How to drink: the meaning of phraseological units, origin, use, synonyms. “How to give a drink”: the meaning of the phraseological unit and examples of use The expression “how to give a drink” what does it mean

How to give something to drink

According to the custom of the ancient Slavs, no one had the right to refuse water to a person. Since then, the expression “surely” has appeared in the meaning “certainly, definitely, undoubtedly.”

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How to give a drink According to the custom of the ancient Slavs, no one had the right to refuse a person water. Since then, the expression “surely” has appeared in the meaning “surely, definitely,

An expression from the ancient tradition of giving travelers something to drink. Giving water to a traveler is a simple and inexpensive matter, so the expression was used in this meaning.

Serov V.V. in the book "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions", 2003 offers a different version of the origin of the expression:

“The expression originally had a meaning: as soon as a person drinks what is offered to him, he will immediately die; as soon as they give him something to drink, he will die immediately (we are talking about poison).

For example, the writer Ivan Lazhechnikov (1792-1869) in his novel “Basurman” (1838) says: “Doesn’t any of your servants heal? God forbid! Once, one local gentleman, an old man, decided to get treatment from him: he gave him a drink and sent him to the next world. And the baronial boy, the servant whom he loved like a son, only kissed the lips of the dead man to say goodbye to him... he immediately gave up the ghost. The potion Anton gave to the dead man was so strong.”

In the same sense, the writer Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky (1818-1883) uses this expression: “The people here are from oh!.. - Unprecedented, even if you take you for example, they will braid you as soon as they give you a drink - you won’t have time to blink "("In the woods").

In modern speech, the expression has lost its original gloomy meaning and is used only in the sense of “definitely, for sure, certainly, etc.”


Tom Lowe

“A False Dawn” (2009), translation into Russian by N. Abdullin, 2014, ch. 73:

"Slater's in his pocket how to give something to drink. How he fell like that, I really don’t know yet.”

(1905 - 1984)

"Quiet Don" (1925 - 1940), book. 1, part 2 ch. 5:

"A man in desperation would light it, how to give something to drink".

"Quiet Don" (1925 - 1940), book. 3, part 6 ch. 42:

“They are bad, there are no words, and they will marry us again with the cadets, how to give something to drink."

(1889 - 1937)

"Sugar German" (1925):

“But you know, second lieutenant, a very considerable effect should come out of this: we will hardly knock the German off this island, but what we will frighten him is how to give something to drink, everything will depend, in my opinion, on whether the Germans have fire supplies on the island or not..."

(1895 - 1958)

"Hurry Business" (1926):

“I don’t hope for the highest measure,” he says, “but most likely due to social status Sure enough, the property will be confiscated."

"War" (1925):

“Hm! It’s a thing... Mine are so fat, but the Ipatovs, of course, the Ipatovs.”

(1883 - 1923)

“The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik” (1923, translation by P.G. Bogatyrev (1893 - 1971)):

Part 1, Ch. 1 “As soon as I think that no one has reported about us,” continued the sarcastic volunteer, “and that at the very first station how to give something to drink the commandant of the train will get in, the soldier’s blood will boil in me!”

Part 1 Ch. 4 “As soon as I think that no one has reported about us,” continued the sarcastic volunteer, “and that at the very first station how to give something to drink the commandant of the train gets in, the soldier’s blood boils in me.”

(1826 - 1889)

"Poshekhon Antiquity" (1888), ch. 3: “She will send me to the Totem miracle workers, how to drink!"

Ch. 13: “I’ll catch this Nastya, how to drink I'll give!".

“Don’t you see that Father Onisim is coming towards you? how to give something to drink... If you meet such a figure on the road, you can turn back, because nothing will come of it. I already know that!”

“He senses when I leave... Well? Now we have to toss and turn! They won’t choose anyway! how to give something to drink..."

"The matter was clear, how to give something to drink; The police came and took away Mashenka, and with her Kuzma the unmercenary."

Letter from CHEKHOV - AL. To P. CHEKHOV February 20, 1883 Moscow:

"It is easy to renounce acquired subjectivity, how to give something to drink.."

The most complete conviction in something can be expressed in different phrases. We propose to disassemble one of them. The focus of our attention is the stable speech pattern “however”. We will explore the meaning of phraseological units using available examples.

Slavic tradition

According to legend, the ancient Slavs could not refuse a person who asked for water to drink. People who talk about a win-win business use phraseology as an indicator of the extreme degree of belief that it will happen. And in the end, how can we understand our expression under study? “How to drink” is a phraseological unit that comes from the depths of centuries, the meaning of which will be discussed below.

“If one winter night a traveler ...” (the title of one of Italo Calvino’s novels)

We already understood that among the ancient Slavs it was possible to get drunk without any problems. However, other nations also did not lag behind them. History says that few could refuse water to a traveler if he knocked on the owner’s door. Probably, our archaic ancestors understood: a person without life-giving moisture can last much less than without food. Thus, not drinking is much more harmful than not eating.

Tellingly, in the past no one was afraid to open doors and welcome strangers. Now, when people have locked themselves in their convenient and comfortable apartments, they have become richer externally, but poorer internally. The higher we rise technologically, the lower we fall in the moral realm. Simply put, with each passing decade the human heart becomes more callous.

About modern suspicion and the inability to get drunk enough - in the next section. We told everything we knew about the story. We hope this will help the reader, on occasion, answer the question of how to explain “how to drink” (phraseologism).

Modern plumbing and the origin of phraseological units

Even now, with running water, quenching someone’s thirst does not seem to be such a big problem. True, now there is another difficulty in this regard: people have ceased to treat each other favorably and open doors. In addition, intercoms and combination locks guard the peace of citizens. In other words, it is not so easy to break through to water from the hands of a fellow man. It’s somehow easier in the villages, there are speakers there, of course, they may not work, but, in principle, everyone who wants to quench their thirst can cope with this task completely independently. Let's move on to examples. They will help us clarify the expression “however.” The meaning of phraseological units still interests us very much.

Teacher and students

There are such teachers and teachers who appear to students and schoolchildren in nightmares.

You can easily imagine a dialogue between two students:

- No, Pyotr Semyonovich will definitely kill us all and won’t blink an eye.

- Come on, we’ll give it up sooner or later anyway!

- That's it, that's it, it's late. I heard from senior students: he’s just a beast.

- Well, someone is renting it to him.

- Of course, those who teach receive assessment.

- And we will.

- Oh, he’s going to screw it up...

The meaning of the phraseological unit will be explained below.

This is roughly how things usually happen.

If the reader allows a little morality, then the teacher seems to be a “monster” only to careless students and schoolchildren. Mentors are simple: they are pleased with the children’s successes, but they don’t like those who don’t study. Enough morality, though. Let's move on to synonyms.

Foreign idiom and Russian phraseology

IN English there is You bet. Directly translated, it means “you (you) can bet on it.” Certainly, good specialist he won’t convey the meaning this way; he will say in Russian: “exactly”, “for sure”, “definitely”.

Thus, “You bet” is similar in meaning to the Russian speech pattern “how can you drink” (we analyze the meaning of the phraseological unit in great detail).

Informal nature of a stable phrase

It remains only to warn the reader in a sense and say that the expression “however” cannot be used at an official meeting or among strangers. It is difficult to imagine one president of a great and powerful country addressing his colleague in such a manner.

There is another situation when a person turns to the wisdom of centuries and allows himself to operate with phrases of folk origin - in a state of deep stress. Nervous tension goes through the roof, and we use what we have long been accustomed to. Here, too, you need to make sure that the environment is as close as possible, otherwise the person may be misunderstood.

Official or unofficial language of communication

Language is a repository of symbols, images and meanings. Often, just one word or expression can reconstruct an entire tradition.

If people interact at the state level, then they are forced to use the official, clerical language, and it is colorless and tasteless. It's just everyday communication. Almost any daily speech of people is filled with idiomatic sayings, proverbs, and sayings. By the way, the ability to master a language heritage can be used to judge a person’s general cultural literacy.

We hope that we were not only able to explain the expression “how to drink”, but also increased the level of speech awareness of the reader.