The mood is zero percent. How to quickly cheer yourself up if you're depressed

When your mood is at zero, nothing brings you joy, nothing interests you - you have no desire to communicate with others or even leave the house. I don't want to make a single move. It seems as if in this state you are striving only for what will aggravate the situation even more. The last thing you want to see is happy, joyful, laughing people - as if you are holding yourself captive and don’t want to let go. This is a sad and sad time. The physical condition also deteriorates - breathing becomes shallow, the body is heavy, the appearance becomes sick and exhausted. And the mind maintains the current state of affairs, delving into fantasies and thoughts about how bad you really are and how hopeless it all is. Have you ever noticed that when you are in a depressed mood, it seems like it will last forever? And in moments of happiness - as if it is about to end? So what to do? A few useful tips will bring you back to life and switch to the positive, pulling you out of the vicious circle of useless suffering.


    Raise your vibrational frequency. In a bad mood, it is at a very low level - significantly lower than on happy days. So from an energetic point of view you should raise it.

    • Take care of your body! Stop slouching, straighten your shoulders and take a deep breath. Look up - it all works! If there is vigor in the body, negative feelings will not be able to stay afloat.
    • Smile, even if you have to force it! Smiling causes the body to produce endorphins - good mood hormones that will help the brain get out of depression. Keep smiling until you feel better.
    • Stand up and use scooping movements to raise energy from your legs to your head. Gradually move it up while continuing to breathe deeply.
    • Now you are ready to exercise to stimulate blood circulation. When you exercise, your body consumes more oxygen, you breathe better, produce endorphins and feel an emotional uplift.
  1. Listen to the stories you tell yourself - and switch to another channel. You have a choice and you don't have to engage in depressive thoughts if you don't want to. Read something good for just three minutes. Listen to positive music, sing a funny song, whistle. Sometimes it helps you laugh and feel uplifted. Thoughts create your reality. The good news is that they are at your disposal. Breathe deeply! You will soon notice how effectively this helps you.

    Think about the things you are grateful for. Say: “Thank you for my family, thank you for what I can see, for all my opportunities, for nature and its beauty, for all the cute animals, for vanilla ice cream, for the fact that I have a choice.” Make a gratitude list and read it out loud when you're feeling low. It is like a magical portal that transports your thoughts to a land of joy and optimism.

    Do good deeds and help others.

    • If someone comes to you with a problem, try to help to the best of your ability. Talk about this difficult situation and let the person feel your support.
    • Be generous to all the people you meet over the next few hours.
  2. Read about those who were able to overcome serious life difficulties. This will help you realize that everyone here goes through trials. What really matters is the ability to quickly regain mental strength and approach old problems with greater wisdom.

    • Create a list of actions to take when you're in a bad mood. Funny songs, videos, pictures, inspiring thoughts, articles and so on.
    • Don't forget about sleep. Good rest allows the body to be cheerful and energetic!
    • Do whatever works for you personally! You don’t have to look for outside advice—you know what makes you happy.
    • Your inner world is under your control. Remember that you choose how to feel.
    • To improve your emotional state, work with your body and thoughts. Think in a positive way, don't let your body droop.


    • Thinking about your own anger and depression makes you more angry and depressed.
    • Energy moves behind thought. Think about what you want - don't imagine what you fear.

    Article information

    wikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 11 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.


Sometimes a bad mood not only spoils our plans for the day or evening, it also happens that the lack of a positive attitude deprives us of career ups, romantic relationships and friendships. At such moments, we need the support of those who truly love us and take care of our well-being. But you shouldn’t rely only on others; you need to do everything yourself to raise both your vitality and your own.

We understand the reasons for the loss of strength

Various situations can cause bad mood and loss of energy. If this is how you feel, then first let's figure out what exactly caused this condition. There may be several reasons for its appearance:

  1. PMS. Yes, yes, it is the banal premenstrual syndrome that can cause tearfulness, reluctance to do anything and apathy. It’s easy to determine that the cause is approaching menstruation; look at your calendar; mood swings are typical for the last week of the cycle.
  2. Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. This is also easy to determine. If you sleep less than 8 hours a day, go to the gym more than 3-4 times a week, or work a lot, then fatigue is a natural reaction of your body.
  3. Stress, caused by some situation, for example, emergency work at work, or passing exams, or even a quarrel with a loved one.

Now that we have figured out the reasons for the appearance of negative outlooks on life, we need to cheer ourselves up as quickly as possible in accessible ways.

Ways to cheer up

In order to correct the current situation, it is necessary to choose the most effective way to eliminate sadness and apathy. This method should be chosen based on the reason for the appearance of this condition.

If you have PMS, then one of the simple and accessible methods is to pamper yourself, for example, eat mood-lifting foods - fruits, chocolate, cake. Just don’t overuse them, remember that moderation is important in everything.

If the cause of loss of strength is chronic fatigue, then to cheer yourself up you need to do something that will allow you to relax and unwind. Go to the pool or sauna, take a day off and go for a walk in nature. Remember that very long sleep (more than 10 hours) will not solve the problem.

If stress is your main problem, then you can lift your mood when it is at zero as soon as you eliminate the cause of anxiety. To do this, figure out what exactly is bothering you; if it’s a quarrel, then perhaps by discussing it with your opponent, you will also get rid of stress. If it is caused by truly serious experiences (illness, separation from a loved one), then perhaps you should seek help in a psychologist’s office. There you will be able to understand your emotions and find the strength to live on. Just don’t delay your visit; if your condition gets worse, a helping hand will not hurt you.

What does a bad mood lead to?

You shouldn’t think that you can’t raise your spirits, that as soon as the situation normalizes, it will go away on its own. This is not true, firstly, the longer you are in this state, the higher the likelihood that it will be very difficult to get out of it. Secondly, people close to us can tolerate a lot, but it’s not that we ourselves don’t want to do anything to improve our lives. Therefore, if you don’t want to be left alone and with a reputation as a “buggy,” do at least something that will help you find your former joy.

Go to a museum or for a walk, buy yourself some nice little things, watch your favorite movie, do some spring cleaning. Even if it seems to you that you don’t want anything, force yourself to act, because appetite, as you know, comes with eating.

When you are in a bad mood, everything falls out of your hands - then the mood becomes even worse and you want to give up everything and do nothing.

Even if a bad mood persists for several days, it is too early to diagnose yourself with depression and run to the pharmacy. There are several simple ways to trick your body by getting rid of spleen. As an example, let's try to lift the mood when it's at zero in several ways.

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Improved mood

There are many ways to cheer up, even if it seems like things couldn't get any worse. Some act only on impressionable people, while others only with regular use. With practice, you can choose your own recipe for lifting your mood:


The traditional and simplest option is to eat foods that promote the production of endorphins:

  • Bitter chocolate;
  • Strawberry;
  • Bananas;
  • Oranges.

This does not mean that a few kilograms of oranges will eliminate a bad mood (more likely, they will cause a rash on the skin!), but these products are worth including in your daily diet, especially in the cold and rainy seasons.


Exercise also contributes to the production of happiness hormones. Sports exercises can be used both for prevention and as first aid in the fight against despondency.

If aggression overcomes, it is important to give it your all - the following will do:

  • Boxing;
  • Push-ups;
  • Jumping.

If your mood is sluggish, anxious and confused, you should give preference to Pilates, yoga and breathing exercises.


You can use a trick and deceive the body. If you keep a smile on your face for 1-2 minutes, the muscles will transmit signals to the brain that “everything is fine” and the bad mood will disappear.

When dark thoughts overwhelm you, it is important to urgently think about something (or someone) important and good:

  • You can remember your loved ones and important people;
  • Find positive aspects in any situation and try to learn a lesson;
  • Remember everything for which you can still feel gratitude (even if it’s life, health, a successful event, etc. - things are banal, but important).

Do what you want

Since in a bad mood you cannot do something that circumstances require you to do, you can (and should) pay attention to yourself and allow yourself to do what your soul requires:

  • Sleep;
  • Get a manicure;
  • Go to the park and blow bubbles;
  • Feed the ducks on the lake;
  • Walking in the rain, etc.

Doing what you love helps you take your mind off troubles and concentrate on the process - this will help you calm down and put your thoughts in order, and then several options for solving the problem will come to mind.

Other ways

  • It’s good to use creativity: anger and sadness can be drawn on paper and symbolically torn (any creative process will be beneficial and improve your mood);
  • If possible, you can go to nature or to a secluded place;
  • You can interact with pets (or other animals);
  • Most people get distracted very quickly when playing with children (if you don’t have your own children, you can go to relatives or friends);
  • Very simple ways to keep your mood in good shape are color and aromatherapy. Smells act on the subconscious and regulate the activity of the nervous system;
  • You can quickly cheer up by surrounding yourself with yellow and orange objects. Green will set you up for relaxation, and blue will help you calm down (just don’t choose a dark shade).

There are days when you are simply at a loss as to how to lift your mood when it is at zero. But it’s quite easy to do this: you just need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start taking action!

Each person's mood is like changeable weather. It can be either sunny, chic, when you want to sing and dance, or sometimes grey-rainy, falling below the baseboard.

But it is very easy to raise your spirits. How? We will tell you about this in our article, describing several simple methods.

The magical property of a smile

There is a belief that when you remember halfway that you forgot something at home, then when you return for this thing, before leaving the apartment you need to smile at your reflection and say: “Vertacha - good luck!”

And this ritual really works. After all, when you return halfway, you begin to punish yourself, give an internal reprimand, which means you are setting yourself up for failure. But you just have to smile - and returning doesn’t seem so scary.

Same with the mood! To raise it, sometimes it’s enough just to smile at yourself, make a face at the mirror, or stick out your tongue.

This will cause the facial muscles to relax, the level of endorphins in the body will increase, and with it the mood will soar upward.

What if you go out into the street and smile at passers-by? Then they will smile back too. This will start a chain reaction.

Relieve stress - release emotions

Every day, small troubles happen to each of us: people step on our feet in the minibus, people are rude in queues, meetings are disrupted, it suddenly starts to rain, which ruins our makeup and hairstyle, and so on and so forth.

But there are even worse troubles - a quarrel with a friend, a breakup with a boyfriend, problems with a loved one, but you never know the reasons for stress in our time!

But the worst thing is that from childhood we are taught to be strong, to forgive, not to make trouble, to hide our feelings. So negative emotions gradually accumulate, turning into a bad mood.

And the way out of this state lies on the surface. You just need to sometimes give vent to your emotions with the help of screaming, tears, confidential heart-to-heart conversations with a friend, or even breaking dishes, which will remove a stone from your soul and significantly improve your mood.


When the sky is overcast and fog swirls above the ground, you get the feeling that cats are scratching at your soul, and your mood drops below the baseboard, and when it is clear and the sun is shining brightly in the sky, your soul is light and free.

This happens because under the influence of sunlight the following occurs in the body:

  • serotonin, which is also called the hormone of happiness. It improves your mood and benefits your emotional state;
  • vitamin D, which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body, and therefore contributes to an excellent mood, because they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.

It’s enough just to expose your face to the warming rays of the sun, absorb the sunlight with every cell of your body, and, smiling, understand that life is getting better, no matter how you look at it.

An active lifestyle is our “everything”!

It’s not for nothing that almost all adults want to return to their carefree childhood. As a child, a bad mood lasted only a few minutes, but all you had to do was go outside and play catch, hide and seek, jump rope, and it immediately became great!

But, having matured, we forget about walks in the fresh air and imprison ourselves in a real prison - home-work, work-home.

So maybe it’s worth returning to childhood at least sometimes? You can go for a morning and evening jog near your home or in the park, which will not only keep you in excellent shape, but will also give you energy.

And on summer days, it’s worth getting out of town to the river more often, where you can swim to your heart’s content in the warm water, play badminton and ball under the shade of trees, or just walk through the forest, breathing in the clean air deeply.

Go ahead for new experiences!

Sometimes we become discouraged just because everything around us is monotonous. We constantly see the same people, go to the same places, and gradually everything that surrounds us becomes gray and joyless.

What to do in this case? The answer is simple - change the situation. Moreover, this does not mean at all that you need to quit your job and uproot, changing your place of residence.

Instead, you should just go on a trip to another country or city, at least for a week.

And note, the mood will begin to improve already at the moment when the trip is just planned, because sometimes the anticipation of a holiday is already a holiday.

Walks in familiar/unfamiliar places

But it happens that traveling even to another city is impossible for the simple reason that there is simply no money for them. Is there really no chance in this case to break out of the monotony of existence? And here it is!

It’s safe to say that even living in one city all their lives, many people don’t even know half of their city. So why not get rid of this monotony and start getting to know your city again?

Every day in the evening you can start visiting those corners of it that you have never been to before - walking in other parks, going to work in other streets and neighborhoods, buying groceries in other stores.

In this way, you can not only learn more about your hometown, but also make new friends and acquaintances.

Color your life with creativity!

The worst enemy of our mood is boredom. When we get bored from idleness, it immediately falls lower and lower until it ends up below the plinth.

Out of boredom, we begin to go crazy and start watching annoying series and TV shows, which again contribute to a decrease in morale.

So maybe you should quit being bored and get busy? For those who love to cook, you can creatively diversify your dishes by decorating them and adding a few creative ingredients. For those who loved to draw as a child, you can pick up a brush again and start painting.

You can also start writing poetry or prose, cross-stitch, knit or knit, sign up for dancing….

You never know how to develop creatively – if only you had the desire!

Video: How to overcome depression

Call me, call me

It’s not for nothing that in America such a popular way to overcome a bad mood is to go to a psychotherapist. You just tell him everything that has accumulated in your soul - and it immediately becomes easier.

But why pay money if you can just call your friends. After all, how many times do we put it off - either there is not enough time, then work takes all our energy, or there are problems at home.

But you just have to dial the coveted number and talk for just a few minutes, and your soul will become lighter and more pleasant. Not only because you will speak out, but because you simply heard the native voice of a person dear to your heart.

Long live cleaning!

All over the world there is a tradition to carry out general cleaning of the house before the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, the whole house is licked clean, old things are thrown out, trash is sorted out, so that the apartment sparkles and shines on New Year's Day.

So it turns out that cleaning is the same symbol of the holiday as champagne, Olivier or a Christmas tree.

Therefore, by cleaning your home, you bring the holiday closer to yourself and create it on any weekday.

After all, how wonderful it will be to then inhale the smell of cleanliness and see perfect order, pleasing to the eye.

In such an apartment, you will want to put a table in the middle of the room, arrange a dinner by candlelight, or even organize a small family holiday where there will be no place for a bad mood.

Holiday all year round

If you look at the calendar of holidays, you can see that they exist every day. There is Smile Day, Family Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day, Champagne Birthday and many, many more different holidays.

And during the holiday there is no place for a bad mood and cannot be. So why not celebrate these small holidays every day? No, this does not mean at all that you will need to “slack” to work and fool around all day.

But why not congratulate all your family, friends and even colleagues at work on Hug Day? Come up, congratulate, hug! And the mood from this becomes simply magnificent!

Fun get-togethers

Another way to lift your spirits is to have fun get-togethers with friends. Unfortunately, in the age of the Internet and telephones, we meet even less often with even our best friends, preferring a conversation in person on ICQ or on a mobile phone. But this is stupid!

It is simply impossible to replace human communication and friendly laughter. So why not go out at least sometimes to meet old friends and have great get-togethers over a cup of coffee.

This could be a trip to a small cafe, to a cinema, to a park, to a sauna - anywhere. But the main thing is that when you meet with friends, you can forget about your bad mood, because at this meeting only contagious laughter, warm memories, confidential conversations and an atmosphere of carefree happiness will reign!

Feelings on the path to struggle

It used to be that you were walking down the street, heard a familiar melody and your feet immediately started dancing. And other times you feel an intoxicating smell and want to freeze, stop, enjoying it longer. And by tasting mouth-watering dishes, you can experience real culinary ecstasy.

So why not use our senses to fight a bad mood.

You can also use receptors:

Diary of joyful events

Often we are sad only because it seems to us that nothing good has happened to us lately.

After all, the fact is that our memory remembers bad events more than good ones.

So why not help yourself and start making a diary of joyful and pleasant events. Something good happened that day: a loved one gave an unforgettable evening, met a friend, watched a good positive film, made the children happy - that’s a reason to write about it in a large notebook.

And in moments of sadness, look there, remember all these heart-warming events and say - life is beautiful, no matter how you look at it!

How to always stay in a good mood

Better yet, just avoid being in a bad mood by following some very simple rules:

  • start the day with a smile;
  • pamper yourself with various delicacies and pleasant little things;
  • call more often and meet with those you want to see;
  • confess your feelings to dear people;
  • be open to everything new and good that can happen!

Video: Ways to cheer yourself up

Every person has days when he thinks about what to do if his mood is at zero. And it's so simple! All you need is stop feeling sorry for yourself, get off the couch and start doing something. People are designed in such a way that their mood changes like the weather. Sometimes you want to dance and sing, but sometimes you feel terrible melancholy. It's actually quite easy to perk up. The main thing is to sincerely want it.

Magic smile

This may seem like something stupid and pointless, but in fact, a simple smile at your reflection in the mirror can really lift your mood in a matter of minutes. You can make funny faces and stick out your tongue

The increase in mood from this can even be explained from a scientific point of view: facial muscles relax and the level of the hormone endorphin increases in the body, which lifts your mood. What if you smile at people passing by? They will probably smile back. A chain reaction will start and the stress will evaporate.

Situations happen to everyone every day that irritate them:

  • were rude in line for bread;
  • morning coffee “ran away”;
  • it started to rain and ruined my hair;
  • pushed by someone on public transport, etc.

But there are even worse troubles: a quarrel with a loved one, a conflict at work. Unfortunately, there are many reasons for stress in the modern world. But the worst thing is that from childhood we are all accustomed to forgive, control ourselves and show wisdom. As a result, negativity accumulates and leads to a bad mood.

The solution to this problem lies literally on the surface. You need to give free rein to your emotions at least sometimes. It could be:

  • scream;
  • a sincere conversation with a loved one;
  • crying, etc.

All this will help remove some burden from the soul and significantly improve your mood.

People often notice that when the weather is inclement outside, their soul becomes somehow heavy and sad, they give up, and complete apathy sets in. When the gentle sun shines, your soul becomes joyful and light. This is explained by the fact that sunlight promotes the production of serotonin in the human body. It is popularly called the hormone of happiness.

He gives cheerfulness b, joy and good mood. The sun also gives the body vitamin D, which improves metabolic processes in the human body. It is not for nothing that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.

You just need to take a sunbath, enjoy the warmth and gentle light, smile and understand that life is beautiful and amazing.

Every adult secretly dreams of returning to childhood. After all, back then a bad mood was very rare, and if it happened, it passed very quickly. All you had to do was run around the yard, jump rope or play ball.

Having grown up, people forget not only about active pastime, but also about ordinary walks in the fresh air. Whole life becomes monotonous, as if in prison: from home to work, from work to home.

Still, it’s worth at least sometimes allowing yourself to return to that carefree childhood. It is not necessary to jump rope or rubber band, run with the ball or play catch-up. You can just go for an evening jog in the park, ride a bike or walk through a beautiful square.

Very soon this will become a habit and will contribute not only to a great mood, but also to excellent health and fitness.

In the summer, as soon as possible, you need to gather a pleasant company and go on a picnic, to the country house or to the forest. Play active games there:

  • badminton;
  • football;
  • volleyball;
  • racing swimming, etc.

You can just calmly walk through the forest and breathe fresh, pleasant air, taking a break from the routine that can drive you crazy.

New impressions

You can fall into despondency simply because there is complete monotony around. One day is similar to another, there are the same people around, the same places and conversations. Everything around us becomes ordinary and joyless.

Solving the problem suggests itself. All you have to do is change the situation in any way. This is not about giving up everything and rushing to a permanent place of residence in another country. It will be enough to go on a trip with family or friends for a week. The mood will probably improve even at the stage of purchasing tickets.

It happens that going on vacation is simply impossible. There could be a lot of reasons:

  • workload;
  • lack of financial opportunity;
  • other personal circumstances.

And at this moment it seems that you simply cannot escape from the surrounding monotony. Actually this is not true.

Even having lived in the city all their lives, many people do not know even half of it. Why not visit unfamiliar places? You can walk every day through unexplored corners and streets of your hometown, change your route to work and start walking along a different path, visiting other shops and cafes.

All this will not only allow you to change your surroundings and unwind, but will also give you the opportunity to meet new people and make friends.

Let's recharge ourselves with creativity

The first enemy of mood is boredom. It is when a person is bored that he is visited by negative thoughts and his mood drops to 0. Boredom can cause just go crazy. Many people plunge into watching TV series and television programs, which further reduce their morale.

You should immediately get up and do something. A suitable hobby would be:

  • those who love to cook can create in the kitchen and delight the family with a culinary masterpiece;
  • needlewomen and craftsmen will do painstaking but enjoyable work;
  • Those who like to draw, sing, and dance can fully demonstrate their talents.

There are a lot of options. If you want to knit, run or play tennis, then you should definitely do it! There are many ways to develop creatively. The main thing is desire!

Americans love to relieve even the slightest blues by turning to a psychotherapist. They simply openly tell the specialist what worries them, without hiding anything. Often people don't even need a reaction, they feel better because they spoke out.

But there is a more pleasant, and also free, way - calling a friend.

Very often busy people do not have time to talk with a loved one. But once you dial the phone number and talk for a few minutes, your heart will immediately become warmer and more pleasant. Not only because there will be an opportunity to speak out, but also simply because it is nice to hear the voice of a loved one.

Healing cleaning

Let's remember the pre-New Year's bustle, when the house is thoroughly cleaned, all corners are cleaned, old trash is thrown out and all things are sorted out. Cleaning - integral part New Year's holidays and is even a symbol of them. It lifts your spirits just as well as a decorated Christmas tree or an Olivier salad.

Therefore, by cleaning, you can bring yourself closer to the festive mood and create a holiday for yourself even on a weekday.

The smell of cleanliness and perfect order in the house pleases the eye. Instantly I want to set the table and invite guests to an invented holiday. There’s definitely no place for a bad mood on it!

Every day of the year a holiday is celebrated - the calendar of holidays will not let you lie:

  • Hug day.
  • Smile Day.
  • Family Day.
  • Champagne day, etc.

There simply cannot be a bad mood on a holiday! You can celebrate these small holidays every day. Of course, it’s not worth quitting your job and fooling around around the clock. You can congratulate your family, friends and colleagues on Smile Day and smile at each other once again, maybe even drink delicious tea with your favorite dessert. A good mood is ensured not only for yourself, but also for those around you.

Get-togethers with friends

This is a great way to lift your spirits. In the modern world people were enveloped social networks and the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, people now very rarely meet in person, preferring to write a message in the messenger. But how stupid is this! Live communication, emotions, laughter - nothing can replace this!

You need to arrange meetings with classmates, friends and acquaintances:

  • drink tea;
  • sing karaoke;
  • play board games;
  • share memories.

You can go with a large group to some interesting place and have fun. For example, visit:

  • movie;
  • water park;
  • bowling;
  • karting;
  • circus, etc.

This could be absolutely any place. The main thing is that, having gathered in a pleasant company, everyone will completely forget about their bad mood. At a friendly gathering there will only be laughter, pleasant conversations, a carefree atmosphere and sparkling humor.

Wonderful feelings

It often happens that a person, walking down the street, hears his favorite music, and his skin gets goosebumps and his legs rush. start dancing. Another time he smells a pleasant, familiar scent and pauses for a moment to enjoy it. A tasty dish can give a person real culinary pleasure.

It is quite possible to fight a bad mood with the help of your senses and use your receptors:

  • olfactory - buy your favorite and long-forgotten perfume, a bouquet of flowers or a cup of aromatic coffee;
  • sound - go to a concert of your favorite artist or group, listen to a heart-warming song on your phone and immerse yourself in memories;
  • visual - please yourself with clothes, decoration for home or garden;
  • taste - eat your favorite dish, even if it is harmful to your figure.

Often a person will be attacked by melancholy only because it seems to him that nothing good is happening in life and that it consists only of troubles. The whole point is that bad things are easier to remember. To help yourself and understand that life is actually good, you can keep a notebook in which all pleasant events will be recorded.

Whenever something good happens, it's worth writing it down. A gift from a loved one, a meeting with a good friend, watching a quality movie, the success of children - all this is a reason for joy, and it should be noted in your notebook.

Whenever you want to feel sad, you just need to open the treasured notepad and remember all the warm and joyful events. They will warm your heart and make you smile.

It is best not to allow yourself to be sad and prevent despondency by following some rules:

A person creates his own mood, although sometimes he doesn’t want to believe it. Each is the architect of his own happiness! You need to try not to “take off” the smile from your face and move forward, despite minor troubles.