Summary of educational activities using health-saving technologies “Visiting the Sun” for young children. “health-saving technologies in working with young children The use of health-saving technologies

Svetlana Chernova
Using health-saving technologies in working with young children

Health saving technology is an integral system of educational health, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between teachers, doctors, psychologists in order to preserve and strengthen child's health.

Health-saving technologies include several basic directions:

1. Educational and health-improving direction of the educational process.

Organized educational activities allow children to receive accessible age of knowledge about a person, forms the necessary skills in children, improves psychological processes (perception, thinking, speech, and also encourages the child to active cognitive activity).

The formation of cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills in children through various types of activities allows them to develop such qualities as neatness, neatness, cleanliness and order, food culture skills as an integral part of a culture of behavior. Since proper nutrition provides the child with answers to questions: What is there? How to eat? When is it available? Rituals of preparing food, knowledge about the benefits and harms of foods - all this forms a culture in children healthy way of life from an early age.

Forming all these skills is a complex task, requiring systematicity, great patience, and unity of demands on the part of adults. It is necessary to make this process accessible, interesting, and exciting.

To do this you should use the following methodological techniques We:

1. Demonstration and explanation;

2. Exercises and control;

3. Example of adults;

4. Gaming techniques;

5. Use of illustrations, artistic expression, folklore, books, conversations, performances.

I would like to draw your attention to use of nursery rhymes in the work of a teacher. Reading nursery rhymes is a unique method of bodily therapy in early age, which helps to establish relationships between an adult and a child, the development of general motor skills and the development of fine motor skills of the hands helps to consolidate useful habits.

Thus educational and health-improving the orientation of the educational process contributes to the creation of conditions for healthy lifestyle and strengthening child's health.

2. Physical development and children's health: includes hardening, gymnastics, organization of motor mode (outdoor games).

Hardening - in physical development and health improvement For children, special attention is paid to hardening procedures. Hardening helps strengthen health and reducing morbidity. Also, such events contribute to the creation of mandatory conditions and habits healthy lifestyle.

Hardening will be effective if it is provided throughout the day.

Strict adherence to routine regulations;

Clear organization of thermal and air conditions;

Rational selected clothes for children(depends on the season, the location of the child, i.e. in a group or in a cool room);

Compliance with walking regimes at a temperature of 15-20 degrees;

Sleep in a ventilated area;

The system of hardening a child’s body completely depends on the time of year in which it is carried out. The table below shows the serious attitude of the entire group towards children's health.

See table:

Hardening activities Autumn 1. Air hardening

(+19 : +20)

Winter 1. Air hardening

Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Maintaining normal indoor temperature (+19 : +20)

Spring 1. Air hardening

Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Maintaining normal indoor temperature (+19 : +20)

2. Water hardening

Walking on ribbed paths

Summer 1. Air hardening

Compliance with the time spent on a walk, according to the daily routine

Morning exercises in the fresh air

Maintaining normal indoor temperature (+19 : +20)

Air baths after naps with physical exercises

Correct selection of clothing, lightweight clothing

2. Water hardening

Walking on ribbed paths lined with damp towels

Extensive washing

3. Sun hardening

Occurs after air and water procedures in the middle of a walk. The time gradually increases, depending on age of children

Gymnastics is a universal means of human physical development

General strengthening gymnastics is the organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. During gymnastics, emotional tone increases, motor activity develops, and the child receives positive emotions from movements in a group of peers. Tension is relieved, attention is collected, behavior is disciplined.

Invigorating gymnastics or awakening gymnastics is carried out after a nap to launch all the vital processes of the body. It is a good incentive to lift your spirits.

Finger gymnastics - the development of a child is associated with the development of finger movements. The third part of the entire motor projection in the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand. Therefore, training fine movements of the fingers has a great influence on the development of a child’s active speech. By influencing the tone of a child’s hand, using a complex of finger gymnastics, there is a direct effect on the tone of the speech apparatus.

Finger game.

They washed the buckwheat, they washed the buckwheat. (Squeeze and crumple an imaginary buckwheat).

They sent the mouse through the water,

Along the bridge - bridge,

Yellow sand. (Move your little finger up and down).

Lost for a long time

I was scared of the wolf. (We walk on the table with our fingers).

Lost, tears streaming down, (Three eyes, as if we were crying).

And the well – here it is, nearby. (We stretch our arms forward, showing the well).

Articulatory gymnastics is a system of exercises for the development of speech organs. The purpose of such gymnastics is production full movements of the speech organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds and preparation of the speech apparatus for speech load. Carrying out articulatory gymnastics contributes to the birth of correct sounds and the assimilation of words with complex syllabic structures.

Exercise "Fence".

We close our teeth evenly

And we get a fence,

Now let's part our lips -

Let's count our teeth.

Exercise "Baby Elephant's Trunk".

I imitate an elephant

I pull my lips with my trunk...

Even if I'm tired

I won’t stop pulling them.

I'll keep it like this for a long time,

Strengthen your lips.

Breathing gymnastics is a system of exercises for the development of speech breathing. The goal is to form correct speech breathing (short inhalation and long exhalation). With speech breathing, tidal volume and ventilation of the lungs, gas exchange significantly increase, and the blood is more quickly and easily enriched with oxygen, which contributes to the development of the ability to pronounce long phrases and is the prevention of stuttering. Breathing exercises allow you to cleanse the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and improve the drainage function of the bronchi, strengthen the respiratory muscles, and improve the child’s well-being.

Exercise "The butterfly flies".

Make a butterfly out of thin paper together with your child (candy wrapper, napkin, etc.). Tie a thread. The child holds the string and blows on the butterfly.

Exercise "The boat is sailing, sailing".

Pour water into a basin or bathtub, place the boat and invite the child to blow on the boat.

Corrective gymnastics (walking along a corrective path)- the purpose of such gymnastics is to strengthen the arch and ligaments of the feet, which is a good way to prevent and correct flat feet.

Outdoor games - outdoor games contribute to the development of children's physical activity and are aimed at socialization, the formation of morality and cognitive development.

During outdoor games, the following are decided: tasks:

1. Increases activity and overall children's performance;

2. Children develop motor skills;

3. Interest in systematic physical exercise is formed.

4. Treatment and prophylaxis Job.

Game “You, little dog, don’t bark”.

Suddenly there is barking somewhere, children listen: behind the door (if the game is played indoors) the dog barks. The kids open the door and see: A cute toy dog ​​is sitting in front of them. “She probably got lost and ran into kindergarten.”, - the teacher suggests. The children meet the dog, give it a name - Bug and decide that it will live in a group. Invite the kids to play with the Bug, bring a hoop - this will be her home. Children join hands, walk in a circle and sing song:

Here is the dog Bug,

The tail is squiggle.

The teeth are sharp,

The fur is motley!

The dog suddenly "barked". The children stop, shake their fingers at her and They say:

You, little dog, don't bark.

Better play with us

We're running, you catch up! The kids run from the dog, she "catching up", and they are hiding in "house" (stand behind the bench).

Game "Mice".

One day the mice came out (walking)

See what time it is (palm to forehead, turn to the sides)

One, two, three, four (clap)

The mice pulled the weights (hand movements from top to bottom)

Suddenly there was a loud ringing sound (cover ears with hands)

Let the mice run away (run)

3. Working with parents. It is an important component of the entire pedagogical process, because a lot depends on our cooperation. From the moment a child enters kindergarten, we must build a joint work, which will help him quickly and painlessly adapt and join the team.

To do this, we conduct conversations with parents on topics: “Your child is going to kindergarten”, “Features of raising and teaching children early age", "Health improvement and hardening of children early age" and many others; we provide the necessary consultations (individual and group.), on issues of adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions and on topics of interest to parents. We hold meetings at which the group’s assets are selected and a joint plan is outlined. working with parents, various issues related to the upbringing and education of children are discussed and considered. We try to attract parents to participate in the life of the group and kindergarten; parents attend parent-teacher meetings. Take an active part in the life of the group. In a word, the team of the group works in close cooperation with the parents of their students. This leads to positive results.

Thus, a complex of modern measures health-saving technologies, which is held in early childhood, allows you to create optimal conditions for the formation of cultural healthy lifestyle and improve the quality health of every child.

List of reviewed literature:

1. « Early age» M. D. Makhaneva, S. V. Reshchekova methodological manual for teachers and parents. "Game activities with children from 1 to 3 years old» .

2. E. Yu. Konina “Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children”. Game set-Iris-press, 2007

3. V. A. “Organization of safety and life activity of preschool children”. Tomsk: TSU, 2000-58s.

“Health-saving technologies in working with young children.”

Baby, like dough,

As I kneaded it, it grew.

(folk wisdom)

During the 3rd year of life, significant changes occur in the child’s body in both physical and mental development.

The most characteristic feature of the behavior of a child of this age is high motor activity, emotionality, great interest in the environment, and a great need for frequent communication with adults.

How a child will develop when he gets older, what his relationships with people around him will be, largely depends on whether adults will have to develop and continue what has already been brought up in the baby, or whether there will be a need to re-educate and change already formed undesirable forms of behavior.

Early age is literally the beginning. The child is just entering the world of relationships; he is inexperienced and very trusting. Our task is to help him maintain this trust, to love those who tirelessly care for him, to create a cheerful, cheerful mood - all this is necessary for comprehensive and harmonious development in subsequent years. At a young age, the state of his health is decisive for the correct, comprehensive development of the child.

A healthy child, if he is raised correctly, is emotional, eats with appetite, and is active. To do this, it is necessary to create in the child, as A.S. Makarenko said, “a habit of a certain hour,” i.e. properly organize the daily routine - play activities, sleep, nutrition, walking, targeted activities should replace each other in the most appropriate sequence.

The daily routine organizes children's behavior, creates a feeling of well-being in children, and introduces rhythm into the functioning of the nervous system. When it is performed, conditioned reflexes are developed for a while. Thanks to this, the body is, as it were, prepared in advance for this or that activity. Proper implementation of routine processes is a necessary condition not only for the full physical development of children, but also for their cheerful mood, good appetite, and restful and deep sleep.

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name “health-saving technologies”. The main purpose of such new technologies is to unite teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and, most importantly, the children themselves to preserve, strengthen and develop health. The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Our group has created pedagogical conditions for the health-saving process of raising and developing children, the main of which are: organizing various types of children’s activities in a playful way; organization of cultural creativity for preschool children; equipping children's activities with equipment, toys, games, play exercises and aids. In my work, I put into practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-saving process in my age group.

Using the technology of preserving and stimulating health, I use: dynamic pauses, active and sports games, relaxation, finger exercises, eye exercises, breathing and invigorating exercises.

Dynamic breaks are carried out during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. During their implementation, elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing, finger gymnastics and others are included, depending on the type of activity.

Outdoor and sports games are held daily as part of physical education classes, during a walk, in a group room - with low and medium mobility. Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game.

Relaxation. Children's mental health requires a balance of positive and negative emotions to maintain mental balance and life-affirming behavior. Our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, manage their behavior, and hear their body. For this purpose, in my work I use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole organism. Conducted in any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the intensity of the technology is determined. Calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature are used for work. Children really like doing such exercises, because they have an element of play. They quickly learn this difficult skill of relaxing.

Finger gymnastics is carried out individually or with a subgroup of children daily. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, reaction speed. Useful for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time.

Gymnastics for the eyes is carried out daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time, depending on the intensity of the visual load, helps relieve static tension in the eye muscles and blood circulation. During its implementation, visual material and a demonstration by the teacher are used.

Breathing exercises are carried out in various forms of physical education and recreational work. In children, oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which helps to normalize and optimize its overall functioning.

Invigorating gymnastics is carried out daily after a nap for 5-10 minutes. Its complex includes exercises on beds for awakening, exercises for correcting flat feet, cultivating correct posture, and extensive washing. For preventive purposes, each parent made a rug with buttons. Children enjoy walking on it after a nap. The track perfectly massages the baby’s feet, strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the body as a whole.

To form initial knowledge of valeological culture or health culture, the technology of teaching a healthy lifestyle is used. The purpose of this technology is to develop a child’s conscious attitude to health and human life, to accumulate knowledge about health and develop the ability to protect, support and preserve it, to acquire valeological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior.

To achieve this goal, the group conducts: daily morning exercises with musical accompaniment. Music accompanies every exercise. At the same time, children develop rhythmic skills; physical education classes are held 3 times a week for 20-25 minutes. in accordance with the program under which the preschool educational institution operates (traditional, plot-game, integrated recreational). They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular physical exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in classes helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.

I have also developed a project for the valeological education of preschool children and the formation of children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle “Health has been given to us from above, teach your child to take care of it...”. The introduction of developed activities using non-traditional methods and techniques made it possible to increase children’s interest in acquiring valeological knowledge and captivate them with the game plot and unusual content. Children easily develop the concept that every person should take care of themselves and their health. The understanding of how to take care of maintaining health is expanding.

To preserve and strengthen the health of children, I use music technology. Music has a strong psychological effect on children. It affects the state of the nervous system (calms, relaxes or, conversely, excites, excites), causes various emotional states. When using music, I remember the peculiarities of the impact of the nature of the melody, rhythm and volume on the mental state of children. I use it as an aid, as part of other technologies, to relieve stress and improve emotional mood. I widely use music to accompany educational activities (art activities, design, familiarization with the outside world, etc.) Calm music, evoking feelings of joy, peace, love, can harmonize the emotional state of the little listener, as well as develop concentration. I also use music before bed to help children who are having difficulty falling asleep calm down and relax.

Thus, each of the technologies considered has a health-improving focus, and health-saving activities used in combination ultimately form the child’s habit of a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Krylova N.I. Health-saving space in preschool educational institutions. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
  2. Karepova T.G. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschool children. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  3. Gorbatenko O.F., Kadrailskaya T.A., Popova G.P. Physical education and health work. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007
  4. Arsenevskaya O.N. System of musical and recreational work in kindergarten. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  5. Tarasova T.A., Vlasova L.S. Me and my health. - M.: School Press, 2008.
  6. Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2010.

Summary of GCD in the junior group of preschool educational institutions

Target: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through the use of health-saving technologies.
-improve children’s motor skills and physical qualities;
-to form children’s ideas about the peculiarities of the squirrel’s lifestyle in the fall;
-develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech breathing;
- to cultivate love and respect for nature, to evoke an emotional response from the actions taken.
Methods: art therapy, problematic issues,
health-saving technologies: finger games, self-massage, breathing games, psycho-gymnastics,
Means: a squirrel toy, artificial Christmas trees, pine cones in a basket, hazelnuts, buckets with images of squirrels, pictograms of emotions, a model of the sun, clothespins, an umbrella, a metallophone,
non-standard physical education equipment: mushrooms, boards, hummocks;
light table, yellow semolina, plastic bottles.
Dictionary work: little squirrel, cloudy, rainy weather, massage, metallophone, gentle, radiant sun.
Progress of the lesson:
Organizational point:
Is everyone here?
Is everyone healthy?
Are you ready to run and play?
Well then, pull yourself up
Don't yawn or be lazy.

- Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)
-What's the weather like outside? (cold, cloudy, windy, raining)
-Do you want to go for a walk today? (Yes)
-Guys, let's call the sun to make it warmer and more fun.
Bucket sun
Look out the window
Warm it up, warm it up
Calves, lambs
More little guys.

- The sun doesn’t hear. Let's call him again. Again no result.
-Do you want to go visit the sun? (Yes)
-It lives behind the forest, behind the swamp. Along the way we will perform various exercises that will help us improve our health. Do you agree? (Yes)
-Let's go along the path. Look, guys, there are so many mushrooms! Let's step over them (stepping over mushrooms)
-Let's walk along the bridge across the river. Walk carefully so as not to trip. Hands to the side, keep your back straight (walking along the path)
-And now through the swamp over the hummocks (jumping from hummock to hummock)
-So we reached the forest. In our autumn forest the leaves are falling. The leaves are falling and spinning. Let's help the breeze play with the leaves.
Breathing exercises “Blow on autumn leaves”
-Look, guys, someone is hiding under the Christmas tree. Do you want to know who it is? (Yes)
-Then let's go have a look.
/the guys meet the little squirrel/
- Guys, did you find out what kind of animal this is? (little squirrel)
-Let's say hello to him and find out why the little squirrel is so sad
/say hello/
-What happened, little squirrel? Why are you sad?
Little squirrel
-My squirrel brothers and I are waiting for our mother. We were very cold and hungry.
- Guys, what should we do, how can we help the baby squirrels? (play with them to warm them up, feed them)
-We need to come up with something. Look under the Christmas tree there are cones. How to teach a baby squirrel to warm its paws with the help of pine cones? (get a massage)
Self-massage using cones
/children take a pine cone and begin to move it back and forth between their palms, then rotate it in a circular motion, and lastly, take the pine cone with one hand and begin to touch the other palm with rhythmic movements/
-Well, are your hands hot, and what about the little squirrel’s paws? Touch your cheeks with your palms. What kind of palms? (warm)
- So, it's order.
- Guys, now we need to feed the squirrels. What do they eat? (nuts, mushrooms)
-Let's feed the squirrels nuts.
Game for developing fine motor skills “Feed the baby squirrels”
/on the table there are buckets with pictures of baby squirrels and hazelnuts. Children take nuts one at a time and put them in the mouths of the baby squirrels/

Little squirrel
-Thank you, guys. Where are you going? (we are looking for the sun)
-What do you need it for? (the sun is needed to make it warm and light)
-Guys, let's draw a sun for the little squirrel.
Drawing with semolina on the light table “Radiant Sun”
-What color is the sun? (yellow)
-What shape? (round)
/children rake the semolina into a pile with the edges of their palms, giving it a round shape

level with palms/

-What rays should there be? (straight and long)
-Each of you will draw a ray
/plastic bottles with a hole in the cork, filled with semolina, are used as a tool for drawing rays/

- Look, little squirrel, what a radiant sun it turned out to be.

-Guys, while you and I were walking through the forest, the sun came out in the sky. It turns out it was hiding behind the clouds
/the teacher shows the children the sun without rays/
-Guys, is there something wrong with the sun? Did you notice the error? (it has no rays)
-How can we fix this? (make rays)
-What can we make rays from? (from clothespins)
-What color clothespins will we use? (yellow)
/children attach clothespins/

-Here comes the sun. Let's do eye exercises together with the sun. And we'll teach the little squirrel.
Gymnastics for the eyes: “Sun”
The sun was rising, the sun was counting the clouds.
Looked up, looked down,
Right, left, blinked eyes
And I closed my eyes, I don’t want the sun to wake up!
But you need to wake up.
The sun woke up and touched my cheeks.
(Children stroke their cheeks).
He stroked and stroked and stroked with rays.
(Children pat themselves on the head).

-Do you want to play with the sun? (Yes)
Outdoor game “Sun and Rain” (2 times)
The sun looks out the window,
Shines into our room
/children walk in a circle holding hands/
We clapped our hands
Very happy about the sun
/clap hands/

/a child on a metallophone hits a record with a hammer, the children hear the sounds of rain, run away under an umbrella/
-Guys, we need to get back from our walk. Let's say goodbye to the little squirrel (goodbye)
-Did you enjoy the walk? (Yes)
-Let's remember who we went to visit today (to the sun)
-Who did you help along the way? (to baby squirrels)
-How did we help them? (fed and helped warm up)
-What mood were we in when the sun was not in the sky? (sad)
/children raise up a pictogram with the emotion of sadness/
-And when the sun shone in the sky, how did our mood change? (we became cheerful)
/children show a pictogram of joy/
-What do you remember most? /children share their impressions/
-Well done, guys. During the walk, we received a boost of energy, a good mood, and even improved our health.

Balakina Irina Nikolaevna
Comprehensive lesson on health conservation in an early age group “Fairytale Journey”

Comprehensive lesson on health conservation“On a campaign for Kolobok” V early age group

teacher Balakina I.N. Target: Introducing children to healthy lifestyle by using

health-saving technologies. Preservation and strengthening of psychological health children through play

Tasks: To form children’s needs for healthy lifestyle. Develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, breathing, mental activity, intelligence, imagination. Develop the ability to take part in dialogue and answer questions. Form emotional responsiveness to music.

Develop motor skills and physical quality: balance, flexibility, jumping ability, agility. To cultivate emotional responsiveness in children with the help of folk fairy tales, a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance, friendly relationships.

Ways to achieve: Health-saving technologies: finger games, self-massage, breathing games, outdoor games.

Preliminary work: Getting to know Russian folk fairy tale"Kolobok", looking at illustrations fairy tale, modeling a bun from plasticine.

Material: Bi-ba-bo dolls, a box with holes for carrots (vegetable garden, fabric carrots, basket, handkerchiefs, music recording, clothespins (thorns, Su-jok, arcs (fallen trees, basket with balls (raspberries, cocktail tubes, breeze) (bees hanging on strings, rosehip tea.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. - Guys, tell me, do you know? fairy tale"Kolobok"? What heroes were there? Do you want to get into this fairy tale? Do you remember what happened to Kolobok? And ours the fairy tale will be good, all the animals in it will be kind. Well, shall we begin?

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman (doll show)

Grandfather asked grandmother to bake a bun. Grandma kneaded the dough... Educator. Guys, we also know how to knead dough. Shall we show you how to knead the dough?

Finger gymnastics “Kneaded the dough quickly”

Kneaded the dough quickly (clench and unclench your fists)

Divided into pieces (chop along the handles with the palm of your hand)

Rolled out all the pieces (three palms touching palms)

And they made little bells. (we show two cams)

Grandma kneaded the dough. She put it in the oven and left it there.

He came out rosy, handsome and looked like the sun…. (show Kolobok) Grandma put it on the window. Tired of lying there, he wanted to run away.

The grandmother came, but Kolobok was not there, she cried bitter tears.

-Grandma: - How can I find Kolobok? Guys, can you help me?

Educator. - Of course, we’ll help, grandma, we’ll find Kolobok for you.

Let's all find him together and return him to his grandparents. So, we need to go... where? (children's answers - to the forest)

That's right, let's go to the forest on a train to look for Kolobok.

Game "Car"

Educator. - Oh! Guys, look, we have come to the bunny. (doll show). Let's Let's say hello and ask the bunny, has he seen Kolobok? (children ask)

Bunny: No, guys, I haven’t seen Kolobok, look at my garden. I need to plant carrots, but there’s no one to help me.” Teacher. Guys, can we help the bunny plant carrots? Let's work in pairs, plant 1 carrot at a time.

Game "Plant a carrot" Educator. The bunny is very happy, jumping, having fun, and invites us to have fun with him.

Dance to music Teacher. - Now let's say goodbye to the bunny and move on.

There is a wolf on our way. (doll show) And for some reason the wolf growls so loudly. He climbed into the thorny bushes, got a lot of thorns there and now cannot get rid of them. Let's help remove the thorns from him.

Game "Take off the thorns" (children remove thorns and clothespins from the wolf) Educator. - Wolf, we have hedgehog thorns that don’t hurt, but just tickle. We'll show them to you now.

Game "Su-jok" Our wolf plays with the hedgehog, rolls it between its paws. And the wolf cubs all laugh, the hedgehog tickles their paws. It doesn't hurt, the kids are happy. Educator. -Guys, let's give our thorns to the wolf so that he won't be bored, say goodbye and move on. Educator. Guys, there are so many fallen trees here. Do you think we can overcome this obstacle?

Game "Let's get through the obstacles" (crawling under the arches)

Educator. - We overcame the obstacle and got to the Bear. (doll show). Educator. Let's ask the bear if he has seen Kolobok? (say hello, ask)

Bear: - No, guys, I haven’t seen Kolobok, very busy I'm picking raspberries. Maybe you can help me pick raspberries? Educator. Guys, let's help the bear pick raspberries?

Game "Pick raspberries" (collect the balls in the basket). Educator. - This is how many raspberries we collected, now our Bear will be happy. Let's say goodbye to Mishka and move on.

Look, there’s some kind of hole here, who lives there? (fox, doll show)

Educator. - Hello, little fox, have you seen Kolobok?

Fox: “Kolobok is my guest, we are playing an interesting game. Come and visit us, play with us, it will be more fun. We have these tubes, we can make a breeze out of them, join us"

Game "Breeze" (children blow into the breeze through tubes)

Educator. - Kolobok, visiting is good, but home is better. Get ready to go home, your grandparents are crying, they sent us for you, get on the train with us, we’ll go to your grandparents.

Game "Car"

Educator. Here we are. (give Kolobok)

Grandma: “Guys, thank you very much, I’ll treat you to some pies.

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson in an early age group “Fairytale Journey” Program objectives: Educational:1. To form an interest in the artistic word. Develop a desire to play together and independently. Bring up.

Final lesson in the second early age group No. 1 “Journey to a spring meadow” Prepared by: teacher Krivonozhkina.

A comprehensive lesson on the topic “Vegetable garden” for young pupils was prepared by a teacher from GBDOU kindergarten No. 3 of the Petrograd district of St. Petersburg.

Complex lesson on speech development and modeling in the early age group “Kolobok” Program content: Promote the development of the child’s speech, Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Nurture creative abilities.

Topic: “Beautiful rattle.” Goal: development of coordination of fine motor skills of the hands through the unconventional use of various objects.

Date of publication: 03.19.18

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 358 Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd"

Methodological material

Compiled by:

teacher of the first qualification category

Mukhanova Ramilya Rafikovna

Volgograd, 2018

During the 3rd year of life, significant changes occur in the child’s body in both physical and mental development. Early age is an age that is limited by the small capabilities of the kids themselves, but at the same time a very important period in a person’s life, in which all the main building blocks of his future well-being are laid.

The most characteristic feature of the behavior of a child of this age is high motor activity, emotionality, great interest in the environment, and a great need for frequent communication with adults.

At a young age, the state of his health is decisive for the correct, comprehensive development of the child.

A healthy child, if he is raised correctly, is emotional, eats with appetite, and is active. To do this, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for the child, namely, to properly organize the daily routine - play activities, sleep, nutrition, walks, direct educational activities.

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name “health-saving technologies”. The main purpose of such new technologies is to unite teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and, most importantly, the children themselves to preserve, strengthen and develop health.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Our group has created pedagogical conditions for the health-saving process of raising and developing children, the main of which are: organizing various types of children’s activities in a playful way; equipping children's activities with equipment, toys, games, play exercises and aids. In my work, I put into practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-saving process in my age group.

Using the technology of preserving and stimulating health, I use: dynamic pauses, active and sports games, relaxation, finger exercises, eye exercises, breathing and invigorating exercises. At this age, great attention is paid to children’s adaptation to preschool. All types of health-saving technologies are excellent for solving this problem.

Breathing exercises, as one of the elements of health-saving technologies, are of great importance for the development of a child’s still imperfect respiratory system and strengthening the defenses of his body. The main purpose of conducting breathing exercises with preschoolers is to improve their health. As a result of performing these exercises, every cell of the child’s body is saturated with oxygen; the child learns to control his breathing; the functioning of the brain, heart, nervous system, respiratory and digestive systems improves, and overall health improves.

Breathing exercises is an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases.

Didactic games for the development of breathing can be used during all routine moments: in conducting morning exercises, organizing direct educational activities, on a walk, in physical education, finger gymnastics, in various forms of active recreation, in elements of acupressure, in awakening gymnastics.

Outdoor and sports games:

As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Conducted daily.

Outdoor games are aimed not only at developing the child’s playing skills, but also serve to develop the health of children and create a favorable background in the group.

Finger gymnastics: Conducted individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time). By regularly performing finger exercises, we not only develop the small muscles of the hands, but also prepare the child’s hand for writing and for further education at school.

Gymnastics after sleep: Every day after nap, 5-10 min. The form of implementation is different: exercises on cribs, extensive washing, walking in the footsteps, easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms, and others, depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution. Promotes a smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness through movement. Stimulates muscle tone and improves mood.

Hardening – This is a simple and accessible way for everyone to increase the body’s immunity and resistance to external factors, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen the body physically, and add energy and strength. All experts advise carrying out such procedures from early childhood in order to protect the child from private illnesses, colds, and other diseases.

Relaxation is aimed at developing the child’s emotional stability, which is of great importance during the adaptation period and leads to the child’s emotional well-being.

It is carried out in any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology.

Master class on the topic: “Application of health-saving technologies in early age groups”

Target: Dissemination of pedagogical experience in application health-saving technologies in educational- educational process.

Tasks: Formation of elementary ideas about health-saving technologies and the possibilities of their application. To introduce teachers to a variety of techniques and methods that have a positive impact on pupils' health. Introduce the methodology for carrying them out.

Equipment: a bowl of water, straws according to the number of teachers, a mitten for hardening, cotton balls, an umbrella, walking paths, a paper boat, a table football board with chalk, sheets of paper according to the number of teachers.

Progress of the master class:

I will present to your attention several health-saving technologies I have used with young children. But before we begin, I would like you to complete the following task, which is called "Balloon".

I'll hand out the leaves now. Draw a balloon on it that flies above the ground. Draw the little man in the balloon basket. It's you. The sun is shining brightly around you, the sky is blue. Write down 9 values ​​that are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip ( For example: money, health, family, work, love, etc.) Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of ballast to go up. Reset the ballast, that is, cross out 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list?

(Everyone reads out their life values ​​in a circle. The presenter writes them down on the board. If the words are repeated, the presenter puts pluses. Then the rating of life values ​​is determined by the number of pluses and by importance for those present. For example: 1st place - health, 2nd place - family, etc.)

As you know, good health promotes successful education and training, but successful upbringing and training to improve health. Education and health are inseparable.

Teacher (Ramilya Rafikovna): draws attention to the projector where the presentation is open.

1 slide:

Master class on the topic: “Application of health-saving technologies in early age groups”

Compiled by: teacher of the first qualification category

Mukhanova Ramilya Rafikovna

2 slide

Why am I conducting a master class?

Solve the goal:

Dissemination of pedagogical experience in the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process.

Introduce teachers to...

Formation of basic ideas about health-saving technologies and the possibilities of their application. Introduce teachers to a variety of techniques and methods that have a positive effect on the health of students. Introduce the methodology for carrying them out.

3 slide

At a young age, the state of his health is decisive for the correct, comprehensive development of the child.

A healthy child, if he is raised correctly, is emotional, eats with appetite, and is active. To do this, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for the child, namely, to properly organize the daily routine - play activities, sleep, nutrition, walks, direct educational activities.

4 slide

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name “health-saving technologies”.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life..

5 slide

Using the technology of preserving and stimulating health, I use: dynamic pauses, active and sports games, relaxation, finger exercises, eye exercises, breathing and invigorating exercises. At this age, great attention is paid to children’s adaptation to preschool. All types of health-saving technologies are excellent for solving this problem.

6 slide

Dynamic pauses- They are carried out for all children during classes, as a preventive measure against fatigue, for 2-5 minutes.

This provides a reasonable combination of educational and recreational goals.

Thanks to dynamic pauses, children learn the material better and the lesson becomes more interesting.

7 slide

Dynamic pause - breathing exercises “Push the ball into the goal”

The teacher comments on the slide: when doing it, most often I first show the kids myself - then the children do the exercise with me.

The teacher invites colleagues to repeat the exercise according to the photo in the presentation.

Blow on the cotton ball so that it slips between the two cubes. At the same time, fold your lips into a tube. The ball should be driven in with one exhalation. When exhaling, your cheeks should not puff up (to do this, you can lightly hold them with your palms).

The main goal of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus.

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You need to blow cotton wool or other light objects into the collars. You can have competitions to see who gets the most (feed the fruit). An adult demonstrates the correct execution of the exercise: inhale through your nose, purse your lips into a tube and blow on a cotton ball for a long time, like a breeze.

Slide 9

A dynamic pause aimed at teaching smooth, free exhalation.

Execution: I place a cotton ball on the children’s palms. I pay attention to the position of my lips and blow off the cotton ball (snowflake) with a thin stream of air. When the children complete the task, I pronounce the speech material:

So that snowflakes don't melt

On Marinka’s palms,

The titmice told her

Hide your hands in mittens.

10 slide

Breathing exercise “Let’s blow away a snowflake!”

Development of a strong, smooth, directed exhalation, activation of the labial muscles.

The speaker asks the teachers to try to do the exercise (a bowl of water has been prepared in advance, straws according to the number of teachers): “Help the boat sail.” As teachers perform the exercise, the speaker comments:

11 slide

Dynamic pause: “Help the boat sail.” To carry out the exercise, you need to pour water into a basin or bathtub, place a boat and invite the child to blow on the boat through a straw. Sentencing

The ship is sailing on the waves.

Inhale, inflate your stomach.

Now you exhale

And lower the boat.

12 slide

“Help the boat sail” (photo)

Slide 13

The next type of technology I used was outdoor and sports games. They are carried out daily as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility.

Outdoor games are aimed not only at developing the child’s playing skills, but also serve to develop the health of children and create a favorable background in the group.

Slide 14

Sedentary game: “Sunshine and Rain”

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The speaker comments on this slide. Methodological recommendations for playing the game.

"Sun and Rain"

Objectives: Improve movements and perform them in accordance with the text. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other. Improve the psychophysical well-being of children based on joyful, emotional experiences.

Rules of the game.

1. To the words “It’s raining!” run under the umbrella to the teacher, to the words “The sun is shining!” go to the middle of the site, or group

2. Perform movements, coordinate them with the words and imitate the teacher.

Carrying out.

Guys, look at the sky, what is shining brightly there? (Sun)

Look, a cloud is floating nearby, it’s probably going to rain.

Are you afraid of rain?

Guys, let's stand under my umbrella - this will be our house that will hide us from the rain. In the meantime, it’s not raining, let’s go out of the houses and play.

"Sunshine, sunshine,

Shine a little light!

The kids will go out for a walk -

They will run and play"

Repeat after me the words and movements:

“We kick, stomp, stomp,

And clap-clap-clap your hands,

Ay, yes, kids!

Oh yes, tough guys!

We walk along the path,

And we hit our palms.

Top-top, legs, top!

Clap-clap, hands, clap!

(Standing still, stomping their feet, clapping their hands)

Ay, yes, kids!

Ay, yes, tough guys!”

(Hands on the belt, spinning)

Guys, look, it's starting to rain.

(children tap the palm of their right hand with the fingers of their left hand, drip-drip-drip and vice versa)

It began to rain. Hurry up and go home. (Children rush under the umbrella)

It became very boring! Let's ask the rain to stop falling!

“Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, drip, don’t be sorry.

Just don't kill us,

Don’t knock on the window in vain.”

I'll go outside and see if the rain has stopped or not?

Guys, look, the rain has stopped,

Now you can go out and play, roll the ball with you.

16 slide

Finger gymnastics.

Slide 17

Gymnastics after sleep (invigorating)

Conducted individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time). By regularly performing finger exercises, we not only develop the small muscles of the hands, but also prepare the child’s hand for writing and for further education at school.

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“Walking along health paths” (corrective, for the prevention of flat feet, paths with the image of the foot)

With children 2-3 years old, it is organized and carried out as a preventive measure - walking along health paths, during which, children not only become healthier, but are also armed with the desire to perform a set of general developmental exercises, which are included in the process of performing gymnastics after sleep.

Slide 19

Walking along health paths (photo)

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Walking while performing general developmental exercises (ADE)


Big feet walked along the road…..(walking barefoot)

Big feet

Walked along the road:



Little feet

Running along the path:

Top-top-top, top-top-top!

Top-top-top, top-top-top!

The speaker comments: X Walking on paths and mats - normal, on toes, on heels, on the outside of the foot, on the inside, jumping, running. When walking, a child’s foot is exposed to different stimuli – soft and hard, giving different sensations to the foot. Mats can be used in gymnastics after sleep. The child stands on the mat and performs actions voiced in words, here are some of them.

Examples of nursery rhymes:


I'm coming, I'm coming.

Raising my legs, (Walking around a hoop, raising my legs high)

I have new boots on my feet.

Oh-oh-oh, look

What a puddle,

Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay

The puddle is big. (Stop, turn to face the center, arms extended forward)

High, high, high,

I'll jump up

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid

I'll jump over the puddle! (Pressing hands to cheeks, shaking head)

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,

I'll jump high. (They leave and approach the puddle)

Yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes, (Swinging your arms, preparing to jump)

I'll jump over the puddle. Hop! (Bounce)

Brown bear

The brown bear stomped

Stomp, stomp,

He knocked his feet loudly,

He knocked like that!

The bear turned its head

He turned everything, he turned everything.

Looked in all directions

He looked like that!

The brown bear got naughty

And he started spinning on the spot,

Spun, spun

And he fell - bang!

Cat exercise

Look at the window

The cat is stretching its paws.

Stretches - stretches,

She won't remain a baby.

The back is hunched over like a bridge,

Raises the tail to the top.

Releases his claws

Scratching, playing.

Scratched my ear with my paw

And quietly said “Meow...”


22 slide

Hardening measures

Hardening is a simple and accessible way for everyone to increase the body’s immunity and resistance to external factors, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen the body physically, and add energy and strength. All experts advise carrying out such procedures from early childhood in order to protect the child from private illnesses, colds, and other diseases.

Slide 23

Stages 1 and 2 of the hardening procedure

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The speaking teacher comments,

I organize and carry out the hardening process as follows: in the afternoon, the kids go with the teacher into the washroom, there is already a mat laid out in it and there is a basin with water at room temperature, the children are dressed in panties, if they had pajamas, then they take off her in the bedroom and walk in panties. Children put a flannel mitten on their hand (mainly on their right hand), lower their hand in the mitten into a basin of water, stand around the pelvis and rub each other’s back with light strokes. At the same time, the teacher says: “Water is off a duck’s back, thinness is off a duck’s back!” I recommend performing this procedure 2 times a week after sleep.

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Result: Prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, hardening of the child’s body, instilling skills in maintaining a healthy lifestyle

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In conclusion, we can say that health-saving technologies used in combination ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle. Thank you ha attention!

The master class ends with reflection. The speaker invites each participant to fill out an analysis sheet

Dear teachers! Fill out the reflection sheet, expressing your attitude to the master class I conducted! Thanks for your cooperation.

today I found out...


it was interesting………………………………………………………………………………


it was difficult…………………………………………………………….

I realized that………………………………………………………………………………….


Now I can…………………………………………………………….


I purchased………………………………………………………………………………….


I did it………………………………………………………..


I will try…………………………………………………………………..


I was surprised………………………………………………………………..


I wanted………………………………………………………………………………….
