Beautiful poses for a plump girl near the Christmas tree. The best sex positions for plus size people

Modern girls, owners of curvaceous figures, more and more often cease to adhere to standard figure sizes (90-60-90) and more and more often appear in society in open clothes, absolutely not embarrassed by their body. Representatives of the fair sex are not at all embarrassed to wear revealing swimsuits, seductive underwear, and also love to appear on the covers of glossy magazines or simply be photographed in various poses. What poses for a photo shoot for plus size girls are the most suitable and favorably emphasize all the advantages of beauties will be discussed in this article.

Original poses for a photo shoot for plus size girls

One of the first and important rules of curvy female models is: girls should not hide their plumpness, because there is no hiding from it anyway. And if it cannot be hidden, then it is necessary to make sure that this completeness turns from a “minus” into a “plus”. The shape of your body can be emphasized with an unusual, beautiful dress, an original skirt, a chic sundress, a cute swimsuit or a seductive set of underwear.

One of the most beneficial poses for plus-size girls is the following position: the girl stands half-sided towards the camera, from a three-quarter angle. It is advisable to pull your stomach in as deeply as possible, straighten your shoulders, and lift your chin. To give the model a slim body, you need to monitor your posture - keep your back straight. With all this, the model should look natural, without noticeable tension.

The next position in which a plump girl looks attractive in the photo: the model can sit on a chair (sofa, armchair, etc.), slightly stretching her legs forward, as if pulling her socks. This pose, which lengthens the young lady’s legs, will allow her to look elegant and graceful. Also, the best option for hiding the fullness of the model is a position in which the girl sits half a turn towards the camera, with her legs extended forward. The legs thrown one on top of the other should form one line and slightly diversify the pose, giving it a completely different “shade”.

A good solution for hiding the shortcomings of a full figure is to shoot when the photographer is, as it were, above the model, that is, on an elevation in relation to her. The model can sit or stand at this time. With this position, undoubtedly, the most important female dignity is emphasized - her breasts.

"Helpers" of models

Not only comfortable and advantageous positions help plump girls look beautiful and appetizing, but also many other nuances. For example, if a model has gorgeous, long hair, then it is imperative to use it when shooting. Hair should be let down, because it helps to perfectly hide a woman’s plumpness, her plump cheeks and wide cheekbones. When shooting in a studio, you can use a fan, pointing it at the model’s face: the beauty’s hair fluttering as if in the wind will give the image a feminine look.

During a model photo shoot, you should not place your arms near your body - this will give even more fullness to your figure. However, you should not spread your arms and legs too far apart - this can look very unattractive. It is best to place your arms and legs horizontally or vertically.

Poses for a photo shoot for plus size girls also include various bends and deflections of the body. To achieve an excellent result, models can be bent at the waist, shoulder girdle, hips, etc. Bends back and forth with the shoulders drawn in at the same time perfectly emphasize the figure. The model creates a somewhat stooped appearance, with one shoulder needing to be lowered lower than the other. This position allows you to hide broad shoulders, huge breasts (if any) and other imperfections.

Poses for a photo shoot for plus size girls also include such an important element as clothing. It is advisable for girls with curvy figures to wear plain clothes: they should have “cold”, dark shades. It is recommended to use clothes with vertical stripes; you can diversify the look with a long scarf - they will help make the model’s image more slender, fit and attractive.

Lighting also has a huge impact on the quality of shooting. You should not highlight the model's face from below - this can emphasize the double chin, which is completely undesirable. The best option is to highlight the curvy parts of the figure and darken it along the contour. The light should be soft, flowing easily over the model's body. If shooting is done in bright sunshine, it is recommended to use a flash.

To summarize, I would like to add that not only the model herself and her work on camera are the key to successful shots, but also how the photographer works, how well he sees the flaws in the figure of plump models and whether he knows how to hide these “cons”.

It feels like on a date in Moscow City, every person is worried about our couple with their souls

Guys, thank you very much for the work done, everything was done quickly, in a short time, you deprived me of most of the excitement, because you took upon yourself all the organizational work of our romantic dinner on the roof of Moscow City. Thanks to every single person, Evgeniy, Anastasia, Alexander - our operator. Such great guys, they all know how to sing and shoot videos, and the magician is just some kind of magician, honestly. It feels like every person worries about our couple with their souls. Everything worked out, thank you very much

I really liked that they satisfied our wishes, which were not initially specified.

Hello, I found this event - a romantic evening on the roof, on the Internet, I wanted to give my wife a pleasant surprise. Just visiting restaurants is usually enough. But here I was still interested: the view of Moscow is beautiful, the atmosphere is romantic. And I really liked that the guys who organized this were very responsive, went to the meeting and satisfied our wishes, which were not initially specified. Therefore, I am very grateful. I'm glad my wife enjoyed her rooftop date.

Overall, I'm shocked!

In general, I did not expect it! I was in a taxi and didn’t know where I was going. They brought me here and closed their eyes. I was riding in a terrible elevator, in which my ears were blocked. I came here and was very surprised, everything was very beautiful. A real romantic date on the roof: it was decorated with rose petals and candles. What else can I say? - In general, I'm shocked)

Opinion about the quality of service and professionalism of the staff organizing romantic dates on the roof in Moscow City

I want to say that we enjoyed these couple of hours of a romantic dinner on the roof for two and were very pleased with the service, the way the organizers greeted us, and how comfortable the conditions were created for us. I would like to mention the cuisine, everything was very tasty! I would like to note the music: there was musical accompaniment, a saxophone. Everything was very romantic, in the mood. I also liked how the photo shoot went and how professional the photographer was with the angles, how he exposed us against the backdrop of flowers and panoramic windows. We thank you and invite others who are interested in this to take part.

Everything was very romantic, in the mood. I also liked how the photo shoot went and how professional the photographer was with the angles, how he exposed us against the backdrop of flowers and panoramic windows. We thank you and invite others who are interested in this to take part.

I really enjoyed our date in the city, especially the live music and the cake.

So, well, I really liked everything. I found this organization on the Internet. The romantic evening in Moscow City was great and met my expectations, I really enjoyed everything! - and I liked it. Especially live music and cake! I'm happy!

I'm totally shocked

I really liked everything. I was worried, but not too much. The date in Moscow City went as expected. Thank you very much Valeria. - Yes, Valeria was very nice and responsive. We really liked everything! - And I’m so completely shocked! Thank you very much, especially Valeria!

On our romantic evening in Moscow City we were able to see the sunset - very beautiful, very cool

Hello, Oleg and Christina. Tell me, what did you expect from a romantic dinner in Moscow City and did it actually work out? In fact, we didn’t expect to be so high and see such a picture - a pleasant surprise! And we were very lucky with our timing - we were able to see the sunset - very beautiful, very cool. Would you recommend us to your friends? - Of course, now there will be posts on Instagram, everyone will see it anyway

A romantic date in Moscow City at the Emotions Workshop is the best birthday gift

Today is July 1st - the birthday of my beloved husband. I spent a very long time trying to find a way to congratulate him in an unusual way. And one day, when I came across such an unusual congratulation on the Internet - a romantic date in the Moscow City Workshop of Emotions - I decided that this would be just what I needed. I didn't regret it. There was complete correspondence between price and quality - romantic, clean, high quality. Everything corresponds to reality - it was very cool. Guys, thank you! Hope to see you again someday! it was great!

Guys, I recommend a great place for holding various types of events: birthdays, late-night movie screenings, romantic dates on the roof. Moreover, Valentine’s Day is coming soon - you can retire to the 60th floor of the City of Capitals tower. Imagine: I’ve been working here for 6 years and I didn’t even suspect that such an awesome place existed. You can decorate it the way you want, you can bring your own drinks and food, in general - there is plenty of room for imagination, I recommend it, I recommend it. The company that helped us is called "Emotion Workshop". Welcome!

We will come here again and again and again

Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Today we visited an incredible place like the Emtsoi Workshop, which is located in Moscow City. The romantic evening in Moscow City, organized by the Emotions Workshop, left amazing impressions: a very romantic setting, a very good atmosphere, very hospitable people, very good service staff. We invite you all to visit this place because there are incredible views of Moscow. We really liked it, we will come here again and again!

Romance! If only we had jumped, of course.

I went online and wrote “entertainment” - “What kind of entertainment can there be today”, because... It was my wife's birthday. I looked - you can make a date in the Moscow City Federation Tower for your wife - such an entertainment-surprise, and I found a phone number and called. And this happened by itself, unplanned, “at random” in a couple of hours. When everything happens spontaneously, it turns out beautifully. Romance! If only we had jumped, of course))

The future wife even shed tears

We liked everything! Very cool! Concerns? - I don’t know, were there? - Well, the first time when you stand at such a height, of course there is a feeling of fear, because... quite high height. Emotions are overwhelming, it’s all so memorable. My future wife even shed a tear! This is so sweet and touching, thank you very much

Everything is exquisite - thank you for the quality and service of a romantic dinner in Moscow City

I would like to say a huge thank you to the “Emotions Workshop” company for the service provided and the quality of organizing our private party for two in honor of our anniversary! In fact, everything is refined and cultural. I would like to say a huge thank you for the quality and service you provided today.

Beautiful view and pleasant atmosphere for a romantic evening in Moscow City.

Everything was great, we liked it very much! A beautiful view from the window is the most important impression. And a nice environment! How did we find you? - There were a lot of offers on the Internet. Why did they choose you? - They probably looked at the reviews and photos. And they decided to organize it.

We are so happy that we found you

We found it through the website "head in the clouds". We are incredibly happy that we found you. The proposal turned out to be a great success. The services also turned out great. Everything is beautiful and the view...everything is romantic. We will invite all our friends to contact you and book a date in Moscow City.

Your romantic dinner is good, comfortable and the prices are reasonable

Can I speak honestly? Seriously? - Yes! I turned to Workshop of Emotions because it seemed to me that this company could really create a real romantic evening in Moscow City, exactly what I wanted. In principle, I made no mistake, everything went very well! In general, rose petals were not included, but they ended up here - I'm very glad. I'll be honest. - Today they proposed to me, and this is the best place where it could happen! Thank you! Your place is very good, comfortable and the prices are reasonable

Aerobatics - date in Moscow City

My name is Rita, my name is Ilya. This is our first time here, the romantic dinner in Moscow City was super. Everything is very well organized. The atmosphere is wonderful. Aerobatics, we will advise and advertise to friends!

One of the best places for panoramic views

We found out on the Internet one of the best places with a panoramic view, where you can organize a date on the roof of Moscow City with a girl. I liked everything very much, my expectations really matched. Thank you to the Emotions Workshop, everything is very cool - please contact us. I received a lot of emotions - this is the most important thing, thank you!

I spent a long time choosing, settled on the Workshop of Emotions, everything was cool.

In fact, I was not afraid of anything, I already knew my choice. I spent a long time selecting a venue for a romantic evening in Moscow City and thought about how to do it, and I don’t regret that I settled on the guys from the Emotions Workshop. Everything was at the highest level, you can trust them! There was a WOW effect, everything was cool.

Photographing fat girls is not much different from photographing thin girls, but there are still some nuances in this situation. They are associated with subtle flaws (double chin when the head is lowered, folds at the waist when sitting) of the model, which may not be noticed in life. In addition, the girls themselves may feel awkward and tense, which will not make the shooting easier.

Poses for a photo shoot for plus size girls

For many girls and women, a photo shoot is a rather exciting event, allowing them to see themselves from the outside in a certain image. However, the matter is not limited to the selection of clothes, accessories and location - poses pose a certain problem, especially for novice models. Correct posing allows you to highlight the advantages of a woman’s figure; incorrect posing can visually spoil even an ideal body.

Plus size models have long been in fashion

Fat models especially often have to worry. They need to choose their poses especially carefully in order to avoid a visual gain of several kilograms and sudden defects, for example, folds at the waist.

Important! In addition, plump girls are often shy, which is why they look awkward in photographs.

There are no restrictions for overweight girls in photo shoots

Before shooting, you should not only understand how to take pictures correctly for fat girls, choose poses and angles, but also practice them in front of the mirror.

Rules for choosing successful poses, how to hide flaws

In movement, many figure flaws become invisible, but in the photograph they appear very clearly. To avoid this, you should use some tricks from professionals who will tell you how to photograph obese women:

  • To get rid of a double chin, you need to slightly lift and tilt your head back, and sit half-turned towards the camera.
  • Owners of long hair can let them down, hiding their cheeks and lengthening the oval of the face. When posing half-turned, you should cover the cheek closest to the camera with your hair.
  • To draw attention to your face, you need to lean your upper body towards the camera.
  • When posing, it is necessary to avoid straight lines - smooth or intersecting lines will favorably emphasize the curves of the body itself.
  • When shooting standing, you need to straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and open your chest.

The main thing is to straighten your back
  • It is not advisable for the arms to fit closely to the body; there should be a small distance between them so that they do not merge. In this case, the model can cover problem areas with her hands, for example, fold them over her stomach.

An interesting photo can be obtained if the model puts her hands on her waist and tries to bring her palms together - the smaller the distance between the fingers, the thinner the waist will appear.

  • Your feet should not be shoulder-width apart or completely straight. It is better to cross your knees or ankles, bend one leg and put it to the side or push it forward with your toes pointed out. This will help make your legs slimmer and longer.

Features of choosing accessories and clothing for plus size ladies

Properly selected clothes and accessories will also help hide flaws and highlight the model’s advantages. And although it is first of all important that the outfit fits into the chosen image and suits the girl, some tips may help:

  • High-heeled shoes will help visually elongate your legs and entire silhouette, making it slimmer.
  • Clothes should be chosen from light, flowing fabrics that will create an “airy” effect. It is better to choose models that are loose, not tight-fitting, with beautiful folds and draperies.

A flowy dress will help gently highlight your curves.
  • Dark clothing colors are suitable. Of light and bright colors, cool shades are suitable - blue and light blue (especially when shooting at sea), olive, green, gray, burgundy. But first of all, the color should suit the model itself, be combined with its color type.
  • For short girls it is better to choose a pattern with a vertical stripe, for tall women - with a horizontal one.
  • If the model has full arms, it is better to choose a long, but not tight, sleeve.
  • A scarf or satin fabric will help draw attention to the face or hide overly full shoulders, or create an interesting drapery on the chest.

It is important to remember that every plump girl has her own strengths and weaknesses in her figure that need to be hidden or emphasized. For example, if a model has a thin waist and a neat stomach, you can emphasize this with a belt or corset. If this part of the figure is unattractive, it is better not to highlight it.

Ideas for a street photo shoot in the city

The streets make the perfect backdrop for photos due to the variety of options and accessibility. You can shoot in parks and gardens, in forests and on the lake shore, in cafes, courtyards and any other accessible place.

Night shooting can be quite unusual

A few unusual ideas will help you choose:

  • Night city: it can be a romantic date or a walk in a cheerful company, a sad journey of a lonely girl or dancing barefoot under the lanterns. The main thing is to choose a sufficiently lit, but beautiful place and not be shy. An interesting detail could be fireworks in the sky.
  • Railway tracks and bridges: roads leading into the distance that invite you along and promise adventures and new acquaintances. When choosing a location for shooting, you should make sure that there are no trains running on the rails.
  • Rain: Bad weather can make or break a photo shoot. An abandoned young lady under an umbrella or a lady without an umbrella enjoying every drop, the reflection of a model in a puddle or her silhouette through wet glass - it all depends only on the photographer’s imagination.
  • Construction site: not the safest place, but some ideas can be captured there. However, it is important to remember that such places are guarded and simply not safe.
  • Rooftops: beautiful views, sunsets and sunrises can serve as a wonderful backdrop that will decorate any photo. The main disadvantage: almost all roofs are usually closed.

The rooftops offer a majestic view of the city
  • In an unusual style (gothic, steampunk, punk, rock, boudoir style): the location will depend on the chosen image. For example, Goths will like a cemetery or a Catholic church.

Beautiful images for photographs in nature

Outdoor photographs will largely depend on the chosen image and idea, style and mood. For example, a romantic young lady will look good in a park, a business woman - in a cafe.

Moreover, each season offers its own “professional” shots in which you can photograph a lady alone or in a group:

  • Spring: awakening nature and the growing sun - the best interior spring photos. The first leaves and blossoming flowers will help you take good pictures.
  • Summer: It's time to get out to the beach or nature. You can take pictures standing thigh-deep in water or lying on the beach (on your back, side or stomach), against the backdrop of sunset or dawn (such shots are especially beautiful if the nature is unusual). You can also go out into a field, meadow or river bank, choose a place filled with flowers.
  • Autumn: the most popular “interior” and “accessory” is yellow leaves. They can be collected into a bouquet, stretched towards the camera, thrown into the air, or weaved into a wreath. As accessories, you can use a warm scarf, hat, umbrella - or even wrap yourself in a blanket and drink tea from a thermos.

Autumn should be bright
  • Winter: topics for photos can be playing snowballs, creating a snowman, drinking tea in the snow. It's better if the model is completely relaxed and just having fun. You should choose dark, fitted clothing to make your silhouette against the white snow more subtle. You should not take pictures at dusk: the darkness will blur the image.

Home photography

Taking beautiful, high-quality pictures at home is quite difficult, almost impossible. This is due to the small space, the lack of an interesting background that can be played up with poses and facial expressions, lighting (few people have additional lighting fixtures in their apartment) and a home environment in which posing seems stupid and forced.

However, if you wish, you can take pictures at home up to your chest or up to your neck, making a portrait, and also conduct a photo session in the new style for overweight women if they are embarrassed to be naked in a photo studio.

Studio photography

Unlike shooting at home, the studio immediately puts the model in the right mood: a specially selected and carefully designed location will help you relax and prevent you from feeling stupid.

Important! When shooting in a studio, light and shadow will play a big role, thanks to which you can create an unusual effect.

Both the model and the photographer will enjoy working in the studio.

Here are some tips for choosing angles and poses for photo shoots for plus size girls to hide flaws:

  • Standing: you need to straighten your back, raise your head and raise your chest - the latter should be emphasized if desired. The pose should not be absolutely straight: the more smooth, curved or intersecting “lines” it has (the line from the shoulders, arms, legs, waist). It is worth bending slightly to the side, lowering one shoulder and standing in half a turn. The legs should also not go straight: transferring the weight to one leg, the other should be slightly bent and pointed forward or to the side. A popular shot is from the back, when the model turns her shoulders and turns her face. In this case, the head should be raised high, and the hair should frame the cheeks.
  • Sitting: It is best to sit half-turned on the edge of a chair or armchair. There is no need to lean on the back or even touch it with your back - this makes the figure blurry. The legs can be crossed one on top of the other or closed and crossed at the ankles. The main problem with this pose is the stomach, on which folds form. You can cover it with your hand or a scarf; you can also straighten up and retract it.

Sitting pose is one of the most popular
  • Lying down: the least problematic position. You can lie on your back, stomach and side, with your legs extended or bent, your head raised or lowered to the floor.

Photo shoot on the beach for obese women

Posing on the beach often causes certain difficulties for plus size models, as it requires them to expose themselves a lot. Some tips will help you get great photos:

  • Choosing a swimsuit. Even subtle details will visually correct your figure. For example, round or V-shaped necklines at the top with laces around the neck will help narrow broad shoulders, while high-waisted bottoms will lengthen the legs. It is not necessary to choose only a one-piece swimsuit, but you should avoid unnecessary drapery and decor. When choosing a color, it is worth remembering: dark reduces, light increases. For example, dark inserts on the sides will help hide them. Don’t forget about the variety of models: for example, ladies with large breasts are better off choosing options with breast support.

A swimsuit does not have to cover the entire body
  • Shoes. It is better to choose shoes with wedge heels, which will lengthen your legs and make your figure slimmer. It is better to avoid ribbons, laces, and ankle straps: they will visually “cut” the leg, shortening it. A strap that crosses all the toes will shorten the foot itself, and a V-shaped bridge (passing between the big and second toe) will make the foot more graceful and the ankle thinner.
  • Accessories. Bright details can draw attention away from problematic parts. This could be a beach bag, hat, glasses, bracelets or necklace.
  • Pareo. It is better to choose a plain fabric or with a small pattern. It is advisable to tie the pareo at the waist to hide the lower part.
  • Towel or blanket. The smaller the fabric the model is lying on, the larger it will look. It is better to take a large towel with you - in comparison with it the model will seem smaller and slimmer.
  • Self-tanning. Until the body tans itself, it’s worth “touching up” it a little. this will help even out the skin and hide the “orange peel”.
  • Straight back. Correct posture is always important: the more a fat woman tries to hide, the bigger she will look in the photo. You should straighten your shoulders, suck in your stomach and be sure to smile.

The sun makes for some amazing photos
  • Food and drinks. To keep your bare stomach looking flat, don't overeat before or during the shoot. You also need to make sure that food does not cause increased gas formation.
  • Angles. The recommendations for them do not change and remain the same as when photographing with clothes on. For example, you should raise your head, lean into the frame and not away from it, etc.

Photo shoots for overweight girls are no different from photo shoots for thin models. There are no restrictions in choosing a place or image; in addition, successful poses and selected clothes will help to visually hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

The first thing that comes to mind when excess weight in a photo catches your eye is to open Photoshop and launch the “Plastic” filter. However, for a professional photographer this method is ineffective, since any overweight person can be photographed so that in the picture he will look slimmer than in real life. Therefore, today we will talk about how to hide imperfections in appearance while shooting. I tried to collect all the basic principles in this article.

4. The model must stand. If the model has a large figure, it is better for her to be photographed standing. In a sitting position, folds on the abdomen may appear, and the hips will appear fuller.

5. Angle. It is better to photograph overweight people from an overhead angle. The pose can be normal; the model just needs to raise her head and look into the camera, which should be above her eye level. This way you can get rid of wrinkles on the neck and double chin. However, be careful: this angle for shooting full models is used very often, and the frame may turn out to be uninteresting. Be creative: different options and an interesting background work well.

This method is suitable for both chest portraits and full-length photographs. Because you're shooting from the top (climbing up onto a bench or ladder), body imperfections are partially hidden by the model's shoulders and head.

This shot was taken from a high angle. In addition, the model is slightly turned away from the camera. Please also note that the photographer has removed the visual emphasis from the full shoulders of the bride - the eye is now attracted not by the shoulders, but by the hands of the groom.

6. Don't shoot from the front. A model always looks fuller than she actually is if her body is turned directly towards the camera. To make the model look slimmer, she needs to 1) turn half a turn away from the camera, 2) turn her shoulders and head back towards the camera, leaving only her hips turned away from the camera. This pose is well illustrated by the above photograph:

7. Watch the model’s posture. Remind the client to keep their back straight. Firstly, it makes the breasts stand out more, and secondly, it smoothes out the folds on the stomach.

8. Watch your chin. To prevent a double chin from appearing when shooting at the model's eye level, ask the model to slightly tilt her body forward and also tilt her chin. Make sure that the model does not lift up her head (some people mistakenly believe that this will help them get rid of a double chin in the photo).

9. Hands. You can either stretch your arms along the body (make sure that they don’t just hang, but flow around the model’s figure: the arms should be in the shape of curves, not straight lines - then they will really make you look thinner), or hidden behind your back.

10. Legs. Experiment with the position of your legs. As a basis, we can suggest a classic pose: one leg is slightly brought forward and covers the other. An example of combining techniques for arms and legs:

11. Body lines. Various S-curve bends and any non-straight lines work well. What is the S-curve in posing is shown below:

12. Retro style. Clothes in retro style can highlight the model's splendor from the best side. Any interesting details in clothing can take the emphasis off your figure.

13. Long sleeve. To make your model appear slimmer in your photos, remind her that for the photo shoot it is better to choose clothes with long sleeves or, at least, with covered shoulders.

14. If you are shooting two or more models (for example), position the thinner model so that she covered a fat man. This technique was successfully used for the next two photographs. The groom is located closer to the camera and covers the bride:

And for this shot, the photographer also asked the bride to wrap her arms around the groom’s neck, as a result of which her arms and shoulders became visually smaller:

15. Avoid contact of the figure with a large surface. If the client decides to sit down, when they touch the surface of the chair, the legs will become visually fuller, so do not shoot this pose from the front. However, as soon as the model turns around and shifts her weight to one leg, the frame will become aesthetically pleasing. The figure below shows the difference between these poses. On the left is the wrong option. The leg is “flattened”, its shape is visually deformed. On the right is the correct option. The leg has retained its natural shape.

For clarity, it would be useful to demonstrate how the pretty bride from the photographs above would look if the photographer had not taken into account the features of her figure:

Lastly, be polite and treat the model with respect. There should not be the slightest hint in the photographer’s behavior that he is embarrassed by the model’s appearance. In addition, if you see that the model herself is ashamed of her shortcomings, try to give her a sincere compliment.

The poses below are a kind of hint that can be used not only by the model, but also by the photographer. So, if you are planning to do a creative photo shoot in the studio or on the street, print these pictures or download them to your smartphone. In difficult times, they will help you get into the right frame of mind.

Well, it's time to get acquainted with the spectacular poses of the girls. There are 60 of them in total:

1. This portrait pose is simple. The model's gaze is aimed at the camera lens. She looks over her shoulder at him. Take a close look at the model. If you regularly change the angle, each time her portrait will be unique.

2. Often, in the process of shooting a portrait, the model and the photographer ignore one important detail. In this case we are talking about the position of the hands. If you ask a girl to play with her hands, you can get very creative photos. In this case, you should adhere to the following rule. The hands should be soft, flexible, and the palms should not be flat or tense.

3. This photographer demonstrates this compositional rule, usually the 3rd rule.

4. Agree that the model who sat down and brought her knees together looks very cute.

5. When a girl is on the ground (reclining or completely lying on it), she radiates openness. Squat down and start shooting literally from the bottom position.

6. Let the girl give free rein to her hands. She can cross them or casually touch them to the ground. This angle is perfect for an outdoor pose for any girl. Especially if the girl is among flowers and herbs.

7. The simplest pose. At the same time, she looks impressive. The photographer must shoot from a low position. Walk around the girl from all sides and shoot her from different angles. In this case, the model should relax and regularly make smooth movements with all parts of the body.

8. This position is ideal for models that have any, even the most non-standard, parameters. Let the girl change the positions of her legs and arms, etc. At the same time, you should focus all your attention on her eyes.

9. It’s not for nothing that this pose is called cute and groovy. It will successfully complement almost any interior. A photographer can photograph a girl while she is lying on the bed, lying on the grass, or sunbathing on a sandy, pebble beach. You should photograph the girl from the bottom position, focusing on her eyes.

10. Thanks to this pose, the model will demonstrate all the charms of her figure.

11. Suitable for a sitting girl. Sit the model so that one of her knees touches her chest and the other touches the ground. The girl must look into the camera lens. The ideal pose for girls to take photos in the studio.

12. Allows the photographer to emphasize all the charms of the girl’s body, as well as its plasticity. Typically used for filming against a bright background. A good pose for photographing at sea.

13. This position is characterized by simplicity, naturalness, and variety of choice. Various experiments are also welcome. Let the model work her hips, etc. The ideal pose for photographing in a dress.

14. This position is easy and, at the same time, graceful. The girl turned her body a little to the side. Moreover, her hands are hidden in the back pockets of her jeans and shorts.

15. With the help of a slight forward bend, the girl emphasizes the shape of her body. Thus, she radiates sexuality.

16. In this pose, the model demonstrates her sensuality. As a rule, it is chosen by slender, athletic girls.

17. There are many options for poses when a girl is photographed at full length. This situation may become the initial one. After which the girl should easily turn her body and make movements with other parts of her body.

18. This pose implies relaxation. Remind the girl that you can touch the wall with more than just your back. It is recommended to use other parts of the body for this. Ideal pose for a full-length photo shoot.

19. Frames in which the model is captured in full length are specific. As a rule, such photos depict tall girls. Be sure to use the following secret. The girl's body should look like the letter "S" curved like a snake. She should focus all her body weight on one of her legs and relax her arms as much as possible.

20. This is the most ideal position for girls with a slender figure. It provides various options. In order to capture the model in the most advantageous position, ask her to make leisurely movements with her hands.

21. This pose exudes romance and tenderness. It is recommended to use all kinds of fabrics. Draperies will also work. Thanks to them, you will be able to take the most sensual photos. At the same time, there is no need to expose your entire back. It is enough to expose the shoulder a little. And a playful mood is guaranteed.

22. This is one of the most spectacular filming positions. The girl is turned sideways to the camera lens. At the same time, the shoulder is slightly upturned. Important - the chin and shoulder should not touch.

23. Quite a traditional pose. The girl transfers the entire weight of her body to one of her legs and bends in the shape of a serpentine English letter. alphabet "S".

24. A girl touches a plane with her hands, which is in a vertical position. For example, against the wall. This pose allows you to take excellent portrait photos in nature.

25. If a girl has beautiful, and also long, hair, you simply must demonstrate it dynamically. Ask her to quickly turn her head. This way her hair will start to wave.

26. The girl sat down on the bed and lay down in a soft chair. And if you give her a cup of coffee at the same time, you can get a very atmospheric photo. You may get the impression that she is very cold and is currently warming up with a hot drink.

27. This provision was literally created for organizing filming at home or in a studio. A girl can choose a bed or a comfortable, soft sofa.

28. One of the most spectacular positions for girls who sit on a soft sofa.

29. Designed for girls who sit on the ground. At the same time, you can photograph it from different angles.

30. Don't limit yourself to standard plots. Even in a sitting position, the model gives you the opportunity to experiment with her image.

31. It is generally accepted that if a person crosses his legs and arms, he creates a psychological barrier in front of other people. That is why it is not recommended to do this during photography. But there is an exception to the rule. You should try to take a photo of a girl who has her arms crossed over her chest.

32. Not in all cases it is necessary to ask the model to place her hands in a certain position. It will be better if she relaxes them and behaves naturally. This rule also applies to legs.

33. This is another striking example that was created for successfully photographing a girl the full length of her body. At the same time, her hands should be in her pockets.

34. Usually this position is taken during the shooting that takes place on the street in summer and autumn. You should ask the girl to take off her shoes and take a leisurely walk.

35. The girl’s hands are hidden behind her back. This standing pose is extraordinary and very sincere. At the same time, the girl can lean on the wall.

36. This pose is intended for formal compositions. The girl is turned to the camera lens with her hip. Moreover, her gaze is focused on the photographer. As for her head, it is slightly tilted to the side.

37. When a girl touches her waist with her hands, she will look spectacular in the frame. You should get a good half-length portrait or a full-length portrait.

38. Author: Gunnar Rathbun. When there is a bulky piece of furniture nearby that allows you to lean your arm on it, do not use it. It will allow the girl to take a formal and at the same time free pose.

39. The girl must sit down on some object. You can remove it in this position both at home and outside.

40. A feminine and impressive pose for a girl that you shoot in full view.

41. This is a very difficult situation. Since the photographer must convey the girl’s movement. But if he does it right, it will turn out to be a good fashion shot.

42. Good position. But to make the photo effective, you need to adjust some camera settings. The model should lean on the bridge railing. A fence will do too. Thanks to the wide aperture, you will be able to achieve a shallow depth of field, as well as a hazy background.

43. Proper placement of all moving parts of the body is a decisive factor for this position. A girl of any build is suitable for such a photo shoot. The photographer needs to take pictures from a slightly elevated position. A good pose for a photo in the forest.

44. This position is created for intimate photos. It is used in completely different conditions. Be it a bed, a sandy beach, etc. A good pose for erotic photography.

45. The photographer should take the angle from the lowest position. In this case, the girl is recommended to rise slightly and bow her head slightly. She will also need to bend her legs and cross her feet.

46. ​​This provision is not easy to implement. Pay attention to the following nuances. One of the hands that the girl uses as a support should be facing away from the body. Moreover, she needs to stretch her legs and control her abdominal muscles. This position is suitable for those models who can boast of a good physique.

47. It is also difficult to execute and will require professional skills from the photographer. To take spectacular pictures, he must monitor the girl’s entire body.

48. A very impressive position for a photo shoot.

49. Well suited for sophisticated artistic photography of a naked female body. Provides many different variations with all possible placement of body parts.

50. The main thing in this pose is to place your legs in the most correct way. Guide the girl’s movements very carefully, telling her the required position. An important condition is that the girl must wear shoes that have high heels.

51. Characterized by simplicity and undeniable perfection. Make sure that the girl does not cover her face with her hand or shoulder. And if she fixes her gaze on the floor, the photo will turn out to be extremely romantic. As for the raised elbow, it must be directed to the left or right of the camera lens.

52. Designed for a full-length portrait. It is necessary to film the girl next to the wall. The photographer must take a picture of the girl by going behind her.

53. Typically, such poses are taken by models who are fond of one of the sports. They curve their body in an "S" shape. They regularly move their hips and arms, and turn their heads this way and that.

54. If you use light, airy fabric, the girl and the photographer can make bold experiments. The result will be spectacular shots. This pose is recommended to be taken in nature when a light breeze blows.

55. Among other positions, this pose stands out for its ease and simplicity. Thanks to her, a girl is able to emphasize the graceful curves of her figure.

56. Airy and gentle position. The girl sits down. At the same time, it only partially transfers the entire body to the feet of the legs bent at the knees. Looks at the photographer over his shoulder.

57. This pose is characterized by simplicity and, at the same time, magnificence. Suitable for all conditions. You can photograph the model in this pose both indoors and outdoors. Typically used for a silhouette photo shoot that is set against a bright and colorful background.

58. Author: Karen Abramyan. A wall or other vertical object creates ideal conditions for creating a particular pose. So, the same walls can be used as a support for hands.

59. A very graceful position. Remind the girl that she should slouch a little. That is, lean away from the supporting back of an easy chair, bench, etc.

60. Pose in motion. It is necessary to take steps walking towards the photographer. It is not necessary to look into the lens.

In conclusion, it would not be amiss to recall once again that the above examples are only a kind of initial “sketches”. After all, there are many different variations of each position. Feel free to bring creative ideas to life. Constantly ask the model to experiment with her facial expression, smile, and change the position of her arms or legs. Please note that even if the girl changes her position slightly, you will get pictures with a completely different context. Also, if the photographer changes the angle, then you should expect completely different shots.
At the same time, you can change the distance to the girl you are photographing - either move closer to her or move away from her.

The poses of the girls in this article should be treated as initial tips. It’s better if he looks at and evaluates the angles we offer with the model who will pose for him. Especially if she is new to this business. This will help the photographer find a common language with the girl and tune her into your wavelength.

During the photo shoot, be sure to ask the model’s opinion, ask which poses appeal to her most. Thanks to this simple psychological technique, she will relax, and you will be able to take beautiful photographs.
Also, before the photo shoot, ask the model exactly how she wants to see herself in future photos. Innocent? Sexy? Romantic? Perhaps she would like to emphasize one of her character traits? In general, don’t be shy, talk to the girl. This way you will get to know her better.

Don’t ignore cropping your photo; experiment with its composition. In other words, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Because they learn from them.