When are non-working days in May? Holidays in May

The May holidays 2020 in Russia are a time that everyone is looking forward to. Weather, mood, weekend - all this allows you to finally escape away from the bustle of the city and enjoy the joys of spring. Vacation with family, barbecue, travel to the country or, even better, abroad.

How are we working and relaxing in May 2020?

In total, there will be 31 days in May 2020, of which :

  1. 16 workers
  2. 14 days off and holidays
  3. 1 shortened

On May 8, it received reduced status according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 95). In government agencies, the working day will be shorter by 1-2 hours; in non-government institutions, the reduction will depend on the decision of the director or board.

May 1 - Spring and Labor Festival

The first of May in 2020 will last for 5 days. So long May holidays 2020 is due to the fact that in January the 4th and 5th fell on a Saturday, so the Russian government decided to move these weekends to May (January 4 to May 4 and January 5 to May 5, respectively).

May 9 - Victory Day

May 9, 2020 falls on a Saturday. This means that the official holiday will extend for 1 more day. That is, from 9 to 11 inclusive, Russians will be able to continue their May holiday.

2020, by presidential decree Russian Federation, was declared a year of memory and glory, since this year marks the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

May holidays in schools and universities

Schoolchildren and students will rest on the same days as adults. This is another reason to go with the whole family to the country or on a trip.

May holidays 2020 official weekend calendar

2020 promises us that the weekend will be twice as long as usual. The first May holidays will cover as many as 5 days from the 1st to the 5th, and the second from the 9th to the 11th (3 days).

27 28 29 30 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Working time standards

Annually on the last Saturday of March environmental action is being carried out all over the world" Earth Hour", organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The meaning of the action is in voluntary refusal to consume electrical energy for one hour. Thus, society realizes the importance of taking measures to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

This great idea was first implemented in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by the example, more and more cities began to join the Earth Hour campaign every year. It is expected that in 2020, residents of more than 7 thousand settlements on our planet (more than 2 billion people) will take part in a voluntary power outage for 1 hour. Of course, among the countries participating in the action is Russia.

What date and time does the Earth Hour 2020 campaign take place:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually on the last Saturday of March, with the exception of those years when the last Saturday in March precedes Easter.

This year's Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday. March 28, 2020. The promotion will begin at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the Earth Hour 2020 campaign - what date is it held and at what time:
* Date: March 28, 2020
* from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

The May holidays of 2020 are just around the corner. And almost all of us are haunted by thoughts about how and where to spend the May holidays. Some are planning to organize a trip abroad, while others just want to get out into nature.

The upcoming holidays are an excellent opportunity to restore your strength, and simply take a break from everyday work. The weather is sunny and pleasant, the mood is high, and in addition, there is free time that you can spend with friends and family, as well as please your loved ones with the organization of a bright, memorable celebration. But in order to decide and plan in advance how and where to spend the May holidays, it will not be superfluous to find out the schedule of the May holidays in 2020.

Below is the schedule for May holidays 2020, which takes into account all transfers, working days and weekends. Plan your precious time and have a nice weekend!

Official work schedule and days off for the May holidays 2020

The labor calendar for 2020 has undergone some changes, so it is worth carefully studying its new wording. The weekend on May 1, 2020, according to the new government decree, will last 5 days - from 1 to 5 May. And also, official holidays will be considered May 9, where do we relax from 9 to 11 May. The working days of the May holidays are from April 27 to 30, and then May 6-8. Then everything goes according to the usual schedule.

May holidays in 2020, how we relax

It must be said that fortunately, the May holidays 2020 will not be limited to May 1 and 9. Therefore, we have compiled a production calendar for May 2020 for you. Below is a calendar of all May holidays in Russia.

Date Event

Code Talker Day

Diver's Day


Saint George's Day


Day of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


Freelancer Day


Baltic Fleet Day


World Metrologist Day


Military Translator Day

Inventory Day

Pacific Fleet Day


Military Motorist Day

Customs Veterans Day


There are plenty of reasons for a holiday in May, and if you want to organize a holiday for your family, are planning a corporate event, outdoor recreation, or just decided to get together with a group of friends, on our website you will find everything you need to organize and hold a holiday for every taste and color. Thanks to our portal, this day will definitely be remembered by you and your loved ones as the brightest and most unforgettable flash.

The month of May is characterized by a large number of holidays. This spring month includes many holidays that can be called “vacations”. Holidays and weekends for May 2019 have already been officially announced.

They are divided into 2 blocks, so everyone can plan a complete vacation as desired.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation makes a decision on how much additional rest we need. Thus, five days are set aside for the celebration of the spring Labor Day, starting from Wednesday (May 1).

After a short break, Victory Day awaits us, fixed as an official day off. This year it will fall on Thursday. Russians are given the opportunity to have additional rest for 4 days, while working Friday is moved to February 23 (we will work on Saturday).

Working time standards

The production calendar states that we work 18 days, one of which is shortened.

The established time standards are as follows:

  • 143 hours – for a 40-hour week;
  • 128.6 – for 36 hours;
  • 85.4 – lasting 24 hours.

May holidays

May is a great time to relax. Nature has already blossomed, the weather is magnificent, the sun is warming. Everything contributes to comfortable rest and relaxation. Therefore, a large number of days off cannot but rejoice. Considering that there are two mini-vacations ahead, the joyful mood increases even more. We will celebrate two great holidays.

May 1st. The celebration begins on Wednesday and continues until the 6th (Monday). And although the era of communism has come to an end, we celebrate this day with pleasure. During the Soviet Union, rallies and parades took place throughout the country. Mostly citizens were forcibly driven to them. Now this is a thing of the past. Holidays in our country have become smaller in scale, and people come to them as they wish. Agree, it’s nice to walk along the clean, decorated streets on a sunny spring day.

Victory Day is significant for almost every Russian. This is a celebration of our victory over fascism. Memory of the feat of our grandfathers and fathers. We will forever be proud of them. For those who won victory with their lives. Parades dedicated to May 9 have been taking place in Russia for 74 years. In addition, every citizen can take part in the “Immortal Regiment” campaign. The procession is becoming more and more popular every year. So, last year more than 10 million people took part in it.

Weekend schedule for holidays

  • May 1, Wednesday – Spring and Labor Day, official non-working holiday;
  • Thursday, May 2 – postponed holiday from Saturday, January 5;
  • Friday, May 3 – a postponed holiday from Sunday, January 6;
  • May 4, Saturday – day off;
  • May 5, Sunday – day off.
  • Thursday, May 9 – Victory Day, an official non-working holiday;
  • Friday, May 10 – postponed holiday from Saturday, February 23;
  • May 11, Saturday – day off;
  • May 12, Sunday – day off.

Enough time to go on excursions with friends, visit loved ones living in other cities, and just have a good time.

 Production calendar

If you look at the dates, the calendar is not voluminous. You will have to work a little. The established standards are:

  • calendar dates – 31;
  • holidays, weekends – 13;
  • coming to work – 18.

To receive the established salary, one will work 143 hours for a 40-hour week, 128.6 for a 36-hour week, and 85.4 for a 24-hour week.

Action Labor Code comes into force on the 13th. In the first half of May we have only 3 working days.

Shortened working days

Additionally, there is a bonus - in the form of shortened days in May 2019. They fall on the eve of holidays. And although citizens work only an hour less, the anticipation of a mini-vacation lifts their spirits.

How transfers are made

Weekends are different in May. Official holidays. Traditional (Saturday, Sunday). Transfer. The latter implies that weekdays are interchanged with weekends. This allows you to continue the holidays, leaving the standard working hours unchanged. However, weekends in May cannot be classified as standard. Transfers to them were made instead of January 5 and 6 (on dates 2 and 3), and are already counted as worked out. And on May 10 we rest at the expense of February 23, which this year was on Saturday. Total output is maintained within established limits.

Where to go on vacation in May

For example, you can treat yourself to an inexpensive but pleasant beach holiday in Turkey, where the air temperature in May reaches 28 °C and the water warms up to 22 °C. The occupancy of beaches and hotels is lower than in the summer months, which is also good news.

Active recreation enthusiasts go to Thailand in May, especially those who like to ride a board on the waves. They know that it is warm this month, despite the tropical downpours, and the seas, thanks to the monsoons, are strongly favorable for surfing. If you want to go for a ride, this is the best opportunity.

Cyprus and Greece open the season in May. It really gets warm at the resorts in these wonderful places. True, it is unlikely that you will be able to swim in the sea, the water is still quite cool, but for sightseeing this is simply the ideal time - after all, in the summer it gets too hot for long excursions. That is why history buffs prefer to visit ancient ruins during the May holidays.

The greatest comfort, perhaps, will be provided by a May holiday in Israel - on the one hand, at this time it is not just warm here, but even quite hot - the air temperature does not fall below 28 ° C, but rather rises to 32, but a refreshing light blows from the sea breeze. So in May you can feel the breath of summer in this country.

Jordan is also a good place to relax this month - there you can not only visit biblical places, visit numerous monuments of Muslim culture or Bedouin historical sites, but also have a good rest on the Dead Sea. It will be no less interesting to explore the beautiful coral reefs of another sea – the Red Sea.

But you don’t have to relax on the beach - you can arrange an excursion vacation in European countries where the weather is dry and warm during the May holidays. This is, for example, France or Spain, it is also very warm in Portugal and Italy.

Exotic lovers can go to Singapore - just during the May holidays, this wonderful city-state experiences the most comfortable weather and almost no rain.

What else can you do?

Voluntary rallies and parades will be held throughout the country. There will be something to do. The celebration is complemented by sports and playgrounds, outdoor trade stalls, and souvenir shops. In the evenings you can attend concerts in which singers and groups of various genres perform.

Also in the evening, all vacationers can enjoy spectacular fireworks displays. The celebration of Radonitsa (7th) falls on these dates. A revered date on which it is customary to remember all the deceased.

Most people prefer to spend their weekends according to their preferences, visiting museums, exhibitions, having picnics and much more.