Why nails grow in waves. Wavy nails: causes, treatment

Nails, if they are beautiful, are a real decoration on the hands, even if they are without manicure. If any defects appear on the nails, including waviness, this greatly spoils appearance. In addition, this may indicate health problems, malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs. If bumps appeared on the nail, it became dull and brittle - this indicates problems that need to be dealt with.

Why are fingernails wavy?

In order to figure out where the waviness came from, you should take a closer look at the nail plate. Most often, such a defect appears on the thumbs, because they are most easily injured. The nails on the thumbs are somewhat thicker, so any defects on them are more noticeable.

If waviness is observed on other fingers, then this may indicate problems in the functioning of the internal organs. In order to determine more precisely, you should pay attention to other characteristics of the nail, namely:

  1. Color, if it is different from natural, then this may indicate injury, problems with the cardiovascular, nervous system.
  2. General condition - the thickness of the nails, the presence of burrs, spots on the plate.

Causes of wavy nails

The reasons are very different, from what became the reason for the formation of waves, the doctor will already be repelled in prescribing treatment.

Environmental factors

Often nails go in waves if there has been an injury to the base of the nail, especially often this happens with improper manicure. especially if metal tools are used.

A similar defect can manifest itself upon impact, squeezing or other mechanical damage to the nail. In this case, the waves will pass by themselves, as they grow.

Also traumatic for nails are permanent extension procedures, they severely damage the nail. Since the nails are constantly in contact with rough metal files, the structure of one's own nails becomes thinner and changes for the worse.

If the hands are constantly in contact with chemicals, the plate will also become thinner, and defects will occur on it, including waviness. Do not use low-quality nail polishes and nail polish removers.


Fungal and bacterial infections provoke such a lesion. In addition to waves, yellowness appears on them, the plate itself becomes thinner, their surface becomes rough. If, in addition to the defect in question, there are others, this may indicate a fungal infection of the nail. In this case, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. It will be problematic to cope with this on your own, and it is dangerous to postpone treatment.


If the diet is not complete or unbalanced, there will be problems with the nails, including waviness and brittleness. This means that they do not receive enough nutrients, therefore, they cannot grow normally and have a healthy appearance.

It is also important to drink enough water. If you do not consume at least 1.5 liters per day, the nails will be deformed.


Failures in the work of organs and systems are also the cause. Among the most common diseases that manifest themselves as waviness are:

  • Diabetes.
  • Metabolism failures.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Arthritis of the inflammatory type.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Flu.
  • Malfunctions in the digestive tract.
  • Thyroid deficiency.
  • Iron deficiency in the body.


The state of the human body and nails, including stress and psychological overexertion. This exhausts the organs, and they show malfunctions in their work by external factors, including waves on the nails.

waviness types

Waves on the nails can be longitudinal and transverse. The former often suggest that the cause of their occurrence is trauma or hypovitaminosis. They arise if a person often comes into contact with household chemicals, due to sloppy manicure, frequent stressful situations.

As for the transverse ones, they are more serious, as they are often combined with friability of the nail, yellowness, and this already speaks of a fungal infection.

Waviness in children: what to do?

This defect can occur at any age. In children, the causes of such a pathology are very diverse, but still their number is less than in adults. The specificity is that the nails of children are very fragile and thin, much thinner than those of adults - and this is a direct road to easy injury.

Also, children often bite their nails, which also affects their condition not in the best way. As a result of this, infection of various kinds of infections occurs, inflammation appears, and this leads to the formation of defects on the nails.

Fungal infections are also not uncommon, besides, it is even easier for a child to pick up such a lesion. Cuticles are thin and delicate and easily damaged. Therefore, having noticed characteristic teases on the fingers of a child, they must be immediately treated with an antiseptic, so it will be possible to minimize the consequences for a small organism.

Treatment for wavy nails

Regardless of age, treatment is reduced to the following procedures:

  1. Cosmetic. They include wellness baths for nails. The best option- it's saline. These will help strengthen the nail plate, heal small cracks, disinfect nails. In order to have a complex effect, it is worth using masks with red pepper, dried flowers, and oils. In pharmacies, you can find ready-made products for restoring nails and giving them a healthy shine.
  2. Nutrition. The reasons for the fact that defects occur on the nails are a lack of nutrients and malnutrition. In order to help nails, you should balance your diet - add more fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to take a course of multivitamin preparations that are suitable for age. The composition of such complexes must necessarily contain vitamins of groups A, C, E, N. minerals: silicon, iron, sulfur, calcium. A wavy nail is a very common manifestation of anemia. In this case, you should enter into the menu or increase the amount of consumption of such products: apples, beef, liver, buckwheat, pomegranates.
  3. Medicines. Oils can be rubbed into the nails, which include vitamins A and E. They will help strengthen the nail, remove minor damage, cracks. After a month of such therapy, the nails will grow back and become smooth and shiny. Such manipulations should be done 2 or more times a week. If there is a fungal infection on the nails, then it should be treated with antimycotic drugs. Local funds may also be used.

Prevention of formations

Prevention of such a condition as wavy nails is quite simple and it is easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences later. The first step is to protect your hands when working with aggressive substances, including household chemicals.

You should not use acetone to remove varnish, and the nail coating itself should be of high quality. Also, do not constantly cover your nails with them - they should rest. When doing a manicure, it is better to abandon the cuticle removal method or entrust it to the master.

In the daily menu you need to include a sufficient amount of vitamins and fruits.

In order to care for the delicate skin around the nails, it is worth using gentle products that soften and nourish. Between extension procedures, you need to take breaks - giving the nails a rest, otherwise they can be ruined irrevocably.

A good result is a finger massage and baths, masks, body wraps. In order not to suffer from fungal infections, it is worth following the rules of hygiene.

Nail decoration

You can paint them without any problems, but the choice of decor must be approached with special care. Do not file and thin the nail, because this can lead to an aggravation of the situation. Many varnishes only emphasize not aesthetic ribbing, but in order to hide it, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Before applying the varnish, it is worth using special bases that align the nail plate. If there are waves on the thumb, then several such words will be needed.
  2. When choosing a decorative varnish, you should give preference to pastel colors with sparkles and mother-of-pearl. Such effects will hide the ribbing, the defect will not attract attention.
  3. Lacquer should be applied in several layers, it can hide minor waves. But you should not forget about the treatment, since only applying varnish will not be able to cope with the problem.
  4. By applying gel polish or nail extensions, such a defect as waviness can be completely eliminated.

Conclusion. A defect in the nails, in which waves form on the nail plate, does not look aesthetically pleasing. Such a lesion can indicate both problems in the functioning of internal organs and malnutrition.

Wavy deformed nails are not only an aesthetic flaw, but may also indicate a malfunction in the body.

Such a nuisance can affect all fingers, but wavy nails on the thumbs are most common. Because of what suddenly your smooth and shiny nails can become covered with bumps?

Here are the main reasons why nails become wavy:

  • Deformation of the nail plate due to trauma. In this case, maximum efforts should be made to eliminate the consequences of mechanical damage. If the nail bed is injured, the nail will begin to grow incorrectly and its appearance will be damaged. In this case, you need to seek advice from a trauma surgeon. You may need surgery to remove the diseased nail or part of it.
  • Fungal diseases. You can become infected with them when visiting a salon where they do not pay enough attention to the disinfection of tools. Pharmacology provides a wide range of means to combat such diseases. However, it is not recommended to take them on their own. Consult a dermatologist or mycologist for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Wrong care. This means improper processing of nails, when their nutritional process is disturbed. This can be inaccurate cutting of the cuticle or rough polishing. In this case, it is enough to wait for natural regrowth, simultaneously nourishing the surface of the nail with special cosmetics high in vitamin A and E.
  • Improper functioning of internal organs and body systems. Failures in the endocrinological system, diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland - all this can be reflected in the appearance of deformed areas.
  • Skin diseases. Manifestations of eczema or psoriasis can be found not only on the skin and hairline of the body, but also on the nail plates.
  • Impact of aggressive environments. If you have come into contact with acids, alkalis or other harmful substances, it can cause burns to both the skin of the hands and the nail.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Avitaminosis, if it is not associated with a weak and painful state of the body, in healthy person usually occurs in late spring. This process affects all organs, including can ruin the nails and make them ribbed.

Important! If your nails have not been exposed to external influences that could cause them to deform, but nevertheless acquired an uneven, bumpy appearance, you should definitely visit honey. institution and take tests to identify possible diseases.

Pay special attention to the change in the shape and color of the nail plate in a child. In most cases, these are signs of a progressive fungus. See a pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist.

Understood the causes. Now let's find out what to do to fix this defect.

What to do and how to treat?

1. Firstly, treat your nails carefully and carefully - protect them from injury, visit only a professional manicure master, whose qualifications you are sure of. Treat with caution various types hardware intervention, do not get carried away with the frequent use of gel polish, since under it the nail plate can become thinner and delaminate. When cleaning or washing dishes with special products, you can expose your hands chemical attack, so always do this work with household gloves.

Note! Never file a wavy nail plate in order to give it an even shape. This will only lead to damage to the nail and slow down the process of its recovery.

2. If the uneven surface of the nails is the result of internal ailments, it is first necessary to identify the causes that caused this process. Get tested, get tested, see the right doctor, and get treated. Even and smooth nails will be the best evidence that you have defeated the disease.
3. Proper nutrition. Your diet should be properly balanced and contain the optimal amount of vitamins and useful substances. Vitamins A, E and C are the most important for nail health. Healthy color, density and correct form nail plate.

Vitamin Impact on the body Content in products
Vitamin A (retinol) Natural antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, bone tissue, nails and hair Most retinol is found in fish oil, egg yolks, animal liver, greens (dill or parsley) and vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin
Vitamin E Participates in the processes of tissue regeneration. By filling in its deficiency in the body, you will ensure the active growth of healthy nails. Can be obtained by eating nuts, seeds, fresh unrefined vegetable oil, buckwheat porridge, beef and spinach
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) One of the most important components for the proper development of the body. It is a powerful antioxidant and is involved in the synthesis of collagen Found in citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, tomatoes, herbs, leafy vegetables, potatoes and liver

Important! Vitamins A and E complement each other. A lack of vitamin E prevents proper absorption of retinol and vice versa. For effective treatment, their simultaneous reception is necessary.

4. Care products. Use good quality nail and hand skin care products. Before buying a cream or gel, pay attention to its composition. In addition to all kinds of fragrances and preservatives, it should contain extracts from plants (aloe, cocoa or cucumber extract), mineral and vitamin supplements, keratin.

Home remedies for nail care

In order to have healthy strong nails, it is not necessary to pay big money for procedures in a fashionable salon.

It is quite possible to replace them with home remedies:

  • Trays. Salt baths have proved to be excellent. Dissolve a spoon without a hill of sea salt in a glass of warm water, dip your fingertips and hold until cool. It is recommended to use daily for two weeks.
  • Lemon. A very simple but effective method. Cut the lemon in the middle and dip the fingers of the hands gathered together into each half. Hold it for at least 10 minutes. The high content of ascorbic acid in lemon will make nails stronger.
  • Lubricate the nail plate with an oil solution of vitamin A. It is best to do this at night and do not rinse.
  • spoon olive oil mix with lemon juice, adding a couple of drops of iodine. Rub the product with a cotton swab dipped in the mixture. After a while, wash your hands and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

Be attentive to your health, pay attention to the condition of nails, hair and skin, follow the recommendations given in the article and you will always have a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

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Nails, like hands, are an indicator of age and health. Skin aging, ugly nails and changes in the structure of the bones of the hands cannot be hidden under a foundation and a thick layer of varnish. If the skin can be moisturized with a cream and transformed with the help of simple cosmetic manipulations, then sometimes nail problems require careful analysis and treatment.


What are wavy nails

The waves that appear on the nails can be transverse and longitudinal. Longitudinal waves are the ribbing of the nail from the cuticle to the free edge.

Consider what causes the appearance of longitudinal waves are:

  • injury;
  • negative effect of household chemicals;
  • inaccurate nail treatment in a nail salon;
  • low-quality varnishes;
  • exposure to water and cold.

Transverse waves are ribbing located across the nail plate. The number of waves can be different, as well as the depth. Why the nails become wavy on the hands, even a specialist will not immediately answer. The appearance of transverse waves most often indicates some kind of disease.

Why do transverse waves appear on the nails

Notice the wavy fingernails? The reasons may be different. Ugly transverse furrows appear as a result of:

  • injuries;
  • fungal infections of the nail;
  • improper processing of the cuticle;
  • use of low-quality varnishes;
  • illness;
  • unstable hormonal background;
  • allergies to materials and substances.

You need to pay close attention to your nails. Pay attention to whether all the nail plates are affected? How does the color and shape of the nail change? Are the waves on the nails large or slightly visible? What is the condition of the skin around the nail plate?

Treatment of the problem depending on the cause

An ugly look of nails can be hidden for a while under invoices, as in the photo, but this will not solve the problem. In addition, after applying varnishes, glues and stabilizers to the nail plate, the access of air to the nail is reduced several times, and this will worsen the problem. Even if an unsightly nail is the result of an injury, oxygen restriction slows down its growth, changes its structure and softens the nail plate. She becomes brittle. Due to the defeat of the growth zone, the nail becomes wavy, its color fades. When treating an injured nail, you should refrain from applying various coatings and pamper your hands with baths with chamomile and iodine.


The treatment process will be more difficult if the nail is damaged by mycosis. The fungus not only damages the plate, but also causes severe itching, burning and even painful sensations on the skin around. Now a large number of remedies for the fungus are being advertised, but self-treatment is unacceptable here, because drugs, varnishes and ointments from the fungus act only on certain groups of mycoses. What kind of fungus the defeat occurred can only be established in the laboratory.

Why not postpone the visit to the doctor? If therapy is delayed, the disease will begin to progress and penetrate deeper and deeper. Only the right drug can cure the affected nail. It is possible that you will have to treat the skin of the hands and even internal organs. Some types of fungus quickly penetrate the body and begin to affect the human immune system.

Bad manicure

If the irregularities of the nails were the result of poor-quality work of the manicurist, it is better to change the specialist. Your pens are always in sight and do not tolerate the mistakes of non-professionals. The nail on the finger of the hand sometimes becomes wavy due to improper processing of the cuticle, as in the photo.

Internal diseases

The appearance of wavy nails can be the result of some kind of disease. Fingers and toes carry control points for some internal organs, and this connection is two-way:

  1. If a large fingernail is wavy, you should pay attention to the respiratory organs.
  2. The index finger is responsible for the digestive system.
  3. The middle finger is for the circulatory system.
  4. The index finger is for the nervous system.
  5. Little finger - for the heart and small intestine.

When waves appear on the corresponding finger, you need to listen to the body and undergo an examination. However, the appearance of waviness on the thumbnail may be just a consequence of the constant use of a fountain pen, when, under the influence of daily pressure, a defect in the nail appears.

If the nails are wavy on both hands or feet and this is accompanied by the appearance of white transverse veins and a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face, then this indicates problems with the digestive system and metabolism. Often the lack of trace elements causes a change in the shape of the nail. Diseases of the small intestine lead to incomplete absorption of vitamins and microelements, as a result of which the skin, hair, and nails suffer. These diseases are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, bloating and colitis. Laboratory tests and treatment under the supervision of a doctor are necessary.

Hormonal stress

Hormonal failure in the body is possible both with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, and as a result of stress, nervous strain, mental exhaustion. Stress causes the body to malfunction. What kind of mechanism is included in the body - destruction or creation - no one knows.

Allergic reaction

Allergies can also cause a wavy nail plate: for example, after spending time in the garden without gloves. Upon contact with the ground, the chemical compounds of the soil affect the unprotected skin of the hands and nails. This causes dryness, cracks, desiccation of the nail plate, as well as the appearance of burrs, small blisters on the fingers and a burning sensation. If such signs are present, then you are allergic to this type of soil, and you cannot work without rubber gloves. You can cure affected nails with moisturizing hand creams and therapeutic baths.

Poor quality care products

The use of low-quality cosmetic products can even lead to loss of the nail. Chemical compounds of varnishes penetrate into the nail, coloring not only the surface of the nail plate, but also the underlying layers. They have a toxic effect on living tissues, lead to a change in shape and death of the nail plate.

Even if the nails are in order and delight with their brilliance and color, one should not forget about the benefits of vitamin complexes. They will come to the aid of the majority of us for whom a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements is not an easy task. healthy image life, proper nutrition and adherence to the regime of wakefulness and sleep will certainly have a positive effect on the nails of the hands and feet.

Irregularities and waves on the nails can cause not only aesthetic discomfort, but also be a manifestation of disturbances in the functioning of the body. The degree of deformation is slightly noticeable, or pronounced. The nail plates of the thumbs are the most convenient for diagnosing, due to their sufficient width.

Outwardly, the defect may look like a single wave, or like a continuous ribbed irregularity. You can notice the deformation by examining the bumpy fingernails in profile, or by varnishing their surface.

A wavy nail plate may indicate negative processes occurring in the body. Therefore, having identified such symptoms, it is urgent to consult a doctor for advice. In today's review, we will talk in detail about wavy fingernails.


The appearance of undulating tubercles on the nails, with the exception of the occurrence as a result of an injury, often indicates serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

There are several main causes of tubercles:

  • traumatic history;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • avitaminosis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • frequent stress.

Sometimes wavy fingernails occur due to improper conduction cosmetic procedures. Inaccurate cutting of the cuticle and a gross violation of the rules for performing a manicure can adversely affect the condition of the nails. Traumatic damage to the nail plates should be avoided.

Fungal lesions of the nail plates

The most common cause of tubercles are various fungal infections -. At the first manifestations of the disease, it is required to consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis, establish an anamnesis of the disease and prescribe effective treatment. In favorable conditions of heat and high humidity, the fungus can spread quickly.

The acute stage of the development of the disease is usually accompanied by pain and inflammation. Infected areas of the nail have, sometimes with darker stains. The surface becomes bumpy, and the structure. Progressing, the disease affects vast areas of the nails and dermis.

There are a huge number of varieties of fungal infections that have a pathological effect on the nail plates. Because of this, it is very important to establish an accurate diagnosis for effective therapy.

Modern laboratories conduct unique studies to determine the types and subspecies of fungal microorganisms.

A one-size-fits-all approach to treatment is unacceptable, as prescribing must take into account individual characteristics the patient's body, contraindications and personal intolerance to drugs.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid infections with mycosis, one should adhere to the basic rules of hygiene, use antiseptics in public places with high humidity (pools, showers in gyms, saunas), avoid direct contact with infected people.

Irregularities on the surface of the nail can also have a non-fungal cause of the lesion. There are quite a few varieties of pathogenic microbes that cause deformities. Only a dermatologist will be able to determine the type of disease and prescribe the right treatment to eliminate pathological signs and a quick recovery.

Relationship with the health of the body

Fungal infections usually affect people with a congenital or acquired predisposition to such diseases. It is also important to take into account the protective functions of the body - health immune system. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular hygiene will be the best prevention of mycotic diseases.

Proper and well-coordinated functioning of internal organs and systems will protect against aggressive environmental influences. A good metabolism, longevity and beauty are based on the correct daily routine, frequent walks in the fresh air, healthy sleep and active recreation.

Medical methods to fix the problem

Taking vitamin complexes and preparations will help get rid of the aesthetic defect of the nails. Loss of shine, waviness of the nail plates may indicate a lack of vital microelements and substances in the body.

If mycotic lesions are detected, it will be necessary to adhere to complex therapy, including a balanced diet and taking antifungal drugs.

External agents in the form of corticosteroid and creams will help enhance the effect of therapy. Eating enough vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds is a necessary component for the overall strengthening of the body. It is important to eat foods rich in iron, the absorption of which is optimal with fluorine and vitamin C.

Wavy fingernails: how to treat at home

You can easily get rid of bumpy fingernails at home if fungal infections are excluded. A wide selection of traditional medicine recipes and proper care will quickly eliminate the problem. Mechanical injuries to the nails should be avoided, which often occur when holding the pen for a long time and incorrectly while writing, or while working with the keyboard.

Rough and incorrect removal of the cuticle can also deform the even surface of the nail. Any damage, such as scratches and microcracks, during manicure procedures increases the susceptibility to fungal infections.

Wave-like irregularities of the nail cannot be eliminated with the help of cosmetic procedures for moisturizing, building up and polishing the plates.

Proper nail health care

Regular and healthy nail care will keep your nails beautiful. You will need to systematically follow a few basic rules:

  • professional manicure (correct filing, cuticle trimming, accurate removal and treatment of cracks, damage to the nail and skin);
  • protect nails from toxic effects of substances (use gloves, apply oils that strengthen varnishes);
  • hygiene (individual manicure set use of an antiseptic).

Far from always beautiful and healthy nails are a gift from nature. Proper Care behind the hands requires some effort to obtain the desired result. Performing regular procedures and hygiene rules will help protect against aesthetic defects and unpleasant diseases.


If any irregularities on the surface of the nails become noticeable, you should find out the cause of these changes. Wavy nails can affect the appearance, and also indicate significant disruption of the internal organs. The deformity may be invisible to the eye, or it may be pronounced. You can most often notice the change on the thumbs, as they have the widest nail plate. Uneven nails may contain one small wave or have a continuous bump. This can be seen when looking at the thumbnail in profile. If bumpy nails are varnished, all irregularities and waves, even minor ones, will be noticeable on the nails. So why do nails get wavy?

Factors in the appearance of irregularities on the nails

Wavy nails occur for a variety of reasons. If this is not an injury, then there is a risk of developing more serious pathologies in the body.


Traumatic situations are one of the causes of wavy edges due to careless manicure. Also, this causal factor should include the removal of cuticles with nail scissors, which provokes infection.

When nail defects appear due to injury, no attempt is needed to correct them, they will grow back in 6-18 months. To improve the appearance of the nail plate, you can polish its surface with a nail file and apply antibacterial varnish. All work involving contact with aggressive household reagents must be done with gloves.

Mycosis (fungal infection)

When there are cuticles on the fingers, and the nail plate began to exfoliate and scallops formed at its ends, this is the reason why mycosis fungus got under the nail plate. These microorganisms appear, develop rapidly and completely destroy the nail cover, changing its color and structure, as a result of which they grow poorly or not at all. If uneven nails have appeared recently, it is worth making compresses from an antifungal ointment.

If the situation is running, you should immediately consult a mycologist. The doctor will send you for a medical examination and issue a prescription for suitable drugs. So that mycosis does not spread to the surface of the skin and nails, daily hand hygiene is required.

Hormonal disorders

Wavy nails may indicate a hormonal imbalance due to endocrine imbalance. If such violations are present, then the endocrinologist and correctly selected medications will help solve the problem.

vitamin deficiency

A weak nail plate with the presence of scallops and furrows can occur due to a lack of useful vitamins, such as Ca, Mg, A. It is possible to identify what exactly the body lacks after testing. To correct the situation when the fingernails have become ribbed, vitamin complexes that can be purchased at the pharmacy will help.

iron deficiency

The most common cause of wavy fingernails is a lack of iron in the body, which leads to anemia. After passing all the necessary tests prescribed by the therapist, treatment can begin. The main rule for anemia is the mandatory intake of iron-containing products that increase hemoglobin. Treatment with products will help not only eliminate wavy fingernails, but also improve the entire body.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Deformation of the nail plate indicates gastrointestinal problems. Dietary vitamins affect the growth and appearance of nails. Failure of the acid-base balance provokes the indigestion of beneficial enzymes, which affects the condition of the hands and periungual areas. Burrs appear, the nails become crooked, have transverse lines. If the nails become ribbed, you should contact a gastroenterologist - he will prescribe an effective therapy.

stressful situations

Stressful situations and depression are the reason for the negative impact on the appearance of the hands. In such a situation, it is required to show less emotions. negative character and prevent their occurrence.

uneven nail surface in children

Wavy fingernails can also be present in a child, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. The Candida microorganism that entered the child's body through the consumption of poorly processed vegetables and fruits.
  2. Carbohydrate imbalance with a lack of vitamin A and B in a child.
  3. Scratches and peeling of the skin around the edges can provoke an inflammatory process due to infection.
  4. Colds, pneumonia, dry lichen can also affect the structure of the nails in a child.

Therapy for tuberosity of the nail plates

To get rid of such a problem as ribbed fingernails, you should start treatment with a diet. This is important, since the lack of useful microelements in the body will not lead to a positive result even with a number of cosmetic and medical procedures.

Vegetables and fruits such as potatoes, dill, cilantro, watercress, almonds, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage should be present on the table. Vitamin salads should be filled with any cold-pressed vegetable oil. The above vegetables include many useful trace elements such as A, E and C, calcium, silicon, iodine and even sulfur. This kind of vitamin composition will positively affect the gastrointestinal tract system, and over time, the marigolds will acquire an even shape, waviness and furrows will disappear from their surface. Healthy foods and their minerals will eliminate irregularities on the nails, increase the resistance to inflammatory processes of the cuticle.

Today it is considered fashionable to make helium nails, to carry out salon and cosmetic procedures for hands. It should be noted that the chemical composition of corrective agents does not always have a positive effect on the nail plate and on the skin around it. All this can provoke such a problem as ribbed nails. Carrying out this kind of procedure, from time to time you should take a break, give your nails a rest from varnish and helium coatings.

Without taking into account a number of reasons indicating why the nails are ribbed, it is necessary to carry out treatment and use the following rules:

  1. Carefully remove burrs.
  2. Use rubber gloves during contact with water, household chemicals.
  3. Infrequently cover the nails with varnish, do not build.
  4. Before applying varnish, treat the skin around the finger with a basic strengthening antimicrobial agent.
  5. Eat healthy foods.
  6. Carry out preventive treatment with multivitamins.

It is quite possible to fix ribbed nails, the main thing is to take the problem seriously.