New Year's stories of stars are the most unusual and fun stories from the lives of celebrities for the New Year. The most unusual and fun New Year's stories from the lives of celebrities New Year's stories from the lives of stars

Everyone has normal people New Year is a festive mood, tangerines, a large company or beloved family, a Christmas tree and fun festivities.

My relationship with this celebration has not worked out since childhood. Even before school, my parents sent me to several clubs, including dance. All week before the holiday, and even after it, our team performed at Christmas trees throughout the city. It was fun, we were constantly given sweet gifts for our participation, but still, before the New Year, I wanted to get into a fairy tale, and not create one. In general, on the thirty-first of December the joy was not so great. But as a child, gifts and mom and dad, who came home from work much earlier than usual, brightened up the impression.

It is not for nothing that they say that the roots of our entire life must be sought at a young age. I'm currently studying at university, and have been working at an event planning agency for several years. It is clear that the “red days of the calendar”, beloved by all residents of the country, are for me the time of the most active work. What can we say about the New Year...

The company where I work receives orders all the time - corporate celebrations, children's parties, congratulations at home. From the beginning of December until the end of the New Year holidays, the guys and I organize celebrations, play performances, congratulate children and adults. It's very nice to give people joy. But, as everyone understands, there is no time left for yourself.

Last year December turned out to be particularly hot. The largest number of orders arrived in the last week of the year, and all of them were for congratulations at home. I was the Snow Maiden. The working day began at 10 am and ended exactly 12 hours later. On December 31, my colleague, Santa Claus, and I, very tired, but happy from the approaching end of work, went to the last address. The house we needed to get to was in a cottage community not far from the city. The driver of the company took us there, but we had to get back to the city ourselves. I hoped that we would get through the congratulations in an hour, and that I would still have time to festive table, to your company. A loved one and such a desired vacation were waiting for me there. But everything turned out completely differently.

Firstly, the children did not want to let the Snow Maiden and Father Frost go, they asked to tell a fairy tale, dance in a round dance and just take pictures with them. Parents, seeing the happiness on the faces of their children, also persuaded us to work “literally a little more.”

When we finally finished work, we were given a bottle of champagne, which neither I nor my colleague could refuse, although we tried very hard. We had to get into the city by taxi.

And then the fun began. In the middle of the highway the car stopped. And I didn’t want to go further. The driver did something under the hood for a long time, trying to force the car to continue moving, but all his actions and strong Russian word didn't help. It’s a long walk to the city, there’s no ride, the time is half past twelve. They didn’t even promise us a tow truck or another car until an hour and a half later.

I called my young man, apologized for a long time and explained the situation. He promised to come for us quickly.

In general, having despaired of getting home, my colleague and I decided to be happy with what we had. We opened a bottle of champagne, mentally thanking the last customers for it, the driver Alexey took out glasses and tangerines from somewhere.

This is how we celebrated the New Year - Snow Maiden, Father Frost and a taxi worker.

After some time, they finally came for us, a tow truck took the car, and my friends and boyfriend took all of us. This was probably the most unusual and funniest New Year of my life.

In this article we have collected several funny New Year's stories from famous Russian artists. It will cheer you up =)

“On New Year’s Day, the children’s play “Bee” was played at the Mossovet Theater. In the middle of the action, the gnomes and elves, surrounding the dying heroine, said: “Let's breathe on her.” And then they warmed the heroine with their breath. Once again the performance was performed on the morning of January 1st. Naturally, the actors were “after yesterday.” Therefore, when the dwarfs took a breath, the heroine, realizing what kind of odor was about to fall on her, began to slowly crawl backwards towards the curtain. “Look, she’s coming to life, let’s catch up!” – exclaimed one of the dwarves. We finished the performance with difficulty.”

Vladimir Devyatov

“I remember one incident. There were regular tours and we were once traveling from the city of Astana to Krasnoyarsk in New Year's Eve, we wanted to celebrate the New Year there. It was a fairly large group of artists, including Shirvindt and Derzhavin. And suddenly a terrible snowfall began.

We realized that we simply didn’t have enough food for Krasnoyarsk, and after all, all we needed with us was champagne. In general, we called each other (we were driving 4 cars) We decided to stop and just saw a small construction trailer in the middle of the taiga with a cafe sign on it.

Time 11.00 I went to investigate, I open the door, and a guy is sleeping behind the counter, I say: “Do you have a snack?!” He raised his head and said: “Yes.” I then called everyone else. You should have seen the guy’s face when he saw so many “faces from TV” here in the middle of the taiga, and even on New Year’s Eve!”

Alexander Shirvindt

“At one time in Moscow, the most important Santa Claus was an artist named Khvylya. He became famous for the fact that, when opening a matinee, he always said: “Hello, dear children of the Kremlin!” But one day he came to the next Christmas tree, barely able to stand on his feet, and, having forgotten the text, turned to the children: “Children, I forgot, what should I ask you?”

They shouted to him from the audience: “Grandfather Frost, tell me a riddle!” Khvylya agreed: “Please! Today, Snegurochka and I “combed” 15 Christmas trees for 30 rubles each. How much did we earn in a day, children? They didn’t invite him to Christmas parties anymore...”

Mikhail Shufutinsky

“I remember how we celebrated our first New Year in New York. I invited Santa Claus home. So he arrived in a yellow taxi, got out with a huge bright scarlet bag, and came to us. And he began to entertain the children, and, despite the fact that he spoke English, he had a terrible Eastern European accent. He says to his son: “Come on, stand on the chair and read the poem.” But our children were raised differently and immediately became embarrassed.
I also say to my wife in Russian: “What a fool this Santa Claus is.” And he turns to me and says, also in Russian, “And he’s not a moron at all.” It turned out he was also an emigrant, a former actor. We even became friends with him later and drank a bottle of vodka for the New Year.”

Valery Garkalin

“In my youth, like many aspiring actors in academic theaters, I was forced to “freeze,” that is, earn money by playing the role of Father Frost. At the consumer services center they gave me a huge thick beard and a work order in which the address and name of the child were written.

Next, my partner Snegurochka and I acted according to the proven scheme. She was the first to ring the doorbell, her parents opened the door and quickly gave her a gift, which she threw into our New Year's bag, after which she called again with the words: “Here comes Grandfather Frost!” – and let me into the apartment. I came in and congratulated the child.

One day we ring the doorbell, but no one opens. Maybe they came to the wrong place? No, the address is correct. We repeat the call. A not very sober woman appears on the threshold. I say: “We need a boy, Vitya.” She replies in a dissatisfied voice: “He’s in the kitchen.” I go to the kitchen. A not-so-young man in shorts with his legs in the basin sits there and says: “What do you want?” There is nowhere to go - the address is the same. “Are you Vitya?” - “Well, I’m Vitya” - “Uh... Well, Happy New Year!” Somehow he rattled out his congratulations and quickly left. I still wonder who made such a joke by ordering a visit from Santa Claus to the over-aged “kid”?”

Klara Novikova

“Every New Year... dogs come on stage to me. Some kind of mysticism... At first I was surprised by this phenomenon, but now I’ve stopped, and now you won’t surprise my regular viewers with this. The dogs are probably lonely: everyone is celebrating and drinking. They seem to be missing company. So they find it in my face.

And I’ll tell you the following from real family stories. Once upon a time, a drunken Santa Claus came to my daughter when she was little. When I saw the state “grandfather” was in, I said: “Maybe I should pour you some tea?” To which Masha replied: “Mom, what are you doing! It’s already melting!” - and pointed to the wet footprints from “grandfather’s” boots.”

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website"overheard" the most touching New Year's stories, which were told by truly happy people.

  • We have New Year tradition. At the end of December, absolutely all residents of our entrance decorate their staircases. Garlands, toys, tinsel, there are even several Christmas trees. Festive mood is guaranteed for the weeks ahead. One day is appointed when the competition will be held for the best design. They appoint Santa Claus and assistants and go to all the apartments. Children recite poems, and at the end everyone is celebrating right on the staircase, where the table is set and music is playing. I'm bragging!
  • At the age of 6, my nephew stopped believing in Santa Claus. We are standing with him at the window on the eve of the New Year. I tell him: “Shout “Grandfather Frost!” - he will appear.” Meanwhile, the wife hides the gifts under the tree. The nephew shouted, and - what would you think! - along Ostankinskaya street on a sleigh drawn by a troika, Santa Claus rushed by. The nephew’s eyes sparkled, his face looked as if he had received his most cherished dream. Who would show me my face...
  • While removing the wallpaper in the room, we discovered a wall painting underneath: Santa Claus and a Christmas tree with a red star on the top. Judging by the inscription on Grandfather's cap, the first residents of this apartment celebrated the new year, 1976 with bare walls and global renovation plans. Let's draw a Snow Maiden to join Santa Claus and Let's sign 2017! After all, everything is more fun with a granddaughter! Perhaps, in 40–50 years, someone will also come across such a greeting from the past and get a boost of New Year’s spirit, despite the bad weather outside the window.
  • It was the best New Year of my life! I dressed up as Santa Claus and congratulated people on the street. Adults and children sang, danced, recited poems, receiving sweets and tangerines as gifts from me. It was incredibly nice give people a small New Year's miracle!
  • As a child, every New Year I believed my dad that the whole city would set off fireworks after the chimes in my honor. I waved my hand out the window and felt like a queen. My dad is great.
  • On New Year's Eve, when I was 7-8 years old, my mother went out onto the terrace, returned from there with gifts and said that Santa Claus had come on a sleigh and told her to give her a gift. Without hesitation, I ran there to look at him, but I only saw what seemed to me like a sleigh with lights driving away and one of them waving at me. The charge of mood was unreal: after all, I saw Santa Claus at least a little. Later, the parents said that they asked neighbors 2 houses away to play along with them. But still, thanks to them for this New Year’s mood!
  • My sister just said: “Santa Claus lives on NORTH Pole" I'm a programmer. Neighing :)
  • Time passes, everything changes, but my mother still traditionally hides the candies prepared for the holiday on the balcony and hopes that I definitely won’t find them this time.
  • Once on New Year’s Day I made a wish to be with a guy named Artem. I loved him very much. It's been a year now and we still haven't met. I don’t even know what to do, there is no reciprocity. She spat on him. I thought that all these wishes for the chiming clock were nonsense, but then I realized that my brother had a son exactly a year ago and named him Artem. The whole family loves him. I love him unspeakably, and when I arrive, he doesn’t leave my side. Wishes come true, but a little differently :)

A duck burned, a bottle of champagne broke, or a gift was lost to a loved one? Believe me, such New Year's misfortunes have not overtaken you alone. We have worse stories.


Marketer, 24

I somehow lost my wallet on New Year’s Eve. Thank God, I managed to buy gifts for my closest ones. True, I came to visit without champagne and tangerines. Of course, I was very upset. There was not only money there, but also important cards. After the New Year I started to restore it. But then I got it new job. Therefore, everything is interconnected here. You lose something and gain something.

Social worker, 22


On New Year's Eve, my sister and I got out of the elevator on the first floor, and some inadequate guy greeted us with a firecracker. Imagine, he launched a firecracker straight into our elevator. It’s good that no one was hit, we ran out, but the fire alarm went off, and the dispatchers were on alert. It took another hour to figure out who was right and who was wrong.

Economist, 28

And my daughter ran after Santa Claus and got lost in the crowd! There was a New Year's concert in our area: songs and dances. Then Grandfather Frost started walking around and handing out candy, she reached out to him, I turned away for a minute, I turned around - neither her nor grandfather. Of course I was hysterical! They searched for her for half an hour. As a result, they found her backstage, the artists were treating her to candy.

Student, 20

My friends and I were driving through the forest to our dacha and got lost. We meandered there for an hour, the navigators refused to work. We also came across some suspicious men. They were already tipsy and knocked on our windows and ran after the car. We felt uneasy. As a result, we went to some field and opened champagne there. Then, by some miracle, we got out.

Engineer, 31

And they brought me a Doberman puppy from Germany especially for my beloved. I was traveling with him on the train, I was carrying him in a special container, he fell asleep, I couldn’t even hear him. And since, besides him, I also had a bunch of bags, I hesitated at my station and left him in the carriage! It’s good that I came to my senses in time, when the train left, I turned to the controller, and he managed to contact the depot so that the driver was informed about the loss. No one had time to pick up the puppy yet, but they found him in time. True, I arrived to the girl an hour after the start of the holiday. But she was very pleased.

My boyfriend and I were going to visit friends. They were holding something like a small masquerade. Everyone had to wear suits and masks. The trick was that couples would not know what their significant other would wear. But the young man and I decided not to bother. He told me he was going to be wearing a Batman costume and I was just going to wear a red sexy dress and a mask. He would definitely recognize me. And so it happened. When we arrived at the party, he recognized me instantly. I couldn’t spot him in the crowd for a long time, but then I noticed him! She ran up from behind and pinched her butt. And when he turned around, it turned out that it was a completely different man! My boyfriend, meanwhile, stood aside and watched this. It turned out that there were several Batmans at the party...

25 chosen

The time has come New Year's tales that happen in life. I have one wonderful winter story on the mezzanine, I’ll tell you it now.

This happened in December of one year, I was in my second year at the time. My friends and I decided to celebrate the New Year at a dacha near St. Petersburg. Everyone left to prepare for the holiday on December 29th, and on the morning of the 30th I had my last exam, so I was delayed in the city and had to come by train.

I passed the exam perfectly, although I didn’t sleep the night before – I was preparing. On the train I struggled with sleep for a long time, but I finally dozed off and passed my station. I woke up, jumped out of the car - it turned out that I had gone two stops further. I'm approaching the schedule, and until the next train in reverse side almost three hours. Meanwhile, it’s freezing outside and my nose is stinging. Well, I think I’ll call my brother now, he’ll pick me up in his car! I took out my phone, but it was dead; because of the exam, I completely forgot about it.

Having figured out in my mind that I had to walk in less than an hour, I decided that this was better than waiting for the train in the cold. I walk along the paths - it seems like nothing is scary. But after about fifteen minutes, my legs began to freeze and my cheeks began to go numb. After another twenty minutes, I realized that if I don’t warm up now, I risk not celebrating this New Year. Usually I am embarrassed to ask for help, but then there was no choice. Passing by several dachas, I chose the cutest house, surrounded by bushes, and knocked on the door.

I was immediately let in by a pleasant lady elderly woman, there was almost no need to explain anything. Before I had time to say even ten words, she was already pouring fragrant tea with thyme. I told her about my mistake, and she told me about the flowers, good people, to her husband, a professor, and about what wonderful sunsets they have over the lake. I was fascinated by Agatha, who looked like a kind godmother from a fairy tale. Her husband nobly volunteered to take me to the village by car.

Agatha warmly escorted me to the car and took a matchbox out of the pocket on her apron. “This is for you, because you believe in miracles. Just don’t open it now. If you ever feel bad, open the box above the window.”

I didn't tell anyone about it or open it. I believe in miracles. And in the spring, when one of my youthful loves “broke into everyday life,” sitting in melancholy and sadness on the windowsill, I remembered the matchbox given by Agatha. I found it, opened the window, and, holding my breath, pulled it out with one finger. And then... nothing happened. It was completely empty! I laughed at my childish naivety. What did such a sweet-looking woman want to say with this strange gift?