How to use mumiyo to get rid of stretch marks. Gallery: mumiyo release forms

Humanity has long used the gifts of nature to maintain health and beauty. Mumiyo was used back in Ancient Egypt, India and Mongolia to treat diseases of the bones, joints, cardiovascular and digestive systems. In the 21st century, women use it to restore and maintain healthy hair and skin. For example, mountain resin is widely used to get rid of stretch marks.

Mumiyo: what is it and how is it useful?

Mumiyo is an organic mountain resin. It consists of pieces of thick mineral matter of asymmetrical shape and different sizes. Their surface is matte or glossy, smooth or with grainy inclusions. The color range ranges from light brown to black with gray stripes.

Regardless of the color and shape, mumiyo is extremely effective remedy in the fight against skin imperfections.

Thanks to its natural composition (and it includes at least 80 micro- and macroelements necessary for the body), black resin helps to get rid of acne, age-related signs, post-acne and stretch marks in a short time. This natural gift restores mineral metabolism in the body and accelerates tissue regeneration.

There are several varieties of mumiyo, which have their own characteristics:

  1. Kyrgyz helps in the fight against scars, scars and post-acne.
  2. Indian - a universal remedy for rashes and facial wrinkles.
  3. Altai is the most popular type of mumiyo. Used in the treatment of acne, effectively eliminates cellulite and stretch marks, and fights noticeable wrinkles.
  4. White mountain resin differs from black resin in the absence of organic impurities in its composition. This product has a regenerating, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Mumiyo is available in different dosage forms. Each of them is suitable for making homemade skin care products, but they have minor features. So, the resin in tablets is convenient to take. The best-selling type in Russia is “Golden mumiyo”. It gained its popularity due to its high degree of purification from impurities and the maximum amount of useful elements in its composition. The disadvantage of this type is that the tablets are difficult to remove from the plate; the advantages are that they dissolve quickly in liquids and creams and are easy to determine the dose (each tablet weighs 2 grams).

At the pharmacy you can buy mumiyo in plates. Often, packages sold contain only one weighing 2 grams. This form of resin is inexpensive, so it is purchased to evaluate the effect of the product. The plates are inconvenient to use (because it is difficult to determine the correct dosage), and this is a significant drawback. However, it is easy to make homemade creams and masks with them.

Mountain resin in its natural state is less common on sale, because its shelf life is much shorter than that of other dosage forms (this is a significant drawback when used). A jar weighing 50 grams of mumiyo “Gold of Altai” or 5 grams of “live” mumiyo will cost less than tablets. This form is suitable for preparing skin care products as it dissolves better in creams and liquids. This type of resin is easier to remove from the package than tablets and does not require the cutting and breaking required by tablets.

Types of stretch marks

Stretch marks are micro-tears in the surface tissue that lead to the formation of strip-like imperfections in the skin (similar to scars). Most often they appear after a sharp increase in weight during pregnancy. Striae also occur in adolescence, when the skin does not have time to adapt to the growing body.

They are localized on the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The following types of stretch marks are distinguished:

  1. Thread-like - whitish shallow stripes on the skin.
  2. Short, pale pink scars (scars).
  3. Longitudinal defects are bluish-burgundy in color (they lighten over time).

At the first stage of development, these are burgundy or red striae. On the second, they lighten, become whitish, but may remain with a reddish or purple tint. Dark stretch marks are the most difficult to deal with because they are deeper than light ones.

Video: The process of formation of gaps

Recipes for products with mumiyo for stretch marks

Products with mumiyo have an equally effective effect, so it’s worth trying each of them to find the most suitable and convenient one for yourself.

Universal cream

This composition is easy to prepare, but in a fairly short period of use it eliminates shallow stretch marks and makes dark ones less noticeable. You just need to dissolve 2 grams of mumiyo in any suitable body cream.

It is best to make the mixture at once, because when interacting with oxygen, the resin loses its properties.

If the specific smell of mumiyo causes discomfort, you can add a few drops of your favorite oil to the mixture. It is worth considering that some of them multiply the effect of the cream against stretch marks:

  • mint oil cools the skin, has the effect of a contrast shower, stimulates blood circulation in the problem area;
  • orange has a bright anti-cellulite effect;
  • Frankincense oil has a rejuvenating effect and is used in the treatment of scars;
  • lavender tones and improves blood circulation to the skin;
  • Rosemary oil promotes cell renewal.

It is best to apply the cream to problem areas where stretch marks are concentrated, after a shower and using a mild scrub. It should be rubbed in with massage movements until the composition is completely absorbed. If desired, you can cover the areas with stretch marks with cling film for 15–20 minutes. You need to use the product 2 times a day every day (after taking a shower) for two months. At the end of the course, you should take a break for one and a half to two weeks. If the desired result is not achieved, it is allowed to continue use. In the future, it is recommended to use cream with mumiyo to maintain the effect.

Video: Children's cream with mountain resin tablets for stretch marks

Wrap with oils

Another option home procedures for stretch marks - wrapping with mumiyo. To carry it out, you should add a teaspoon of any vegetable nutritious oil, for example, avocado, grape or apricot kernels, coconut, to one tablet of mountain resin (or one plate). Then mix the resulting mass with 5–10 drops of the selected oil from those already discussed in the previous recipe.

Next, you should take a shower, using a scrub to cleanse problem areas. Apply the slightly warmed prepared mixture to the skin and rub it in with massaging movements for 5 minutes. After this, wrap the areas with stretch marks in cling film and try to move as little as possible. After no more than 15 minutes, everything must be removed.

It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week for two months; it is advisable to alternate oils with each use. If the desired result is not achieved within the specified time, you will need to continue the course. In the future, wraps with mumiyo can be performed once every 1.5–2 weeks to maintain the effect. On average, the recipe allows you to achieve a noticeable effect in 15 procedures.


To improve the effect of store-bought massage oil, mumiyo is added to it. To prepare the composition, you should dissolve the mountain resin in a suitable care product (coconut, grape and apricot kernels, jojoba, avocado, etc.) at the rate of 1 tablet (2 grams) per 1 tablespoon of oil. The resulting product should be massaged into problem areas after applying the scrub for 15–20 minutes. Excess mixture is removed with a napkin. The best effect can be achieved with regular use (daily or every other day) of this composition for one and a half to two months. After the result appears, apply homemade oil You can massage 1-2 times a week to maintain skin elasticity.

It is best to prepare such a quantity of the product that it is enough for only one use; you should not stock up for future use. The fact is that mountain resin, combined with oil, forms a perishable mixture, so there are practically no useful microelements left in it.


You can make a liquid for lotions from mumiyo. To do this, make a 3% solution of mountain resin (3 grams per 100 ml of water), which is stored in a dark, cool place. The mixture will become more effective if you add two tablespoons of skin oil to it. It is better to carry out the procedure at night: moisten gauze or bandage in the prepared solution, apply to the location of the stretch marks and leave for 30–40 minutes.

Regular use of lotions improves skin elasticity and makes whitish stretch marks less noticeable. The effect will appear only after two months (minimum) of regular procedures. They need to be repeated daily or every day.

Contraindications and possible harm

Mumiyo is a low-toxic substance, the external use of which does not cause side effects subject to dosages. But still, before procedures with mountain resin, you should consult a doctor (allergist and dermatologist), if possible.

When using homemade stretch mark remedies, you need to carefully select the ingredients for the recipe. Add to the mixture only those products that do not cause allergies to you personally. It is advisable to do a test before using this or that composition: apply a little product to the skin of the wrist or elbow and observe the reaction of this place to lubrication for several hours (or better yet, for 24 hours).

Our life does not stand still, every day brings something new, every day is different. Physical activity, the birth of children, sudden weight gain and endless attempts to lose weight... all this negatively affects the condition of our skin, resulting in the appearance of annoying cosmetic defects - stretch marks, or stretch marks.

Stretch marks are the “dead zone” of our skin, scars formed as a result of microtrauma due to strong stretching. They are not subject to hair growth, tanning, and do not produce sweat. Most often, stretch marks appear on the stomach, chest, buttocks or thighs, and no one is immune from them.

It will be very difficult to get rid of them - a long course of treatment is required, which will require time and patience. What to do if peelings, massages, wraps and expensive salon treatments don't bring the desired effect? There is an entrance! Many women have used mumijo for stretch marks and achieved a positive effect.

Miraculous “tears of the mountains”

What mumiyo is has not yet been established with 100% accuracy. The opinions of scientists are divided - some claim that this is a composition of geological origin, while others claim that the substance is of biological nature. One thing is known - this product is unique and one of a kind!

Shilajit in the treatment of stretch marks:

  • will accelerate the regeneration of skin cells;
  • will make stretch marks smaller and paler;
  • will reduce their depth and relief;
  • will increase skin elasticity;
  • nourishes it with natural minerals and vitamins.

There are a huge number of reviews about mummy, but you should not blindly believe them - we are all individual, and what is good for one may be bad for another. Negative reviews are often due to the fact that women abandoned the procedure too early.

Skin restoration is a long process that requires effort and patience. Shilajit will not get rid of stretch marks like a wave of a magic wand! It is difficult to say how many procedures are required. Some see the effect already in the third week, and for others it will take six months.
There are many examples where girls managed to “defeat” stretch marks up to one and a half centimeters in size at home, if they wanted to.

Currently, creams based on mumiyo can be easily found in pharmacies, but can you prepare a remedy for stretch marks at home? Let's look at a recipe for preparing stretch mark cream from mumiyo in tablets.

Making mummy cream at home

To prepare mummy cream for stretch marks, you need to dissolve two tablets (2-4 grams) in a teaspoon of water. If the mummy is natural, it will dissolve in water without any residue.
Then you need to squeeze the baby cream into a small plate, add the mumiyo, which has already dissolved, and stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finished cream should be transferred to a jar (preferably glass) and stored in the refrigerator.

To remove the specific smell and enhance the effect, you can add essential oils to the mummy cream. The recipe for making the cream is the same as above. The whole difference is that at the end you need to add about ten drops of the chosen essential oil. Orange, rosemary, mint, etc. are perfect.

Please note that it is better not to use lavender, bergamot and coffee oil - they will not mask, but will only enhance bad smell!
You cannot change the sequence of preparing the cream, since the mummy does not dissolve in oil!

Don't forget to do an allergy test - essential oils are not for everyone!
It is best to use the cream after a hot shower and scrub, on clean, steamed skin - this way the beneficial substances are absorbed faster and better. Instead of a scrub, you can use coffee grounds or a hard washcloth.
You need to use the product with mumiyo every day, best during the day and evening.

How to properly use mumiyo in the fight against stretch marks

Prevention of stretch marks

As we know, beauty comes from within. Please pay close attention for your food! Potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in pears, dried apricots, bananas, raisins, seeds, nuts, and seafood, will help maintain skin elasticity. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluid; its lack also contributes to the loss of skin elasticity.

  • Physical exercise will help maintain skin tone - half an hour a day is enough. It could be a morning run or.
  • To prevent and combat stretch marks, wraps with clay, Dead Sea mud and even chocolate are perfect.
  • Regular light massage will help stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are so necessary for skin elasticity.
  • Another excellent strengthening and tonic remedy is a contrast shower.

Don't be skeptical about mumiyos! In the fight for beautiful skin, you should not neglect any products! Suddenly, exactly what you least hope for will lead to long-awaited success!

Many women experience discomfort after pregnancy due to stretch marks (stretch marks) appearing on their body. Women spend a lot of money to eliminate this deficiency. Newfangled ointments and creams and various cosmetic procedures are very expensive.

In this case, an excellent remedy comes to the rescue - mumiyo, which saves you from stretch marks. But now you don’t need to drop everything and run to the pharmacy to buy this drug. First, you should find out what mummy is and how it helps fight stretch marks and skin irregularities, as well as how to use it correctly.

What is mumiyo?

Shilajit is a mountain resin that consists of a natural mixture of inorganic and organic elements. This substance is mined in the mountains of Asia, but the most valuable common mumiyo is transported to us from Altai. This mass is homogeneous, brown or almost black in color. Mumiyo has an unusual smell and bitter taste. Most often it is produced in the form of tablets; in some pharmacies you can find mumiyo in the form of plates and capsules.

The healing power of this remedy on the body has been known for more than three thousand years. The area of ​​application of mumiyo is very diverse, it is an excellent healing “elixir”, and this makes one wonder how such an excellent remedy remained unknown for many years. But it is little known only to our countries, and oriental medicine cannot do without treatment with the help of mumiyo. This can be traced in ancient medical records and treatises from Mongolia, India, Tibet and Asia.

What is mummy used for?

Mumiyo contains many useful elements and substances. For this reason, mumiyo has a huge range of healing properties that help improve treatment. Shilajit is used to heal various wounds and to generally strengthen the immune system. Wounds with the help of mumiyo can be healed, both external and internal. In traumatology, this remedy has also found wide application. It is prescribed to speed up the process of tissue regeneration, to quickly restore bones after fractures, and also to treat ulcers.

With the help of mumiyo you can get rid of skin irregularities that have arisen, as well as acne. If a person is allergic to anything, then mumiyo helps relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions. This healing substance in tissues reduces inflammatory processes, promotes the resorption of scars, and improves metabolism. It is for this reason that cream with mumiyo for stretch marks is one of the most effective and efficient means for getting rid of this cosmetic problem.

Using mumiyo against stretch marks

You can hear from many girls that regular use of mummy cream against stretch marks is very effective. This is actually true. But you need to know that it can only help you if you prepare the solution or cream yourself and do not buy it in a store. Factory-made preparations with mumiyo most often do not bring the desired results, and some of them can even cause allergic reactions or irritations that will take a long time to treat.

A high-quality cream with the addition of mumiyo for stretch marks has a very short shelf life. If it often comes into contact with the skin and air, for example, if the cream is packaged not in a tube, but in a jar with a large neck), then the shelf life of such a cream becomes two weeks shorter. Therefore, you should not expect positive changes when purchasing any cosmetic product with the addition of mumiyo, which has a shelf life of a year. In this case, you will only be wasting your money. So, to save your money, you can prepare cream with mumiyo yourself at home. In this case, the treatment will be effective.

Preparing cream with mumiyo for stretch marks

The recipe itself is quite simple. To prepare stretch mark cream with mumiyo you need very little patience and time. The main active remedy can be any natural mummy, but it is best and most convenient to use mummy in capsules. When buying mummy in capsules, you do not have to measure and weigh the exact amount of powder, since it is already dosed in advance. Also, mumiyo in capsules is more convenient because it dissolves much faster.

If mummy in capsules is very difficult to find in pharmacies in your city, then you can completely use regular mummy in tablet form. They can be used whole, but to make it more convenient, the tablets should first be crushed into powder. Mumiyo in plates is best dissolved in a small amount of water. Cream with mumiyo for stretch marks can be prepared in different ways, diversify it.

Recipe for cream with mumiyo for stretch marks

To prepare mummy cream at home you will need:

  1. Non-metallic cup;
  2. Two to three grams of purified mumiyo;
  3. A portion of the cream you usually use on your body. The cream should be taken in such a way that the portion is used once or twice.
  4. One teaspoon of warm water, but not hot (boiled).


In a bowl or clean cup, you need to mix one teaspoon of warm water with the crushed mummy and wait for complete dissolution. This way you will get a brown liquid without sediment. Add a portion of cream to this liquid, which you will need for one or two applications. After this, thoroughly mix the cream with the mummy. If you have crushed the mummy in advance, you can immediately mix it with the cream without using water. The mixture should sit for ten to fifteen minutes, after which it should be thoroughly mixed again. The finished cream can be transferred to a jar, preferably a glass one, or applied immediately after preparation. The product must be stored in the refrigerator, because the cream with a combination of natural mumiyo is a perishable product.

How to neutralize the unpleasant odor of mummy cream for stretch marks?

If the mumiyo is really high quality, then it has a specific smell, which is not very pleasant and few people will like it. To get rid of this smell, you can experiment with creams. Some creams can neutralize the unpleasant odor of mountain tar, or can make it less noticeable. If you still don’t want to give up your favorite mummy cream, then you can try adding natural essential oils to it. To ensure that after applying the cream your skin has a pleasant aroma and not the repulsive smell of mumiyo, it is enough to add just two or three drops of essential oil to the cream.

The following oils are perfect for this procedure:

  • Peppermint oil, which softens and soothes the skin;
  • All types of citrus oils also help get rid of cellulite;
  • Rose oil - has a healing property, can relieve irritation;
  • Ylang-ylang is a natural aphrodisiac and a good antiseptic;
  • Grapeseed oil - perfectly moisturizes the skin.

And that's not yet full list possible flavors that can be added to a homemade recipe. But you need to be careful, as some can further enhance the smell of mumiyo, instead of masking it. For example, such oils are bergamot oil, lavender oil and coffee oil.

Prevention of stretch marks

In order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks during a diet or during pregnancy, you need to regularly use mummy cream, two to three times a week. This will help maintain skin tone and help it be elastic, because stretch marks occur precisely because the skin loses its elasticity. Even if a tissue tear has already occurred, you must apply the above recipe and lubricate the stretch. Thus, you can reduce the size of the stretch mark, and sometimes even get rid of it.

Use of mumiyo during pregnancy and lactation

The first stretch marks begin to appear during pregnancy. Therefore, the question of the safety of using this substance during this period worries women most of all. In general, taking such a dietary supplement during pregnancy is contraindicated, but using cream with mumiyo is acceptable.

You just need to know that this substance Very toxic in large doses; no studies have been conducted in this area. So before using mumiyo during pregnancy, you should first consult with your doctor. He will be able to tell you exactly whether it is possible to use mumiyo during pregnancy in your particular case.

cream with the addition of mumiyo should be used very carefully. Under no circumstances should it be applied to the breast so that it does not get into the baby’s mouth during feeding. You also need to carefully choose the oil with which you muffle the smell of mumiyo, as it can have a negative effect on the baby’s behavior.

A positive result can be seen already a month after regular use of mumiyo. And after two weeks you can see the first changes with the naked eye. To get rid of stretch marks as quickly as possible and make them less noticeable, you need to follow these tips:

  1. To speed up the healing process of the skin, you need to use mummy regularly. It is advisable to apply it twice a day - morning and evening.
  2. In some cases, when mixed, the cream with mumiyo may change its consistency. But that's absolutely normal. And if you are confused by the fact that the product is very liquid, you can change the brand of cream or reduce the amount of mumiyo.
  3. In order to enhance the effect, you can use the cream when applying massage roller. This will promote improved blood flow and also speed up the healing of stretch marks. During the period of bearing a child, there is no need to massage the abdomen.
  4. If traces of mumiyo appear on linen or clothes, they can be easily washed off using laundry soap and a weak solution of lemon juice. For half a liter of water you need to take one tablespoon of juice.
  5. If the mumiyo leaves dark marks on the skin and hands, rub the area with makeup remover or lemon juice.
  6. After applying the cream, it does not need to be washed off for three to four hours.
  7. During pregnancy, the cream should be used with caution. If redness or irritation occurs, immediately stop using the mummy.

Cream with mumiyo for stretch marks is an effective remedy of natural origin. What is mumiyo, and how does it help in the fight against stretch marks? Can the product be used during pregnancy? A recipe for making cream at home, and how to use it, as well as how much it costs, and where can you buy it?

What is mummy made of?

Mumiyo is a substance of organic-mineral origin, which is mined in the mountains and has a peculiar smell, and dark color. It is based on:

  • rocks saturated with microelements;
  • soil;
  • resins and essential oils;
  • organic compounds;
  • compressed plant particles.

Scientists have not come to a clear conclusion about how it is formed, but mumiyo has long been considered part of unconventional methods medicine and helps overcome various skin diseases, including. The advantage of this product is the almost complete absence of contraindications for use during pregnancy.

The beneficial properties of the product are due to the fact that it contains iron, calcium, other vitamins and beneficial amino acids.

Fact! With regular use, the cream makes the skin elastic, enriches it with vitamins and helps reduce stretch marks.

Who is not suitable for mumiyo?

Any traditional medicine has its own indications and a number of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • low blood clotting;
  • arterial hypertension (only after consultation with a doctor).

The product can cause harm to the body if the dosage is not observed, the product is used with an expired expiration date, and also in the absence of consultation with the attending physician.

Features of use during pregnancy

Stretch marks are a disease mostly affecting pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the pregnancy period is characterized by large hormonal changes in the body, as well as rapid growth of certain areas (breasts, abdomen and buttocks). In this regard, women appear on the body in the chest area, on the stomach and buttocks, which become especially noticeable after childbirth.

In an interesting situation, the main snag on the way to possible harm for the child, therefore not all medications are allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. As for the cream with mumiyo, it can be safely used during pregnancy for prevention and to get rid of stretch marks.

How does the medicine fight stretch marks?

Since this substance is saturated with a large number of useful components, when it comes into contact with the skin, it has a healing effect.

Important! The components that make up the mountain mumiyo affect not only the condition of the skin, but also improve blood circulation.

Treatment with mummy cream turns out to be useful and allows you to:

  • enrich the skin with mineral components and vitamins;
  • reduce existing stretch marks;
  • fade stretch marks and make them less noticeable;
  • increase skin elasticity and make it more elastic.

In addition, if stretch marks have not yet appeared, knowing the recipe for preparing the cream at home can prevent their occurrence, including during pregnancy.

Recipe for making cream at home

In stores and on the Internet you can find ready-made cream based on mumiyo, but it will be much more effective to find out the recipe and prepare it yourself at home. The whole point is that healing properties The component will remain on for several days, and after this period the effect of the product will be less noticeable or disappear altogether.

The recipe for preparing remedies for stretch marks is very simple, the main thing is to have the main ingredient: mummy in tablets or capsules.

Traditional way

The classic cooking recipe requires a minimum amount of ingredients and, accordingly, a minimum amount of time for preparation.


  • water – 2 tsp;
  • body cream – 2 tbsp.

You need to take 1-2 capsules of mummy and dissolve it in water. If the mummy is in tablets, then it must first be crushed with a spoon. Mix the dissolved mummy with cream in a ceramic bowl until smooth. After this, the product can be applied to problem areas to combat stretch marks.

Important! It is best to use baby cream as a cream for pregnant women, since it does not contain harmful substances, dyes and flavors.

Recipe "Fragrant"

Shilajit has a specific smell, and in order to get rid of it, you can add aromatic oils to the mixture, for example, orange, mint or rosemary oil. If you prepare the cream according to this recipe, the result will be a fragrant remedy for stretch marks.


  • mummy in tablets or capsules – 1-2 tablets (capsules);
  • water – 2 tsp;
  • body cream – 2 tbsp;
  • aroma oil – 2-3 drops.

The cooking recipe is the same as in the classic version, except that after adding mumiyo to the cream (you can use it for children), you need to add a few drops of your favorite aroma oil to give the product a pleasant smell.


In order for the product to bring only benefits, you need to know how to use it. Secrets and nuances of applying the cream:

  1. Apply the product to the affected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day, rubbing it into the body in a circular motion until completely absorbed.
  2. In order for the beneficial substances to be quickly absorbed, the product should be applied to clean, steamed skin (best after a shower).
  3. The cream should be made 1-2 times, because the active ingredients in the finished cream have a short shelf life.
  4. Rubbing a product based on mumiyo is allowed in all cases, except for one thing - you cannot rub or massage the pregnant belly.
  5. During lactation, it is not recommended to apply the cream to the breasts (especially before breastfeeding).
  6. If, after applying the mixture, hyperpigmented stripes or spots appear on the body, you can get rid of them by wiping the area with lemon juice.
  7. After applying the product, it is advisable not to shower for 3-4 hours so that it is completely absorbed.

By observing all the nuances of using the cream, the fight against stretch marks can be made as effective as possible by simultaneously using others.

How much does treatment cost?

You can buy mumiyo in two ways: at a pharmacy or order online. It is believed that when purchasing a product online, the customer receives a higher quality and purer product.

As for the cost, it varies from 70 to 500 rubles per package. It all depends on the place of purchase, the number of components and the form of release. So, mumiyo can be produced in tablets, capsules and a homogeneous mass.

Shilajit cream costs differently in different pharmacies and online stores; the price primarily depends on the manufacturer brand and where the main ingredient was collected. Thus, the cost of cream with mumiyo varies between 400-600 rubles.

Shilajit cream mostly has positive reviews.

Irina, 25 years old.

During pregnancy I developed. For 1 month I have been using mummy cream, prepared at home according to a classic recipe, the result is that the stretch marks have not completely disappeared, but have become discolored and decreased in size.

Oksana, 21 years old.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I immediately began to smear the problem areas with mummy cream, because I knew that during pregnancy there was a high probability. I have been using this product throughout my pregnancy and no stretch marks have appeared on my body.

Elena, 30 years old.

I used mummy cream only in the first trimester of pregnancy, but stopped using it because of the specific smell. Stretch marks appeared, but only on the chest.

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Many people have heard about mumiyo, but not everyone understands what it is. In short, this is a natural substance containing a whole complex of minerals, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes - in total about 80 different substances that are very useful for health. “Tears of the mountains”, “resin of life” - such figurative names eloquently characterize the unique properties of this natural balm. According to the official classification, this is a dietary supplement.

The healing properties of mumiyo have been known for a long time, especially among the peoples of Asia, although they have not yet been deeply studied. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers several different forms, including tablet preparation.

Indications for use

Indications for use of the product are based on its unparalleled qualities. Mumiyo in tablets for stretch marks

  • makes the skin elastic and restores it;
  • saturates it intensely useful substances;
  • prevents the formation and eliminates stretch marks;
  • heals wounds;
  • has no harmful or side effects.

Shilajit is a real miracle elixir, effective in various dosage forms. Due to its versatility, the substance is actively used not only by pharmacologists, but also by cosmetologists. Creams, lotions, gels, pastes with mumiyo - the whole arsenal is at your disposal. But cosmetic product You can do it yourself. Such a cream or mask is no less effective, but much cheaper than store-bought ones.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

It has a positive effect on the course and activity of redox processes, the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, water-salt and mineral.

Stimulates immune system, restoration processes in damaged tissues, has a rejuvenating effect.

Relieves pain and inflammation, accelerates postoperative recovery, eliminates negative consequences radio and chemotherapy.

Active ingredients stimulate cell division, participate in the synthesis of DNA and RNA

Mumiyo has a cumulative ability. However, the cumulative effect is sometimes undesirable because it can lead to overdose and provoke unexpected reactions. They, however, quickly disappear when you stop taking mumiyo.

Using mumijo for stretch marks during pregnancy

The use of mummy in tablets for stretch marks during pregnancy is also effective. No negative effects of the drug on pregnancy or on newborns during breastfeeding were observed. Although some doctors still recommend not using mumiyo in any form during this period, and getting rid of skin blemishes after a successful birth and completion of breastfeeding.

Contraindications for use

The main condition when using mumiyo is a guarantee of naturalness and high quality. Drugs purchased from random people or in dubious places can be ineffective and even dangerous.

If mummy is used according to the dosage and timing, then there are practically no contraindications for use.

Caution will not hurt if only because mumiyo is a strong stimulant, and its uncontrolled use in some cases is fraught with surprises. Yes, mumiyo is capable

  • increase blood pressure;
  • speed up your heart rate;
  • reduce blood clotting.

It is forbidden to take mumiyo if there is a high pulse, palpitations, bleeding from the nose, in the intestines or uterus.

  • Hemophilia is also a contraindication for mumiyo.

Hypertensive patients should be especially careful when using mumiyo tablets for stretch marks: take in small doses and always in combination with blood pressure medications.

  • During the period of use, alcoholic drinks, even weak ones, are strictly prohibited.

Some people believe that you should not take mumiyo during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But this is not a categorical prohibition.

  • The drug is not recommended for children under 12 (in some sources - up to 14 years old), and for older people - after 70.

Malignant and benign neoplasms and other severe chronic diseases are a contraindication for the use of “mountain wax”.

The possibility of individual hypersensitivity, as well as incompatibility of the product with other pharmacological substances, cannot be excluded.

There is, however, an opinion that pure high-quality mummy, as a natural regulator of the body, in small doses has absolutely no contraindications.

Side effects

It is estimated that in 94% of cases, when used correctly, mumiyo gives the desired result. Do not think that the larger the dose or the longer the period of use, the better result. On the contrary, uncontrolled self-medication is unlikely to improve it, and may even worsen it.

Side effects of mumiyo in tablets for stretch marks are possible only as an allergy to the ingredients included in the ointments or creams.

Symptoms of poisoning in the form of diarrhea, nausea or vomiting are possible in case of overdose.

Information about a complication in the form of a mental disorder (if used incorrectly requires proper verification - for qualified confirmation or refutation. There are also reports that intravenous administration leads to interruptions in the heart, arrhythmias, and ventricular conduction disturbances.

A new topic about the side effects of mumiyo was its radioactivity.

Golden mummy in tablets

Golden mumiyo in tablets is a dietary supplement useful for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. In particular, dietary supplements:

  • helps neutralize toxins in the liver;
  • improves hematopoietic processes;
  • improves metabolic processes in the myocardium;
  • restores bone tissue and skin cells;
  • increases performance, improves general condition;
  • successfully resists pathogenic bacteria;
  • as a prophylactic agent it protects against inflammatory processes in various systems and organs;
  • prevents the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • accelerates the healing of burns, fractures and other consequences of injuries;
  • strengthens immune forces against unfavorable factors external environment.

Golden mumiyo in tablets is made from the most purified raw materials, while the technology allows you to preserve the healing properties and digestibility of natural substances. Neither as a preventative nor as remedy Shilajit tablets for stretch marks do not cause side effects or allergic reactions. Individual intolerance is observed very rarely.

Contraindications: minimal. Pregnancy and breastfeeding– in women, age (up to 14 years) – in children.

Mask against stretch marks with mummy in tablets

A mask for stretch marks with mumiyo in tablets is made on the basis of the classic baby cream. For one tube (80 grams), two mummy tablets dissolved in a teaspoon of boiled water are enough. Recipe:

  • squeeze the cream out of the tube;
  • add mumiyo solution;
  • stir thoroughly until smooth;
  • transfer to an airtight jar;
  • Keep refrigerated.

To enhance the desired effect, as well as aromatization, you can add a few (about ten) drops of essential oil, for example, lavender, rosemary, orange, rose.

The resulting mask with mummy tablets for stretch marks should be gently rubbed into problem areas. It is recommended to do this for three months, and if necessary, longer. After all, each person’s skin is individual, and the results of procedures vary over time.

Method of application and dosage of mumiyo for stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body can ruin any figure and mood. In women, they appear on the stomach, thighs due to pregnancy, after childbirth, or simply due to sudden weight loss. Men also face this unpleasant problem.

Mumiyo in tablets for stretch marks - quite effective remedy. But you should know that it will take a long time to use, that is, several weeks, so be patient and do not stop the procedure before the desired becomes true. Some tips:

  • the sooner you start the procedure, the easier it is to achieve the effect;
  • the drug is also suitable for the prevention of stretch marks;
  • It is best to use fresh products, prepared before use.

The method of application and dosage of mumiyo in tablets for stretch marks are standard: for a tube of baby cream - two dietary supplement tablets. For a compress, 1 g of the substance, dissolved in water (about a teaspoon), is mixed with a tablespoon of aromatic oil.

To achieve success, creams and compresses for stretch marks and cellulite should be applied to the problem area and rubbed in with light circular movements. Do this regularly, daily. Before doing this, it is advisable to steam the skin.

It is best to use a product made independently based on baby cream with the addition of mumiyo in tablets for stretch marks. Sometimes, for more quick effect, crushed tablets are added to medicines, already containing mumiyo (for example, the popular larkspur ointment).

Very in an effective way is a compress made from heated in a water bath and olive oil. Two tablets are smeared on gauze and pressed onto the oiled stretch marks.

Massage therapists also use mummy tablets for stretch marks. Grind two tablets and mix with olive oil and rub into problem areas with gentle movements.

An interesting recipe with the addition of coffee and honey:

  • 50 g ground coffee beans;
  • 2 tablets of ground mumiyo powder;
  • spoon of honey;
  • 10 drops of aromatic oil.

Rub the mixture into the body until absorbed, then rinse. Carry out the procedure twice a week for a month. Acts as a natural scrub.

Perseverance and assertiveness will be fully rewarded: old stretch marks will significantly decrease, and fresh ones will completely disappear, the skin will be enriched with vitamins and will become younger, firmer and more elastic.


The dosage depends on the weight, age, health of the person, as well as the purpose of taking and the dosage form of the mummy. Usually the daily dose is one or two tablets, take them with meals, one at a time. The course of treatment is three to four weeks, for bone fractures it is longer - two months. Some specialists practice other schemes, with or without interruptions. When calculating, the amount of pure substance is taken as a basis.

However, this dietary supplement “does not like” alcohol, so it should not be used if the patient is prescribed drugs made with medical alcohol.

When using a cream-mask, cream-balm or a self-made product with mumiyo in tablets for stretch marks (or for another purpose), it is not recommended to use other ointments at the same time.

Experts also warn about special caution when taking mumiyo and medications containing aminophylline at the same time.

A healthy person can use mumiyo for prevention.

Storage conditions

Mumiyo in nature looks like a viscous amorphous substance. In this state, it contains impurities - sand, pebbles, dust. The origin of mumiyo is biological (there are several versions, for example, that it is bat excrement), its composition is organic substances plus mineral rocks that are removed during processing. The cleaned mummy becomes homogeneous, it is dark brown in color, with a specific smell and a sharp bitter taste. Melts at 80 degrees, dissolves well in water. Over time, the mass, losing moisture, becomes harder.

Pharmacy mummy tablets for stretch marks do not like sunlight, so storage conditions include dry and dark places. Heat is less harmful, but the temperature in these places should not exceed plus 20 - 25 degrees.

Ready-made creams, which are offered by pharmacies and perfume stores, lose effectiveness due to their short shelf life. In an open container, even in the refrigerator, the cream oxidizes. Due to this specificity, the most effective remedy is considered to be freshly prepared at home.

Best before date

In addition to pharmacy forms, there are homemade cosmetic and immune-strengthening recipes using mummy in tablets for stretch marks. They need to be used as soon as possible.

Like all other drugs, mumiyo should be stored out of the reach of children.