Like a ship made of paper. DIY paper boat. Types and mechanisms of ships.

Everyone in childhood knew how to make paper boats, they even sailed them along spring streams, watching with delight how they raced, carried away by the cheerful water. It's time to pass this skill on to your children and grandchildren so that they too can enjoy the spectacle of their own ship sailing on the water. For those who have forgotten how to do this, this article has been written, with diagrams, photos and video materials. Will advise everyone on this step by step instructions how to make a boat out of paper.

Creating different variations of crafts

Fold the bottom corner into the center. Bend the corner back. Rotate the image so it looks like it's on the left - like a pyramid. You press the tip down with a big finger feel, along the "inner" area. If the tip goes down, it pushes the structure back along the existing folds back into the shape of the ship.

How to make a paper boat

Place the sheet so that the corner points towards you. Fold this corner opposite the triangle. Then fold the left corner to the right into a smaller triangle. If the paper is folded again, it rotates 45 degrees to the right. Fold the bottom side of the sheet up onto the rectangle. Fold this in half from left to right to form a square.

First ship ever

This is the simplest and most memorable experience of working with a piece of paper for a lifetime.

To create a sailboat you will need an A4 sheet. Using the diagram below, you can easily build such a boat with your own hands.

The sheet is bent in half and unbent again, forming a longitudinal fold. Both halves are folded in the same direction, forming two more folds. Now you need to fold and press the two halves tightly to the center line, and mark three longitudinal folds: 1 in the center and two dividing both halves in half.

Rotates the blade 45 degrees to the left and then reverses direction. Fold the top and bottom corners to the center so that both corners are exactly at the center point. Also fold the left corner into the center. Bend it about one and a half centimeters from the left edge.

Origami cat step by step. Origami is ancient art, which consists of making shapes by folding paper using only your hands. Origami or origami can be fun for children, it also helps them improve their concentration because they need to correct it to learn how to fold the paper correctly and also improve their manual precision because they need to go making folds to achieve the desired result.

The lower corners turn outward, forming a trapezoid. The top corners are turned out in the same way. It turned out to be a ship on a boat, as if reflected in each other. Next, the corners of the upper boat are turned upward, as shown in the diagram.

All that remains is to bend half of the upper part of the sailboat inward and you can set sail.

In children's backgrounds, it is important to start with simple numbers because otherwise it can be frustrating. Let's explain two ways to make a cat with this technique, in the first part we will only make the head, and in the second part we will explain another way to make the head and how to make the body of our paper cat as well.

To make an origami cat, we need a piece square paper. Step 1: Fold the paper in half to form a triangle. Step 2: Let's double our triangle again, this double will serve to indicate the center line that will lead. Step 3: We fold the two ends of the triangle up, but only to the middle of the line, these double ones will be the cat's ears.

If a child watches how a boat is made, he will soon begin to create more complex paper toys himself.

From boat to ship

After you have mastered the initial lessons of origami, you can replenish your fleet with more powerful ships. Below is a diagram of how to make a two-pipe ship step by step.

Step 4: We double the peak that remains in the top down region. Step 5: We rotate it and we already have the shape of the cat's face, now let's just draw the rest. Video: how to make an origami cat. Now we move on to the second part of the tutorial which is how to make a paper cat but this time also with a body, this tutorial has a bit of a catch because it assumes that the numbers are obtained starting from a separate article, but this shape is more Easy and remains just as enjoyable.

How to make a paper boat

In this case, we will need a sheet of square paper and a rectangular one. Origami cat with body step by step. This will be the bottom of the cat, try to fit, then fold the two ends of the longest area to form a triangle shape, and draw the legs in the bottom area to finish connecting the two parts of the head and body, To make sure it doesn't come apart, you can use paper or glue.

To build such a ship, you need a square sheet of paper, which is folded along longitudinal lines with the corners towards the center. The workpiece is turned over and the corners are bent again towards the center. After this, the workpiece is turned over again, and the corners are bent a third time. Of the four resulting squares, you need to bend two located opposite each other, and raise the resulting corners. All that remains is to connect two pipes, and the steamship is built.

Paper boats and spinning rods will never go out of style. Why? In fact, they grind so much that they deserve an article each, and in this case it concerns a puddle, lake, river or spring. Everyone is off to see how our manufactured sailboat stays afloat.

But of course, to navigate, you must first know. Basically, this may seem like a childish activity and something sappy. It's possible, but it doesn't detract from the fun. In addition to being ideal for your children and teaching them how to make their own boats, this will help you spend quality time with them.

But this is an initial, so to speak, kindergarten level of skill in building boats from a sheet of paper. Here are pictures that show what types of paper boats there are.

They can be very large:


Now, this wouldn't be the first time that an adult would take a taste for it from his naval background and try to build his own fleet. We warn sailors before you continue reading that these are hooks and when you make your first boat you will be aiming to have a frigate or aircraft carrier. Of course, this is a healthy and healthy vice, so we're giving you the first push by explaining how to make paper boats step by step.

How to make paper boats step by step

Once you have this, it will take less than a minute to build another one of your war machines. While the time comes, we will show you how to make paper boats step by step. Step 1 - Take the folio and fold it in half. The first step is easy, isn't it? Don't think this will complicate matters too much.




By cruise ships:

Types and mechanisms of ships

Step 2 - Take the top two edges and bring them to the center of the folio so the edges are horizontal to each other, glued in the center.

Step 3 - Take the remaining piece from the bottom and carry it all the way to where it is shown in the photo. With just three steps, we already have a boat shape.

Simple paper boat

Step 4 - Take the two corners of the base that you just folded and make a small crease. Although it seems like a small thing, it is important that the boat is flirty.

Step 5 - Place your hand in the remaining hole in the base and let it relax. Leave it open no problem, as long as you don't throw it in the water you don't have to worry about it.


A little about the models

To build a military cruiser like this with two tubes, you will need not only the ability to correctly bend and unbend paper.

Paper boat - catamaran

Step 6 - Take one of the sides and take it with the other so it fits perfectly. It was like folding a sheet of paper. Raise the tip until it meets the top one.

Step 7 - Turn the folio around and do the same operation but on the other side.

Step 8 - Join the tips in the bottom area and leave the boat as it appears in the photo, pyramid shaped or burrito beak, according to your preference.

Until it comes to that, you can build a whole flotilla of steamboats.

Or organize sailboat races.

You can add a small pleasure boat to your home fleet. Scheme of its manufacture:

Step 9 - Place your fingers in the area that allows you to and return it. Your creation should look like the mouth of a croaking frog or open lips.

Step 11 - And we already have a boat. Now all it takes is a sailor of lights, some water and a limited but very enjoyable time.

A sheet of paper is folded diagonally, then the top corner is folded inward. The same corner needs to be turned outward, but so that it seems to be buried in the rest of the workpiece. The uppermost tip must again be “sunk” into the vertex of the triangle. Next, the workpiece is folded in half, and the lower edges are turned outward, forming the sides of the boat.

Materials for making paper boats

One of the great benefits of this hobby is that the materials used to make paper boats are extremely economical. Not to mention the cost of the berth.

However, there are other materials you can also use that will give you more color and texture alternatives.

Ideas for making paper boats

In addition, with some materials, their strength in water will be greater. This means you intend to swim. The world of sea origins is endless. From El Bribon to Roman Abramovich's yacht, passing a simple barge, the options are countless. However, we are going to give you some paper boat making ideas that will boost your motivation.

During the manufacturing process, it is important to carefully iron the paper at the folds and try to fold the craft evenly, otherwise the boat will turn out crooked.

If everything is done correctly, you will get a boat like this:

Video on the topic of the article

The simplest boat:

First, Fleet Shell with real paper boats. As easy as making two old school boards and building paper boats in different sizes and for two players. You know, 4 boats with one square, three with two squares, two with three squares and one with four.

Another of the most familiar ideas is a tribute to the Invincible Fleet, rebuilding all the ships he considered. Choose simply: Pint, Girl and Santa Maria. Well, making three caravels is difficult, but you won't be in the way of a standard paper boat, right?



We will need to look for new challenges, and I think that's what we need for Christopher Columbus. Finally, and as a premium idea, if you are determined to keep your boats in the water for a long time, there is an ideal option. This is wax paper, available in specialty stores. This paper is waterproof but very easy to use. This will allow you to enjoy your creations longer.

Of course, don't forget to tie a rope or string to the boat if you plan to sail in wide areas. If not, which you are neglecting, then this will take it, and it will appear, why not, in Japan. Just in case this happens, it doesn't hurt to leave a written message on paper and that whoever is counting is hallucinating in flowers.


Double-pipe steamer:

How to make a ship out of paper? Every child and his parents were interested in this question. Now we will answer it in detail.

Who didn't let paper boats sail in spring streams? Overcoming many obstacles, they finally reach a huge puddle, where they can calmly drift under the guidance of a little captain. Is this a familiar picture?

But even today, not all children and adults know how to properly make a ship out of paper. There are several ways that allow you to quickly make any model from a regular sheet of paper.

The first option is the simplest

We will now tell you how to make a ship out of paper. You need to fold the sheet in half to form a rectangle, mentally find the middle of the fold and fold both edges to form a triangle. Next, you need to bend both lower edges of the rectangle up, each to its own side. Now bring the ends bent in this way together and tuck them into each other. You will get a rhombus. Raise its lower corner up. Turn the boat over to the other side and do the same. The result is a triangle. Its two sharp corners need to be raised up and folded in the center. And again in the hands of a paper diamond. By carefully pulling the edges of the figure, they should be moved apart and formed into a boat. Now all that remains is to add volume for stability and you can set sail.

Another option

The next version of the paper boat is not so well known. The model turns out to be more original and stands out against the general background of simple boats. So, how to make a ship out of paper? You need to take a square sheet and fold it diagonally to mark the folds. Then unfold it again and bend the top corner towards the center.

Then lift the tip up and bend the corner of the resulting small triangle down again. Now fold the entire figure lengthwise diagonally. Turn both bottom sides out and fold them inward. The result was not just a boat, but a real boat. All that remains is to paint the side and draw the windows.

The pinnacle of skill for a child is to make a boat with two sails. To do this, take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half twice. Then, the upper left corner and the lower right corner of the resulting square should be folded towards the center. Then fold the figure in half again. Mentally divide the resulting rectangle into two squares - left and right. On the left side, fold a triangle, bending the top towards the center, and on the right, bend the corner away from you and up. Fold the side wings down on both sides. In the resulting rhombus, fold the right triangle down and return it back up, but with a depth of 1 cm. Fold the bottom corner inward.

Having mastered the simplest techniques, you can build a ship from modules. Such a craft will not be allowed to sail, but it will be perfect as a gift for a friend.

In kindergartens and elementary grades, children enjoy making boats in the form of Many examples can be found in children's books and magazines. During classes, you can tell your child about different ones and invite him to choose from them. Thus, over time you will get a whole collection of applications.

How to make a ship from paper and scrap materials?

But most interesting view home shipbuilding involves making models from available materials - matchboxes, rolls of toilet paper, walnut shells. Anything your imagination suggests will do here. For making the most a simple boat you will need three matchboxes, a cocktail straw, colored paper, glue, a sheet of cardboard and markers. The skeleton of the ship needs to be formed from three boxes - two glued together, and the third glued on top of them.

While they are drying, you can cut out the food from colored paper - a strip whose width is equal in height to the first two glued boxes. The third box should rise above it in the form of a captain's bridge. When cutting out a strip, you need to remember that it should be several centimeters longer, since it will also have to be used to form the bow of the ship. Having glued the boxes and made the nose, the workpiece should be turned over and the bottom made of thick cardboard should be glued.

Now you can start making sails. To do this on cocktail straw you should put on two paper sails, previously painted with felt-tip pens. They can be either the same or different sizes. Glue a flag on top and secure the finished structure in the upper matchbox.

Such activities with the baby will bring pleasure to every parent. After all, many of us, at least mentally, return to our childhood, when we easily ran barefoot through summer puddles and launched boats, hoping that at least some of them would sail all the way to the sea.


Now you know how to properly make a ship out of paper. We offered several options. Although every day new paper ship models appear. Therefore, practice, improve your skill.