How to make a girl fall in love with you via correspondence. How to make a girl fall in love with you via correspondence on VKontakte and other messengers? How to get a girl to like you in correspondence with compliments

Most couples meet on the Internet, this is the modern style of life and communication. So I met my incredibly beautiful and sexy wife on the pages of a popular social network. networks.

Oh yes, let's get to know each other first, - Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kotlyar, who works at the plant, managed to win the heart of an incredible beauty, created a great family, and all this with the help of the Internet and the ability to communicate.

I'll tell you a few simple but very important tricks on how to please a girl by correspondence. By collecting and analyzing all the information and actions of your friends, you will find real secrets from real men who have achieved their dreams.

By following simple steps to achieve your goal, you can achieve success for any girl, despite her marital status. Simply put, there is a boyfriend or husband, it doesn’t play a special role.

Success from the beginning of communication or how to write to a girl so that she likes her

  1. Grammar, spelling and other rules that you simply must, if you don’t know by heart, then learn them with the help of a textbook.
    • The person who begins the phrase “Hello deFChOnka” ​​in most cases ends up in an emergency. These same phrases include “Why are you so timid,” etc.
    • A woman’s brain immediately recognizes the illiteracy of her interlocutor, and the subconscious automatically makes an assessment and is far from favoring the one who wrote illiterately.
  2. Explore her interests. The way the female psyche works is that everything that worries her, she posts either in status or in pictures with a hint. With a smart approach and understanding of female nature, you can immediately find out about her hobbies, favorite films or music, attitude towards the world, towards friends.
  3. Be sure of her marital status; if the girl is single, all the cards are already in your pocket. If you have a boyfriend or husband, you will have to work hard here, maybe longer than usual. If, when you see a girl, you understand that this is fate, then your rivals, even the strongest ones, are not a hindrance.

So, scrolling through a wall or seeing a beautiful girl by chance, you decide that this lady’s heart should belong to you. After looking through the wall and reading the statuses, you determined her interests and you liked them. Which side should you approach from so that you don’t get knocked out in three seconds?

The question of how to please a girl via correspondence on VK worries most of us. I think everyone has encountered a situation where they saw a beautiful girl, the incredible eyes on her avatar captured the brain, and rushing into personal correspondence, she was refused, ignored, or immediately blocked from her page.

I suggest, friends, to figure out how to interest girls by starting a correspondence on VK.

We prepare bait or create an interlocutor who is ideal in all respects.

  • We clean out our photo albums - without any sense of nostalgia, remove photos with your exes, photos while intoxicated, or those where you look unaesthetic. It just so happens that girls love beautiful people.
  • We remove pornographic texts, videos, photos. This does not make us look good, but will show dissatisfaction in this regard.
  • I recommend it to everyone! Have a photo shoot by choosing a beautiful but masculine backdrop. A couple of suits to change, a T-shirt or comfortable, casual clothes. Every day, novice photographers, for a small fee, will take you several dozen good photographs where you will be in all your glory. Half the battle is done! Now, a young lady who sees your profile with an excellent photo will be able to really appreciate the irresistibility of her admirer.
  • Don't rush to start a dialogue. Visit her page, rate her photos and statuses. Get her interested in the fact that she liked it, but don't reveal all the cards at once.

To be honest, when I met my wife, she lived with a guy... I added her, saw that her marital status meant being busy, and gave up the attempt. To my surprise, he was added as a friend, but did not communicate with her. I had a picture from the world of philosophy, and I noticed that this girl was interested in the topic of philosophy and meditation. Then something tugged at me, I studied her interest groups and wrote, as I remember now, utter nonsense on this topic.

She was silent for a long time, did not react, then she said that I did not understand this matter and advised me to read certain books, then it would be possible to talk to me about this topic.
I never read like that in school! In three days I read everything she wrote.

The second attempt was more difficult with communication; I acted very carefully so as not to scare him away. I sought a meeting from the day of the second attempt for 7 months. And only after 7 fascinating months of dialogue he invited me to a tea party.

At first we communicated as acquaintances with similar interests, I myself liked the topic, I could give out my no longer stupid thoughts and reasoning.

What conclusions can I draw from these steps?

Girls are unpredictable in their decisions and choices. If you want to please a girl by correspondence, one mistake made in a hurry will ruin all your efforts.

Which path of communication should you take to a girl’s heart?

  • Always ask how the day went, what new and interesting things happened. – Do not under any circumstances give any hints of jealousy or control on your part through your communication. Only sincerity and interest in her pastime. This is one of the main mistakes that girls do not tolerate; they can only be controlled after the start of a relationship, but not before.
  • If you notice even the slightest hint of a bad mood, try not to be intrusive. A beautiful bouquet of roses, daisies or a basket of flowers sent with a postcard will certainly please the fairer sex. This type is suitable for a variety of pictures of cute bunnies, cats or dogs, which evoke pleasant emotions, a smile and a good mood in the delicate female nature.
  • Come up with a greeting and farewell ritual. In the morning, send your cute cat wishes for a good day. At night, send cuddling bunnies, sleeping dogs, etc., depending on the stage of correspondence and your already established relationship. During the day, you can casually send her a flower or a cute picture. But I don’t advise you to go too far with this; it’s better to seem like a courageous Banderas than a “cute bunny.”
  • Don't devote all your time to communicating with a girl, even if she is the only one you can think about soberly. A busy person is much more interesting than a boy who responds to any messages within ten seconds.
  • Any hobby that will characterize you as an interesting conversationalist, a person with a lot of knowledge and knows how to behave in society, attracts attention.
  • Develop, learn. Sign up for foreign language and swimming courses. Visit gyms. Etiquette courses will also be useful. Perhaps this baby has always dreamed of learning how to dance in pairs. There are certainly such courses in your city, invite her to dance as your partner. Be sure to admire her successes and help her overcome her complexes.
  • Become her reliable friend and interesting conversationalist. Be an integral part of her daily communication.

When a connection is found and communication between two people is set up, at this moment it is important not to miss a special detail. You must clearly, courageously show that you want a serious relationship. To do this, set yourself the goal of conducting all communication according to the scheme of creating strong relationships, and not friendly communication. And if your lady, when hinting at such a relationship, does not begin to move away or refer to friendship, then everything goes according to plan.

Well, if you allowed me to become a friend, then I suggest you remember the film “Sex for Friendship”. A created friendship can easily become the beginning of your relationship.

When communication turned into telephone mode

In order not to stammer immediately after the greeting, I suggest you carefully study the following list:

  1. To begin, choose a place for a quiet phone conversation where you will not be interrupted throughout the conversation. Neither your beloved mother with borscht, nor friends with beer should be background sound during your conversation. This will not only distract you and prevent you from focusing on smart words, but will also show your interlocutor that there is no time for her now.
  2. When communicating over the phone, choose a position that is comfortable for you; this is not a video call, so feeling at ease and calm before starting the conversation will be very useful.
  3. Both when communicating on a social network via messages and by telephone, take an interest in her pastime and mood.
  4. In search of answers to the exciting question “how will a girl like you on the phone,” many guys are looking for phrases, the list of which should, like a magnet, attract everyone who hears them. No matter how funny it may sound, there are such lists, and those who doubt their abilities try to use these tempting phrases. They often fail and say that the list did not work. I don’t agree; girls really are affected by phrases like:

But, you need to feel the moment when these very words will strike the girl and force her to echo them in the left hemisphere for more than an hour before going to bed.

Be sure to watch the intonation in your voice; do not shout at others in the desire to falsely demonstrate that you are stronger. Any manifestations of rudeness will indicate your extreme impulsiveness. Such signs immediately repel your interlocutors, watch your expressions of emotions, and you definitely shouldn’t use obscene language in your speech.

As a result, only you choose what to write to the girl you like. If changes happen to you for the better, but the girl you like hasn’t shown reciprocity, it’s not the end of the world.

But the next time you try to start dating, you will definitely be confident in your abilities, and you are unlikely to regret that you have increased your level of knowledge and, accordingly, have become a much more interesting interlocutor.

Try to improve yourself and then, having become the best, you will certainly win a place in the fantasies of the best girl who will appreciate your personality and you as an interesting and individual man. With this you will definitely be comfortable running in the morning, dancing or swimming in the afternoon, and in the evening it won’t be boring...watching a movie.

Good luck on the love front with advice from Dmitry Kotlyar!

The Internet allows people not only to receive information, but also to meet people. In this regard, many guys are wondering how they can make a girl fall in love with them through correspondence. To win a lady’s heart, you should carefully study the main nuances of virtual communication. They will help bring the acquaintance to a real meeting.

To win the girl you like by correspondence, you need to competently approach the construction of dialogue in the virtual space. Following the basic rules of conducting a conversation on the Internet will help to interest a woman:

  1. Always be polite. The pickup urges men to be persistent in order to win the heart of a lady. But often they try to comply with this instruction using rudeness, inflated self-esteem and pretentious arrogance. Such a fatal mistake scares away girls not only online, but also in real life. In order for a woman to like the conversation, a guy needs to carefully select his words, not use swear words and maintain distance.
  2. Avoid one-way communication. Make sure that the topic of conversation during virtual communication is of interest to everyone. If the girl is silent, then it’s time to change the tactics and direction of the conversation.
  3. To prevent the correspondence from ending 5 minutes after the first message, try to answer your interlocutor’s questions in detail. This will allow the girl to get to know her new friend better. Avoid questions that can be answered in monosyllables: “yes,” “no,” “I don’t know.”
  4. Be interested in your interlocutor. A woman will be flattered by attention to her own person. In addition, the versatile facets of her personality will allow you to find a suitable path to your heart.
  5. Errors in the text are clearly evident in the correspondence. When sending your next message to a lady, don’t be lazy to re-read it and eliminate any shortcomings. An illiterate young man can scare a woman away.
  6. To brighten up the dialogue, don't hesitate to show a sense of humor. Jokes and funny stories will definitely bring you closer to your virtual interlocutor.

Just recently, young people met completely by chance on the street, at a party, but today, thanks to the Internet, you can meet a pretty girl without leaving home.

Social networks have literally burst into our lives, so why not take advantage of them and charm a cute young lady on VKontakte? In order to please your interlocutor and arouse her genuine interest, you should adhere to certain rules and not use standard phrases that are boring to everyone.

Advice from psychologists and experienced pick-up artists will help you figure out how to interest a girl on a social network.

Before you write to the beauty you like, you need to carefully study your own VK page for possible incriminating evidence and simply not the most pleasant things. For example, it is difficult to seduce a girl:

  • photographs where you are presented in an unfavorable light - drunk, hugging depraved girls, just having a bad night out, etc.;
  • photographs in which, in addition to a person, you can see garbage in the background, a sloppily made bed;
  • obscene or indecent statuses, especially in which you speak poorly about female representatives (for example, after breaking up with an ex-girlfriend);
  • by being in groups that clearly indicate your intentions, for example, “Pickup for dummies”, “How to seduce in 5 minutes”, “How to hook her up on VK” or “How to seduce her for quick sex”.

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about uniform requirements for filling out your profile on VK or other social networks, but some principles can still be voiced.

A guy’s profile should differ from a girl’s page in its restraint and laconicism, that is, there shouldn’t be too much information, but it should intrigue.

To interest a girl, it is important to understand what, first of all, her attention is drawn to. So, lovely young ladies who are on VKontakte or on a dating site are interested in:

  1. Age of the potential chosen one. So, indicate your real details so as not to cause rejection later at a personal meeting;
  2. Marital status. If you are in a serious relationship (especially married), it is better to indicate this. A girl looking for a certain acquaintance will answer in any case, and if you hide this detail from a decent young lady, you risk ruining her life, since she may fall in love;
  3. High-quality photographs. Not all guys can seduce a girl with a naked torso, so it’s better to publish your own photos dressed and without sunglasses. It is also necessary to refuse other people's photographs.

The more pictures you have on your profile, the more favorable the impression you will make on the young lady.

How to hook a girl with your page? Post photos in which you:

  • are in a family circle;
  • cuddle with pets (young ladies adore cats and dogs);
  • captured at performances or concerts;
  • engaged in physical exercise or sports (cycling, football).

However, it is necessary not to cross that fine line, after which the girl will begin to perceive you as an inveterate egoist, concerned only with her appearance.

Many young people are concerned with intriguing a potential interlocutor, attracting her attention and prolonging communication as long as possible.

The only sure way to interest a girl by correspondence is to avoid templates, do not use hackneyed phrases and questions: “How are you?”, “What are you doing?”

You can intrigue a young lady who is already basking in the rays of popularity only with politeness, an extraordinary approach and sincere attention.

Examples of win-win options are given below:

  1. "Hello. I came across your page in the community (group name). I decided to write to you because I am also interested in these issues.” This way you show that there is something in common between you.
  2. "Greetings! I saw you yesterday in real life, you are even cuter in real life than in the photographs.” Here we can highlight two successful moments: firstly, you, and secondly, the girl will begin to find out where you could meet. That is, a conversation begins and questions about how to interest a girl are no longer so pressing.
  3. “Imagine, just yesterday I saw you in a dream, and today I noticed you on VKontakte. Do you believe in such coincidences? This is the so-called pickup truck. But if you don’t mind this way of seducing a girl, bombard her with similar questions.

Giving numerous examples and templates for correspondence on the Internet is a thankless task, since only in your own words can you convey your admiration for the girl’s appearance and character. The main thing is that they should not contain vulgarity, overt flattery or sexual innuendo.

10 rules for attracting attention

How to interest a girl by communicating with her on VK? Of course, it all depends on your specific goals: serious relationship, idle chatter on the Internet, pickup. However, several basic principles can be identified that will help seduce a young lady, intrigue her and encourage her to continue correspondence.

  1. Be positive. No online beauty can resist a cool guy, so try to demonstrate your positive attitude as often as possible. Intriguing jokes, moderately humorous stories, and the use of funny emoticons will help simplify communication and pick up a girl.
  2. Don't brag. Self-promotion is, of course, good, but knowing when to stop is even better. It is unlikely that a young lady will positively perceive a guy who constantly brags and talks about how great he is in some area. Let her draw her own conclusion; your task is to please and intrigue her.
  3. Show a variety of interests. Again, don’t brag, but show how unusual and versatile you are. For example, you appear before her in the role of a shirtless guy, and then send her touching poems of your own composition. This will definitely help to seduce the unapproachable beauty.
  4. Make communication easier. To pick up a young lady, create a relaxed communication situation. Indicate those questions that are pleasant to both of you. This could be literature, travel and recreation, a general passion for sports or pets. This is another answer to how to interest a girl.
  5. Leave the intrigue. A pickup truck is an effective method of attracting female attention, no matter how you treat it. Try to stay closer to your interlocutor, then further away. For example, communicate with her for several days, and then disappear from VK for a couple of days. The “reason” can be very different: helping a sick grandmother, babysitting a niece.
  6. Send media files. Writing a message is too boring for social networks with their truly limitless possibilities. In VKontakte you can send pictures, music files, video clips, GIFs, etc. to your interlocutor. This will help, if not hook her up, then definitely interest her.
  7. Don't be intrusive. If you want to find out if a girl can pay attention to you, try simply writing a message with a similar question. This will show that you value her time and respect her opinion. Otherwise, she will begin to get irritated, which means that you will definitely not be able to seduce her later.
  8. Be polite. How to attract a girl with the first questions and messages? Show your politeness and good manners. Let us repeat once again - give up swearing, especially since obscene words in writing look much more repulsive than in spoken speech. In addition, address the girl by name, this will make you stand out among the crowd of fans.
  9. Don't ask about your personal life. Asking a woman about her previous relationships is not a good idea. Perhaps she dreams of forgetting her ex, and generally does not want to talk to a stranger about such personal topics. Questions like these will only alienate your interlocutor.
  10. Go to SMS. If you managed to pick up a girl and she gave you her phone number, be sure to take advantage of it, because with the help of SMS you can

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers deal with any difficulties.

Dating on the street is becoming rare. Young people often prefer to look for girls through social media. networks or dating sites. The dialogue between two people turns into short messages in instant messengers, forums or SMS.

The beginning of communication can begin with a couple of short phrases. It is these phrases that arouse the interlocutors’ interest in the stronger sex.

Psychology of interest

Many pick-up coaches and NLP specialists can give a bunch of practices and techniques for winning a girl’s interest. However, they all forget that there are several basic principles on which any communication is built.

Important! Maintaining interest is not a one-time message with a beautiful phrase or witticism. This is the ability to maintain a conversation in any situation, even when the conversation is “stalling” or the interlocutor is not in the mood for communication.

There are a lot of non-verbal signs by which you can determine the interest of the opposite sex. But what to do when your interlocutor is sitting on the other side of the monitor, and you can only communicate with her through messages.

Don't despair. The letter also contains signs of sympathy.

Let's look at them in order:

  1. A jumble of exclamation marks, question marks, as well as emoticons or emojis. Women are very emotional by nature. If a girl puts a bunch of extra signs or emoticons, you know that she is interested in you.
  2. Surprise and admiration. This works both in simple communication and in flirting. The girl subconsciously wants to see a strong man in her interlocutor. So she tries to praise him.
  3. Additional questions. If your interlocutor throws back questions, she is interested in you. In principle, this is the basic principle of any communication.
  4. Quick transition from formal to informal communication style. The girl suggested switching to “you” - this is a good sign. Thus, it shows that your conversation has moved to a new level of communication.
  5. Laughter. At this point, you need to distinguish between laughter and excessive punctuation marks with a series of emoticons. Usually people focus their interest on a good joke or witticism. This is immediately obvious. Most women love funny men and respond well to a good sense of humor.

The listed signs, to one degree or another, indicate interest.

Of course, there are girls with a very bad sense of humor, as well as materialistic ladies who are only interested in the size of your wallet. For such women, a conversation is a formality that carries no meaning.

Reference! To really surprise a girl, find out everything you can about her. Social profiles can help with this. networks, as well as mutual acquaintances in real life.

Ask everything about her interests, favorite music, books, movies. Mention her favorite writer or musician in your correspondence. A positive reaction will not keep you waiting long.

The video describes the main signs that a girl through correspondence likes you:

How to win a woman's heart?

Conversation is a flexible substance. By communicating, a person shows his culture, the richness of his inner world.

You should not approach this issue schematically, or shoot memorized phrases like a machine gun. There is also no need to use “speech scripts”. It is better to be prepared for any turn in the conversation.

To do this, you need to know the principles of communication that will help win a woman’s heart.

Rules of communication

To be an interesting conversationalist it is enough to:

  1. Be able to listen. Women love to be heard and listened to. For writing, this statement sounds a little awkward, however, this principle also works in non-verbal communication. In a conversation, you can always determine that the interlocutor has completed his logical chain of thoughts. Know how to find this line in correspondence. Let the girl speak, and she will respond with sympathy.
  2. Don't be boorish and don't be rude. Some people think that a little roughness and intensity can be seen as attractive qualities. And it really works. But not at all and only in real life. To attract interest online, it is better to choose calm and polite phrases. Until the girl suggests switching to “you”.
  3. Don't scrape around. No one likes excessive “bashing” or fawning. Especially for a woman. This is a weakness that should be avoided.
  4. Be interested in her hobbies and interests. Girls love it when people show interest in them. Especially if it concerns their personal interests.
  5. Do not throw around cliches and clichés. Remove “hello, how are you” and “beauty, your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law” from the speech. Come up with a couple of original phrases that will speak of you as an extraordinary person, and not just another “son-in-law for mom.”
  6. Make jokes, but don't go too far. Girls love men with a good sense of humor. This is an axiom. However, you should not make fun of a woman’s appearance. This risks ending the conversation.
  7. Give compliments. Again, there is no need to flatter and sprinkle beautiful words like from a cornucopia. Falseness can be felt even through a computer or smartphone screen. One or two interesting compliments will add a couple of points to your piggy bank and will not scare away the fair sex.
  8. Be confident. Never complain or mention your weaknesses when you first meet someone. Women don't like weaklings. Interest will quickly fade out of pity.
  9. Make an unexpected offer. It is not necessary to invite you to the cinema or on the street. Make an offer to go to the zoo or wax museum. Women love bright emotions.

These are general tips that can help attract interest in your person.

According to most women, a man's sexiest organ is his brain. Remember this!

Reference! Sometimes acquaintance occurs on specialized Internet sites. In this case, there is very little initial information about the person. Searching for a person on social media will help correct this situation. networks through “image search” on Google.

Save the avatar images to your computer and run it through a search engine. In this way you can find a page on social media. networks with complete information about the interlocutor.

The rules for correspondence with a girl are described in the video:

Example phrases

Based on these principles, here are some examples of phrases that will help in establishing initial contact:

  • "Good afternoon! Welcome to the Fund for the Protection of Lovely Girls. Our diagnostics revealed sadness in your eyes, can we help you?” (casual cheerful greeting);
  • “What a great day to start communicating” (neutral non-standard greeting);
  • “Tell me why you have such big and beautiful green (blue/brown/blue) eyes” (a neat compliment);
  • “Hello, have you heard the song of (name a musical idol)?” (common interests);
  • “I seem to have lost my sense of humor, have you found it?” (non-standard greeting);
  • “You’re damn good-looking!” (unusual compliment-greeting);
  • “Shall we go to the forest? Let’s buy nuts and feed the squirrels by hand” (unexpected proposal).

Important! These examples are provided as a guide. You shouldn't copy them blindly. Remember - your individuality is the key to success. Come up with your own unusual phrases, and you will gain recognition among the fair sex.

The video explains how to start a conversation with a girl:

To be interesting means to be an attentive, cheerful and smart person.

Learn and develop. Feel free to experiment with different phrases in dialogue, and very soon you will become a very interesting conversationalist.

A page on a social network is a source of first information about a girl; here, using her personal data and photographs, you can find out about her hobbies, priorities, type of activity, date of birth and marital status. In order for a girl to like you on a social network, a man definitely needs to monitor her account, adjust his own, and also learn the rules of dating and communication.

Most often, the most difficult stage of correspondence on VK with a girl for a guy is the question of getting to know each other. Many people hesitate to take the first step, wondering what to write to her in order to attract attention. The main rule is no banality, since girls really don’t like boring and boring guys who ask the same type of questions, such as “how are you” or “what are you doing.”

The first message should be concise, short and not burden the girl’s perception. At the beginning of communication, three questions must be discussed:

  • who is a man (his idea);
  • for what purpose does he begin communication;
  • why among all the girls he singled out this particular girl.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

It is the first messages that are the most important, since they determine whether communication between young people will work out or whether the girl will prefer to end the communication at the very beginning. You can choose examples of how to meet a girl, but add something of your own to them so as not to be banal.

The first message may be due to the fact that the guy and the girl have common interests and common ground. You can also start communication by asking for help, for example, asking for a hint on what to give to a sister of the same age as the girl. Or you can start a discussion about music or new movies by being in the same community or forum. The main thing is that it does not look like a way to seduce a girl, but rather like an easy and relaxed conversation.

Basic rules for making a girl fall in love with you via correspondence

Few guys believe that through correspondence you can seduce and even make a girl fall in love with you. In fact, such skill is possessed by skilled pick-up artists, who name 8 basic rules that work in this direction. Namely:

  • competent speech without errors;
  • correspondence should not be ordinary, but rather with a romantic twist;
  • do not be embarrassed to talk about your merits, but only without bragging;
  • humor is the main condition for how to fall in love with a girl by correspondence;
  • you need to ask more often about the girl’s life, her interests, goals and priorities;
  • you need to avoid repeating yourself in your letters so as not to be branded as a boring guy without imagination;
  • communication should be natural and relaxed, there is no need to pretend to be someone you are not.

Do you prefer to meet people on the Internet?


By following these simple rules, a man will be able to present himself most worthily in the eyes of a girl, conquer her with his charisma, goals in life, humor, intelligence and kindness. We must not forget that girls love with their ears, so during correspondence it is important to make unobtrusive and as truthful compliments as possible.

Effective ways to get a girl to like you

To please a girl through correspondence on the Internet, you need to not only use puns, but also be a virtuoso in amorous matters. It is clear that it will be difficult for a 14-year-old boy to comprehend such an art, but for experienced men who understand female psychology, several effective tools will help to make a girl fall in love with him, namely:

  1. - you can send the girls someone else’s creation, but it would be much better to compose a poem yourself to win her heart.
  2. Pictures- almost all girls love romance, so along with poems you can send pictures with landscapes, various photos of couples in love, funny animals and flowers.
  3. Compliments- a powerful weapon that helps to win a woman’s heart, undoubtedly, these are compliments, the main thing is that they are not vulgar and banal.

Every girl wants to feel attention to her person, so during the conversation you can note her kindness, sincerity, external and internal beauty, etc. A man should try to build a dialogue in such a way as to be interested in her life, interests, preferences, and leave a little intrigue about himself and understatement to fuel her interest.

What not to do?

In order to build friendship and sympathy between young people through correspondence, it is extremely important for a man to understand for himself the main contraindications in communicating with the opposite sex. Often, under the influence of sympathy and desire to please, many make typical mistakes, namely:

  • lies— there is no need to take credit for other people’s merits or embellish your capabilities and achievements;
  • declaration of love at the beginning of acquaintance - any girl will consider such a guy either a joker or crazy;
  • empty promises- unfulfilled promises will be considered frivolous intentions;
  • ingratiation- women love strong men with character, so it’s also impossible to fulfill all her whims and wishes;
  • vulgarity, rudeness and obscene language- in this case, the girl will immediately turn the lapel;
  • pressure on her- obsessive behavior can alienate a girl forever and block access to communication with her.

Having mastered all these tricks and rules of behavior, any guy will learn to communicate competently with the opposite sex, leaving behind only the most positive impressions and emotions. The main thing is that live correspondence with mutual interest develops into real acquaintance in time.


You also need to be able to communicate on the Internet, because non-verbal communication cannot convey all those feelings and emotions, which means that the risks of being incomprehensible are much higher. But if you learn all the rules and recommendations of experts on how to communicate with a girl by correspondence, you can not only make acquaintance with the person you like, but also arouse mutual sympathy in her. And sooner or later this will develop into a relationship.