Class hour on the topic of February 23. Class hour on the topic “February 23


  • consolidate children's knowledge about the formation of the Russian army, its formation,
  • cultivate respect for Defenders of the Fatherland,
  • help raise the prestige of the army.

February 23... The holiday is over 80 years old. For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and goodness. To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, a decree was issued on February 23 to celebrate Red Army Day, which was later renamed Soviet Army Day and Navy. Currently, for several years now it has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day. For a long time in Russia, the military profession was one of the most respected and honorable. To serve the Fatherland is to protect the peaceful life of our people, it is to preserve the honor and dignity of our Motherland.

Man! What does this word say? A man is courage, bravery and will!

It is not for nothing that the words “man” and “courage” are close and consonant.

Today's competitive program dedicated to men: fathers and boys.

It’s especially nice to see dads at our holiday, because they don’t often delight us with their presence!

The game involves two teams. On the board there is a playing field of several squares. Each square contains a task and has a corresponding name.

The team that makes the first move (by lot) chooses a square - a task. The task is performed by both teams: a sign is placed on the playing field for the team that will complete the task correctly and quickly (if both teams completed it correctly and at the same time, then the sign is given to the team that chose the task).

The team that places the signs in a row in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) wins.

1) Understand me:

Imagine this situation: on one bank of the river there is a scout who urgently needs to report valuable information to headquarters, and on the opposite bank there is his comrade with binoculars. That is, he sees everything, but hears nothing.

Two people from the team are called: the most artistic and the most quick-witted - these will be the scouts. There shouldn't be any sounds. The message is conveyed only through gestures and facial expressions.

A) The sentry is guarding Pepsi-Cola.
B) I have sour milk.

2) Sappers:

In the army, all specialties are equally important, but there are some among them that require increased attention and caution. One of them is a sapper. Agree, the sapper has no right to make a mistake. There is even a saying: “A sapper makes a mistake only once in his life.” You can make mistakes in our “sapper” competition, but keep in mind that a mistake will be the defeat of the team.

A sapper from each team is invited. Everyone will receive a bomb, and we will watch how the “sappers” cope with the task.

The competition requires several boxes of different sizes. Let's say there are five boxes. Each box has a piece of paper with a question attached to it. The boxes are then stacked one inside the other. It turns out something like a nesting doll made from boxes. There should be two sets of such “matryoshka dolls”. So, a bomb for the first team...

The “sapper” comes out, receives a “bomb”, reads the question written on the box, answers it, opens the lid taped to it, and reads the correct answer on it. If the answer is correct, he takes another smaller box out of the box, reads the question written on it, answers it, etc. If the answer is incorrect, then the “sapper” was “blown up” and left the game. Now another “bomb for demining” is received by a “sapper” from another team.

Questions for “bombs”:

  1. How many stars does a senior lieutenant have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  2. “Where does the Motherland begin?” ( “From the picture in your primer.”)
  3. Which Russian prince won a major battle with the Swedes when he was only 20 years old? ( A. Nevsky.)
  4. How many years passed from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War? ( 20 years, 1921–1941)
  5. Which of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was the most famous commander? ( Marshal Zhukov G.K.)
  6. How many stars does the colonel have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  7. What did the dark-skinned woman collect in the garden in the song of the same name? ( Grape.)
  8. Which famous Russian military leader called his soldiers miracles - heroes? ( A.V. Suvorov.)
  9. In what year did the Second World War begin? ( In 1939.)
  10. The most famous Soviet intelligence officer who reported the exact date of Nazi Germany's attack on the Soviet Union. ( R. Sorge.)

3) Battle trophy:

In the Russian army of the 9th century, grenadiers were tall, physically strong soldiers specially trained to throw grenades. Now our grenadiers will demonstrate their accuracy.

To play you need a ball plastic bottle with water, two small bottles of gas water and cups according to the number of players. Two teams, having received a bottle of gas water, stand 3 meters from the target. The target is a bottle of water standing on a hill. A player tries to knock down a bottle with a ball. If he hits, he passes the ball to the next one and drinks a glass of gas water; if he misses, the ball goes to the other team. The team that drinks the gas water the fastest wins.

4) Spoon for dinner:

The players approach an inverted stool, each participant stands with his back to the leg of the stool, and is blindfolded. Participants have a tablespoon in their hands. At a signal, they take three steps forward, turn around and try to quickly place and place the spoon on “their” leg. The team that manages to do this first wins.

5) Black box:

There is a card in the black box. There is a word on the card. Players from each team take turns asking questions, and the host answers them “yes” or “no.” The team that guesses first wins.

(Helmet or Flask).

6) Question - answer:

  1. Which troops retired? ( Cavalry.)
  2. What are military shoulder badges called? ( Shoulder straps.)
  3. What year is considered the year of birth of the Red Army? ( 1918. )
  4. What do wood and a rifle have in common? ( Trunk.)
  5. What is a military equipment warehouse called? ( Arsenal.)
  6. Who is the creator of the Russian army? ( Peter I.)
  7. Complete calm. ( Calm.)

7) Encryption:

Decipher a code that contains an important intelligence report.


15, 1, 25, 1, 13, 16
1, 20, 1, 12, 10
15, 1, 9, 15, 1, 25, 6, 15, 16
15, 1
17, 16, 13, 5, 6, 15, 30.

(The start of the attack is scheduled for noon).

8) Crossword:


3. Weapons invented by Kalashnikov.
4. Advance with a shout of “Hurray!”
6. A sport that characterizes climbing mountain peaks.
7. Enemy.
8. The branch of the military is the “god” of war.


1. The basic law of the country.
2. Rifle with a short barrel.
3. An ancient Greek hero whose weak point was his heel.
5. Garage for airplanes.


Horizontal: 3. Automatic. 4. Attack. 6. Mountaineering. 7. Enemy. 8. Artillery.

Vertical: 1. Constitution. 2. Carbine. 3. Achilles. 5. Hangar.

9) Stars of Glory:

Here are portraits of six outstanding people of Russia who have done a lot to make us proud of our country, its people, and its army. You need to say their names.

(Nevsky, Peter I, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Zhukov, Gagarin).

10) Men without tears:

Peel the onion, chop it and don’t cry.

11) Sea knot:

Each team representative has a handkerchief. Tie a sea knot. Tied up? Now exchange nodes. The task is this: in 1 minute you must untie your opponent’s sea knot.

12) Mined field:

Walk blindfolded and not touch a single pin. The one who hits the most “mines” loses.

13) Whose ball is bigger?

Two participants from different teams receive balloon and on command they begin to inflate them. The winner is the one who:

A) will inflate the largest balloon.
B) inflates the balloon so that it bursts.

14). Remember everything:

Teams are given a piece of paper and a pencil. The presenter shows the items prepared in advance and asks the teams to remember everything that is on the table. 30 seconds are allotted for memorization. The objects are then covered and the teams write down what they saw. To play 1.5 minutes. The one who manages to remember the most objects seen wins.

(Alarm clock, toothbrush, button, three buttons, cotton wool, cube, pen, calendar, compass, eraser, chalk, comb, screw, watch, calculator,…)

15) Nail:

Team members take turns hammering a nail. Whoever hammers the last nail wins.

16) Intellectual warm-up:

What does the custom of taking off a glove when meeting to say hello mean?

(Show that your hands are as pure as your thoughts and there are no weapons).

Once Peter I visited the army and issued an order: to sew tin buttons on the cuffs of officers and soldiers. For what?

(To wean them from a characteristic bad habit, wipe their nose with their sleeve.).

Friends, today is a holiday, and this means that you, the heroes of the occasion, at any moment can find yourself in the center of the festive whirlwind or completely unexpectedly receive a wonderful prize. By the way, pay attention to the seats of your chairs, if any of you have a special mark under the seat - “Happy Place”. At yours? Congratulations! Prize please!

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day is a day of respect for all generations of heroic warriors. And since from time immemorial men have been protectors, this is truly “Men’s Day”, on which all representatives of the stronger sex accept congratulations.

The ancient folk wisdom of the inhabitants of the Caucasus says: “A man’s hand is beautiful when it is with a weapon!” We cannot allow your hands to be ugly, so as a keepsake for you….

Dear defender! We all know that the army left an unforgettable mark on your life. We know that you remember the two years you spent in the army with special trepidation. Today, we want to take you back to the days of your glorious military youth, for which you are given a can of stew with pearl barley porridge.

There is such a military song: “Let’s smoke, one by one comrade...” We think that this is a song about a true friend who always has a twinkle. This is what we are giving to you. Take it as a sign that with such a friend we will go on reconnaissance right now.

At the end of our meeting, allow me, on behalf of all the girls present, to wish you boundless happiness, heroic health, and eternal love!

Publication date: 21.07.2015

Brief description: A scenario for conducting a class hour dedicated to February 23 is presented. Goal: to familiarize children with the history of the holiday. Objectives: 1. formation of the child’s moral position. 2. develop memory, thinking, imagination.3. to cultivate patriotic feelings. The material contains the

material preview

Goal: to familiarize children with the history of the holiday.

Objectives: 1. formation of the child’s moral position.

2. develop memory, thinking, imagination.

3. cultivate patriotic feelings.

Progress of the event:

    Reading poetry.

The holiday is opened by students with a “Parade March”.

Host: Every year on February 23 we celebrate an important public holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day. And on this day it is customary to congratulate men - fathers, grandfathers, brothers. Men are rightfully considered the defenders of our homeland, our Fatherland. It’s not for nothing that even the words “father and Fatherland” begin the same way: they are close to each other in meaning. The Fatherland is our country, our homeland. This is also the day of remembrance of all those who did not spare themselves for the sake of the Fatherland, who remained faithful to military duty to the end. (SLIDE 1)

Today is our army day

There is no one stronger than her in the world.

Hello defenders of the people,

Hello Russian army!

Glory to our army -

On the banners of victories

There is no army more beautiful

And there is no one stronger than him.

We are not afraid of any bad weather!

The country of labor has a reliable shield -

On guard of peace, happiness and freedom

A Russian Army soldier is standing.

About the beloved army

We are talking today

And to her, invincible,

We say “thank you.”

Song "Invincible and Legendary".

Presenter: On February 23, 1918, the first regiments of our army entered into battle with the enemies and won, so this day is considered the birthday of the army and navy. (SLIDE 2)

On the fierce days of February

The army did not fight in vain

Near Narva she crushed her enemies

She deserved victory in battles.

Then this holiday was born

We praise heroes now

To be proud of your strength

Russian fearless soldier

The trumpets are singing loudly,

Salute to our army

Ships are sailing into space

Salute to our army

There is peace and labor on the planet

Salute to our army

Leading. Our homeland is great and vast. We have rivers and mountains, fields and forests. But Rus' is famous not only for its open spaces, but also for its brave, intelligent, and strong-willed people. Enemies attacked our land many times. But Mother Rus' is still alive. In Rus', heroic strength has always been honored and glorified in legends and songs that were sung by guslars and called epics. Everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands stood up to defend their native land, but among them stood out strong and courageous warriors, whom we call heroes. Who is this? (SLIDE 3)

For a long time the mighty power matured in him,

And she woke up from grief.

The hero stood up for the Fatherland

And he fought bravely - not sparing himself or the enemy. (Ilya Muromets)

The hero bore a good name -

He did not spare his enemies, he loved his Fatherland.

He served with Muromets,

He crushed his adversaries. (Dobrynya Nikitich)

Brave and courageous - a brave daredevil.

Our merry fellow is of the popovsky kind.

The youngest of the three is a hero,

He defended Rus', he defeated his enemies. (Alyosha Popovich)

But most of all we served the Russian people.

Do not let enemies ride across our land,

Do not trample the Russian land with their horses,

They will not outshine our red sun.

Rus' stands a century - it does not waver!

And it will stand for centuries without moving!

Quiz. (SLIDE 4)

Who is the oldest and youngest of the heroes?

Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from Murom)

Where was Dobrynya Nikitich born? (in Ryazan)

What does the name Dobrynya Nikitich mean? (Dobrynya - kind, great, Nikitich - winner, brilliant)

Which of the heroes could forge their own weapons? (Ilya Muromets)

6 Which of the heroes bore the nickname “quiet”? (Dobrynya Nikitich)

What was the name of the clothes of heroes, woven from metal rings? (chain mail)

What showed the way to the heroes? (a stone lying at a fork in 3 roads)

Who did Alyosha Popovich fight with? (Tugarin Zmey)

What was the name of Ilya Muromets's horse? (Brushka)

Leading. For many centuries, our homeland repelled endless attacks from enemies from all over the world. First, the Polovtsians rushed to Rus', then the innumerable Tatar-Mongol horde, then the knights - the crusaders - marched from the west like a heavy wall. Poles and Lithuanians rushed to Moscow, and a simple soldier always went to defend his land. In the Patriotic War of 1812, the heroism of the Russian soldier was demonstrated. It was thanks to him that the invincible Napoleon was “stuck” near Moscow, and the Great Patriotic War began in 1941. And again the entire people, young and old, stood up to defend their homeland. (SLIDES 5-7)

Let us remember those who became heroes defending our Motherland. These are Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov. (SLIDES 8-11)

Russia, home, fatherland

I say with love

For the Motherland, for Mom

If I have to, I’ll go into battle

I don't like battles

And I like the world

But if the enemy wants

Come to us with war

The strong will receive a rebuff

We'll get in the way

Like great-grandparents

In a harsh, terrible hour

They stood up for defense

Fatherland and us

Host: Veterans of the Great Patriotic War live in our villages, about whom we should not forget.

The soldiers fought for peace and dreamed of future peace in the respite between battles.

(SLIDE 12) And even in the most difficult moments they did not lose their sense of humor, which helped them survive in the war, they sang songs that we now know and sing. (SLIDE 13)katyusha

How many songs about the army have been written,

How many songs about the fleet have been written!

We are supposed to remember them on holiday,

And we don’t mind singing them either!

Host: At what a high price do we get this world? Soldiers are leaving, young 18-year-olds are leaving to serve in the army. There was Afghanistan, Chechnya. How many of them died, killed in these wars. (SLIDE 14, 15)

Guys from central Russia

Coming into service for the first time

For a long time dear aspens

You left behind

Civil youth has fallen behind

Lost in the road dust

Into the iron channel of the statutes

You come in like ships

And a lot needs to be done

So that the winds beat at random

You weren't thrown on board in a storm

And there was no need to cut down the masts.

Glory to our generals

Glory to our admirals

And to the ordinary soldiers

Walking, swimming, horseback

Tired, seasoned

Glory to the fallen and the living

Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!

Leading. Becoming a military man is the dream of many guys. After all, the military special people. These are seasoned, strong-willed, brave men. Who doesn't want to be like that? (SLIDE 16)

Since childhood, I always wanted to become a military man

I will never be a coward again

I will be a military man like my older brother

He is already a paratrooper, he is already a soldier

We salute our dear army

There is only one such valiant woman in the world

Leading. Guys, what military professions do you know? Tell us about this now.

Our tricolor flag is on the mast

A sailor is standing on the deck,

And he knows that the seas of the country

Ocean boundaries

There must be both day and night

Under watchful guard (sailor)

Floats through the menacing waves,

Goes into a secret outfit

The native country's navy,

Swift, rocket.

Out into the blue seas

Reliable outpost.

And it’s not in vain that the people say:

“Glory to the Navy!”

We guys love the sea.

Over the seas and over the waves

We go on combat patrol -

“Today here, and tomorrow there!”

Cap and vest

And on the ribbons there are anchors,

Large buckle on the belt

The sailor was not given in vain.

It's like an all-terrain vehicle everywhere

The tank will pass on tracks

Gun barrel in front

It's dangerous, the enemy don't come near

The tank is heavily armored

And he will be able to face the fight. (tanker)

Paratroopers descend from the sky in minutes

Unraveling the parachutes will comb the dark forest

Ravines, mountains and meadows will find a dangerous enemy. (paratrooper)

A soldier at enemy heights was wounded early in the morning

A brave military doctor will save you, he will bandage the wounds

He will remove two small fragments from the soldiers' wounds

And he will say, don’t be discouraged, live long, little brother. (military doctor)

Our pilots are heroes

The sky is vigilantly guarded,

Our pilots are heroes

Protect peaceful labor.

Golden bell

Turned around me

We are flying parachutists,

Above my native country

The birds fell asleep on the branches,

The stars don't shine in the sky.

Hidden by the border

Border guard detachment.

Border guards are not asleep

At the native border.

Our sea, our land,

Our sky is guarded.

Who is needed in the army?

Rocketman or tankman?

Tanker or pilot?

Pilot or sailor?

Sailor or airborne paratrooper?

It is impossible to answer these questions. Which finger is more important - all are needed. You can't hit with one finger - you need to clench all your fingers into a fist. And the enemy will receive a strong blow when rocket men, tank crews, pilots, sailors and airborne paratroopers hit him together.

Presenter: (SLIDE 24)

We send our hearty congratulations

We wish you good health

To your family defenders

Presenter: All of Russia is rejoicing today and congratulating our fathers and grandfathers on the holiday. And also boys - our future defenders of the Fatherland.

Presenter: The Russian Army will remain strong until such time as young boys grow up in our cities and villages, ready to defend the Russian land in case of danger. We believe that our boys will be skillful, brave, strong, courageous defenders of the Fatherland, will know the history of Russia, its glorious heroes. (SLIDE 25)

Everyone honors this glorious day

He has all the courage in his face.

Any man preserves a fragile world.

Serving the Fatherland with valor on a first-name basis

Not every feat can be accomplished

Especially in the flow of peaceful days

But everyone must serve their homeland

To ache with your soul and heart only about her

February brought us a great holiday.

Viva to the defenders of the Fatherland!

We will protect you from storms and thunderstorms

A Russian warrior is a valiant soldier.

May the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky,

Let the menacing guns be silent

And the machine guns don’t fire,

So that people and cities can live.

Peace is always needed on earth.

Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia.

Take care of her peace and quiet,

This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table

And a dear little window in a forgotten village...

Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it.

Take care of her so that she can be forever

With our truth and strength,

With all our destiny.

Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia!

So, listen to me, I will tell you about the history of this holiday.

02/23/1918 is the birthday of the army, which became the successor to the old Russian army, which took upon itself the protection and defense of the borders of the fatherland.

In February 1918, the Austro-German troops, violating the armistice agreement, went on the offensive, aiming their main forces at Petrograd.

23.02. 1918 - Soviets and Bolshevik organizations of Petrograd and Moscow and many other cities and industrial regions of the country declared the Day of Defense of the Fatherland. On this day, thousands of volunteers joined the ranks of the Red Army.

Since 1919, February 23 has been celebrated annually as a national holiday, the Day of the Red Army and Navy. In 1946, the Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army. After the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Russian Federation, February 23 began to be celebrated as the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. This holiday is popularly considered a men's day.

    Competition program.

Well, now let's play a little. First, let's solve the riddles.

1. A turtle crawls

Steel shirt.

The enemy is in the ravine

And she is where the enemy is. (Tank)

2. Soaring like a white seagull,

Flew across the seas

Without talking

I'm flying around the mountain. (Airplane)

3. The buckle on the belt sparkles

And it shines from afar.

Striped shirt

It's called... (Vest)

4. A sailor's cap

Does not have a visor

It's called a cap... (Sailor's cap)

5. He hums and draws with chalk

He paints white, white

Blue on paper.

He draws himself, sings himself.

What is this? (Airplane)

6. Swims bravely through the waves

Without slowing down.

Only the hum of the car is important.

What's happened? (Steamboat)

6 people are selected.

So now we'll see how you can draw. But you will draw with your left hand.

Results of the competition.

Now you need to compose a poem. I will give you rhymes, and you must use these rhymes to compose a poem.

Soldier - machine gun

Porridge is ours

Lights out - peace

The enemy is a ravine

Now I will give you each an envelope. Each of them contains proverbs about the army and military service, but they are divided into 2 parts and you have to connect them

He who is not afraid of death avoids the bullet.

Our army's sons are loyal to their homeland.

He who is faithful to his homeland is exemplary in battle.

Know the Russian commandment: do not yawn in battle.

Summing up. Awarding the winners.

If the material does not suit you, use the search

Class hour for February 23 Class notes for Defender of the Fatherland Day for 8th grade Class notes for February 23 on the topic “I have the honor!” Honor is the desire to be a noble, superior being in inner merit, to perform actions worthy of glory, without any external coercion and without any other reward other than the approval of one’s conscience. P.A. Rumyantsev An hour of communication dedicated to the moral and ethical traditions of the military army. Goals: to expand students’ understanding of military service and the ethical traditions of the military; to form a positive assessment of such qualities as patriotism, citizenship, sense of duty; develop a positive attitude towards military service; cultivate respect for the country's Armed Forces and military personnel; to awaken in future conscripts the desire for military service, the readiness to become a defender of the Fatherland. Design: write on the board the topic of the class hour, tasks for working with the concepts: “honor of the uniform”; "field of honor"; "court of honor"; "code of honor"; “life to the Fatherland, honor to no one.” Class plan I. Introductory speech. II. History of the celebration of February 23 III. Working with concepts. IV. Information block “Code of Honor”. 1 “Yes, there were people in our time...” 2. I have the honor. V. Discussion on the topic “Is “I have the honor!” no longer relevant? VI. Final word. VII. Summing up. Progress of the class hour I. Opening speech Class teacher. The entire thousand-year history is a struggle for the integrity, independence and independence of our native land. Serving the Motherland has always been associated in our minds with the words “honor” and “valor,” “courage” and “glory.” The army became the personification of these concepts. Our army was a school for the younger generation to test and test their strength. And also a school of unit, valor, courage. Do you associate service to the Motherland with these words in your mind? – On February 23, the whole country will celebrate great holiday– Defender of the Fatherland Day. The word “Fatherland” has the same root as the word “father”, “Fatherland”, “father’s house”. The Fatherland is our country, the Motherland. – What can be called the Motherland? Children: Great land, Beloved land, Where we were born and live, We are the bright homeland, We are the bright homeland, We call it our homeland! 3. History of the holiday on February 23 Student: At the beginning of 1918, taking advantage of the difficult situation in which the country was, German troops launched an attack on Soviet Russia. A real threat has arisen to the Russian capital Petrograd. A new army was created - the Red Army. She fought back the aggressor. The beginning of the widespread formation of detachments and units of the Red Army was February 23, 1918. This day was declared a holiday - Red Army Day. In 1946, the Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army and the holiday was called Soviet Army Day. And on February 10, 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted federal law“On the days of military glory of Russia,” in which this day is called “Day of Defender of the Fatherland.” Teacher: – Love for their Motherland, for their Fatherland raised people to heroic deeds. Many heroes died defending their Fatherland. Their names have become symbols of courage and honor for us. – Our Motherland was defended at different times different people : They dressed differently, owned different weapons. – We will now take a short excursion through the historical timeline and remember the events that are associated with these defenders of our Motherland. – Remember the names of the epic heroes? Student: - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich. Teacher: - And from the history of Ancient Rus'? Student: 1. The great commander Alexander Nevsky, who in difficult times for Russia was able to unite the people around him and not let the European knights in so that they could conquer our Russia. This battle was called the Battle of the Ice. This was in the 13th century. 2. The great commander Dmitry Donskoy in 1380 with his troops defeated the Horde yoke on the Kulikovo field, across the Don River, and his great-grandson, the Great Sovereign Ivan III, united most of the Russian lands under the rule of Moscow and freed them from Horde dependence. 3. Commander Dmitry Pozharsky and the city mayor of Nizhny Novgorod Kozma Minin created a people’s militia in 1612, i.e. an army of ordinary people, townspeople and peasants, and drove out the Polish invaders. The holiday of November 4, National Unity Day, is associated with this battle. 4. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov - began his service as a soldier and rose to the highest military rank - generalissimo. He never lost a single battle in his entire life. Suvorov said: “They win not with their minds, but with their skills.” His soldiers, who were called miracle heroes, stormed the impregnable Turkish fortress of Izmail, defeated the French in Italy, and won many other victories. He also led his army out of encirclement, breaking through the passes of the Alpine mountains. This was in the 18th century. 5. The great commander - Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov became famous in the Great Patriotic War of 1812. All the soldiers loved him, all of Russia hoped for him. It was he who chose the Battle of Borodino for the decisive battle with Napoleon’s army and won it. This was during the 19th century. 6. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. In the 20th century, to all these names were added the names of the great commanders of the Great Patriotic War - G.K. Zhukov, A.M. Vasilevsky, I.S. Konev, R.Ya. Malinovsky, K.K. Rokossovsky, S.K. Tymoshenko, and many others. During the four-year period of struggle against German aggression, more than one battle took place in which they showed their ingenuity and ingenuity to defeat the enemy. III. Working with concepts Class teacher. Military service has always been honorable. It has always been associated with the concept of honor. Unfortunately, in our time this concept has been devalued or completely forgotten. In the dictionary S. Ozhegov’s “honor” is “the moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride; its corresponding principles." According to V. Dahl, “honor” is “the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience.” I propose to clarify the meaning of the concept “honor”. First group, explain what the concept of “uniform honor” means. Is it possible to tarnish the honor of a uniform? (This concept meant, first of all, the honor of the regiment and appeared when each branch of the army received its own uniform, a uniform, the honor of which the officer was obliged to defend. This, in particular, explains such an impressive number of duels in the Russian army of the 19th century. Pride in the country, courage, loyalty to duty, discipline, loyalty to tradition, to the banner. As soon as a person puts on a military uniform, he can no longer dispose of himself at his own discretion. The state and the army are judged by his behavior.) Second group, explain what a “field of honor” is. What is being protected on this field? (This is a battlefield, a battlefield, where the battle takes place according to the rules, where opponents respect each other; a battlefield for the honor of the Fatherland.) Third group, what is the court of “officer’s honor”? What could his sentence be? (The unofficial moral court of fellow officers can punish with contempt, boycott, expulsion from the community of officers.) Fourth group, you got the cadet motto: “Life for the Fatherland. Honor to no one! How to understand this expression? (Group response.) Class teacher. Fifth group, explain what is behind the concept of “code of honor”. (A set of unspoken laws that are accepted by all members of the community, decency, respect, morality.) (For 5 minutes, children discuss the answers.) IV. Information block “Code of Honor” Class teacher. The Russian army has always been strong in spirit. For centuries, she was famous for her valor, courage and self-sacrifice, serving the Fatherland “faithfully”, “out of duty and honor”. And the same principles reigned in society. As long as these concepts were preserved, the security of the Fatherland was guaranteed. When they faded and disappeared (at least temporarily), everything collapsed. The Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin said this well: “...Russia will exist, grow and blossom if the spirit of honor, service and fidelity reigns in it.” 1. “Yes, there were people in our time...” “Yes, there were people in our time, a mighty, dashing tribe, heroes, not you...” This is what the veteran Borodin spoke about the Russian army... About the strength of spirit, Many outstanding people spoke out about the military professionalism of the Russian warrior. Prussian King Frederick II: “It’s not enough to kill a Russian soldier, he must be knocked down.” Napoleon: “Give me a Russian soldier and I will conquer the whole world.” Bernadotte, the former marshal of Napoleon, then the king of Sweden, advised the Swedes: “Imitate the Russians, nothing is impossible for them.” But he spoke best about the Russian soldier A.V. Suvorov just two words: “Miracle heroes!” Loyalty to the oath, fidelity to duty, patriotism is what has always distinguished the Russian warrior. A few examples from history. 1380 Kulikovo field. Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, taking off his grand ducal vestments and putting on the armor of a simple warrior, joined the general formation of the Big Regiment and, together with his army, withstood the terrible blow of the Tatar cavalry for 3 hours. 1812 General Nikolai Raevsky. In a hopeless situation near the village of Saltanovka, he personally led his corps into an attack, taking with him two sons, 16 and 11 years old. Struck by the general’s determination not to spare either himself or his children, the soldiers overthrew the enemy in a fierce battle. 1854 Admiral Vladimir Kornilov, organizer of the defense of Sevastopol. Mortally wounded and bleeding, he manages to say: “Tell everyone how pleasant it is to die when your conscience is calm. I’m happy that I’m dying for the Fatherland.” 1904 Captain of the first rank V.F. Rudnev, the commander of the cruiser "Varyag", finding himself alone with the Japanese squadron, rejected the demand to surrender, entered the battle and, having won a moral victory, glorified the Russian fleet and the Russian national character for centuries. 1904 Small destroyer "Steregushchy" against 2 cruisers and 4 large destroyers of Japan. The Japanese, having surrounded the destroyer, asked him to surrender. The Russian sailors did not even respond to this proposal, and St. Andrew’s flag was nailed to the mast just in case. During the battle, out of 52 crew members, 46, including all the officers, were killed, and the Japanese captured four wounded sailors. An attempt to tow the dilapidated ship failed. Two Sailors: Ivan Mikhailovich Bukharev and Vasily Sergeevich Novikov rushed into the engine room, battened down the room and, sacrificing their lives, opened the seacocks. 1941 Great Patriotic War. Battle for Moscow. 28 Panfilov heroes. A total of 28 people, including one officer. Armament: bottles of fuel, grenades, several anti-tank rifles. There is no one on the right or left. They could run away and look for the wind in the field. We could have given up and no one would have known. They could lie at the bottom of the trench and come what may. But neither one nor the other, nor the third happened. They repulsed two tank attacks: one with 20 tanks, the other with 30. Half of them were burned! By all conceivable and inconceivable calculations, they should have lost, because there were almost 2 tanks per brother. But they didn’t lose. We won! Today many do not believe and ask: why? Class teacher. Try to answer this question. Why did our soldiers sacrifice their lives, did not give up, did not sit in the trenches? Where does this self-sacrifice come from? Are today's warriors ready for such feats? (Children speak out.) It is no secret that today the attitude towards the army is ambiguous, many even have a negative one. And this is not surprising. The army suffers from the same diseases as our entire society. Hence the hazing, the lack of patriotism, and the immorality that has become common among officers. It is no coincidence that many officers are now in favor of creating an officer “Code of Honor”. And it is the experience and traditions of the Russian Tsarist Army that are offered as a model. That's why to this day special meaning embedded in the concept of “uniform honor”. There is a well-known historical fact that in 1821, during a dinner at one of the balls, Colonel of the Life Guards of the Moscow Regiment G.A. Rimsky Korsakov, contrary to existing rules, unbuttoned his uniform. This trivial violation was enough to force him to resign. Emperor Alexander I ordered: “Korsakov should not be given a uniform (that is, the right to wear it), because it has been noticed that it bothers him.” And this is not a whim of the autocrat, but a sign of respect for the uniform, in the army, for the state. Courage, bravery, honesty, self-respect, nobility were highly valued among officers. It was dangerous to humiliate an officer and violate his honor. He had to defend his honor with weapons in his hands. In this regard, the “Dueling Code” is also interesting. The duel gave an unspoken right to defend one's honor. The main reasons for fights were: scolding, slapping, compromising an officer or his wife, other insults, including refusal of mutual greeting. The very possibility of paying with one’s life for insulting an officer played a big role in maintaining the feeling own Dignity and respect for it in others. The right to duel contributed to the cleansing of officer consciousness from elements of plebeianism and sycophancy. For the insulting words “I will bend you to the horn of a ram”, uttered publicly at the review of the regiment, captain Vasily Norov, a military officer, holder of many awards, demanded satisfaction from the Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich himself, the future emperor. And the remaining officers of the Life Guards of the Jaeger Regiment decided to resign in protest. Another example: in 1823, brigade commander Mordvinov challenged his commander, chief of staff Kiselev, and insisted on obviously lethal conditions of the duel (distance 8 steps, unlimited number of shots). And the general accepted the challenge of his subordinate so that no one could doubt his honor. In this duel, Mordvinov was killed. The Tsar forgave General Kiselev. And he, by virtue of his nobility, paid the widow of the murdered man maintenance from his own funds until the end of his life. Knightly honor required a noble attitude of officers not only towards each other, but also towards soldiers. All honest Russian officers and generals were famous for their humane attitude towards soldiers. Russian officer ethics also demanded in the main “field of honor” (in war) to adhere to humane methods, observe the “laws of war,” avoid its inhumane forms, show mercy, and not shed unnecessary blood. It should also be noted that the healthy desire inherent in the Russian officer corps to distinguish themselves in combat situations, to receive well-deserved awards, signs of encouragement and attention. Such “valiant and noble ambition,” supplemented by a love of fame useful for the Fatherland, was one of the driving (inspiring heroic deeds) forces in the development of the army, its resilience, and invincibility in battles. V. Discussion on the topic “I have the honor!” no longer relevant? Class teacher. Let's discuss whether the concept of “I have the honor” is relevant for our army now? First, try to explain this paradox: on the one hand, young people are avoiding service, and on the other, there is a huge competition for admission to cadet corps and Suvorov schools. What does this mean? Are the glorious traditions of our army preserved today? Has the idea of ​​honor and duty changed in the modern army? Do you think that our army needs to adopt an officer’s “Code of Honor”? Only contract soldiers now serve in hot spots. What makes modern guys go to war and put their lives in danger? Is the expression “I have the honor!” still relevant today? (Children's statements.) VI. Final word VII. Summing up Class teacher. What facts surprised you? What did you already know? What will make you think?


  • consolidate children's knowledge about the formation of the Russian army, its formation,
  • to cultivate respect for the Defenders of the Fatherland,
  • help raise the prestige of the army.

February 23... The holiday is over 80 years old. For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and goodness. To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, a decree was issued on February 23 to celebrate Red Army Day, which was later renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Currently, for several years now it has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day. For a long time in Russia, the military profession was one of the most respected and honorable. To serve the Fatherland is to protect the peaceful life of our people, it is to preserve the honor and dignity of our Motherland.

Man! What does this word say? A man is courage, bravery and will!

It is not for nothing that the words “man” and “courage” are close and consonant.

Today's competition program is dedicated to men: fathers and young men.

It’s especially nice to see dads at our holiday, because they don’t often delight us with their presence!

The game involves two teams. On the board there is a playing field of several squares. Each square contains a task and has a corresponding name.

The team that makes the first move (by lot) chooses a square - a task. The task is performed by both teams: a sign is placed on the playing field for the team that will complete the task correctly and quickly (if both teams completed it correctly and at the same time, then the sign is given to the team that chose the task).

The team that places the signs in a row in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) wins.

1) Understand me:

Imagine this situation: on one bank of the river there is a scout who urgently needs to report valuable information to headquarters, and on the opposite bank there is his comrade with binoculars. That is, he sees everything, but hears nothing.

Two people from the team are called: the most artistic and the most quick-witted - these will be the scouts. There shouldn't be any sounds. The message is conveyed only through gestures and facial expressions.

A) The sentry is guarding Pepsi-Cola.
B) I have sour milk.

2) Sappers:

In the army, all specialties are equally important, but there are some among them that require increased attention and caution. One of them is a sapper. Agree, the sapper has no right to make a mistake. There is even a saying: “A sapper makes a mistake only once in his life.” You can make mistakes in our “sapper” competition, but keep in mind that a mistake will be the defeat of the team.

A sapper from each team is invited. Everyone will receive a bomb, and we will watch how the “sappers” cope with the task.

The competition requires several boxes of different sizes. Let's say there are five boxes. Each box has a piece of paper with a question attached to it. The boxes are then stacked one inside the other. It turns out something like a nesting doll made from boxes. There should be two sets of such “matryoshka dolls”. So, a bomb for the first team...

The “sapper” comes out, receives a “bomb”, reads the question written on the box, answers it, opens the lid taped to it, and reads the correct answer on it. If the answer is correct, he takes another smaller box out of the box, reads the question written on it, answers it, etc. If the answer is incorrect, then the “sapper” was “blown up” and left the game. Now another “bomb for demining” is received by a “sapper” from another team.

Questions for “bombs”:

  1. How many stars does a senior lieutenant have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  2. “Where does the Motherland begin?” ( “From the picture in your primer.”)
  3. Which Russian prince won a major battle with the Swedes when he was only 20 years old? ( A. Nevsky.)
  4. How many years passed from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War? ( 20 years, 1921–1941)
  5. Which of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was the most famous commander? ( Marshal Zhukov G.K.)
  6. How many stars does the colonel have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  7. What did the dark-skinned woman collect in the garden in the song of the same name? ( Grape.)
  8. Which famous Russian military leader called his soldiers miracles - heroes? ( A.V. Suvorov.)
  9. In what year did the Second World War begin? ( In 1939.)
  10. The most famous Soviet intelligence officer who reported the exact date of Nazi Germany's attack on the Soviet Union. ( R. Sorge.)

3) Battle trophy:

In the Russian army of the 9th century, grenadiers were tall, physically strong soldiers specially trained to throw grenades. Now our grenadiers will demonstrate their accuracy.

To play you need a ball, a plastic bottle of water, two small bottles of gas water and cups according to the number of players. Two teams, having received a bottle of gas water, stand 3 meters from the target. The target is a bottle of water standing on a hill. A player tries to knock down a bottle with a ball. If he hits, he passes the ball to the next one and drinks a glass of gas water; if he misses, the ball goes to the other team. The team that drinks the gas water the fastest wins.

4) Spoon for dinner:

The players approach an inverted stool, each participant stands with his back to the leg of the stool, and is blindfolded. Participants have a tablespoon in their hands. At a signal, they take three steps forward, turn around and try to quickly place and place the spoon on “their” leg. The team that manages to do this first wins.

5) Black box:

There is a card in the black box. There is a word on the card. Players from each team take turns asking questions, and the host answers them “yes” or “no.” The team that guesses first wins.

(Helmet or Flask).

6) Question - answer:

  1. Which troops retired? ( Cavalry.)
  2. What are military shoulder badges called? ( Shoulder straps.)
  3. What year is considered the year of birth of the Red Army? ( 1918. )
  4. What do wood and a rifle have in common? ( Trunk.)
  5. What is a military equipment warehouse called? ( Arsenal.)
  6. Who is the creator of the Russian army? ( Peter I.)
  7. Complete calm. ( Calm.)

7) Encryption:

Decipher a code that contains an important intelligence report.


15, 1, 25, 1, 13, 16
1, 20, 1, 12, 10
15, 1, 9, 15, 1, 25, 6, 15, 16
15, 1
17, 16, 13, 5, 6, 15, 30.

(The start of the attack is scheduled for noon).

8) Crossword:


3. Weapons invented by Kalashnikov.
4. Advance with a shout of “Hurray!”
6. A sport that characterizes climbing mountain peaks.
7. Enemy.
8. The branch of the military is the “god” of war.


1. The basic law of the country.
2. Rifle with a short barrel.
3. An ancient Greek hero whose weak point was his heel.
5. Garage for airplanes.


Horizontal: 3. Automatic. 4. Attack. 6. Mountaineering. 7. Enemy. 8. Artillery.

Vertical: 1. Constitution. 2. Carbine. 3. Achilles. 5. Hangar.

9) Stars of Glory:

Here are portraits of six outstanding people of Russia who have done a lot to make us proud of our country, its people, and its army. You need to say their names.

(Nevsky, Peter I, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Zhukov, Gagarin).

10) Men without tears:

Peel the onion, chop it and don’t cry.

11) Sea knot:

Each team representative has a handkerchief. Tie a sea knot. Tied up? Now exchange nodes. The task is this: in 1 minute you must untie your opponent’s sea knot.

12) Mined field:

Walk blindfolded and not touch a single pin. The one who hits the most “mines” loses.

13) Whose ball is bigger?

Two participants from different teams receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate them. The winner is the one who:

A) will inflate the largest balloon.
B) inflates the balloon so that it bursts.

14). Remember everything:

Teams are given a piece of paper and a pencil. The presenter shows the items prepared in advance and asks the teams to remember everything that is on the table. 30 seconds are allotted for memorization. The objects are then covered and the teams write down what they saw. To play 1.5 minutes. The one who manages to remember the most objects seen wins.

(Alarm clock, toothbrush, button, three buttons, cotton wool, cube, pen, calendar, compass, eraser, chalk, comb, screw, watch, calculator,…)

15) Nail:

Team members take turns hammering a nail. Whoever hammers the last nail wins.

16) Intellectual warm-up:

What does the custom of taking off a glove when meeting to say hello mean?

(Show that your hands are as pure as your thoughts and there are no weapons).

Once Peter I visited the army and issued an order: to sew tin buttons on the cuffs of officers and soldiers. For what?

(To wean them from a characteristic bad habit, wipe their nose with their sleeve.).

Friends, today is a holiday, and this means that you, the heroes of the occasion, at any moment can find yourself in the center of the festive whirlwind or completely unexpectedly receive a wonderful prize. By the way, pay attention to the seats of your chairs, if any of you have a special mark under the seat - “Happy Place”. At yours? Congratulations! Prize please!

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day is a day of respect for all generations of heroic warriors. And since from time immemorial men have been protectors, this is truly “Men’s Day”, on which all representatives of the stronger sex accept congratulations.

The ancient folk wisdom of the inhabitants of the Caucasus says: “A man’s hand is beautiful when it is with a weapon!” We cannot allow your hands to be ugly, so as a keepsake for you….

Dear defender! We all know that the army left an unforgettable mark on your life. We know that you remember the two years you spent in the army with special trepidation. Today, we want to take you back to the days of your glorious military youth, for which you are given a can of stew with pearl barley porridge.

There is such a military song: “Let’s smoke, one by one comrade...” We think that this is a song about a true friend who always has a twinkle. This is what we are giving to you. Take it as a sign that with such a friend we will go on reconnaissance right now.

At the end of our meeting, allow me, on behalf of all the girls present, to wish you boundless happiness, heroic health, and eternal love!

Class hour for February 23 on the topic “Landing”, 5th grade

The proposed classroom scenario is a role-playing game built on game situations in which both girls and boys can express themselves.

All the girls act as presenters, and the boys, by completing the tasks of the competitions, show their organization, cohesion, and mutual assistance.

The competitions proposed in the script are devoid of competitive principles. These are unique tests that boys are asked to pass in order to confirm their title of “Future Defender of the Fatherland.”

The main goal of all these competitions is not to identify the winner, but to help children make friends, encourage mutual assistance and cooperation.

Goals: expand children’s ideas about the Russian Armed Forces; to form a positive assessment of the army and military service; prevent disunity between boys and girls; develop creativity children; rally the team.

Form: role-playing game.

Preparatory work with children

a) boys - draw various types military equipment (helicopters, ships, amphibians, airplanes, tanks, etc.); before class time make an exhibition of works;

b) together with the girls, prepare “agenda” for the number of boys in the class. Text of the agenda: “Dear (name, surname), you need to appear at the gathering of paratroopers, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland. Collection time (date, time), collection place (office no.), travel uniform;

c) a week before class time, it is necessary to distribute task competitions between the girls, so that different pairs of girls conduct two competitions. The girls leading the competition prepare the appropriate props and decoration.


Competition 3. “Collect a word” - 14 paper cards with letters from which you can form the word “GENERALISSIMO”.

Competition 5. “Disguise” - three sets of women’s clothing: skirts, headscarves, hats, sweaters, etc.

Competition 6. “Grenades” - crumpled paper balls according to the number of boys, a bucket.

Competition 7. “Soldier's borscht” - a saucepan or kettle, paper cards with the names of products: condensed milk, canned food, juice, coffee, chocolate, rice, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, peas, beets, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers.

Competition 10. “Military Wisdom” - during recess before class, write down words from four proverbs on the board:

1. Skillful...

2. To the military...

3. Disguise...

4. Officer...

Well done, and dexterity, a fighter, everywhere, always, learning, useful, business, example, in valor, cunning, this.

Musical arrangement

Prepare 2-3 musical fragments to accompany the Competitions.

Prepared by a group of girls - presenters of the competition.

Class decoration

During recess before class, write on the board:

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.

Class plan

1. Opening remarks.

2. Role play"Landing":

Competition 1. “Alarm meeting.”

Competition 2. “Shootout.”

Competition 3. “Collect a word.”

Competition 4. “Report”.

Competition 5. “Disguise”.

Competition 6. “Grenades”.

Competition 7. “Soldier’s borscht”.

Competition 8. “Invitation to dance.”

Competition 9. “Compliment”.

Competition 10. “Military wisdom.”

Class progress

I. Opening remarks

Class teacher. Dear guys! We live in peacetime. We can calmly study, work, dream.

But even today on our land the wounds of the past war have not yet healed. It claimed millions of human lives, destroyed cities and villages. Preventing war and maintaining peace on earth is the main task in the life of every person. But if the enemy attacked our land, it is the duty of every person to defend the Motherland.

Today is a holiday in the country - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday of the Russian Armed Forces. It is celebrated in all troops: land, sea, and air. On this day in Russia, not only the military, but also all men are congratulated, because service in the Armed Forces is the sacred duty of every man.

Dear boys, I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to be healthy, strong, purposeful, and to become worthy defenders of the Fatherland.

I believe that all boys should form their character from childhood, cultivate courage, nobility, fortitude, determination, honesty, and, of course, respect for women.

Today the girls have prepared interesting competitions for you, in which you can show strength, ingenuity, and endurance. Let's start our holiday!

II. Role-playing game "Landing"

Music is playing. The girls come to the board.

Presenter 1. Our dear boys!

Presenter 2. Future defenders of the Fatherland!

Presenter 1. On behalf of all the girls in our class, we congratulate you on the holiday!

Presenter 2. We wish you health and success in your studies!

Presenter 1. Defenders of the Fatherland must be able to do everything, must be organized and friendly.

Presenter 2. Are all of our future warriors ready for the trials that they may face?

Presenter 1. We will check this today during our landing operation.

Presenter 2. To participate in our “Landing” today, you will be given a summons.

The music turns on. All the girls get up from their seats and hand out summonses to the boys.

Presenter 1. All subpoenas have been handed over, the tests begin.

Competition 1. “Alarm meeting”

Presenter 2. Task one - “Alarm meeting”.

Presenter 1. Let's see if our boys can line up next to the board according to their height in 5 seconds.

Presenter 2. Attention - alarm - a gathering of paratroopers is announced!

The boys run out to the board and begin to line up. The girls count out loud to five.

Presenter 1. Well done, everyone managed to get ready in 5 seconds and line up to carry out special tasks!

Presenter 2. The mobilization was successful. A team of paratroopers has been built to complete the mission!

Presenter 1. And now you have to choose a commander.

The guys choose a commander and call his name as the leader.

Presenter 2. We welcome the “Paratrooper” team, led by the commander (last name, first name).

Competition 2. “Shootout”

Presenter 3. Attention, the second competition is “Shootout”. The speed of reaction is checked. It is simply necessary in a combat situation.

Presenter 4. We will bombard you with questions. You must shoot back with answers. You just need to answer quickly and accurately - like an army.

Presenter 3. Attention! Say it in one word: The presenters take turns reading the tasks, the boys answer.

1. Ground forces operating on foot. (Infantry.)

2. Aircraft with a propeller. (Helicopter.)

3. Armored vehicle for transporting infantry. (Armored personnel carrier.)

4. Anti-aircraft installation, named after the girl’s affectionate name. (“Katyusha.”)

5. All ships of the Armed Forces. (Navy.)

6. Sometimes it’s medical, sometimes it’s military. (Operation.)

7. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s hard. (Artillery.)

8. Military rank between captain and lieutenant colonel. (Major.)

9. Offensive operation. (Attack.)

10. Disguising objects by painting them with stripes and spots. (Camouflage.)

11. Brownish green, military khaki color. (Khaki.)

12. The one who plots the course of a ship or plane. (Navigator.)

13. Cook on the ship. (Cook.)

14. Living quarters for the ship's crew on the ship. (Cockpit.)

15. Wheels on an airplane. (Chassis.)

16. Command to shoot. (Fire.)

17. Color stripe along the side seam of uniform trousers. (Stripes.)

18. Gold or silver shoulder cords on the uniform. (Aiguillettes.)

19. A prisoner captured to obtain the necessary information. (Language.)

20. Member of a people's armed detachment operating behind enemy lines. (Partisan.)

Presenter 4. So, the firefight was successful, the paratroopers showed an instant reaction, a readiness to come to the rescue, to help out a comrade.

Competition 3. “Collect a word”

Presenter 5. Now receive a package from the commander of the operation. The package contains 14 letter squares.

Presenter 6. By putting together a word from these letters, you will find out who this package is from.

Presenter 5. At the same time, show how friendly and united you are.

Presenter 6. You are given 5 minutes to complete the task.

The boys put the word “GENERALISSIMO” on the chalkboard (put cards with letters on the chalk stand).

Presenter 5. Great! The team showed itself to be both friendly and united.

Presenter 6. And now a new task from the Generalissimo.

Competition 4 “Report”

Presenter 5. The paratrooper must be very attentive. Not a single detail should escape him. And especially if it concerns reporting.

Presenter 6. Attention - “Report” competition. Your squad sat down in a forest dugout, sending three scouts to meet with the partisans. I ask all paratroopers to go out the door and leave three scouts.

The boys walk out the door. Three remain in the classroom.

Presenter 5. In the forest, the paratroopers met a partisan who conveyed an important report.

Presenter 6. Scouts, attention. Listen to the report.

Presenter 5. “An enemy detachment of 100-120 fighters was located at the edge of the forest.

The squad has 4 guns, 10 cars, 3 dogs and 6 motorcyclists.

The detachment guards the railway bridge.

Today, at 17:25, a train with ammunition for the enemy army is supposed to cross this bridge. The partisans are asking for 5 kilograms of explosives to blow up the railway track.”

Presenter 6. We are giving you this report written on paper. (Hands over to the “scouts” a sheet of paper with the text of the “report.”) But you must hand it over to your commander orally.

Presenter 5. You only have 1 minute to remember everything. After which the report must be destroyed, because if you are captured, the enemy may find out about the plans of the partisans and the entire operation will be disrupted.

The metronome or music starts. The boys study the "report".

Presenter 6. And now you need to return to the dugout and report to the commander about the results of the reconnaissance.

Just leave your report here.

The boys go out the door and retell the contents of the “report” to the other guys. At this time, the girls write down the control numbers from the “report” in order to evaluate the correctness of the guys’ answers. After 1 minute all the boys return to class.

Presenter 5. Now we ask the team members (not the scouts!) to convey the contents of the report.

The boys retell the contents of the “report”.

Note. You can make the task easier by asking leading questions: Where is the enemy squad located? What is the size of the squad? How many guns, dogs and motorcyclists does it have? What is he protecting? When will the train pass? What kind of cargo will the train carry? How much explosives do you need?

Presenter 6. What do you think, girls, did our paratroopers cope with the task?

The girls either nod approvingly or make comments about what the guys didn’t remember.

Competition 5. “Disguise”

Presenter 7. And now the “Disguise” test. We ask the commander to appoint three soldiers to carry out a particularly important task.

The commander calls the names of 3 guys.

Presenter 8. Attention, listen to the task. You need to quietly pass through the village, where only girls and women remain. But there are policemen on every corner. To get past them, you need to disguise yourself. In one of the huts we managed to get camouflage (shows skirts, scarves, sweaters, dresses).

Presenter 7. Three paratroopers need to go out into the garden (out the door) and disguise themselves as old women or girls. To do this, you need to put on this camouflage, go into class, walk around and, looking in the mirror, say: “Oh, how beautiful I am!” so that everyone will believe it.

Three boys taking women's clothing, walk out the door.

Competition 6. “Grenades”

Presenter 8. In the meantime, our fighters are camouflaged, the paratroopers will hit enemy targets. Here in this bucket (places the bucket at the other end of the class) there is an entire enemy airfield.

You need to destroy this enemy object with a direct hit from grenades. We will replace them with paper balls (he places a bucket with lumps of paper in front of the children).

Presenter 7. Attention - fire!

The music turns on. The boys throw wads of paper into the bucket until all the “grenades” are gone.

Presenter 8. So, let’s count how many grenades flew past the target...

Collect lumps of paper that did not fall into the bucket.

Presenter 7. Total (names the number) out of 20. Not so bad. We will assume that our paratroopers also passed the test of accuracy.

Presenter 8. Now we invite the maskers here. (Opens the door, invites 3 boys into the class who dressed up in women's clothing).

Boys in disguise come into the classroom, show off their outfits, and look in the mirror.

Presenter 7. Yes, our paratroopers managed to disguise themselves so well that even their comrades could not recognize them!

Presenter 8. This means that our boys are real masters of camouflage!

Competition 7. “Soldier’s borscht”

Presenter 9. Well, the time has come for a halt. It's time for lunch. We ask the commander to appoint 3 soldiers to prepare soldiers' borscht.

The commander calls the names of 3 guys. They go to the board.

Presenter 10. You were given food at the base: condensed milk, canned food, juice, coffee, chocolate, rice, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, peas, beets, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers. (Lays out cards with the names of products on the table.)

Presenter 9. You need to select the products needed to prepare borscht and put them in this pot.

Presenter 1 0. You are given 1 minute to complete the task.

The music turns on. The boys throw “food” into the pot.

Presenter 9. So, let's see what kind of dish we got for our paratroopers' lunch. Can we call it borscht?

Presenter 10. Girls, attention! (Lists the products chosen by the boys.) Well, what? Did the borsch turn out well?

The girls answer that this dish can be called borscht or that it is a completely new, unknown culinary dish, but an EDIBLE dish.

Presenter 9. Well, everyone saw that our paratroopers are independent guys...

Presenter 10. And that they will not perish from hunger!

Competition 8. “Invitation to dance”

Presenter 9. Well, now we need real daredevils!

Presenter 10. Volunteers, take a step forward!

If no one comes out, then ask the commander to nominate three participants.

Three boys go to the blackboard.

Presenter 9. Attention! A particularly important task!

Presenter 10. Since we are now at a halt, and best vacation at a halt - it's a dance...

Presenter 9. We suggest you invite three girls to dance and dance with them while the music plays.

Presenter 10. We remind you of the rules: they must approach the girl, invite her, be sure to give her a hand, lead her out of the hall to the middle and stand opposite her.

Presenter 9. So, music!

Music starts playing, boys invite girls and dance.

Presenter 10. The task is completed. We see that our paratroopers are not only brave, but also well-mannered guys.

Competition 9. “Compliment”

Presenter 11. And until the break is over, we invite the rest of the team to show their politeness, good manners and respect for the girls.

Presenter 12. So, another competition at the halt - “Compliment”!

Presenter 11. We invite all our children to take turns giving a compliment to the girls in our class.

Presenter 1 2. Attention, let's start!

The boys take turns saying: “Our girls are the most beautiful, smart, thrifty, disciplined, kindest, talented, diligent, neat, well-mannered, gentle, sweet, hardworking, modest, cheerful,” etc.

Presenter 11. Thank you for the compliments!

Presenter 12. I can’t even believe that we are all so wonderful!

Competition 10. “Military wisdom”

Presenter 11. And now the last competition - “Military Wisdom”.

Presenter 12. The first words of 4 proverbs about the army and military service are written on the board.

Presenter 11. And on the bottom line are the remaining words from these proverbs. Only these words are mixed up.

Presenter 12. You need to collect these proverbs, and you will collect grains of military wisdom. You have 3 minutes to complete the task.

A metronome or music sounds. The boys collect proverbs.

1. A skilled fighter is a great guy everywhere.

2. An officer is an example of valor.

3. Learning military affairs is always useful.

4. Disguise is cunning and dexterity.

Presenter 11. Well, the paratroopers did not disappoint.

Presenter 12. Gathered grains of military wisdom!

Presenter 11. They showed skill in all tests.

Presenter 12. And good military training!

Presenter 1. And now comes the crucial moment.

Presenter 2. Presentation of gifts to participants of the landing route!

Girls (all together). Happy holiday, dear guys!

The music turns on, the girls give gifts to the guys.