Lunar calendar. Lunar haircut calendar Hairdresser calendar

Updated haircut new hairstyle- one of the favorite concerns of women, so in the new 2017, they are eagerly awaiting the lunar calendar and horoscope for haircuts in order to know on what day is the best time to queue up at a hairdresser or beauty salon.

By visiting this page, you will know exactly when is the best time to dye or cut your hair in 2017 and will be able to make a schedule for visiting a beauty salon in the near future.

It's no secret that our Moon is the only satellite of our planet, and it not only illuminates our path at night, but also has a direct impact on all living things.

Those of you who are familiar with such a science as biorhythmics, constantly draw up a lunar calendar for the next year, for example, a gardener, or a hair cutting calendar, which helps every woman choose the most suitable time to visit a beauty salon, to bring her hair into shape. the order of your hair.

Having the lunar calendar of haircuts for 2017 at hand, a woman will not need to think about which day of the week is best for going to a beauty salon, but a lot depends on the timing of a haircut, and above all, the speed of hair growth.

We can say more - cutting your hair on the right day of the week can even bring good luck, directly influencing various areas of your life.

Now let's look directly at those days of 2017 that are the most suitable and favorable for haircuts according to the lunar calendar:

Haircut calendar for January 2017

The hair cutting calendar for winter January 2017 is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as is known, cut hair grows faster, as well as the quarters of the Moon, its location in the signs of the Zodiac, favorable days for creating a new hairstyle or hair coloring.

We decided to change our hairstyle after the New Year holidays, right, just in time, because after the holidays it’s not clear what’s on your head - in the first month of the year, January 2017, the most favorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar, there will be:

Haircut calendar for February 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the last month of winter, February 2017, is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as you know, cut hair grows faster, as well as the quarters of the Moon, its location in the signs of the Zodiac, favorable days

If you intend to visit a beauty salon in the last month of winter, February, before the men's holiday on the 23rd, or getting ready soon women's day, then the most favorable days According to the lunar calendar of haircuts, there will be the following dates:

Haircut calendar for March 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the first month of spring, March 2017, is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as you know, cut hair grows faster, as well as the quarters of the Moon, its location in the signs of the Zodiac, favorable days for creating a new hairstyle, hair coloring .

And finally the long-awaited spring has arrived, very soon it will be warm, and after a long winter in the first spring month of March, following the advice of the lunar calendar, it is advisable to change your hairstyle in the next favorable days first month of spring:

Haircut calendar for April 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the spring month of April 2017 is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as is known, cut hair grows faster, as well as the quarters of the Moon, its location in the signs of the Zodiac, favorable days for creating a new hairstyle, hair coloring .

In the first month of the Zodiac, April, visiting a beauty salon according to the lunar calendar, to tidy up your hair before the warm season in order to look irresistible, you should choose the following favorable days for haircut:

Haircut calendar for May 2017

The hair cutting calendar in the last month of spring, May 2017, is presented indicating the days of the full moon - May 4 and the new moon - the 18th of the month, between which, as you know, cut hair grows faster, as well as the quarters of the Moon, its location in the signs of the Zodiac, favorable days, to create a new hairstyle, hair coloring.

It’s already quite warm outside, and summer is coming, on the eve of the summer season, in the warm month of May, the most favorable days According to the lunar calendar, hair cutting will be as follows:

Haircut calendar for June 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the first month of summer, June 2017, is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as you know, cut hair grows faster. Find out the location of the Moon in the Zodiac signs this month, auspicious days, to create a new hairstyle, hair tp://site/node/3110

As is known in summer period All fashionistas strive to look irresistible, this also applies to their hairstyles, but our beauties should not forget about those days of June according to the lunar calendar, on which it is advisable to cut their hair and get their hair done.

Haircut calendar for July 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the second summer month of July 2017 is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as you know, cut hair grows faster. The first and last quarter of the Moon in July, respectively. Find out about the location of the Moon in the zodiac signs this month, favorable days for creating a new hairstyle, hair coloring.

Summer is in full swing, many have already visited the resort, and some are just getting ready, it’s time to think about a new hairstyle, or that you need to do something with your hairstyle, trim it, or cut your hair. To do this, refer to the lunar calendar of haircuts for the month of July, find out about auspicious days for this procedure:

Haircut calendar for August 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the last month of summer, August 2017, is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as you know, cut hair grows faster. The first and last quarter of the Moon in August are respectively favorable for cutting hair. Find out the location of the Moon in the Zodiac signs this month, auspicious days, to create a new hairstyle, hair coloring.

On the eve of the velvet season in August, many beauties, preparing for a trip to the sea, rush to get their haircuts in order, so - to cut your hair in August, it is best on these days of the month:

Haircut calendar for September 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the first month of autumn, September 2017, is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as is known, cut hair grows faster. The first and last quarter of the Moon in September is also a good time for hair manipulation. Find out the location of the Moon in the Zodiac signs this month, auspicious days, to create a new hairstyle, hair coloring.

In the first month of autumn, September, astrologers and the lunar calendar of haircuts advise our women to visit beauty salons to bring their hairstyle, haircut and straightening into proper condition on the following days of the month:

Haircut calendar for October 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the second month of autumn, October 2017, is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as is known, cut hair grows faster.

The first and last quarter of the Moon in October are also positive for hair manipulation. Find out about the location of the Moon in the zodiac signs in the autumn month of October, favorable days for creating a new hairstyle, hair coloring.

Ladies returning from the resort after the velvet season urgently need to fix their hair, so - according to the lunar calendar of haircuts for the autumn month of October, favorable dates to change your hairstyle, the following days:

Haircut calendar for November 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the last month of autumn, November 2017, is presented indicating the days of the full moon and new moon, between which, as is known, cut hair grows

The first and last quarter of the Moon in November are also favorable, respectively. Find out about the location of the Moon in the zodiac signs in the autumn month of November, favorable days for creating a new hairstyle, hair coloring.

In the coming month of November - girls and women who decide to cut their hair or get a new hairstyle, the lunar haircut calendar recommends making an appointment at a beauty salon for such favorable days month:

Haircut calendar for December 2017

The hair cutting calendar for the first month of winter, December 2017, is presented taking into account the full moon and new moon, between which, as you know, cut hair grows faster. The first and last quarter of the Moon in December is the same - favorable for hair manipulation.

Find out about the location of the Moon in the zodiac signs in the winter month of December, favorable days for creating a new hairstyle, hair coloring.

Well, we finally waited - soon New Year, and the queues at the beauty salon are booked many days in advance, so as not to get into trouble in the month of December, not to be left without a haircut on new year holidays, you need to sign up there in advance, and for your hairstyle to be a success, find out in the lunar calendar about auspicious days for cutting hair, creating a new hairstyle this month:

When preparing the lunar haircut calendar for 2017, we took into account such nuances as the position of the celestial satellite of our planet in a particular zodiac sign, as well as the phases of the Moon for each day, as well as the lunar day on which hair cutting is preferable.

It is worth noting that one of the most suitable days for a haircut, if you want your hair to grow faster, is the period of the new moon, as well as the phase of the waxing moon.

Moreover, the most favorable days when you need to make an appointment with a hairdresser occur during the period when the Moon is at that moment in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces. In addition, this period is best suited for other cosmetic procedures such as peeling, hair care treatments, or facial healing.

Women who want to do something about their thin and split ends, according to the lunar calendar for 2017, are advised to make an appointment with a hairdresser on the days of the full moon.

This will be especially effective in cases where the Moon passes the constellation Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, or Pisces. Although the most useful haircut for strengthening hair will be the period of the full moon, during which our satellite will enter the constellation Leo. Leo will give all these women lush hair.

To the same women and men who do not strive for rapid growth hair, but on the contrary, they want to cut their hair as rarely as possible, it is necessary to select days when the hair will grow slowly after cutting. To do this, you need to choose a period during the waning of the Moon. This will be especially effective in cases where the Moon is in the signs of Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and

Lunar calendar haircuts, will help our lovely ladies decide on a favorable day to manipulate their hairstyle. In it, they will learn exactly what circumstances influence hair growth or the events of the day that create the conditions for carrying out planned procedures and work on their hair, whether it’s a new hairstyle or a haircut, or maybe perm or hair coloring.

The haircut calendar for 2017 and the hairstyle horoscope will allow the female half of humanity to find out the phases of the moon and most rationally schedule a session in a beauty salon on the most favorable day for this.

The lunar calendar is one of the most ancient calendars on our planet. This page is the starting point for world of lunar calendar. Presented here all lunar calendars: general, gardener and gardener, hair cutting, beauty and health, as well as a to-do calendar. We largely depend on the Moon, but we have the power to turn its power to our advantage.

Lunar calendars

Lunar calendars based on the movement of the Moon. Physically, the Moon is a large material object that is located in close proximity to the Earth. The movement of the Moon around the Earth has a complex orbit; more precisely, both bodies - the Earth and the Moon - move around a certain common point of the center of mass. This movement gives rise to lunar rhythms, the main one of which is the lunar month. The Lunar calendar is built on this movement.

Lunar calendar and the influence of the Moon

The movement of the Moon around the Earth leads to a constant ebb and flow of liquids, both in the seas and oceans, and in man, who, as we know, consists of liquids. Therefore, the Moon has a rather strong influence on a person.

Also, this influence of lunar cycles has a great physical effect on plants, causing a constant change in the direction of movement of plant juices. The phases of the moon are known to have a great influence on the human psyche, which is associated with more subtle processes.

Our lunar calendar shows the phases and states of the Moon, the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located and gives you recommendations for each day based on these and other events. Each lunar day, lunar phase, as well as the position of the Moon in one or another zodiac sign gives the current moment its own specific coloring, its own character, its own energy, its own rhythm.

The Moon, like any planet in the solar system, does not cast its light on Us completely, but only with its part. This means that it is visible in the sky not only because the Sun illuminates it. During one revolution of the Moon around the Earth, the relative positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth change, and at the same time the Moon is sometimes illuminated differently. This phenomenon causes a change in phases in the lunar calendar.

New moon in the lunar calendar, this is when the Moon is located between the Sun and the Earth, the side facing the Earth is not illuminated at all, therefore the Moon is not visible in the sky. Gradually the Moon recedes to the side and we look at it from the side. At first it seems to us like a narrow sickle, which is gaining strength and growing every day. The “young” Moon is called growing.

Full moon in the lunar calendar - the Moon will make half a revolution on its way, the Earth will be located between the Sun and the Moon. The Moon turned towards the Earth will be fully illuminated and round, like a coin. Then the full moon will begin to wane again. At this moment she is called “old”. By the way, if we find ourselves on the Moon and look at the Earth, then it will also go through the entire sequence of phase changes. The Moon and Earth are constantly in opposite phases.

History of the Lunar Calendar

The Moon shines in our firmament and is second only to the Sun in its brightness. Therefore, it is quite understandable that from the most ancient times man began to pay attention to the movement of the Moon. Scientists believe that the very first lunar calendar arose in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC in the state of the ancient Sumerians.

The change of lunar phases in the sky is very clear and very easy to observe. That is why all ancient peoples in different parts of the world used lunar calendar For rhythm definitions of your life. But during the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one, the lunar calendar ceased to meet the new requirements.

The agricultural work that man began to carry out was tied to the movement of the Sun and the change of seasons and seasons, so people began to use solar calendars. In many ancient countries, for example in ancient Rus', the lunisolar calendar also became widespread.

The only exception was the calendar used in Muslim countries, since it is entirely based only on changes in lunar phases. However, the lunar calendar has never lost its relevance, because there is no doubt that the Moon has an impact on the entire nature of the Earth and on humans.

Each lunar day has its own special energy. A person can feel differently on the same day, but if he manages to tune in to the peculiarities of the lunar rhythm and behave in tune with it, then the Moon becomes an ally and supports all the person’s intentions.

Lunar cycle

The length of the lunar cycle is about 29.5 Earth days, it lasts from one new moon to the next. During this time, the Moon goes through four phases, which are called quarters. The lunar day begins its report from the rising of the Moon and continues until its next rising.

Such a day turns out to be longer than the sun, since the moonrise on the next day always occurs later than on the previous day. The moonrise itself can occur not only at night, but also on a clear sunny day. Many people paid attention to the fact that both the Sun and the Moon are in the sky at the same time.

The first lunar day at the beginning of the lunar month begins at the moment of the new moon. And then they do not coincide at all with the calendar day, and even differ in duration. This happens because the rotation axes of the Earth and the Moon do not coincide.

Lunar days have the same length only at the equator. In other geographical coordinates they already have different durations. The duration of the first and thirtieth days of the lunar month is especially variable. Their duration ranges from almost a day to several minutes.

The shorter the duration of the first lunar day, the more energy it contains, since all the processes occurring on this day are carried out most intensively. The last thirtieth lunar day does not occur in every lunar month. Such a month is considered perfect.

If a lunar month has 29 days, it is considered inferior. All days of this month will be difficult, and the incompleteness of such a month has a negative impact beneficial influence for the next lunar cycle.

> Haircut calendar for 2017

Moon - celestial body, a constant satellite of the Earth, which has a significant impact on many life processes of mankind. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the movement of the Moon has a direct impact on the condition of human hair. Depending on the movement of the Moon, the ideal day is selected - favorable or unfavorable for their renewal: coloring or cutting.

The lunar calendar of haircuts for 2017, compiled by experts, will provide you with the opportunity not only to update your image, but also to do it at the most opportune time. Your hair should not only be beautifully styled, but also healthy. Of the beautiful and thick hair easier to do your hair. That is why, before visiting a beauty salon, it would be a good idea to look at our calendar and choose the most successful day for renewal.

Lunar calendar table for haircuts and hair coloring for 2017

In addition to the lunar phases, lunar days also play an important role. If you want your hair to grow back as quickly as possible, visit a hairdresser during the waxing moon, and if you want to maintain the shape of your hair for a long time, go for a haircut during the waning phase. Also, look at the calendar and make sure that the date you choose is favorable for a visit to the hairdresser.

On the threshold of the era of human renaissance, man learned to use it to keep track of time. They were used as the main guideline, since all living organisms on our planet obeyed them. Women were divided into favorable and unfavorable days for cutting their hair.

We present to you the Lunar haircut calendar for 2020, in which calculations were made for all months of 2020. Each month presents a detailed calendar, in which, with a description and recommendations for good haircut, coloring or curling hair. The phases of the moon are also calculated with descriptions and recommendations for any manipulations with hair.

The lunar calendar for hair cutting, with indications of favorable and undesirable days, will facilitate your efforts on the path to ideal luxurious hair, you will be able to improve the condition of your curls and will be surprised by the positive result.

Even before the era of total civilized gadgets, our women knew how to look luxurious, and would more than wipe the noses of modern representatives of the fairer sex. They knew how to determine, based on lunar days, good and bad times for cutting and curling hair. For example, they knew for sure that cut hair grows faster during the waxing Moon, and they tried to avoid haircuts during the waning Moon, since during this period the hair grew slower and split more often. Yes, and it wasn’t fashionable to have short hairstyles before; even men used to have more long hair than modern women.

Modern astrologers, based on the centuries-old experience of our ancestors, recent scientific discoveries and innovative technologies We were able to compile and calculate a detailed and very accurate Lunar calendar for haircuts, but we have presented it for 2020. By opening which the reader will be able to get interesting and accurate information about each. Based on the advice and recommendations of astrologers, every woman will be able to determine how to cut her hair or care for it. The lunar haircut calendar for 2020 will be able to help you monthly, based on the calendar, you will choose the exact time to visit a stylist or hairdresser.

Hair cutting can also be scheduled by day of the week

If you want to get rid of negativity and negative emotions, then getting a haircut on Monday is the best option.

If you are in a state of panic and you don’t know what to do with yourself, then getting a haircut on Tuesday will help get rid of these problems.

A haircut on Wednesday will bring you a sea of ​​bright events and adventures.
If you want to add variety to your life, then a haircut on Friday is the best choice.

A haircut on Saturday will help improve your hair health, but you should refuse a haircut on Sunday, otherwise you risk getting into trouble.

However, if you want to find out more accurate information for yourself, then take a look at the Lunar haircut calendar for the month, in it you will find out favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts.
In conclusion, I would like to note that hair health depends not only on the Moon, but also on proper care, so maintain a regular ritual of washing your hair regularly. Try to choose the right shampoos that are suitable specifically for your hair type, otherwise you will quickly damage your hair and scalp. Be sure to use hair conditioner, masks, and nourish dry hair ends with vitamins after washing your hair. As a result, your hair will thank you with its vibrant and healthy appearance.

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Recommendations and advice on the Lunar calendar for hair cutting, curling, coloring, depilation and hair removal in January 2017

Recommendations and tips for cutting, curling, depilating, hair removal and hair coloring

While visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that hair cutting, made by the same master, can be ideal and do not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes, after a haircut, the hair lies well, but sometimes it is impossible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow back quickly, sometimes they grow back very slowly. To be satisfied with your haircut, visit your hairdresser on days when The Moon is in the signs of Leo or Virgo. Haircut these days it's good to do both on a growing, so on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair during Leo days, your hair will look thick. If get a haircut on Virgo days, they will grow faster and keep their shape perfectly. You can get your hair cut on other days of the waxing Moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. A haircut during the waning Moon will keep your hair in good condition, but it will grow slowly.

Bad for hair haircut on the waning moon in Capricorn, as well as haircuts in the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you get a haircut on a bad day, your hair will not lie well, will take a long time to grow, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in it, it will split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut your hair during the waning Moon in Aries - it will fall out quickly and heavily! It is also harmful to cut your hair during Gemini days.

Hair curling successfully passes during any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong because the hair curls itself on these days. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, at any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and begin to split and break.

Hair coloring It’s better to do it when the moon is waxing, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair during the waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether a particular color really suits you, use a coloring shampoo rather than dye. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see whether the color suits you or not.

Depilation and hair removal

There are many methods of hair removal and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot waxeffective way but painful, the razor has more advantages. When choosing a hair removal method, keep in mind that hair removed during the waxing Moon grows back faster. You can shave them in the morning, and by evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them while the Moon is waxing in Leo or Virgo, not only will they grow back faster, but they will also become even thicker and denser. It is best to remove hair during the waning Moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We present to your attention:

Conception (pregnancy) calendar. The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of intimacy.

Wedding calendar. Personal wedding calendar - the reliability and durability of the marriage, the well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the wedding date. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and choose the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Zodiac Signs and the favorableness of the lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmastide, Maslenitsa, etc.