Is it possible to give gifts in advance: we answer a difficult question. Why do people re-give gifts? Should they not give a gift?

Also, a gift will not bring anything good to its owner if it was bought with the last money and reluctantly. For example, gifts that have engravings cannot be re-gifted. It is believed that by giving a thing, a person puts a piece of his soul into it. Giving is a special sacrament when a person gives not the gift itself, but, first of all, his good disposition, warmth and love.

Many people are not ashamed of the fact that they often give what was given to them. As a rule, such gifts include things that turned out to be unnecessary for a person. By such an act you show disrespect for the person and his disposition towards you. According to folk superstition, the given gift will not bring anything good either to you or to the person to whom you present it. Such a gift will be filled with goodness and joy and will bring happiness to the birthday person.

In this case, the gift will bring good luck and can protect from troubles and adversity. By the way, residents of Western countries have long made it a habit to give gifts with checks. Thus, they show that the gift was chosen specifically for the birthday person, and was not given out of necessity. Whether you believe in signs and superstitions or not, you should remember that any gift must be given with soul. Only then will it bring joy and happiness. Decide which gifts you don't use or don't like.

The gift is in good condition, there is no date on it (give chocolates to your family members!), and in most cases, still in the packaging. You are proud to give this item to someone. Give with care. Set aside gifts that you want to give away. In this matter, the main thing is order, since you do not want to give a gift to the person who gave it to you, or to a person close to him.

Store the packaging - you can also use it more than once, but use it with other gifts to avoid getting into an awkward situation. Also write down the names of those who may have seen your gift and how you know these people if you are very forgetful. Browse through the gift to remove cards. If you accidentally leave a card in a gift, it will be awkward for both you and the recipient. Keep your gift list on your computer. This way, you can easily find the item you need if you are looking for a gift.

Why you can’t give what is gifted. Signs and superstitions

Get the gift when you need it. The reasons for over-gifting can be different, for example, you don’t have any ideas about a gift, you don’t have money or time. Make sure to attach the ribbon nicely, as a gift that is beautifully wrapped is different from how it was presented. You can make a card yourself, or buy another more expensive one to make the gift even more interesting.

Act naturally; the item is still valuable and has been looked after, plus you're not giving the person an untidy gift, so you don't have to worry. If you're over-gifting a gift because you don't like the recipient, it might be better for both of you (and fairer) to not give each other gifts at all. Be prepared to offer to return the gift if you see that the person doesn't like it.

One comment on the sign “Giving gifts”

To avoid an investigation, try to find out in advance whether the person likes to return gifts to the store. Give gifts as quickly as you can, drinks spoil over time, and furniture turns yellow. Never tell the recipient that you gave him this gift. Think about how much the gift you received is worth. You don't want to give someone a $200 vase that will sit in Santa's office. Some relatives may ask you what you do with their gift, especially if they ask to see the gift.

Make sure that there are no people near you who know that you are re-gifting the item. Otherwise, gossip will begin. People might be offended if you give them universal gift, especially if this is a person close to you. Never re-gift items that you have ever worn, even just once. This is called charity, not giving a gift. It’s better to ask the person if he needs this cheap, second-hand item just because, rather than giving it as a gift.

Popular signs say that a given gift cannot bring anything good either to you or to the person to whom it will be addressed. After all, a piece of another person has already been invested in the gift, which is why you will not be able to put your energy there.

It is necessary to list and describe those things that are not recommended to be chosen as a gift under any circumstances.

Bad omens about gifts


Since ancient times, it has been believed that this item has some kind of magical power. There is a claim that, once in the hands of an experienced sorcerer, a mirror helps to perform various magical rituals. For example, if you give a “spoken” mirror to a young successful person, then through it you can take away all her youth, luck and beauty.

You can often come across statements that a mirror serves as a kind of portal to other worlds. But accepting a gift in the form of an antique mirror is considered especially dangerous. After all, it is capable of storing the information and energy of all the people who have ever looked at its reflection.

Over a long period of time, the mirror surface could absorb the energy of many deaths, grief and unfortunate human destinies. In addition, there is a popular belief that mirror surfaces can also store the restless souls of long-dead people, those who passed away voluntarily.


It is believed that gifted watches bring all sorts of misfortunes. If they are presented as wedding gift, they will begin to count down the time spent in harmony and love for the newlyweds. This will inevitably lead to quarrels and, as a result, to divorce. And if, for example, you give a wall clock to the head of an organization, then it will take a long time this post he won't succeed.

Chinese porcelain dolls

The thing is that such dolls are made based on the prototype of living people. In other words, the doll’s face reflects the features of a real person, repeats his facial expressions, gaze, and smile. That is, the energy of a certain person can live in a doll. And it is unknown how this will affect the health and life in general of those people to whom they were given.

Piercing objects

It is not recommended to give gifts in the form of forks, knives, and daggers. These items will bring negative energy into the house. It is believed that such gifts bring only quarrels, discord and troubles into the life of the person to whom they are presented.

Bird figures

Just like knives, bird figurines can bring misfortune and sorrow to the house. This is due to the belief that the bird is a symbol of distress noise. It is not for nothing that a bird accidentally flying into a window is believed to bring grief.

Slippers, mittens and gloves

You should especially not give these gifts to older people. After all, such gifts can remind them of their approaching old age.

And donated gloves or mittens are a harbinger that the giver intends to end the relationship with the recipient of the gift. It was not for nothing that in the old days, when challenging someone to a duel, they threw down the gauntlet.

As for the gift of slippers, some believe that this is a very bad omen, promising a quick death to the person to whom they were presented.

Empty bags, wallets and backpacks

In order to avoid financial problems for people who will be given these things as a gift, a paper banknote must be inserted inside them. The larger it is, the better.

Items associated with illness

You cannot give items that, one way or another, remind you of diseases. For example, an inhaler, a heating pad, a tonometer, a spinal corset.


It is better not to give live animals unless you are sure that a person has long dreamed of a specific animal of a specific breed. If you do happen to give such a gift, you must take a ransom for the animal - a symbolic amount of money. Otherwise, the animal may run away from its owner or get sick.

Underwear, handkerchiefs and socks

It is not recommended to give items of underwear and socks as gifts to your husbands. It is believed that this can provoke the faithful to betrayal, as well as to travel long distances. There is an opinion that donated socks are a harbinger of husband will leave from home and will want to return to it more.

Donated handkerchiefs bring tears to the house. It’s not for nothing that those scarves that are used during the funeral ceremony are left at the cemetery without taking them into the house.


Pearls themselves, or jewelry in which they are present, will bring other people's tears to its owner. After all, it is a symbol of the tears of the mermaid into which the young drowned woman turned.

Carnations, red and black bouquet, even number of flowers

It is believed that giving carnations is a bad sign. This will bring troubles and all sorts of misfortunes to the person to whom they were given.

It is also considered a bad sign to compose and give a bouquet that contains only red and black flowers. This bouquet symbolizes death.

And, of course, one of the most “dangerous” gifts, symbolizing death, is a bouquet presented to a living person, consisting of an even number of flowers.

Is it possible to re-gift gifts?

I would like to remind you that it is also not recommended to re-gift gifts. It is believed that the energy of the first recipient of the gift remains in him forever. Who knows what this energy is like, maybe negative? In any case, it is alien and will not bring anything good to the subsequent owners of this gift.

Finally, it should be noted that if it happens that you still have to give any of the above gifts, you should definitely demand a ransom for it in the form of a symbolic sum of money. Then all the negative energy from this gift will go away.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day, dear friends! Every time we choose a gift, we doubt: “will it fit,” “will it be necessary,” etc. And one of the important questions that worries us is “is it possible to give gifts in advance?”

Sometimes we don't even think about it. But this happens in cases where the reason practically does not deserve attention. Let's say it's some kind of professional holiday, not a round date, like six months of a relationship, etc. Here the problem of presenting a surprise is not so acute and does not require such thoughts.

What to do if we are talking about New Year or birthday? The question of the second option is especially acute. This can also be aggravated by the fact that you decide to choose a controversial present like or.

Is it possible to give gifts in advance?

It is not easy to answer this question. There are several aspects to consider here.

Where does such a question and scrupulous attitude towards presenting gifts come from? In ancient times, it was believed that if you give a gift to someone in advance, it will attract trouble into his life, as if he would jinx such a date. There were even beliefs that in this way you steal years of a person’s life, not allowing you to wait for a name day or birthday.

  1. Firstly, what is your attitude towards this presentation? Are you ready to take this step? After all, in fact, this means congratulations in absentia when you cannot see the person on his holiday. It’s especially sad if this is your loved one, and not just an acquaintance or colleague.
  2. Secondly, how will the recipient himself react to such an initiative? Many people now do not pay attention to signs and superstitions, but it may also happen that a person is very offended by your haste. Will he harbor a grudge after this? Will you be able to communicate as before?

For example, my friend always prefers to receive a gift after an event than before. Can you imagine how upset she will be if she gets the gift earlier? So you can ruin a person’s celebration, it can hurt him very much. And there are many such people, listen to their opinion. Not worth it once again to risk.

By the way, if it suddenly turns out that you presented a surprise in advance, but are present at the holiday, then take at least a postcard and a symbolic souvenir with you. Yes, the gift was given earlier, but the holiday takes place on that date.

No matter how many conventions there are, the most important of them is one - the holiday must remain a holiday. You can put a little effort into this, and the person being congratulated will thank you for it.

How to avoid negative influence?

To ensure that a gift, despite all the signs, brings real joy, you can do the following:

  1. Give a well-wrapped gift with “open on such and such a date” written on the outside. In fact, in this way you will simply give the surprise to your friend or relative for safekeeping, rather than presenting the gift in advance.
  2. Ask someone from your family to give you a gift on the appointed day. Or this can be done by special congratulatory services, which will be even cool: they can appear in the form of their favorite movie characters and create bright congratulations(in addition to the gift given).
  3. Give the surprise after the holiday. The main thing is to warn the person being congratulated about this. There won’t be many impressions, but after the event it’s also nice to receive gifts.
  4. You can also pretend that the present is not intended for this date. This is a clever trick that both of you will know about, but will smooth the situation over.

Or maybe you would prefer to give an intangible gift? In this case, all its “impact” will disappear somewhere. Agree, the prospect of going to a restaurant or a master class that you have long wanted to attend is great in any case, regardless of the holiday or lack thereof.

By the way, the recipient himself may ask you for a surprise in advance. For example, at the moment you can buy this or that gift, and later it will no longer be on sale.

This is the most favorable situation from the point of view of an early surprise. There's no need to even think about it

In this simple way you can observe all customs and rituals without offending a person. In any case, if you are interested in the topic of giving gifts ahead of time, then this already speaks of your concern for your loved one and your concern for his life and fate.

Subscribe to updates and visit the blog often to be the first to learn interesting things from the world of surprises and congratulations. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

It often happens that what was given to you categorically does not correspond to your ideas about what is beautiful and useful. In this case, you may want to re-gift unnecessary thing to another person. However, how ethical will this be, and what do superstitions say about such actions?

Why shouldn't you re-gift things?

Ethical side of the issue

Having received a gift, you must understand that the person sincerely spent time on you, thought about what would be best to give you, carefully selected the item, presented it to you with joy and excitement. good wishes, honestly hoping that you will like the thing. By giving a present, you neglect all his efforts and good intentions.

In addition, when giving a gift to another, you risk being caught in such an unsightly act, especially if we are talking about some unusual, rare thing that is not very easy to get. A bright item given to a mutual friend will certainly be noticed by the original donor. And, believe me, in this case it will be very unpleasant for the person.

Moreover, after some time you can easily be asked to wear what was presented to you, show you, talk about the intricacies of its use in more detail, etc. Absolutely, such a situation will also be very delicate.

Finally, if you re-gift items very often, there is always a risk of giving the gift to the same person who previously bought it for you. And this will be a real embarrassment.

As you can see, from the position of the giver, re-gifting his own gift looks very offensive. Just put yourself in his place and then make a decision about the future fate of the thing.

What do superstitions say?

As you know, any thing carries the energy charge of its owner. By purchasing something as a gift, you charge the item with your energy. By handing over a purchase to the recipient, you put your positivity, sincerity, good wishes and other bright feelings. Gifted with kindness, even the most seemingly unnecessary thing can bring joy and happiness to your home.

Therefore, folk wisdom tends to answer negatively the question of whether gifts can be given. Indeed, in this case, you not only reject the good message that the donor shared with you, but also automatically change the energy charge of the thing to negative with your attitude towards it. As a result, such a gift will entail some unpleasant consequences, failures, deprivations, both for you and for the person to whom you are giving it.

When is it permissible to re-gift?

  • Considering the same energetic message contained in the item, it may be worth re-gifting it when you are not sure of the giver’s kindness towards you. Roughly speaking, when you have reason to think that the thing was presented to you negatively. True, here again the question arises: will such a gift bring harm to another person?
  • If the donor himself invites you to do this. The situation, for example, may look like this: your mother bought you a sweater that turned out to be the wrong size. Then she offers to give it to your cousin, for whom it will certainly fit. And you should buy another one in return. It is a completely correct decision, which is equally beneficial and pleasant for all parties.
  • When you are in a really difficult situation with money, but the birthday of a close friend, relative, or colleague is approaching, and you definitely need to give him some kind of gift. Then you simply have no other choice but to give your own gift.

We bring to your attention our other article on a similar issue -

It is no secret that the question of whether it is possible to re-gift gifts from a birthday or other special occasion sometimes takes practical nature, since not all gifts turn out to be exactly what you would like to receive. Is it possible to get rid of an unnecessary thing without the risk of offending the donor or incurring any other troubles by this action?

Ethical side of the issue

Gifts to other people?" - this is a question to which everyone will have to give their own answer based on specific circumstances, of which there may be countless numbers. However, it should be remembered that the basis of the decision must first of all be the ethical side of the issue.

Without even touching on the mysticism that is so fashionable these days and without touching on the question of whether it is good or Bad sign- when re-giving gifts, you should remember that the people who chose them spent effort, time, emotions and, of course, money. This is especially true in cases where gifts - paintings, photo frames or any knitted items - were made by them with my own hands. It would be simply indecent to nullify the efforts of loved ones. That is why you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Unnecessary things

At the same time, it is not at all uncommon for a situation where gifts are bought on the principle of “well, at least you need to give something.” In these cases, we become the owners of sometimes very expensive, but most of the time completely unnecessary things. Over the years, a lot of all kinds of photo albums, figurines, vases and similar rubbish have accumulated in our homes. It is obvious that in in this case the question of whether it is possible to re-gift gifts should have a positive answer, but on the condition that the previous donor does not find out anything and, accordingly, will not be offended.

There are always a lot of arguments in favor of such a decision, especially when it comes to things that are already in the house. All kinds of pressure cookers, juicers and blenders can certainly become a good present and please the mistress of the house, but only on the condition that she has not yet had time to acquire them. Otherwise, she faces a dilemma: give this thing to someone else or bury it forever in the closet. This is where the question arises in its entirety: “Is it possible to re-gift gifts, and if so, how to do this without offending the giver?”

A little about our prejudices

Now let's touch on the mystical side of the issue. We will do this extremely carefully, since we are talking about some secret forces from which it is generally better to stay away. Nevertheless, we all live with an eye on them and, speaking about our disbelief “in all this nonsense,” we are not always frank, especially when it comes to bad omens.

If, for example, it is extremely rare to meet a woman with empty buckets in cities (except during an emergency water outage), then black cats crossing the road are a common occurrence. It’s no secret that they throw many people into confusion, even though we try to reduce our encounter with them to a joke.

What do omens experts talk about?

Is it possible to re-gift gifts? A question also associated with a number of different beliefs that, by the way, came from ancient times. The fact is that in the old days, every offering had a certain mystical meaning. It was believed that every gift carries what these days are commonly called the fashionable but very vague expression “positive energy.”

Simply put, our ancestors believed that along with the gift they were passing on to a loved one a part of your soul, dearer than which nothing in the world can be. Therefore, if a person who received such a priceless gift had the temerity to neglect it, he would inevitably incur the wrath of higher powers.

At the same time, positive energy (we will still use this term) could be transferred only to one person, namely the one for whom this gift was intended. Later it disappeared. That is why the question of whether it is possible to accept given gifts would, apparently, surprise our ancestors. “Of course, you can accept,” they would say, “but what’s the point? After all, without a soul, they are like empty eggshells.” It is difficult to disagree with such a judgment.

Family traditions

However, there are no rules without exceptions. It is known that in ancient times there was a tradition of intra-clan giving. It was expressed in the fact that representatives of the older generation gave their young heirs edged weapons, works of art, as well as jewelry and various family treasures. Moreover, this could have been done during the lifetime of their previous owner.

For example, the head of the family received a sword as a gift from his father, and then, during his lifetime, passed it on to his own son when he reached the proper age. The grandfather had no reason to be offended: the family heirloom passed from him to his son, and then to his grandson - all within the framework of tradition. Likewise, grandmother’s diamonds, once given to her daughter, could become the property of her granddaughter during her lifetime.

A tradition that has served the continuity of generations

In this case, the question “is it possible to re-gift gifts” was resolved positively, due to the established tradition. It was believed that family heirlooms, passing from one generation to another, convey to them the wisdom of their ancestors and the good luck that accompanied it. Thus, a whole layer of national culture has emerged, which has contributed to strengthening not only the material, but also, importantly, the spiritual continuity of generations.

At the same time, it was considered completely unacceptable to give gifts to strangers, not related by blood ties, no matter how warm feelings one might have for them. This was considered an open manifestation of disrespect for one’s own family and caused universal condemnation.

And another drop of mysticism

Among the signs that have passed through the centuries, there are many that have shown extraordinary vitality. These include the belief that re-gifting jewelry to other people can bring disaster to both the givers and the recipients. There are no clear explanations for this statement, and yet many people adhere to this point of view. Therefore, it is generally accepted that if an item received as a gift did not fit or was simply not liked, it should either be melted down and then made into something else, or simply be stored in a box “for a rainy day.”

In addition, various kinds of mystics and other “experts” claim that a gift can, if desired, be charged not only with positive energy, as discussed above, but also with negative energy, which can bring trouble. For this reason, receiving gifts from strangers or from those who may harbor hostile feelings in their souls is considered dangerous. If for one reason or another it was not possible to avoid receiving them, then it is better not to use these things, but, if possible, get rid of them in any suitable way.


So, to summarize what has been said, we note that the question of whether it is possible to re-gift gifts does not have a clear answer; it all depends on many circumstances, some of which were mentioned in this article. For some, the ethical side of the matter is decisive, and for others, its mystical component. However, in any case, before making a choice, you should put yourself in the place of the person whose gift, and perhaps part of the soul, you intend to reject and transfer into the wrong hands. The Savior once said: “Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself,” and let these words of His help us make the right decision.