New Year's Star Factory scenario for elementary school. Celebration script on the theme: “New Year’s show “Be a Star”

for 7-8 grades.


Koschey: Baba Yaga!

Koschey: Yaga, are we already on the air, or what?

Baba Yaga:


Baba Yaga:

“Analysis of educational activities”

Analysis of educational activities

"Star Factory or Mandarin - Show"

    Date: 12/27/2012

    Topic of the extracurricular activity: New Year's competitive show program “Star Factory or Mandarin Show” (the theme and form of this event was chosen in accordance with age characteristics and the interests of students in grades 7–8, the event was organized and conducted by students in grade 7B under the guidance of the class teacher and the organizing teacher)

    Objectives of the event:

    Develop students' creative and communication abilities;

    Promote a sense of camaraderie and responsibility to the team;

    To promote the formation of cognitive interest in physics through the use of special effects.

    Analysis of event preparation:

The event scenario was drawn up by a creative group of 7B grade students under the guidance of the organizing teacher. The children independently selected competitions in accordance with their interests and the wishes of other students. Under the guidance of the class teacher (physics teacher), numbers were prepared using LEDs.

    Analysis of the event:

The extracurricular event “Mandarin Show” had a moral and aesthetic orientation. During the event, not only students of grade 7B were involved; concert numbers were presented from each class, which were mainly of a humorous nature. All spectators were actively involved in the event: concert numbers alternated with competitions in which all those present, both children and teachers, took part. The culmination of the holiday was a performance with LEDs, which aroused positive emotions and educational interest among those present: the guys were interested in the technical side of the performance of the performance. At the end, each class was asked to make a wish and release a glowing helium-filled balloon.

In general, the event was held on a good emotional level, both on the part of the participants and the organizers. Everyone was happy achieved result.

    Overall rating:

As a result of the extracurricular activity, all the goals and objectives were achieved. The educational value of the event was certainly high - it is the development of creative and communication abilities, the ability to work in a team to achieve a common goal. From the point of view of satisfaction, we can say that the guys participated in all competitions with interest, actively, and emotionally. Students of grade 7B received good experience in the organization of collective creative activities, in the development of communication abilities and tolerance.

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“Star Factory New Year 7-8 (script)”

The script for the New Year's show of the program "Star Factory or MANDARIN SHOW!"

for 7-8 grades.


1.Baba Yaga aka Yana Churikova

2. Koschey the Immortal aka Ivan Urgant

3.Snegurochka aka singer Nyusha

4. Santa Claus, aka correspondent

5. Pop stars (Ivan Dorn, DJ smash and Anna Pletnyova, Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus)

(Baba Yaga and Koschey appear on stage in a “outfit” that is far from “fairy-tale”, but very modern)

Baba Yaga: Chairman of the jury and she is also the presenter (pointing to herself).

Koschey: Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Have you forgotten how Koschey rehearsed? You yourself are Baba Yaga! I'm Yana Churikova!

And you Vanya Urgant!!! - producer and co-host of the project.

Koschey: Yaga, are we already on the air, or what?

Baba Yaga: YANA! My name is Yana, not Yaga!

Koschey: So who will be our first semi-finished product, Yanochka?

Baba Yaga: Now let's see. (Reads) Nyu-sha. Some kind of Nyusha.

Koschey: Meet Nyusha singing for you!

Nyusha's song

Koschey: Oh, I smelled ice cream, creme brulee and popsicle, I haven’t smelled such a scent for a long time.

Baba Yaga: Well, of course, it’s the Snow Maiden, she’s acting like some kind of Nyusha here.

Why are you our frostbitten, oh I mean frozen, singing songs here?

Snow Maiden: What’s not allowed? The ad said everyone could come and show their talents.

Baba Yaga: Would you better than grandfather Frost showed us, otherwise we have a New Year's show here, we need Santa Claus on the jury, but this old one, as always, has disappeared somewhere?

(Baba Yaga and Koschey sing together )

Oh frost, frost, where are you wandering?

Without you, frost, a holiday without a dream

Koschey: There will be no Frost, there will be no one to evaluate talents, and what would a competition be without this?

Nyusha: And you will allow me to study at your star factory if I find Santa Claus.

Yaga: Let's allow it, let's allow it. If you find it! In the meantime, we have the following participants here with New Year's performance!

Koschey: Performers ________________ 1 number(from classes)

Yaga: Soooo, well, anyone can perform on stage, but how many of you know all the stars of our show business? Vanechka and I will check this out right now! We name the letter and you tell us all the stars you know that start with that letter! Can you? ( competition "Star Alphabet")

(the last one is called the letter D and sounds like Demi Lovato's version)

Koschey: Come on, come on, who said that to Demi Lovato? Come here and properly announce that visiting singer Demi Lovato is performing at our Mandarin Show, and not alone, but with Miley Cyrus!!!

Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus's room

Yana: Nahhh... Somewhere there is no Snow Maiden or Santa Claus... But the Show cannot be stopped, live broadcast is expensive now, maybe even Koshchei, oh, that is, even Vanechka Urgant, may not have enough money for us. So take your time, multimedia, you are ours!

Koschey holds a competition “Collect a song.” Each class is given a set of lines from songs (4 sets). Classes need to assemble a song from these lines and guess who sings it. After collecting and guessing, one of the songs turns out to be Ivan Dorn’s, everyone in unison calls Dorn onto the stage.

Number Ivan Dorn

Yaga: Nahhh... Well, today’s youth have idols, it would be better if we called Santa Claus.

Koschey: I liked it! Cool!

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden (almost sobbing): He’s not there anywhere... I don’t know where else to look for him. I'll pay now!!!

Yaga: Don’t cry, you can’t, you’ll melt!!!

Koschey: You better hold some kind of New Year’s Competition, Santa Claus will appear!!!

Snow Maiden: Well, that's an idea! Friends, Santa Claus loves to dance. Let's light it up properly so that he won't be able to show up here after this!

(Snow Maiden Nyusha holds a competition “Snake Dances” in which the head of a snake is class teachers, snakes dance to music of different genres and tempos, the most dancing class is determined.)

Snow Maiden: This class is the most dancing in our class. Comrade correspondent, be so kind as to take a photo of our favorites! (The Snow Maiden calls a correspondent from the crowd who walks around throughout the holiday and takes photographs of what is happening) Wait, wait, you remind me very much of someone, comrade correspondent. What's your name?

D.M.: Why do you need it?

Yana: Talk to us, we’re also interested, maybe you’re a spy!

Koschey: I smelled something like ice cream again...

D.M.: My name is... my name is... DJ Smash my name! Here!

(The "Real" DJ Smash appears)

Smash: So what's going on here? When will we be announced?

Yaga: Who are you, young man?

Smash: Well, actually, you need to know your idols by sight. But you, auntie, are apparently already a little outdated. My name is DJ Smash!

Koschey. Another DJ smash! What a twist! Our show is getting boring!

Yaga: So wait, wait, first of all, I’m not outdated, but the top presenter Yana Churikova, but you still need to prove which of you here is not an impostor!

Smash easily! Phonogram!

Number of DJ Smash and Anna Pletneva.

Smash: That's it! And if he is DJ smash, then where is his Anna Pletneva?

D.M.: Here is my Anna Pletnyova (takes the first girl from the crowd)

And we dance much better than you!!! Music! Repeat everything after us!

Competition “Repeat the dance”

Snow Maiden: Wait, wait, I realized who he reminds me of! This is my Santa Claus! Grandpa! Why did you shave your beard, Durik? What kind of outfit? What does all this even mean?

D.M: Otherwise it means that I’m tired of going to all sorts of matinees, congratulating everyone and entertaining everyone, maybe I want to hang out with young people and be entertained!

Yaga: Well, you old man would have said so! This is exactly why we wanted to invite you to the jury at our Mandarin Show!

Koschey: Just sit and have fun! Moreover, the next contestants are already tired of waiting. Announce Yanochka!

(Yana Yaga announces 2 number from classes ______________________________________)

Snow Maiden: How do you like grandpa?

D.M.: Great, just don’t call me grandpa, I’ve dropped 300 years off my shoulders today.

Yaga: Of course, we can not name it, but with one condition, you still have at least one New Year's competition!

D.M.: And then you have 2 more numbers for me! Agreed?

Koschey: Agreed! Show me off!

D.M: Well, today I imagined my friends as if I were not Santa Claus at all, but a young boy and arranged for myself wonderful holiday, and let us now imagine that we are all not people, but penguins! Let's all pretend to be penguins together. We are at the North Pole and we are cold...

Now let's imagine that we are not at the North Pole, but in Africa in the Sahara Desert and we are hot... and now we are all penguins in love and dancing a dance for our other half... and now we are crazy penguins... and now we will just dance like penguins! ( competition “We are penguins”»)

D.M: Well, now you promised me 2 issues!

Yaga: Since we promised, then we announce it!

(Number 3 from classes and Lady Gaga)

(lights go down after Lady Gaga's performance)

Baba Yaga: What is this? Have all the stars on our Show gone out at once?!!

D.M.: Don’t panic! This is another surprise of mine! Today, instead of a Christmas tree, we will light up new talents! Guys, rock it!

Room with LEDs

( You can use this text:

It lit up, sparkled, like the brightest star.

It was as if he had been born again, even though he was still young.

And the soul has not rusted, the heart beats in the chest,

So, do your job, there’s still more to come.

This is not fun, this is not a game

You have the right, and it's time for you.

Light it up so it burns clearly

Light it up so it doesn't go out

Light up the stars in the blue sky,

Rock it, made in Russia,

Rock it. Made in Russia.)

(After this number, LED balls are brought out and distributed to each class.)

D.M: And now you and I will make our deepest wishes!

Yaga-Yana: As the chimes strike, we will count to 12 and on the 12th strike we will release these magic lantern balls.

Koschey Matvienko: Which will help us fulfill our desires.

Snow Maiden: And they will shine for us for a long time at our festive New Year's disco!

D.M: Are you ready? And Once......

(Everyone counts to 12 as the chimes strike, the balls are released and the disco begins. End)

"New Year's Star Factory"

Song "New Year"

1. To everyone who loves the winter holiday:

The smell of a Christmas tree, the creak of snow.

2.And when it’s frosty winter

Your cheek will turn red.

3. For everyone who loves dancing and singing

And garlands of cheerful light.

4. To everyone who was waiting for us with impatience,

Greetings to the viewers!

5.Here on the New Year's tree

Everyone is present today:

Petya, Kostya, Anya, Sasha,

Dasha, Katya, Lyuba, Grisha,

Vitya, Klava and Taras.

In chorus:

Glad to see everyone here!

6. Guys, it's time to start New Year, but here's the problem

Without Santa Claus
And the trees don't burn,
And there is no one without Frost.
Fun for the guys!

Let's call Grandfather Frost.

Children: Santa Claus, we are waiting for you! (3 times)

Snow Maiden:

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden(gloomily): Hello!

Father Frost: We are glad, children, to see you!

We start here today
Merry New Year's holiday!

Song "New Year's rock and roll"


Snow Maiden(with sarcasm): Let's do a round dance, and then listen to rhymes and play with toys! I’m not two years old anymore! I want to sing normal songs.

And in general, I want to be a star!

Snow Maiden: Yes, the children won’t even notice that I’m gone. And I want people to talk about me! So that my clips are played on MuzTV, so that fans ask for autographs...

That's life! Grandpa, why should you just hit him with your magic staff once?

Father Frost:

Children: Yes!

Snow Maiden:
(Runs away.)

Father Frost: Wait, Snow Maiden! Where are you going, granddaughter? Guys, for now you recite the poems and start a round dance for the Christmas tree, and I’ll catch up with the Snow Maiden. (Runs away.)

1There are many wonderful holidays

Everyone takes their turn.

But the best holiday in the world,

The kindest holiday - New year.

2In the New Year, fun flows.

Laughter is heard everywhere.

And the kids laugh:

New Year: Hurray!.

3 Hello, dear Christmas tree!

You are our guest again.

The lights are sparkling again

On your thick branches.

4It’s good at our Christmas tree

Happy holiday!

It's good at our Christmas tree

Have fun and dance!

5So that the cones turn

In multi-colored balls,

So that the snowflakes sparkle,

Without melting from the heat.

6So that the stars become rays

The heights were brightly lit,

Let's say together, let's say together:

Christmas tree, light up!

The tree doesn't light up.

7We shouted to no avail,
Our tree did not wake up.
Maybe someone didn't scream?
Maybe someone kept silent?
Our miracle spell
Let's repeat it one more time.

1, 2, 3 the Christmas tree is on fire!

8 Let the Christmas tree sparkle brighter!
Shine, gold lights!
Happy New Year
Dear guests.

9. The Christmas tree caught fire

Bright lights.

Join the round dance

Sing along with us.

Presenter 1:

  • Good evening, my friends! This is the Star Factory live! And I'm its leader.
  • Yes, you read that right, it's me! I lost weight, looked younger, bought myself a new dress.
  • What did you want – it’s a new year! And our program is unusual - New Year's.
  • Therefore, today any miracles and surprises are possible.

Presenter 2: Dear viewers, Today we have the final. During live broadcast and after it you can send SMS in support of any finalist.

1. Guess you guys

Who came to the casting first?

He himself has a short ponytail.

Very timid and timid.

2. The ears are so long

Likes to eat one carrot.

Everyone respects him for his speed.

And for your skill.

Take it out from the gift

You are a chocolate present.

Although I'm not a kinder surprise,

And I wasn't bought for a cent.

And I'm a chocolate bunny,

And you love me.

Treat yourself guys

You treat yourself with sweets.

Chorus :I'm a chocolate bunny

I'm marmalade inside.

The wrapper is shiny. Ooo!

I sing and dance

And I won't let you down,

After all, this new hit.

More chocolate

More marmalade

You eat in the morning. Am-am-am!

Let's have fun

I advise you to dance and hang out.


Brothers: So what?


Brother 1: Producers? Grandma, why?

Brother 2:




Brothers: What grandfather?


Brothers: What?


Snow Maiden: Well, the kids urgently invited grandpa to the holiday: their Christmas tree didn’t light up. And I quietly disappeared. I have no time with them.

I urgently need a producer.

Where can I find it? Don't you know?

Children: No.

Snow Maiden: Maybe put an ad in the newspaper: “The Snow Maiden with excellent vocal abilities is looking for a producer”?

No, it's very long. And right now I want to be a star . ABOUT! I came up with an idea who can help me find a producer!

We need to ask our stars about this! Alla Pugacheva should definitely help me!

Song "Iceberg"

Snow Maiden:

A.B.: Hello, hello.

Snow Maiden: You sing so well!


Snow Maiden:


Snow Maiden:


Snow Maiden

A.B.: Well, here are the notes.

Snow Maiden: Sheet music? But I can’t sing like that...


Snow Maiden:


Snow Maiden:


Snow Maiden: Alla Pugacheva, of course, sings well, but her views are outdated.

You need to find out about the producer from someone more up-to-date.

Guys, which group is the most fashionable now?

Children:"Disco Crash"!

Snow Maiden:

Snow Maiden: Oh guys, you are so modern.

Take me to the group, will you? I really want to become a star!

Soloist: Do you eat well?

Snow Maiden: Yes.

Soloist: Come on, sing.

Soloist(keyboardist): So what?



Snow Maiden

Backup girl:


Dance "Hello, Happy New Year"

Snow Maiden:

N. Babkina: Hi all!

Snow Maiden: Hello! You are a real star! I want to be a star too!

Will you take me into your ensemble?

N. Babkina:

Snow Maiden: What should I do?

N. Babkina: Well, I don't know. Hire a stylist.

Snow Maiden: But it's expensive!

N. Babkina: Did you think becoming a star was easy? And in general, the star should have a lot more:




image makers,



All: Do you have them?

Snow Maiden: No…

N. Babkina:

The song “Seeds” plays. (Folk group with spoons)

Snow Maiden(upset): Well, there you go. But I don’t know, I don’t know how to dance fashionably, and now the image is not the same. Will I never become a star?

Maybe try his luck in the east? (waves a handkerchief)

Oriental dance.

Snow Maiden: Oh, who is this?


Brother 1:

Brother 2:

Brother 1:

Grandmother: In general, there are no cooler producers than us even in America! But we don’t know who else to make a star?

Are the talents running out? ? (“Notices” the Snow Maiden.) Look! This is a future star!

Girl, do you, by any chance, want to become a singer?

Snow Maiden: I really want it! But I can't.

Grandmother: Why? We will help you.

Snow Maiden: But I don't know musical notation.


Snow Maiden

Grandmother: Dance? Ha! Who can dance now? Have you ever seen, for example, Kobzon dance?

Let's hire a ballet! (addresses the brothers). I think "Todes" would be good?

Brothers(important): We think so.

Snow Maiden:


Brother 1:

Brother 2: No, whole stadiums of people!

Snow Maiden: Hooray! Is this really true?


Snow Maiden: I agree to any conditions!


Snow Maiden:


Snow Maiden

Grandmother(to brothers): How cunning! Okay, we'll think of something. (Snow Maiden.) Let's go.

Brother 1: Attention!!!

Brother 2: Studio "Soyuz" presents!

Brother 1: New star millennium!

Brother 2: Super duper show! Meet us!

Brother 1: New singer - Snegura-dance!



Snow Maiden: Okay, here are the gifts, in the bag.

Grandmother and brothers open the chest, take out a bag and one piece of candy.

The brothers run away with the bag. Grandmother gives the candy to the Snow Maiden.


Snow Maiden: Wow! This is not fair! Come on. I'm a star now. I'll make a lot of money

I will buy a lot of gifts and give them to the children. So, my new song!

Snow Maiden:


Snow Maiden:

Snow Maiden


Snow Maiden: It's me, Snow Maiden!

Father Frost:


Snow Maiden:



Snow Maiden: Now I understand everything! Everyone is important in their place! And my place is next to you, grandfather!

And next to you guys! I'm coming now!

Runs away.

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's not stand still. We will gather in a round dance around the forest beauty.

And, remembering the songs with me, we will all celebrate the New Year together!

Song "Russian Winter"

Kids: Snow Maiden! Real! Hooray!

Snow Maiden:

D.M. knocks with the staff, the kids take out the bag.

Father Frost:

So, friends, today we have
Happy New Year's holiday!
Everyone is dressed up, cheerful,
The villains are all defeated!
Let's, as they say,
Laugh, sing and have fun!

Everything is under construction.

1They say on New Year's Eve,

Whatever you want,

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

2Even the guys can

All wishes come true

It is only necessary, they say,

Make an effort.

3 Don't be lazy, don't yawn

For your torment.

4 How can we not make a wish?

A humble wish

To become a bright star

With world radiance!

5They say on New Year's Eve

Dream and reality meet.

They say on New Year's Eve

Miracles happen.

6They are very easy to find,

If you believe in miracles,

Widely in surprise

Open your eyes.

7Let the gloomy day turn

Celebration in smiles!

Oh, how nice it is for people

Such magic!

8They say on New Year's Eve

The impossible is possible.

Believe in yourself, success will come

Although, the task is difficult!

9And the heart beats joyfully,

What if it’s here now?

Will stretch out bright rays

Distant star!

“Cool you got it”

You are a great smart guy

And your friends are with you.

Just got into my head -

I wanted to become a star!

We are not stars yet

But no longer lanterns.

Cute on the outside

And cool on the inside.

God didn’t hurt me with my talent,

We will not let you down in anything.

The producer will see us

And then we won’t be lost!

There are a lot of stars in the sky!

There are simply too many stars in the sky!

But your own stars are better!

And there are such people in the class!

It's great that you've made it into the New Year!

It's great that you've made it into the New Year!

He's coming! He will bring us many new stars!

Father Frost:

The New Year's carnival is over!

Gifts are given to children.



"New Year's Star Factory"

Song "New Year"

1. To everyone who loves the winter holiday:

The smell of a Christmas tree, the creak of snow.

2.And when it’s frosty winter

Your cheek will turn red.

3. For everyone who loves dancing and singing

And garlands of cheerful light.

4. To everyone who was waiting for us with impatience,

Greetings to the viewers!

5.Here on the New Year's tree

Everyone is present today:

Petya, Kostya, Anya, Sasha,

Dasha, Katya, Lyuba, Grisha,

Vitya, Klava and Taras.

In chorus:

Glad to see everyone here!

Summon d.m. and Snow Maiden.poems

6. Guys, it's time to start the New Year, but here's the problem

Without Santa Claus
And the trees don't burn,
And there is no one without Frost.
Fun for the guys!

Let's call Grandfather Frost.

Children: Santa Claus, we are waiting for you! (3 times)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

Snow Maiden: Don't want! I don’t want to and I won’t! I'm tired of everything! Every time it's the same! People only remember us on New Year’s Eve!

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, shame on you! You didn't even say hello to the guys!

Snow Maiden (gloomily): Hello!

Father Frost: We are glad, children, to see you!
Happy New Year everyone, good morning!
We start here today
Merry New Year's holiday!

Song "New Year's rock and roll"

D.M . Now, guys, let's sing a song about the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden (with sarcasm): Let's do a round dance, and then listen to rhymes and play with toys! I’m not two years old anymore! I want to sing normal songs. And in general, I want to be a star!

Santa Claus (upset): Those times... And who will help me? And what would New Year be without you, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden: Yes, the children won’t even notice that I’m gone. And I want people to talk about me! For my videos to be played on MuzTV, for fans to ask for autographs... That's life! Grandpa, why should you just hit him with your magic staff once?

Father Frost: Granddaughter, you don’t need all this! You are already a beauty with us, and all the guys love you. Really, guys?

Children: Yes!

The Snow Maiden sings the song “Ladoshka”

Snow Maiden: My talent is disappearing! I know what to do! You need to go to the “Star Factory” to look for a producer!
(Runs away.)

Father Frost: Wait, Snow Maiden! Where are you going, granddaughter? Guys, for now you recite the poems and start a round dance for the Christmas tree, and I’ll catch up with the Snow Maiden. (Runs away.)

1There are many wonderful holidays, each coming in its own turn.

But the best holiday in the world,

The kindest holiday is New Year.

2In the New Year, fun flows.

Laughter is heard everywhere.

And the kids laugh:

New Year: Hurray!.

3 Hello, dear Christmas tree!

You are our guest again.

The lights are sparkling again

On your thick branches.

4It’s good at our Christmas tree

Happy holiday!

It's good at our Christmas tree

Have fun and dance!

5So that the cones turn

In multi-colored balls,

So that the snowflakes sparkle,

Without melting from the heat.

6So that the stars become rays

The heights were brightly lit,

Let's say together, let's say together:

Christmas tree, light up!

The tree doesn't light up.

7We shouted to no avail,
Our tree did not wake up.
Maybe someone didn't scream?
Maybe someone kept silent?
Our miracle spell
Let's repeat it one more time.

1, 2, 3 the Christmas tree is on fire!

8 Let the Christmas tree sparkle brighter!
Shine, gold lights!
Happy New Year
Dear guests.

9. The Christmas tree lit up with bright lights. Join the round dance and sing with us.

Round dance “The Christmas tree is shining with lights”

The "Star Factory" screensaver plays

Presenter 1:

  • Good evening, my friends! This is the Star Factory live! And I'm its leader. Yes, you read that right, it's me! I lost weight, looked younger, bought myself a new dress. What did you want – it’s a new year! And our program is unusual - New Year's. Therefore, today any miracles and surprises are possible.

Presenter 2: Dear viewers,Today we have the final. During and after the live broadcast, you can send SMS messages in support of any finalist. The one who gets the most votes will receive a super prize - recording a new video!

1. Guess you guys

Who came to the casting first?

He himself has a short ponytail.

Very timid and timid.

2. The ears are so long

Likes to eat one carrot.

Everyone respects him for his speed.

And for your skill.

A chocolate bunny appears, embroidered with candy wrappers, and sings.

You take out a chocolate present from the gift. At least I’m not a kinder surprise, And I wasn’t bought for a cent. And I am a chocolate bunny, and you love me. Treat yourself, guys, to some sweets.

Chorus :I am a chocolate bunny, inside I am marmalade. The wrapper is shiny. Ooo! I sing and dance, And I won’t let you down, Because this is a new hit. You eat more chocolate, more marmalade in the morning. Am-am-am! Let's have fun, dance and party - I advise you.

A song is playing. The Gavs brothers appear with their grandmother.

Grandmother: Have you heard? The Snow Maiden wants to become a star.

Brothers: So what?

Grandmother: Like what? We need to pretend to be producers!

Brother 1: Producers? Grandma, why?

Brother 2: We will help the Snow Maiden!

Grandmother: Stupid! We won't help her! We'll pretend to be producers to get our hands on all the gifts! It's clear?!

Brothers: Present? Present! This is clear to us, we love gifts!

Grandmother: But how can we catch the Snow Maiden so that she is alone? She doesn’t go anywhere without her grandfather.

Brothers: Which grandfather?

Grandmother: Santa Claus, of course! Santa Claus will figure us out right away! So what?

Brothers: What?

Grandmother: We have to wait for the right moment, that's what! (Looks at the brothers.) And you don’t look like producers at all! Follow me! (They leave).

A song is playing. The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Well, the kids urgently invited grandpa to the holiday: their Christmas tree didn’t light up. And I quietly disappeared. I have no time with them. I urgently need a producer. Where can I find it? Don't you know?

Children: No.

Snow Maiden: Maybe put an ad in the newspaper: “The Snow Maiden with excellent vocal abilities is looking for a producer”? No, it's very long. And right now I want to be a star. ABOUT! I came up with an idea who can help me find a producer! We need to ask our stars about this! Alla Pugacheva should definitely help me!

He waves his handkerchief. The sound of magic. A song by A. Pugacheva is playing. Humming, she herself appears.

Song "Iceberg"

Snow Maiden: Oh, Alla Borisovna, hello!

A.B.: Hello, hello.

Snow Maiden: You sing so well!

A.B.: Thank you, baby. I sing really well. (Adjusts her hair.)

Snow Maiden: But I also want to become a singer. I just don’t have a producer. Can you tell me where I can find it?

A.B.: Well, to become a singer, firstly, you need talent.

Snow Maiden: Oh, I already have talent! I have a lot of talent!

A.B.: This is just wonderful, baby. Come on, sing me this melody. (Gives notes).

Snow Maiden (examines, twirls the piece of paper): Which one?

A.B.: Well, here are the notes.

Snow Maiden: Sheet music? But I can’t sing like that...

A.B.: My dear, how did you want to be a singer without knowing the notes?

Snow Maiden: Why can't you sing just like that?

A.B.: You can sing, but a singer is already a profession, she needs to study, graduate from a music school, then a conservatory...

Snow Maiden: Oh, what a long time! This doesn't suit me.

A.B.: Well, it's up to you to decide. Good luck!

Snow Maiden: Alla Pugacheva, of course, sings well, but her views are outdated. You need to find out about the producer from someone more up-to-date. Guys, which group is the most fashionable now?

Children: "Disco Crash"!

Snow Maiden: We’ll call them now!

Waving a handkerchief. The phonogram plays, the group appears. (behind the instruments)

Snow Maiden: Oh guys, you are so modern. Take me to the group, will you? I really want to become a star!

Soloist: Do you eat well?

Snow Maiden: Yes.

Soloist: Well, sing.

The Snow Maiden sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Soloist (keyboardist): So what?

Keyboardist: Well, if you make the arrangement normal and add echo, it will work.

Soloist (Snow Maiden): Can you dance?

Snow Maiden (perks up): Yes! Waltz, polka...

Backup girl:Waltz? Polka?! What are you talking about, this is not fashionable now! Can you do this?

An excerpt of a song plays, a girl from the group dances. The Snow Maiden is trying to dance a waltz to this music.

Soloist: No, that won't work. Look how the guys will dance now. We give you our new hit!

Dance "Hello, Happy New Year"

Snow Maiden: Here you go. You see, I don’t dance like that. What do they understand! I’d better ask Nadezhda Babkina.

He waves a handkerchief, a soundtrack sounds, and the “folk-Babkina” group appears.

N. Babkina: Hello everyone!

Snow Maiden: Hello! (Looks at the soloist admiringly.)You are a real star! I want to be a star too! Will you take me into your ensemble?

N. Babkina: With such and such an image??? To perform with us, you need to look cool! With such an image you are not suitable for us.

Snow Maiden: What should I do?

N. Babkina: Well, I don't know. Hire a stylist.

Snow Maiden: But it's expensive!

N. Babkina: Did you think becoming a star was easy? And in general, the star should have a lot more:




image makers,



All: Do you have them?

Snow Maiden: No...

N. Babkina: Well, then just listen to our new song.

The song “Seeds” plays.(Folk group with spoons)

Snow Maiden (upset): Well, there you go. But I don’t know, I don’t know how to dance fashionably, and now the image is not the same. Will I never become a star?

Maybe try his luck in the east? (waves a handkerchief)


Oriental dance.

The Gavs brothers appear with their grandmother.

Snow Maiden: Oh, who is this?

Grandmother (out of breath): We just left the recording studio.

Brother 1: Yeah. We help young talents develop.

Brother 2: We have already promoted Alsou and the Tatu group too.

Brother 1: Dima Bilan is now forever grateful to us.

Grandmother: In general, there are no cooler producers than us even in America! But we don’t know who else to make a star? Are the talents running out?? (“Notices” the Snow Maiden.) Look! This is a future star! Girl, do you, by any chance, want to become a singer?

Snow Maiden: I really want it! But I can't.

Grandmother: Why? We will help you.

Snow Maiden: But I don't know musical notation.

Grandmother: Ha! Who knows her now? You don't need this to become a star. You don't even have to sing!

Snow Maiden (surprisedly and joyfully): Yes? (He gets sad again.) But I don’t know how to dance in a modern way.

Grandmother: Dance? Ha! Who can dance now? Have you ever seen, for example, Kobzon dance? Let's hire a ballet! (addresses the brothers). I think "Todes" would be good?

Brothers (important): We think so.

Snow Maiden: But my image is inappropriate!

Grandmother: Image? Yes, this is the easiest thing! Let's come up with an image! You will become the coolest star of the millennium!

Brother 1: We will gather entire halls...

Brother 2: No, whole stadiums of people!

Snow Maiden: Hooray! Is this really true?

Grandmother: Of course it's true! Only one small condition.

Snow Maiden: I agree to any conditions!

Grandmother: We will divide all the gifts among ourselves.

Snow Maiden: Oh, what will grandpa say? And the guys will be left without gifts... I can’t do this to them.

Grandmother: Yes, they will thank you later when they dance to your songs at the disco!

Snow Maiden (incredulously): Yes? Well, okay then... Just first make me a star, and then we’ll share the gifts.

Grandmother (to brothers): How cunning! Okay, we'll think of something. (Snow Maiden.) Let's go.

They leave. A song is playing. The Gavs brothers appear.

Brother 1: Attention!!!

Brother 2: Studio "Soyuz" presents!

Brother 1: New star of the millennium!

Brother 2: Super duper show! Meet us!

Brother 1: New singer - Snegura-dance!

Grandmother leads the dressed and painted Snow Maiden.

Grandmother: Well, here you are, a star. Look how they greet you.

The Gavs brothers clap, inviting children and spectators to applaud.

Grandmother: Let's divide the gifts, and then you will perform.

Snow Maiden: Okay, here are the gifts, in the bag.

Grandmother and brothers open the chest, take out a bag and one piece of candy. The brothers run away with the bag. Grandmother gives the candy to the Snow Maiden.

Grandmother: This is for you, and the rest is for us. Ciao, bye! (Runs away.)

Snow Maiden: Wow! This is not fair! Come on. I'm a star now. I will earn a lot of money, buy a lot of gifts and give it to the children. So, my new song!

The phonogram of the song “?” plays. The Snow Maiden sings.

Snow Maiden: So how? Do you like my song?

Children: There is already such a song. It is sung by the group "?".

Snow Maiden: Really? I understood everything: I was deceived.

Santa Claus appears. He leads crying children by the hand.

Snow Maiden (to kids): Children, why are you crying? What's happened?

Children get scared and hide behind Santa Claus.

Boy: Grandfather Frost, what kind of aunt is this? I'm afraid of her!

Snow Maiden: It's me, Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: No, you are no longer the Snow Maiden.

Girl: Are there such things as Snow Maidens?

Snow Maiden: Probably not... Well, why are you crying?

Boy: We had a New Year without gifts.

Girl: And most importantly, there was no Snow Maiden...

They cry even more, Santa Claus strokes their heads.

Snow Maiden: Now I understand everything! Everyone is important in their place! And my place is next to you, grandfather! And next to you guys! I'm coming now!

Runs away.

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's not stand still. We will gather in a round dance around the forest beauty. And, remembering the songs with me, we will all celebrate the New Year together!

Song "Russian Winter"

A song is playing. The Snow Maiden appears again in disguise. The kids rush to her.

Kids: Snow Maiden! Real! Hooray!

Snow Maiden: What to do with gifts? I gave them to my producers...
Grandfather, hit him with your magic staff so that all the gifts are back in the chest.

D.M. knocks with the staff, the kids take out the bag.

Father Frost: Well, now everything is as it should be: the guys are assembled, the gifts are in place.

So, friends, today we have
Happy New Year's holiday!
Everyone is dressed up, cheerful,
The villains are all defeated!
Let's, as they say,
Laugh, sing and have fun!

Everything is under construction.

1They say on New Year's Eve,

Whatever you want,

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

2Even the guys can

All wishes come true

It is only necessary, they say,

Make an effort.

3 Don't be lazy, don't yawn

And have patience

For your torment.

4 How can we not make a wish?

A humble wish

To become a bright star

With world radiance!

5They say on New Year's Eve

Dream and reality meet.

They say on New Year's Eve

Miracles happen.

6They are very easy to find,

If you believe in miracles,

Widely in surprise

Open your eyes.

7Let the gloomy day turn

Celebration in smiles!

Oh, how nice it is for people

Such magic!

8They say on New Year's Eve

The impossible is possible.

Believe in yourself, success will come

Although, the task is difficult!

9And the heart beats joyfully,

What if it’s here now?

Will stretch out bright rays

Distant star!

“Cool you got it”

You are a great smart guy

And your friends are with you.

Just got into my head -

I wanted to become a star!

We are not stars yet

But no longer lanterns.

Cute on the outside

And cool on the inside.

God didn’t hurt me with my talent,

We will not let you down in anything.

The producer will see us

And then we won’t be lost!

There are a lot of stars in the sky!

There are simply too many stars in the sky!

But your own stars are better!

And there are such people in the class!


It's great that you've made it into the New Year!

It's great that you've made it into the New Year!

He's coming! He will bring us many new stars!

Father Frost: We visited our dear friends,
Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.
The time has come to say: “See you again!”
The New Year's carnival is over!

Gifts are given to children.

"Star Factory"

Santa Claus"

New Year's show performance

for older students

Victoria-Berezhok 2014

(Children gather in the hall to the music and take their seats.)

Host: Sequins, lights, garlands...

The chimes will be striking soon!

Everything is ready for the show!

Christmas tree - to everyone's surprise!

We haven't forgotten anyone -

Everyone was invited to the celebration!

The old year is passing away

Its last page rustles,

Let the best that was not go away,

And the worst cannot happen again!

Leave your sorrows to the old year,

Forget anxiety, resentment, trouble!

Only health, success and happiness

We wish you a happy new year!

    The poem “Where does the New Year come from?” author A. Usachev,

Shemyakins Olya and Sonya are reading

Where does New Year come from?
Is New Year falling from the sky?
Or is it coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming to us?

He probably lived like a snowflake
On some star
Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?
Frost in his beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve...
And from nowhere
New Year is coming to us!

(Fanfares and the melody of the song “A Christmas Tree was Born in the Forest” sound. The hall darkens.)

Santa Claus (from behind the screen, interrupting the melody): Wait a minute, you! I'm not ready!

The Snow Maiden has disappeared somewhere!

(The cheerful melody of the Puss in Boots song sounds,

A cat comes into the room, humming a song under its breath.)

Cat: Hello guys! Have you heard what “gift” the Snow Maiden gave our Father Frost? She took it and ran away! Probably to Europe! To rich Santa Claus! Santa Claus, of course, is terribly upset! That's why I'm here to save the day as always! Wow, everything will be great! I'm saying this

I am Puss in Boots!

    Song of the Cat (to the tune of “The Lame King” by E. Gil)

I'm Puss in Boots, that is. he's still a cat!

My motto: “He who seeks will find a way out!”

Now we will fill Snegurkin’s gap -

I ate the dog in this - with the wizard!

Tiryam-tiryarim, tram-tiryam,

I won't let anyone get bored!

Now let's start a ruckus!

Tiryam-tiryam, tram-there!

Cat: (looks behind the screen) Well, just as I expected! Santa Claus tears out his last hair, instead of looking for himself new Snow Maiden. Well, as always, I’ll have to take charge! But first let's see what will happen

Santa Claus!... (hides behind the Christmas tree.)

(The intro to the song “You hesitated!” sounds,

an evil Santa Claus comes out with his hat on one side and performs a rap)

    Santa Claus's song "They hesitated"

This Snow Maiden made me hesitate -

She took it and ran away just before the holiday!

And the sound engineer hesitated:

Like, it’s time to start - the hall is already filled!

And you all made me hesitate too!

Haven't you seen Santa Claus?!

I'll retire! You got me!

Everyone hesitated! They hesitated!

(He heads towards the exit.)

Cat: (Peeking out from behind the tree) Peek-a-boo!

Santa Claus: Oh, it's you, old scoundrel!

Cat: Have you seen how famous I am?! Kirkorov is resting!

Santa Claus: What is your cunning nose sniffing out here?

Cat: No need for Snow Maiden?

Santa Claus: Aren't you the one who wants to replace her?

Cat: Well, you genius! So, let’s put up notices everywhere: “Father Frost’s Star Factory!” You will have a Snow Maiden! In short, Grandfather, sit down, look and

choose! I'll organize everything! So, are there any applicants?

Singer: (from her seat) What about that?!

Cat (to Santa Claus) well, what did I say?!

(In a curtsy to the singer) Please!

from the repertoire of S. Rotaru, Ananyeva N. sings.

Cat: Well, the spitting image of the Snow Maiden!

Singer: Am I the Snow Maiden? Is it similar?

Cat: (to Santa Claus) I think it’s similar!

Santa Claus: I think it’s similar too! Or not really... Viewers, help me,

tell me who is she?

Spectators: Sofia Rotaru!

Santa Claus: Wow, what a celebrity you are! Do you want to be the Snow Maiden?

Singer: Well, no, you’ll freeze it some more! Goodbye!

Santa Claus and Cat (sad) Goodbye.

(The singer leaves.)

Cat: (takes the tablet) Meet the next contender for the Snow Maiden!

Snow White!

(Snow White and the dwarfs come out)

    Dance of Snow White and the Dwarfs - Anya P.,

Pasha, Vitaly H., Yaroslav, Nikita Zh., Oleg M., Sergey L.

Santa Claus: The girl is nice, but where am I going to put these? (points to the gnomes) No, we

The Snow Maiden is always alone at the Christmas tree! You are not suitable for us.

Cat: You won't please... okay, let's see who's next.

(The Mistress of the Copper Mountain and her assistant (teacher) come out.

They walk silently past Santa Claus and the Cat and stop in the middle.)

Cat: Well, how do you like her? The Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself!

Santa Claus: Too silent...

Assistant: So it’s not according to the status of a royal person to say a lot.

Cat: You will be the only one to perform at the Christmas trees, and she will hand out gifts! Look what

She has a casket with jewelry.

Santa Claus: Like one? What about games? What about dancing? This is the Snow Maiden with the guys...

Cat: (to the owner of the copper mountain) Sorry, you’re not quite right for us.

(The next singer comes to the middle)

Santa Claus: Who are you? Probably, too, what star?

Cat: (pushes Grandfather in the side) What are you doing?! This is Valentina Tolkunova herself! Please!

    The song “If it weren’t for winter” from the film “Prostokvashino”

performed by S. Babich

(While applause sounds, the cat dreamily hums a line from this song.

And the singer leaves at this time.)

Cat: (To Santa Claus, when there is silence) Well, shall we take it?

Santa Claus: You catch up with her first!

Cat: I'll be quick!

(He heads forward, but towards him to the daring music

Baba Yaga runs in screaming)

Baba Yaga: (to the cat) Hello, hat! (To Santa Claus) Hello, beard! (to the audience) Hello, loafers! So be it - persuaded! I'm tired of being Baba Yaga, I want to be... (dreamy) Snow Maiden!.. (in the tone of an order) Persuaded, I say!

(stepping on Santa Claus) Well, grandpa, are you taking me to the Snow Maidens?

Santa Claus: (backs away in fear) Some other time!

Baba Yaga: (angry) Did I dress up in vain?

Cat: Told you, another time! Leave or I'll call the musketeers!

Baba Yaga: Call me! I still won't leave!

Cat: Musketeers, help!!!

(The musketeers come out into the middle of the hall, and the girl who plays the Snow Maiden

quietly leaves the hall.)

    Song of D*Artagnan and the Three Musketeers from the repertoire of M. Boyarsky

performed by I. Ermakov and Dima K., Sergey E., Linar H.

Cat: (surrounded by musketeers) Well, old woman, will you leave on your own or help?

Baba Yaga: Okay, I took yours, I won’t be the Snow Maiden... I’ll go get married! For Leshy! Or for Koscheyushka... I haven’t decided which one to choose yet.

Now I’ll arrange a casting for them too... (leaves)

Santa Claus: Listen, maybe we can leave this idea with choosing the Snow Maiden? And then again, no

God forbid, some swamp kikimora will begin to offer itself!

Cat: Cheer up, grandpa! Look (waves tablet in front of Santa Claus) how much

more contenders! We will find you the best Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: (going on stage) Why look for me? I'm here! Hello!

Am I too late?

Santa Claus: (grumbling) No, Snow Maiden, not really. Not even a year has passed!

Cat: Did you happen to visit Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: Why do we need it? We have our own Santa Claus!

Cat: Indeed! And we were already thinking about finding a replacement for you!

Snow Maiden: Why?

Santa Claus: So we must congratulate everyone on the New Year, as it should be!

Cat: Yes, with poems and a song!

Snow Maiden: So what's the matter? Let's begin!

(Children remain standing in a circle)

Snow Maiden: And now I invite everyone to play the game!

(adults arrange chairs according to the number of children who cannot walk)

    Game "Search!" music Lomovoy

(Children go to their seats.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden sit down at a table set on the stage.)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, let’s play with our viewers, let them guess

our next guest! I can only tell you that this is a famous singer!

    The song “I will become a waterfall” from the repertoire of G. Leps is performed by K. Shevelev

Cat: Well, parent viewers, guess who it is? (listens to adults' answers)

Santa Claus: Now guess my riddle:

He put the doll on his hand,

He meowed and sang a song,

Changed the glove -

The jester danced in a squat!

Who is leading the doll? -

Leads across the stage... (puppeteer)

Snow Maiden: And mine: You can twirl the doll,

Pull her thread.

At a performance without candy

Who's obedient? (puppets)

Cat: Meet the famous puppeteer with his puppet doll!

    "Good Ostrich" music. gr. "Barbariki" "Kindness"

In the role of puppeteer N. Porfiryev (place the chair with its back to the viewer)

Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, and now he sings especially for you and all the girls in the hall

famous artist! Meet us!

    The song “The Most, the Most” from E. Creed’s repertoire is performed by S. Sannikov.

Santa Claus: Well, did you recognize the singer?

Snow Maiden: I suggest everyone stand in a circle

And play a little!

    Game "Who is faster!" music Schwartz

(everyone goes to their seats)

Snow Maiden: Puss in Boots, what are you dreaming about?

Cat: I have a lot of dreams...

Snow Maiden: choose quickly while Christina reads the poem.

(Magical music sounds, girls dressed as angels appear on stage)

Nastya B.: The archangel handed me a notebook

And sent it down to Earth from on high,

He only told me to write kindly:

People's affairs, dreams and thoughts.

    Song "Angels" from the repertoire of gr. "Mojito"

performed by Regina H., Lisa K., Nastya B., Katya N.

Snow Maiden: (to the cat) Now your wish will definitely come true! What did you wish for?

Cat: I wished that our holiday would continue with dancing! Will it come true?

Snow Maiden: It’s already coming true! Look! There are naughty girls on stage with a cheerful dance!

    Dance “One, two, three, four” repertoire gr. "Paints",

Alina Z. and Christina H. dance.

(There is a knock on the door. The presenter opens the door and returns to the middle of the hall

with a fake goat in his hands.)

Host: Happy New Year!

The Year of the Goat is upon us!

We invite Goat to the house,

We are ready to be friends with her!

Cat: New Year has come again

Come to us without delay!

So the time is coming

Warm wishes!

Snow Maiden: The year of the goat is knocking on the door.

We are meeting him!

So that your dreams come true now

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

Host: Guys, close all your eyes and make your deepest wish, and when the goat comes up to you, stroke it and think about your wish again, then it will certainly come true!

(Children make a wish, holiday heroes give gifts to children and say New Year’s wishes.)

Presenter: On a long, difficult road,

The goat was walking towards us!

We sing together a goat

We wish to meet you!


May this New Year!

Good luck and luck

The goat will bring it to you!

And with a smile from her

Let's accept congratulations.

We'll sing songs with her,

Let's have some fun!

    Final New Year's song“5 minutes” from the film “Carnival Night”

Father Frost:

Baba Yaga:

Snow Maiden:

Assistant to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain:


    Verse "Where does the New Year come from?"

    Song of the Cat (The Lame King)

    Song of Santa Claus (you hesitated)

    Song "I will name the planet after you"

    Dance of Snow White and the Dwarves

    Song "If it weren't for winter"

    Song of the Three Musketeers

    Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

    Game "Search!"

    Song "I will become a waterfall"

    Room with a puppet doll “Good Ostrich”

    Song "The most, the most"

    Game "Who is faster"

    Verse "New Year's"

    Song "Angels"

    Dance "1,2,3,4"

    "Star Factory" of Santa Claus

    Scenario New Year's performance


    Father Frost

    Snow Maiden






    Baba Yaga

    Verka Serduchka




      Dance "Snowflakes"

      Round dance "Little Christmas tree..."

      Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”

      "Flight of the Bumblebee"

      Disco Accident "New Year's"

      Song from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio".

    7. Music accompanying the “Star Factory” program

    (“It’s great you’re on TV!”).

    8. Vitas “Opera No. 2”

    9. Pierre Narcissus “Chocolate Hare”

    11. Verka Serduchka “And I’m just coming out of the cold...”

    12. Irakliy Pirtskhalava “Vova – Plague”

    13. Round dance around the Christmas tree.

    14. Andryukha’s gang “Well, why are you so scary?”

    15.Masquerade (Costume Parade)

    Presenter (1st snowflake) (congratulates children and guests):

    New Year is already around the corner. May it be kind, peaceful and happy for everyone. Health, joy to you, happy holiday mood!

    Dance “Snowflakes” (performed by fifth-graders)

    Presenter (2nd snowflake):

    Old year ends

    Good, good year.

    We will not be sad -

    After all, the New One is coming to us.

    We will meet him with singing

    And we are looking forward to

    A cheerful chime of the clock.

    Presenter (3rd snowflake):

    We all feel very good

    Have fun today

    Because the New Year holiday has come to us.

    Presenter (1st snowflake):

    We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

    Haven't seen each other for a whole year.

    Sing, ring under the tree,

    New Year's round dance!

    Children stand in two circles and perform the round dance “Little Christmas tree...”

    Presenter (2nd snowflake):

    How fun, how fun

    How joyful it is all around!

    We greeted the Christmas tree with a song,

    We'll sing her a song!

    Presenter (3rd snowflake):

    How elegant you are

    With a silver star!

    How huge you are

    How fun it is to be with you!

    Presenter (1st snowflake):

    And now we will stand in a circle,

    Let's join hands,

    And in a merry round dance

    Let's walk with a song.

    The children continue to dance around the tree to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”.

    There is a knock, Magpies - forest postmen - fly into the hall to the music "Flight of the Bumblebee". They pronounce their words very quickly, almost jabbering:

    1st Magpie:

    Have you heard, have you heard the news? Santa Claus in his Berendey kingdom decided to open his own “Star Factory”. And he announced throughout the forest about a recruitment competition for his enterprise.

    2nd Magpie:

    Santa Claus had far-reaching plans: he wants to travel around the whole world with his “Factory” for the New Year and congratulate all the inhabitants of the planet. Oh, let's fly, let's fly into that forest! Don't be late!

    Magpies fly away.

    The sounds of music are heard, quiet at first, then louder and louder. To the soundtrack of the song “New Year’s” (by the group “Disco Accident”) Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

    Father Frost:

    Happy New Year, friends! Happy New Year!

    Snow Maiden:

    Happy New Year! Happy New Happiness!

    Happy holiday for everyone

    Let them sound under our Christmas tree

    Songs, music and laughter!

    Father Frost:

    And the Snow Maiden and I

    Congratulations, friends!

    How many familiar faces are there?

    How many of my friends are here?

    I feel good here, like at home,

    Among the gray fir trees,

    I visited you a year ago,

    I'm glad to see everyone again!

    You guys, don't be bored,

    Let the holiday begin soon!

    Snow Maiden:

    Grandpa, you and I are probably a little late. I see that the guys were already having fun, dancing around the Christmas tree and singing songs.

    Father Frost:

    Granddaughter, take a look at our Christmas tree. It seems to me that our beauty is sad. Don't you know why?

    Snow Maiden:

    Grandpa, I think I can guess what’s going on. Guys, a fairy-tale hero, my old friend, has been invited to our Christmas tree, so he will help us. Guess who it is?

    Once upon a time there lived a strange boy -

    Unusual, wooden,

    His nose was very long,

    His name was…………


    The song is from the movie “The Adventures of Pinocchio.” The hero enters with a large envelope in his hands.


    A cheerful walker was walking,

    I was in a hurry to see you for the New Year.

    He was carrying a small package

    And in the package there is an envelope,

    And there's a secret in the envelope,

    And the secret is the answer,

    Like without matches and without candles

    Light up your Christmas tree.

    If we decipher the code,

    The Christmas tree will light up the lights for us.

    Pinocchio takes out four sheets of paper from the envelope, on which are written the numbers corresponding to the coming year (2007), and invites four guys from the audience to join him.


    How to arrange these numbers,

    Well, answer, children!

    Children, together with the hero, correctly place the numbers for the coming year. The tree lights up.

    Snow Maiden:

    Thank you, Buratino! You saved our holiday, cheered up our Christmas tree, otherwise it was completely depressed. Now we can continue our New Year's program.

    Father Frost:

    Snow Maiden, granddaughter, remind me what program I prepared for the guys. I have become quite old, I forget everything. Oh, old age is no joy (sighs heavily).

    Snow Maiden:

    Grandfather Frost, you announced throughout the Berendey kingdom about the opening of the New Year’s “Star Factory”. All the guys are waiting for you to open it. Guys (Snow Maiden addresses the children) and would you like to participate in our “Factory”.

    The children joyfully answer: “Yes!”

    Father Frost:

    Well, then let's begin!

    The music that accompanies the “Star Factory” program (“It’s great you’re on TV!”) plays.

    Snow Maiden:

    The first participant in our project is a hero whom you guys all know well. His body is covered with scars and tattoos, and his only friend is a flying talking skull. He cannot die: his life was taken and imprisoned in a needle, which was walled up in an egg, which was placed in a duck, which was put in a chest, which was chained to an oak tree. In chorus, guys, answer, who is this?

    The guys call fairy tale hero- Koschei the Immortal.

    Koschey the Immortal appears on stage to the soundtrack of the song “Opera No. 2” from Vitas’ repertoire.

    Father Frost:

    Hello, my poor Koscheyushka! What happened to your voice?


    Yes, I recently caught a cold and my voice disappeared. And my healers advised me to go to a blacksmith so that he could forge my voice. And here is the result! Now no one is afraid of me, no one listens to me. Oh-oh-oh-oh, I would like this blacksmith! Yes, I'm afraid of him. He said that he would make a horseshoe for the Little Humpbacked Horse from the needle in which my life is located. Take me to your “Factory”. Maybe I can be of some use to you.

    Snow Maiden:

    Don't be sad, Koscheyushka! Stay with us at the holiday, you might find it useful!


    Thank you very much, you understand me, and for this I will amuse the guys. Guys, would you like me to teach you how to play one very interesting game? It's called "Santa Claus's Mittens."

    Father Frost:

    My mittens?


    Of course yours, whose else! Give them to me please!

    Father Frost:

    But if I give them away, I'll freeze.

    Snow Maiden:

    Grandfather, you cannot freeze, because you are Frost!

    Father Frost:

    Really! I've become really bad. (Gives the mittens to Koshchei)


    Guys, who will be on Santa Claus's team - stand on the left, and who will be on the Snow Maiden's team - on my right. Now listen carefully to the rules of the game. Now I will give two of you the mittens of Santa Claus. As soon as I clap my hands and say “start”, you start playing. That is, passing the mitten to a neighbor in a circle. And he will pass it on, and even further. You must pass the mittens the entire time I am reading the poem. And as soon as I say “STOP”, you need to stop. The one of you who has a mitten in his hands at this moment will be considered “frozen.” In general, it will turn into a snowdrift. And in order to “unfreeze”, he will have to complete the task. Is everything clear? Then get ready...

    Koschey conducts the game. He arranges the children in a circle, each team separately. Gives two children standing in a circle opposite each other a mitten. Then he claps his hands, says “start” and loudly reads the counting poem:

    Hey buddy, don't yawn

    Pass me the mitten.

    Pass it around

    Pass it on to each other.

    You won’t have time to convey -

    You will suffer for a whole century.

    You will turn into a snowdrift,

    When you hear the word “Stop!”

    Children whose mittens are in their hands at the moment of the command “Stop!” are taken out of the circle by Koschey and brought to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. The game is repeated again.


    Here, grandfather, we “froze” all these children. And now they need to be “defrosted”.

    Father Frost:

    Should I put it in the oven?

    Snow Maiden:

    Well, that's what they say in make-believe. They need to be given a task.

    Father Frost:

    Well, guys, how many of you know poems or songs about our holiday?

    The “frozen” guys read poems or sing songs about the New Year.

    Father Frost:

    Well done, Koscheyushka, good game held for the guys. Stay with us at the Factory. You will sell concert tickets.

    Koschey rejoices.

    Snow Maiden:

    Grandfather, the following nominees are very nervous before their performance; they have been preparing for this event for a long time. 2nd grade students on stage. Guys, let's support them with applause.

    Children perform a previously prepared program. Santa Claus is sitting on a chair, Snow Maiden is standing next to him.

    Immediately after the children’s performance, the lights in the hall and under soundtrack of a song from the repertoire of Pierre Narcisse “Chocolate Hare”, the Chocolate Hare runs onto the stage. Santa Claus falls from his chair in surprise.

    Father Frost:

    Who else is this???


    Well... And you, Santa Claus, there too... Yes, I am a hare, a hare! I just overdid my tan. I recently went to the Canary Islands with my boss, and I burned my skin a little. And now in the forest everyone is teasing me: “Chocolate bunny! Chocolate bunny! I don’t want to live there, take me with you! I'll be useful to you.

    Father Frost:

    Okay, stay. A little exotic wouldn't hurt us!


    Santa Claus, can I play with the guys?!

    Father Frost:

    Guys, do you want to play with the Chocolate Bunny? (Children answer with consent).


    There's another game for you

    I'll start the poem now.

    I'll start, you continue

    Together, answer in unison!

    All the people are having fun -

    This is a holiday……..(New Year)

    He has a rosy nose

    He himself is bearded.

    Who is this…..(Santa Claus)

    That's right, guys!

    The frost outside is getting stronger,

    The nose turns red, the cheeks burn,

    We meet you here

    Cheerful….(New Year)

    Under the azure sky

    On a beautiful winter day

    Happy….(New Year)

    And we wish you happiness!

    Snow Maiden:

    Thank you, bunny. You made the guys happy. Now, join us and see what program the guys from 3 “A” class have prepared.

    Father Frost:

    Well done, guys! I will definitely keep you on the project.

    What's all the fuss there? Who are these people in black? What's happened? ABOUT! Can't be! The President himself came to us.

    The President comes up to the stage. Santa Claus collapses in surprise on his chair, the President shakes his hand. Santa Claus faints, and the President heads to the microphone.


    Hello, dear children, teachers, parents! Flying past you to the North Caucasus, I decided to take this opportunity and wish you a Happy New Year! I want to wish you happiness, health and creative success. You are a worthy replacement for our show business, which without you will wither like a cactus. Know that such show business sharks as Igor Krutoy, Igor Matvienko, Igor Nikolaev - in general, all Igors and many other artists - are counting on you. I have already given special instructions to our Minister of Culture regarding you. Go for it! Let your creativity strengthen the power of our dear Motherland - Russia!

    Applause. The President says goodbye, approaches Santa Claus again and shakes his hand. Goes backstage.

    To the soundtrack of the song “And I’m just coming from the cold...” Verka Serduchka runs onto the stage, hugs Father Frost, dances first with Father Frost, then with Snegurochka.

    Father Frost:

    Kuma, thank you for coming, you pleased us with your performance.

    Veerka leaves the stage.

    The lights go out. Music is playing - a phonogram of the song “Vova the Plague” from the repertoire of Irakli Pirtskhalava. The Scarecrow enters the stage (wearing a hat with earflaps and a sweatshirt with tin cans attached to the sleeves and hem). Santa Claus hides behind a chair in fear. The Scarecrow dramatizes the song “Vova Plague.”

    Father Frost: Who are you?


    I'm Vovka the Scarecrow. I'm tired of standing in an open field, scaring the crows. It's not interesting there! I want to get into show business, save some money, go abroad, and stand there in the farmers’ fields. Take me to you, Santa Claus!

    Father Frost:

    Okay, stay. I also need guards.


    Oh, Santa Claus, I see that the guys have been sitting too long. It's time for them to move around and stretch. I suggest standing around the Christmas tree and performing a round dance.

    Children stand around the Christmas tree and dance in a circle.


    Guys, let's play with you. I will name different objects, and you clap your hands, but only if the named thing can hang on the tree.

    Soft toy,

    A loud cracker,


    Old pillow.

    White snowflakes,

    colorful pictures,

    Torn shoes.

    Chocolate bars,

    Bunnies made from cotton wool,

    red lanterns,

    Bread crackers,

    Bright flags,

    Hats and scarves,

    Delicious candies,

    Fresh newspapers.

    Multi-colored balls,

    Threads of bright tinsel...

    Well done, guys!

    Snow Maiden:

    Grandfather, let me introduce the new stars, students of grade 3 “B”.

    Children perform a previously prepared program.

    Snow Maiden:

    Great, guys! You can rightfully be called real stars, stay with us on the project.

    Father Frost:

    Well, who's next?

    To the soundtrack of the song “Why are you so scary?” From the repertoire of the group "Andryukha's Gang" Baba Yaga appears on stage. Santa Claus is hiding again out of fear. Baba Yaga dramatizes the song.

    Father Frost:

    Wow! Scared me! I’ll never get used to you, old man!

    Baba Yaga:

    I heard that you opened a “Star Factory” here. They forgot about me, beauty. Take me to your project too!

    Father Frost:

    You're going to scare everyone away here. I know your tricks!

    Baba Yaga:

    No, I'll fix it. I will find a stylist, fashion designer, hairdresser, psychologist, dentist... I will change beyond recognition! You'll see!

    Father Frost:

    Oh, I don’t even know what to do with you?! Well, what use will you be on the project?

    Baba Yaga:

    Grandfather, my dear little darling! Well, if you want, I'll tell the guys some riddles. And if they guess them, then you will leave me on the project.

    Baba Yaga asks riddles to children. They answer the answers in unison

    Floats boldly in the sky,

    Overtaking the birds in flight,

    Man controls it

    What is…….(Airplane)

    Soars up without acceleration,

    Reminds me of a dragonfly

    Takes flight


    The carrot is white

    It grew all winter.

    The sun has warmed up -

    I ate all the carrots. (Icicle)

    Blanket white

    Not made by hand.

    It was not woven or cut -

    It fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow)

    Someone who, even without hands, can draw. (Freezing)

    Oh, my killer whales, thank you! You are good at solving riddles! Now Frost will definitely leave me on the project.

    Father Frost:

    Well, okay, old man, stay. Your broom will be useful to me - you will be a cleaner at the Factory. Someone has to keep order here; not everyone can sing songs. You look, and you will come out among people. And then we'll see.

    Baba Yaga:

    Oh, honey, let me kiss you! He respected, so respected the old lady!

    Baba Yaga tries to kiss Santa Claus, but he waves her away and looks around. She leaves.

    Snow Maiden:

    We look forward to the performances of the next nominees. Meet 4th grade students on stage.

    Children perform with a pre-prepared program.

    Father Frost:

    Well done, guys! Great performance!

    Snow Maiden:

    Well, grandpa, your team is ready! You see, there is still plenty of talent in the Berendey Forest! And now it's time for gifts. Get out your bag, Santa Claus, and give the kids some fun, they deserve gifts today!

    Father Frost:

    Granddaughter, look how many children are in the hall New Year's costumes. There are princes, princesses, musketeers, and kings here. Yes, you probably can’t list them all. Come on, children, stand around the Christmas tree and show off your outfits again.

    Children dance in a circle to the music “Masquerade”. Fairy-tale characters choose the best costumes.

    Father Frost, Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters hand out gifts to children for the best New Year's costume.

    Father Frost:

    Goodbye children! Happy New Year!

    Snow Maiden:

    See you next year!

    The performance ends. The children leave the hall to cheerful festive music.


    New Year's show script "Become a star!"

    Goals: nurturing a culture of communication between children in the process of preparing for the holiday, creating a situation of success for each child, development creativity children.

    The soundtrack is playing from the program “Star Factory”.

    On stage, the contestants stand in line.

    1 participant: How I would like to win the competition and become a star!

    2nd participant: Oh! I'd like it too. Moreover, this special show is New Year’s!

    3rd participant: They say that the jury here is also unusual!

    1 presenter: So, we are glad to welcome you. Dear viewers and participants of the competition, at our New Year’s show “Become a Star!”

    2 presenter: Here, on the stage, applicants for participation in this show have gathered. They are, of course, worried, but thanks to your support, I hope everything will work out well for them.

    1 presenter: I wish Santa Claus

    I brought you a bag of joy.

    Another bag - with laughter,

    And the third - let it be a success!

    Let's welcome the casting participants!

    (The contestants go backstage).

    2 presenter: Now let me invite our New Year's jury to the stage!

    (Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter. Father Frost has three bags in his hands with the inscriptions: “joy”, “laughter”, “success”. He puts the bags on the table).

    Father Frost: Hello, hello! Happy New Year!

    Snow Maiden: I'm so glad to see you all! Happy new happiness!

    (Take a seat at a table on the stage).

    1 presenter: Our jury will judge the success of the contestants by the strength and intensity of your applause after each participant's performance.

    2 presenter: And finally, our competition begins. Participant number 1 is invited to the stage!

    (Musical number).

    Father Frost: Amazing!

    Snow Maiden: Great!

    1 presenter: Participant number 2 is invited to the stage!

    (Musical number).

    Father Frost: Perfect!

    Snow Maiden: Super!

    2 presenter: And now, as the next contestant prepares to go on stage, the game is for the audience!

    (The game is played for spectators).

    1 presenter: Well, while we were playing, participant number 3 was already waiting for his exit. Greetings!

    (Musical number).

    Father Frost: Stunningly!

    Snow Maiden: Cool!

    2 presenter: Meet participant number 4!

    (Musical number).

    Father Frost: Marvelous!

    Snow Maiden: Lovely!

    1 presenter: And now we will introduce you to our guests from Japan, Italy, France... They will show us how they celebrate the New Year in their homeland.

    (Performance by the Fashion Theater).

    2 presenter: Our competition continues! Participant number 5!

    (Musical number).

    Father Frost: Unique!

    Snow Maiden: Unforgettable!

    1 presenter: And participant number 6 is on stage!

    Father Frost and Snow Maiden: Incomparable!

    2 presenter: Let me introduce you to the guest of our holiday: the famous violinist from Spain!

    (Musical number).

    1 presenter: And our competition is coming to an end. Participant of our competition number 7 is on stage!

    (Musical number).

    Father Frost and Snow Maiden: Inimitable!

    2 presenter: On stage is the last participant of our competition, number 8!

    Father Frost and Snow Maiden: Just great!

    1 presenter: And now a word to our star jury.

    Father Frost: What I saw is so wonderful that I am simply lost in my assessments. I give everyone the highest score. I can't offend anyone.

    Snow Maiden: And I agree with Grandfather Frost’s assessment. We take all the competition participants to our New Year's show and go on a tour throughout Russia. They are waiting for us in cities and villages. The Christmas trees have already been decorated and gifts have been prepared. It's time to say goodbye and hit the road!

    Santa Claus: The clock strike floats under the sky,

    The lights in the windows are not extinguished by the city,

    I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

    Always be happy in life!

    And now, attention: New Year's disco! Everyone dances!