How to become sociable. How to be a friendly person

Many, if not all, have problems communicating with others. Some people cannot make new acquaintances, others cannot maintain friendships for a long time, others constantly have awkward pauses during conversations due to the inability to maintain a conversation.

How to become a sociable and interesting person? There are many tips that are easy to put into practice. Over time, you will learn to find a common language with any person and will do it easily and naturally.

Tips on how to become more sociable, positive and overcome modesty

1 - Don't force things. You don’t need much to get acquainted, just see the person and you already know each other. Your introduction should be consistent and unobtrusive:

— for the first contact it is enough to say hello, shake hands, introduce yourself and ask for a name. At the same time, you must behave with reasonable confidence;

- find common topics for conversation;

- after you have talked a little on simple, general topics, you can deepen the communication, touch on topics that are interesting to you or interesting to your interlocutor;

- only after all this can you ask questions about life, family, relationships.

This will help you understand how to become open and very sociable. You should not force things and ask personal questions in the first minutes of communication. A person cannot just open up; it takes some time.

2 - Know how to listen. Many people like to brag about their successes, children, work, or complain about problems. After all, everyone knows that sometimes you need to speak out to make it easier, or vice versa, so that others will praise you and rejoice with you. To be sociable, you must show your interlocutor that you know how to listen, while you must ask questions and comment.

3 — People communicating have something in common: a problem, an interest, a hobby, an idea. You need to learn to find this commonality in order to maintain a conversation, sharing experiences and opinions.

In fact, finding this commonality can be difficult, because interests can be both obvious and hidden. For example, young mothers have obvious interests - feeding, raising, dressing babies, while students have obvious interests - classes, schedules, completing assignments. Hidden interest may simply be the desire to talk to someone, to relieve boredom.

In order to easily make friends, find a common language even with people completely different from you, you need to find common ground. It may turn out that you love the same sport or breed some animals. When communicating, you should not limit the topic of conversation; let your interlocutor speak out. You can ask leading conversations, such as how he spent his weekend. After all, as you know, people devote their free time to their hobbies.

4 - Become useful to your interlocutor. It is important not only to find something in common with a person, but also to be useful to him in this matter.

5 - Be moderately confident in yourself. People around you may be put off if you hesitate, cannot even put two words together, or, on the contrary, will present yourself in the brightest light. You can find yourself in a stupid situation and look far from being an intelligent and erudite person.

You must know your worth, you must imagine what level you are at, and be sure to demonstrate this to your interlocutor. In fact, this is almost the most important thing in the question of how to become a sociable girl or guy.

6 - Take initiative. Many people are annoyed when a person only supports the topic of conversation that the interlocutor imposes on him.
He agrees with everything, listens to everything and doesn’t even take the initiative to change the subject.

It can actually be annoying. Try to at least sometimes insist on topics that interest you. You must show that although you understand nothing about the politics that your interlocutor likes, you can tell a lot of interesting and useful things about archaeology.

7 - Be a smart conversationalist. You must be useful to your interlocutor. It is not enough that you simply listen. You need to keep the conversation going, and without the proper knowledge, you won't be able to do that. Today, intelligence is more highly valued than ever before. Of course, if you have an athletic, pumped-up body, that’s good, and it will attract attention. However, the priority will be to communicate with a frail know-it-all than with a stupid jock.

8 - Be witty. In friendly companies they often compete in wit, and laughter always reigns in them. By making people smile, you not only make them feel good, but also show them how nice and friendly you are.

Laughter will help you become friendlier and more sociable in the eyes of others. They will be drawn to you, because in general people do not like bores, do not like abstruse phrases and pre-prepared templates. A person must be witty at the moment, based on the situation.

9 - Don't be a misanthrope. A misanthrope is a person who sees only flaws in others. This is a very harmful character trait that prevents you from understanding how to become a sociable person; moreover, it does not allow you to do this. Fight misanthropy.

Misanthropes suffer from shyness. Therefore, if you want to become bolder, look for dignity in people, try to get to know those around you better, take an interest in their lives. And you will understand that there are very good people with whom it is not just pleasant to talk, but you can learn something useful from them.

11 — Know how to turn negative moments into a joke. Nobody is perfect. During communication, the interlocutor may accidentally offend you. You must develop in yourself the quality of not being offended by trifles and not reacting to them with rudeness. Of course, you should not act as if you are not offended by barbs directed at you. On the contrary, show that you are hurt, but at the same time have forgiven your interlocutor. Next time he won't make such mistakes again.

12 - Hide the fact that you need communication. People can be irritated and scared off by excessive intrusiveness of communication, or indeed any intrusiveness in general. Try to be careful and tactful.

13 - People around him notice his peculiarity in a person. You have it too. Keep track of what attracts attention most about you - an unusual haircut, education, social circle. The next time you meet someone, start with your highlight.

How to become a more sociable and relaxed girl?

Above we have offered many tips that are suitable for both men and women. However, women's psychology is a little different from men's, so we offer some tips for girls that will help them understand how to become sociable and not be shy.

A girl is much more emotional than a man. Therefore, brighter and livelier emotions are expected from the weaker half of humanity: laughter, tears, delight. If a woman does not show emotions, she looks dry and callous, incapable of feelings. Little attention is paid to such people.

Another feature of women that distinguishes them from men is conservatism. They adhere to the golden mean in everything, while a man can be either too emotional or cold and calculating. To appear open and sociable in the eyes of others, avoid extremes. If you are in a society where people are reserved and tactful, then “strong” male words will put you in an awkward position. In addition, if a man is silent, they will think that he is thinking about something, but if a woman is silent, they will consider her strange or think that she is offended.

How to become sociable and interesting?

Talk about your feelings. Again, if a girl is in a good mood, overly talkative and smiling, this may lead to suspicions as to why she is like this. And vice versa, if she is gloomy and constantly silent, she will be considered a bore and a bore. Therefore, talk about how you feel, that you are in a great mood, or, conversely, that you are having a bad day today and feel unwell. This will help you avoid unnecessary questions and thoughts, and will also set you on the right wave of communication.

Do good

Today there is a lot of useful literature on the topic of how to become more open and sociable. For example, the book “Secrets of Self-Confidence” by Anthony Robert. The book can not only influence your life, but also radically change it for the better. It is written in simple language and provides real-life examples that we encounter every day. You will begin to behave in a new way, which will make your life brighter, more successful and happier.

We hope that we have helped you understand how to become a sociable person. In fact, there is nothing more beautiful and pleasant than communicating with a kind and interesting person. As they say, if you want to change the world, start yourself. Say only kind things, smile more often, become a good person and people will be drawn to you. This will not only be useful for communication, but will also greatly help in life, you will become truly happy.

Many people find it very difficult to make friends. And for this case there is no universal recipe. It all depends on the individual and his ability to build relationships with others. a sociable person? Use the tips in this article.

1. Be yourself.

If you are thinking about how to be more sociable, then first of all learn to openly express your position. Be yourself and don't be afraid of how others will react. If your opinion causes aggression and misunderstanding in someone, just try not to pay attention to it.

2. Improve yourself.

It is necessary to develop and improve yourself in all areas of life. This approach will add self-confidence and help get rid of inhibitions when conducting dialogues with other people.

3. Remember to smile.

How to be more sociable? More often tells your interlocutor about your favor and interest. But you need to use a smile with caution, because if you smile in any situation, you may be misunderstood. This will only alienate others.

Sociability is also trained through social networks. There you can find new friends all over the world. All you have to do is join a group of common interests. Well, without eye contact, communication becomes simpler and more relaxed. Over time, this is projected into real life.

5. Develop a sense of humor.

Not only men should have a sense of humor. If a girl is thinking about how to become sociable and cheerful, you can recommend that she develop her personality. But here it is important not to overdo it. Rude and inappropriate jokes turn people off.

6. Listen.

Show interest in your interlocutor. Every person likes to talk more than listen. If you listened carefully to your opponent, he will certainly appreciate it.

7. Remember self-respect.

It is important to respect not only others, but also yourself. After all, how can you be more sociable if those around you have neither respect nor love for you? By learning to love yourself and knowing your worth (at the same time, self-esteem must be adequate), you can raise your own rating in the eyes of others.

8. Say hello to others.

Don't be afraid to do this, even if they are unfamiliar to you. Make an effort and make it a goal to regularly say hello and occasionally strike up conversations. It will be great if you say hello to a complete stranger.

9. Learn beautiful speech.

In order not to think about how to be more sociable, you need to develop your own speech. After all, a correctly and clearly formulated speech always makes a pleasant impression. Intonation is no less important. To train it, you should read interesting and competent literature. The best option is the classic. This will broaden your horizons and subconsciously transfer the acquired skills into everyday speech.

10. Take action!

Make a plan to develop the quality of sociability and take some action every day. This is the only way to become sociable, make friends and get rid of loneliness.

In fact, almost all people experience communication problems. At least I don’t know of a single person who would be completely satisfied with communication with all others. There will still be someone who is difficult to approach. But this is a slightly different matter. In this article we will talk about the problem of sociability. This includes many phenomena:

- acquaintance;

- maintaining a conversation;

- conversations in the company;

— defending one’s own beliefs, etc.

I hope the tips below will help you understand how to become sociable. I will try to give as many useful recommendations as possible that you can actually apply. Some of them will be more useful, others less. Try to try everything, and only then draw conclusions about its effectiveness.

Stay on top of things

The problem with most conversations is that the topic is not fully understood. Each microgroup has some interests that allow them to unite and identify themselves with other people. But this is the smart way, and to put it simply, you should be on the same wavelength with your interlocutors.

Let's say a group of students is discussing their schedule, a recent lecture, or a difficult assignment. At work they can discuss projects, salary and boss. Housewives - their husbands, new wallpapers and events in the series. There is always some topic that characterizes certain people, and if you understand it, the dialogue will go by itself.

For example, I can talk a lot about psychology, business, SEO, copywriting and some other areas. If in a new team people start talking about these topics, then I will immediately be able to carry on the conversation and tell a lot of interesting things. Likewise, you need to understand the main problems and interests of the people with whom you want to establish relationships.

But this applies if we are talking about a group conversation, but what about dialogue? in that case? Everything is simple here too. Start the conversation with standard phrases and try to understand the person's main hobbies. The easiest option is to ask what he did on the weekend, since most people prefer to spend their free time on their favorite things.

Be helpful

People rarely do anything for no reason. This is one of the basic psychology. In order for there to be a reaction, a stimulus is needed. So it is with conversation. If you can't bring anything useful to people, then why should they come to you? Let's say in the case of students discussing a schedule. If you have no idea where the classroom is or what the teacher's name is, then you will be much less likely to be contacted.

This problem is easily solved if you have any profile. For example, professional doctors rarely suffer from a lack of communication, since many people are trying to find out how they can cope with a particular disease. You also have to become someone useful if you want to communicate more. It is unlikely, of course, that a specialist in the development of nanotechnological materials will be able to tell something useful to the average person, but it’s easy for people close to his work.

And in general, the more useful you are as a person, in principle, the less you will suffer from lack of communication. Therefore, try to develop whenever you can. By the way, to understand how to become a sociable person, you could be taking on a ton of debt. Believe me, then people will be drawn to you :)

Of course, if your social circle consists of gopniks with a bottle of beer, then this advice is unlikely to be useful to you (although it will still help to some extent). But in this case, you would hardly read this material. Think for yourself which interlocutor is more interesting for you to communicate with:

  • He knows a lot, tells interesting facts, can be of interest and will easily answer questions;
  • He barely ties two words together and his area of ​​knowledge ends with events that happened in his immediate environment.

I think your answer will be obvious. Smart people are interesting to talk to, they can always carry on a conversation, and you will always understand what they are talking about.

Plus, you might just be an interesting person. Even if you do not have a higher education, but you have traveled a lot, you probably have something to tell people. Some interesting facts, incidents, events, stories, etc.

Let's say you want to find out how to become more sociable. To find the answer to this question, you probably entered a query into a search engine and found this article. Written communication is also communication. And, if you have read up to this point, then you were probably interested, otherwise you would have simply closed the page.

You need to achieve the same. Try to make people want to bring the dialogue with you to its logical conclusion, and for this you will have to arm yourself with some kind of set of knowledge. Not necessarily scientific, but still educational and interesting.

Be witty

Nobody likes bores and nerds. No matter how much you want to deny this fact, it is true. People love to communicate with cheerful and interesting interlocutors. If in response to the banal “How are you?” You say that studying quantum physics is not able to raise your average mood, because according to your research, each page read takes a certain percentage from your subjective mood scale and in order to change this indicator you had to evaluate the influence of other sciences on changes in your psychological state.

Did you fully read what I wrote above? Most likely not. Likewise, a person will not listen to you if you answer in a boring way. Another body, if you are witty and can somehow hilariously comment on his statements and questions. What am I talking about, even girls prefer guys who are able to engage in conversation. And no muscles are needed here. Pushkin was generally not the most handsome guy in the village, but the young ladies were crazy about him, and it was all about eloquence.

By the way, speaking of that, how to become sociable and interesting, at this point one cannot fail to mention going too far. Many people notice that their jokes are well received and begin to make them left and right. As a result, he may develop a reputation as a clown, that is, they will also simply joke with him, but at the same time, hardly anyone will want to adequately perceive his other words. Therefore, do not go too far and try to use this recommendation in conjunction with the others.

Be mindful of your behavior

For example, you may constantly sniffle, rub the back of your head, wave your arms, or talk very loudly. This may seem like a small thing, but it can actually turn off a lot of people. Therefore, before asking a question about how to become cheerful and sociable, think about whether your behavior irritates other people.

In order to get rid of such ailments, try to copy the behavior model of some famous actor or speaker. Just imitate his way of speaking and gesticulating and very soon you will notice incredible results. In general, modeling is an extremely useful thing. It can even be used to understand...

Be confident in yourself

Uncertainty will not only kill your desire to meet or talk with other people, but in general it can bring a lot of inconvenience. I will devote an entire article (or maybe even more than one) to this issue, so if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to my blog updates. This can be done by clicking on this link or using the form at the bottom of the page.

Communication is a voluntary process. Moreover, most often, people feel good in the process of exchanging information. But for this to happen, the interlocutors must feel on the same wavelength and seem to be at the same levels. Agree that when a boss communicates with a subordinate, this can hardly be called a full-fledged conversation. But when two colleagues are talking, it’s a completely different matter.

Therefore, you must have good self-awareness. You must understand what exactly you are, what level you are at, and be sure to show it to the other person. This is probably one of the most important points regarding the question of how to become a sociable girl or a guy.

If you pretend to be someone you don’t know, then very soon your circle of contacts will narrow down to the same egoists. At the same time, if you constantly become poor, then the attitude towards you will be appropriate. Try to be on the same level as your interlocutor and don’t be afraid to speak, even if you haven’t communicated much before – you will succeed.

Be consistent

Even if you are afraid to talk to other people, you will still have to do it. Without this you simply cannot understand how to become open and sociable. But the adaptation process can be significantly easier if you act according to the plan.

  1. First, just get to know the person. Shake hands or simply say hello, introduce yourself and ask for a name. This will be enough to establish first contact. But remember that you must behave confidently so that your interlocutor understands that you are not a sycophant or a hypocrite;
  2. Start chatting about general topics. This does not have to happen at the time of acquaintance, but you need to talk again. You must determine the topic yourself, I talked about this in the first paragraph. Therefore, if you immediately scrolled down, do not be lazy and re-read this subparagraph;
  3. Talk about more in-depth topics. To move on to this step, you must already know each other well enough. At this point you can start discussing, for example, or ;
  4. Only after this can you move on to closer topics. For example, family relationships and so on. This will allow you to understand how to become a more sociable person.

There is no need to shape events. If you have just met a person, then you should not ask related questions. Understand that this will take some time. A person cannot open up right away and just like that.

Be a good listener

Along with self-confidence, this is also one of the most important points. To be a good communicator you must not only speak well, but also listen well. In one of the books (honestly, I don’t remember which one) I read one interesting case:

Once a famous business coach flew on a plane to another country and met another famous person. They struck up a conversation that continued throughout the flight. Upon landing, the famous personality said that it was the most interesting dialogue he had ever had. The highlight was that the business coach practically did not speak, but only listened.

People love to be listened to. Moreover, almost everyone suffers from the fact that they cannot fully speak out. So, if they see that they are being understood, they begin to open up as quickly as possible. There is no point in describing this issue in detail now, because entire books are devoted to this topic, but I will most likely write an article. If you don't want to miss it, subscribe to updates.

How to become sociable - be good

Whatever they say, it is always more pleasant to communicate with kind and good people. Therefore, always try to do good, sow rational and eternal things, and generally try to be a good person. You will need this not only to understand how to become talkative and sociable, but in general it will be useful in life.

That's all. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. There you can express your point of view on this issue. Dispute my statements in any way or, on the contrary, agree with them. And don't forget to subscribe to new articles. There will be many more interesting things to come. Bye!

Stop being afraid of being rejected. This fear is the reason that many people are afraid to communicate. They are afraid that if they try they will fail, so they do nothing - a fundamentally wrong approach! No doubt, sometimes this happens. Needless to say, we have all had the opportunity once or twice to start a conversation with a person who turned out to be rude or uncommunicative. However, don't let this fear stop you from saying hello to people or even trying to strike up small conversations with people you don't know well. Believe me, most people, if given a chance, will show their best side. Those who do not show themselves in this way... well, they are not worth communicating with.

  • Yes, you won't know for sure until you try. However, keep in mind: if you are refused, then you have not lost anything. But if you were not rejected, then you may have found a new friend! As you can see, the pros outweigh the cons, so what's the point of being afraid to take the first step?
  • We are all rejected. Everyone. To everyone. And this is good, it helps us grow up and get stronger. It's how you handle rejection that matters, not how well you try to avoid it.
  • Take a deep breath, relax, and remind yourself that you have nothing to lose if the other person refuses to communicate with you. And what is there to make a tragedy out of? Believe me, even if the situation seems like the end of the world, in fact it is not anything serious.
  • Watch your body language. Start becoming more outgoing by appearing more friendly. You need to appear more approachable. If you stand straight, even with your arms crossed over your chest, and are not afraid to look people in the eyes, then they will want to talk to you. But if you sit with your head glued to your smartphone or looking at the pattern of your own sweater, you are unlikely to attract anyone’s attention. So, remember: the more positive and open you appear, the higher the chances that people will think you want to communicate and want to talk to you.

    • Note that you may appear averse to communicating at the level of body language and not even know it! It is quite natural for shy people to sort of “hide” from others. However, all this can be fixed - start working on not seeming like a person who dreams of being left alone, but as a person looking for communication, and everything will work out.
    • Even an attempt to smile counts. If people see that you're trying to be friendly, they'll be much more likely to want to chat with you!
  • Start conversations about nothing. However, “talking about nothing” is always much more than just “about nothing.” Even if it seems to you that you are almost allergic to such conversations, understand - these are the basics, and only from them can you move on to communication on a more... thorough level. Of course, you may want to talk about more complex matters, but first you still have to learn how to talk about everyday things. Believe me, talking about nothing is a great way to get to know people better. Here are some tips on this matter:

    • Perhaps talking about the weather is not the most exciting topic. However, the weather theme can be used to transition into something more interesting. If someone complains that because of the rain they had to stay at home all weekend, ask what that person did over the weekend - what they watched, what they listened to, what they read.
    • If a person is wearing unusual jewelry, compliment that fashionista's taste. Who knows, you might even learn the story behind this piece of jewelry. Maybe this story will develop into a conversation about, say, a grandmother who bought that jewelry at one time, or about that trip, during which that jewelry was bought (who knows, maybe the jewelry was bought in the city you are talking about dream for your entire adult life)!
    • When communicating over trifles, try not to ask “yes” or “no” questions, as they seem to cut off the conversation. Ask questions that can be answered in detail. A question like “Did you have a good weekend?” - this is not very successful. A question like “What did you do over the weekend?” much better.
    • At first, you should avoid asking personal questions. Use simple topics - hobbies, sports, favorite bands, pets. Wait for the person to open up to you.
  • Be interested, not interesting. You may feel like the only way to be sociable is to seem like that cool guy everyone wants to hang out with. We won’t argue, it won’t hurt, but we also note that people are much more willing to communicate with those who are interested in themselves! And even though you can and should share some information about yourself, the main emphasis in communication should be on asking questions of others, in order to show interest in them, and try to learn more about them. Here are examples of what you can ask.

    • What are their favorite bands, teams, movies and TV shows.
    • What are their hobbies and interests?
    • Where, if they traveled, did they like best.
    • Do they have pets?
    • Do they like the place where they live?
    • How did some event in their life go?
    • What are their plans for the future?
  • Meet new people in a friendly manner. Yes, those who have certain problems with communication often find it difficult to get rid of skepticism, mistrust and even fear towards new acquaintances. Such people often feel that new acquaintances will not give them anything on a personal level, that they are not needed, that it is better to stay in their comfort zone. Here it’s worth thinking about the fact that you’re probably worth getting to know. Remember that you yourself are a new person to someone. You shouldn’t expect bad things from people until they convince you of the pointlessness of such an attitude; try to learn to expect something good from people and believe in them. If, when meeting people, you see them not as enemies, but as friends, then you will immediately take several steps towards becoming sociable.

    • If you are standing among a group of your acquaintances and see a new face, take the first step and introduce yourself, and do not pretend to be a shy person. Everyone will be impressed by your initiative.
    • If you see a person who doesn’t know anyone here yet, take a step towards him and help him get comfortable. Believe me, this gesture of kindness on your part will not go unnoticed.
  • Learn to read people. Yes, you can read them. Yes, almost like books. By the way, you can learn a lot of interesting things this way. Learn to understand all non-verbal gestures, body language, learn to read emotions in your face and posture. And if someone tells you that he is doing great, but that person’s eyes literally scream the opposite - give him a helping hand, lend him a shoulder! This will not be forgotten.

    • To learn how to communicate with people, you need to learn to hear what they are really trying to tell you. For example, if one person in a group is looking around, he may be bored, or uncomfortable, or need help.
    • If you are talking to someone who keeps checking their watch or shifting from foot to foot, chances are that person is in a hurry or is already late. In this case, it would be quite normal to say goodbye and promise to talk later.
  • Avoid any manifestation of envy on your part. After all, each of us has our own destiny. And even if you understand that your colleague received a promotion only because he is a relative of the boss, you should not waste your energy on anger. You must learn to enjoy other people's successes. Indeed, sincere joy will help you become more friendly.

    Of course, it is quite difficult to be in a good mood when this kind of situation occurs. Therefore, first you need to do a little training. Standing in front of the mirror at home, begin to remember the events that happened during the day. Let's say you find out that your neighbor has given birth to a child. How do you really feel at this moment? Is it self-pity that your wife still can’t get pregnant, or anger that now you can hear children’s cries at night? Now mentally throw all these emotions out the window. Instead, look in the mirror and smile at your imaginary partner. Sincerely say that you congratulate the young mother, wish her happiness and her baby good health. Conduct such sessions regularly.

    Once you have learned to be kind to imaginary interlocutors, make the task more difficult for yourself. As soon as you meet a mother and child on the street, stop. Ask how they are doing, what progress the baby is making, and whether the young mother is tired with all these pleasant chores. During a conversation, listen carefully and sensitively to your interlocutor. Show him that the story is interesting to you, that you empathize with the storyteller.

    Learn to be the first to praise people. If you hear that your colleague has successfully delivered an important presentation, express your admiration for him. You heard that the son of the chief accountant entered the university, praise his choice. However, all these compliments should not imply the pursuit of any selfish goals. Don’t expect that after such a conversation you will be promoted or given the help you need. Otherwise, talking about goodwill makes no sense. In addition, you must ensure that all words sound sincere. People sense falsehood very well.

    Don't categorize people based on class. You must be friendly with every single person. In a restaurant, be sure to thank the waiter for his impeccable service. At the hotel, express your respects to the receptionist. If you join a new team, try to remain neutral. Very often, newcomers copy the behavior of authoritative colleagues. So, if a stream of negativity is directed at a young female secretary, then the new employee begins to express his unreasonable disdain from the first minutes. Unfortunately, this behavior, which is completely wrong, is extremely popular. A friendly person, on the contrary, will offer his help to this nice person.

    Of course, such a person who goes against public opinion risks receiving negative impulses in his direction. But don't respond to rudeness with rudeness. Of course, you must be able to stand up for yourself. However, respond to all attacks with a smile on your face, without raising your voice, and be extremely tactful. If people make fun of you and point out your shortcomings, thank the offenders. After all, they help you in self-development. Now you know what you need to change in yourself to achieve a promotion at work and success in life. And never take hurtful words to heart. If you think that criticism is not deserved, forget about it with peace of mind. Most likely, your offenders are simply jealous of you.

    And greet every morning with a smile. Thank fate for all the gifts it has given you. Mentally imagine how the rays of the sun charge you with warmth and light. And give this light to the people around you, in the subway, at home, at work. Very soon you will notice that this warmth emanating from you attracts kind and sympathetic people.

    And learn to see only the positive in every moment. Even if you were fired, say thanks to your boss. After all, most likely, you simply set your priorities incorrectly in the past, but now you have the opportunity to start life with a clean slate.

    Love this world, love people and all living things around. After all, when we give away good, we know that it will return to us threefold. And living in such a world is much easier and more pleasant than in a world of anger, hatred and intrigue.