Komarova is in the preparatory group. Drawing “Group Room Corner.” Drawing according to the plan “Native Country”

Lesson notes for fine art activities

Long-term planning of drawing classes in a preparatory school group


  1. "How I spent my summer"

Software tasks: teach children to depict impressions of summer in drawings. To develop children's imagination, the ability to come up with the content of their work, the ability to hold a pencil and brush in different ways for different drawing techniques. Cultivate interest in the drawing process, accuracy

  1. “Delicious gifts of generous autumn”

Software tasks: arouse in children interest, an emotional response to the proposed topic, a desire to depict fruits and vegetables. Develop creativity, imagination, imaginative thinking. Strengthen the skills of drawing a variety of rounded shapes. To contribute to the formation of the concept of “still life”. Pay attention to the multicolored world around you. Introduce the concept of “tonality”


  1. Still life “Autumn bouquet”

Software tasks: teach children to draw autumn flowers (asters, chrysanthemums, etc.), admire their beauty, choose your own warm or cold range of colors. Develop in children a sense of color, shape, rhythm; cultivate interest in drawing. Continue teaching children how to mix paints. Make sure that the shades change as evenly as possible, not only in lightness, but also in color tone. Generate interest in the work.

2. “Round dance of autumn leaves” (drawing on wet paper)

Software tasks: evoke in children emotional experiences associated with personal experience of perceiving autumn phenomena and interest in them. Develop children's creative abilities and aesthetic perception of color. Continue to master the technique of drawing on wet paper. Learn to mix paints, get new colors and shades.


  1. Khokhloma painting. Drawing a pattern on paper of different shapes

Software tasks: introduce children to Khokhloma painting, with its elements, teach them to see the connection between the shape of an object, size and pattern, alternation of identical elements (berries, leaves, flowers, grass), their location

(A. A. Gribovskaya, p. 108)

  1. Khokhloma painting. Drawing a pattern on a strip.

Software tasks: teach to see the main element of painting - a curl, how it curls, comes out of one another and each is decorated equally (berries, leaves, grass). See the characteristic combination of colors of golden Khokhloma (red, gold, yellow and a little green), variability of berries, leaves, grass (eyelashes, antennae). Learn to make a pattern on a strip, alternating curls in different directions (up and down), decorate them with berries, leaves, grass. Choose the color of the stripes and elements yourself.

(A. A. Gribovskaya, p. 110)


  1. "City Street"

Software tasks: continue to introduce children to their hometown. Learn to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, create a simple composition on the theme of a modern city street, find the distinctive features of one building from another (shape. Number of floors, color, material); establish a relationship between the appearance, shape and purpose of the structure. To develop children’s visual skills in drawing buildings, their creative imagination, and activity. Reinforce painting techniques with paint.

  1. "Who Lives in the Winter Forest"

Software tasks: learn to convey the texture of animal fur. Continue to develop visual skills.


  1. “How fun it was at the Christmas tree festival”

Software tasks: teach how to compose the plot of a composition, develop children’s aesthetic perception, emotional attitude to the image, and understand “happy” and “sad” tones.

  1. "Zimushka-winter"

Software tasks: arouse in children interest in depicting a winter landscape, an emotional response to poetic images. Teach children to reflect the impressions received when observing winter nature, based on the content of familiar works; use a cool range of colors to convey winter flavor. In your work, use the unconventional drawing technique of “poke” and “spray”. Develop children's creativity.


  1. Khokhloma painting. Drawing a pattern for a dish

Software tasks: learn to consider a new composition, the arrangement of curls along the edge of a circle-dish. Select already familiar elements: berries, leaves, flowers. Grass, color combinations. Learn to make a pattern on a circle, highlighting the edges with curls and decorating them with familiar identical elements.

(A. A. Gribovskaya, p. 113)

  1. Khokhloma painting. Drawing a pattern on paper of different shapes.

Software tasks: consolidate knowledge about Khokhloma painting, variety of objects (furniture, dishes, decorative panels), highlight the brightness of the patterns, the tenderness and lightness of the curls-twigs, spots of berries, flowers, leaves. Make a pattern on paper of different shapes, determine the purpose of the objects, choose elements, color, composition.

(A. A. Gribovskaya, p. 114)


  1. "Portrait of a Mother"

Software tasks: to cultivate in children an emotional attitude towards the image. Strengthen the ability to draw a portrait. Learn to choose your own writing technique

  1. "Early Spring"

Software tasks: develop children's powers of observation and aesthetic perception of spring nature. Strengthen the ability to convey colors and their shades by mixing paints of different colors with white. Learn to place the plot on the entire sheet of paper.


  1. Drawing the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Software tasks: learn to come up with a plot for a drawing, draw up a composition, and convey the character of an image. Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors. Develop figurative representation, imagination, observation, attention.

  1. “Let’s help grandparents remember fairy tales”

Software tasks: consolidate knowledge about the fairy tale genre, teach how to find it among other genres (portrait, still life, landscape). Teach children to independently choose an episode of a fairy tale, think through the compositional structure of a drawing, choose a paper format, and convey the characteristic features of a favorite character. To develop in children fantasy and imagination, the ability to convey the features of ancient peasant clothing, objects, utensils, using a variety of means of expression, and to improve technical skills in working with various visual materials.


  1. "Blossoming Spring"

Software tasks: teach finger painting techniques. Learn to observe color contrast, complement the drawing with compositional lines that create a beautiful rhythm and accent to it.

  1. "Land of Flower Dreams"

Software tasks: cultivate the ability to fantasize. Strengthen the ability to compose a composition on a sheet of paper according to plan. Introduction to the unconventional drawing technique "scratch".

Long-term planning of modeling classes in a pre-school group


Software tasks:

  1. "Basket"

Software tasks: teach children how to make a basket in a constructive way (the bottom is made of a ball, the walls of the basket are made of strands, the handle is woven from a long strand). Develop children's creativity, aesthetic taste, neatness. Achieve expressive form.


  1. Decorative plate

Software tasks: teach children to sculpt decorative plates with centric patterns, using the techniques of rolling between the palms, flattening, pulling and leveling the edges. Elements of the ornament can be small balls, disks, flagella. Develop the ability to plan work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it.

  1. "Tea service"

Software tasks: teach children how to make a tea set using a constructive method. To develop in children an aesthetic perception of form, to teach how to convey the shape of dishes, sculpt hollow forms, and use a stack to apply a relief pattern to the surface of an object. Increase sensory sensitivity, develop imagination, and general manual skill.


  1. "Snail"

Software tasks: improve the technique of rolling out a small lump of plasticine using longitudinal movements of the palms to obtain an elongated cylinder and cone; show the possibility of changing the resulting shape by flattening and twisting; maintain interest in finding ways to supplement (horns, eyes). Increase sensory sensitivity, develop imagination, general manual skill, fine motor skills.

  1. "The fish are playing"

Software tasks: continue to master relief modeling: create flattened fish figures, learn to attach to the base, decorate with moldings, focus on finding harmonious combinations of different shapes. Develop combinatorial abilities, improve the ability to decorate crafts with spots, dots, and scales. Develop the ability to plan work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it.


  1. Bunny

Software tasks: introduce children to several techniques for sculpting a hare. Create a desire to reflect the images of a hare in sculpting. Learn to control your actions when conveying the proportions of an animal’s figure. Cultivate a love for animals.

  1. "Herringbone"

Software tasks: teach children to sculpt a Christmas tree in a modular way. Flatten the balls into discs of a certain size. Place discs one by one (from large to small). To instill in children a love for the surrounding nature, to convey the beauty of the Christmas tree. Achieve expressive form.


  1. Santa Claus is hurrying to the Christmas tree.

Software tasks: arouse children's interest in fairy-tale images, teach them to convey them in sculpting, using acquired skills (sculpt from a whole piece, decorate parts of clothing). Develop children's creativity, aesthetic taste, neatness.

  1. "Hedgehog"

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to sculpt from a whole piece, correctly convey the proportions of the body, give smoothness to the lines, divide the whole into parts, connect elements together. Increase sensory sensitivity, develop imagination


1. “Generous Apple” (based on the work of E. V. Chestnyakov)

Software tasks: continue to introduce children to Chestnyakov’s work. Continue to introduce children to the new technique of sculpting and plastelinography. Learn to convey the shape and characteristic features of an apple from a fairy tale when drawing with plasticine. Form cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking.

  1. "Birds"

Software tasks: learn to sculpt birds from a whole piece based on folk clay toys. Encourage them to independently search for decorative techniques.


  1. Signs

Software tasks: teach children to “read” conventional images, understand symbolism (based on signs), create symbolic images on a specific topic.

  1. "Riddles and guesses"

Software tasks: teach children to create an image as a solution to a riddle without visual reinforcement. Develop imagination, develop the ability to plan your work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it.


  1. "Apple Tree"

Software tasks: to cultivate in children an interest in nature and a desire to sculpt it; develop aesthetic perception, the ability to convey the structure of a tree; develop fine motor skills, synchronous work of both hands.

  1. Bas-relief "Flowers"

Software tasks: continue to master the technique of relief modeling: create flattened figures of flowers, decorate with moldings and counter-relief designs. Develop the ability to plan work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it.


  1. "Berry"

Software tasks: learn to sculpt different shapes from salt dough, convey features. To instill in children respect for the work of adults who grow a large harvest of berries. Increase sensory sensitivity, develop the ability to anticipate results, and achieve them.

  1. “What we can and love to draw”

Software tasks: studying the interests and capabilities of children in modeling.

Long-term planning of lessons on application in a preparatory group for school


1. “What autumn brought us” (teamwork)

Software tasks: to cultivate respect for collective work, to teach how to work in harmony, to position an appliqué compositionally correctly, to cut out symmetrical shapes from paper folded like an accordion.

  1. Dahlias

Software tasks: to cultivate in children a love of nature, to develop observation skills, to teach how to convey the beauty of flowers from nature, to cut out symmetrical three-dimensional shapes


  1. Country house

Software tasks: develop children's imagination, observation, and interest in their surroundings, strengthening the ability to cut out various shapes, select paper colors, and create a simple composition.

  1. Tea service

Software tasks: consolidate the application using the tearing method, learn to select cold and warm tones for a composition


  1. Asters

Software tasks: develop the ability to cut and paste multi-petal, voluminous flowers, activate observation skills, develop manual skills

2. Talking bird (invitation card)

Software tasks: develop children's imagination, the ability to make appliques using symmetrical cutting, train children to make small cuts and folds.


  1. A Christmas tree was born in the forest

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to compose a plot composition from elements folded from paper (origami), develop fine motor skills of the hands.

  1. Snowflake

Software tasks: teach children to cut out a snowflake from paper folded several times. Use the product to decorate a group room


  1. Father Frost

Software tasks: develop children's imagination, the ability to convey the fabulousness of an action, the image of Santa Claus, compare forms, and compose a composition through various means. Teach several types of bending and folding.

  1. Trees covered with fluffy white snow

Software tasks: continue to work to develop children's interest in working with different materials. Encourage them to take the initiative in searching for techniques and means of expression.

(Doronova, p. 49)


  1. Bullfinch on a rowan branch.

Software tasks: teach children to convey the structural features and coloring of the bullfinch using silhouette cutting with additional stickers. Practice creating a plot picture.

  1. It's snowing in the city of snowmen

Software tasks: exercise children in depicting objects by tearing, teach them to tear small round-shaped pieces in the form of snow flakes from a sheet of paper and stick them on the surface of a model depicting the city of Snowmen. Clarify children's understanding of the many colors of snow and encourage them to use paper of different shades to depict snow flakes.

(Doronova, p. 46)


  1. Flower

Software tasks: develop the ability to cut and paste multi-petal flowers, develop imagination, sense of color, and the ability to convey the beauty of flowers.

  1. White lily

Software tasks: teach children to make their own stencils from cardboard and use them to make appliqué. Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.


  1. Fairytale bird

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to cut out the image of a fairy-tale bird, notice its characteristic features in contrast to the real image, learn to stick on figured decorations.

  1. There was a birch tree in the field

Software tasks: develop children's imagination, consolidate all previously learned cutting techniques, develop a sense of color and composition.


  1. Butterflies in the meadow.

Software tasks: consolidate learned cutting and folding techniques (origami), learn to compose a composition according to plan, independently selecting material and color.

  1. By design
Long-term planning of manual labor classes in a pre-school group


  1. "Giraffe"

Software tasks: consolidate skills in working with natural materials, develop imaginative and spatial thinking, and cultivate a love for animals.

  1. Christmas tree

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, develop an eye, cultivate perseverance and accuracy


  1. Composition “Flowers in a vase”

Software tasks: expand your understanding of the world around you, develop the ability to work with dried plants, develop creativity, aesthetic perception, a sense of composition, color, and artistic taste.

  1. Toy made from a whole shell “Fish”

Software tasks: develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent, and cultivate neatness.


  1. Braiding straw braids "Pleteshok"

Software tasks: Continue to consolidate skills in working with natural materials, develop the ability to work with your hands, and develop your horizons.

  1. Puppy

Software tasks: continue to consolidate skills in working with natural materials, improve the ability to independently determine the sequence of actions when making crafts and choose the appropriate material, and develop imagination.


  1. Kitten's face made of cotton wool

Software tasks: continue to consolidate skills in working with natural materials, develop imaginative and spatial thinking.

  1. Pincushion

Software tasks: teach children to work with a needle, thread, fabric; cultivate accuracy when working with a needle. Development of figurative and spatial thinking, motor skills of the hands and eye. Cultivating perseverance, accuracy and patience.


  1. Panel from shreds “Boat”

Software tasks: learn how to make appliqués from fabric, select colors and textures depending on the image being created, carefully cut them out, and assemble a picture from several parts.

  1. Soft toy “Fish”

Software tasks: continue to teach children the simplest techniques of fabric processing, develop the eye, fine motor skills of the hands, develop imaginative and spatial thinking, cultivate perseverance


  1. Bags for secrets

Software tasks: learn how to make appliques from fabric, select color and texture depending on the image being created, outline a stencil with chalk, carefully cut it out, assemble a picture from several parts.

  1. Checkerboard weaving "Rug"

Software tasks: continue to strengthen paper skills, develop self-awareness, encouraging children to be creative and independent.


1. Napkin (2 lessons)

Software tasks: teach children to coordinate the work of hands and eyes, improve coordination of movements, and develop creativity. Learn the simplest methods of embroidery on fabric (needle forward method)


  1. Origami "Amanita"

Software tasks: strengthen children’s ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, develop their eye, accustom them to precise finger movements under the control of consciousness, cultivate accuracy and perseverance.

  1. Rag doll "Twist"

Software tasks: develop imaginative thinking, develop the eye, fine motor skills of the hands, cultivate perseverance. Improve your skills in working with fabric.


  1. Origami "Kolobok"

Software tasks: consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, develop an eye, accustom to precise finger movements under the control of consciousness, cultivate accuracy and perseverance.

  1. By design.

Drawing from life “Vase with branches” »

Program content. Teach children to draw from life, convey the shape of a vase, the design of the branches; beautifully place the image on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the ability to outline the shape of a vase with a pencil, then paint the remaining details of the image with paints. Learn to draw with a charcoal pencil (if the nature of the branch allows). Develop aesthetic perception.

Drawing “Group Room Corner” »

Program content. Develop observation skills, the ability to reflect what is seen in a drawing, convey the relative size of objects and their location in space (above, below, to the right, to the left, in the middle), characteristic color, shape and structure, details of the situation. Learn to control your work and achieve greater accuracy. Strengthen the ability to evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of your comrades in accordance with the task of conveying the real situation.

Application “Greeting card for mom”

Program content. Teach children to come up with the content of a greeting card and implement the idea, skills and abilities. Develop a sense of color and creativity.

Drawing “Draw what you want, beautiful”

Program content. Continue to develop the ability to see and appreciate the beauty of the world around us, the desire to convey beautiful objects and phenomena in our creative activities. To develop children’s ability to explain their choices. Develop the ability to evaluate your choice of image content, the choice and expressive solution of the topic by other children. Strengthen the ability to use expressive means of various visual materials.

Drawing by Design « Dear mom's portrait » - drawing from an idea or based on a photograph .

Program content.

Learn to draw a woman's portrait. Initiate an independent search for visual and expressive means to convey the characteristics of the appearance, character and mood of a particular person (mother, grandmother, sister, aunt). Continue to get acquainted with the types and genres of fine art (portrait).

Modeling a scene from the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”

Program content. Continue to strengthen children's ability to sculpt a small sculptural group based on a fairy tale, conveying the proportional relationships between the characters. Strengthen the ability to transfer figures in motion, place figures on a stand. Develop the ability to evaluate work, independence, creativity.

Drawing based on the fairy tale “Boy with Thumb” »

Program content. Learn to convey an episode of a familiar fairy tale in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw children's figures, conveying the ratio of figures in size, think through the composition of the drawing, determine the location and size of the images. Learn to start drawing with the main thing - children's figures (outline them with a simple pencil). Strengthen the ability to evaluate drawings in accordance with the requirements of the task (convey images of a fairy tale).

Artistic creativity (Drawing)

Direction "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Explanatory note

Long-term planning is carried out according to the Basic General Educational Program of Preschool Education in groups of general developmental orientation with priority implementation of activities for the development of children in the physical direction. The program meets the modern goals of preschool education and provides for the comprehensive development of the child based on his age capabilities and individual characteristics.

The program is developed, approved and implemented in an educational institution on the basis of: the Law “On Education” of the Russian Federation; UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989; World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, 1990; concepts of preschool education; Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1959; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 655 of November 23, 2009 “On the approval and implementation of Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education”, sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of work in preschool organizations - SanPiN ; Charter of MKDOU.

The organization of the educational process is carried out in accordance with educational programs. Educational programs are implemented taking into account age and individual characteristics.


Subject drawing. Improve the ability to depict objects from memory and from life. Develop observation skills, the ability to notice the characteristic features of objects and convey them through drawing (shape, proportions, location on a sheet of paper).

Improve your imaging technique. Continue to develop freedom and at the same time accuracy of hand movements under visual control, their smoothness and rhythm.

Expand the range of materials that children can use in drawing (gouache, watercolor, dry and oily pastels, sanguine, charcoal pencil, gel pen, etc.).

Offer to combine different materials in one drawing to create an expressive image.

Direct children's attention to new ways of working with already familiar materials (for example, painting with watercolors on a damp layer); different ways of creating a background for the picture being depicted: when painting with watercolors and gouache - to creating an angry image; When drawing with pastels and colored pencils, the background can be prepared either at the beginning or after completing the main image.

Continue to develop the ability to freely use a pencil when performing a linear drawing, practice smooth turns of the hand when drawing rounded lines, curls in different directions (from a branch and from the end of a curl to a branch, vertically and horizontally), learn to move the whole hand when drawing long lines, large shapes, with just your fingers - when drawing small shapes and small details, short lines, strokes, grass (Khokhloma), animations (Gorodets), etc.

Develop the ability to see the beauty of the created image in the transmission of shape, smoothness, unity of lines or their subtlety, elegance, rhythmic arrangement of lines and spots, uniform shading of the picture; feel the smooth transitions of color shades resulting from uniform painting and adjusting the pressure on the pencil.

Develop an understanding of the variety of colors and shades, based on the real coloring of objects, decorative painting, and fairy-tale scenes; learn to create colors and shades.

Gradually lead children to the designation of colors that include two shades (yellow-green, gray-blue) or similar to natural ones (raspberry, peach, etc.).

Draw their attention to the variability of the color of objects (for example, tomatoes are green during growth, but ripe ones are red). Learn to notice color changes in nature due to weather changes (the sky is blue on a sunny day and gray on a cloudy day), develop color perception in order to enrich the color scheme of the picture.

Strengthen children’s ability to distinguish shades of colors and convey them in drawings; develop perception, the ability to observe and compare the colors of surrounding objects and phenomena (delicate green leaves that have just appeared, pale green stems of dandelions and their dark green leaves, etc.).

Subject drawing. Improve children's ability to place images on a sheet of paper in accordance with their real location (closer or further from the person drawing; closer to the bottom edge of the sheet - foreground or further from it - background) ; convey differences in the size of the depicted objects (a tall tree, a flower below the tree; a small sparrow, a large crow, etc.). To develop the ability to build a composition of a drawing; convey the movements of people and animals, plants bending in the wind. Continue to develop the ability to convey in drawings both the plots of folk tales and original works (poems, fairy tales, stories); show independence in choosing a theme, composition and color scheme.

Decorative drawing. Continue to develop children's decorative creativity; the ability to create patterns based on folk paintings, already familiar to children and new ones (Gorodets, Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Mezen painting, etc.). To develop the ability to highlight and convey the color scheme of folk decorative art of a certain type. Strengthen the ability to create compositions on sheets of paper of different shapes, silhouettes of objects and toys; paint toys made by children.

To consolidate the ability to use characteristic pattern elements and colors when composing a decorative composition based on a particular type of folk art.

Literature: Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes in a preparatory kindergarten group. M.: Mosaic - synthesis, 2011

Bondarenko T.M. Complex classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Voronezh, 2007

Final results:

1. Creates individual and collective drawings, decorative, subject and plot compositions on themes of the surrounding life, literary works;

2. Uses different materials and methods of creating images.

Drawing "Summer"

Program content. Teach children to reflect their impressions of summer (convey the content of the song) in a drawing, placing the images on a wide strip; higher, lower on the sheet (closer, further). Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints, the ability to compose the desired shades of color on the palette, using white and watercolor for mixing. Learn to talk about what you drew.

Komarov's move T.S. Page 39

Decorative drawing on a square

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to design a decorative composition on a square using flowers, leaves, arcs. Practice painting with a brush in different ways (end, flat, etc.). Learn to use well-combined colors and create shades of color on a palette. Develop aesthetic feelings and imagination. Foster initiative, independence, and activity.

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Drawing “Doll in national costume”

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to draw a human figure, conveying the structure, shape and proportions of parts. Learn to depict the characteristic features of national clothing. Strengthen the ability to easily draw an outline with a simple lead pencil and paint over the drawing with pencils or paints. Encourage children to draw in their free time.

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Drawing “The train in which we went to the country”

(for mushrooms, to another city)"

Program content. Strengthen the ability to draw a train, conveying the shape and proportions of the cars. Continue to strengthen your drawing skills. Develop spatial concepts, the ability to think through the placement of an image on a sheet of paper. Develop imagination.

Komarov's move T.S. Page 42

Drawing Golden Autumn"

Program content. Teach children to reflect in a drawing their impressions of the golden autumn, to convey its color. Strengthen the ability to paint a variety of trees, using different colors for trunks (dark brown, dark gray, black, greenish-gray) and brush techniques (all bristles and ends). Learn to position the image throughout the sheet: above, below, to the right, to the left. Develop creativity.

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Drawing “Imagine what it could become

beautiful autumn leaf"

Program content. Develop aesthetic perception, imagination, creativity. Strengthen the ability to convey the complex shape of a sheet. Develop associative connections. Practice neat, beautiful painting. Form aesthetic taste.

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"Mushrooms, vegetables, fruits"

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to convey the shape and proportions of familiar objects using previously learned drawing techniques. Learn to achieve greater accuracy in conveying the shape of an object.

Komarov's move T.S. Page 41

Drawing according to the plan “What people drive”

("What would you like to ride")

Program content. Teach children to depict various types of transport, their shape, structure, proportions (the ratio of parts by size). Strengthen the ability to draw large, place the image in the middle of the sheet, easily draw an outline with a simple pencil (graphite) and paint over it with colored ones. Develop the ability to complement the drawing with characteristic details, bring the idea to completion, and evaluate your work.

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Drawing at will

"Draw your favorite toy"

Program content. Learn to draw your favorite toy from memory, clearly conveying the shape of the main parts and characteristic details. Strengthen the ability to draw and paint over a picture, and beautifully arrange the image on a sheet of paper. Learn to evaluate your drawing according to your design. Develop imagination and creativity.

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Drawing from life “Rowan branch”

Program content. To develop the ability to convey the characteristic features of nature: the shape of parts, the structure of branches and leaves, their color. Strengthen the ability to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet of paper. Practice painting with watercolors. Strengthen different techniques of painting with a brush (all bristles and ends). Learn to compare drawings with nature, achieve greater accuracy of the image.

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Drawing “Dad (mom) walks with his child in the park, along the street”

Program content. Strengthen the ability to draw a human figure, convey the relative size of a child and an adult. Learn to arrange images on a sheet of paper in accordance with the content of the picture. Practice drawing an outline with a simple pencil and then coloring it in with colored pencils.

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Drawing “City (village) in the evening”

Program content. Teach children to convey in a drawing a picture of an evening city, color scheme: houses are lighter than the night air, multi-colored lights are burning in the windows. Strengthen the ability to draw up your plan, compositionally arrange the image on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Learn to evaluate an expressive solution to a topic.

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Program content. Teach children to decorate a sheet of paper with a large branch with curls (a typical main element in painting decorative items). Learn to use various familiar elements (flowers, leaves, berries, arches, small curls) to decorate branches. Develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, unity of movements, spatial orientation.

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Drawing “Late Autumn”

Program content. Teach children to convey in a drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color (the absence of bright colors in nature). Learn to use different materials to create an expressive drawing: gouache, colored wax crayons, a simple graphite pencil. Form an idea of ​​neutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray), learn to use these colors when creating a picture of late autumn. Develop aesthetic feelings.

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Drawing according to the plan “Draw what was the most interesting this month”

Program content. Teach children to select the most interesting ones from the impressions they receive, and develop the desire to display these impressions in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw with pencils and paints. Learn to express your idea most fully through drawing, and bring what you start to the end. Develop imagination.

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Drawing “We are going to a holiday with flags and flowers”

Program content. Learn to express impressions of the holiday, draw figures of children in motion (the child is walking, raised his hand with a flag, etc.). Strengthen the ability to convey the proportions of the human figure. Continue learning to draw the outline of the main parts with a simple pencil and color it beautifully with colored pencils. Learn to convey festive flavor in a drawing. Direct your attention to finding a good arrangement of figures on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions).

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Lesson option (for kindergarten in rural areas)

Drawing “Harvest Festival in our village”

Program content. Teach children to convey holiday impressions: dressed-up people, decorated houses, cars carrying harvests. Strengthen the ability to arrange images on a sheet of paper and convey the human figure in motion.

Drawing illustrations for the fairy tale by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Gray Neck” Program content. Cultivate an interest in creating illustrations for a literary work. To develop children’s ability to choose an episode that they would like to convey in a drawing. Learn to create fairy tale images in a drawing (forest, forest clearing, river and its banks, birds gathering in flocks flying in the sky; fox, hares, hunters, Gray Neck). Strengthen the techniques of drawing with paints, painting over a picture with a brush, sanguine; using a simple pencil for sketches when drawing complex figures (fox, hunter, etc.). Arouse in children interest in the drawings, a desire to look at them, and talk about them.

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Drawing “How we play in kindergarten”

(“What I like to play in kindergarten”)

Program content. To consolidate children’s ability to reflect impressions of the life around them in drawings, to convey simple movements of a human figure, to successfully arrange figures on a sheet of paper, and to draw large. Practice creating outlines with a simple pencil and then painting them over.

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Program content. Continue to introduce children to decorative folk art, offer to highlight the characteristic features of Gorodets painting and create patterns based on it, conveying the characteristic features. Practice mixing paints to obtain the desired shades.

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Decorative drawing based on Gorodets painting

Program content. Continue getting to know Gorodets

painted. Continue to develop interest in folk arts and crafts, celebrate bright, cheerful patterns. To consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of Gorodets painting: color, components, composition. Develop the ability to create more complex patterns based on Gorodets painting. Reinforce the techniques of painting with gouache and mixing paints on a palette.

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Drawing “Our favorite outdoor game”

Program content. To develop the ability to select interesting content for a drawing from personal experience and to realize what is planned. Reinforce the techniques of creating an image with a simple pencil and designing it in color. Exercise children in watercolor painting. Develop a sense of composition. Learn to choose the most interesting, expressive drawings when evaluating works. Develop imagination and creativity.

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Drawing “How we dance at a music lesson”

Program content. Teach children to convey in drawing the differences in the clothes of girls and boys, the movements of figures. Continue to develop the ability to draw the contours of figures with a simple pencil and beautifully paint over images.

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Drawing "Magic Bird"

Program content. Develop the ability to create fabulous images. Strengthen the skills of drawing with colored pencils and painting over images (using a variety of strokes, different pressure on the pencil to convey shades of color). Develop a sense of composition. When analyzing drawings, learn to choose the most interesting, expressive works and explain your choice.

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Decorative drawing

Program content. Strengthen children’s ability to paint a sculpted figurine, conveying the character of folk painting, observing the shape of the elements and color.

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Drawing “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

Program content. To cultivate a love for the work of A. S. Pushkin, to stimulate the desire to draw illustrations for his fairy tale. Learn to choose episodes of a fairy tale, convey a magical flavor.

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Drawing “Winter Landscape”

Program content. Learn to convey images of familiar songs and poems in drawings; choose visual content and reflect the most characteristic features. Strengthen the techniques of working with paints, the ability to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet.

Develop imagination.

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Drawing from life “Indoor plant”

Program content. Learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of a plant (structure and direction of the stem, leaves), the shape of a flower pot. Develop the ability to see tonal relationships (light and dark places) and convey them in the drawing, increasing or decreasing the pressure on the pencil. Develop small hand movements (when depicting small parts of a plant). To develop the ability to regulate drawing movement by force; successfully position the image on the sheet.

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Drawing by design.

Program content. Learn to independently outline the content of the drawing. Learn to finish what you start, to correctly evaluate your work and the work of your comrades. Foster independence and develop creativity.

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Drawing “What gift would I like to receive from Santa Claus for the New Year.”

Program content. Learn to translate your idea into a drawing. Strengthen the ability to bring what you start to the end, correctly evaluate your own work and the work of your comrades. Foster independence and develop creativity.

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Drawing “If only the Christmas tree had legs.”

Program content. Learn to draw spruce with long strokes. Foster independence and develop creativity.

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Drawing the heroes of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

Program content. Develop creativity and imagination.

Learn to think about the content of your painting based on a Russian folk tale. Form an aesthetic attitude towards the environment. Strengthen skills in working with a pencil (the ability to make a sketch), designing images in color with paints, ways to obtain new colors and shades. Learn to depict fairy-tale characters in motion in drawings.

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Drawing "New Year's card".

Program content. Learn to independently outline the content of the drawing. Use an auxiliary drawing using a simple pencil. Reinforce drawing techniques with the entire brush and its end. Develop creativity.

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Drawing "Snow Maiden and her friends."

Program content. Learn to draw human and animal figures Learn to show independence and creativity in decorating the Snow Maiden costume. Develop creativity and ideas.

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Drawing “Grandfather Frost is walking through the forest.”

Program content. Learn to draw a human figure. Learn to convey images of familiar songs and poems in drawings; choose visual content and reflect the most characteristic features. Strengthen the techniques of working with paints, the ability to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet.

Develop imagination.

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Drawing "New Year's holiday in kindergarten"

Program content. Strengthen the ability to reflect holiday impressions in a drawing. Practice drawing children's figures in motion. Continue to learn how to successfully arrange images on a sheet of paper. Improve the ability to mix paints with white to obtain shades of colors. Develop the ability to analyze drawings, choose the most interesting ones and explain your choice.

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Decorative drawing “Bouquet of flowers”

Program content. Teach children to create a decorative composition in a certain color scheme based on folk arts and crafts (Pavlovsk shawls, Zhostovo trays, Gzhel dishes, etc.). Reinforce knowledge of warm and cold tones. Develop compositional skills (place the largest flowers in the center, place smaller flowers closer to the edges). Strengthen smooth, continuous movements of the hand when working with a brush, the ability to draw with the entire bristle of the brush and its end. Develop aesthetic feelings.

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Drawing a decorative plot composition “Horses are grazing” (“Fallow deer are walking”)

Program content. Teach children to compose a composition, including familiar images, varying their size and position on the sheet. Develop smooth, easy movements when drawing a contour, visual control of movement. Strengthen the ability to carefully paint over images.

Drawing from life a ceramic figurine of an animal (doe, horse, deer, etc.)

Program content. Teach children to draw a ceramic figurine, conveying the smoothness of shapes and lines. Develop smoothness, ease of movement, visual control. Learn to draw contour lines together, carefully paint in one direction, applying strokes without going beyond the contour lines.

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Decorative drawing “bouquet in cold colors”

Program content. To consolidate children's knowledge of the cold range of colors. Learn to create a decorative composition using a limited range. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, creative abilities. Improve smooth, seamless movements.

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Drawing “Rime covered the trees”

Program content. Teach children to paint a picture of nature, conveying the structure of various trees. Develop aesthetic perception, evoke a desire to admire the beauty of the winter landscape. Learn to draw with charcoal pencil, gouache and whitewash (depicting frost, snow on branches). Develop aesthetic perception.

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Drawing “Fairytale Palace”

Program content. Teach children to create fairy-tale images in drawings. Strengthen the ability to draw the base of a building and come up with decorating details. Learn to make a sketch in pencil, and then draw up the image in color, bring the idea to completion, and achieve the most interesting solution. Develop the ability to evaluate drawings in accordance with the task of the image. Improve techniques for working with paints, ways to obtain new colors and shades.

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Decorative drawing based on Khokhloma painting

Program content. Teach children to draw wavy lines, short curls and blades of grass in a continuous, smooth movement. Practice drawing thin smooth lines with the end of the brush. Strengthen the ability to evenly alternate berries and leaves on a strip. Develop a sense of color and rhythm; the ability to convey the flavor of Khokhloma.

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Drawing “Fairytale Kingdom”

Program content. Teach children to create drawings based on fairy tales and depict fairytale palaces. Strengthen the ability to draw in a certain color scheme (in a warm color - the palace of the Sun, in a cold one - the palaces of the Moon, the Snow Queen). Develop aesthetic feelings, creativity, imagination.

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Drawing “Our army is dear”

Program content. Strengthen the ability to create drawings based on literary works, conveying images of soldiers, pilots, sailors; depict their life and service. Practice drawing and coloring pictures with colored pencils.

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Drawing "Winter"

Program content. Strengthen the ability to convey a landscape and the characteristic features of winter in a drawing. Develop the ability to successfully arrange parts of an image on a sheet of paper and draw with paints. Develop imagination and creativity.

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Drawing “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

Program content. Teach children to independently choose episodes of a fairy tale to depict, to achieve a more complete reflection of them in the drawing. Develop imagination and creativity.

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Drawing from life “Vase with branches”

Program content. Teach children to draw from life, conveying the shape of a vase, the design of the branches; beautifully place the image on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the ability to outline the shape of a vase with a pencil, then paint the remaining details with paints. Learn to draw with a charcoal pencil (if the nature of the branch allows it). Develop aesthetic perception. Place parts of the image on a sheet of paper and draw with paints. Develop imagination and creativity.

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Drawing “Portrait of Mom”

Program content. To cultivate in children an emotional attitude towards the image. Strengthen the ability to draw a portrait. Learn to choose your own writing technique.

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Drawing “As a gift to mom”

Program content. Create an emotional upsurge and a desire to please a loved one. Strengthen the ability to select contrasting colors. Learn to give volume to paper forms, search for and find a successful compositional solution.

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Drawing “What are the stars carved on the coat and on the scarf?”

Program content. Teach children non-traditional drawing techniques (scratching). Develop eye and coordination of movements. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

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Drawing “Group Room Corner”

Program content. Develop observation skills, the ability to reflect what is seen in a drawing, convey the relative size of objects and their location in space (above, below, to the right, to the left, in the middle), characteristic color, shape and structure, details of the situation. Learn to control your work and achieve greater accuracy. Strengthen the ability to evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of your comrades in accordance with the task of conveying the real situation.

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Drawing “Draw what you want, beautiful”

Program content. Continue to develop children’s ability to see and appreciate the beauty of the world around them, the desire to convey beautiful objects and phenomena in their creative activities. Develop the ability to explain your choice. Develop the ability to evaluate your choice of image content, choice and evaluation of the expressive solution of the topic by other children. Strengthen the ability to use expressive means of various visual materials.

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Drawing based on the fairy tale “Tom Thumb”

Program content. Teach children to depict an episode from a familiar fairy tale in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw children’s figures, convey the ratio of figures in size, think through the composition of the drawing, determine the location and size of images. Learn to start drawing with the main thing - the figures of children (outline their contours with a simple graphite pencil). Strengthen children's ability to evaluate drawings in accordance with the requirements of the task (convey images of a fairy tale).

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Drawing “Early Spring”

Program content. To develop children's powers of observation and aesthetic perception of spring nature. Strengthen the ability to convey colors and their shades by mixing paints of different colors with white. Learn to place the plot on the entire sheet of paper.

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Drawing "Cheerful Clown"

Program content. Learn to convey a person’s cheerful mood with color. Learn to imitate a smiling person. Create a good mood for children.

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Drawing according to the plan “Who do you want to be”

Program content. Teach children to convey in their drawings ideas about the work of adults, to depict people in characteristic professional clothing, in a work environment, with the necessary attributes. Strengthen the ability to draw the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings. Learn to evaluate your drawings according to the assignment.

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Drawing “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

Program content. Teach children to convey in their drawings the images of fairy tales and the characteristic features of their favorite character. Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors. Develop figurative ideas and imagination.

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Decorative drawing “Composition with flowers and birds”

(based on folk painting)

Program content. Continue to introduce children to folk arts and crafts. Learn to create a decorative composition in a certain color scheme (warm or cold). Strengthen the ability to work with the whole brush and its end, to convey shades of color. Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of beauty.

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Drawing “Cover for a book of fairy tales”

Program content. Teach children to convey the features of the construction of a picture or ornament on the front and back cover of a book; beautifully match the colors for the pattern to the color of the paper chosen for the cover; reflect the content of the chosen fairy tale in the drawing and selection of colors. Develop imagination and creativity.

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Decorative drawing “Curl”

(based on Khokhloma painting)

Program content. Introduce children to the decorative arts of different nations. Improve the ability to highlight composition, the main elements of painting, color and use them in your drawing. Strengthen the ability to freely and easily draw curls in different directions with the end of the brush. Improve multidirectional fused hand movements and visual control over them. Develop aesthetic senses (sense of color, composition). Continue to teach children to evaluate completed drawings in accordance with the task.

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Drawing "Subbotnik"

Program content. Teach children to depict the work of people in a drawing: the position of the figures performing this or that work; various tools. Strengthen the ability to convey the ratio in size when depicting adults and children. Improve children's ability to draw with a simple graphite pencil, and then carefully paint over the drawing, filling the entire sheet with images.

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Drawing “Colorful Country”

Program content. Develop imagination and creativity. Consolidate and expand knowledge about colors and their shades, the possible variety of color schemes in an image. Strengthen the ability to convey colors and shades in different ways (regulating the pressure on a pencil, diluting watercolor paint with water (as water is added to the paint, the color becomes lighter), adding white to lighten the color when painting with gouache paint).

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Drawing “At the bottom of the sea”

Program content. Learn to depict the inhabitants of the underwater world: jellyfish, starfish, fish, as well as their habitat and surroundings. Continue teaching children to draw with wax crayons along with watercolors. Develop observation, fantasy, imagination, sense of color, rhythm.

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Drawing “May Day holiday in the city (in the village)”

Program content. Teach children to convey impressions of the festive city in a drawing (decorated houses, fireworks). Strengthen the ability to compose the desired colors, shades on the palette (mixing paints with white), work with the whole brush and its end.

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Drawing “Blooming Garden”

Program content. Teach children to convey the characteristic features of spring flowers (shape and structure of the flower, size, location on the stem, color). Strengthen the ability to draw with a simple pencil and watercolor.

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Drawing "Spring"

Program content. Strengthen the ability to convey in a drawing a picture of nature, the characteristic signs of spring. Develop a sense of composition, aesthetic perception, sense of color. Learn to use the wash technique and draw on damp paper.

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Drawing “All Year Round” (“Twelve Months”)

Program content. To consolidate the ability to reflect in drawings knowledge and impressions about the life of nature, work, and rest of people in every month of the year, determining the content of the drawing as desired. To strive to convey the characteristic features of a particular month. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of a drawing. To develop creative abilities, imagination, the ability to convey images in drawing not only from personal experience, but also focusing on a literary image, the means of expressiveness of an artistic verbal image.

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Drawing according to the plan “Native Country”

Program content. Strengthen the ability to draw according to your own plans, independently think through the content and composition of the drawing, select materials for drawing, and bring your plans to the end. Improve your ability to work with different materials. Foster love for the Motherland.

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Drawing “Spring bouquet in a vase”

Program content. Learn to draw using an unconventional technique (with a sponge). To cultivate an aesthetic perception of beauty. Support the desire to create beauty with your own hands.

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Drawing “Dandelions in the grass”

Program content. Learn to draw with wax crayons. Learn to convey the realistic form of an object. Strengthen the ability to select contrasting colors.

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Drawing “Beautiful flowers bloomed (monotype)”

Program content. Introduce children to the monotype technique.

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Drawing “Cosmic Dream”

Program content. Learn to independently choose content, carry out your plan, and convey various types of space landscape, transport or aliens in a drawing. Develop imagination, fantasy, observation. Continue to master mixed painting techniques (wax crayons, watercolors).

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Drawing “Land of Flower Dreams”

Program content. Cultivate the ability to fantasize. Strengthen the ability to compose a composition on a sheet of paper according to plan. Introduction to the unconventional drawing technique "scratch"

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