What documents are required to receive an old-age pension? Documents for applying for an old-age pension

To apply for a pension upon reaching retirement age, you need to collect certain documents.

You can start collecting them no earlier than a month before retirement age if you plan to retire on time.

What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension?

To apply for an old-age pension, you will need to submit the following documents: Pension Fund specialists:

  1. Applicant's passport;
  2. Work book with all entries. If some entries are missing in the work book, they can be compensated for by any other documents from the employer. Such a document must necessarily confirm work experience employee at this enterprise;
  3. A certificate stating that the citizen has dependent disabled relatives;
  4. Documents about the place of actual residence or temporary stay;
  5. Certificate from the last place of work about average monthly earnings;
  6. Help about
  7. If you change your first or last name, provide the relevant documents.

These documents serve as an appendix to the main thing - the application for an old-age pension.

Standard application content

You can find the official pension application form on the website of the Russian Pension Fund. The application must disclose the following points:

  1. Addressee: name of the Pension Fund of Russia body to which you are sending your application;
  2. Title of the application;
  3. Your full name, that is, last name, first name and patronymic;
  4. Your insurance certificate number;
  5. Information about the applicant's citizenship;
  6. Address of the applicant’s place of residence, place of temporary stay in Russia or place of actual residence;
  7. Applicant's passport details;
  8. His phone number;
  9. Employment data;
  10. If there are dependents, their number;
  11. If the application is submitted not in person, but through a representative - the applicant’s passport and his
  12. The actual application for a pension;
  13. If other pension payments were previously assigned - information about them;
  14. Information about the documents attached to the application;
  15. Date and signature of the applicant with a transcript of the signature.

Filling out a pension application

Thus, the full name must fully correspond to the way it is written in. The address of stay is also indicated: without abbreviations, just like in the passport.

It is possible to present not only a passport, but also other documents, such as a residence permit. In this case, these documents with their details must be listed in the application among the attachments.

In what order and where should documents be submitted?

To which organization are documents submitted for registration of a pension?

In the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development dated November 17, 2014. No. 884N indicates that the application and documents for applying for an old-age pension citizens submit applications to local territorial branches of the Russian Pension Fund.

Pensions are also issued for persons without registration at the place of residence. In this case, the documents are submitted to the Pension Fund at the place of actual residence.

If citizens have left for permanent residence abroad or do not have registration at their place of residence or stay in Russia, they submit an application directly to the Pension Fund.

To apply for a pension, prisoners write an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the location of the correctional institution through its administration.

From whom does the Pension Fund accept applications for an old-age pension?

Persons entitled to receive a pension or their representatives can submit applications to the pension fund represented by its regional representatives. The application must list detailed information about the applicant.

Applications for a pension for a convicted person are submitted through the administration of the correctional institution.

When are pension applications accepted?

According to the law, a person who has already reached retirement age has the right to submit an application to the Pension Fund for a pension. retirement age or retirement age will arrive in less than a month.

Registration for early assignment of labor pension

When registering a pension early, the applicant applies to the pension fund, having with him a document confirming his right to a pension. An employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation checks the documents and, when confirming the citizen’s right to early retirement, you can draw up an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with documents attached. The application itself can be drawn up during a visit to the Pension Fund office in writing or on the Pension Fund website in electronic form. Making an appointment at the Pension Fund branch is also possible through the website.

The Pension Fund employee who accepted your application must give you a receipt confirming acceptance, after which the verification of documents begins. If errors are detected, the Pension Fund requests information from the archives to clarify the information, which requires additional time.

Acceptance of documents to the Pension Fund and consideration of the application

How documents are accepted by the Pension Fund

Employee pension fund The person accepting the documents first of all checks the applicant’s identity card and checks it, checks the correctness of filling out the application and the accuracy of the information presented in it.

After this, the attached documents are confirmed. Documents are compared and reconciled for discrepancies. If documents are missing, the citizen receives a notification about the missing documents with an offer to provide them.

After checking documents for receiving an old-age pension are registered, the applicant receives an acceptance receipt, which records the date of acceptance of the documents; if any documents are missing, their names are listed in the receipt with the deadline for submission to the Pension Fund.

How is a pension application processed?

The documents and application are checked to determine the validity of the pension accrual. The information contained in the documents is assessed for accuracy. The information provided is also checked for compliance with data from individual accounting systems. After the inspection, a decision is made to grant or deny a pension.

Reaching retirement age implies appointment pension payments, for registration of which citizens must submit documents in advance and draw up an application for a pension to the Pension Fund at their place of registration or residence.

Pension is state benefit, which is assigned to a citizen when he reaches a certain age threshold. Men reach retirement age at 60 years old, women retire when they reach 55 years old.

To receive pension benefits, you must apply for benefits and receive social status pensioner. What documents will be required to complete it - read the article. A package of documents will need to be submitted to the representative office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration of the applicant

Before visiting the Pension Fund, you must prepare package of documents for the applicant:

  • Identity document.
  • Certificate of income for 5 years.
  • Work book.
  • Insurance pension certificate.
  • Certificate of higher education (diploma).
  • Birth registration certificate for the child(ren).

Depending on specific conditions, Additional provision may be required:

  • A document confirming the disability of a family member.
  • Marriage (divorce) certificates, other documents confirming a change of surname (given name).
  • Military ID.
  • Certificates of work in hazardous industries.

It is possible for employees from the Pension Fund to request other documents that affect the calculation and amount of pension payments. The requested document must be certified by the signature and seal of the organization to which it was issued.

All basic and additional documents are presented within 3 months. If it is not possible to attach the original document, it is possible to replace it with a notarized copy.

After filling out a special form (application) to receive an old-age pension, the data is checked and a Pension Fund employee issues a receipt. The application review period is 10 days from the date of submission of documents. The date of submission of the application will begin the countdown for receipt labor pension.

Step-by-step instructions for applying for an old-age pension

  • Specify the address of the PF representative office at the place of registration and opening hours.
  • Contact the representative office to clarify the list necessary documents to apply for a pension.
  • Prepare the required package of documents.
  • Contact the representative office at the place of registration to submit an application and a package of documents.
  • Receive a receipt from the employee confirming that the application has been accepted for consideration.
  • Receive a decision from the Pension Fund on the assignment of a labor pension.

Since the day of filing the application serves as the beginning of pension payments, you should contact the Pension Fund with an application no earlier than 30 days before the retirement date. If you apply later, the calculation of the period will begin from the moment of filing the application, and not from the stage of reaching retirement age.

If you cannot contact the fund in person, you can send an application and a package of documents by mail. In this case, the starting point for calculating pension benefits will be the date of mailing.

If it is not possible to provide all the documents, then three months are given for them to be accepted in addition to the package of documents. The expiration of this period postpones the start date of pension payments.

In order to meet the deadline for applying for a pension, it is important to get it in order. Records of admission and dismissal in the lines corresponding to the serial number must be certified by signatures and seals, and the format of the record must comply with the requirements of the law.

Submission of documents for pension assignment

List of documents to the Pension Fund for obtaining an old-age retirement pension. Application to request a salary certificate. List from the letter received.

Letter from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a list of documents

The long-awaited piece of paper has finally arrived! A simple letter from the Pension Fund:

The letter reminds that the layouts of payment cases are formed no later than 6 months before the date of entitlement to an old-age pension, or as in the original, old age. The letter was received on November 21, 2016, 7 months before the entitlement to a pension, there is time for registration. Let's rewrite the list of documents without the excesses of the original with carried outcorrection after the first visit with the assembled kit to the Pension Fund. It is completely unclear what the entry in brackets in paragraph 8 of the list in the letter means, so it was adjusted according to the Pension Fund’s memo “Assigning early pensions to unemployed citizens.”

  1. Copy of work book + original
  2. Copy of passport + original
  3. Copy of military ID + original
  4. Copies of children's birth certificates + originals
  5. Copy of marriage certificate + original
  6. Certificates of experience, including those clarifying the preferential nature of the work, if necessary, for persons working in preferential professions - only originals
  7. Copy of diploma (document of completion educational institution full-time/full-time education) + original
  8. Certificate of earnings for 60 consecutive months of work before January 1, 2002 during labor activity(or earnings for 2000-2001 are taken into account according to individual (personalized) accounting data) - original only
  9. Copy of insurance certificate + original
  10. Certificate from the Employment Center - original only

On November 23, 2016, we made an appointment by phone for the next day with a set of documents, except for a certificate of earnings; the Pension Fund promised to explain what kind of certificate is needed and where to get it.

First visit to the Pension Fund of Russia with the assembled kit

Arrived at the appointment on November 24, 2016 by appointment. Pre-registration at the Pension Fund not found , but accepted.

All documents provided in accordance with the list were verified, except for the certificate from the Employment Center received in 2006, since its form has now changed and the Pension Fund employee reported that it is necessary to obtain and bring a new one (the old one was returned).

As for the salary certificate, on the advice of an employee of the Pension Fund, they wrote a free-form application for assistance in requesting a salary certificate.

Application for assistance in requesting a salary certificate

To the Head of the UPFR in the Penza region
Penza region (interdistrict)
Name of the boss from
Applicant's name and home address


I ask for help in requesting a salary certificate for the periods of my work:

period of work 1     place of work 1

period of work 2     place of work 2

period of work 3     place of work 3

date and signature of the applicant

The work period is recorded in the format DD.MM.YYYY - DD.MM.YYYY, for example: 02/05/1982 - 11/24/1994.

After receiving the set of documents, we were sent to a consultant to receive clarification on further actions. The consultant said that if we do not want to receive pension payments in post office, you need to open a pension card at Sberbank. But since the future pensioner lives in a rural locality and the local branch of Sberbank may not agree to issue the card, and it is difficult to travel to the city for health reasons, the Pension Fund employee (consultant) herself promised to make a request for the issue of the card at the local or city branch of Sberbank and call when we should go to receive it, showing amazing friendliness and cordiality.

The next time we were told to come with a pension card to write an application for a pension 1 month before retirement age - for us this is the end of May 2017.

Having reached retirement age, which gives a person the right to stop working, many workers want to retire. But only a few of them know how to properly apply for a pension and what documents are required for this.

Where to start

Many citizens, trying to save their time when retiring, apply for this benefit not directly to the Pension Fund, but to the Multifunctional Center.

Before such an appeal, a person must officially confirm the fact that he has the opportunity to retire on or with sufficient length of service. You can receive such a service only at the Pension Fund.

The deadline for completing an application for a pension after receiving all the required documents from the citizen is 10 days. Therefore, experts recommend that in order to timely process pension payments, you begin collecting all certificates a couple of months before receiving the right to a pension.


You need to start preparing for your pension two and a half months before the person reaches retirement age. To do this, a citizen must go to the nearest PFR unit for consultation in order to familiarize himself with the list of documents.

You can find out the main list of documents that need to be submitted to the fund by reading the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of 2002:

  1. Work book.
  2. Applicant's passport.
  3. Certificate of income received for any 5 years before 2002.
  4. Pension certificate.
  5. Certificate from place of residence, which indicates registration.
  6. A diploma or other document that confirms education.
  7. Birth certificates for children.
  8. Military ID.
Important! All entries made in the work book about dismissal, employment or transfer to another place of work must be confirmed by orders.

If a person has changed his personal data - for example, his last name, then he is additionally required to provide a certificate to the Pension Fund.

Before contacting the fund, a citizen must carefully study all documents to ensure that the full name and any dates are spelled correctly. If discrepancies are identified, the employee must receive other documentation that contains all the necessary information correctly.

In some cases, in order to obtain all the necessary documents, a citizen may need to go to court, which can significantly delay the registration procedure pension provision. It is for this reason that it is better to prepare documents for submission to the Pension Fund in advance, at least 3 months before the retirement date established by law.

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Instructions for applying for a pension

Where to apply for a pension

According to the law, a citizen has the right to apply for a pension any day after receiving such a right. Registration of a pension is carried out in the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, located at the place of residence, place of residence of the citizen. You can contact the MFC.

An application for a pension can be submitted to the Pension Fund in several ways:

  1. By personal appeal to the territorial division of the government agency.
  2. Personal application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by a representative of a citizen who has reached retirement age, in the presence of documents confirming the legality of such powers.
  3. Through your employer.
  4. Through the website of the Pension Fund of Russia, which provides the “Personal Account of a Citizen” service.

According to the law, Pension Fund employees have the right to accept an application for a pension payment even before a person reaches retirement age, but a maximum of a month before he receives such a right.

Application Form

In addition to the basic package of documents required to receive a pension, a citizen must take care of filling out a special form. The following information is included in the application:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • Identity document details;
  • SNILS number;
  • Information about the citizenship of the future pensioner;
  • Information about the applicant’s actual place of residence and information about his registration;
  • The reasons why a citizen has the right to apply for payments;
  • Type of pension provision;
  • Names of documents that confirm that a citizen has the right to receive cash payments from the state;
  • Applicant's contact details.

What documents are best prepared in advance?

is carried out from the day when the citizen applied to the fund to receive it. At the same time, submitting just an application to a government agency is not enough; a person must provide a sufficiently voluminous package of documents that confirm work experience and earnings.

All documents for receiving a pension are collected in advance so that the citizen has the opportunity to check the correctness of the information entered and the presence of all the necessary stamps:

  1. An application drawn up on a prepared form. This is a document of the established form, otherwise the Pension Fund employee has the right not to accept it for consideration. Errors and blots in the application are not allowed, it is for this reason that experts recommend taking the form home to fill in all the information without haste;
  2. Civil passport;
  3. Work book (only the original is accepted) and additional documents that confirm the citizen’s work activity;
  4. Salary data for any 5 years prior to 2002;
  5. SNILS, duly executed;
  6. (if available).

To confirm their employment, the applicant may be required to provide additional documentation - a copy of the company's registration certificate.

When changing the name, the citizen must additionally provide supporting documents, for example, a certificate of marriage registration or divorce.

If the applicant wishes to receive pension payments to a bank account, he has the right to additionally provide the Pension Fund with his bank card details.

Submission of documents

To submit documents for registration of pension payments, a citizen must contact the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation located at the place of his permanent or temporary registration.

Note! In situations where a person is registered in one city, but is located and constantly works in another, he has the right to contact the territorial division of the government agency that is located at the place of his actual residence.

Help from a Pension Fund employee

When submitting documents to the Pension Fund, a citizen has the right to count on receiving assistance from an employee. For example, a specialist accepting applications to the Pension Fund is obliged to:

  1. Check the correctness of all documents, assess the accuracy of the information entered into them, and their completeness. If necessary, suggest which documents are missing.
  2. Explain how to submit a request to archival authorities. Often the only document that allows you to clarify a person’s actual work experience is an archival extract.
  3. Provide advice on how to send a request to a former employer to obtain confirmation of insurance coverage.

What should a future pensioner do on his own?

To retire, a citizen must complete a number of actions:

  1. Check that the work book is filled out correctly. This document must be free of marks and corrections, seals must not be smeared, and all entries must be easy to read. When the owner of the book changes his last name, this information must be reflected in the document with a mandatory indication of the basis for indicating such information;
  2. Make sure all entries are entered correctly. In practice, a situation often occurs when, according to records, a citizen gets a job in one company, and the record of his dismissal is certified by the seal of another company. As a rule, such inconsistencies arise in connection with the reorganization of the company, about which an appropriate entry must be made. In the absence of such information in the work book, the applicant must additionally provide certificates received from the receiving organization.
  3. Confirmation of insurance experience from salary. If a citizen sees that there are no records in his work record about a certain period of work, he can confirm the existence of insurance experience by contacting the organization where he worked (in this case, the period that has passed since the dismissal does not matter). Upon liquidation of a company, a citizen can make a request to the archive, having previously consulted about the availability of the documents he needs.
  4. Collect documents for the first visit to the Pension Fund. During the first appointment, the specialist must examine all the documents and advise whether the citizen will need to provide additional certificates and statements to confirm his insurance record.
    If a citizen applies to a government agency in advance, then by the time his pension is issued he will have collected a full package of necessary documents, which will allow him to receive all due payments without delay.

Deadlines for submitting documents and assigning pension payments

A citizen has the right to apply for a pension at any time after receiving the right to it or a maximum of a month before such a right becomes available.

According to the requirements of the law, the territorial division of the Pension Fund has the right to consider an application for payment of an old-age pension within 10 days from the date of receipt of the full package of necessary documents.

Attention! Payment of an old-age insurance pension is made from the day a citizen applies for it, but not before the right to such funds becomes available.

Differences in registration of pensions for women and men

There is no difference in the design of pensions for women and men. The only difference is the age at which citizens can exercise their right to holiday care - 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

Watch a video about applying for an old-age pension

September 14, 2018, 2:47 pm Jan 7, 2020 11:59 pm

The procedure for applying for an old-age insurance pension always raises a lot of questions among future pensioners. Of course, every citizen can get a free consultation at the Pension Fund, but not everyone has the time or desire to stand in line to see a pension fund employee. It is much easier and more convenient to find out how to apply for a pension in 2018 via the Internet. On this page you can find out under what conditions it is assigned and where to apply. Guided by this article, you can apply for an old-age pension without delay in just one day.

Before you apply for the appointment of the insurance payments due to you, we recommend. Of course, the Pension Fund will make all the necessary calculations and inform you of the amount of monthly payments, but there is one caveat. Over the past 30 years, 3 pension reforms have been carried out, therefore, your pension was formed over three periods (before 2002, from 2002 to 2014 and after 2015). The money transferred to the Pension Fund for these periods will be converted into points, on the basis of which the size of the pension is determined. The nuance is that the Pension Fund may not have complete data on your work activity for periods before 2002, and therefore you will have to additionally provide documents confirming your work experience and income.

  • Important
  • Citizens can apply for a pension at any time after the right to it arises. The application can be submitted in any convenient way (read more in the article).

What documents are needed to assign a pension?

Before applying for an old-age pension, you should find out what documents are required for this procedure. This is very important point, which must be approached with maximum responsibility. You should not expect that a passport, work record book and a corresponding application will be enough to apply for a pension. The exact list of documents will depend on the specific circumstances.

To apply for an old-age pension, you will need the following documents:

  • Application in the prescribed form;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • Military ID (if available);
  • Documents about work experience (work book, written employment contracts, extracts from orders, etc.);
  • Birth certificates of children (if you were on maternity leave).

Depending on the specific situation, additional documents may be required. Don’t worry if something is missing, the missing documents can be provided. When preparing documents for applying for a pension special attention You should pay attention to documents and certificates confirming your earnings in various periods and labor service. The main document confirming periods of work is the work book. If for some reason you don’t have it or it doesn’t show full information about periods of work, you can provide other certificates confirming your length of service. We discussed this issue in more detail in a separate article.

  • Important
  • If not all necessary documents are attached to the application, you may be given an explanation about the need to provide them within three months.

Conditions for assigning an old-age insurance pension

If you are thinking about how to apply for a pension in 2018, it means that you have reached the generally established retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men). However, this is not the only condition that must be met in order to assign an old-age insurance pension. To avoid wasting your time, you should find out in advance whether you can retire or not.

To receive an insurance pension in 2018, the following conditions must be met:

  • The generally established retirement age has been reached (55 years for women and 65 years for men);
  • Total insurance experience of at least 9 years;
  • The minimum number of pension points is 13.8.

Please note that these terms only apply if you retire in 2018. Every year there is an increase in the requirements for length of service and the number of individual pension coefficients (points). By 2024, 15 years of experience and 30 points will be required to assign an insurance pension. If a citizen does not meet at least one of these criteria, then he is denied an insurance pension. In such situations it is prescribed social pension, the average size of which in 2018 is 9062 rubles.

So, to understand whether you are eligible for insurance pension It is necessary to have information about the length of service and the number of points. Of course, you can get this data from a pension fund, but there is a more convenient option. Every citizen can. A similar opportunity is available on the official website of the Pension Fund. You can also. In principle, this is the same procedure, which involves receiving notification of the status of an individual personal account in the Pension Fund. The service is free and provided in real time.

  • Important
  • In 2018, to receive an old-age insurance pension, you must have a minimum of 9 years of service and at least 13.8 pension points.

Where can I apply for a pension?

It is no secret that pension registration is carried out at the Pension Fund branch at the place of residence. Meanwhile, this is far from the only option. If you wish, you can completely eliminate the need to visit the pension fund. Few people know how to apply for a pension via the Internet, meanwhile, in 2018, a similar opportunity is available to all citizens who have an account with.

You can apply for an old-age pension:

  • By personally contacting the Pension Fund;
  • Through MFC;
  • Through the citizen’s personal account on the Pension Fund website;
  • Through a single portal public services;
  • By mail.

As you can see, it is possible to apply for a pension in several ways. You can choose any option convenient for you. The classic option involves applying to the pension fund at your place of residence. You can also contact the MFC. The procedure for applying for a pension will be the same in both cases, so you can choose either option. If you want to avoid queues, you can apply for a pension via the Internet. Perhaps it makes sense to consider all these options separately.

How to apply for a pension through the MFC or Pension Fund

If submitting an electronic application for an insurance pension seems too complicated for you, you can use the classic option. We are talking about a personal appeal from a pension fund or a multifunctional center (MFC). Until recently, at the MFC it was only possible to receive related services upon retirement, while applications and documents were submitted only to the Pension Fund. Now on the official website of the pension fund it is noted that you can also submit an application through the multifunctional center.

So, in order to apply for a pension, you need to decide where the documents will be submitted - to the Pension Fund or the MFC. Next, you need to contact the department of your choice, taking with you the documents provided earlier. A specialist will take the package of documents and help you draw up the application correctly. If you have all the necessary documents with you, the specialist will take the originals and within 10 days you will receive a pension certificate. To avoid queues, you should. Also available in every region of the country.

  • Important
  • You can submit documents to apply for a pension one month before reaching the generally established age.

How to apply for a pension through government services

Do you want to avoid queues and unnecessary calls to the pension fund when applying for a pension? A single portal of government services will help you. If you have an account with government services, you can fill out an application electronically. After consideration of the application, you will only have to appear at territorial body Pension Fund or MFC to submit original documents for verification. You won’t have to stand in a general queue, as they will be waiting for you at the appointed time.. If you are not yet registered on the government services portal, we recommend that you do so. Step by step instructions given .

To apply for a pension through government services, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link gosuslugi.ru and log in;
  2. Select the “Service Catalog” section;
  3. Select the category “Pension, benefits and benefits”;
  4. Go to the section “Establishing a pension”;
  5. Select the “Pension Assignment” service;
  6. Read the terms of service and click on the “Get service” button.

Now you need to fill out an electronic application. Step-by-step instructions are not required here, since the system itself gives the appropriate hints. As soon as your application is reviewed, you will receive a notification about the need to contact the executive body that you selected when filling out the electronic application to submit original documents. The list of required documents is provided on the government service website. We have also provided relevant information above. If any documents are missing, they can be submitted within three months.

How to apply for an old-age pension through the Pension Fund website

In addition to the public service portal, the opportunity to submit an application in the form of an electronic document is available in the citizen’s personal account on the pension fund website. However, to log into your personal account you need a government services account. Therefore, if you don’t have one, but you decide to apply for a pension via the Internet, you will have to. It won't take much time.

To apply for a pension on the Pension Fund website, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link pfrf.ru and click on the link “Citizen’s Personal Account”;
  2. Click on the “Login” button;
  3. Click on the “Login” button and enter your details from your government services account;
  4. Select the item “Submit an application for a pension”;
  5. Fill out the application following the system prompts.

The procedure will be the same as when submitting a similar application through a single portal of public services. Likewise, at the appointed time, you will need to visit the PFR or MFC unit of your choice to submit documents.