Minimum pension in Karachay-Cherkessia. Pension funds of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

IV quarter 2018

9251 rub./month.

Per capita

9790 rub./month.

For the working population

7505 rub./month.

For pensioners

9353 rub./month.

For children

According to Decree of the Government of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic No. 70 dated March 19, 2019 for the fourth quarter of 2018, the cost of living is:

  • per capita - 9251 rubles per month;
  • for the working population - 9,790 rubles per month;
  • for pensioners - 7505 rubles per month;
  • for children - 9353 rubles per month.

Table of cost of living values ​​by quarter

PeriodAmount in rubles/month.Decree of the Government of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic
Per capitaFor the working populationFor pensionersFor children
IV quarter 20189251 9790 7505 9353 No. 70 from 03/19/2019
III quarter 20189347 9852 7531 9612 No. 268 dated November 29, 2018
II quarter 20189335 9836 7528 9608 No. 206 from 08/29/2018
I quarter 20189094 9479 7507 9485 No. 121 from 05/15/2018
IV quarter 20178719 9208 7063 8877 No. 52 from 03/05/2018
III quarter 20179052 9534 7329 9296 No. 321 from 05.12.2017
II quarter 20179279 9815 7486 9428 No. 238 of 09/12/2017
I quarter 20179037 9535 7323 9083 No. 128 from 05/26/2017
IV quarter 20168815 9321 7138 8943 No. 44 from 02/14/2017
III quarter 20168751 9251 7071 8903 No. 291 from 11/11/2016
II quarter 20168836 9317 7125 9073 No. 211 from 08/19/2016
I quarter 20168823 9305 7072 9030 No. 142 from 05/24/2016
IV quarter 20158530 9028 6919 8620 No. 43 from 03/14/2016
III quarter 20158637 9012 6882 8606 No. 358 of December 21, 2015
II quarter 20158952 9457 7226 9128 No. 211 from 07/30/2015
I quarter 20158550 9043 6916 8674 No. 119 of 05/12/2015
IV quarter 20147339 7825 5844 7351 No. 31 dated 02/17/2015
III quarter 20147076 7518 5767 6942 No. 345 dated November 24, 2014
II quarter 20147155 7567 5806 7140 No. 242 from 08/26/2014
I quarter 20146908 7302 5610 6928 No. 164 of 05/29/2014

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Note to the table: Quarterly values ​​for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 are given. These values ​​of the cost of living are applied in the cities of Cherkessk, Ust-Dzheguta, Karachaevsk, Teberda and other settlements of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

About the cost of living in the region

Living wage (LM) is the amount of money on which a working person in the Russian Federation can live for a whole month with minimal amenities. No surplus, only the necessary components of life: food, water, light, clothing, travel, taxes.

The rules for calculating and approving PM are contained in:

  • Federal Law of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation”;
  • Resolution of the Federal Government dated January 29, 2013 No. 56 “On approval of the rules for calculating the value of subsistence minimum per person and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population as a whole in the Russian Federation.”

All of the listed components of PM ultimately add up to the consumer basket and mandatory payments.

The price of the consumer basket is calculated based on information from Rosstat on the consumption of food, non-food products and the most necessary services and prices for these categories. Every 5 years, Rosstat conducts an analysis of popular demand and prepares a new minimum list for calculating the subsistence minimum.

To calculate the price of products in PM, let’s take potatoes:

  1. We calculate how many potatoes the population consumed per year.
  2. We count the population.
  3. Dividing 1 by 2, we get the average annual consumption of the product per person. Divide by 12 - monthly average.
  4. We take the index of changes in the consumer price of potatoes for the last quarter and multiply the average monthly price by it. This is the final consumption of potatoes, which will be counted towards the cost of the PC.

Prices for other products are also considered. The share of services and non-food products in the PC is half the cost of products.

PM is an indicator of the economic situation in the region and in the country. Approved by the Government quarterly after reviewing information from Rosstat.

In the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the economic situation is very tense. As throughout the Caucasus region, production and production indicators are falling, there is an outflow of population to large cities, delays in wages, and massive layoffs. The private sector of the economy has seasonal growth. In this regard, the PM here is lower than the average for the Russian Federation. It is established by the Head of the Republic.

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To find the pension fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and find out the addresses of the branches closest to you, enter the name of the locality in the search bar or select your option from the list below. We propose to select pension funds of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic by region, and governing bodies by territorial units.

Information about the pension fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

An online encyclopedia will allow you to quickly and easily find the information you need. In addition, you can contact the state pension fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic using the official website of government services and the Russian Federation.

Our portal provides all the necessary information on the following issues:

  • calculation of pensions;
  • use of maternity capital;
  • availability of benefits for old age or other reasons.

Here you will also find information on insurance premiums, benefits, and familiarize yourself with the work schedule of branches of the state pension fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and the branches' days off.

Addresses of PFR branches in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and work schedule

If you are planning to visit the Pension Fund of Russia, but do not know how the structure works, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the work schedule and the regime for receiving visitors from inspectors. By visiting the website of the Pension Fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, you will know exactly the telephone numbers and addresses of the organizations closest to you, where you can painlessly find out all the details of interest from the person in charge.

You will see the number of directorates, departments and client services of the Pension Fund at the bottom of the page. At the moment, the pension fund has provided the addresses of reception points in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic with information reflected on the map for better orientation of service users.

An excellent opportunity for readers of the resource is to leave feedback on their impressions after a visit to a government agency. Having familiarized himself with them, the head of the pension fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic will be able to adjust the work of individual employees, make adjustments to the work schedule, and arrange an inspection regarding the improper performance of their official duties by employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are looking for information about pension conversions, please review the data provided on the site. It is quite possible that you will not have to go to the Russian pension fund in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

The base prepared for you will be sufficient:

  1. For the final payment amount pensioners are affected by the amount of salary deductions, the duration of the work process, and the age at which the pension is assigned. Information about military service, child care, and dependent care should be provided to the pension fund of the Russian Federation in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. All this affects the calculation of odds.
  2. It's better to retire later than the established retirement age, since the amount of payments grows taking into account coefficients and allowances.
  3. Statement of personal account status through the pension fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic can be obtained through the personal account of the State Services, bank or customer service.

If you are dissatisfied with the service, contact the head of the pension fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic or write a complaint through the website, reasonably stating the reasons for your appeal.

By 2018, no major changes are planned in the field of insurance pensions, only the age will be increased and the number of points will be increased until their sum reaches 15. The main changes will occur in the funded part of pension payments, otherwise everything will be as before.

It is worth saying that the insurance pension is accrued only to working pensioners whose work experience is at least eight years. After indexation, its size in the republic is 13,620 rubles. In total, this type of pension represents a fixed payment and interest accruals on the level of insurance premiums.

Minimum pension amount

Every citizen on the territory of our country has the right to receive a pension; what it will be and in what amount it is calculated depends on individual conditions. According to current legislation, it is unacceptable for the pension to be below the subsistence level, therefore, due to the state supplement, the pension is increased to the minimum required.

The minimum amount of pension payments also varies depending on the level of indexation; since 2017, this figure in the region has increased to 8,410 rubles.

The minimum wage in Cherkessk and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

The minimum wage is one of those values ​​that remains unchanged in the state for all regions. It does not depend on the regional coefficient, but may change in the context of current inflation. Since 2017, the figure has reached 7,500 rubles.

Additional payments (allowances) to pensions in Cherkessk and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Non-working pensioners whose accrued pension payments are less than the subsistence level established in the region are awarded state allowances.

Conditions for obtaining a pension in Cherkessk and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

The amount of additional payment that low-income citizens receive depends on the cost of living. In 2017, the minimum income of a pensioner is 8,540 rubles. Regional authorities independently determine the amount of financial support for older people. Many people are interested in the question of what will happen in January 2019?

There are no pensioners in Russia whose monthly income is below the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence. All non-working pensioners receive a social supplement to their pension up to the level of the pensioner’s subsistence level in the region of residence.

According to the latest changes, the minimum pension in Russia in 2019 will increase by approximately 163 rubles and amount to 8,703 rubles.

What is the old age pension: types of pensions

Payments existing in Russia can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Most older people are entitled to receive insurance pensions. To do this you need to score at least 11.4 points. The minimum work experience in 2017 is 8 years. In the future, the requirements for applicants will become more stringent. To receive an insurance pension next year, you must work for at least 9 years.
  2. The state provides a social pension to disabled people and orphans.
  3. Citizens who have become victims of man-made disasters can count on government payments from the budget. The funds are paid to people who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

How many points do you need to receive a pension in 2019? Minimum length of service and retirement age in 2019

The retirement age in Russia remains at the same level. But every year the requirements for minimum scores and minimum experience increase. So, in 2017, to receive the minimum pension, you needed to score at least 11.4 points. The total work experience must have been at least 8 years.

Women for retirement in 2019 :

  1. You must have a minimum work experience of 9 years;
  2. Reach the age of 55 years;

For men for retirement in 2019 :

  1. You must have a minimum work experience of 9 years;
  2. Reach the age of 60;
  3. Have a minimum IPC score (individual pension coefficient) of 13.8. You can calculate your IPC score on our official Pension Fund.

Minimum pension in Russia in 2019 from January 1 by region table

In 2019, there will be a planned indexation of pensions by 3.7%. Below you will find a table with all the regions of Russia and you will be able to find out what the minimum pension in 2019 will be in your region.

Attention! Our website provides the most accurate information on pensions in 2019, but there may be some inaccuracies in the figures. They apply to non-working pensioners. Please check with the Pension Fund office for current information on pension amounts in your region.

Item no.Region2018
Central Federal District
1 Belgorod region8 836
2 Bryansk region7 327
3 Vladimir region9 233
4 Voronezh region9 567
5 Ivanovo region8 194
6 Kaluga region9 338
7 Kostroma region9 629
8 Kursk region7 044
9 Lipetsk region9 479
10 Moscow region9 864
11 Oryol region8 597
12 Ryazan region7 998
13 Smolensk region9 516
14 Tambov region8 231
15 Tver region8 726
16 Tula region9 354
17 Yaroslavl region8 930
18 17 500
Northwestern Federal District
19 Republic of Karelia9 703
20 Komi Republic10 556
21 Arkhangelsk region12 315
22 Nenets Aut. district18 199
23 Vologda region9 701
24 Kaliningrad region9 703
25 Leningrad region8 672
26 Murmansk region12 497
27 Novgorod region9 299
28 Pskov region9 606
29 Saint Petersburg8 817
Southern Federal District
30 Republic of Adygea8 970
31 Republic of Kalmykia8 296
32 Krasnodar region9 279
33 Astrakhan region8 759
34 Volgograd region9 380
35 Rostov region9 355
Volga Federal District
36 Republic of Bashkortostan8 644
37 Republic of Mari El8 781
38 Republic of Mordovia8 231
39 Republic of Tatarstan9 175
40 Republic of Udmurtia9 371
41 Chuvash Republic8 146
42 Kirov region9 077
43 Nizhny Novgorod region8 809
44 Orenburg region7 761
45 Penza region8 401
46 Samara region8 326
47 Saratov region7 971
48 Ulyanovsk region8 707
49 Perm region9 011
Ural Federal District
50 Kurgan region9 226
51 Sverdlovsk region9 703
52 Tyumen region9 402
53 Chelyabinsk region9 368
54 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug11 830
55 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug14 797
Siberian Federal District
56 Altai Republic9 499
57 Republic of Buryatia9 703
58 Republic of Tyva9 245
59 Republic of Khakassia9 349
60 Altai region9 217
61 Transbaikal region9 703
62 Krasnoyarsk region9 270
63 Irkutsk region9 701
64 Kemerovo region8 882
65 Novosibirsk region9 703
66 Omsk region9 057
67 Tomsk region9 275
Far Eastern Federal District
68 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Zone 1:
17 435
Zone 2:
14 763
69 Kamchatka region17 151
70 Primorsky Krai9 637
71 Khabarovsk region12 009
72 Amur region9 695
73 Magadan region16 280
74 Sakhalin region13 225
75 Jewish Autonomous Region9 700
76 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug20 944
North Caucasus Federal District
77 Republic of Dagestan8 707
78 Republic of Ingushetia8 104
79 Kabardino-Balkaria8 922
80 Karachay-Cherkessia7 491
81 North Ossetia7 606
82 Chechen Republic8 989
83 Stavropol region8 293

The financial well-being of an elderly person depends on where they live. When calculating pensions, Pension Fund employees use Rosstat information on the cost of the consumer basket. The state pays an unemployed citizen a monthly fixed amount of 4,959 rubles. An elderly person who does not achieve the required number of points will be able to claim payments 5 years later than the usual period.

Features of calculating an insurance pension

What is the current minimum old-age pension? for older people? In 2017, the cost of living is 8,187 rubles.

The old-age labor pension is paid to men aged 60 years. Women have the right to apply for payments 5 years earlier. Requirements for the applicant may be reduced if the person has worked for a certain time in hazardous production.

The amount of old-age insurance benefits depends on the specific case. When calculating benefits, Pension Fund employees take into account not only the length of their work experience. The amount of the insurance pension is affected by the number of points earned. Elderly people in 2017 receive an average of 13,620 rubles. To find out the exact amount of your pension, you can use a calculator.

Conditions for receiving a social pension

What is the old age pension? paid to disabled people? In Russia, the fixed part of social benefits in 2017 is 4,959 rubles. The state provides financial support to low-income citizens. Not all people can qualify for an insurance pension. The reason for refusal may be lack of work experience. In this case, the state pays a social pension. Funds are received by people who have no other sources of income.

Pensioners who receive a small pension are entitled to a social supplement. The amount of the federal supplement depends on the cost of living in the region. When calculating the social pension for residents of the Far North, the corresponding coefficient is taken into account.

State pension

There are several categories of citizens entitled to receive government payments:

  1. People who have become disabled due to radiation exposure.
  2. Local residents who were in the contaminated area at the time of the accident.
  3. Citizens who were taken from the exclusion areas.

What is the old age pension in Russia? paid to victims of man-made disasters? Participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have the right to early retirement. The amount of payments in 2017 is 12,399.62 rubles. To receive government benefits, you must work for at least 5 years. Liquidators retire 5-10 years earlier than the period established for ordinary citizens. People living in contaminated areas are paid 9,919 rubles monthly.

Can I count on financial assistance from the state if I have no work experience?

What is the minimum old age pension? due to people who received their salaries in “envelopes”? The Pension Fund has begun gradually tightening the requirements for candidates applying for insurance payments. However, some people were unable to earn 11.4 points in their entire lives. They cannot receive an insurance pension due to lack of necessary work experience. This may be due to the fact that the person did not work officially.

The state does not leave such people without a source of income. Old people are paid a social pension. Benefits are provided to people who have lost their breadwinner. Social pension is paid to disabled citizens (Clause 6, Article 5 of Law No. 166-FZ).

The following factors influence the amount of benefits:

  • presence of dependents;
  • reaching the age of 80 years;
  • living in the Far North.

Minimum pension in Moscow in 2019

Minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2019 latest news. In Moscow, pensions will be indexed differently. Read more in.

The government has decided to increase the list of people who are entitled to receive a social pension. Now state support will be 9159 rubles. By 7%. more than last year. What is the old age pension? does it work in different regions? To do this, just study the information indicated in the table.

What is the minimum old age pension? will be in 2019

The Ministry of Finance plans to establish a living wage of 9,364 rubles (Federal Law No. 134). The state is raising the minimum level of pension benefits by 163 rubles. The regions have regulations that establish allowances and benefits.

During the budget planning process, experts assumed that the price increase would be 4%. The increase in pensions in 2019 will be 3.7%. However, the current inflation rate has not reached the forecast value.

The minimum social pension is 9,159 rubles. Moreover, the incomes of older people increase not only due to increased federal payments. Regions pay monthly supplements to low-income citizens. When calculating pensions, specialists will use the adjusted IPC value. The cost of a point next year will be 81.49 rubles. The social pension will increase by 4.1%.

Will it happen in 2019? The Ministry of Finance approved the living wage at the level of 8,703 rubles. Already in January, older people will be able to receive increased pensions. For Moscow residents, the minimum payment is planned to be set at 17,500 rubles.

The increase in pension amounts will affect disabled citizens. The government has decided to postpone the indexation of benefits for active people who continue to work. can be done directly on our website.

To obtain the approximate amount of payments, you must enter into the form the length of your work experience, the number of children, and the amount of your official salary. Thanks to the calculator, you can simplify the process of calculating your pension. The cost of living in the Moscow region in 2019 will be approximately 13,000 rubles.

What to do if the pension is less than the subsistence minimum?

The income of some older people does not reach the subsistence level. Moreover, the price level varies greatly depending on the region of residence. Pensioners who do not have other sources of income may qualify for the supplement. Payment of bonuses stops when low-income citizens are employed. When considering applications from pensioners with low incomes, regional administrations evaluate their financial support.

Social security authorities take into account the following types of income:

  • various benefits that an elderly person receives;
  • availability of benefits for utilities and transport services;
  • the amount of pension that a low-income citizen receives monthly.

If employed, an elderly person must inform the Pension Fund employees about this. Social security authorities have the right to go to court if a pensioner tries to hide the fact of receiving other income. Moreover, this procedure applies to any salary amount. To apply for additional payments, you need to contact your local Pension Fund office.

The elderly person must provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • pension certificate;
  • documents indicating the amount of additional payments.

The application must be filled out in accordance with the sample provided on the institution’s website. The issue of paying a pension supplement is within the competence of regional authorities. To obtain additional funds, older people may need legal support. In controversial situations, the right to receive payments must be proven in court.

What is pension insurance?

Pension insurance can be divided into:

  • mandatory, which is issued upon reaching the appropriate age;
  • survivor benefits;
  • benefits for disabled people;
  • voluntary insurance, which is formed through self-contributions of people.

In 2019, the conditions for payment of insurance pensions will change. An older person will need to score at least 13.8 points. The insured person will be able to count on a pension only if he works for at least 9 years. Employers spend 22% of an employee’s salary to finance the insurance portion of payments.


An elderly person's pension cannot be less than the subsistence minimum. The state guarantees financial support to low-income citizens. In 2019, the minimum pension amount will reach 8,703 rubles.

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The Pension Fund has many branches. Each subject has a leading department where residents of the Republic can really find out the issues of interest. Citizens can order relevant services through portals.

Pension Fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

The online encyclopedia helps, without spending a lot of time and without difficulties, to find the information required to solve certain issues. It is also possible to contact the state Pension Fund of the Karachay-Cherkess region using the official portal of State Services and the personal account of an individual in Russia.

The official website provides all the required information on the following issues:

  • benefit deductions;
  • use of family capital;
  • availability of benefits for reaching old age or other reasons.

It is also possible to find information about insurance payments, pensions, get acquainted with the work schedule of the units of the state Pension Fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and the days off of branches.

The portal has several sections that contain up-to-date information on the type of social payments. On the official website it is possible to submit documentation online, update information about yourself or keep abreast of emerging news.

To clarify the work schedule of the subject’s Pension Fund, it is worth looking at the contact numbers and addresses on the portal.

Pension Fund management departments in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

When a person plans to visit the Pension Fund of Russia, but is not aware of how the organization works, it is best to become familiar with the work schedule and the regime for receiving visitors from inspectors. By visiting the portal of the Pension Fund of the Republic, you can know exactly the phone numbers of the helpline and toll-free line, the addresses of institutions located close to the person, where he can quickly make an appointment and get all the information of interest from a responsible citizen.

The number of departments, divisions and client services of the Pension Fund can be seen at the bottom of the page. At the moment, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides the addresses of the location of regional branches with contacts displayed on the map for a better understanding of service users.

A great opportunity for readers of the resource to leave feedback on their own impressions after a visit to the state. organization. Having become acquainted with them, the manager of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic can adjust the activities of individual employees, make adjustments to the work schedule, and arrange a check on the fact that employees have properly performed their job duties.

Pension information

When you are interested in information on benefits and their changes, you need to familiarize yourself with the information presented on the portal. Pension Fund in The Republic will not need to visit. A basic prepared base is enough:

  1. The final amount of payments to older people is affected by the size of the salary, length of work, and age category of benefits. It is necessary to provide the RF Pension Fund of the subject with data on military service, child care, and dependent care. All this affects the calculation of coefficients.
  2. You need to go on old-age leave later than the designated age, since the amount of payments increases when taking into account coefficients and allowances.
  3. A statement of your own account status can be obtained through the Public Services portal, a banking institution or a customer assistance service.

If you are dissatisfied with the service, you need to contact the head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Karachay-Cherkess region or write a complaint through the portal, justifying the reason for the personal appeal.

It is worth saying that 130 thousand citizens turn to the divisions of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Republic regarding the provision of benefits. The number of people living in the region, according to Russian statistics authorities, is 469 thousand people.