be found in this series of methodological aids.
Each book is created exclusively for a specific age category of children. Methodical recommendations and abstracts of classes are written taking into account the age characteristics of the groups. The author focuses on the need for the artistic and creative development of children, and points out that classes should be exciting and interesting for all participants in the educational process. Working with such a bias, kids quickly learn how to draw beautifully, sculpt and make original applications. At the same time, they will be able to reveal their talents and prepare well for school.
With the help of these benefits, you will be able to replenish your piggy bank of knowledge interesting ideas and techniques that will help in conducting classes on artistic education with preschool children.
List of books:
1. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Early age
2. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Junior group
3. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. middle group
4. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Senior group
5. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. preschool group

6. Modeling + application. Sky
7. Modeling + application. Meadow
8. Modeling + application. Sea

9. Lykova I.A. - Really from a paper. ABC applications
10. Step by step. Lykova I.A. - Modeling from plasticine. Story
11. Step by step. Lykova I.A. - Modeling from plasticine. Who is walking in the yard?
12. Step by step. Lykova I.A. - Modeling from plasticine. Flowers in the meadow
13. Step by step. Lykova I.A. - Modeling from plasticine. The circus
14. Step by step. Lykova I.A. - Modeling from plasticine. Insects in the meadow
15. Step by step. I.A. Lykova - Modeling from plasticine. Our toys
16. For the very smallest - Lykova - Glue
17. Step by step. I.A.Lykova - Application from paper. Flowers
18. Step by step. I.A.Lykova - Application from paper. Insects
19. Step by step. I.A.Lykova - Drawing with paints. Toys
20. I.A. Lykova - Arrangements. Construction from natural material
21. Together with children - Lykova I.A. - Sculpt, fantasize, play. Book for activities with school-age children